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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 8, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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>> will votes welcome to come up
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and i am larry kudlow breaking news off the top rubber special counsel for joe biden zooming classified documents, swiss rated "fox news" windows course wanted david to see with all of the latest peter thank you when you have. >> larry is president biden to campaign now in northern virginia, the voting public is getting a first look at the way that he mishandled classified information we have a bunch of photos you can see that there are damage cardboard boxes and is delaware garage one of them has both right between pulled a dog crate in a dogs bed and there are going to be no charges for the reason is because the special counsel writes that the trial mr. biden would likely present himself to jerry as he did during our interview of him was sympathetic remember the poor memory that has the white house special counsel really steamed and they say we disagree with number of inaccurate and
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inappropriate comments from the special counsel's report in the residence person wears also now something special counsel could not refrain from an guest event invest getting access not surprising given the intense pressures of the current political environment what they say this was willful president biden was imported for this everywhere the government basically saying that he was determined to be an unreliable witness and the president himself just told us that was so determined, to give a special counsel with a needed that i would forward with five hours in person interviews over today's even though israel had been attacking us of the norms in the middle of handling international crisis we are being told, by this afternoon that the president biden will soon afford new measures to safeguard america's national secret remember when i asked him about this is only public comments on this topic about is if not talk to him about it today consisted, that he was taking care of the
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documents and listen to this feedback classified material, next to your corvette i will be thinking. >> let me well give me a chance to speak on all this ongoing soon as i said earlier this week, whether i may corvette is an unlocked garage okay so i can sitting on the streets but anyway yes as well as my corvette. >> with a special counsel was not satisfied with that answer they went and looked in the garage even though they are bringing no charges, this is a very embarrassing report for the president in his 80s, running for reelection for tingly since our event will be headlines this week about challenges he's had this memory while campaigning larry sue and thank you we appreciate that update peter very much folks, my comments on this briefly, to me, strong so up a nice two-tiered justice sym
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and or donald trump is charged with 40 locales and joe biden just charged with being a sympathetic well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory" and by the way, no criminal counts in spite of the rubber here report, is when the conclusions of money quoted, so because were the government must prove mr. biden newly had possession of classified afghanistan documents after the vice presidency, i chose to keep the house enter those documents knowing that he was violating the law. expected trial, his attorneys would emphasize these limitations in his recall there was a quote. and then the report goes on to say that mr. biden's apparent lapses and failures in february and april 2017, likely appear consistent with the commission
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diminished faculties involving memory he showed an interview 40s and in our interview of him. and so, i asked him why was former president trump charge while former senator and former vice president, biden, not charged. you can point, trump was president, the authority to take documents with him and then hold them in safekeeping, in his possession. in biden senator and vice president, had no such authority. he broke the law. it is very sloppy handling of classified documents, first point is biden to not offend them in the first place right my second point, the mr. trump may have been guilty of sloppy handling but nobody can know for
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sure because seventh but if he waved some document in front of a visitor he did not let the visitor rita, nor was he selling the documents to foreigners all of these reasons why this i will jack smith special counsel indictments of trump is a political folks. politically motivated attack went to prevent him from winning the election while serving in jail for about 700 years about all this law fair sabotage give front edge of the oval office and passed down the merrick garland justice department, just like the book was new york and georgia cases. look we can also about the bow mr. her, his superiors the justice department and the white house may not have intended any problems with this report, and of course they try to minimize the significance of any
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problems, the reality is this report low blows the lid off the trump terms and the biden illegalities and now about one year ago, i interviewed former vice president mike pence shortly after the trump classified documents attack is with the former vice president said and please take a listen. >> is a former vice president, joe biden had no authority to declassify documents or retain avenues possession. larry: there you have no authority to declassify and authority to keep those documents in his possession as a former vice president and say what, will be nice dear former vice president presumably with their memories intact, to back up with mr. pence said the fact mr. biden does not have all of
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his marbles, is a report clearly shows is no excuse to let them off the hook and the fact from joe biden on down, trying to sabotage this presidential election funny and democratic unconstitutional law fair campaign, is an absolute disgrace pretty that is my view. right when you talk about this breaking is budget breaking news seems rather mundane, damages our economy is bringing kevin mccarthy former house speaker kevin acid former chair the council of economic advisers under mr. trump and distinguish fellow at the hoover institute and the author of draft something american sides to socialism think of this and we have to tend to breaking news and i want go to speaker mccarthy, thank you so your first takes on this kevin we
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think. >> will i think that he said right near new commentary father's a two-tiered justice system. west amount of this report, these are the actions that have to be taken, chuck smith should drop any movement against president trump. claire is fundamentally different rate yells politically motivated to move forward. and second, this is different as president biden when he was vice president but there's a .20 emphasizing greater that you brought it up, also part of being a big so i would get classified documents that at no time could member of congress is senator ever remove one of the classified documents from the skip and if you removed it from this gift, right then you knew your breaking the law any other document all employment third think and think should be most concerning to every person in america every democrat or republican, this specifies that
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president biden is not for the job personally witnesses the oval office and experiences with him, he's not at the capability of doing this job. and he talks about, to the searing when israel was attacked, he put a lid talking to the world is the free for leader of the free world having four breakout you cannot do it at the time it is greatest challenge for reelection is something that he cannot fix his age, right now, just run a report telling you, they cannot charge him as a could not hold of the negative improvement in these president of the united states today patient that even think about running again. larry: and kevin want to emphasize that with respect to the report because the report said with respect to classified documents, round afghanistan, the report said clearly that biden knew that his retaining
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possession of the documents was illegal and this is not right in here and now england's charged he doesn't have all of his marbles us according to the report they think everybody knows that you just at it again okay get that in the nicest guy, kevin would probably agree with that'll bring him into in the minutes, don't think you're going to get off scott free today kevin because you're not. [laughter] speaker mccarthy how the most trump and how can the best from the authority for possession okay go after really biden alone, as i have his marbles in a slightly senile and heck to go after trump drop the charges against trump as well is clayman stephen you know what i mean is easy to take both off the table. kevin: for member this how do they go take documents, when they went into merrill autozone
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calling trump when into the fvr at the world on holding the try to break into safes were finding out even when you go down to the her case in atlanta, one for the meeting the white house the charge the president and it just shows the political with the going after president trump on the weapon icing the doj data shows us but also, we know this president is the last couple of days, aeschylus talk to people that work - they die decades before thing that adjustment with them when is it due to the weakness of the country guess is much more will we know that we a weapon i system prevent another using it, try to give president trump not to be able to run for office again in the now acknowledge that the current president does not have the mental capabilities to evening tried even though knowing what he did was illegal.
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fundamentally different than what they're trying to go after president trump on just appalling is all happening in america this one report from approves every single point we been trying to make the last four years. larry: kevin, you saw oh the classified documents to access to the morning cia and dni briefings as i did. something went right to the president and vice president but not allowed to take anything out of that hundred lockbox and skips amenities the significant neck me to death just to make sure that we were not doing anything illegal and say i did not have all of my marbles little baby so, but my lady said there marbles they would not let me do a darn thing so i don't see how sitting vice president by the vicinity just about as a senator there's a lot says senators can take documents he was writing to the archives
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interview was to read them in the archives or his book or whatever he does that in the skip will anyway kevin you through something similar when you think. kevin: with three quick things in the first thing is that remember my friend joe sullivan to the st. lawrence united really sharp right any always was with me when i was looking classified companies to make sure they did not make a mistake a big thing or anything because so serious and sensory serious felony if you do something wrong with that something on wednesday is at this idea the president biden is not mentally capable and want to say that i had he was vice president is always very charming and very with said. the fact is that he is these documents they hadn't taken the time went whatever he was doing right now, his mind was hard there's a guy you talk to an interesting event had lunch with the point is shows you the logical fox of the people nieces
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because shouldn't of the state of mind back then was relevant didn't heed nobody was doing what he put it under certain final things this arrest event, for you the russians company said absent-minded 80 -year-olds the distiller classified document they don't have to worry about any criminal charges that's what the justice department assessment does not make logical sense. larry: will be thanks, far too much is being laid off on his memory or lack thereof and not enough of the actual legalities of the process of reading and using classified documents know me and i really think there's milking this memory thing for as much as they can way inside of the report further sections of their have read all of it i read a lot of news out of the basically basic trump is going to win the fight it's going to go in front of the jury be destroyed the old man who can't remember think they're all going to let them off and so there was no point in charging him with any indictments enemy to me,
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climbing this is not a real justice system and you know, kevin, this point in america is broken. and part of america's broken and partially is that we have a broken justice system okay and you mentioned this earlier we talked about this you and i yelled through the years and during your speaker speakership and so forth the fbi is broken the cia has broken the department of justice is broken at the border is broken and the economy is broken and i was going to go through some of these new cdo numbers maybe this is give me an extra minute or two i will but all that is broken people wanted fixed because kevin this still the greatest country in the world and people do want this america broken fixed audit fixed right away. kevin: your 100 percent right we created take the majority, the weaponization committee, we went back to what it happened in the 70s, to look at where this power has been absolute power corrupts absolutely we watch what they have done with the fbi
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the doj, going after americans are going after the political rivals into chartering that in front of the cbo number today and you look into the first nine months from the new majority of essays are ones that would make the energy independent, more security built secure our borders anywhere into the senate and paris bill of rights when we did the debt ceiling and we were actually saving more than $2.6 trillion nest the biggest savings ever and look we only got to look at a little bit of the present conflict evident oncoming which is two men omitted and every one of the america we know that we can become a net shining city on the health lofgren gotta take it seriously effective make sure that the next generation has the same opportunities we did see what a by the way, i'm so happy to text you this morning because if not scored you at 2.6 trillion motive is that from the so-called that bill that you passed and unfortunately, few crazies do not want to reward
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you for about 100 bridge. kevin: they punish me for saving 2.6 trillion and assignments just think that would giving me the fall two years soon we only thought it was most usually turned south to give you two voices trillion and kevin has that you look at this video these numbers, and i have said commune talk about this the elio storm and the lessons must anybody thought it okay, with practice it was driven by government spending is a look at this, that spending yourself, the 50 year average is 20 jeannie gp which is a good way is pretty 21 percent of gdp by 2034 of the tenure window, 24.1 percent gdp that's the bidn bayside add total deficits, the 50 year averages $3.7 trillion deficit which is that enough okay get it by ten years, 6.1 trillion deficit and debt help up against has gone
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40 percent of gdp to 116 percent of gdp and a lot of this, most of this has come in recent years and you have the 1.9 trillion save america build we did not need in march of 21 in august you had a trillion dollars infrastructure august of 22 you have the funny name ira, by the way is been re- estimated several times now 20 be over trillion dollars in between then you develop semi conductors and kevin, i don't care love your honest supplies on you know with an unemployment rate of 3.7 percent or whatever, and inflation is still above target you should not be running this time spending deficits and borrowing if you're an honest person supply center i would think that you would agree without. kevin: sure the bottom line is that there is a very reliable
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relationship between extreme deficits and economic growth jake you know the robe off work and then map into what we do know, you should expect economic growth if you do not think system may be better about 1 percent and a half lower because of this runaway spending you know you're and i really conference together and for a couple days ago and somebody asked me, is there something that you guys think on the economy they got really wrong covid-19 because remember we passed all the bills with unanimous consent that larry the speaker were really instrumental in developing when we think made was that we did not envision the people would keep on spending all the money spent during the emergency so i think we should put in a super majority reported that it joke about 21 percent or something, then you need more than two thirds of the house and senate but i do think when you were nine were talking by the date we think that this money because we were 32 percent drop in gdp would say but spending is
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on guard down even though covid-19 was god's when we should have waived the payroll taxes and still think out new wanted it lindsay wanted it i wanted it my floor wanted and i think that is one of the baby just forgot it. is on and kevin mccarthy i knew you know i get but i'm just going to tell you, you would make a great chairman of the republican national committee and i know you don't want to be leaders and that i love you. you are such a great resource for the country as well as the gop that i somehow hope somewhere sometime coming going to be back in play thank you for coming on the show today and kevin hassett your great sporting think you for this appreciated very much and right folks and we have the rest of the show we have a lot of stuff to talk about in addition, the senate for example, is pondering foreign aid bill, ukraine, israel, taiwan. but they won't have any border
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security interest in the border thing seems to be dead but now i see the bidens are going to use this what, executive orders which we said all along was all they needed any legislation but they want an open articles morning we want to have three senator eric schmidt on weighing in on all that's a much more in objects a multi- what this justice system is broken bidens have broken it as badly as anybody is seen and i can think of one guy who can fix it in his name stars of the tea and i'm kudlow will be right back. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management.
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larry: porterville the bidenporw they are talking still alone for in a bill insolvency in her own grady trimble given some of the latest not eventful details grady, when you have. >> will hey larry sue majority leader chuck schumer suit at the border components of the bill the field yesterday and now putting forward a new bill, with just the money $95 billion in total ukraine in israel and indo pacific. grady: the senate today 67 - 32 to open it up for debate and when the main concerns for republicans at the center billy includes $60 billion more for ukraine on top of the 113 billion in aid is already
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gotten that worried about when the money is going. and inspector general report found that more than a million dollars for the weapons 0 cents to ukraine has not been properly tracked and remains delinquent and in the letter to defense secretary lloyd austin, oversight cherry entered james coburn obits of other republicans have this to say it's vital that the department of defense groups to ensure weapons and other forms of security assistance them are used for their intended purpose is printed they do the following to the ends of our enemies and the risk of waste and fraud and abuse is mitigated in this far as that senate foreign aid bill goes, some republicans of signal they want to make some changes to maybe get back into some provisions, related to the border and chuck schumer said the democrats are open to fair and reasonable amendment process that larry, hit is unclear whether fungicides can come together to pass it i might have to say through the weekend and
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potentially beyond to get something done which is what chuck schumer said that he is going to have them do. suet thank you very much we appreciated a little bit more invest this weekend affrighted three senator smith welcome sir similar things that we going to ukraine in israel taiwan and so forth, what is wrong with accountability news without accountability point, just bugs me, shouldn't there be diplomatic of something here which they continue to dodge because looks terribly like a stalemate that i do want to leave you ukraine is high and dry but she was, there's gotta be something else to this what he thinks me back like a lot of us have been asking that very question for you very very long time larry which is what is likeliness of the success in the plan victory place look like and what about some of our cited what about are you ever european and those were dismissed because a lot of people just want to get the money up and willing to do just about anything to do
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anything for americans this would happen this week and that this border bill which was fatally flawed as a total disaster and it rightfully went away the literally the next hour chuck schumer the rings of ukraine so americans see that an unwillingness from democrats essentially to secure our border willingness then to immediately sent 60 billion for the ukrainian border think people just a total disconnect with what real americans feel they see how concerned they are about it so look, we are the now they have 60 votes to move forward on the bill hopefully will have a robust amendment process but i don't know if that will happen and thank you and think that this obsession with creating a bus without any questions asked, his the total disconnect from where most americans a wrap. larry: worldly sure because we have this breaking news but wanted to give you a whack at the breaking news with respect to the classified documents report, joe biden. which to me, it looks like a big
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weapon eyes hoax, sabotaging the election of anything about this and to former missouri ag distinguished he did considerably thing about the. eric: but haven't god wrote oral the wrist ridiculous called a number today president fidel and hopefully that's a 90 decision supreme court should speak with the rest obsessed and from half of la is an individual for the rest of his life which is totally ridiculous you have this case we will see two-tier system of justice, right away, verily them to talk about it will talk about it but i think that one of the more shocking things to come out of this was surprising thanks, is that the reason why some of the city didn't do anything wrong is that he is mentally unfit to see in trial is ready for another four years as president, that's ridiculous to this waypoint and kevin mccarthy be the same point and is a terrific point and is gotta be a point made over and over
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again the other thing is, you truck didn't violate the law, presence are allowed to take documents out there position presumably this entered say keep it as biden is not allowed to do it and vice president and senators are not allowed to do 930 seconds left and was swept without any reply but he is getting up because he does not have his marbles. eric: , the armed services many, recanting my phone is given is really getting anything out of their engine biden when he visited vice president sadie documents. the box in a garage that his son is living in the same house is compromise potentially ukrainians in the 20s is things like out of the terrible movie going to let him go because as joe biden and his department of justice american see that for what it is and is been in a republican style affair summa the system is broken people want to fix, thank you sir as always we appreciate it very much and will be right back with a hot panel. this pekin tammy and la talks
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more about this documents case and why is donald trump picking up a lot of the black american support and why does he went with hispanic americans interesting any trump is the guy to fix the system which is badly badly badly broken. and i'm kudlow and will be right back.
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crowdstrike. we stop breaches. >> 's. larry: going to warm them up here, heavy political panel in fox news contributor, we welcome those of the first-class fatherhood podcast we revoke him tammy fox news contributor and alex, you are the newest of the new we are glad to have you that on this report what was the phrase, is i have his marbles. alex: he's lost his marbles. larry: the 1950s early 60s her dad used to say that but as with this report says quote with her leaving him get doesn't have
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his marbles. alex: they have to be writing it off articles of impeachment what they should do a steeple as special counsel report covering to those articles because this is because it improves dew point mappings have been making for a long time now, wonder two-tier justice system and pursue, biden has lost his marbles he should not be barred under president of the united states. larry: number two, this is the campaign add for troop it would seem to me and here is in the cold light of day. liz: and you cannot dismisses as partisan rhetoric right, this comes from a separate entity saying that i think of a rather unique way immediately, this is a man who it does not have all of his faculties he would appear to a jury to be sympathetic because he is elderly just is not remember things. and yet this is still cover the president of the united states we expect to be reelected think that is what is important, that it confirms the people of a pc
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is a problem and there's a cognitive issue not remember when he was vice president freeman significantly when his son died cleansing about problems with memory aspirants many of us do but you remember dynamic events and situations like the death of his son or who would forget the years when you're vice president at all ended with is that the value biden me present was his experience, if you cannot remember that experience, then there is no value and it is dangerous okay like like you pumped out of the ether from uncle hans in new york that experience should delete into something understanding world leaders but you just don't remember. larry: good is the exclusive he can't remember it in liz, who good is the experience of you can't remember that the senators and vice presidents, not have the authority to have a classified document with empathy play when read the book and so
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forth or even take notes augustine national have highs in the region in his gift run garage for the corvette is guy must've been stuck in a stuffing his socks a sinner this newman. liz: i didn't see anything in there about the documents or his time in the senate, because yes, that is completely illegal to take anything of the congress and the grounds of the congress of you will if you're senators i don't know what happened that or would have knew all of the investigation i think we have yet to hear that but i have to say that this is the most hilarious come were basically he is off and clear of any charges with the reason is deeply offensive to the president that he almost might be prefer, have been charged by rubber her so that he could you know needs are portrayed as he is in the document is amended could not possibly defend himself and jury would find which means that another was that there are
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things that the jury might be charting are taken under consideration he would not be able to close of headache because is a doddering old man in this exposing. larry: weather report that is a trumps going to be divided will have to go before journey but we can't sediment for the jury because he won't remember anything a cigarette and hang on going to bring in edward lawrence because looks like black and hispanic voters now playing biden picking president trump in her own edward russo the white house with all the details some very interesting new numbers in edward what have you uncovered be back the cooled numbers are going the wrong direction for president joe biden specifically when you talk about economic holes who you i guess biden is numbing. edward: new polls on in the group slowly coming out in the third getting the that he got in recent gallup poll shows support from black and hispanic voters are falling over the past three years, down 20 points about in the black community about 12 points and hispanic community the president is reaching out to
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do the community during an event kicking up like history month listen. >> i am president and kevin was vice president because of you you had my back and we've had your back and we always will and cabala, just talk about the power black history, the american history black excellent and culture, resilience, heroes and known and unknown name inspired a nation. edward: and the problems while the finest of community feels that the wealth edge no bookings report shows that if the wealth divide among the ethnic groups widening over the past three years, even though overall wealth in the black community and hispanic is rising not back to that 2019 levels. >> we see widening of the racial wealth gap partly because were also seeing a movie home prices and booming stock market and white americans are much more likely to invest in the stock market and much more likely to
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live in high value homes with benefiting from the upswing the economy suite five when people groups feel more for they look for somebody to blame the core policies over the looking at the guy sitting behind me the white house. larry: and edward morris thank you so a mention panel back in and then just well why is this and it seems like the working class folks in general, may be suffering from affordability crisis and they don't own homes or stocks that live paycheck to paycheck and that is that was going on here and it does matter by the black hispanic women or young or old come visit what is going on here. alex: we all feel the effects of the bidens economy now we would like to percolate biden forgets about everything and maybe by the presence even when it comes to the black americans white until black american that if you don't know if you're from mere tribunal black and he did not deliver for those people saw just present these numbers are not higher for the hispanic
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community commitments is because you have these illegal people coming into the country numbing attorney jumping ahead of the when we have spanish people here bring their families here legally and so it makes is the numbers are going the wrong direction provided c1 so that has back open borders which biden the progressives and the socialist they wanted so much as backfiring, is that what is going on here be to every think my phone because they don't think about the next day for the impact putting in a cycle winning a day never say the money comes to the feelings and this is so close to the trump administration, is not a generation is paying the rent or mortgage raising because, it is the same parents and they recognize this reporter noted that there looking for somebody to blame is because there is this this is not over yet if in the that is naturally thousands of the do know where to point they notice bidens policy issues that make them more for an
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expanded the wage gap ends in part because of the border people coming in working for lower wages that would have the decline in the brookings comments is about who owns a hobo news and the stock market and you had the opposite with donald trump and more people in more money investing his many c1 but the income and wealth gaps were supposed to evaporate a new progressive miracle live in. tammy: let's talk about crime and he was hurt by high crime and is not park avenue all right, it is the black community and hispanic community coming to tammy's point the border is a disaster for hispanics. liz: we somebody when the hispanic critic caucus, somatic complaints about the cutting down on the side of its applicable life doesn't he the people in the unities as i hear from hispanics and people live in new york city hispanic communities, guess who is
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basically taking over their communities with the drugs and all kinds of time and everything else that they are both fef additive forget the low-wage the building think this should have you think it is all about life the safe streets and things like that the biden has completely generally think toward and these people very simply clearing of these people's lives are worse off than they were. >> to be what fighting for copies he doesn't have his levels limit his promises in winston county,. [laughter] i should have a straight face was on the losing coming up your fellow middle of this discussion, the supreme court really should rule, nine - zero, to keep donald trump on the ballot. i have a feeling jonathan's going to agree with this point and up next and kudlow we will be right back. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> c1 coming right back with the great jonathan - george washington university law professor and we don't have a lt of time first of all, on the disqualification alex, i know that you want to die - zero did you pick up anything that might've suggested were there going on this and another is a hard thing, did you hear
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anything this morning. >> there's a real opportunity here for unanimous vote if these questions reflect the thinking of these justices, the only person that was a bit of a hold out was justice mayor, so we may be looking at a unanimous or near unanimous decision if this trajectory holes in the justices were skeptical across the ideological spectrum and they really put a lie too much of the coverage of this study, that this is a well-recognized thing and the only thing is so what is this - of conservatives and most of the tough questions, coming from the left of the court erred and i am happy to see that because this is not just a novel and unfounded theory coming it is a dangerous theory. larry: absolutely and i mean, just one more on this, these are efforts that many people have written including you know max, who is not a man of the right of
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anything is a man of the left and efforts to sabotage this election cannot be good for democracy just cannot be. jonathan: that's right it was interesting when justice jackson said that william would at least admit that this is to the proponents of disqualification we at least admit this is a biggie was that if it's ambiguous, why should i read it in an antidemocratic way and it was like getting hit with a two by four in the middle of that rural and for oral arguments he was riffing a jonathan, the other one is on this classified documents reports, social counsel her, think of the way that i read it was really cannot blame joe biden because he does not have all of his marbles and you may have read it more sophisticated analytical way, but that's the way that i read it. jonathan: want to tell this report is a serious disconnect. it is disconnected from the standard for charging i think that is why they emphasized that a jury would find him very
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sympathetic. but what makes him says at the entrance sympathetic if it would make you make perfectly horrible president and they say that he has diminished faculties cannot remember basic facts. but then it shifts right charges against trump, to what extent was a based on the fact that he would be less sympathetic and it's easier to evict him in washington dc, or in florida read and there's a lot of questions in this report. it is very damning but to disconnect with the standard is somewhat alarming sue and i couldn't agree more, and probably bias but i just thank you so sabotaging, two-tier justice system here we go again and this report does not help joe biden anyway that's what i know you're right, there's some serious disconnects, eye color losing your morals this what your constitutional lawyer and i'm not. [laughter] but anyway, dorothy your terrific deal is your time is been a busy day and will talk sn
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