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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  February 12, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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the bullet. the answer is 1415. it was written by karl the duke of orleans to his wife during his imprisonment in the tower of london, pope galassi is named february the 14th is valentine's day in the late fifth century. you learn something every day on the show. before we close i just would assure you the price of bitcoin because we have a rally today bitcoin is around $49000, look at that on your screen, 495 as we speak very close to $50000. that is quite a rally, the stocks are doing well, the dow is up 200 and the nasdaq is up solid two. that is it for "varney & company". "coast to coast" starts now. >> thank you stuart, happening on kavita "coast to coast" inflation frustration. president biden blaming corporation on shrinks elation
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on why americans are hit by high prices, will the new inflation data bear the theory outwards the president looking to deflect his own blame for rising prices, will get to read from one of the top business mines in the country former home depot and chrysler ceo bob nardelli is with us and questions over the president's memories whirling in defense secretary lloyd austin back in the hospital as the u.s. facing a leadership void at a time when the country faces new threats from iran, russia and security threats at her own border, were to be breaking all that down in the super bowl winner is china? china's version of amazon spending huge on super bowl ads and ramping up the rivalry between e-commerce giants, why some are saying it's time for tv and football executives despite some of the ads. i am david asman in for neil cavuto, you were watching "coast to coast".
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♪. david: first the top story are americans feeling pressure from inflation, january cpi report expected to show elevated numbers when it comes out to numbers, this shows polls growing increasingly frustrated with president biden's handling of the economy fox business edward lawrence is at the white house with more on this. >> prices of 17.6% as it stands from the day president biden came into office, the president of reading attention from his age explaining companies for inflation instead of doing the live interview for the super bowl , the president released this message on x. listen. >> i've had enough of what they call shrinkflation, it's a ripoff. some companies are trying to pull a fast one by shrinking little by little and hoping you won't notice, give me a break.
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american public is tired of being played for suckers. >> it was well produced, the president sounds sharp, the president will be meeting with the president from jordan to ask about his shrinkflation remarks the remarks inside of the white house, democrats brushing off the special counsel report calling the president sympathetic well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. >> the president was very angry and a lot of people were angry in the full-blown offensive against joe biden who right now is a leader of the democratic forces, not just in america but all over the world. >> a former white house physician under president obama and trump turn texas representative has more lingering questions. >> i've been around for eight years in the white house in and around the oval office and i
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seen a dramatic change. if you look at the time when he was vice president compared to now it is amazing at how much he has deteriorated. >> and abc news poll shows 86% of americans believe the president is too old to hold the office, he's pulling those numbers in the sagging numbers and inflation. david: reaction from former home depot and chrysler eeo bob nardelli. thank you for being here again. i think consumers are a little smarter than the white house thinks they are, when they buy produce by the pound when they buy meats by the pound and your neighborhood and lumber by the square foot, you don't put that into little pretzel bags you're buying for what it is it when they see the prices go up, they know it is not shrinks elation, it is inflation. >> let me say this girl been talking about shrinks elation
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for some time and as a consumer when you walk the retail aisle, the price may be the same, the contents inside but now we see the president finally realized that when a snicker bar got shrunk were smaller and a dollar an ounce for the snicker bar. but shrinks elation has been around but inflation for your earlier comment is going to be up also both personal and professional, home insurance up 9%, share market value, property tax 3 - 5% if you think about containers back to covid time $20000 container my business in aerospace as a result of raw material price increases. i would predict inflation tomorrow will be up but it's anybody's guess. i think he did a better job predicting the football outcome and maybe the inflation number. david: buddy thing politically speaking for a second.
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you are more specialized in actual businesses but what a president is trying to voice the blame of inflation and shrinks elation incorporation as opposed to his own responsibility of deficit spending et cetera do you think voters might buy that were not. >> not at all. this is another ploy by this administration. the debacle started the first day energy prices, the debacle going to ev now a plethora of people are being laid off, jobs being closed, at one point it was the economy stupid now this is charging stupid and you can't force consumers to buy something that they don't want even if you try to mandate it through to administration. the general population will not be duped by this aversion to blame inflation on corporate america. it started with the raw materials in transportation and it starts the energy a whole
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host of things that are driving this up, wage increases, were seen people being laid off, ups, 12000 people. if you look at tax, they laid off 40000 people, were seen a tremendous shift of employment where people are being laid off because of ev, gm laid people off because of the cruise program were seen stellantis laid people off because the uaw wage increase. i think we are still in an inflationary. and i think with accuracy a soft landing which would be my prediction but i hope i'm wrong. david: the other thing that is that besides prices is interest-rate, the fed tries to battle the problem in the interest rates translate into higher prices for your car if you're buying it with the loan or your house and if you're buying a mortgage, that is hurting people as well, my question, the spending continues
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from washington, we have the annual deficits of $2 trillion. that began during the trump administration when they were battling the pandemic, spending all that money on government programs but that was temporary spending. when biden had been laying down over the past three years as a permanent increase in the baseline of spending that is causing trillion dollar deficit year after year now. >> a couple of points i don't know if the general public really understands that the interest rates are killing middle-market companies and lower middle-market wheezing companies where we had $2 million of interest rates now explode to 12, 13, $14 million in the free cash flow is going to generate to pay the man. that is point number one. in point number two you're exactly right we cannot afford this type of interest rates that we buried today you could not afford as an individual and try to balance your budget, this is
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all about trying to buy votes in an administration out-of-control in a strong buy toward spending versus having a conservative policy for a sustainable future rather than trying to satisfy people in the short term. it's absolutely wrong. david: bob nardelli what a wonderful way to start the week, thank you for being with us. we appreciate it. >> have a good day. david: markets looking at tomorrow's cpi report hedge fund manager jonathan honea is here in new york to break it down. great to see you in person. i haven't seen you in a long time let's talk about the first chunk with bob nardelli, you now have a trillion dollar annual deficit for as far as the eye can see. doesn't that mean that eventually the treasury department is going to be placing the bonds on the market and that leads to higher inflation. >> debt service is more than what we spend on medicare in
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defense. in the biden administration is blaming greedy corporation instead of our own spending. it goes on and on. they are taking victory laps about inflation going down this is very similar to what general ford covered in the 1970s. they were taken victory laps about inflation being that in 1975 and when it went up. david: "the bottom line" prices are not coming down the rate of inflation may be increasing at a slower pace but the prices are not coming down. americans know that it's not all about what corporations are doing with shrinks elation. it is about the prices, the raw prices are not coming down they are just rising at a slightly slower pace. >> inflation is not dead americans understand that and that's why we see the hardship withdrawals from people's 401ks from all-time high there seen in the market, the administration is talking about interest rates going down in inflation going
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over, markets have gone up in the last month the tenure is up by 6%. i don't think inflation is dead i think inflation and higher rates will be the big story in 2024. david: you're always watching gold to check what inflation is going to be doing it is kind of settled down, it is up from its lows earlier in the year but it kinda settled around $2020, do you think that's an indicator, it's actually closer to 2030 but it's down a bit. >> it's down in u.s. dollars, every other currency gold is at an all-time high now is the time to head yourself own a little gold in your portfolio because inflation is not dead yet. >> let's talk about the market specifically i love bringing up john templeton he was a great rock under prognosticator of what's going to happen with the markets and ken fisher just brought it to her attention this is an old quote but double markets are born on pessimism and grown on skepticism mature on optimism and die on euphoria.
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our traders getting close to euphoria? >> when it comes to big tech, nvidia is up 50% this year supermicro computer is up 130% just this year. when it comes to the big tech names, the large-cap there is euphoria. david: they are up specifically because of a.i. and a.i. the market suspect is going to be a game changer the same way in the late 70s and early '80s the whole technological revolution, our computers and everything changes. do you think a.i. is good to be a big name changer. >> technology israel just as internet technology was real in 2000 but the technology was real but the valuation was not sustainable. that's exactly the. now, the technology israel but the evaluations won't last i'm finding small-cap value, that's where the money is good to be made in the next ten years. >> is another couple people in the past who warned us not to be
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too excited about the technology itself even in the beginning stages of technology it wasn't the computers as much as applications. in the creation like social media. we have not reached a stage where the demand is innovation of a.i. have led to the application and broadly with computers. >> technology has only been a big part of the market overall. two times, one is now in the other is 2000. with the internet names, i'm not a bear on technology but now is not the time to chase it feels like the late 1920s back then it was a radio it was good to be the next big thing. but the valuation contracted, i'm not appear in the market, all-time highs tend to persist whether it's international, small-cap or value that's where you'll make money. david: jonathan hoenig, great to have you in new york. it's not the same new york when you were last here. another health scare for the secretary of defense.
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how serious is it. abide report from the pentagon right after the break. ♪ (vo) what does it mean to be rich? maybe rich is less about reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there. the key to being rich is knowing what counts. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid.
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♪ ♪. david: defense secretary lloyd austin is back in the hospital after being transferred to the critical care unit after an emergency bladder issue last night national security correspondent jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon with the very latest. >> dispense secretary austin was taken to walter reed by his security sunday afternoon and is being treated in the critical care unit for complications from that resulted from surgery for prostate cancer. his doctors release in the following statement. at this time it's not clear how long secretary austin will remain hospitalized the current bladder issue is not expected to change his anticipated full recovery. his cancer prognosis remains excellent. this is the second time defense secretary austin has been in the hospital following complications from a procedure to treat his prostate cancer diagnosis on
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december 22 but unlike the first time when he was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance the night of january 1 and the president deputy defense secretary who was fulfilling his duties were not told he was in the hospital for days, the pentagon handled this emergency hospital visit very differently. austin apologized at a press conference at the pentagon on february 1 is. [crowd boos] i want to be crystal clear. we did not handle this right. and i did not handle this right. i should have told the president about my cancer diagnosis and i should've also told my team in the american public. and i take full responsibility. >> less than two weeks later the secretary who was supposed to leave tomorrow with nato defense ministers at nato headquarters in brussels and share a meeting with the ukraine defense contact group on wednesday.
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the monthly meeting to consolidate support for ukraine and military armaments on the battlefield. it is a donors conference if you will started by secretary austin which met monthly since ap april 2022. now were learning the austin strip has been canceled in the u.s. will participate in the conference virtually, the timing could not be worse with european allies already questioning the u.s. commitment to nato following former president trump's weekend remarks that if more nato allies do not spend 2% of their gdp on their defense budgets he would tell putin and russia, no i would not protect you and i would encourage them, russia to do whatever the hell they want, a huge gift à la european allies with a key moment in the european conflict. david: we have ukraine, russia, china in the mid east war, so much on the plate, thank you very much. here is victoria coates, vice president of the national security at the heritage foundation, former deputy national security advisor and
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you have a background in energy which we may be able to use in our last segment. of course we wish general austin the best of health the questions are still mounting as to how many more of his duties will be interfered with as a result of his illnesses. should he leave his command? >> and to be with you. i join you and sending my best wishes to secretary austin for a speedy recovery but this is the problem as jan was reporting. were at a critical moment in the ukraine war and coming up at the second anniversary of the invasion and i think from a heritage perspective, we have been calling for almost two years for the president to present a unified strategy on ukraine. the monthly meetings are fine and well but the reality the administration has not done enough to date to win the war in ukraine were in the grinding
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stalemate so to have the secretary this incapacitated for this long is a huge problem for the united states. in a way is bigger than any one individual. david: if i press you on this, is it time for him to step down? >> we would want to know the full prognosis if they think is going to be better in a couple of days i'm sure it could be fine but if this is an ongoing problem that leads to him incapacitated for the sake of the country you have to consider replacement. david: particularly since many of the policies whether you're talking about ukraine were talking about the middle east were our dealings with iran seemed to be in desperate need of a change of policy, take iran for first instance. it is clear that our deterrence has not been effective in it appeared more to the iranians as appeasement which they took advantage of where right on the verge of changing a number of
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our foreign policies that might involve the department of the defense. >> we are and we do have to look at the track record of the last three years from afghanistan to the invasion of ukraine to the horrible attacks in israel last october. these were all basically military surprises, the administration was not prepared for them and handled in a flat-footed way. from a share policy perspective you could make the argument that as we are trying to confront hamas and the other terrorist proxies that are been attacking israel and as we've been trying to get ukraine over the finish line and potentially looking at another front in taiwan and the new leadership might be desirable from a policy standpoint. david: then our own relations with israel israel had a wonderful success story where they managed to rescue two hostages, there is still over 100 being held that any saving of a life is tremendous. of course there were a lot of
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deaths involved in the rescue mission, mostly of course on the other side and i'm sure you will hear calls that more civilians were killed and israel is overdoing it. but the president himself has suggested the israel is not doing things in the right way not being as patient as they should with civilian deaths as they go after hamas get how is that going to work out? >> is going to work out poorly and i've been deeply disturbed all of us at heritage about of the rhetoric coming out of the administration to suggest the israel after the events of october 7 is somehow over the top, this should never be happening in the u.s. israel relationship. i was honored last week to go up to the israeli embassy and see the raw footage that the terrorists were using in the video that they filmed using their victims phones of the atrocities of october 7 and i think the people of the administration have seen those
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two and to suggest that military operation by the israelis which is having a fair amount of success and could ultimately be successful and dismantling hamas would doesn't happen again to israelis or americans and to disparage it is mind-boggling. david: very quickly, unrwa the un relief organization that was cozying up to hamas and so many levels and now we have an incredible story where the headquarters in gaza were right on top on one of the key tunnels that was being used by hamas. the trump administration cut 20 the funding for unrwa. biden turned the funding back on and a lot of people are saying look where it has led. >> 100%. they were right on top of the key communication tunnel for hamas. it's not that there cozying up, they were hamas and we note unrwa people participated on
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october 7 the funding has to end immediately no more taxpayer dollars to fund terrorist attacks on israel. david: great to see you victoria coates. we appreciate it. after the break at house seat hanging in the balance as a migrate crisis grips new york the difference this race could make for the balance of power in d.c., stay with us. ♪ the new dexcom g7 sends your glucose numbers to your phone and watch, so you can always see where you're heading, without fingersticks. dexcom g7 is the most accurate cgm. so, you can manage your diabetes with confidence. ♪ ♪
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david: the new york migrant crisis has taken center stage with a special election on long island voters are set to dece who is going to fill george santos vacancy in the house. brian llenas is in queens with more on this. >> immigration has emerged as the top issue in the third
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congressional district because they are seeing the migrant crisis directly in front of them. behind me is a temporary migrant shelter opened in this district that serves a thousand male migrants. there have been protesters that clashed about the shelter because it's directly across from a playground in elementary school. it's played big in the race democrat tom suozzi is a republican ahead by four points, 48 - 44 according to the latest cnn college poll this is within the origin of air, it is tight but on the question of who likely voters trust in addressing the influx of migrants in the united states. motley lead swazi by nine points. republicans are attacking tom suozzi and hammering him calling him sanctuary tom suozzi for sanctuary cities and claiming his anti-eyes, he's attempted to tie him to present a biden
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blaming both for supporting open border policies. >> tom suozzi created this mess he was a majority when he decided to open it. he funded sanctuary cities in the crisis we are facing, he is an engineer behind it. >> tom suozzi says it's george santos 2.0 claiming she's unvented and inexperience. aussie says tom suozzi is a supporter of the squad. tom suozzi says is a moderate that supports bipartisan solutions and that philip did not support. >> my opponent and other extremist dead dead on arrival, why because president trump said we don't want to give joe biden a victory for the democrats victory to something we want to campaign that the most irresponsible thing you can imagine. >> with a razor thin majority in the house.
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if pilip can pull this off they can impeach alejandro mayorkas. david: thank you for that, republican congressman mike lawler joins us now. thank you for being with us. this woman pilip is a fascinating woman, she's so far ahead of her democrat opponent on the issue of migration even though she is a migrate herself. she's an ethiopian jew that went to israel and fought with the israeli army and then came here and i want to play a soundbite of what she said on fox news earlier and get your reaction. >> this election is so important and there is not so much money invested in the selection it's about the majority in saving our country. the migrant crisis the one i just told you is a big issue for the third congressional district and with the migrants coming to our country and the person responsible is tom suozzi, my opponent he was a majority in congress when he decided to open the southern border and he was
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also funding sanctuary cities. david: has this now become the battle cry for 2024 republican candidates? >> no question when you look at the issues that voters care about, the crisis at her border which is been created by the disastrous policies of joe biden and secretary mayorkas and allowed nearly 10 million migrants to cross our southern border most of them illegally over the last three years. that is the number one issue coupled with high crime and the high cost of living, that's what voters care about and that's what you're seeing in all of the polling on the third congressional district special election and i believe tomorrow mazi pilip is going to wipe the floor with tom suozzi. he is a career politician he's been in elected office for 30 years and he's lost five times because voters recognize that he fails to deliver on his promises
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but tom suozzi bragged about kicking eyes out of nassau county when he was county executive. he supported joe biden 100% of the time as a member of congress. he can try and run away from joe biden and he can try to run away from the disastrous policies because voters know that they are in fact a disaster but his record is his record. and mazi pilip has a phenomenal story as you mentioned ethiopian born, served in the idf and the israeli forces, came to america, served in your local community as a county legislature. david: to give me for interrupting she came here legally, that is really her point we have to do things the legal way, things break apart, you mention the connection with crime she mentioned that also when you're weak on crime and have an open border is a
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terrible combination but there is a third element which is all the welfare spending that is breaking so many cities, it is not just new york it's happening in boston, chicago and l.a. putting up these people at the cost of billions of dollars a year that is hurting a lot of people. again is that part of what you will be running on this year? >> absolutely. if you look at new york it epitomizes the disaster that is the democratic party. look at what is happening right now, illegal immigration, sanctuary city policies, the right to shelter, spending billions of dollars in taxpayer money to provide free housing, healthcare, clothing, food and education, kicking citizens out of public schools to shelter migrants and then you have illegal immigrants beating up law enforcement officers in times square, being arrested and release on cashless bail, that's why these issues matter to the
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voter, there seen it before their very eyes what is disaster these policies are and is why they want change and common sense. mazi pilip represents common sense. she came to the country legally and she worked tirelessly she's the mother of seven children and she's exactly what we need in washington, d.c., she is a breath of fresh air and i know she will do a good job joining our majority. david: i have to ask speaking of israel we have a bill coming up for spending on israel and ukraine, do you plan to vote for that bill or against it? >> we will see if the senate get secure and brings it to the house. we need to support israel and ukraine. i have been on the record about that read i support ukraine, russia, china and iran are not our friends they are enemies and working together to undermine the united states and our allies and we need to recognize that
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threat. david: is there enough checks and balances on the way our money will be spent in ukraine. >> absolutely there should be checks and balances, the administration needs to put forth a plan of how we will spend this money and how were going to successfully conclude the war in ukraine but to just walk away would be detrimental to the united states and her allies across the globe. david: mike lawler, thank you for being here. a major storm is expected to bring significant snow and strong winds to the northeast through tuesday were getting take a closer look after the next break. ♪(song in french)♪
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and join with thousands of other generous people who change lives with their gifts every day. - i think that's about it buddy, good job. - my pleasure captain. please call now. if operators are busy with all the other caring people, please wait patiently, or you can go to to give right away. - [alec] big or small, your gift helps us all. - [both] thank you. (giggling) a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon.
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hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. mara, are you sure you don't want -to go bowling with us tonight? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs! we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer -for saving us money. -thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right? well, cherish your friends and loved ones. let's roll, daddio! let's boogie-woogie! david: he is going to need another bicep. >> let's go.
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>> guilty. >> let's go to super bowl lviii. >> now we are talking. >> bud light hoping to super bowl ad can help revive the brand and recharge sales anheuser-busch president of operations anson fair asked joins us now. you were a critic of the woke campaign that got them in so much trouble way back when and it turned out you were right and they seem to be admitting it how are they doing climbing out of the ditch. >> let's go back over the last year they have not done a good job climbing out at all you have sales that are down 30% week over week that's despite last summer three rocketing budget on bud light last football season hiring peyton manning, emmitt smith and having dana white in the ufc now they threw them into a super bowl commercial and it was a decent super bowl commercial but what are the
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biggest problems they lost trust with their customers and they still haven't got out and personally asked for the customers to come back to them and until they restore the trust i don't think the brand is going to turn around and get back to growth anytime soon. david: you use the word trust twice it's so much to good advertising there are so many phony products around and when you're going to buying in the internet you realize you get ripped off, you need trust more than anything else as an admin right now. not only are they behind miller light, michelob ultra, coors light the three top american beers but modelo is now beating them out if i'm not mistaken. >> modelo is beating them out, trust is a big issue, two things to get trust you have to have empathy for you consumer know where your consumer is, there's a lot of consumers asking for bud light to apologize when they called their consumers friday and out of touch they never got the apology that people are looking for and secondarily you
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build trust with authenticity and last year when they did the partnership with dylan who is a controversial political figure that is the space that anheuser-busch never played with bud light and bud light was lobbed because it was a braid under brand that was apolitical and drink by democrats and republicans alike but it lost its anticipated. it was the super bowl commercial but they lost the authenticity. david: beyond bud light i did not notice any as far as i could tell in your face woke ads on super bowl the year before the year before that there were quite a few of them. have corporations and particularly advertising lost faith in their woke department? >> i think they realized if you get to spend $7 million on a super bowl ad you do one of these hundreds of millions of dollars by alienating half of your customer base. you're starting to see company swing the pendulum back and deliver great products and services. , that is it and not
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surprisingly is what creates shareholder value. hopefully we see more of that moving forward. david: water woke corporations going to do their woke departments. are we going to see firings and elimination of the departments because they were so ingrained in the corporate culture. >> you see a lot of them being fired this week. of all places in california a lot of tech companies, google, facebook, people laying off the departments, the departments didn't do what they were supposed to do they didn't create diversity of thought and they didn't make the place of more inclusive of people so unfortunately people lost trust in these are going by the wayside of the dylan mulvaney campaign as well. david: i remember them telling me you want to get in the middle the controversy that's not what people want to watch or read window looking at an ad when you avoid controversy and get into an issue as you mentioned trust, they were jumping in headfirst into controversy.
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that's not a great ad strategy is it. >> is not a great business strategy was whether your customers at the end of the day what you to deliver great products and services. , given that they will get the politics of other people they don't want to from the products that they buy the day-to-day basis. david: the magic word is trust you are right on that from the beginning that's why we keep coming back to you. thank you very much for coming in. we appreciate it. >> more than 20 million americans are under winter alerts as a snowstorm is making its way to the mideast let's check in with fox news meteorologist adam klotz. >> a big weather system were checking overnight and through tomorrow a big steelmaker moving across the southeast very heavy thunderstorms across the area and you're looking at a risk of severe weather that overnight tonight that makes its way towards the north and east and tuesday with the best chance of a big snowstorm these are winter weather advisories across the
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region winter "storm watch" first time in over two years. it is not that usually uncommon and is been uncommon the last couple of years, the system nothing but rain but by the time you get to 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning suddenly you're looking at a snow event the system drives off toward the atlantic ocean and back behind is consistently snow around noon this is a fast mover in diverting cleared and this is at times very heavy snow this is a snow product by quite a bit, the deep blue colors are showing at time with heavy snow in their area, 8:00 a.m. heavy snow in new york and the surrounding areas, by the time you get to one, excuse me 11 heavy snow, mostly clearing out heavy snow in the boston area, what will these totals ultimately be on tuesday morning the first half of tuesday everything in the deeper pink getting into the poconos and the catskills and
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the little further to the north and east, you're looking at 8 - 12 inches of snow new york city right on the border this could wiggle a little bit each way, models are suggesting 5 - . david a little further to the north you get up towards boston and they will see more snow 8 - 12 inches the purple is indicating more than 2 feet of snow, there will be areas where people get really big totals. david: people in new york city for the first time in my life are anxious for snow read it's been so long. china's temu has spent billions on marketing as it looks to take on amazon for the fight for consumers. we will take a deep dive intmy that afteri this. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. her more how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ businesses go further with 5g solutions.
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>> download the temu app and shop like a billionaire. david: the shop like a billionaire ad during the super bowl but you probably don't know it was sponsored by a chinese company trying to bury amazon's market share, another sign of china's desperation a row of rapidly weakening economy let's get to read from gate stone institute gordon chang. temu is owned by a chinese add conglomerate called pdd holdings. how close is that to the chinese government to the ccp? >> it is a private company but you have to remember in china there's no such thing because of communist party demands obedience which is why they got the military infusion which means the military gets everything a civilian company has. temu doesn't have everything that the liberation army wants. we have to remember is a chinese
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company and has real consequences. >> the chinese government has a lot of reasons to worry, they've lost $7 trillion in market capitalization since 2021, they lost the top spot in exports, they lost it to mexico, they are concerned, are they not. >> they have to be. it's more than a cyclical downturn of the chinese economy, right now the structural problem that they have been able to avoid having the consequences are hitting all at the same time, basically they're having their 2008 downturn now. the problem for china is run by a malice who doesn't believe in traditional economic solutions. he is driving the economy deeper into the red. david: very quickly we have a phenomenon of 50 fold increase in chinese nationals coming through a porous border in the south, the numbers have gone
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from 450 chinese nationals in 2021 when biden took office to 24000 last year and maybe more in 2024, is this been organized by the government? >> no part of it is, the saboteurs coming into our country the ones that are taking shooting practice after arriving and being here only three weeks, that is extremely dangerous. a lot of these people coming across are merely desperate because they've given up on our country. david: it is impossible to send them back, the chinese are not accepting them, right? >> china does not accept people who have left, the people returning to mexico, let mexico deal with it. david: wonderful to see you again, thank you for being here. more cavuto right after this.
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>> the world might be falling apart but look at this market the dow is up over 50%, s&p is over 5000 and nasdaq over 16000. it's time for brian brenberg somebody's making big money. >> bags have gotten smaller and people gotten concerned about


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