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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 9, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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so about two years ago i was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma. when they discussed the mohs surgery on my face, i was not really a fan of that because the scarring can be disfiguring. if you've been affected by skin cancer, surgery is no longer your only option. we chose gentlecure. gentlecure is a surgery-free treatment that uses low energy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. the results are absolutely fabulous. see why so many people, including doctors, are choosing gentlecure. call today or go to >> prepare his performance last
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night to clips from two years ago or three years ago, the president has a crippling office and it's done a number on joe biden. >> from wisdom, where's his wisdom. he showed no wisdom in the handling of ukraine, at the border and hasn't shown wisdom, stuart, with how he deal withs his own family matters. >> how can a man be incapable of standing trial on a felony but not still be capable of being president of the unit? >> you'll have president kamala harris no matter what they dorks it sends a message of chaos.
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stuart: new york city in the background and 11:00 eastern time and nasdaq is a standout and up 135 points and small loss for the dow, small gain for the s&p. big tech doing very well again and most of the big techs stop quoting on the upside again today and all of them are. amazon, alphabet, microsoft. microsoft at 418 keeps going up. apple 188 and meta 470. 10-year treasury yield going up a bit more. 418 as of right now. doesn't seem to have disappointed the nasdaq, does it? biden's decline outlined in shocking detail contrasted very sharply with the robust donald trump. we've been saying it for months, biden in the daytime and trump the energizer bunny.
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biden sheltered from the media and biden stumbling, trump articlate. that's only part of the contrast that makes trump look good. biden will not be charged in the document's case, oh, no. but he willfully retained secret information and trump has been charged and will stand trial. that suggests that trump's prosecution sun fair and entirely politically motivated and trump call it is a two-tier justice system. trump won 99% of the vote in the nevada caucuses. sure looks like he's sh sewn upe republican nomination and more of the new tone that emerged after his iowa win and appearance on the fox town hall. it was softer and more friendly turning away from theness that turned off so many voters.
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angry on the news conference and trump matching towards the november election and biden shuffling through the campaign and no certainty he'll be the candidate on november the 5. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: steve hilton with me. i've been saying for months that biden will not be the nominee come november. i think you're with me on this. what say you? >> well, he certainly shouldn't be and especially after that humiliating performance and it's terrifying for us and you have someone now nominally in charge of the country clearly isn't capable of doing the job and everybody single day, there's not humiliating piece of evidence with his complete mental decline and egypt is mexico, emmanuel macron is
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francois meterone and every day there's a new one and it's accelerating and the pace of decline is accelerating and he's clearly not capable of doing the job. here's the -- in a way the worst part of all this, the people around him, stuart, seem absolutely determined to keep going with him. they know he can't dot job, and yet they want to keep going anyway. why? because actually having someone like him there, a complete puppet of what they want to do is exactly what they want. the people around that are really running things quite like having this person there. they believe they still believe that when they really get going with their attacks on trump, that they can destroy donald trump and somehow hoist this clearly and past his sell by date for another four years. it's unbelievable and that's what they think. stuart: i find that incredible
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and less on that but the same subject. biden is doubling down insisting his memory is fine and he defends the findings of the special council, herr's report. roll tape. >> president biden, something the special council said in his report is that one of the reasons you were not charge second-degree because in his description, you're a well meaning, elderly man with a poor memory. >> i'm well meaning and an elderly man and know what the hell i'm doing. >> if the american people have been watching and have expressed concerns about your age. >> that is your judgment. that is your judgment. that is not the judgment of the press. stuart: steve, that was a hastily called press conference and made things worse and came across like an angry old man. >> exactly but that's what he s. there's plenty of reporting about that that in private, he's not even the nice old man like special counsel report said with good intentions and mean and yells at his aids and loses his
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temper the whole time and the truth is this man, he never evey biden is nothing but a completely empty machine politician that doesn't believe in anything, never has. he's just risen over the years by going along with whatever people tell him will carry favor in his party. now if you add to that the obvious mental decline, it's a joke that this person is the leader of the free world. he's not the leader of anything. actually to call that press conference, i mean, that shows what massively poor judgment he had and he was stunned by the report and said i'm going to defend myself and clearly incapable of doing it and made it all worse. stuart: steve, do you know anyone, we got 20 seconds, do you know anyone that thinks joe biden can be president for another five years? >> nobody, and i don't even believe the people around him believe he can do the job. as i said, they want to keep going anyway and helpful for
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what their agenda is to run the country with this person in front that really can't do the job at all. stuart: steve, see you next week. thank you. quick check of the market. red ink for the dow and nasdaq up 140 points right there. we need some market coverage mixed in with the political coverage and two things going for us today and charles payne fortunately is here today. okay. my question is if it was president kamala harris, would the market pay attention then? >> they would but ironny is it might be good for the markets because the markets can't believe that president harris could be reelected and therefore remembering and i did this when i did the town hall special. one of the big mistakes everyone does is judge presidencies and
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markets based on inauguration day. has to be done the day after the election and some case even before. the market is smart. after -- give an example. after president trump won election, the stock market rallied more than 20% before inauguration. obama got credit for that. but that wasn't the market reacting to lame duck president but a president that was going to raise every american up by the boot straps. that's what the market was reacting to. every time i see the charts and folks on that say that's not how you judge it. so a president harris at this particular point couldn't really do much damage to the economy. stuart: because they'd not be reelected. >> right. so the irony of all this is probably the markets would actually rally. as you can see today, the markets are holding in good and particularly to the nasdaq and s&p. president trump.
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>> all the money that president biden rushes into the economy because eventually it ends up in corporate coffers and 1% anyway and indirect way from the donors and same time taking credit for that and helping people. >> today i'm talking about ewe euphoria and big debate on paste investing. once, one time analyst said it was worse than marxism and going that way. stuart: you got that on your show this afternoon? >> yeah, going to hit it pretty good. by the way, there's some mania yesterday too. it went great, it was doing great. i talked about the first time they performed and the promoters had 15 people showed up in january and october that year
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after the no. 1 album and three number one singles, forget about it, pandemonium. i was using that as a comparison to the ai. lauren: bigger than the beatles? stuart: whoa, you got that one wrong. >> no. stuart: i knew i liked charles. we'll be watching it this afternoon. you're a good man, charles. welcome back. lauren: down 18% and ceo change and amplified moderating booking trends and lower air fair pricing and worrying the entire industry and trip adviser down 4% and, yes, booking down 3, airbnb down 2. >> how about moderna? lauren: longer term study of the rsv vaccine and faster fall in the efficacy of it. drops to as low as 63% about 8.5 months later. outset and moderna down 5% right
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now. >> that expedia thing is really important and the excess savings and the way people spent money is downgraded $50 right now and estimate that had north american stores so u.s. and canada are comping negative and lower cost estimates for the year and lieu lieu lemon has a strong -- lululemon has a strong following and doing well and holding up. even at $120 per leggings, even for 7 year-olds and it's starting to stop. stuart: don't tell us about that you're moving on. fox's peter doocy did not mince words when asking president biden questions like can you continue as president? that's had biden reeling and
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report from the white house coming up. democrats defended president biden's mental fitness less than a year ago. watch this. stuart: how did they get biden out of the white house. tomi lahren on that next. ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more -
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stuart: can you continue as president so peter doocy joining me from the white house. he really didn't like that question, did he? .i he released and responded with a joke but not a smile. the last several months talking to him, they look bad. last night when we had a chance, we asked president biden how bad is it? >> president biden, something the special counsel said in his report is one of the reasons you were not charge second-degree because in his description you're a well meaning elderly man with a poor memory. >> i'm well meaning and i'm elderly but i know what the hell i'm doing. i put the country back on track.
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>> how good is your memory? >> my memory is to bad i let you spike. >> biden's lawyers knew that report was going to be bad ahead of time and tried to have all navicken and wrote to the special counsel and said we don't believe the report's treatment of president biden's memory is accurate or appropriate and beside president biden is saying he didn't do this. >> i take responsibility for not having seen exactly what my staff was doing. things that appeared in my garage and appeared in my home and moved not by me but my staff. my staff. reporter: he later on made a mistake and came back to the microphones after exiting and getting the president of mexico mixed up with the president of egypt while he was talking about a potential ceasefire deal
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probably not going to help the whole point of last night's event, which is mixups are uncommon and not something to worry about. stu stuart: pete, we got it. thanks indeed. see you later. democrats repeatedly defended the president's age and cognitive ability. watch this. >> yes. >> are you worry that had president biden's age may be catching up to him? >> no, president biden is strong, he exercises, rides his bike, he's sharp mentally and number one thing he has a great team around him and great democrats across the country to help him out and hold him down. not worried at all. >> are you worry that had president biden's danger may be finally catching up to him? >> no. >> do you think that president biden's anyone has finally caught up to him at all? >> absolutely not. i think the president is great. i'm proud to be supporting him and don't know why you ask that
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had question. >> do you think he has the stamina to finish a second term -- >> yes, db of interaural and please don't bother me with nonsense. stuart: that's good. the report is how to get president biden out. lauren: he might be and what i think is he has a great team around him. i don't think s. i think his team is fed up and i think they're not going to keep biden in the basement anymore and saw it last night and would have had him do statement of approach expected to go out and his egois large and wanted to prove everyone wong and said you go do it. they knew he'd say something wrong and would gaffe and guess what, he did. his ego as charles and i were talking about in the green room, his ego also catapulted him to run back when he could have left because he wanted to answer another question. he shouldn't have done that. i think this great team around him is going to feed him to the wolfs, and i think that's how
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the democrats are going to get rid of joe. they're going to say, all right, we'll give you enough rope and you go ahead and see how that works out for you, mr. president. stuart: what's the mechanism by which you remove the president from the election? how do you do that? he has to be at the convention. >> they're no longer able to shield and yous this president cannot think or act. stuart: will they put him out in public on the campaign trail daily? weekly? through november the 5 on the convention and deliberately to see them mess up? >> i think we're going to see more often than they'd have in the past and they going to leave it up to him to do that to himself and i want to know, this great team around him and going on that and it's not joe, i didn't vote for one of the staffers and vote for joe either and nobody voted for a staffer and who's running the country.
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let's roll this. >> ma people elected officials, many people, they can misspeak sometimes. it happens to all of us. it is common. stuart: he made another gaffe and confused presidents of mexico and egypt. lauren: time. stuart: not a defense. >> that would be the third time this week he's done that . done that in the past calling oen a congresswoman that died in a car accident the month prior and we misspeak and say things we didn't mean and confuse things but when it become as pattern, that's when you worry. i feel badly for press secretary karine jean-pierre and has one of the hardest jobs and has to get out and deadly defend thatd can't be easy but her explanation of this is business as usual. everybody does it. not three or four times in a
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week. be prepared to see it more often because like i said, i they they're setting him up to fail and watch the cookie crumble. stuart: kamala harris, or candidate gavin newsom and i've long held going to be the case. that's why he's the happy foot soldier for biden is biden decides it's time to go, gavin will gustoes l his way right on in this. stuart: politics is fun. >> it would be if it wasn't a national security risk. stuart: that's very true. what do you have, lauren? lauren: gavin newsom, i agree. just sent state attorneys into oakland to help them prosecute crime because he needs to clean up all of california to win. stuart: all right, thanks, everybody. the president made multiple gaffes at the house democrats and continue as well. they come thick and fast here. now what did he say? ashley: trying to keep up with them and the president has been claiming everyone whether they live in a red state or green state. okay.
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by the way, to tammy's point that's the fourth gaffe within a week and mixed up the colors of his own political policy asks it's not blue, it's green. here's the painful tale of the tape, roll it. >> making roe v word the law of the land. when i push all the programs i said i'm going to be the president of everybody whether you live in a red state or green state. joe, what do you mean our democracy is at risk? i made a speech when it all began. ashley: okay. the white house continues though to maintain that joe biden mentally fit for office but of course as we've just proven, stu, evidence to the contrary is almost a daily occurrence. stuart: i think decline is speeding up. special council on president biden willfully retained and disclosed classified documents but he's not facing charges over
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it. so why is donald trump being charged for the same thing? i'll put that to a former u.s. attorney. the mental fitness and will they change their tune to yesterday's report. they're getting answers and hillary is next. ♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals. and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. you always got your mind on the green. not you.
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stuart: dow is down and nasdaq is up and show me nvidia. earlier it hit a record high and moving -- again, another high. lauren: 718 and not just nvidia. new highs for microsoft and for amazon. nvidia specific laroiders is reporting they're building a new business unit to sell a another new artificial intelligence chip to cloud computing companies and auto companies and you name it. business that others can't catch up with as quickly. stuart: i new brands do sharpies and rubber maid and why are they
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down? lauren: they say sales will fall as much as 8% and street is thinking more like 5%. stuart: down she goes. thanks, lauren. special council's report on both sides of the aisle and some going so far as to say we should invoke the 25th amendment and replacing the president with the vice president. what are you hearing, hillary? reporter: special counsel raised special councils about biden's memory and special counsel note that had the president could not remember the years he was vice president when he stopped and started serving under that 10 year or the year his son died and now republican haves serious concerns about the president's ability to do his job and some are floating the idea and the amendment allows to remove the president and things are unable to fulfill his due to be
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president. >> he needs to be removed from office under the 25th amendment and there isn't a middle ground here. he can't stand trial and carry out the duties of the president of the united states and commander in chief of our armed forces and that's why i think it's one or the other and you have to prosecute him or remove him with the at that time amendment. reporter: causing a headache for the campaign and dean phillips saying the report affirms what most americans know but the president cannot continue to serve as our commander in chief beyond term ending indian 20th and 2025 i invite fellow democrats to face the truth. they're blasting the special council for going out of his way in their opinion to embarrass the president.
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>> we cherry picked a couple of examples that perhaps we don't know. perhaps are in context or out of context related to very sensitive issues such as his son really just to bash him and impugn him. it is excessive, it is gratuitous. reporter: president biden's late night address last night was supposed to make the country feel better about his mental mittness, but it may have just raised even more concerns after he confused the president of egypt with the president of mexico. stuart. stuart: you got it. hillary, thank you indeed. special council's report -- special counsel's report on if the president willfully kept classified documents but no criminal charges are warranted. guy lewis is joining me now. guy, is it okay to charge trump for keeping documents but not biden? >> stuart, short answer is absolutely not. frankly this is the most
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shockingly hypocritical distinction i've seen as a prosecutor and i've had to go through and make these kind of decisions a lot when i was u.s. attorney down here in south florida. you look at a person's mental capacity, you do look at their age, you do look at ability to answer questions to recall dates and events clearly this special prosecutor who i have to pat on the back and very thorough pat on the back and declined a prosecutor and i don't argue with that decision and i do argue with viremently with the pact that they can prosecute trump on one hand and prosecute biden with the other and they're equal justice and that's not happening here. stuart: the supreme court seemed
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skeptical of them trying to kick trump off the ballot? >> great question, stuart. depends on how expansive their decision is and has to throw a chill to these re-deck louis notions that a secretary of state or a group of individuals can come in and deny an entire state's voting rights, which is what's happening here and the supreme court speaking strongly and swiftly and see the ex-president mr. trump in the ballot in all states. stuart: try this with you as ale, if biden doesn't stand
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trial, how can re-hundred the country? >> i see him walking and answering questions and with all due respect to this jam gentleman, i don't think he has the mental capacity to continue. if he cant stand trial, how can he make these serious day-to-day, hour to hour decisions that affect all of lives? stuart: it's very troubling. guys thanks for joining us. appreciate you being here. thank you, sir. >> yes, sir, thank you. stuart: nevada just won the nevada republican caucuses and only major candidate on the ballot. ashley, what is nikki haley say about this overwhelming win for trump in nevada? ashley: haley claims the nevada vote was rigged for trump saying the state was supposed to have a primary but trump fixed it so the gop chairman could create a caucus and haley said 2-1 margin to none of these candidates were despite the latest setbacks and
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haley insists there's a path to victory through south carolina, michigan, super tuesday and she maintains that trump hurricane-forces kansas city chiefs not win the general election. watch this. >> he can't win a general election. that's a fact. we lost in 2018, we lost in 2020, we lost in 2022 but look at what happened yesterday. he lost his case on immunity and has a year's worth of court cases yet. everything he touches is chaos and we continue to lose. how many more times do we have to lose before we realize that that is the problem? ashley: haley predicting the u.s. will have a female president and it'll be her or kamala harris. stu. stuart: thanks, ash. coming up, i want to know how youngsters in gen z are reacting to biden's failing mental state. rikki schlott is here. she's young and telling me what she and her friends are saying about the whole debacle, that's
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stuart: dream is home ownership is getting up instead of saving they're splurging. cultural developmements and madison alworth here with us with the news. >> whatever they want. not necessarily things they need and see it and want it, they buy it. it's called doom spending. milestones of life and feel unreachable like buy ago house or a car and retirement. people are just spending and not worrying about the future. 27% of people are guilty of doom spending and it's even worse for millennials and gen z and 43% of millennials and 35% of g gen zs
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are guilty of doom spending and taking to the street to see what shoppers had to say and people are happy to spend now and worry about the future later. >> definitely bought things i didn't . >> i think just scrolling through instagram they target you well and know the exact person they're looking for. they see me, i just go buy it. >> something to look forward to coming in the mail and little surprise when it comes in and by the time it does, i forgot i made my purchase in the first place. >> we started with home ownership and it's become so elusive that we're now in a decades-high rate of young people living at home and 23 million americans ages 18-29 are living with family and that's the same level that we saw in the 1940s. one thing i wanted to talk about when it comes to shopping. on the street how easy it is to spend pun today. don't need to go to the store, the mall is at your fingertips and no restrictions on how much you buy because weight doesn't
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matter and all delivered to your door. stuart: thank you, madison. you've made me feel very old and judjudgmental too. >> any time, stuart. item. stuart: back to president biden's speech last night. i think it was perhaps the worst day of the presidency and possibly the end of his campaign for a second term. new york post columnist rikki schlott joining me and interested in your take. you're a youngster and gen z. what did you and your friends think about last night's press conference from the president? >> i think it's not a matter of disrespect but just a matter of observation to say that he's not capable of leading the free world at this point in time. i think that a lot of young people are waking up to that fact and in fact of any generation, gen z had the biggest approval rating of biden is young people are not just accepting this is the best possible option. he only has a 35% approval rating with gen z voters at this point in time according to harvard business youth poll.
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stuart: what was your reaction to it? >> it's not surprising to me because i've been following this news cycle and plugged into media that shows when he has blunders but a lot of friends on the left, who might not have been exposed to the hottest clips of biden stumbling over his own words, this is a shocking moment and seeing just how much he's declined even since the last election cycle. stuart: federal appeals court in boston heard a case about a school that forced a 13-year-old boy to stop wear ago t-shirt that said there are only two genders. that's what the buy argues this is a violation of the free speech. i can see how a school would not want political slogans on a t-shirt in school. is it really a violation o>> i e because it's a public school and these are government entities, the question is is this a
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viewpoint-neutral policy. the policy is any slogan or words on a t-shirt is not allowed, then fine. or any political statement not allowed but viewpoint neutral. the school said the problem is that it's in violation of mission of inclues it system. in my view is -- inclusivity it's a government entity discriminating on viewpoint and it's one that's not suppose to be controversial in the first place. stuart: not allowed to say there's 152 genders and don't care about the statement and you're in a setting up of a public setting like a public school and express it no matter what it is. stuart: wonder if this young man wins. there's a verdict and not sure. >> it's an appeals court. stuart: meta kicked someone off facebook. i have a good idea why. tell met official reason. ashley: well, for what meta calls repeated violations of it
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is dangerous organizations and individuals policy. the facebook and instagram accounts are being suspended for his repeated calls to "wipe ziti reel off the map and -- wipe israel off the map and israel and zionism and instagram page had more than $5-point t 1 million followers and english language version had a following of more than 204,000. facebook and instagram band in iran and pro israel organizations long lobbied social media companies to remove kermani's accounts and they've suspended. not booted but suspended. stuart: preponderance ovicells. there's a will the of red on that board. don't go anywhere. friday feedback is next.
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♪ stuart: that a aalegent stadium, las vegas, the super bowl held on sunday afternoon. by the way, we're playing the beatles because today is the 60th anniversary of the beatles first appearance on ed sullivan show and made three appearances all together and beatle mania took over america. on this day, 60 years ago. lauren: never saw it. stuart: i remember it. ashley: feels like yesterday. stuart: friday feedback. lauren, ashley, get started with the first message coming to the day. just saw stuart and the start time of the super bowl and second should be earlier. the real solution is simply play the game on saturday. i can't believe this hasn't happened yet. i'm retired and doesn't matt tore me. used to really annoy me when i had to get up for work next morning. i think we're all in agreement on this. ash, you first.
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ashley: yeah, you know, polls say the people want the day after the super bowl to be a national holiday. how great would that be? lauren. lauren: on a saturday, they don't because of ratings. i believe ratings are stronger on sunday. stuart: they want to build up the whole weekend maybe and can't call in sick on monday, too obvious. stuart: i might make it to half-time. stu, shrinkflation is nothing new and don't mess with my beer. this one is definitely for you, ash. ashley: yeah, don't mess with my beer or chips and cheetos and other brands have actually reduced but a good prescription.
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lauren: yeah, yes, everywhere you turn, you're paying more for less and deal with it. you roll your eyes and complain about it. it's great. stuart: guy is drinking beer and happy guy. claudeous writes this, i'll be 75 and when i grow up, i want to wave my arms in your control room to the cut aways. thank you to your wonderful young staff for bringing us this joy. during this difficult time, all the joy from your staff is greatly appreciated. well said indeed. you're absolutely right. by the way, those youngsters. there they go and they're doing a dancing act. they are remarkable these folks get out of bed in the middle of the night and 8:00 in the morning and everybody is there. dancing and waving later in the day.
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stuart: there you government this cops to us from taylor swift. coming to us from biden and you set the bar from us and little nasty. i done want to deal with that. let's dbrox critical at 11:54. lauren: see if she endorses him on monday. lauren: possible. stuart: room for another one? no room. this is the friday trivia question. another good one. all right, our average -- how often does skin regenerate itself? how often does skin regenerate itself? at least the top level, the top layer completely? 14, 20, 27, 33 days? no clue. lauren: no idea. stuart: we'll be back after t this.
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12:00 pm
stuart: go ahead. lauren: i feel i should know that because i get facials and all that. i will get i will guess 14 days, two weeks. we one i will go with 27 days. takes time to regenerator whole skin. thank you. the answer is 27 days. you can lose 500 million skin cells in a single day. do you have facials? ashley: no. maybe i should. stuart: i wear a lot of makeup. a lot of blemishes. lauren: you just admitted that. stuart: we are out of time. not a bad show today. we will try again on monday. lauren: after the big game


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