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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 12, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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it's fast, easy, and affordable. gusto is payroll and benefits built for small businesses. get started for free at that first time you take a step back. i made that. with your very own online store. i sold that. and you can manage it all in one place. i built this. and it was easy, with a partner that puts you first. godaddy. i found a cheaper price on my meds with singlecare. did you say singlecare? i use singlecare. whenever my customers ask me if there's a cheaper price on their meds, i always tell them about singlecare. i found a cheaper price with singlecare! i know. download the singlecare app free today. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow. so former president trump rang the warning bell for nato countries who still
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don't pay their mondayed share. -- mandated share. we have senator marco rubio joining us and response to that. then senator tommy tuberville to talk about why it is a good idea or not a bad idea to negotiate with vladimir putin once in a while. and a bad idea to another 60 billion for ukraine. and later in show a immigrant, who was once an israeli idf paratrooper is running for a race in chicago tomorrow. and if anyone cares, joe biden's budget is borrowing us in to bankruptcy, i don't know if anyone cares but we're a business show. let's go to edward
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lawrence at the white house. good afternoon. what is cooking there? reporter: a lot here at white house. hur's report challenged pimmental fitness. >> hur is as far as i remember, a republican, a, a, a, a prosecutor, he is not a medical doctor. she is just not, it is got not for him to speak to, it is just not, it is up for a medical doctor to decide on that. >> can we talk to his doctor. >> look, i have said medical doctor, the president's doctor will do a physical, and he has always put forth a detailed memo. reporter: so far we have not been able to talk with president's doctor, k the
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king of jordan visits white house, pushing a ceasefire, biden administration agrees with an attended humanitarian pause, and president biden flaming companies for shrinkflation and inflation, in a post on x, former ceo of cite chrysler policies pushed inflation not companies. >> this is another blo blow by this administration. the de debacles from this administration, with a plethora of people laid off, no, general population will not be duped by this aversion to blame inflation on corporate america. reporter: and overall, cpi inflation up about 17. 6% since president biden came into office.
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tomorrow with another read on inflation. larry: maybe if they would quit spending their t off, edward lauren thank you. >> on this subject. a few thoughts, i really, want to still talk about how jobejojoe biden has zero authority to take classified documents as senator or a vice president. and the two-tiered justice system. we'll get to it there is a financial story that deserves more attention than it is getting, the new congressional budget estimates that joe biden baseline over the next 10 years, these numbers are a fiscal fiasco. government spending and b borrowing puts us on the road to bankruptcy, over next 10 year biden spending
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from 6 trillion to 10 trillion dollars his budget deficit to 2.6 trillion, and his borrowing from the public are you ready, from 26 trillion dollars, that bad enough to 48 trillion dollars. which sun believe able. -- which is unbelievable. congressional think about office cbo useful 50 year averages with which to compare biden's spending as a share of gdp from 21% to 24, and borrowing from 48% of the economy to 116% ofs economy, with that government stimulus, the economy projected to gro grow by barely 2%, on one hand federal reserve trying to prestain inflation, and
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biden administration like an accelerator, even while this government spending and borrowing has temporarily stimulated higher gdp growth it i'm -- if part what i call the affordability crisis, lower inflation, does not delete the big price hikes over the last 3 years for essentials like groceries, gasoline, electric, ordinary working folks lost 5% of their real wages over past 3 years as result of the lingering effects of biden inflation, 6 in 10 people live paycheck to paycheck, and 24% have zero emergency money in the bank, groceries up 20%, and gh. and if you measure this on a practice pandemic basis,
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middle class family income went up more than 6,000 bucks during the trump years fallen roughly 4 thousand doldollars y under thed by inregime. much of it growth has exam from government spending and borrowing. the private business economy, has been flat, may be in a recession. now you read about major layoffs and bus finance and tech but you never read about lay offs in government, private wages are rising a little over 4%. but government wages are rising almost at a 10% clip. like i say, fed may be trying to hold down the money supply, with massive government spending it will be hard to restrain inflation on any permanent basis and also, the cbo numbers show it is a spending problem, not a tax revenue problem.
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over the past 50 years, revenues have stayed at about 17% of gdp . and cbo estimates that is about just where they will be in the next 10 years, leveling off at 17% of gdp, no, no, it is the spending problem, stupid. or the borrows stupid, it has to stop. we need a growth budget, that would reform spending and the civil service bureaucracy that does the spending. we need something like the grace commission, which was established 40 years ago by president reagan, that thing found trillions of dollars of wasteful spending in federal government, keep trump tax cuts to maintain supply side intensives for the private sector business rebound. then, how about a return to something called executive budget impoundment. this was taken away about 50
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years ago during watergate. it would be a useful presidential tool to deregulate spending and red tape. so watch former president trump talk a lot more about this in the weeks and months ahead. lord knows, we need it okay. we'll pick it up in a while with some of our budget irk perts, but first, joining us florida senator marco rubio. senator, great thank you for coming back on, there is one -- i don't want to dwell on this white house today in news of conference in press room, they are hacking away at this guy hur, still hacking away at hur, all leading democrat pays what they first put him in as special counsel, we know work have talked about this -- we all know, we have talked about it vice presidents and senators do
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not have authority to remove classified documents and he did, that is in the hur report, they are beating up on it i thought i would get your weekend after take. >> yeah, you have pointed to in the intro about double standard. there are others, hur is only special counsel you allowed to attack and call names, if you do it to jack smith are you are undermining system and you are a threat to his family, but you can do it to hur, i said them say he is not a doctor, all elements of crime have been met, have we decided not to charge him, because we believe he is suffering from age related dementia, we don't believe a jury will convict him because of that. that is why they chose to not charge him, one of two things are true, either he has age-related dim i diddimentia, and
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should not be charged or he doesn't and should be charged according to the white house, their argument is we put it before a jury the jury will not convict him. if he is not suffering from dementia then hur should have charged him. either way, there were only two outcomes. you don't need -- that is not a medical assessment that is what ha what would happen in front of a jury. larry: i thought it was a good legal point. it is illegal under presidential records act for vice presidents and/or senators to take classified documents off-campus, and you want to write a book and talk with your ghost writer you can do it in a scif. another thing, senator rubio, do you think with respect to classify the
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documents, which we know were in biden's possession as early as 2017, that stuff about the chinese energy company, was that stuff about the ukraine influence peddling? you see where i'm going? were you all in senate and anyone emin house have a chance to lock at what the classified documents were could was it part of jaime jucomber's investigation. >> we had a chance to re-- james comer's investigation. >> we had a chance to look at them, i did not see anything. to say in nonindictment, report, it all lines the notes about afghanistan, he was keeping stuff because he wanted to write a book. that is why he did it. they made the decision to not charge him. unlike trump, there is no allegation he shared it with a foreign power or anything was disclosed it was in a
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facility guarded with full time security not in a garage thrown in a box. in that case -- what is the harm that has been done to injury do nation? i'll tell you what has injured nation is fact they charged president and ripped nation apart and created a "new normal," you will have a lot of pressure on future republicans to go after democrats, using special prosecutors and legal team, they opened a pandora's box. larry: senator rubio, donald trump over weekend in south carolina rang a warning bell about nato up aniries that don't pay up their -- countries that down pay up their fair share, we center a full screen. france, did not pay up 2%. germany did not pay up 2%. italy, canada, these are g-7 countries, so-called we'll, they did not pay up, we heard trump say this before, he may have made progress to
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me what me said over weekend in south carolina, he is ringing a warning bell, what do you think? >> first, trump was already president, we did not destroy nato, we have troops deployed there, what donald trump has done is -- virtually every president in american history of nato has done, that is complain our allies don't do more. trump expressees it differently. if you are not paying more, he described a numbers are yale negotiating ac tactic of some sort. i would not have talked that way, i don't talk that way, donald trump does not talk like a u.s. senator or members of foreign think tank, we know that joe biden, is using all kinds of
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profanity and temper champions and leaking it to do the press to go after netanyahu, israelis and israel is fighting for its ex existences this administration saying he has gone over the top, and hates netanyahu, he is in a time of war undermining an ally, he is doing to appease radical anti-semitic w element of his base that exists. >> staying with that, that started. i don't know. the night before the catastrophic news conference biden swore at netanyahu. privately, in fr front of a pun bunch of democrats, it continues today that biden continues to sq square swear in front of netanyahu, and that talking about some crazy
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two-state solution. i don't get this. i thought -- >> i do. larry: i thought israel was our biggest ally, what in the world are the bidens doing? >> they went to him saying he will lose a pro-palestinian voters in places like michigan. they sense emissaryys from white house to meet with the anti-seeksemites. we need too put spu stuff out to show we're not 100% on israel side, you see the leaks he hung up on n netanyahu and swore at him, and we see memo, we're not giving aid to country that target civilians, israel is not targeting civilians, it is hamas. they -- you know he has a
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press conference saying they have gone over the top, this is designed to appease the radical anti-israel, anti-semitic pro hamas, pro hezbollah element in his party, he is afraid of losing their support in the votes, i don't know, a bunch of white house staffers, they were standing out in front of white house, demanding a cease-fire with faces covered. a bunch of cowered in state department, condemning administration position on israel, none of them would put their name on it some might be ambassadors or future ambassadors, that is embedded in our government right now, that is who he is trying to appease. larry: that is incredible. there may be some iranian cut outs in the government, senator rubio, to mention,
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actually two, ukraine money, 60 billion senator rand paul on thursday, he wants minimum inspector general accountability and he would like an identify ramp negotiations, what do -- off-ramp negotiation, what do you think about the 60 billion and the package. >> 20 billion of 60 billion is to buyback weapons that we gave them, we thie need too buy them. i think it can be fixed. i would say that i want ukraine to have strongest possible hand in future negotiation with putin, that is what is happening in the conflict, stronger ukraine is better terms will be at end of the conflict. we have a national interest, my problem cell we are here, we met through super bowl weekend, i wonder what people back home are saying to me, you guys stay up for days at a time, cancel trips, and to help authorize
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country, and -- other countries for their invasion, but you never do that for us, we have an envision right now, i think that americans are tired of always being told they are second to another country or interest group or global economy, they are tired of it, that is being exposed how out of touch politics has become, people in both parties with priorities of every day working americans. larry: president xi jinping said time time to integrate taiwan to the rest of china, this is not kind of integration that i look forward to. >> he is talking about a takeover, it has been his plan and part of his legacy. i continue to believe that we won't finish this decade without probably seeing a real conflict over this unless we can to things to deter it and buy time, maybe next chinese leader will
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have same ambitions, but right now we have to take it hard as possible to achieve that, xi never made a history about it he intends to m move on it. larry: senator marco rubeo rubio from florida thank you, sir. >> coming up, joe biden is borrowing us into br bankruptcy, a separate topic. it is inflationary, it will damage the the economy we talk about it with russ vought and doug as holtj -eakin, i am kudlow, we'll forbeiate with putinnal vo. to save with a quick commercial auto quote online.
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now, this is just bad. you know the numbers better than i am i'm saying, it all about spending from -- from 6 trillion to 10 trillion. a fas50 year average violated and deficit more than doubled, debt held by public from 26 trillion to 48 trillion in 10 years, it looks like this is a spinning problem not a -- spending problem not a revenue problem, douglas holtz-eakin. give us your quick overview of these numbers, i call it the fiscal fiasco. >> the numbers are bad. there are things that we've never seen before, we will have highest level of debt relative to the gd p and morrow interest than pentagon, and we have a huge amount of leveraging in
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budget that exposes ta to us interest risk, the numbers ar terrible, this ise recipe. loose fiscal policy, and a tight monetary policy chokes off investments and infrastructure, and investment in technology exand business models, you get a chronic slow growth problem, we need better trend growth in united states, this is not a recipe ar for that, this makes of's life harder, time to recognize that the decision to spend the dollar is a decision to t tax the dollar in future, that future taxation and current spending are a recipe for bad growth. larry: you know russ vought, government wages, are rising more than twice the rate of
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private sector rages, and douglas holtz-eakin said on this she a week ago, that business may be in a resolution or businesses flat. lindsey makes same point, i have remarked on how flat manufacturing s you get temporary stimulus and temporary consumer spending this is no long-term growth, russ vought. >> no, it is not, that is what will explain when we look back historically and economically about why the numbers are propped up for this administration economically, they are benefiting from massive government spending, massive deficit spending, it give you a sense of how far worse it has gotten, we left office, our annual interest bill was 350 billion, in this report that is now 870 billion in a few short years it will get worse. it is approaching defense as something we thought was within 10 years of the
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window. so, each and every data point is showing the recklessness of our fiscal situation, they continue their strategy, we'll keep spending as much as we can and put it on the fed, fed can figure out how to deal with it, and that within their approach. and unfortunate well -- that has been their approaching unfortunately respect like this shows the difficult situation we are in. larry: douglas holtz-eakin, i want to have my cake and eat it too, in next budget, with a new administration, okay, i want my cake, with right icing. i want to cut spending big time. but i also want to grow the economy by curbing regulations, and maintaining the trump tax cuts. the personal tax cuts, i want to do all three of. those, i would maintain you can, i will give you first whack at it then russ vought a whack at it. >> i think step number one, which you understand because
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you lived through it, you stop doing all regulations that administration is doing, they put on the books 450 billion dollar of regulatory costs, and if you take unifieded agenda that is 250 billion in first quarter that is an unbelievable stealth tax on american economy, you spend to kntones of money to get artificial stimulus, you have to remember in 2017 was a successful pro growth tax reform, we can do more of that, not just renew what we have, do more. then you have a growth component, and regulatory component. larry: a minute for russ vought, i want another peter grace com commission and restore executive budget impound .
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ment authority, what say you. >> i love where your head is at and where president trump's head is at, i believe loss of the impoundment authority was the original sin in eliminating ability from branch on branch to control spending, we need to bring it back, i think you can, i am excited how trump intends to do it you can do these things in think about because i have done it with growth, spending reductions and welfare reform, you could have a budget that addresses our fiscal insolvency. >> both of you, russ vought and douglas holtz-eakin will be there pitching, i'll be hire reporting you will be there. it will be great fun thank you for coming on the show we'll continue this conversation. coming up on kudlow, what is wrong with negotiating with
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vladimir putin. we may hit him, we could negotiate with him. we will have senator tommy tuberville, we talk politics and mark si simone and alec lace. i can't wait.y plan we take great pride not just in the job our team does, but in them as people. our people. and while we're in the business of taking care of others... it's important our therapists know that with benefits from principal, they're taken care of too. (♪)
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♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ larry: welcome back, the question, what is wrong with negotiates with vladimir putin, even if we hate him? can you negotiate with him and talk to him in foreign affairs, joining us now alabama senator tommy tuberville who dare suggest we talk to vladimir putin. i don't know senator tuberville, i have seen worse in foreign relations history, we negotiated with a lot of bad actors, i would not mind seeing anything negotiate that ukraine-russian war, what is your response.
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>> diplomacy. >> oh. >> they have no clue up here about that. we need to get this over with for the american people and for ukrainians and russians, but n nobody wants to talk about it ukraine condition -- can't win, people in dc after we have given them 120 billion, they don't know how to get out of this, we'll double down and send 60 billion more dollars of taxpayer money, that we don't have and not making a difference. for 6 or 7 months, even if were to pass the house, i don't think it will. it is not an immediate help, we're giving weapons from israel to ukraine. i know you saw that, our weapons storied in israel are going to ukraine, this does not help, vladimir putin wants out of this, you heard that on tucker carlson, what happened to
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diplomacy. larry: i don't know how you end a war unless you talk to you know someone you don't like. i don't understand that. that is why i don't understand this yelling and screaming. put in putin said to tucker he is ready to talk peace, i don't know if he is, but there is nothing wrong with exploring it, that is what trump wants to do, i take it you support that point of view, president trump also wants to nato country to pay their fair share, worst offenders are so-called wealthiest, germany, france, italy, canada, not a single one of those g7s paid their fair share and everyone is piling on trump, down get it. >> -- i don't get it. >> they know better, nato is to have 2% of the gdp, president trump went over there in 2017, said you either pay up or we're out, pay your fair share, we pay almost everyone, last week,
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eu voted, they will give a 4th of that they voted for each years, it can't be used for lethal aid it goes to their government, pe -- pension plans, american taxpayer cannot afford it but we'll pass there are 60 -- billion, hopefully the house will not pass this. larry: last one senator tuberville, this bill, may or may not pass, negotiations with putin may not happen. as i understand this in last minute, nothing is going to happen with our border problem. we have a southern border problem, we have a growing northern border problem, where terrorists are being caught left and right from canada, nothing happening there, is that right? >> well, no, nothing.
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we had an ace in hole as republicans to try to get democrats to come our way some, and purt a -- put a fix to the border but we basically screwed it up, we didn't ask for enough, we went along with what they wanted to do, limit 5,000 per day, you are kidding me that is not a border bill, that is a border give away, we cannot continue to do this, this is amazing we thought our people we were going along with it we voted it down, now the war mongers will pass this money for ukraine and fly over our border friday, giving them a check or whatever, tell them we passed. we're not doing anything to our border, it should be against the law what we're doing up here, it is mind boggling to me how we can forget about the american citizens. larry: senator tuberville,
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this thought occurs to me, it is time for change, time for some major changes, okay, just a random thought, listening to your wisdom. >> we're burning 80 thousand a 6 right now, and 7.6 million a minute, we can't continue that? >> thank you senator tommy tuberville. >> thank you. larry: we'll continue this, with mark simone, wor radio host and alec lace. welcome back. time for change. mark, joe biden will remain as president. he will be democratic candidate for president. he will not be taken out by 25 amendment or other plots from kamala harris. none of the above, i'm challenging you, feel free
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to disagree. >> we're lucky he is available, dor doing a hell of a job. larry:ia. ja. yeah. >> 380 million people in this country, kamala harris as vice president, i don't think that joe biden will make it, it takes weeks and weeks for it is sink in. i don't think that biden gets out of this you see vultures circling hillary is all over television, and kamala harris wants to takeover. larry: mrs. wilson will not allow it, mrs. biden will not. alec. we will have a cabinet meeting and surprise, kamala harris stands up says joe it's time for you to go, everyone who agrees with me raise your hand, he is out. i have been to cabinet meetings that is not how it
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works. >> be honest, kamala harris is the dei vice president, she is not there she is there because she is a woman of color, only thing she is leading people to is the word salad bar, i feel dumber every time i listen to her speak, i think that you know she matches up well with trump, trump would bury her in an election in november, but there will be other fish to fry, i think you will see michelle obama maybe gavin newsom, there is no way -- >> their hats are in. >> i think gavin. larry: do you think party elders like durbin or mitch mcconnell forgets he he is a republican, i don't know. you will never convict biden of a crime, he does not have his marbles, the whole country knows it. there is not a don't have your marbles test, they will
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not allow it, mrs. wilson will not allow that test,. >> >> there still a lot of opportunity for biden to fall down sketc -- steps or falls down in the tub, he could go out any minute. >> in this pay the 1968, lilyndon johnson was not go anything where, if you have kamala harris watching your back you are in trouble. >> robert ke kennedy ran that ad in super bowl, and the country railed against it not a good way to start. he apologized. who -- tell me? who will challenge biden? >> if he drops out, a primary. larry: where is he dropping out? wait. karine jean-pierre said today of high works every hour he works harder than
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anyone she knows, what hour. >> in her world, i believe her, nobody works there. larry: lace, help, let's be realistic, politically how does this happen. >> i think only way if he decides not to run, they will not impeach him, only way it works if he says i'm not running, that is it. larry: he has to get very sick or something, then would take himself out and his wife would take him out. >> that would be what we need. but, i think that both of them match upgrade against trump, i think trump will sail into office after november. i don't think that biden stands a chance, he is not cognitively there, i say you will not seeing him in november on the ticket, i find that hard to believe. by hook or crook, he is not there. i don't know, i don't see it. larry: we'll bring in mazi pilip in a moment, this is a bellwether for this story.
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alec and you were describing, alec lace and mark simone thank you. >> coming up border and migrant crisis the top issue. we'll talk to republican candidate mazi pilip. she could win this one against a democrat about this issue. and joe biden's marbles, we'll talk about, that i'm kudlow, be right back. did you ever worry we wouldn't get to enjoy this? [jeff laughs maniacally] (inner monologue) seriously, look at these guys. they are playing great. meanwhile, i'm on the green and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. not to mention the kitchen remodel, and we'd just remodel the bathrooms last month. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. so i don't have to worry. so you're like a guru now? oh here it comes— join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future
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larry: border crisis, top issue in tomorrow's special congressional election here in long island, new york, joining us mazi pilip, jewish immigrant who was once in kno an israel idf paratrooper. thank you for joining us, your opponent, was in favor of sanctuary cities, not so long ago. tell us about the race. >> hello, larry thank you. yes, this is all about securing the border. the migrant crises that we're facing as a nation. swazi created with biden,
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and people are very much worried about this. tomorrow, we will see a lot of people come out to vote. to secure the borders. and imminent we will win this election, because this is about safety of our country, exp under biden and squad members and swazi we are putting people at risk. larry: can we get read of sanctuary cities and states, and if you get elected can you push a agenda, border wall, remain in mexico, title 42, catch and deport, is that where you want to go if elected tomorrow? >> absolutely. i am all about securing the borders. and giving the funds that
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border patrol agents need to secure the borders and we need to build a wall and stop sanctuary cities and stop funding -- this encourage people to come to the country illegally, i am all about immigration, i would love people to commto come -- to the country, correctly, the way that biden did it and swazi did to support the open border put americans people at risk, i am very much worried about this. larry: another issue, you were idf paratrooper, that is remarkable thank you for your service, i am guessing a lot of people in your congressional district would like to see israel take out hamas. even though the biden white house is a problem, is that a second issue that you are working on? >> absolutely, person who grew up in israel and served in idf, israeli defense force, and i in the brigade
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and specialized in weapons, i can tell you how important it is to support israel, israel fighting is a vicious evil that came into attacked israelis, and innocent people, killed, babies. mothers and children, and raped children and took hostages, we have about 6 american hostages that are still in hamas hands and over 130 israelis still. we need support israel, strong israel is strong united states. and the fight that the israels doing right now, against the terror is a fight that is needed because if you are not stopping there it will be here, in the front door. and it will be very dangerous, and too late. larry: mazi pilip, good luck tomorrow, we appreciate your coming on the show, we wish you all of the best. >> th thank you for having me. larry: i'll be right back with my last word.
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