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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  February 9, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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larry: last words, mr. biden is illegal, incompetent and broken president and must be retired as soon as legally possible. and now legally we must all watch liz macdonald. that's the case. elizabeth: everything will be fine. thank you so much. larry. good to see you. have a good weekend and get right at it and join joining us
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now is forming graham federal prosprosecutor and gene happen l ton and the white house making things worse doing damage control on the president's catastrophically bad press conference a last night and katie yelling at reporters and reporters coming on the white house council and robert herr taking from his report and his assessment of president biden's cognitive decline. what do you think? >> well, i think that the white house want it is both ways. essentially her's -- herr's ken polcari tear is the reason why because there's enough to indict him for wrongful materials and the justification was based again on his lack of mental faculties, which herr suggested would lead to problem securing a
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conviction. that was the bone he threw them and i don't know what they're looking for, but i guess both. elizabeth: what katie said, on top of that, the thing is, gene, he's not allowed his vice president or u.s. senator to have u.s. secrets at all. he was blaming his own staff for keeping u.s. secrets in multiple locations like his basement den, his garage, and open boxes on things like afghanistan and more. we're in a strange world today and it's being prosecuted and essentially the same exactling. thing joe biden has done whenever. they've seen the pictures of the garage and supposely full of classified documents and one of the primary reasons why the
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commercial council can didn't recommend going farred with special prosecution was because of joe biden's mental faculty and if you're in such a bad place and individual that you cannot be prosecuted or a criminal offense and then how in the world are you properly serving and confidently serving as president of the united states. elizabeth: you can see it with the catastrophic press conference last night, katie. you can see the condition of the president and many are asking, even the fact that he called the presser last night from the white house historically unusual is a symptom of mental health problems. watch this. >> in addition, i know there's some attention paid to some language in the report about my recollection of events. there's reference they don't
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remember when my son died. how the hell dare he make that. i take responsibility for not having that. >> mr. biden, one of the things the special counsel said in this report is one of the reasons you were not charged is because you are a well meaning elderly man with a poor memory. >> i'm a well meaning and elderly and i know what the hell i'm doing. >> how good is your memory and can you continue as president? >> my memory is so bad, i let you speak. my momentum reigns leading is fine. >> many american people have been watching and they've expressed concerns about your age and -- >> that is your judgment. that's your judgment. that's not the judgment of the press.
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that's classified information and i did not. elizabeth: doj mentally unfit in trial and not to be president and house lawmakers are saying special council hurricane release the full transcript of your -- hurricane release the full transcript. >> he's fine and his memory is great and americans have own otherwise and in our face for quite some time here and the only reason he's not being indicted according to hur and if we're only to believe the prosecution could be there and not believe the other part of why he can't go to trial and
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we're left without absolutely elizabeth: that means he broke the law, gene. the other thing too is the president continues to mislead america, gene. cnn said he made at least three factual errors last night that were not true. he claimed he kept u.s. secrets under lock and key and he did not. he said, "none was highly classified and that was false and he said he did not share classified secret withs his ghost writer when the special council said yes, he did, gene". >> we're talking about the same man whose press conference to clean it up involved him speaking for the president forced americans in red and green states and opening humanitarian pathways from mexico to gaza. there is a clear problem present. the american people see it. we've all had elderly relatives or friends that have been in this stage of life.
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the fact that joe biden is his allies and his associates are trying to hide all of this from the american people should be a crime in and of itself and this is something that every word is analyzed on the international stage. by the adversaries and allies and everyone in between. the statements is ridiculous and putting all of us at risk. eugene hamilton, reaction pours in from capitol hill and attacking special council robert hur. the vice president today also attacking robert hur. hillary vaughn has more. hillary. reporter: good evening, liz, the special counsel went out of his way to embarrass president biden
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by bringing up his poor memory and that distracted from the ultimatelity matt vindication that the president is not being charged for mishand 8ing classified information. >> they exonerated him and there was an effort that i view is totally political to bury that basic news in completely grady trimble tourtous swipes about age and memory. reporter: there's a problem with how the president handled the aftermath following in report and the last minute with late night press conference might have done more damage. >> i'm a senior democratic politician and i've done it for a long time. that's not i h the way to do it. he was angry and frustrated and didn't go well. there's no doubt about that . reporter: some republicans are saying it's time for the 25th amendment to be on the table but other republicans say that would just put the vice president, kamala harris, in the
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oval office, something they don't think would be any better for the country. >> what we've got to do is make sure this man does not serve a second term. it's not him, it's whoever is running the country, and he's the leader of the free world. he's cog my tivoli not there. reporter: biden's cognitive ability is a headache for the campaign and dean phillips said he has phone has been blowing up from some of his fellow democratic colleagues who admit to him in confidence they're worried. liz. elizabeth: interesting, hillary vaughn, thank you for your great reporting always. joining us is washington examer for byron in new york. you've been watching for a long time and press conferences is where he's making multiple gaffes at confronted white house
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aid why is no one stopping the president? >> historically, the first lady was concerned with how her husband, the president, is presented through the media and whether the white house is effectively managing that. clearly in the biden white house, the president doesn't talk to the press very much that made last night unusual in the first place and it's disastrous and the first lady is expressing concern about this, clearly there's people in washington deputies and republicans that think the first lady should con syringes the president not to run again. certainly the first ladies are always concerned about the quality of the press that her husband is getting. elizabeth: not running again and we'll get into it later and
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politico reporting in 2019 and president biden said maybe i won't do a second term because of my age. the blunders and lawmakers are piling up and the 25th amendment be invoked. >> everybody living in the red or green state and conduct of the response in gaza, in the gaza strip has been over the top. i think that as you know initially the president of mexico didn't want to open up the gate to allow humanitarian
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aid to get in. >> making row v word law of the land. >> i sat down and said america is back, mineron from germany or france looked at me and said whk for. elizabeth: let's go through it. nobody wishes ill on any person and the president of egypt confused with the president of mexico and swies this week and hell man cole dead for two weeks and talked to francois min ran debt for 26 years.
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>> >> does not have the men it will a&physical acuity for the second term. he left office at age 77 and the age that ronald reagan got reelected and bob dol left at 73 years old and tons of commentary about whether he was too old to be president. now we have a president that's 81 years old that's clearly declined and he's declined since he took in january of 2021 and yet democrats are so locked in to position, they're so dug in
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about this that they can't admit they perhaps need another candidate. elizabeth:s come in that president has suffered in the past two brain aneurysms. where do we go from here, byron? >> well, the president is the president and hard for the office to convince him not to run. it's incredibly hard for party to convince its own party to do that and democrat haves tried. elizabeth: byron york, thank you for joining us. good to see you. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: sure, coming up, have a good weekend, my friend. congressman andy biggs is joining us and national border patrol council brandon judd and former nypd with special council reports is hitting the biden
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impeachment inquiry and house lawmaker demanding answer and should biden use u.s. secrets on ukraine and china for family profits and media ho hosts and pundits getting slammed and the accusation is this, they've been covering up the president's cognitive issues for months if not years and politico reported, we're going to get into it, president biden himself in 2019 talked about being a one term president due to his age. we've got new york state supreme court slamming manhattan da alvin bragg for prosecuting things like fake vaccine cards for going soft on violent felons and reports of white house may crack down on electric cars made in china for harvesting americans personal information. plus, congressman darryll issa of california is here. illegal crossings down in texas and backstage crackdown on the
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border and the home state of california and arizona. all this next on "the evening edit". welcome to ameriprise. i'm sam morrison. my brother max recommended you. so, my best friend sophie says you've been a huge help. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. our neighbors, the garcía's, love working with you. because the advice we give is personalized, -hey, john reese, jr. -how's your father doing? to help reach your goals with confidence. my sister's told me so much about you. that's why it's more than advice worth listening to. it's advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial. ♪ ♪ next. next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. aga... [ sigh ] next. next. if you don't pick one... oh, you have time. am i keeping you from your job.
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arizona and california. this as u.s. senate moves on a $95 billion aid package for ukraine in indo pacific and dropping u.s. border security measures in the first senate bill and eagle pass, texas, with the latest. reporter: governor abbott made a stop to eagle pass with more than 20 state lawmakers and touted the success of operation lone star and state's border security and enforcement mission. a mission by the way with a price tag of more than $10 billion so far in texas they'll continue to take matters into it is own hands till the biden administration or congress takes steps to slow this migrant surge. abbott said they're currently working on the plan to add more national guard troops in and around eagle pass and other busy
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bro crossings spots and going for additional barriers of razor wire and climb fencing and specifics weren't given and all the deterrents that were put into place here in the lone star state and they're working because illegal border crossings are working in the state. >> about two-thirds of the border question represent only about 30% of the crossing ands they're california, arizona, and new hampshire that represent 70% of crossings. reporter: meantime cartels continue to try and smuggle illicit drugs into the country and cbp and know gal especially seizing $845,000 pills of fentanyl. know gal especially agents voicd
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frustration over the border failed bill in washington this week saying there were certainly parts of it that would have helped solve the problems out here. liz. liz.elizabeth: casey, thank youo much. always great reporting. what do you make of the illegal shift in border crossings between california and arizona? >> it is showing up here in california, liz. particularly when you look at the the highest risk of a lot of other exotic countries including china, russia and others including people on the terrorist watch list and it's all increasing at what is already san diego is the busiest border crossing in the world. land border crossing. elizabeth: yeah, you're seeing the sanctuary state and ice just arrested 26 criminal illegal
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border crossings convicted or charged with murder and happened in the san diego sector and there's also individuals accused of assaulting children and i mean, the san diego sector more than 8600 illegal crossings in just one week from 73 different nations. >> massive program of ngos and do good organizations that are here to facilitate and move these people the moment they get across the border. that's part of the problem of a sanctuary state. our governor is spending our tax dollars to bring them in, even if they end up in other states. elizabeth: to what you just said, we like the reaction and steven smith he's railing against new york city's $53 million pilot credit card program. basically a card with money on it for illegal aliens. watch this. >> pick and choose. came down to it for me, i see
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homeless streets of america all the time. i dam sure see it in california and poor impoverished starving people born and raised in the nation and how in the hell do we come up with 52-53 trillion illegals born here and we don't have it. elizabeth: what do you think, congressman? >> couldn't have said it better myself and we've gotten to where democrats aren't saying republicans are right. they're saying biden is wrong. that's what we need to hear more of. elizabeth: got t congressman issa, have a good weekend. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. thank you. elizabeth: sure, coming up, national border patrol counsel brandon julie and former nypd officer bill stanton and new york state supreme court going after da bragg for going soft on non-s while chasing after things
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like fake covid vaccine cards and new body cam footage showing more detail on illegal immigrants attacking nypd cops in time square and fox news joe concha is with us and democrats are criticized and president biden's cognitive issues and msnbc trying to slam special council robert hur's report saying the president is fine. he's got no cognitive problems because "he can ride a bicycle". that's on "the evening edit," next. (fisher investments) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our clients' portfolios for their long-term goals.
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a test or approve a medication. we didn't have to worry about any of those things thanks to the donations. and our family is forever grateful because it's completely changed our lives. elizabeth: let's get you updated on this. biden white house in full denial and damage control mode, but more and more voters, 76% of voters in a new nbc poll say yes, the president's cognitive decline is a concern. edward lawrence at the white house with the latest. edward.
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reporter: making it more difficult for president biden to get reelected and this report has stark similarities to the report where former president trump faces a slew of charges related to mishandling classified documents in the white house briefing room and special assistant to the president in sam's talked about appearance from the two-tiered system of justice. >> we're careful about not commenting on cases like that and i'd encourage you all to read the report. reporter: president biden quickly complied with everything the department of justice and special counsel wanted and said the former president did not. his diminishes faculties in advancing age and sympathetic demeanor and these factors will likely make it difficult for jurors to conclude he had criminal intent and calls biden a sympathetic, well meaning
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elderly man with a poor memory. >> relating to his age, and it relates to white has been said by -- in this report, it is something that we don't believe lives in reality in the sense of this is a president. i've known this president since 2009. i've known this president. he's not been just my boss but a mentor to me and no one in this building would say that what we saw in this report about his memory. >> the result is 2340 charges for president biden even though the report says that the president willfully retained classified documents. back to you, liz. elizabeth: edward, thank you so much. your great reporting as ever. joining us is joe concha. joe, the media misreporting here and not pushing back on the white house today and the justice department, joe, you've talked about this and the justice department agreed to have biden's own lawyers do the searches for classified documents and not doj officials and special council hur did not exonerate president biden and he
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cited prosecutorial discretion and not criminally charging him because a jury would see the president as mentally unfit. what do you think of the media's performance here? here? >> i think it's wholly predictable, liz, at this point. we're seeing a media that's mostly trying to protect this president at this point. what everybody saw, what we saw yesterday during that press conference 7:45 p.m. eastern time and he morphed into grandpa simpson and confusing the mexican president with the egyptian president and at this point it's panic, liz. that's the exact word i'd use here but in all caps at my point and i get to watch msnbc and being forced to watch clock work orange and on that network, rachel used the defense that joe biden is lucid because he rides a bike and that's the most unintentional comedy out there. my kids would ride a bike by the
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time they were 4 and not sure operating a schwinn proves a person is mentally fit. the president had the worst of his presidency going back to afghanistan and couldn't remember that he spoke to mitterrand and died in 196 and d get napoleon's voice mall and the german chancellor that died years ago and conversation about january 6, okay. the white house communication shop thought it was a good idea to be president given the mental state and talking 28 years old and going in colorado and
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showing the viewer for politico reporting in 2019 and going for my age and biden was going with his age and serving and couldn't serve two terms and according to to people that regularly talk to biden and the thing s joe, you point out and democrats and the president's media defenders were out in force trying to tear down special council hur for his report detailing the president's cognitive issues and he's telling me the mean people the analysis of the media reaction, watch. these words and useful political
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attack for that and going with the world to put that in the report and his meteorological assessment of joe biden and merrick garland and like that in the justice department reporting. going for the alternative. the other guys that really are damaging dangerous threats and going to push back on the idea and mixing up world leaders that are been. elizabeth: msnbc reading the special counsel report and
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special counsel hur said he had to go into tiktok and the cognitive decline issues and he felt he couldn't charge him, criminally charge him because the jury wouldn't reach a conclusion because of this mental decline. what do you think? the bottom line is hur had to include this and robert hur in his report and while they interviewed him and mainly in the year and that was relevant and he would have been charged but we've got to go. elizabeth: joe concha, appreciate you. have a good weekend. welcome brandon judicial crisisd officer and bill, first to you.
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and then going soft on criminal suspects accused of murder, robbery, sexual assault and drug charges. da bragg going after trump. what do you think? >> i think time and time again, liz, thank you for having by the way and when you have a da based on color and more importantly the hypocrisy and like the member of the service trying to save people on the train and now we have teenagers getting this.
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elizabeth: illegal immigrant from venezuela reportedly took a gun 15 years old and shot a tourist at time square and shot at a cop. we have new body cam footage of the moment illegal immigrants attacked text message at what we're looking at here. >> inviting illegal immigration and we don't prosecute and support the rule of law, we can expect this to happen. we're seeing the society fall apart in front of us and crime is going to come at us and come
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back on the show. own electric car push on america and the president reportedly may issue an executive order cracking down on chinese electric cars here and harvesting american consumers personal data and things like facial characteristics and got that story coming up. check in with buddies dagen and sean. >> we recognize that after the hur report and marjorie taylor green here to discuss and the media class to defend biden in the special council report and we're going to have greg with them and commander in chief and
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elizabeth: nancy, good to see you again. what do you make of this news at with the executive boarder and white house restricting chinese electric cars coming into the u.s. and it's concerned about china >> we should have, liz. the chinese regulations require that the data be stored and kept are in china. in country. i think really all you need to no is that the chinese of teslas and security resident and can it's here and backdoor way to get to americans consumer data.
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and that's what we saw with huawei and ban the huawei and our super charged chips from going to china. we didn't see it coming with all that and it's a broad based problem that the government will have to step in on and not a big fan of government involvement and they pushed ford and gm into unprofitable electric vehicles but that said it's an area to protect consumers and st.s. elizabeth: chinese electric made cars cut in half and get reaction to heritage and disable
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for remote and in that way and there's potential any cars and new ideas and he was very good at what they do and they're producing low cost vehicles and they're having issues and data being stored in managed in china. not in the vicinitity of gathering and more about the data can be used. elizabeth: interesting, the hack down on tesla for data gathering inside china and going for
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example byd and surpassing tesla and top selling tesla company and elon musk saying there's no trade barriers and demolished most car companies in the world. that's a big statement. >> he's a shrewd operator of businesses and he understands global markets and i think the government should be taking precautions and potentially an executive order gina is very concerned and i do think we will see some action and i think it is the right thing to do. elizabeth: nancy tengler, you're terrific. thank you so much. have a great weekend. >> you too, liz. elizabeth: special counsel robert hur's report on the president basically recklessly storing u.s. secrets is hitting
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the impeachment inquiry. lawmakers demand information on whether the president kept ukraine and china top secrets for the families overseas business deals. congressman andy biggs on house oversight is here next on "the evening edit". meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? her credit's golden. hello new apartment. three jens getting ahead with chase. solutions that grow with you. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. if your business needs a new application
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elizabeth: okay, let's welcome congressman andy biggs from house oversight. it's great to have you on, sir is. so your oversight committee led by chairman comer, you guys want to get special counsel robert hur's report on the president mishandling u.s. top9 secrets for the impeachment probe into the prime minister why? >> the president, why? >> well, because this actually began when we started talking about declassified documents that were mishandled by joe biden. but we since, based on other things that we've heard, whistleblowers and actually joe biden's own testimony, that a maybe there's some documentation with regard to ukraine and china as well. so we want -- we need to get that report so we can see what he looked at, then we need to bring him in, have him sit before us, answer questions and see what more we can find out with regard to these investigations that have involved ukraine and chinese misconduct on the part of
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perhaps joe biden. elizabeth: what are you hearing about the special counsel's report on the president, you know, basically mishandling classified secrets as it relates to the biden family selling access overseas in places like china and ukraine? >> well, that's, that's what we're hearing, so that's why we've got to get to the bottom of it. i mean, what's important here is that the special counsel used the term willful, that he did this willfully. that implies intentionality. that implies criminality. that's why when we hear there's maybe some linkage to the ukraine, you know, quid pro quo withs or the chinese pretty quo -- quid pro quos, we've got to peel back the onion so we can get to the center and the heart and find out what a really went on as far as what the i.g. found out. elizabeth: congressman, what's stopping the doj from sending over this information? because i think last october the justice department said no to your committee getting this information because the probe was ongoing. but now that it's over, can't they just send this information
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over to house oversight? i mean, what's stopping them? >> what's stopping them is they don't want to give us the information. so we're going to keep pushing and get them to bring the information over. i mean, just don't forget that other special counsels have been more forth onlying when they've -- forthcoming when they've got their report done and they've concluded their investigation. this has drawn out a little bit, it's going slower, so we want that information asap. and so comer's, chairman comer's working on it, pushing on it, and9 rest of the committee as well. elizabeth: okay, so the president, according to reports, kept a file folder with things like a telephone call sheet from december 2015. talking the points for a call with the ukrainian prime minister, there's also notes about the president's, asking his executive assistant get a copy of this conversation for my records. the notice signed, joe. that document was mark pd as secret. do we have -- marketeds
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secret. do we have any information that the president shared this information with hunter biden? because he joined the board of burisma in june of 2014, and hunter biden had joint business ventures with chinese energy firm cefc. >> well, the linkage begins with when was hunter biden living with joe biden where with joe biden was storing some of these records. because if it conjoins, then you have circumstantial evidence to begin with. that's, again, why hunter biden's coming in, and we'll find out. but the i. should know this, and that's why we've got to put pressure on him. not pressure, he should respond. but we should press him to give us answers to these questions. doj should allow him to come in. elizabeth: congressman biggs, your word on the president's calamitous press conference last night from the white house. why call a presser from the white house itself? that seems like over the top. >> yeah.
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i think -- to me, it was an unforced error on their part. they had him go out there, and then it was just a terrible presser. and they should know i think what most of america know, that he can't handle that kind of press conference. and then you throw that in with what the i.g. reported about his cognitive abilities, and you just go, that was bad staff work. and it's sometimes, you know, if you're really conspiratorial, you can say, well, this is, this is the deep state trying to finish push him out so they can get, the democrats can get the candidate of their choice. elizabeth: wow. andy biggs, congressman, thank you so much. have a good weekend. we appreciate you coming on. >> thank, liz. elizabeth: thanks for your insights. appreciate you. i'm liz macdonald. thanks for watching "the evening edit." have a great weekend. now it is time for "the bottom line." hi, dagen and sean. wow, what a time to be alive. dagen: oh, lord have


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