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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  February 12, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EST

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underscore how badly things have gotten elections get to the chance to reignite on the murals. , the answer is cooperation and understanding successful corporation can create a win-win opportunity for everyone that's how you create money for everyone and prosperity. that's good to be the only way that we can get back on track. the rest of the nation. money is mobile leaving a lot of the other places, one day 20 years and now with a list of the california cities, look where beverly hills used to be. the anchor of the neck show may not agree. but she's going to hold your hands anyway. liz claman, we cannot take any of this for granted. >> not of it. i am a proud norman, that was our mascot the nordic fighters for beverly hill.
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listen, beverly hills high school, thank you. take nothing for granted. this morning if you were looking at the markets you would say more records for the dow, the s&p and the nasdaq. no more at the moment for the s&p and the nasdaq all of the gains had disappeared at the moment, receive a lot of market volatility and played out real time as we kick out the final hour of trade the dow is on pace for a record close it leads 54 points to hit the level at the close. right now it's up a hundred, make that 99 but the s&p is slipping after an all-time intraday high, any gain for the s&p would mark afresh never before seen close, right now it's down six points, check out the nasdaq intraday is an interesting picture. it's given up all of its gains and then some. it'd been up 89 points. all it needs is 67 points of gains, that of course would push the tech heavy index to a new
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peak, not going to happen at the moment it's reversing down 55 points. right now as we watch all of that you have to go back to november 2021 to the nasdaq's record close. if you're looking at what got us there this morning, games from diamondback, airbnb and trade desk all of which are moving higher at this moment they have been driving the gains earlier looking at diamondback 9%, home sharing name airbnb had been right up there, let me see where it is right now, still 4.7%, it is not exactly where it was, was at the very top, that the two-year high and you cannot ignore the massive milestone nvidia is hitting at this hour the chipmaker dominated the semi space blasting to a new all-time high and surpassing amazon's market value. right now nvidia is up $1.53 for a quarter of 8%. it is at $723 and change.
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i'm really sorry to pull you away from the a.i. narrative for one second because i know it's a real driver over the past several weeks but in oil name, diamondback energy is one of the top leaders not just on the nasdaq but the s&p as well, diamondback gushing higher on news it'll merge with endeavor energy sources and a $26 billion cash and stock deal. diamondback is up 9%, the tie up that will create a $50 billion fracking giant is another flurry of recent deals in the oil and gas space. a real consolidation. we should show you bitcoin, showing up to the milestone party as well the crypto record touching $50000 for the first time in more than two years. right now it's just below 49722. money pouring into the stock bitcoin etf in the crypto world declares the crypto winter is over but the question is where are we now in the crypto spring
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or going into the crypto summer we know what happened after that, doctor brock pierce has already made his billion and bitcoin he knows the bitcoin world intimately it is going to join us in a fox business exclusive on what he thinks happens next. with equity in treasury prices and so much more having a manic monday, check out the gains on the russell 2000 up 38%, the percentage leader up 1.9% i'm sorry up 1.9% of 38-point is this a case of flight the tape at your own peril even when the s&p and the nasdaq up fumbled the gains. let's get to the floor show, security chief economist joe love born yeah and slatestone trader kenny polcari. five weeks ago an investor began to think i'm going to go into
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cash, the gains are making me nervous. they missed five winning weeks for the majors, what signs do you see that it continues or starts to slow down? >> it feels like i was one of those guys that thought it was topping two or three weeks ago but continue to push ahead i did not panic over it. but it feels really choppy right about now. i think to your point which we rallied this morning and failed on the nasdaq, maybe they're starting to be a little bit of exhaustion. it doesn't mean it's time to get out or sell everything. i just think you have to be aware that after the dramatic move up 22% since october low that people should not be surprised to see a pullback. i wanted it to pull back. liz: i think some people believe when you pull back is a pause that refreshes. were looking tomorrow at a huge number that will be released. that will be the january cpi, consumer price index really important inflation number that the fed looks at especially the
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core what are you looking and will that number derail it's been weeks and weeks of major gains. >> i don't think it will derail the market because the number should be friendly meaning they should show continued moderation and we should see weakness and rents and car prices are coming down, energy is a lot lower now that it was six or eight months ago. there is a lot of good things happening on the inflation side. it's old news, inflation is a lagging indicator. certainly if the numbers are friendly that may give the equity market another bid because the hope with inflation coming down the fed will preemptively ease before it's more obvious the economy soft in the e-zine soft landing scenario is why so much money has flown into stocks. liz: everything was looking really good until a headline came, it was an article that was a perspective in i believe on broome bird and the perspective was now the federal reserve members the voting members are looking for a broadening of
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disinflation not just plain old disinflation meaning the slowing of the rate of inflation before they decide to cut. were getting wonky here aren't we. >> i don't necessarily think that is out of tune to what they have been saying recently. the last six or seven that came out last weekend in the week before were all saying were going to go slow, get this idea of six or seven cuts out of your head were not going there that fast and we need to see it move in the right direction, i don't think there's any reason for the fed to cut. i love you to death but the economy is not slowing at the moment it says it's robust as it's ever been. for people to think that the fed is going to cut rates because they need to is in logical because all that's going to do is fuel to further advance and feels like a bubble in the market. >> i hear you and there's not a lot of breath in the market. as you know it's narrowly
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driven. the argument for the fed moving sooner is because we know in the past the only guide that we have, when the inflation adjusted fed rates move up 3%. if it stays there long enough it will cause problems going forward. it's like the adage of where the economy is likely to be not where it is at the moment. i don't say that that often. i say that because you're not here to give me a kiss and a bear hug. the point is given where the economy is likely to be i think the fed wants to adjust policy and i believe politics is a factor in if the fed thinks is going to be leaning towards rate cuts does the fed want to start rate cutting in july right in between the two conventions. i think they believe if they're going to go they would rather go sooner than later. if they're not cutting by june i don't think i'll be cutting out all. liz: what is the fever dream with three rate cuts this year
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are you putting that aside let's look at the investment piece of this, bond prices are going up, yields are going down, the dow is up earlier we saw equities moving higher and they turned around in the broader market, what is the trade if we are on pace for a may or june rate cut. >> what was a question. >> what is the trade. >> is what i think first of all i'm still in the camp that that's not going to happen. if we get to june will get a get too close to the election so i can't really happen but that being said, i think you have to step away from tech, think outside of the box yet to look at industrials that are broken out, charles just had on his show is about ready to breakout it's very interesting consumer staples, boring, not sexy but a place to put some money especially if you think that the market is going to run into turmoil. liz: when you have your economist hat on is this what you do. >> let's say the fed doesn't
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move in the keep rate study. you are earning almost 540 in bills. it is the safest risk-free asset they could possibly have. the trade for many people don't do anything, stay in money markets. for now you're earning a high rate and if the fed doesn't go the rate will persist. liz: one month, 5.8, three months 5.39. why not. >> you have to roll that. it's 5.3 on an annualized basis, you have to roll every three months to come up with that number. liz: you have to hold it for 12. >> i'm saying if the fed is not moving they will be much slower to cut, that's not a bad place for an equity correction which feels overdue. what is the market up, 23% from october low, something like that. pretty amazing. >> it is, if you are solid
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names, the big names in the sectors i'm okay if the market pulls back, there is money on the side waiting to be put back toward the people don't want to chase it. to your point there sitting in treasuries, i think we see the market pullback five or 8% there's can be plenty of buyers. liz: i think that's what people have been waiting for but the dips come few and far between. thank you very much. try the rigatoni, that is kenny's recipe for today. >> is delicious i made it yesterday. >> it should be on the food network. liz: all beyond the world's worst chefs, thank you very much. kansas city chiefs were not the only super bowl winners last night. advertises that. celebrities with humor are getting all the buzz including this one. >> walked together for ten ye years. >> you are great. >> you still don't know do you. >> do you hear the music
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underneath the commercial, rachel may not remember her friend ross in the ad the air during the super bowl but viewers will remember it. uber eats brought those two back together with an underlying sound to it that actually goes apparently into consumers co cortex. up next the chief creative officer behind the uber eats ad and a host of others is here on the secret to winning customers in 30 seconds. snap, uber, verizon, bud. did you see the blood comm commercial. at sea ponied up $7 million a piece for a single 32nd spot, stocks of those names are mixed with the dow jones industrial up 104. we are coming right back.
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liz: were this with the enough to help the niners and chiefs score the most-watched super bowl were expecting the ratings numbers any moment now, that's where we're going to break in with them. it'll tell us how many people tuned in to cbs to watch the kansas city chiefs be the san francisco 49ers in overtime was super bowl lviii for comparison the super bowl pulled in 115.1 million viewers for the second most viewed programmable time next to the moon landing of 1969 all of those eyeballs are the reason so many companies shelled out $7 million for a thirty second spot during the big game one of the most loved ads dunkin' donuts featuring ben
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affleck, matt damon, tom brady forming a boy band to get on j. lo's new record duncan owned by inspire brands, everyone's talking about that but if there was one common thing a star-studded affair uber eats scored old friends jennifer aniston and david invent court entered victoria beckham, scarlett johansson made a cameo with m&ms and hellmann's with s&ls kate mckennitt and comedian pete davidson as well. is it the stars or the music behind the ads that make them memorable. first on fox business the guy who produced five of last night super bowl commercials chief creative officer joel simon, congratulations. what was last night like for you. >> we did seven. >> even better. >> at eight and six and seven.
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everything moves so quickly with the super bowl as far as the commitment and what the nfl will approve in the cbs it was a good night back i would love to know the process how much time in advance do you get the uber eats commercial and do you get info and work the music to the pictures. >> depends on the concept we will get a full film and score it other times a storyboard or a script and then we'll discuss it with the agency to come up with the ads and agree to a special group and we sort of come up with an idea of how we will make this thing work and have the music choreographed in the idea on the humor without overpowering and all the celebrities that were in it and coming up with the right sort of emotional content that can reach the viewer in the potential consumer. liz: you did the nerds with addison ray, before we play it i want people to gear up it's a
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low-key musical background and i want to get the process behind how you put that together. here is the commercial from last night. ♪. liz: that is the original song. >> the licensing, publishing the master we took it and worked with it in making entry made it work with the ad. >> what about the one with kari b the lipgloss. >> that is owned by l'oreal and cardi b is a prolific figure and very powerful woman and entertainer in the whole thing is about the lips and a plump set up and they worked on this and did a wonderful job creatively. it was an interesting thing we had to come up with a track that
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cardi b with approve. liz: she had to approve as well, not to cbs and nfl. >> no she had to approve it was reflective of who she is. so we did a bunch of tracks and that's what we usually do presented with options in the piquant immediately, this went pretty smoothly. she loved it and it's hilarious. liz: of the seven that you did what was your favorite. they are all my babies, i love them all, the one that hits home the most is f cas, the foundation to combat anti-semitism which is funded solely by robert kraft who owns the patriots. liz: you did the music for that one we have that we want to play it and you can explain exactly how emotional it was and where
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you get the ideas for something like that. here is a particular ad. ♪ >> hi mr. cody. liz: very emotional what you did not see he had painted over the swastika that somebody put on her garage. >> the mother of the door came out of the house to take her to school and they see this thing in the garage the swastika says no jews and then she dresses the girl into the car and tony's
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there the neighbor working on his car looks at the garage and that's when the twist happens and as she comes back after taking the girl back from school she sees a fresh coat of paint on the garage door. liz: how did you tackle that one. >> we work closely with the agency and we did not want to have the music poll so hard and make more than it needed to be because the emotional impact of what this thing was which is what were experiencing more than ever to set a tone and said it emotional tone that can make people feel it without leading them too much. liz: the social media piece of all of this makes these go viral which one of the seven that you did what viral in your opinion in a most erratic way. >> so many had teasers because of social media during the super bowl .
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every year i want one and unfortunately things have been working out in the teasers to get that traction and if you have teasers in your pre-released them, more people will see those ads. liz: i know you're looking at it through a different prism because your hearing versus looking, one that you didn't do, what did you think was impressive. >> i thought what will the did with michael with the moisturizing cream was brilliant in not only was that a brilliant idea, the words and everything kind of work he's a comedian and the whole thing was terrific but the social media traction that was created before by utilizing all the tiktok influencers and laid a foundation that by the
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time it hit people were waiting for and the execution was terrific. there is a lot of pressure on the super bowl , the money, the way the brands have to attract attention to get relationship with the consumer. liz: i thought christopher walk-in bmw was phenomenal. so great. >> is known for his delivery. >> he is a song and dance man. he is an amazing talent in his delivery so the fact that they came up with the idea that every word with emulate, the sound in his meter of speaking was very, very funny. liz: your grammy award winner, your natty award winner cleo's, all of that and more, congratulations. good stuff, the super bowl is in the rearview mirror but there's always something to do in las vegas we visited the golden silver pawnshop last month this is not your usual
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pawnshop it is the focus of the hit reality tv show pawn stars. the owner and started rick arison this week's everyone talks to lid angeles podcasting open the shop when he was 24 years old with his dad and after many years he and his dad were like we need to be on tv he created such a legacy within the world upon. when i was on my trip to the consumer electronic show we looked at everything, the gold, louis vuitton purses, the dinosaur bones and more you have to hear his story on amazon, apple, iheartradio, where every gear podcast rate here's a look at the nasdaq leaders as we go to the break. stay tuned. ♪ reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close.
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liz: we are half past the hour fox business alert rocket labs blasting higher after city reinstated coverage with a vibrating the bank set a price target of $6 it's at $4.71 after improvement in the liquidity conditions but the aerospace manufacturer is firing on most of its engines after being awarded a 515 million-dollar contract by the space development agency. big lots is looking at the worst trading day ever. it's falling 29.6% after a
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report by bloomberg that is pursuing new financing the discount retailer has been battling losses in liquidity. a recording to the report it's been leveraging the current assets to preserve the cash reserves resulting in fewer assets to support new debt. luke capital cut his price target from $6 down to 1 dollar it is at $3.77. pharmaceuticals jumping higher by seven and a third% after piper sandler upgraded from neutral to overweight and raise the price target from $12 to $19 it's at 12.91 it's the first bullish call, yet to go all the way back to 2011. piper believes the is really based company is ready for a recovery after buying the generic drug business in 2016 for $40 billion.
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logistics provider xpo looking to reduce its leverage after purchasing the yellow court the connecticut-based leverage ratio went up three times since acquisition. chief financial officer says he wants to get the ratio down to one or two times, morgan stanley cut its rating from equal weight to underweight, the stock is down 3%. president joe biden hosting the king of jordan right now after israel rescues hostages held by hamas in a hair-raising operation. in which kill dozens of palestinians. we have a live report coming up. bitcoin hits $50000 for the first time in two years, what is firing up the token is at the spot of bitcoin inflows, is there an event nearly as rare as the. , is it the summer olympics, presidential elections, brock pierce up next to give us his take on what bullish signals are
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liz: breaking news president biden and first lady jill biden welcoming jordan's adele looking and he's here to discuss the ongoing crisis in gaza as a biden administration sends cia director to egypt tomorrow to discuss a possible hostage release deal, this is israel confirms it freed to is really argentinian hostages held by hamas during emerald into military operation, edward lawrence live on the white house lawn covering all the angles. >> you mentioned the king came here, he arrived in hour ago within the hour. it's a one-on-one meeting happening with president biden in 20 minutes, the king and president biden will meet and get brief remarks inside of the
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main hall at the white house itself, this is not a news conference it's highly scripted, the king is the first arab leader to come into the white house since president biden announced support for retaliating against hamas by israel for the terror attack, the king has a message of pushing a cease-fire because jordan fears a wider war in the region as well as the possibility of a large amount of palestinian refugees enforced into georgia a jordan and other countries. an extensive humanitarian pause. listen. >> we've been very consistent that we don't support a general cease-fire at this time which is again a cease-fire that would lead to both laying down arms permanently. >> president biden trying to ignore a greater war that could impact the prices of oil or continue to impact shipping around the globe the former national security advisor kt mcfarland thinks the president should let israel decide what
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actions it needs to take a defense of its own people. >> the arrogance of some of our elite leadership we have gotten this wrong since vietnam, afghanistan, iraq, libya now are trying to boss israel around and tell them how to defend themselves and their enemies in the neighborhood and how they should govern themselves in the neighbors. it's a big mistake but let the people in the region solve this problem. >> the u.s. is hoping the shorter humanitarian pauses will lead to conversations that get in the conflict between hamas and israel in the wider region of the middle east. liz: it's gone on for a long time. thank you very much. everybody look at bitcoin it is spiking after breaking past the 50000-dollar milestone for the first time since december of 2021 this happened earlier today just below it 49996. that is a gain of 5.4% today
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marks the seventh street daily gain for the crypto the longest winning streak since january of last year, this week it is up 16%. part of that is coming from the success of the newly approved bitcoin etf the exchange traded funds solve the third largest daily influx totaling $403 million in inflows some of these are hitting lifetime highs, the pretty new, a month at half time old, bcl, j btc, grayscale's which is van x and franklins spot bitcoin etf all of them have a very good session, can bitcoin keep this going and if the crack 50000 have about 100,000 let's ask bitcoin foundation chairman in early investor in bitcoin brock pierce in a fox business exclusive. what does the success
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momentarily of the spot bitcoin etf's say about crypto currency is a viable option of inve investment. >> it is a major event for the united states. long overdue but what it says bitcoin is here to stay, regulators have approved the products existing so the retail public have easy safe access it's a phenomenal thing and says america is reporting bitcoin in a positive way. and i think were poised for all-time highs with the bitcoin coming up in april, estimated april 19, every time this happens which is every four years, these are the big events that drive bitcoin to all-time highs so i think were looking at a record high sometime this y year. liz: right now bitcoin is at $50026. it is getting right back up there, where do you see bitcoin
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whether it is the first half of this year or the second half? >> normally you will see the price moving up leading up and similar to the etf prices in bitcoin sword and people sold on the results. we will see. obviously this is an election year in the united states in a major topic that you will be hearing in the election cycle a large number of americans that are digital asset holders in the locker signal issue voters, the election could ultimately be decided on the candidate's policies related to this topic. liz: a bunch of people the ceo of crypto quan, they are basically predicting 100,000. her bitcoin. we heard that number before, it's never reached that the highest it's ever gotten is 69000, what needs to get bitcoin
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there, what type of catalyst would you hope to see that would propel it there. >> i think everything is in place for that to happen with the bitcoin happening, the etf that is driving accessibility which also investors want confidence and regulatory clarity and comfort that the etf has provided everything is poised for an all-time high end of bitcoin breaks past the previous high ended look at any of the past rounds were going from bullish to full bull run you can see 100,000 easily we could see 100,050 bitcoin if at all happens and were well-positioned as we've ever been to see that happen this year. liz: one of the very things that really caused a lot of crypto skepticism was the ftx bankruptcy and sam bankman
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bankman-fried, the fraud trial was pretty disastrous for the psychology but if you look now there is a headline that all the missing money for all the clients will be returned, that is a headline. therefore you move past that and you see somebody who was held to account, he has been imprisoned and you have to figure that's going to help the situation, correct? >> he was convicted on all seven charges, there still facing the sentencing hearing coming up, he's facing toward your 15 years and i think these are the things that we want to see. we want bad actors held accountable. that instills confidence just like the etf's, this is a positive thing, the idea that everybody had money and ftx will be made whole that is not entirely true it was based upon when ftx collapsed in the bankruptcy around 16000 at the time. so everyone getting their $16000
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back is a good start. but not exactly as good as it's been portrayed. >> nearly $50000 right now. liz: crypto confidence at the moment has this at 50000. i'm looking at it real-time, if $2020 per bitcoin, we will see you next time, thank you. >> forget the eggs, milk, cereal, the closer is about to tell us which stocks to buy ahead of the consumer price index release for the month of january tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. eastern. he's also going to tell you why you should buy some of the stocks coffee has been percolating up more than six months it is up about 23%. how many cups a day do you guys drink? i do too but i nurse them. i called day long i stretch it
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out. we're coming right back. ♪ (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®.
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. .
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it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold.
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standing the test of time.
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♪. liz: well since the sec officially gave the green light for those spot bitcoin etfs we were just talking to brock pierce about, some of the top performers on the screen, van
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eck, wisdom tree, arc 21, they have seen incredible gains but what about the blackrock ibi-t? blackrock ceo larry fink was impetus behind the spot bitcoin etf approval. others filed, but when he jumped in things went on the fast track. is a spot ethereum approval next? joining us charlie gasparino, there is news about franklin filing for ethereum. >> i think this is, i think everybody is going to file at some point. they see the success here. by the way the benchmarks are being hit by all these companies. so there's a market here. there is no doubt people want to invest in it. i don't see it but what do i know? your guest just came on before said there is a market for it i'm sure. here is what i know about the ethereum etf. if it follows the pattern and they expect it to follow the pattern of the bitcoin you will see the sec sort of push out its
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review at least twice. so in the coming weeks probably the sec will have some sort of answer. liz: look at this intraday. >> amazing. it might have popped on my last tweet. liz: news ten minutes ago from franklin. >> about them doing it. liz: yes. >> okay. liz: sorry. >> you think they're doing it -- in any event, in any event it, they believe there's a market. they expect some guidance in the coming weeks. what could be the three guidance? go all the way, they doubt that will happen, red approval. that is not gary gensler's mo. no, is a possibility. more than a theoretical possibility. he could say we have enough etfs out there. you remember gary gensler has been very cold about ethereum or obtuse, ethereum he thinks it is a security or like bitcoin which he would approve or we give it
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another 30 days. they're thinking the people at asset management they're going to come back in a few weeks, take another shot of this, we'll look at it again, extend it another 30 days. then its off to the races. you can't underestimate the power of blackrock in this thing. larry fink, the case he would make, they're in a quiet period of course, that is why i'm saying it like this, the case he would make if he was talking to people in the biden administration which he has a strict line to is by taking -- direct line to, taking crypto out of the shadows, putting it on an exchange, having blackrock be the minister of this thing you can regulate it better than it is in the shadows. liz: people didn't want etfs to happen. etfs are like mutual funds only you trade stocks. you got to evolve. >> this is another level with
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crypto which has a very controversial reputation, i know that's larry's pitch. it worked with bitcoin, the one complicating factor with the etf before i wrap up here, gensler has been very again, obtuse whether he thinks this is legal or not. he actually said i don't know if it is legal. it is not registered. bitcoin doesn't have to be registered. he believes that is the one crypto that is a currency. he doesn't believe that, he is on the fence about ethereum. he definitely, they have litigated against xrp, ripple's native coin. that is, couple weeks i think we hear something or maybe sooner. who knows. the sec works in mysterious ways. >> mysterious ways. bitcoin, 50,182, that is 24 hour high. ethereum. 2645. >> sell-off on the news. it has come back. we go to where people, you know the numbers people were talking.
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i'm noting i agree, 75,000, 100,000. liz: of course. >> not absurd people are saying that. liz: brock said 150. >> 150. that is pretty amazing. liz: thank you very much, charlie gasparino. closing bell 3 1/2 minutes away. the dow is on record pace for the record close. needs to be up 15. nasdaq will snap a four-day winning streak. the nasdaq is lower by 48 point. russell up 36. volatility index is popping 7%. on friday we were talking about how volatility may start to return to the markets at the moment. right now we're almost at 14. so we're 13.91 at the moment. inflation at the consumer level well we're going to get that latest read tomorrow, 8:30 a.m. eastern time. year-over-year price growth is expected to slow2.9% in january.
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that would be down from 3.4% in december. what to buy ahead of the january cpi and by the way the core, is the number one important part of it, right, kevin? up .3 of a percent is the expectation. joining me with his picks ahead of that report, washington crossing advisor, senior portfolio manager kevin curran. he has nine 1/2 billion dollars in assets under management. give us your three names, people have 2 1/2 minutes left at least in the regular market to purchase these, kevin? >> tomorrow you have the cpi and the sticky part of the cpi has been the services piece of it and if you're looking for companies that have pricing power on the service side at washington crossing we like names like accenture, we like names like adp. even a company like union pacific. these are all companies that are more service oriented. ties into the theme of stickiness in the services part of cpi tomorrow and it is very
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good to have quality companies with pricing power and we would go with their names. liz: tell me about their pes? what is their valuation at the moment, average? >> most of these would carry valuations are a little bit below what the market averages are today but keep in mind the market averages are skewed by the big run we had in tech. the way we look at the market, you have a 52 trillion-dollar economy, sitting on, 52 trillion-dollar stock market, sitting on a 26 trillion-dollar economy, that is pretty expensive. we look for companies that have multiples at or below market averages which these are, and ultimately, and when we talk about multiples we would also factor in debt which many people don't do. liz: that is what i want to know. what would be the level of debt that you look for when you're looking through these balance sheets? >> yeah, so, over the next five years, which is basically our holding period, there ills a very good chance we would have
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something go bump in the night. so we want to own companies that we call quality. basically that would be companies with debt less than 30% less of the capital structure. we want to have assets very productive. so eight, nine, 10% return on assets. that is what we're looking for. ultimately we're looking for businesses that are very predictable. so those are the three things we look for fundamentally. liz: terrific to see you, kevin. i like your thinking. >> good to see you. liz: tomorrow we're back with all-star lineup, columbia ceo tim boyle. it is a history day for the dow. [closing bell rings] who got the dow there? amgen, verizon, disney and chevron are the leaders. we'll see you tomorrow. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. so former president trump rang the warning bell for nato countries wh


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