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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  February 8, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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we're staying on the story and breaking news. thank you, larry. bring in former patrol prosecutor francey hayes and guy benson. thank you both for joining us. francey, to you, special council robert he has severe memory limitations and lapses of president biden. francey, the special council said he's not going to be charged. he's recklessly stored nation's secrets like the troop surge under obama in afghanistan in the garage, living room, near a dog bed, discarded lamp shades and golf bags. he's not being charged. talk to us about trump being charged here. >> it was interesting, i remember president biden saying he took classified documents very seriously and in the report it said he shared with his ghost writer and i believe a general was prosecuted for. with respect to trump, this is worse than what president trump is accused of with maintaining
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classified documents and secret service protected mar-a-lago and you've got documents here from president biden from his vice presidency, which by the way he can't even apparently recall when he served as vice president when he sta started and ended. i certainly remember when the obama administration started and ended. you contrast it with how trump is being tre treated and they've brought every single possible charge against him and here they basically say president biden is a befuddled old man who might be sympathetic to a jury and so even if we could prosecute the sitting president, we wouldn't. it's a shocking contrast in two-tiered justice. elizabeth: what francey said, guy. the president spoke from a tell prompter minutes ago. is this a big 2024 story that the president is not mentally fit to run the nation? people are concerned and they're asking who is running the nation. the special council report
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called president biden elderly and his memory again appeared to have significant limitations and lapses and wasn't just a standard i don't recall line. as francey said, he couldn't remember when his vice presidency began and ended. that his memory is so bad the special council said it was difficult like francey did to convince a jury and should contribute him. >> they're basically calling the president of the united states senile and impaired. that's one of their big reasons why they're not bringing charges against him they say because a jury might not convict him because it'd be a sympathetic memory lapse riddled old man. these are effectively the exact words they're using not to describe someone out of government and describe the sitting president of the united states who is seeking a second term in office right now. the comments that you just referenced, liz, is in virginia the president and he referenced what's happening and sort of took a victory lap, and i think we're seeing from the white house and the campaign already a
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strategy to say, well, he gave this interview to the special council's office right around october 7 in the middle o f this big international crisis. i think that's their prespin on some of the problems he had recalling things. i just don't think that helps them at all. saying oh, sorry, the president couldn't remember facts and couldn't perform properly and he was in a crisis. that almost makes the case even worse against his fitness. elizabeth: he was asking when did my vice presidency begin. he said when did my vice presidency end to the special council. asking those questions, francey. and president biden just claimed twice that he talked to german leader at 2021 g7 is up mitt. 7 summit and cole died seven years ago and another person died 27 years ago he said he talked to.
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>> the worst part in the two-tiered justice and president trump being treated differently than president biden is you have the sitting president of the united states and gets a presidential daily brief every day. he had top secret sensitive come partment information and strewed around in a dirty, beaten up box in his garage and every day he gets this same kind of information. you've got the world on fire in europe and in israel. the middle east, our southern border, terrorists coming across, we have a president that according to the special council, appointed by president biden's department of justice. he can't remember important dates and is a feeble old man who can't be prosecuted. that should scare every american citizen and everyone around the world frankly. elizabeth: half of democrats are worried about the mental capacity to run the nation, guy. let's watch president biden's gaffe about mineron and white
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house press secretary karine jean-pierre. >> i sat down and said america is back. mineron from germany, i mean france looked at me and said, said, no, why -- how long you back for? >> how is president biden ever going to convince three quarters of voter who is are worried about his physical and mental health that he's okay even though in las vegas he told the story about recently talking to a french president who died in 1996? >> i'm not even going to go down tafanely rabbit hole with you, sir? >> what's a rabbit hole? elizabeth: guy, we don't mean -- wish any ill on anybody, any human being if they have to have a severe mental limitations and shouldn't voters be told about the state of their presidency. president biden closed out a speech on gun control with the bizarre proclamation and god save the queen, man, and queen
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elizabeth died in september of 2022. is this a sleeper story? the story with legs for the selection, guy, that we have a president who is not mentally fit to run america? >> it's not a sleeper story. it's been discussed broadly and the clips you're playing is death by a constant and public imagination and what happened here today with this report where it's official in writing from the special council that he's basically impaired with huge memory problems. if there's ever a moment for the democrats to say, okay, we need to really think about replacing him, this would be that moment. the question would be then who. that gets very messy as well. elizabeth: yeah, people are concerned about vice president kamala harris stepping in. guy benson, thank you so much. we appreciate it.
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most skeptical questions from the left on the supreme court in the case of colorado trying to ban trump from the state ballot under that 14th amendment insurrection clause and, handout, what did you make of the questions today from the supreme court? >> yeah, it wasn't just that colorado is getting very tough questions but the their lawyer s having a hard time answering them and at one point he called concerns raised by the chief justice frivolous and didn't appreciate it and another question samuel leto trying to get him to answer the question about how do you manage uniformity if you have 50 states and all making different decisions on rather a candidate can be on the ballot or not, how do you manage that and because the lawyer couldn't give them an answer, he said you're not helping me here, mr. murray. i think he was having a very
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tough time. elizabeth: yeah and by the way section 5, francey, you and i talked about it says congress has the power to enact legislation to ban anybody from a state ballot if they go that far. francey, get your reaction to the supreme court justice today. court watchers don't expect a fast ruling on this and exact timing is unclear. take a listen, watch. >> i think that the question that you have to confront is why a single state should decide who wants to be president of the united states and in other words this question of former insurrection and going to be the statement the state has the ability to make this determination and not only for their own citizens and for the rest of the nation. what do you do with what would seem to be playing consequences of your position? >> if colorado proceeding on the other side and some will
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succeed. i would expect that a good number of state wills say whoever the democratic candidate is, you're off the ballot and others for the republican candidate, you're off the ballot. it'll come down to just a handful of states that are going to decide the presidential election. that's a pretty daunting consequence. >> when you look at section 3, the term insurrection jumps out and the question s the questions are: what does that mean, how do you define it, who decides, who decides whether someone engaged in it? elizabeth: francey, what do you think? >> these are all really interesting questions. this case is profound interest of the survival and you've got a case for one state and four justices and one lower court judge deciding that impacts the entire country of every other state and throwing a leader of
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the opposition party ornament the ballot and ketanji brown jackson questions whether or not colorado's 165 some odd page opinion should be meaning it's misinterpreted in that clause with the constitution and the third section and trump engaged in the insurrection ballot and what the court decided and what looks like they're going to decide is that they simply had no basis for making that decision and it'll be overturned. >> we're going to get the colorado decision tossed out and will it be 9-0? there's a potential for that and might be 7-2. i just don't think there's any way colorado can win this case.
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>> elizabeth: got it, francey, hans von spakovsky and treasury secretary janet yellen undercuts bidenomics testifying "prices will not be coming down any time soon and senator john kennedy in a rebuttal said"defending bidenomics is like defending a ffungal infection". and more on the gallop poll of democrats losing ground with black and hispanic voters. we talk on ethics against da fani willis in the georgia 2020 case against trump. special council's scathing report on the president's "significant mental decline". we have the congresswoman lesko
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and president biden said he cannot do anything to fix the border, but the white house is leaking to the media he might do an executive action to help his reelection. he still will not cancel his nearly 100 sective orders fueling the collapse of the border. all of this coming up on "the evening edit". ♪ - we're engaged! congrats carol! your youngest finally popped the question. but now, you're really going to have to get those new dentures. after all, you need a smile that matches the moment. so this might be a good time to mention that aspen dental can create natural looking dentures in no time. just for you! and that comes with $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months. helping mothers of grooms look their best. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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whether i recollect a press conference held at texas boarder and the government is not giving up and not letting up at all. he's putting the pedal to the metal fighting for security and stege l live from eagle pass, texas, with the latest. casey, good to see you. what we call operation loan star. reporter: the governor referred to this as biggest border crisis since america had borders and president biden enforced existing immigration laws and much of the problem would be
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solved and new new laws are needed and texas will continue to take matters into its own hands and add additional national guard troops to the area in and around eagle pass along with installing more miles of razor wire and no climb barriers. he did not provide any specifics in terms of where that's essentially going to be happening but he did point to the access of the state enforcement around shelby park where some 2.5 miles of the river is basically blocked. another large group, about 100 in size crossing into the country and small children and that's an area that's not currently under state control like shelby park where we are right now and the goal will be
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to widen those deterrents making it more difficult for people to come across the river illegally into the lone star state and under a new state law passed and newly signed and state troopers are also allowed to arrest and charged with criminal trespass and sounds like the ted line out of the press conference today is more deterrents will be added and more national guard troops and the details sounds like will be clarified at a later time. elizabeth: casey stege l, thank you so much. casey siegle, thank you very much. appreciate you. congresswoman debbie lesko. what is arizona doing about your shifting to the border? >> thank you for having me on.
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it's shifting over to arizona and california and tucson sector of arizona had the most activity in the nation it's a huge problem and huge crisis and we have a democrat governor, governor hobbs and she's not really doing a darned thing about it and looking for more money from the federal government to educate and give healthcare and that type of thing to illegal immigrants. so the democrats just have a totally different attitude including president biden and they like open border policies. republicans want the border closed. elizabeth: the president said he can't do anything to open the border and now the white house is leaking to the media, congresswoman, he might do an executive action and this is a -- he faces reelection and not canceled 100 executive orders
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and the collapse and needs to reinforce the books and he also said members of congress to visit the border for -- are doing it for press and it was only one visit to the boarder and like a drive by more than a year ago and he's been in dc since the seventh. >> president biden could have fix that had right now and look what president trump did and he decreased the numbers of people crossing the border and decembet trump and there was 74,000 crossings and if you fast forward three years under president biden and no law haves changed because of the open border policy and in the polls and wouldn't surprise me if he would try to pacify people and say, oh, i really care about the border, but he doesn't because all of his actions are for open
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border policies and we pass it had in the house and it's scary. elizabeth: we're seeing home invasion gangs on the west coast and nypd was warning of the illegal immigrant robbery gangs was stealing phones and breaking in to clear up bank accounts via the phones they steal and ship the phones overseas to be sold and wal-mart and target each half a million in retail theft losses last year and human trafficking, drug trafficking and cartels are making money on the level of fortune or forbes
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100 company. so when you see those facts, do you think the american voter is waking up to what the president did igniting or fueling this crisis nationwide. >> they're waking and you happen polls are showing that people trust republicans much more to secure the border and this is happening in scottsdale, arizona, which is high scale area and there's a crime ring going on from south america and they're burglarizing people's homes in scottsdale, arizona. elizabeth: pleasure to see you again. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. elizabeth: sure, coming up. new york post with treasury secretary janet yellen grilled today on capitol hill on how the treasury department got banks to do surveillance on american's trans-accounting standards boards in stores like -- transactions and stores like dick's sporting good went deeper than just the probe.
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he's going to talk about treasury secretary yellen undercutting bidenomics and testifying consumer prices "will not be coming down any time soon". coming up on "the evening edit". ♪ get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside -
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elizabeth: welcome back. okay, president biden is having a problem with his voter base. his motorcade was swamped with protesters in new york city yesterday. he's reportedly sending political advisers to michigan ahead of that state's february 27th primary. he's afraid of losing this swing state of michigan because of gaza. now, the democrat party is also losing ground with major voting blocks and black and hispanic voters and that's what gallop says and edward lawrence live at the white house with latest. reporter: president trump connecting with the minority voters and the president's poll numbers started to go down and
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when you look at number of voters that the president when you look at voters the president counts on and >> i'm president and kamala is vice president because of you. you've had my back and we've had your back and always will. >> up 2019 and federal reserve and home prices increased with the black and minority communities. look at this. >> overall we're
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seeing that wealth and equality is growing among all populations and however the racial wealth divide has grown too and there's no surprises there. wealth begets wealth. the black americans couldn't accrue over time and discrimination shows up in the amount of resources or not that they had to invest. elizabeth: thank you, edward. welcome back to the show. steve forbes. steve, it's great to have you back out and your reaction to the gallop report and gallop is reporting less than half of the
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president not coming out and telling them how great it is. >> it's not that great and half the population of washed ground and those are moving ahead and don't have much faith in the future and see real head winds out there. you have people working fewer hows each week and not a sign of booming economy coming along. you look overseas and everything seems to be unraveling and there's no faith in the future. going into the economy and hot money and after lockups and lockdowns and the pandemic and that hot money drove inflation higher and steve, i want your
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reaction to the exchange and secretary yellen is saying prices will not be coming down. watch this. >> madame secretary, i've watched you for years even before coming to washington and when i have time, i do, i'm read your speeches. i think you're what cool looks like. you're a good sport to go out every day and try to defend bidenomics. it's like trying to defend a fungal infection. these high prices caused by bidenomics are here to stay, aren't they? >> well, the high prices were not caused by bidenomics. we suffered a pandemic that
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resulted in severe -- >> yes, ma'am. but they're here to stay, aren't they? >> i don't expect the level of prices to go down. wages are going up. >> you don't get a pay raise, you're screwed. it'll take a recession to get prices down. >> well, we don't have to get the prices down. elizabeth: we don't have to get the prices down because wages are going up. by the way, is bidenomics really like a fungal infection? what do you think, steve? >> i like to hear him speak because of the pungent ways of putting things and the graphic way and people are not feeling their wages are going up in a sufficient way to make up for lost ground and not able to vastly increase savings again. when they feel they have a brighter future and housing market remains a mess and this is dislocation from covid and federal reserve gumming things up and prices went up because of covid she said. that's part of it, but the federal reserve printed trillions of dollars to finance
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massive government spending. there are consequences of that. she won't acknowledge that whether her toes are good or not. elizabeth: steve, thank you. wearishuate you always. a lot of class and elegance there, steve forbes, appreciate it. treasury secretary janet yellen testifying for the second time this week on treasury department getting banks to do surveillance of american's transactions in stores like dick's sporting goods and bass pro shop. now, reportedly this went beyond the january 6 probe. hillary vaughn on capitol hill with the latest. reporter: good evening, janet yen is investigating and will look into this and get the american people answers but in the meantime, a lot of americans are wondering if bank transactions are flagged as suggestion pishes after reports that the treasury department's financial crimes unit advised banks that transactions could be assigned to someone that's a home grown violent extremist as part of their investigation into
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january 6 and telling banks to look for words trump or maga, biden or kamala in transaction descriptions and purchases from dick's, cabelas and religious books and could add to up something suspicious and going today and they're looking into it. >> do you believe that people who purchase bibles are extremists? >> certainly not. finsin's mission is to safeguard the financial system from illicit use to combat money laundering. >> certainly not the target and details i promise to thoroughly investigate. elizabeth: joining suspended ands political reporter jon
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levine. secretary yellen looked visibly upset and trans-accounting standards boards and pro shop -- transactions and pro shops and we've seen this before, john. irs targeting and religious groups and conservative groups. >> she's upset because she got busted. we weren't supposed to know and this is the weaponization committee. committee. elizabeth: the treasury secretary knew the detail of what's going on. >> where does the buck stop and confirmation of all the worst fears and we knew this and every new example adding more evidence and targeting people going to bass pro shops. there's nothing wrong with buying a gun or any of these activities and doing to target conservatives and among sort of elite deep state types in this country and there's something
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inherently wrong about being a republican or conservative by a bible you're being targeted and i ask you and where is this similar effort to target black lives matter and more. elizabeth: we reported international retail gangs and retail robbery left gangs and flooding into the u.s. cities across the border and voters are seeing that kind of dichotomy and lawmakers are saying we can't have the government weaponnized in the treasury department and anybody is philosophically religious or conservative. this doesn't feel right in america. >> this is new york city and we have a team of migrant gang members beat up a bunch of cops then go get arraigned in front of a judge and didn't ask for
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bail and released on the streets and don't know where they are and during the 2020 election and we had boards up on all the retail stores and it was not because they were afraid of joe biden winning. they were afraid of what would happen if trump wins and there's the mobs ready to go if the election went the wrong way and this doesn't get reported so much and people get arrested and charges get dropped and hundreds of charges were dropped in fact by the new york city district attorney's after the blm protest and other and rioting and there's no consequences ever and these same people are on the street and same week they get picked up. it's just terrible to see that we put all the energy targeting mostly good people buy ago bible, buying a fishing rod. but the real violent criminals time and again walk free. elizabeth: got it. you're always terrific, jon levine. love seeing you, my friend. coming up, margely taylor green
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coming to us live and congresswoman filed an ethics complaint against da fani willis in the georgia 2020 case against tram and this da faces probes on abuse of taxpayer funds plus, a look at congresswoman's reaction on special council robert herr in biden classified case and elderly and significant memory limitations and lapses. but first, check in with our buddies dagen and sean on the bottom line. >> yeah, aoc claiming there's great benefit for immigration and john kearney here to discuss that as well as the classified documents saga and donald trump is charged, joe biden is not former acting attorney matt whitaker. you want to join us? >> i love that. willful diminished faculty and faulty memory and that's your commander in chief and roger
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elizabeth: former energy secretary rick perry. great to see you again, rick. this is a really interesting development. what do you make of congressional democrats, including democrat senators like bob casey and john fetterman? also allies like japan saying president biden stop it, do not cancel and do not pause liquefied natural gas exports out of the u.s.. you're jeopardizing russia and iran. what do you think? >> the democrats are worried about getting reelected and if you're from ohio or pennsylvania is the two that you mentioned are, they really care about the jobs that are going to get put in jeopardy by the killing of these l&d projects and looking at it from self-preservation and political stan point and allies from hey, wait a minute and you
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preoptioned us through the years and historically you would be a source of liquefied natural gas energy for us to run our economies on and to protect our countries and all of that is being thrown overboard by the biden administration literally for the political gain they see they're going to get from the radical environmental left. i don't think it'll be that close particularly, but biden is really worried about his political ability to deliver those voters on the left and share with you one thing, there's a project down in gulf coast and venture glo globals bg
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and producing the total by 2026 and puts them in jeopardy. elizabeth: yeah, the japan is saying give us nat gas. why isn't there more pipelines sending gas to us and biden is saying he's heeding the calls of young people. listen to senator john kennedy here, watch this. >> president biden just aided this faction and destroying america's energy independence and committing energy suicide by declaring a moratorium on new liquefied natural gas terminals in america. apparently president biden's new policy is to give up our oil and gas and buy the energy we need from countries that hate us with
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more weapons to try and kill us. you can't get rid of stupid but you can vote it out. elizabeth: governor perry, what do you think? >> i think senator kerry is spot on and i love him. so quotable and common sense and that's the real issue here. if you're a young person that cares about the environment, if that's your driving force, then american liquefied natural gas going owl and removing old and inefficient coal burning plants in china and germany and other places, thought to be top of your list and -- that ought to be top of your list and promoting l&d and promoting these. >> coming up, we've got congresswoman marjory taylor
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greene and ethics complaint against fani willis and georgia 2020 case against tram and we'll talk about it. abuse -- trump and we'll talk about it and abusive funds and robert herr saying in his report that biden has diminished faculties, memory lapses and severe limitations in his mental ffacilities coming up on "the evening edit". ♪ (man) what if all i do for my type 2 diabetes isn't enough? or what if... (vo) once-weekly mounjaro could help. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar and can help you eat less food. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer,
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today. sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this. >> cary grant is a character.
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>> will joining us now, congresswoman and marjorie taylor greens announcer was like i was moment, it's pleasure to have you think you so much for 20 is okay we wanting to talk you about your ethics complaint events pretty well as he was overseeing the georgia 2020 case against trump, was about your complaint. >> yes and just file this complaint is pretty will is because according to the georgia finance disclosure act, as a district attorney from fulton county required to file financial disclosures all officeholders, we'll have to do this however, she did not file financial disclosures in 2019 and 2021 and 2022 now we all know about her secret boyfriend, that is now public and she was having a personal relationship
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with nathan wade and he's the prosecutor that she hired is making the most money out of her entire team. and he is a least amount of experience in these never tried a case before shipping them to $50 an hour which is nearly $700,000 and she's thing nathan wade we get there having a personal relationship and here's the problem nathan waited did not file as a lobbyist, when he courted body will assess his girlfriend, to hire him for this job. marjorie: have taken you know, luxurious vacations and caribbean cruises valley trips, we do not know how many restaurants they've eaten out and how much has nathan wade, basically paid off fanny willis with a job that he is been hired to do. he's been paid by the taxpayers there in georgia and fanny willis has completely betrayed the trust other people parents are just and she needs to be
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taken off of this case and this whole case needs to be dismissed but the big thing needs to happen is a needs to be a serious investigation on the ethics committee here in georgia in two fani willis nathan wade both of them have serious problems sweetie of special counsel report came out today when president biden recklessly storing the nations seekers like that troop surgeon in afghanistan under former president obama, and storing his living room get a garage nearly thrown out left she's numbers with a special counsel said this, president biden, as memory appears to have significant limitations, has memory lapses, that is elderly the diminished faculty. and you know it was not just a stand that i do not recall line the biden use whom is like walking saying that these elderly and he is limitations as faculties are diminished and what you think. marjorie: i think or a national security crisis is a menace not fit to serve trial, joe biden is
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not served for child that he is not fit to service president is the united season president of the united states, figures of the nuclear football, something about that, is making the biggest decisions on behalf of our entire country not only are country, but in large part ofore is not able to serve or to stand trial for all the documents he kept not only as vice president but also as a senator printed this is extremely serious. i forward to talking with speaker johnson many of my colleagues we need to look at that possibly an impeachment the cabinet should be invoking the 20 minutes. liz: is a sitting president so there saying that he spoke painfully slow and he struggled to remember events and struggled to reach his own number can precede do not remember when his vice presidency ended asking
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about into because i come over as i still vice president has memory it appeared hazy documents and so you're thinking out of the joint escalates to look into this more. >> we have to grade absolutely have to. this can be dismissed look at recently, it is speaking of x-rays talking about speaking about two people that have already died read and his mental clarity, and his memory and his ability to make decisions, is extremely important as president of the united states the democrat party cannot hide this anymore we have to move forward and do something about it. liz: you say congresswoman, place in congress, your dc we see this, this is congress woman taylor grain thank you for joining us and that does it for us on the evening that it does over the bottom line and ascended over to dagen mcdowell and sean duffy thank you so much for making it appear you guys. >> yes


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