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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  February 12, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EST

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maria: good monday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. i'm is monday, february 12, 7:0. time for the hot topic of the hour. house republicans are gearing up for a second impeachment vote tomorrow against secretary alejandro mayorkas, this is an effort to oust the the dhs secretary and it comes a week after a floor vote that failed, 214-216 with three republicans voting against impeachment. mayorkas over the weekend said that the border crisis is not the biden administration's fault, he deflected the blame onto congress. watch. >> no doubt there is gridlock on congress but do you bear responsibility for what is happening at the border with the president himself calling a crisis. >> it certainly is a crisis. we don't bear responsibility for a broken system. we're dealing with tremendous amount within the broken system but fundamentally, fundamentally congress is the only one who can fix it. maria: fundamentally joe biden went into the oval office a on
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day one and reversed all the security at the border. we are learning now that a u.s. border patrol chief warned the homeland security committee behind closed doors about a surge in chinese migrants with ccp links, crossing into the u.s. illegally, one year ago they were warning about chinese nationals c coming here, we were reporting that we saw 24,000 chinese nationals enter america in fiscal year 2023 you alone. that fiscal year started in october. neanearly 20,000 in they the fit three months of the fiscal year, on top of that 24,000 last year. former director of national intelligence john ratcliffe joined me yesterday to discuss the china threat. >> customs and border protection is telling us that take the fastest growing group they'reen counselor thing at the border is --e encountering at te border is coming from china. it's not a question of whether the people's republic of china
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and ccp are sending spies over here, it's a question of how many. and what their purposes are. are they here to run chinese police stations? are they here to conduct industrial espionage? that's exactly what's happening here. and it's a huge national security concern. maria: cheryl, what i don't understand is why the white house is doing nothing about it. let's face it. not only now do we have the border patrol telling homeland security that there's an influx of chinese migrants and they have links to the ccp, they could be spies, but you also have christopher wray umpteen ties telling us china is undermining the u.s. and what do we get from the biden administration, just allowing it to happen, not doing anything to push back on this. >> i think it's really rich of mayorkas and that's why there's a big move to impeach him, he's basically lying when he says it's congress' fault and it's a broken system. here are the numbers. under president biden,
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7.9 million border crossings. under president donald trump, 2.4 million and change. okay. the big, big, big difference. that's number one. the other here is that they realize it's a political issue and eelection year issue. poll after poll has shown us that immigration is the number one issue. it's affecting everyone, including the y the blue citiesd blue states. the border issue is not everybody's problem and joe biden and mayorkas are trying to deflect. it's not going to work. maria: i'm not sure about the numbers overall for four years under trump but i know that in the final year of the trump administration, the total number in 2020 was 400,000. 400 you 400,000 encounters in tr 2020 and now you're talking about encounters of 10 of 10,00,
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8,000 a day under the biden administration. there was 300,000 in december alone. utah senator mike lee joined me yesterday on sunday morning futures and he is slamming democrats for cuting border funding in the aid bill. watch this. >> we united behind this idea that most democrats want more ukraine funding. a few republicans do also. but most democrats do. republicans really want a secure border. the idea was that in theory we might be able to get enough votes to force border security on an otherwise unwilling administration that for reasons that we find baffling doesn't want to secure the border. a number inp sifted, let's put in hr2, a couple provisions, slap that onto a ukraine funding bill and see how that does. maria: liz, your reaction? it's unbelievable, the republicans want the border secure and yet they decide to come upnd go start from scratch to come up w new immigration policy, jam it in. >> i think it's an incredible
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mess, the legislative approach. we don't need a legislative approach to close the border. that could be done overnight by boca raton the rebashar al-assad by president biden with the resources and rules he has in place. by letting the chinese nationals come in, it's a serious national security threat. people are waking up to that. frankly, i think allowing venezuelan gangs to overrun the blue cities that's also a national security threat. i tell you what, alejandro mayorkas should be impeached. he has lied consistently for two and-a-half years about the border. up until a minute ago, he was saying it was not a crisis. that it was secure. there's no way you can define this border as secure. and frankly, he should be impeached for being the most arrogant man on earth and smug and distasteful. i'm ready to see the end of him. i'm hoping they get their act together and have a vote and get it done we'll see. steve scalise is coming back this week and they expect that
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that additional vote will help them get it over the finish line. we know he in the senate it's not going anywhere. we're jut getting started this hour. we've got the january cpi number out tomorrow morning and retail sales out on thursday. ppi out on friday. word on wall street panel is here with some expectations. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. the new dexcom g7 sends your glucose numbers to your phone and watch, so you can always see where you're heading, without fingersticks. dexcom g7 is the most accurate cgm. so, you can manage your diabetes with confidence. ♪ ♪ ♪ (upbeat music) ♪
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dow industrials down just a fraction, about 28 points. got to call this a victory after the record performance that we saw friday. amazon executive chairman jeff bezos announcing he is selling nearly 12 million shares of amazon, that's going to be worth about $2 billion in current prices. the decline in tesla's profits now has investors wondering if that stock is still one of the magnificent seven, ray. give us your take on tech given these two stories. >> it's a great point. amazon is an amazing buy, jeff bezos is competing to be the world's richest person and i think stock sales will take him there. why is amazon good? they put 200 billion in cap ex the past years and they'll reap what they sow and they're number three with digital ads after google and meta and aws gives them the lead. tesla is another story, maybe it's not magnificent seven right now but it's still a buy for a couple reasons. there's a whole bunch of evs that are bound to go bankrupt
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and they'll be the last game standing along with byd. they've got a charging network at scale. people don't want necessarily evs, had the want teslas because of the charging network and they've got a lot of efficiencies but it's not an a.i. play and more importantly they're going to actually feel more pain if you value them as a car company and that's the challenge. maria: so ray, you still want to buy these big tech names this year even after that huge performance we saw last year? >> i definitely do. and a couple ones in addition, google, amd and meta i think are doing really well, those are a.i. plays. i think it's important to see where a.i. plays will be a big play for 202. maria: luke, what's your take on this? some analysts are saying that this new you group of a.i. stocks to watch is a lot narrower, it's microsoft, nvidia and tay. would you buy those -- meta. would you buy those stocks now? >> yo i think it's broader. you have to realize, 50% of
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companies this year are planning to implement a.i. or of technological solutions around artificial intelligence. that's why we saw t meta, amazo, microsoft, talk about a.i. in their earnings calls. you have to look in areas you wouldn't think about, what areas of efficiency will benefit from the implementation of artificial intelligence, stocks like accensure, a consulting firm so we own that. infew it, you need the -- intuit, you have to make sure you add dollars to the bottom line. i would look broad r than the metas, the amazons of the world. you would rather use the money for new advancements, not paying out dividends. that irritated me. maria: that's a good point. the dividends are really one of
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the reasons that people buy certain stocks because they're getting paid regularly but luke, i want to get your take on this deal that could be happening, two permian basin rivals, reaching a deal to create a $50 billion oil and gas company. this is diamond back energy and endeavor energy resources, you agreeing to $26 billion deal, creating a permian basin drilling giant. this is important because this is the area of america that has the most capacity to generate oil and natural gas production. your thoughts? >> we actually own diamond back. i think it's been a good stock. this merger gets me kind of excited. but i will he say we own canaco energy in a larger weighting than diamond back. nuclear will benefit from something we talked about, a.i. implementation. you need to have an energy grid to support all this implementation and our
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infrastructure kne needs a lot f new stuff. nuclear energy will be a more efficient, better way and democrats i think will be more supportive of nuclear energy to support some of the initiatives. nuclear is the greenest, most efficient energy out there. i don't know why they haven't ran with it. i would look into new clear stocks outside of just oil, -- nuclear stocks outside of just oil. maria: these two have confirmed and announced the deal this morning. we'll see if it gets any pushback from the feds. but ray, we're seeing a little bit of a pickup in deal flow, right? already deal volumes in the u.s. up 78% compared with a year earlier according to deallogic. and one of the issues in all of these deals is that the ftc is trying to stop some deals. >> yeah, it's a big point. we've got a very aggressive lean economy, ftc, the doj coming down, trying to crack down on
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m&a, playing a big tech regulator role which is not very useful to the market. there are some plays that -- maybe some a.i. regulations, privacy regulation but they're unfairly conflating the laws. maria: diamond back went public back in 2012 and it's become one of the fastest growing frackers. we'll see what a the white house has to say about the deal coming up. ray, thanks for joining the conversation. >> happy monday. maria: luke, you're with us all morning, we're grateful. stay with us, james comer demanding access to the president's classified documents, he wants to know if they were used to help the bidenfully's influence peddling. michigan congresswoman lisa mcclain is here. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ is it the look in your eyes. ♪ or is it the. ♪ who cares, baby,.
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schemes. special counsel's report confirmed that biden held confidential documents related to ukraine and china. hunter biden of course was on the board of the ukrainian natural gas company burisma holdings back in june of 2014. he also had a joint business venture with chinese communist party linked energy company cefc. chairman comer joined me yesterday on sunday morning futures and questioned why the biden family acceptedded all that money from foreign adversaries. your reaction to the special council's report. >> what i'm concerned about is the fact that hidden within had take document is evidence that some of the classified documents he mishandled were from ukraine china. we've been leading a major influence peddling investigation of the president where we have proven that at the very least his son and brother had been influence peddling with those two countries. we want to know exactly what those documents were and we want to know if herr actually interviewed jim biden and hunter
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biden because, look, this family as you know very well has been involved in influence peddling for decades. this is shady. this is counter to everything we stand for in america and it's a threat to our national security. maria: joining me right now is michigan congresswoman, house oversight committee member and house armed services committee member, lisa mcclain. lisa, great to have you. congresswoman, i think that at this point we all want to understand where this investigation is going and now we know that there were these classified documents about ukraine. what are your thoughts and what specifically does the oversight committee think they'll find? >> well, first and foremost, what we're trying to deliveries transparency and truth to the american people. i think with having bobulinski come in on tuesday and actually sit down and do a transcribed interview with him, we will find out the connection on what specifically were you peddling.
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one, the president has repeatedly denied that he ever had any connection or any meetings with bobulinski. he will, one, d disprove that because bobulinski was actually there in the meeting and two, somwhat specifically were you siling for all this money you were getting. this is my hope personally is that we find enough evidence for the members of congress to actually impeach this president. at the very least, we can uncover and show the american people that there was influencing and we can continue to deliver truth and transparency to the american people and a let them know what their president is actually doing or not doing. maria: well, somebody suggested to me that tony bobulinski has more tapes, more recordings of conversations that he had with joe biden, the big guy.
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so i'll be interested in hearing on whether or not you all in your committee and the judiciary committee will be able to find out in fact tony bobulinski has recordings to prove his point. he's the former hunter biden business partner. he's testifying in front of your committee and the judiciary committee tomorrow morning. this is of course part of this impeachment inquire arely and i spoke with house oversight committee chairman james comer about what he's expecting from the testimony and we'll all be covering it tomorrow. here's what comer told me yesterday. watch. >> we need to know exactly what the chinese were paying the biden family members for and i think we've seen now with all of the evidence that's played out, they weren't paying hunter biden for his brilliant mind. they sure as heck weren't paying jim biden for his brilliant mind. we want to know what the chinese expected of the bidens and what exactly the bidens delivered. maria: do you believe that tony bobulinski has more recordings
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of discussions that he had, that he's been holding onto for a rainy day. >> i don't know. that's something we'll find out. he's been treated poorly by the bidens. they've attacked him. you can interview tony bobulinski and you get a picture of what those of us on oversight committee have been through. we've been obstructed. we have been harassed. we've been intimidated. maria: congresswoman, james biden is also scheduled to appear in front of the committees on february 21st and hunter biden is going to appear on february 28th. what are you expecting to hear here? and can you identify policy changes that joe biden made as a result of taking in money? >> well, , i expect to hear the truth, number one. whatever that may be. i hope they come in and tell the truth. i do think tony bobulinski has some additional evidence that he's holding onto. what i am concerned about and the dots that i'd like to see
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connected is president biden is soft on american energy. right? he is so negative on american energy. but he's very positive on china's energy. right? he talked about the clean new energy. yet china's building coal plants at record paces. that doesn't seem to fit. i'm wondering if there isn't a connection there. that's what i'm looking for for the pay to play. because as you said, hunter biden isn't qualified. he doesn't have a brilliant mind or jay jamie comer said that. what's he doing cutting on the energy board. maria: that's a good question. liz peek, jump in here. >> in 2020 tony bobulinski did something very brave. before the presidential debate
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he told the public was a liar, that he was involved in had his son's businesses, 10% for the big guy was the shocking revelation of the time. but he also said that his phones and other equipment of that kind had been turned over to the fbi. i think it would be very interesting to know what happened to his phone, what happened to all his computers and so forth that the fbi had. where are they investigating all of that? i hope your committee will delve into that. >> yeah, that is definitely on our dock docket as well. as you said, every time we take a step forward, we find three more steps that we need to take. now, as it pertains to the fbi, you know the fbi hasn't been forth hadc coming and easy to dl with, with the oversight committee. i have confidence in our chairman, mr. comer, that he won't stop until gets to the bottom of this. notfor himself and for the amern
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people. they want to know the truth. what are you hiding? maria: you can understand how frustrated people are that it feels like even when there's wrong doing in plain sight, there's no accountability. i mean, you all can't even impeach alejandro mayorkas and we watched that dereliction of duty in plain sight. the didn't of homeland security secretary -- >> i can share with you, i voted to impeach secretary mayorkas and we're not done and we're not going to stop. in fact, we're going to bring it up again this week for a vote. and i'll be on record right now that we will impeach secretary mayorkas. maria: well, i mean, do you have confidence that in fact the four lawmakers who voted against impeachment are going to change their vote? i mean, let's face it. you had four republicans to say we're not going to do it, back, mcc mcclintoc and -- what
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about these four? do you need the four? >> we do. we need blake moore. the only reason why blake moore voted no was a procedural vote. we'll get that one back. as it pertains to the other three, i'm not counting on them. they need to vote how they need to vote. a key piece will be back this week, and that's steve scalise. with him back i think we'll get the job done this week. i'm confident of they. maria: it's incredible to me that mayorkas is refusing to take any responsibility for any of this. >> zero. maria: it's good to see you. thanks very much. we'll be watching your work. >> thank you. maria: congresswoman lisa mcclain joining us this morning. quick break and then a a majority of americans have said biden is too old or too feeble to serve another term as president. democrats are divided over how to handle his age and a memory after a brutal week of gaffes and the special counsel's
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remarks. former acting u.s. attorney gu.s. attorneygeneral matt whito weigh in on that on a beautiful monday morning. stay with us. ♪ you are a dancing queen. ♪ young and sweet. ♪ only 17. ♪ dancing queen. ♪ feet the beat from the tambourine. ♪ fresh, warm hot dogs! when i'm not selling hot dogs, i invest in a fund that advances innovations like robotics. fresh, warm hot dogs, straight out of my torso! one for you, one for you. oh, you're a messy one. cool, right? so cool. anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations. hot dogs! fresh, warm hot dogs! before investing carefully read and consider
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with watsonx code assistant. ibm. let's create. maria: welcome back. more than 20 million americans under winter storm alerts this morning as a snowstorm is making its way across the northeast. cheryl casone with all the details. cheryl. >> well, maria, we're going from the super bowl to a super storm. the northeast right now is bracing for heavy snow, gusty winds, possible coastal flooding. driving conditions expected to
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be dangerous tonight into tomorrow. the tuesday morning commute going to be pretty rough. 20 million americans are under these winter alerts, boston and providence are under winter storm warnings as well as cities in new york state, connecticut, and pennsylvania. in fact, here in new york, governor kathy hochul warning residents prepare for up to 6 to 8 inches of snow in some parts of the state, lower hudson valley could get up to 12 inches. that tuesday morning commute, not going to be fun, folks. all right. controversy surrounding build a bear, the stuffed animal maker debuting after a dark, a collection of adults only stuffed animals. the suggestive offerings include a monkey dressed like a male stripper, a bear wearing a robe from the playboy mansion, there's a stuffed lion in a s satin robe, one user writing this, please excuse me whilst i
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be violently sick. those are your headlines. maria: okay, cheryl. thank you. meanwhile, president biden's mental capacity is in question this morning, following special counsel robert herr's report accusing him of being an elderly man with a poor memory, too feeble to prosecute, writing biden did not remember when his son died or when his vice presidential term ended. here's former director of national intelligence john ratcliffe with me yesterday on sunday morning futures about the legal impact of this report. >> i think what that this is actually going to have a significant legal impact beyond the public's perception of a two tiered system of justice, an actual impact on the same case and the same charges against donald trump. if i'm the federal judge down in florida, looking at this, i'm thinking why is this case even in my court and the next time special counsel jack smith shows
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up in my courtroom my question for him would be, look, i've got a 300 page report from another special counsel from the same biden justice department who says that the target in that case, mr. biden himself, committed every element of every crime that's set forth had in here but the department of justice says we're not going to charge him and yet here you are in my courtroom saying it's a matter of nation m nail are natt we not only forward with the charges but we do so before the november election. it doesn't jive. and so i think that that's very likely what's going to happen here. maria: joining me right now is former acting u.s. attorney general, matthew whitaker. good to see you. thanks for being here. what is rear action to all of this -- your reaction to all of this and in particular the legal implications of the special counsel report. >> well, i look at it in a couple different ways. first of all, i think prosecutors have not done a good
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job explaining the difference between the caseses because it's hard to explain that there is a difference. in fact, the difference as i have thought and looked about this case is how the cases were you approached from the very beginning. when joe biden rea rediscoverede documents he possessed for up to decades he reached out to the archives and the doj and they just showed up and took possession of them. obviously, in the case of donald trump, mar-a-lago, they conducted a raid on the president, former president's house and with a full show of the force of the law and that's i think where the starting point and then you get into the reasons why they declined prosecution on joe biden and really the only reason they can point to was his mental state, the fact he would be a sympathetic elderly man with memory issues and i think that's
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dramatically inconsistent with how law is done. there's equal justice under the law and right now that's not what we see in this case. maria: no, it's not. and you know, i'd like to know how it's possible to make the case that the commander in chief in the white house right now running the free world is too feeble to prosecute but he's you a parentally just fine to run america. >> right. and the press seemed especially keen to report this feature that they've been unwilling to do even though they observe him every day at these events and see how he can't walk off the stage, how he confuses things, how he can't quite frankly follow a teleprompter without ex testimony brain just comments that get him in trouble -- comments that get him in trouble. the fast ball is not as fast and
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he can't remember important dates. you think about how important it is for the context of history for example to understand the decisions you make as the united states president, if you can't remember basic dates like when you started to be vice president, when you ended your term as vice president, and other important key facts, i mean, that is a dramatic problem for the president of the united states and from what i can tell the vice president is equally deficient in many areas. maria: yeah. look, i've got to tell you, last week i sat down with president trump for an hour and 15 minutes. he sat there and he answered my questions straight for an hour and 15 minutes. i don't think joe biden could do it. i don't see a scenario where president biden sits with me knee to knee the way president trump did for an hour and 15 minutes. he ce couldn't do the super bowl interview for 20 minutes with nora o'donnell which would have included the soft ball question of who is going to win the super bowl and yet, matthew -- go
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ahead. >> and favorite flavor of ice cream. it's not just sitting down with you, maria or the cbs friendly interview, it's the fact that there's an easy way for joe biden to prove that he is up to the job and that is to take press conferences, to sit down for longer interviews, and he can't do it. and that's why you don't see him doing it. you see him in highly scripted, public events, reading off a teleprompter, not taking questions. if he does take questions, they're off the card. the next day, i was shocked to see him sit down with the german chancellor and, again, have his note card and specifically read off of those cards with no opportunity to screw up random questions that he might have to take. maria: they're all protecting him now, the democrat party and the white house. the white house counsel has gone even a step further to ask the special counsel, robert herr, to
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revise some of the language in the report. the lawyers at the white house are declaring the descriptions of the president's memory inflammatory, quote, unquote, inflammatory. biden is pushing back against the report in his memory despite mixing up the president of mexico with the president of egypt on the night he's telling us his memory is fine. watch this. >> my memory is not -- my memory is fine. take a look at what i've done since i've become president. none of you thought i could pass the things i got passed. how does that happen? as you know, initially president of mexico, sisi did not want to he open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in. i convinced him to open the gate. i talked to bibi to open the gate on the israeli side.
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i've been pushing hard to get humanitarian assistance into gaza. maria: we don't want to talk about this. we are all patriots, we love our country but this is in plain sight and if we're watching this, imagine what our adversaries are saying. china is laughing all the way to the bank. the communist party has been exploiting the weakness in the white house from day one. >> there's no question, maria and it's hurting our country. we don't want to talk about it except it's really important for voters to remember when they go to float the fall that they're -- to vote in the fall, they're not voting for joe biden, they're voting for kamala harris. that should be a wakeup call to everybody. i want to ask m matthew on the documents issue, isn't biden's case actually worse in the sense that as senator he had absolutely no right to take any documents out of the capitol and my impression is that he actually did that, that seems to me kind of an entirely different category of irresponsibility and law breaking than anything that president trump did as
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president. >> you're absolutely right. if you think about this case, joe biden actually had to have taken these documents from the senate's scif in a c clandes the manner. he doesn't have the presidential records act that allows him to obtain the documents and there's a process for determining what he can and can't keep. the cases are different and in every instance joe biden's case is worse. they had to find a hook to get him off. you knew they were not going to charge joe biden in this case so they found this mental capacity issue which has caused all sorts of political consequences for the white house. maria: yeah. and you know, now we're waiting on the supreme court. we've got to rely on the supreme court for all of this. the scotus is y appearing
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skeptical of colorado's decision to kick former president trump's name off of the state's ballot after hearing oral arguments last week. i spoke with john ratcliffe. he said this decision is going to come within the next two weeks and he believes that the supreme court will ultimately rule in favor of trump and that name will stay on the ballot. your reaction? what are you expecting? >> yeah, well, first of all, john's a great he guy and good friend of mine. i agree with him. if you listen to the hearing it was pretty clear that all nine of the justices were skeptical that colorado had the ability to keep donald trump off the ballot for many different reasons, with whether it was due process or other arguments but it's the difference between politics and law. it's very easy to make throw-away statements in politics be but in law words matter, constitution has meaning and structure and so it was very good i think that the supreme court brought an adult voice to the room to discuss how ridiculous what colorado was
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trying to do. maria: look at what we're dealing with right now, ag. the fact is, is that when joe biden chose company cam to be -- chose kamala harris to be his vice president candidate or running mate, it feels like they chose her for all the wrong rea- wrong reasons. i spoke with president trump and i asked him what is the criteria for choosing vice president. he said there's one thing to know. you have to believe that that person can step in, can be the president any actual because things happen, president trump told me. now, here we are, things are happening. people are worried about joe biden. and we're all questioning whether or not his vp pick because she checked all the boxes that he wanted is actually ready. >> no, you're absolutely right. this is where i'd identity pols always bites the left. she was chosen solely because she checked multiple boxes in
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one person and i think donald trump is absolutely right. he is going to pick somebody who can do the job from day one. you never know and we're seeing the decline in joe biden in real time before our very eyes and obviously the number two, vice president can't step in and do the job. maria: matthew, good to talk with you. thank you, sir. quick break and then some of the best ads of the year premiered last night and they were not cheap. zimmerman advertising founder and chairman jordan zimmerman breaking down the cost and the look of last night's super game, super bowl ads, stay with us. >.you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ we are the champions. ♪ we are the champions. ♪ no time for losers. ♪ we are the champions. ♪
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or the tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. well, good luck with that. earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee.
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♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) with the push of a button, constant contact's ai tools help you know what to say, even when you don't. hi! constant contact. helping the small stand tall.
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>> nice ride. >> it's the real deal. 100% electric. >> it's the real deal. >> yeah. >> thank you. >> of course. enjoy your coffee. careful, it's hot. >> thanks. maria: time for the morning buzz. super bowl lviii was not only a
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showcase of the two best teams in the nfl, but also a debut of highly anticipated commercials, this year's bmw ad featured christopher walken to promote its all new electric vehicle with fans imp impersonating him. the average 30 second ad cost $7 million for the big game this year. let's talk about it with juror with jordanzimmerman. thank you for being here. i really like that christopher walken ad, that was so funny. there were a lot of good auto commercials in the big game. you had kia electric, volkswagen. what did you think of the bmw ad? >> i thought the bmw ad was very well put together. inspiring. i thought that they had a great cast. i thought ending on usher was a great surprise at the end in the
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restaurant. but it also was memorable for bmw. i think that it's pretty cool. you know, let's take a second, though, maria. that was one with heck of a game so a big congratulations go out to kansas city chiefs and patrick mahomes for back to back super bowls. purdy did a pretty good job for being the last pick in the nfl a couple years ago and today look what he's doing. so it was a great, great, great game. and nfl and las vegas put on a heck of a show. maria: they really did. and what what an audience. talking about 100 million or 115 a million people watching. this is -- is this the best place to debut these ads? is it worth it, jordan? >> you know, i think that sometimes the brands have to think about the investment they're making and do they get
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the return on their investment in these economic times we're in today. you know, when you think about your cfo and your ceo of your company, you need to do a much more job than just creating buzz and awareness. you know, i always say you have to drive some sort of action that a delivers consumers to your website or store front where you can see results. i want to give you -- i looked this up. i thought it was going to be really interesting. midtown came out with a study that was staggering, 48% of the households in america have cut back own overall spending in the past six months to save money. so where are they doing it? here's the shock, 51% now buy store brands instead of the brands they really want when they shop in the grocery stores. 40% are spending less in dining out. 47% spend less on y beauty, 38% are switching to value retailers
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like 5 below. 36% are cancelling subscriptions and 37% are dipping into their savings. maria, what is happening to america and the families of america? maria: yeah, it's a great point, jordan. that's really because of inflation. we were at 40 year highs in inflation and even though we're off of the highs, inflation is up 17% on joe biden's term and that's why i want to ask about this chinese e-commerce giant temu. it made its super bowl debut, three commercials during the game, 7 million a pop, they're promoting the phrase shop like a billionaire. they are going after u.s. retailers hard. you mentioned 5 below. we had the ceo of 5 below on this program but temu parent is trying to go right at them and firms like walmart. the parent company of temu is pdd, pdd holdings is up this morning. look at the stock, it's been on a tear. this is the chinese communist
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party's answer to what you're talking about, cheap retail, jordan. >> so they offered 1 million in free gifts at an average free gift of 12 to $13 if you downloaded their app and became a member and spent $40 or greater last night. listen, they did give away over a million gifts and they generated a minimum of $40 million, so they spent 21 million, j generated a millin of $40 million. they're smart like a fox. maria: smart like a fox. we should point out that this is acommunist chinese party company and they're probably collecting lots of data on american citizen as well, throwing that out there. jordan, always a pleasure to see you. thank you so much, sir. >> thank you, maria. great to see you. maria: jordan zimmerman, zimmerman advertising. we'll be right back.
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