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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 12, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EST

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we watched a little of the puppy bowl, dusty and me and there was really impressive puppies there. >> there is my dusty. >> this is an issue a lot of people are concerned about abandoned animals after covid because somebody people adopted pets and stuck at home and now there's a huge appetite for rescues in trying to save a lot of these dogs that need some help. >> a pet is a man's best friend. what was that time of year. we always take my lot to taps and tales where mom and dad can have a drink while he goes in place of the other dogs. maria: thank you for sharing your dogs and thank you everybody for watching. liz peek, cheryl casone, great to be with you. tomorrow tony robbins will join me, don't miss our special interview with tony robbins tomorrow. "varney & company" picks it up.
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stuart: good morning, everyone. i have to admit i did not stay up to watch the whole game so i have to rely on lauren for details. but i'll tell you this, the chiefs one in overtime and there was a huge spike and betting and travis kelce did not get engaged to taylor sits entrance with she did not endorse joe biden. dunkin' donuts won the commercial contest. more from lauren in one moment. in politics it was a furious weekend. biden has lost the support of the new york times, several columnist implied he is incapable of serving a second term, the new york times is the bible of the democrat party, if you lose them you lose big. biden support is fanned out through the sunday talk show host and they blame the media for hyping biden's mental difficulties. one declared he will never step aside. but this morning a crushing blow and new abc poll shows 86% of voters leave he is too old to
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serve a second term, 73% of democrats feel that way. defense secretary lloyd austin was hospitalized for symptoms suggesting an emergent bladder issue, his deputy has taken over his duties. to the markets has your money doing as we start at the new week let's start out bitcoin $48000 earlier and at 479, the dow not that far away from 39000, the s&p holding about 5000, the nasdaq no selloff after big tech gains. look at this. interest rates are keeping up again the ten year treasury at 415 in the two-year commitment just below 4.5% you are at 447, shall be the price of gas going up 319 for regular and diesel hit for $4 a gallon. the president skip the super bowl interview and went for a quick video on x taking aim at the cost of super bowl snacks.
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on the show today, dave portnoy made a half-million dollar bet on the chiefs, he's a happy guy i'm not sure he's happy with president biden's cognitive decline. monday february the 122024, "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ ♪ ♪. stuart: i'm not sure i like that song. it's called the champion by kerry underwood. >> she is a champion. she is quite a performer. jeff sica knows her well. were playing that song because the kansas city chiefs are champions again. this is the third time they have done this in five years. >> modern-day dynasty, kansas city chiefs final score to what
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effective at 22 it did not start well for them. i have to say most of the game was boring it was a defense battle the first half of the game was about the fumbles, the chiefs did not take the lead until the third quarter then it was back and forth, who was in the lead including field goals from each team and the final two minutes. it goes to overtime for the second time in super bowl history. in the end, chiefs quarterback 28-year-old patrick mahomes helps when it he's mvp for the third time tying joe montana and tom brady. everyone's talking about this moment when taylor's boyfriend travis kelce gets into it with the head coach andy reid. young kids all that, player going after his coach. travis laughed it off saying he was telling him how much he loved him in the end. later in the shower get a break on the favor commercial, they were good this year. there he is dave portnoy will talk to you, he bet $500,000 that the chiefs will win.
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stuart: you didn't make much mention of taylor swift. >> she showed up, were all black. i don't even know where she sat. >> they definitely did but i thought it could be more. stuart: a good report and glad you did it. i don't want to talk football. >> i think she spoke to roger goodell at one point. stuart: about her contract for next year maybe. >> maybe he said thank you everything you've done for our viewership. stuart: let's think sean do they, did you stay up and if so what do you think about taylor swift. >> do you see these guys i stood up the whole game, every big play that travis kelce did they did a cutaway shot to taylor swift i don't have she was in a booth or on the sideline, it was a great game, little boring at times but how often are you the super bowl game that goes into overtime. it was exciting and i was impressed with rob purdy, he was
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amazing as a young quarterback. wonderful grace and played really well. and almost came out with a win. you missed one extra point and you lose the game. everything matters in the super bowl and every point matters. i love it. >> just so you know i bet $50 on the 49ers and i lost. but i didn't bet half a million dollars like your friend. stuart: would got to get ser serious. a new abc poll shows 86% think biden is too old for another term, obvious question is this the end of his campaign for a second term? >> it is not too early for joe biden to turn it around. it's still possible. when you have continual gaffes and now robert hur's report came
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out and underscored the mental failings and acuity issues that he has is a real problem and i think the american people could forgive that if everything else was going well but you have war, crime, and open border, inflation and even though the economy is starting to improve people don't feel like it's improving. if you put all that together, failing president with failing policies and it's really challenging to this demonstration. stuart: then you throw in the new york times in a couple columnist are saying you can't run for a second term. he lost the new york times, that's the way it is. then we have democrat senator chris coons, he is responding to the poll, listen to who he is blaming. >> here's what matters not that occasional small gas, he had a 12 minute press conference where he was focused, engage, purposeful and all your focus on is the press coverage focusing relentlessly on things that don't represent joe biden's real body of work, you can push towards the result, the poll should a bit about who is
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actually working to secure our border. stuart: it was not about who is working to secure our borders and if it had been it wouldn't of been biden. he's blaming the media. this is not going to go down well. >> again, the media has been soft on joe biden but he doesn't take the long stairs up on air force one he has to take the back stairs, he is falling on stage, fumbling with his words and messing up countries and presidents, this is not working well for him and frankly you mentioned of the new york times, washington post, abc, cnn start to turn on joe biden, there is no way he can stay. does barack obama give him the signal that says flip on him we need somebody else whether michelle or hair gel and california, i don't know. but they have to make a decision really quick because a new candidate has to start raising money, building support and you don't want to wait until the convention in august in chicago
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for democrats, way too late. if you move biden out, move them on out. stuart: thank you so much indeed. we will see you real soon. we'll be watching you on "the bottom line" with dagen and duffy on fox business. check out the features, monday morning. to start the new week, minor losses all around. jeff sica with us this morning. what do you think about the president blaming inflation on shrink selection on super bowl snacks, that stood out for me. >> when i saw it i thought it was one of the a.i. fakes because there is no possible way that the president was the biggest audience in the world in so many things happening from the border crisis to what's going on overseas and he wants to talk about how many potato chips were getting in the bag. i thought it was ironic. inflation is the real thing and
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it is true that food companies are giving less because they are paying more for their products and they can't make profits so they are playing a game but what i would say, we have to look at the real cause of inflation and look at the real solution not look at blaming, that's what president biden has become very good at is blaming people for things he has responsibility a and. stuart: i see inflation taking up a little here and there interest rate picking up on the ten year treasury will. i don't think you can get rate cuts from the federal reserve until inflation is truly tamed are you with me on that? >> yes, here's the reason we have to be very aware this week, we have two reports, the consumer price index and the producer price index. what we are going to see if shipping rates are beginning to surge and that has to do with the turmoil in the red sea in the low water levels in the panama canal, there is an index i follow called the wti freight
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index of 170% in a couple of months, what we are going to see is most likely a spike up and inflation and if everybody is waiting for the fed to lower interest rates, the march interest-rate cut is off the table. now we are looking at may and the odds of a may interest-rate cut are now only at 55%. that is falling fast because keep in mind we have a tight labor market and there seems to be an unprecedented amount of optimism that we have a soft landing. i don't believe we will have a soft landing. this week will be crucial to determine whether the shipping crisis is going to push up prices again which would be very negative.
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stuart: we will check it out, jeff sica. coming up dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas was asked if he bears any responsibility for the border crisis. roll tape. >> it certainly is a crisis and we don't bear responsibility for a broken system and were doing a tremendous amount within the broken system but fundamentally congress is the only one who can fix it. stuart: another impeachment vote is expected this week. then this after damning her report, questions of joe biden's memory are hanging over the presidency, his presidency, he's tried to bounce back but the polls are against him big time. more on that coming up next. ♪
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b1 the president is trying to bounce back from the report easement with two world leaders and another on the schedule today. edward lawrence at the white house. who is he meeting today and what does the schedule look like for the rest of the week. >> very interesting on the public schedule for the rest of the week but the president is going to meet his third world leader or his third over the past three days you had king from jordan will be here at the white house and then the german chancellor on friday and yesterday over the phone talking with the israeli prime minister who responded to president biden calling the israeli operation over the top. >> i've been speaking to him regularly but i have not spoke to him since he made those remarks i don't know what he meant by that. >> democrats trying to show the democrats is as sharp as he was what he took office through stories of meetings within the past year, listen to this.
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>> i turned to my republican colleague who is not publicly a big fan of the president and i said what did you think andy said that's incredible, this is a man who was sharp, on top of his game and knows what's going on in the middle east and around the world. the questions of the president's memory surface to the special counsel report robert hur's report sadie had a poor memory and that was a defense for not filing charges, senator tom cotton wants to assess special counsel why the double standard of justice. >> the report makes it clear that president biden intentionally took classified material and he willfully disclosed it to his own ghostwriter, that is clear and that's exactly what donald trump has been charged with. the special counsel had to explain why he was awkward to charge president biden with the crime since president trump is facing the exact same crime. >> very interesting on his schedule today king abdalla of jordan is going to make public comments after the meeting with president biden and president biden will not be at the
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comments they will not be a two by two news conference as well the new abc poll shows 86% of americans believe the president is too old for a second term. stuart: very interesting listen to what biden's lawyer bob bauer had to say about what the report. >> this is a report that went off the rails, let's take a step back, it starts with a legal conclusion that was forgone from the very beginning to the investigation it could've been concluded in two or three months it went on for over 15 months. along with the legal conclusion comes the flood of characterization and majority of comments about the president that are inconsistent with d.o.j. policy and norms this is not what prosecutors do, it's shoddy work product. stuart: for manhattan da prosecutor elliott joins me now. the gentleman just said the
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report went off the rails. did he go off the rails? >> absolutely not, it's perfectly common and appropriate for prosecutors and the prosecution memos to layout the potential strengths and weaknesses of a criminal case the reason why it might be easy or difficult to get a conviction. one of the reasons common that it might be difficult to get a conviction because of the defendant the potential defendant is a sympathetic figure, and to put that in a prosecution memo in common inappropriate to say here are the reasons why this defendant may be sympathetic. in this case it wasn't because of his age and inability to remember certain key facts. i would remind mr. bob bauer and mr. robert hur at one point a trump appointee as to the specific role was appointed by biden's attorney general merrick garland presumably he was vetted and there was no indicia of ideological or partisan agenda and his background, they are
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upset about his conclusion in the fact that he laid out but the facts of the facts. stuart: one more on this. listen to the response when asked about releasing transcripts of classified document interviews. this is important. watch this. >> do you favor releasing them. >> it's a decision has to take place within the government classified document. on the president's personal counsel. >> would you recommend these be made public if they backup your personal record. >> is a process underway and i'm not a specialist in that process i have to defer to those who work through the issues. stuart: the doctor to release the transcripts of interviews that could vindicate the president if the president is telling the truth about the interviews. >> italic the trend to have it both ways, they want to attack mr. robert hur's conclusions but they don't want to reveal the substance that might prove the conclusion were correct. stuart: that is an interesting position to take. essentially are stonewalling a
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critical report and you stonewall. >> obviously there upset about the political ramifications. elliott thank you for being with us. you have a way of speaking and makes things clear, more clarity on the program. thank you indeed. a new white house memo says republican attacks on biden's memory show that they are afraid of what is the reason behind afraid. >> they're afraid of is a compliment here's a memo from press secretary andrew bates. these are historic accomplishments that president biden was capable of realizing an ease uniquely capable of building on and undeniable record speak to why it is no surprise that republican officials continue the desperate and inadvertently self undermining age attacks after many years of failure, they are afraid of joe biden. afraid of former years. from the white house is been one defense after another. first he's find, we don't know what you're talking about yet so much energy. watching. then kjp said the other day he
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has gaffe his entire career, remember that and now is because republicans are afraid of what he'll do in term to. stuart: that's not an adequate defense of a president in my personal opinion. thank you lauren. check the futures. i see a tiny bit of red ink not much. opening bell is next and will take you to wall street. ♪ ♪ ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos,
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don't make it so hard on yourself, have a generac home standby generator. and owning a generator is easier than ever. special financing and low monthly payment options are available, and if you call now, you will also receive a free 5 year warranty valued at over $500. call or go online now to request your free quote. stuart: it is monday morning and were looking at the futures with minor losses, the dow up 30, s&p down to in nasdaq down 11 not much price change. keith fitz-gerald joins us now. 83% of the companies that have reported have beaten profit estimates and the s&p 500 is firmly above 5000. what does that tell you about the stock market going forward? >> thank you for asking, this is very important to most investors
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it tells you the economy is much stronger. not all areas. but companies in particular are growing fast this is activity you only see consistent with deep economic recession and highlights the potential for growth not on the edge of another cliff. stuart: if the economy is as strong as it looks were not going to get in rate cuts not in the immediate future isn't that hurting the market? >> that is the thing it's possible to be an economic bear and a marketable, the fed will have to stay on the field of little longer than it intended in my view they will hike once more. stuart: that's not going to upset the stock market? >> no i think that caught a lot of people by surprise that the stock market disconnected from the fed because they decided it's irrelevant where the fed simply doesn't know what it's doing. stuart: should any of our viewers sell any of t the big th stocks that made them so much money. >> that the blanket statement, i don't know everybody's individual circumstances so i cannot make a general
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recommendation. my belief in what i'm doing i'm going told these things for the next five or ten years i'm not selling anything personally because i believe they will go a lot higher. stuart: i picked out something that you follow closely, palantir, you been recommending palantir for some time on this program and i believe it's gone straight up. it's almost $24 a share. but you see it going much higher. >> we were talking about this at $6 and hour at 24. i think it goes to 50 in the next couple of years, yet 70% of the commercial division growing at 70%, eight out of ten executives looking for a.i. and a.i. can shooting to three and $5 trillion a year to the global economy, this when you don't see very often so i think wise investors will be good. stuart: explain what does palantir do and how do they use a.i. and why are they so successful. >> the mistake most people made when it comes to something like
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palantir, their thinking about another technology, that is not the case, they are the engine by which people are able to review billions of lines of code and find relationships that analytics cannot draw insights that humans cannot process it allows businesses to improve their profitability, sales and sales channels and include medicine. there are so many cases, five cases a couple of years ago now there's over 100. stuart: president biden's political problems have no impact on the stock market? >> that concerns me, i'm going to stay out of politics because my job is money but in this instance i'm very worried about the president's memory and very worried on the global stage of fees not as sharp as we think he is. stuart: and the possibility of president harris. thank you for joining us. we will see you soon. the market is open and were opening a ever so slightly lower. the dow is up 30 points in the very early going we have some selling but not that much.
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, do the math. >> ten are up. the dow is now down 40. the s&p 500 that is ever so slightly lower and ever so slightly is the operative word but it's still about 5000. the nasdaq composite is also down as interest rates go up, .05% that is all you got, big tech mix picture, meta and amazon is up, apple 188 and alphabet 148. pick out amazon in particular. jeff bezos just sold a big hunk of stock, how much did he sell. >> 12 million shares worth $1,202,000,000,000 and the average price was $170 a share, he could unload 50 million shares or $8.6 billion worth of stock per filings that he made with fcc, he has until next february to sell this part of
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his 1 billion were almost 1 billion. stuart: is stretched over. >> this is the question, amazon reported blowout earnings on thursday after the close. on friday shares went up almost 8%, does the run-up trigger more insiders to sell, we might know soon they have two days to report big transactions. stuart: we don't know why he's raising so much cash, we don't know why. now you have to tell me about microsoft, it crossed another milestone. >> the stock is down a little bit today and getting in the market cap but on friday it hit report 1 trillion no company has ever hit $3.1 trillion, it should be 3.125 trillion, they have the cloud unit that is growing two times the pace of amazon aws. 30% gross undergrowth versus 13. microsoft is heading out of the park it is down $2 today.
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stuart: diamondback energy i know that is a big fracking company that purchases a lot of not gas. >> endeavor energy, private company is literally across the street from each other in midland texas and west texas, now they are combining to make the gas giant worth more than $50 billion, consolidation is the name of the game. they would pump between them 816,000 barrels per day, diamondback is known for keeping costs low. endeavor is known as a private company a quirky ceo billionaire is in his 80s, he has cancer and maybe i'm speculating that this is part of his estate planning. stuart: let's look at tesla it looks like elon musk could face security fraud charges over his purchase at twitter. that was two years ago. >> elon musk has been ordered by a federal judge to testify in
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the long-running civil fraud case. fcc has been looking into whether he committed security fraud when building his stake in twitter, he said he was a passive investor and he made a bid for the company, that is not passive he set free to fcc interviews he was a no-show for the third he calls it frivolous and the fcc is harassing him and now there is a judge's order, happened over the weekend, both sides you have one week to decide on a date and location for elon musk's testimony and if they cannot agree the court will. stuart: fair enough, let's go to bitcoin. overnight it touched 48000 now it's at 48 to. >> last week up 10%. the best informants. what is the story, there is no story, and april you had this having event that usually slows the release or the production of bitcoin and prices rally, we could get ahead of that with the etf approval, there is no real
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reason that bitcoin had a great week and is continuing into this week. stuart: we always try to come up for the reason of the day for the stock movement and you can't always find one. uber, i found this commercial, i did not see it but i was told about it. they did a commercial for a peanut allergy and it did not go down well. >> the super bowl was all about safe, nobody wanted to be the next bud light. uber eats did the don't forget ad, you saw the friend stars forgetting that they dated each other. at one point, david beckham trying to make posh spice remember the spice girls and then they had a clip of a man eating pita butter and he broke out and allergies and he forgot peanuts were in peanut butter and a lot of people complained and said uber eats this is a real problem people suffer from allergies so uber eats took the
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scene out. stuart: they took it out? >> yes they took it out they cut the peanut allergy seen out of the ad. stuart: what is the complaint. let's check the big board were the five minutes, the big board the dow industrial down almost 20 points, 38652, the dow winners looking at them, walt disney, nike, and 3m. s&p 500 winners, put them on the screen, vf, lows, mobile industries inc. and then we have the nasdaq winners by diamondback energy. airbnb, and loose a group, more on the market, the ten year treasury right now is at 4.15% down a fraction today but at lofty levels. price of gold holding $2000 an ounce, bitcoin we will check that again 483. and the price of oil $76 a
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barrel, not gas all over the place and well below $2 per million british thermal units. the average price for a gallon of gas starting to move up $3.19, diesel cracked about $4 a gallon that is on average nationwide. despite calls for democrats for a change at the top of the ticket, biden's campaign co-chair says the president is not dropping out. roll tape. >> joe biden is what you get up every day. the one thing joe biden is never going to do, he is never ever going to quit. that's not what he's done his entire life. >> he will never ever quit, they have to hide him somewhere on the campaign trail and figure out how to do that. lloyd austin transferred to a critical care unit after emergent bladder issues. biden under pressure because this cognitive ability, this is not a good look for the administration. then this, president biden called on snack food to stop shrinkflation pretty blames inflation on food companies.
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what did stephen moore have to say about that. stephen moore is next. ♪ i work hard, and i want my money to work hard too. so, i use my freedom unlimited card. earning on my favorite soup. aaaaaah. got it. earning on that éclair. don't touch it, don't touch it yet. let me get the big one. nope. -this one? -nope. -this one? -yes. no. what? the big one. they're all the same size. wait! lemme get 'em all.
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stuart: 11.5 minutes into the trading session this monday morning. the dow moved up 13 points tiny fractional losses on the s&p and the nasdaq. let's get back to the super bow people are talking about the commercials as much as a game. i did not stay up to watch it, give me your top ads in the bull program.
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>> my favorite ad is the duck indonesians but the celebrity was the theme of all the ads but everybody is talking about this one, j. lo, ben affleck, tom brady as a boston boy band ♪ ♪ >> how do you like them donuts i'm so sorry. >> in the end j. lo says only tom brady can stay. then this 1j samoa said welcome to this new neighborhood for t-mobile home internet. ♪ that was great. i love jason momoa. budweiser is back in a traditional feel-good ad, the clydesdales horses deliver beer to a bar that needs a delivery the old-fashioned way and a
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snowstorm ♪ ♪. some ads were funny ♪ ♪ >> he was frozen for years and he comes back in the year 2024 and he discovers popeyes and the rumba what is that machine cleaning the whole room. then he jumped on a chair, nobody wanted it to be controversial. dunkin' donuts. i did see it with the reruns. it was hilarious. >> of all the celebrities into one unit i thought they were pretty good. >> will see how starbucks feels about it today. something more on the super b bowl. >> the president made a video of his own calling on the snack food companies to stop shrinks
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elation, roll tape. >> when buying snacks for the game you may have noticed one thing sports drink bottles are smaller, bag of chips is fewer chips, they're charging you just as much and as an ice cream lover what makes me most angry ice cream carts have shrunk in size nonprice. i had enough of what they called shrinkflation it's a ripoff. some companies are trying to pull a fast one by should get the products little by little and hoping you won't notice. give me a break. american public is tired of being played for suckers. i'm calling on companies to put a stop to this. let's make sure businesses do the right thing now. stuart: stephen moore, you sought, are the food companies ready to blame for food price inflation? >> it is an amazing turnaround for the white house because for the last month or so they have been talking about how they're bringing inflation down.
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the idea of shrinks elation is a form of inflation. the idea of getting 40 doritos trips you're getting 30 chips in the bag. why are companies doing that because their costs are higher and it means the u.s. consumer are paying more to get less. in my dictionary definition that the form of inflation. biden is bringing down inflation why do we take into account these higher prices because you're getting less items. by the way i was told that biden had to do more than 12 takes on the minute and a half video, 12 takes. stuart: it looks like it was horridly thrown together there was not good production value in it. they look like they didn't because they wanted to get the message out and they did not do an interview during the super bowl so they scramble to put that out. i don't think that the plus for the president politically.
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>> nodded all he did not look like he had all his faculties together. it undermines the biden message that inflation is going down. as i said the real inflation rates when you take into account shrinks elation that he's talking about and add three or four percentage points that means we may have eight or nine inflation it is a reason people are so angry right now about rising prices when they go to the grocery store. incidentally i don't recall a problem of shrinks elation when donald trump was president. >> it did not happen of course it wasn't i did not happen. >> i would make one other quick point, we were talking about the fact that jeff bezos is selling $2 billion in stock and i want to make sure your viewers understand, you know that we covered this we talked about a six months ago that jeff bezos moved from washington state as a
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6 - 7% capital gains to florida and you know what the capital gains tax is? stuart: 0. >> is going to save hundreds of millions of dollars by moving out of a high tax blue state to a low state read tax and that's happening all over the country. by my estimates he's going to save over $100 million by moving. stuart: extraordinary huge amounts of money. thank you very much good to see you on the post super bowl monday. former white house press secretary jen psaki weighing in on the media's coverage and his cognitive decline, what did jen psaki say. stuart: she said the media is ignoring the inflammatory comments from his opponent donald trump because her to focus on biden's age. >> every sitting on the white house and the campaign you're absolutely banging your head against the wall at the way that the thursday report has been
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covered given all of the things that have happened this week, including in i know you asked chris christie the fact that donald trump yesterday suggested that vladimir putin should have free reign and attacking nato allies, what we see will be wake up, wall-to-wall coverage of whether a guy is four years older than his opponent is too old to be president. stuart: now the white house or the extension criticizing the mainstream media because are not covering the way that they like for the fact that there calling out with three quarters of the macon public is worried about that biden might be too old to handle another term. stuart: a figure to get word they should be worried about the new york times, the columnist have dumped on biden quite clearly he cannot run for a second term, that is the new york times a big deal, thank you, coming up what we can furious political activity as the democrats respond to the report questioning the president's mental ability to do the job.
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the vast majority believes this president cannot serve a second term it's time that somewhat explain that to him. to be my take of the top of the hour. sam altman reported looking to raise $7 trillion to overhaul a semi conductor industry. will it power artificial intelligence. that's more than the entire federal budget. we have a report on that next. ♪
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stuart: the ceo of openai sam altman is reportedly looking to raise $7 trillion to over hold a semi conductor industry. kelly o'grady with me. where is that money coming from. >> is looking to raise money from the united arab emirates and that's raising eyebrows because the uae is china's second largest trading partner in the middle east have a tense relationship with the united states and you hear that monster
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number and the question becomes who will have a vested interest in how the anti-industry develops. the funding will go towards two issues a big constraint and a.i. and how many chips there are in the processing power to train the systems like chat gpt is simply not there right now and second chips are really pricey. nvidia controls 80% of the market right now in the fundraising effort likely could materially eat into their shares if successful. to put that into context it dwarfs the size of the semiconductor industry and global sales were $527 billion and when it comes to a.i. the appetite for investment can defy the odds. >> the attitude to investing especially in some of the generative a.i. companies that are garnering the huge funding rounds is that there is no rationale based on the current financial picture of the company, it's really about looking at the far-off outcome. >> sam altman is keeping them apprised of its efforts and meeting with commerce secretary
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rolando openai sharing its unproductive discussions about mobile infrastructure and supply chain for chips, energy and data centers. it was only a few months ago the board members, employees were questioning his motives and security priorities in an investment like this if successful sets openai up to become so big that future regulation could struggle to rain and in. stuart: are you wearing red because of the chiefs. >> on morning the 49ers. >> still ahead biden refuses to drop out of the race but how will they hide him on the campaign trail if he stays in. charlie hurt on that, doctor marc siegel, joe biden's blunders show he's not fit to lead the country, the doctor is in. dhs secretary mayorkas refuses to take responsibility for the border crisis, what does chip roy think about that. i'm going to ask him he's on the show, too much focus on taylor swift at the big game, we will
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