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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 12, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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so we want to own companies that we call quality. basically that would be companies with debt less than 30% less of the capital structure. we want to have assets very productive. so eight, nine, 10% return on assets. that is what we're looking for. ultimately we're looking for businesses that are very predictable. so those are the three things we look for fundamentally. liz: terrific to see you, kevin. i like your thinking. >> good to see you. liz: tomorrow we're back with all-star lineup, columbia ceo tim boyle. it is a history day for the dow. [closing bell rings] who got the dow there? amgen, verizon, disney and chevron are the leaders. we'll see you tomorrow. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. so former president trump rang the warning bell for nato countries who still don't pay
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their mandated share. by the way, non-payers include germany, france, italy and canada. we've got senator marco rubio will join us and respond to all of that in just a few moments. and then senator tommy tuberville will be here to talk about why it's a good idea or at least it's not a bad idea to negotiate with vladmir putin once in a while, and a bad idea to spend another $60 billion for ukraine. later in the show mazey pilup, a ethiopia jewish immigrant, legal immigrant, who was once a israeli idf paratrooper, running for congress in long island in a raise tomorrow that is all about securing our borders. what a big race that is. oh, by the way if anybody cares, joe biden's budget is borrowing us into bankruptcy. i don't know if anybody cares but we are a business show. first up let's go straight to
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our own edward lawrence who is standing by at the white house. good afternoon, edward, what's cooking down there? >> reporter: a lot happening here at the white house. on top of all that the president trying to divert attention away from special counsel robert hur's report that challenged his mental fitness. democrats, administration officials are trying to counter the narrative in the report. today white house press secretary attacking the special prosecutor himself. listen. >> special counsel hur as far as i remember is a, is a republican , a prosecutor, he is not a medical doctor. he is just not. it's not for him to speak to. it is just not. it is obviously up for a medical doctor to decide on that. >> why don't you talk to his doctor then? >> look i have said the medical doctor, the president's doctor is going to do a physical. he is, he has always put forward in last two years a detailed memo. >> reporter: so far we have not been able to talk with the
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president's doctor. today the king of jordan also visited the white house, he is still here, pushing a cease-fire. the biden administration agrees with extended humanitarian pause. the last big topic here, shrink-flation. president biden blaming companies for shrink-flation and inflation in a post on x. says that americans know policies, because of policies, pushed inflation, not companies. >> i mean this is just another ploy by this administration. i mean the debacles that started his first day, energy prices. the debacle going to ev. plethora of people laid off, jobs being closed. no, the general population will not be duped by this aversion to try to blame inflation on corporate america. >> reporter: over all cpi inflation is up 8.6% since president biden came into
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office. tomorrow we get another read on inflation, larry. larry: maybe if they would quit spending their tuk u.s.'s off we wouldn't have so much inflation. edward lawrence, thank you ever so much much for your report. a few thoughts on me. i have want to talk about joe biden has absolute zero authority to take classified documents as a senator or vice president. incredible two-tiered justice system and trump is charged chah 40 criminal counts in the documents case, biden gets zero charges. all that burns me up but we'll get to this later in the show. there financial story that is getting more attention, new congressional budgets, joe biden's baseline over the tex men years, these numbers are a fiscal fiasco. government spending and borrowing puts us squarely on the road to bankruptcy. over the next 10 years biden's spending goes, get this, his
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spending goes from $6 trillion to $10 trillion. his budget deficit goes from 1.7 trillion to 2.6 trillion. his borrowing from the public foys, are you ready for this, from $26 trillion, which is bad enough all the way to $48 trillion which is unbelievable. the congressional budget office, the cbo, gives us useful 50 year averages with which to compare. so biden's spending as a share of gdp goes from 21% to 24. his borrowing goes from 48% of the economy to 116% of the economy. and even with all of that government stimulus the economy is projected to grow by barely 2% over the next 10 years. so, while on the one hand the federal reserve is trying to restrain inflation the biden administration massive spending and borrowing is like an
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inflation accelerator. that is the potential. by the by, even while all this government spending and borrowing temporarily stimulated higher gdp growth, temporarily, it also in part, what i call the affordability crisis where lower inflation recently does not delete the big price hikes over the past three years for essentials like groceries or gasoline or electricity. ordinary working folks lost 5% of their real wages over the past three years. this as a result of lingering effects of biden inflation. according to a recent tip poll six in teen people live paycheck to paycheck and 24% have zero emergency money in the bank. by the by groceries up 20%, gasoline up 4%. overall cpi up 17% as edward lawrence said. if you measure this on a
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pre-pandemic basis, middle class family income went up six thousand bucks during the trump years, has fallen roughly $4,000 under the biden regime. we've had better than expected gdp growth the last couple quarters but much of it has come from government spending and borrowing. meanwhile, the private business economy has been flat, may actually be in a recession. now you read about major layoffs in finance, for example, in tech but you never read about layoffs in government ever. private wages are rising a little over 4% but government wages are rising almost at a 10% clip. so like i say the fed may be holding down the money supply, but with massive government spending it will be hard to restrain inflation on any kind of permanent basis and incidentally the cbo numbers show it is a spending problem. it is not a tax revenue problem.
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over the past 50 years revenues have stayed at about 17% of gdp and cbo estimates that is just about where they're going to be in the next 10 years leveling off at 17% of gdp. no, no, no, it's the spending problem, stupid or it's the borrowing, stupid, and it has got to stop. we need a growth budget, that would thoroughly reform spending and the civil service bureaucracy that does the spending. we need something like the grace commission which was established 40 years ago by president reagan. that thing found trillions of dollars of wasteful spending inside the federal government. we need to keep the trump tax cuts permanent to maintain supply side incentives for the private sector business rebound. then here's a thought, how about a return to something called executive budget i impoundment?
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that's right, budget impoundment. this was taken away 50 years ago during the watergate scandals but it would be a useful tool to regulate presidential spending and red tape. watch former president trump talk a lot more about this in the weeks and months ahead. lord knows we need it. we'll pick it up in a little while with some of our budget experts, first of all joining us is florida senator marco rubio. senator rubio, it is a great pleasure. thank you for coming back on the show. just one little thing, i don't want to dwell on this but there are other fish to fry but the white house in the news conference, the press room, they're still hacking away at this guy hur. they're still hacking away at hur, who all the leading democrats praised as they first put him in as special counsel. as you know, i know, we already talked about this, vice presidents and senators do not have the authority to remove
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classified documents and he did and that's in the hur report even they're beating up on it. i just thought i would get your weekend after take? >> yeah. well you've already pointed to in your intro about the double standard where trump was charged and this, biden wasn't but there are other double standards here. apparently hur is the only special prosecutor you're allowed to viciously attack and call names. if you do it to jack smith, you're undermining the system, a threat to his family but you can do it to hur. i saw a clip from the white house press conference he is not a doctor. fundamentally misunderstand. this is very simple, what he found all the elements of a crime have been met but we have decided not to charge him because we believe he is suffering from age-related dementia. we don't think a jury will convict him because of that, he will be sympathetic four years from now because of these challenges. that is why they chose not to charge him. one of two things is true he has age-related dementia shouldn't be charged or he doesn't according to what the
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white house says should be charged. in other words if he has a perfect memory. you don't need a doctor. they're relying on their interviews. their argument. we put this before a jury a jury will not convict this guy. if he in fact is note suffering from dementia hur should have charged him. he has dimension or charged with a crime. those are the only two outcomes, hur decided not to charge him because of the memory issues. that is not a medical assessment. that is an assessment what would happen in front of a jury. larry: i thought it's a good legal point. the fact it is illegal under the presidential records act for vice presidents and or senators to take classified documents off campus. that stuff has to go in the archives. you want to write a book, talk to your ghost writer do it in a scif in the national archives. >> right. larry: i don't understand that. the other thing, senator rubio, i just want to ask you, do you
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think with respect to the classified documents which we know were in biden's potential as early, as early as 2017 when he told his government writer that stuff about the chinese energy, that stuff about the ukraine influence peddling, do you see where i'm going on this? do you all in the senate, anybody in the house have a chance to take a look what those classified documents really were? was it part of jamie comer's investigations? what do you think, senator rubio. >> we had a chance of the leadership of the intelligence community to review all the disclosure cases out there. i did not personally see anything linked to that. that is as far i can go describing it. i'm sorry in the non-indictment report, outlining notes on afghanistan. he was writing a book, he wanted to make sure things were recorded for posterity. that is why they did it. they decided not to charge him. unlike trump, he didn't share it
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with any foreign power, a secret service security and not garage in the fox, i don't know if you saw the photos of the biden garage. in that case they're not alleging, what is the harm injury to the nation. i tell you what has injured the nation the fact they charged the president and they ripped the nation i have a part around created this new normal where you're going to have a lot of pressure on future republicans to go after democrats using special prosecutors and the legal system to conduct lawfare like we're seeing now. they opened a pandora's box there. larry: senator rubio, donald trump over the weekend, south carolina kind of rang another warning bell about nato countries that pay up their fair share. we have a full screen of this. you know, france, didn't pay up its 2%. germany didn't pay up its 2%. italy, canada. in other words these are g7 countries so-called wealthy countries did not pay up. i think we heard trump say this before. he may have made some progress
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in his first term but to me what he said over the weekend in south carolina basically he is just ringing the warning bell again, what do you think? >> first of all, trump was already president. while trump was president we didn't destroy nato. we had troops deployed there. i remember meeting in poland and meeting american troops. we didn't see any attack on nato. what donald trump has done virtually every president in the history of nato done is complain our allies don't do more. trump simply expresses it different than the other ones. he expresses it in a story that he told. he used a story as a way to sort of describe his position on it which is, if you're not going to pay more, he was describing like a negotiating tactic of some sort. it was not prospective. he did not say if they don't pay up, he was describing the story of something he claims happened in the past. i wouldn't have talk that way, i don't talk that bay. donald trump doesn't talk like a u.s. senator. doesn't talk like people served here or members of some foreign think tank. on the other hand we know
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joe biden is using all kinds of profanity and temper tantrums and leaking it to the press to go after netanyahu. we know even as israelis and israel is fighting for its very existence you have an administration going out there openly saying they have gone over the top, he hates netanyahu. we don't like the way you're conducting your operation. he is actively in time of war undermining an ally, doing it to appease the radical anti-semitic element of his base that exists. larry: senator, that's a key point. let's stay with that. that started, i don't know if that started the night before the catastrophic news conference, apparently biden swore attenuate flat privately in -- netanyahu at in front of bunch democrats. he continues to swear at netanyahu. i thought they were our allies. netanyahu wants to finish up in the south of gaza to finish the
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job off. biden is blocking him, talking about a two-state solution. i don't get any of this, short rubio. >> i do. larry: i thought israel was our biggest ally, only democracy in the middle east. what in the world is biden losing. >> they went to him saying he would lose pro-palestinian voters in michigan. he sent memos to meet anti-semites because these people are threatening. political people said we're in trouble here. al element of our base is really angry with us, will not vote for us. we need to put stuff out there to show we're not 100% on israel's side. you start seeing leaks he hung up on netanyahu. that he somewhere at him. the memo from the state department we'll not give aid to countries that target civilians which israel is not targeting civilians. unfortunately in a war civilians are caught in the way. hamas could end 9 conflict tomorrow. they should you are surrender.
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they want every civilian to die in gaza instead of surrender. he has a press conference saying they went over the top this is designed to appeal anti-israel, anti-semitic, pro-hamas, pro-is ran element in his party. he is afraid to lose their vote. some of them find elements in the bureaucracy of this cointry. a picture couple months ago, white house staffers, executive branch staffers standing out in the white house. state department cowards condemning the president's position on israel. some wouldn't put their name on it. some might be ambassadors, or future ambassadors, we don't know who they are, because they're hiding and cowards. that is embedded in the government. larry: by the way there may be some iranian cutouts in the government. the one guy, malley, we don't know why he lost his security clearance and there may be others as well. so spot on as that.
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senator rubio, spot on. i have one more, two more. senator rand paul was on this show friday or thursday, he wants a minimum inspector general. he wants some accountability. he would like an off-ramp negotiations. what do you think about the $60 billion and that whole package? >> well, first of all 20 billion of the 60 billion is to buy back weapons for ourselves we gave him. we gave them weapons. now we don't have them. we need to buy them to replace them for ourselves. that is 20 of the 60. i think it could be fixed. ultimately i want ukraine to have the strongest possible hand in the future next with putin. that is what will happen in the conflict. the stronger ukraine is, the better terms will be at the end of this conflict when the day comes. i think we have a national interest. i don't think it is unlimited and for ever. i don't think it is zero as i described. my problem we met over super bowl weekend, i wonder what people are back home, you guys will stay up there days at
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time, cancel trips, whatever you will do to help other countries with their invasion you never do that for us. you have an invasion going on right now. you won't give that priority. americans are always tired being told they're second, second to another country, second to an interest group, second to the global economy, whatever it might be they're tired of it. i think that is being exposed here. how out of touch politics has become, including people in both parties with what the priorities are of everyday working americans. larry: 40 seconds, senator rubio, president xi says it is time to intigrate taiwan into the rest of china. i know you've thought and spoken a lot about this. here we go. this isn't the kind of integration i look forward to. >> well he is talking about a takeover and that's been their plan. that is part of his leg fasy. he views that as part of his legacy. i continue to believe we won't finish this decade without seeing some real conflict over that potentially unless we can do things to deter it and buy ourselves some time.
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maybe the next chinese leader will have the same ambitions. right now we have to make it as hard as possible for them to achieve that, so that calculus changes. xi never made any mystery about it. he intends to move on this one way or the other before the end of this decade. larry: senator marco rubio from florida. >> thank you. larry: coming up folks here on "kudlow," joe biden is borrowing us into bankruptcy, all right? so a whole separate topic. maybe not as sexy as some but i got to tell you it is inflationary, it will damage the economy. we'll talk about about it with former omb budget director russell vote and former congressional budget director, douglas holtz-eakin. they know something about this. they are next up. i'm kudlow. lots more to come up tonight. we'll wind up negotiating with putin. not the worst thing in the world, is it?
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director of the congressional budget office. how about that? gentlemen, this is just bad, right? you guys know the numbers better than i know the numbers. but i'm saying it is all about spending whether you go from six trillion to 10 trillion, 50 year averages being violated by three percentage points, gdp, the deficit more than doubles, debt held by the public goes from 26 trillion to 48 trillion in 10 years. looks like it is a spending problem, not a revenue problem according to the cbo. so douglas holtz-eakin, give us your sort of quick overview of these numbers. i call it the fiscal fiasco. >> the numbers are bad, larry, as you pointed out. there are things we've never seen before. we will have the highest debt relative to gdp ever in our nation's history, including world war ii. we'll spend more on interest than we do the pentagon in five
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years. we have enormous amount of leverage in the budget that exposes us to interest rates risk. the numbers are terrible. the economics are terrible. this is a recipe for continued excessive fiscal stimulus. the fed will have to lean against it. loose fiscal policy, tight monetary policy chokes off investment in infrastructure, chokes off investment in technologies, business models, human capital and you get chronic slow growth problem. we need better trend growth in the united states. this is not a recipe for better trend growth in the united states t makes everyone's life harder. it does not deliver a standard for the american public they deserve. time to recognize the decision to spend a dollar is a decision to tax a dollar somewhere in the future. that future taxation, the current spending are a recipe for bad growth. we need to do better than that. larry: russell vought, one of the interesting things, our friend larry lindsey writing about this among others, government wages are rising more than twice the rate of private
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sector wages and actually doug holtz-eakin said on this show a week or so or more business may be in a recession or at least business is flat. lindsey makes the same point. i have remarked how flat manufacturing is. so government spending okay, you're getting temporary stimulus and you're getting some temporary consumer spending but this is no long-term growth palliative, russ vought? >> no, it is not. i think that will explain when we look back historically and economically about why the numbers are being propped up for this administration economically because they're benefiting from massive government spending massive deficit spending. give you a sense how far worse it has gotten. when we left office our annual interest bill was $350 billion. that is now in this report $870 billion in just a few short years and it's going to get worse. so it is approaching defense as something we thought really was only within the 10 years of the
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window. so each and every data point is showing the recklessness of our fiscal situation. they continue their strategy is, we'll keep spending as much as we can. we'll put it on the fed. the fed can figure out how to deal with it. that has really been their approach. and unfortunately, you know, a report like this shows the difficult situation we find ourselves in. larry: doug holtz-eakin i actually want to have my cake and eat it too in the next budget. we have a new administration, okay? i want my cake. i want it the right flavor with the right icing. i want to cut spending big time but i also want to grow the economy by curbing regulations and maintaining the trump tax cuts. the personal tax cuts. i want to do all three of those things. now i would maintain you could do all three of those things. i will give you the first whack at it. then i will give russ vought a whack at it? >> i think step number one which
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you understand because you lived through it, you stop doing all the regulation this administration is doing. they put on the books $450 billion of regulatory costs already. if you take the unified agenda at face value, put another 250 billion on the first quarter. that is an unbelievable stealth tax on the american economy. so you get bad growth. what do you do? you spend tons of money to get artificial stimulus. if you stop the regulatory onslaught, it frees you up not to rely on the spending. you have to go back to remember 2017 was an enormously successful pro-growth tax reform and we can do more of that. not just renew what we have, do even more. larry: good. >> you have a growth component. you have a regulatory component and you get the spending under control. larry: i have a minute for russ vought. russ, i want another peter grace commission and i want to rye store executive budget impoundment authority. what say you, russ vought?
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peter grace budget impoundment. that is what i want. my wish-list. >> i love where your head is at. i love where president trump's head is at. the loss of budget impoundment authority which 200 years of presidents enjoyed limited brand on branch control on spending. we need to bring it back. i think you can bring it back. i'm excited how president trump intends to do it. to your point president trump we can do all things i've done it, with growth, regulatory reductions and growth reform and you can have a budget that addresses our fiscal insolvency and one that keeps the american people free and prosperous. larry: i'm telling you both you guys, russ vought, douglas holtz-eakin, i will be there reporting, you guys will be pitching figuring out how to do it. thank you for coming on the show. we'll continue this conversation. coming up on "kudlow," what is wrong with negotiating with
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vladmir putin? just negotiate. we may hate him but we can negotiate with him! we'll ask senator tommy tuberville. we'll talk politics with mark simone and alex lace. when "kudlow" returns. i want my cake, and eat it too.l taxes, budget impoundment. i can't paid off. looks like you can make this work. waitk. because advice worth listening to is advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial.
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gold. standing the test of time. ♪. larry: welcome back, folks. here's a question, what's wrong with negotiating with vladmir putin even if we don't like him, even if we hate him? can you negotiate with him, talk to him in foreign affairs? joining us now alabama senator tommy tuberville who dared to suggest we can talk to vladmir putin and everyone is piling on. i don't know, senator tuberville, i've seen worse in foreign relations history. we negotiated with a lot of bad actors. i wouldn't mind seeing everybody trying to negotiate this ukraine russian war. what's your response. what is your response?
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all these people are piling on you? >> diplomacy, larry they have know clue about that. we need to get this over with for the american people, the ukrainians, the russians, question need to get this over. nobody wants to talk about it. whatever we do, that is joe biden's gameplan. ukraine can't win. the people in washington, d.c., after we already give them $100 billion, they don't know how to get out of this, so what do we do? we'll double down. we'll send them more $60 billion of taxpayer money by the way we don't have. it will not make any difference for six or seven months even if it were to pass the house, i don't think it will. so it is not an immediate help. we're giving weapons from israel to ukraine. i know you saw that in the new york stock exchange. our weapons stored in israel are going to ukraine. it doesn't help. vladmir putin wants out of this. you heard that on tucker carl southern. diplomacy, what happened to
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diplomacy. larry: i don't know how you end a war unless you talk to somebody you don't like. i don't understand that i don't understand all this screaming. putin said to tucker he is ready to talk peace. i don't know if he is ready to talk peace but there is nothing wrong exploring it. that is what trump wants to do. i take it you support that view. trump wants nato countries to pay their fair share they doesn't. you know who the worst offenders are? so-called wealthiest, germany, france, italy, canada, not a single one of those g7 countries pay their fair share, but they're piling on trump because he rang that bell. i don't get it, senator. >> i don't either. they know better. nato is supposed to have 2% of the gdp president trump went over there in 2017 you're going to pay up or we're out. you pay your fair share, we're paying almost everything. last week we saw the eu voted we'll give 50 billion euros to
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ukraine. well they will only do a fourth of that each year for four years. that is a little over 12 billion. he can't be used for lethal aid, it goes into their government, their pension plans. because they don't have any money right now. supposedly their economy is not any good. the american taxpayer cannot afford this, larry. we can't afford it but we'll pass another 60 billion, hopefully, hopefully the house doesn't pass this, we don't get farther and farther in debt. larry: just the last one, senator tuberville, this bill may or may not pass. negotiations with putin probably aren't going to happen, but as i understand it in the last minute nothing is going to happen with our border problem. we have a southern border problem. we also have a growing northern border problem where terrorists are being caught left and right coming in from canada and, so nothing is going to happen on that border, is that right? >> no. nothing is going to happen. we had an ace in the hole as
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republicans to try to get the democrats to come our way some, larry and put a fix to the border but we basically screwed it up, okay? our leadership screwed it up. we didn't ask for enough. we kind of went along were what they wanted to do, limit 5,000 per day. are you kidding me? that is not a border bill. that is a border giveaway. we cannot continue to do this. it is absolutely amazing how we thought our people, our leadership thought we would go along with this so we voted it down. now the warmongers are going to pass this money for ukraine. they will fly right over our border this friday. they're taking codel and they will go every give them a check or whatever, think they're going to, tell them we passed in the senate and we'll not do anything to our border. it should be against the law what we're doing up here. it is absolutely mind-boggling to me how we can forget about the american citizens. larry: you know what, senator
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tuberville? this thought occurs to me. it is time for a change. it is time for some major changes okay? just a random thought that just popped into my head listening to your wisdom. we need some change. >> we need some change, larry. we're borrowing $80,000 a second right now and 7.6 million a minute we're borrowing right now. we can't continue that. larry: no, we can't. senator tommy tuberville, wish we had more time. appreciate it, sir, thank you very much. folks we'll continue this conversation with mark simone, wor radio show host, alex lace, host of first class fatherhood podcast. welcome back. time for change. mark, i have a bulletin for you, joe biden will remain as president. he will be the democratic candidate for president. he will not be taken out by the 25th amendment or other plots from kamala harris. none of the above. i'm challenging you. please feel free to disagree. don't jump out of the chair. anything you want.
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>> we're lucky he is available. doing a hell of a job. larry: [laughter]. yeah. >> 380 million people in this country, we've got this guy? this doesn't make any sense. 380 million people, we have kamala harris as vice president? i don't think biden makes it. whenever there is something that takes out a president, whether it was watergate, it takes weeks and weeks and weeks for it to really sink in to do the job. i don't think biden gets out of this. you see the vultures circling. hilary is all over television. kamala harris wants to take over. larry: mrs. wilson will not allow it. mrs. wilson, akas in biden will not allow it. alex, explain this, we'll have a cabinet meeting, surprise, kamala time for you toe go, everyone that raises a hand to me. he goes. that is not how cabinet meeting
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works. i don't believe this for a second. >> kamala harris is the dei vice president. she is only there because she is woman of color. the not because she can lead. she leads people to word salad bar. i feel dumber every time i listen to her speak. i think most americans agree. she matches up well with trump. trump would bury her in an election in november but there will be other fish to fry there. i think you will see michelle obama throw her hat in the ring, maybe gavin newsom. larry: the hats are already in the ring. >> we'll see one of those two, gavin -- larry: you think biden, you think party elders like durbin, mitch mcconnell, who maybe forgets he is a republican, i don't know, chuck schumer, like watergate. they say, to nixon. you never convict biden of a crime. he doesn't have his marbles. the whole country knows he doesn't have his marbles. there wouldn't be a don't have
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your marbles test. mrs. wilson will not allow don't have your marbles test. >> a lot of opportunity, biden falls down the steps of a plane, falls down in a tub, something like that could take him out. >> at this point in 1968, lindh son johnson was not going anywhere. at the end of march it was a whole different matter. if you have kamala harris watching your back, you're in real trouble. larry: robert kennedy ran the ad at the super bowl. the whole country freaked out against it. in the end he had to apologize. it wasn't that bad. it was a retro ad. he was obviously borrowing from his uncle. no one liked it. tell me who will challenge biden? >> if he drops out you will have a primary. larry: where is he going to drop out? wait a second, karine jean-pierre said today he works every hour harder than anybody she knows. i just didn't know which hour she was referring to during the day. he doesn't work an hour but you
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will never know that. >> in her world i believe her. i don't think anyone works there. larry: lace, help me, be realistic politically how does this happen? i don't believe it. >> i think only way it does happen he decides not to run. they will not impeach him unfortunately. they will not get him out 6 office. the only way it works he will have not to run. that is the only way he will happen. larry: he has to get very sick, he have to take himself out or his wife would take himself out. >> that is what we need to see. both of them match up great against trump. i think trump will sail right into office after the november elections. i don't think biden stand as chance against him this time. we can see the guy is not cognitively there. you will not sigh him in november on the ticket. i find it hard to believe one way or the other, by hook or crook this guy will not be there. i don't see it. larry: we'll bring in mazi pilip in just a minute. this is bellwether forethis
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whole story you were describing. alex lace, mark simone, thank you. joe biden taking a marbles test, i don't see it. coming up the border, the migrant crisis, the top issue in tomorrow's special congressional election in long island, new york. we'll talk to a republican candidate, mazi pilip. she can win this against the democrat about this issue and joe biden's marbles. we'll talk about that. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ hey you, with the small business...
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larry: the border crisis the top issue on the tomorrow's special election in long island, new york. joining us mazi pilip. former immigrant are israel, former idm paratrooper. she is seeking the seat. mazey, if i can call you that, this is all about border security and immigration catastrophe, your opponent was in favor of sanctuary cities not so long ago. tell us about the race, please. >> hi, larry, thank you for having me. yes, it is all about securing our borders, the migrants crisis we are all facing as a nation. suozzi created together with
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biden, people are very worried about this. tomorrow we'll see a lot of people coming out to vote to secure the borders and i'm very confident we're going to win this election because there is about the safety of our country and under biden and the squad members and thomas suozzi it will not happen. they are putting our people at risk. we have to save our country. larry: can we get rid of sanctuary cities and sanctuary states, point number one, and point number two, if you get elected can you push the agenda, trumpian agenda, border wall, "remain in mexico," title 42, catch and deport, would that be where you want to go if you're elected today, tomorrow? >> absolutely, absolutely. i'm all about securing our borders and giving the funds that the border control, agents they need it to increase the funds to make sure they have the technology, the tools they need
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to secure our borders. we need to build the wall. we need to stop sanctuary cities. we need to stop encouraging people to come into our country illegally. i'm all about immigration. i would love to people come to this country. i'm an immigrant to this country. my husband is an immigrant to this country. it has to be done correctly. the way biden did it, to open the border really put the american people at risk and very much worry about this. larry: you know, i just want to ask you, another issue, you were an idf paratrooper which is a remarkable thing and thank you for your service there, i'm going to guess a lot of people in your congressional district would like to see israel take out hamas even though the biden white house is the problem. is that a second issue that you're working on? >> absolutely. as a person who grew up in israel and served in the idf, you know, israeli defense force and i was an part of a brigade
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and i specialized in weapons i can tell you how important it is to support israel. israel is fighting a terrorist organization, a vision should evil, evil, that came and attacks israelis, innocent people. killed babies, mothers children, raped women and took hostages. we still have six american hostages still in hamas hands and over 130 israelis are still there. we need to support israel. israel is strong with the united states. the fight israel is doing right now against terror is a fight that is needed because if you will not stop it over there it will be here at our front door. it will be very dangerous and too late. larry: mazi pilip, good luck tomorrow. thank you for coming on the show. we wish you all the best of luck. >> thank you for having me. larry: folks i will be back with my last word
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