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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 13, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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lower, a soft landing or no landing and maybe that no landing scenario gets more traction? remember a no landing postpones recession. fed will not be quite as aggressive cutting rates. i think equities need to cut a little bit lower before i start dipping my to back into them. liz: jack mcintyre, great to have you in the chair, we really appreciate it especially on a day like this. as we watch the market close, we're off the session lows. tomorrow, the stars are here, delta air lines ceo ed bastian will join us. lyft ceo, david rischer. you can't miss either of those interviews. [closing bell rings] we're watching every tick of the markets. that will do it for the "the claman countdown" on a red day. "kudlow" is next. larry: welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. so inflation came in a lot hotter than wall street expected
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and stock markets absolutely plunged across the board in response. art laffer and john carney will run it all down for us. joe biden make as plea for ukraine money, never once mentioning the open border catastrophe here at home. house members cory mills and scott perry will tell us what the is house is going to do about this. tony bobulinski sings and testifies before the house oversight that the bidens sold out the u.s. to ukraine and to china. then joe biden's going to get a medical but he is not going to get any cognitive testing. how are we going to know if he still has all his marbles? goodness. first up let's go straight to our own edward lawrence who is standing by at the white house with all the gory details of today. edward, lots cooking. >> reporter: yeah a lot. you talked about it right at the top talking about the markets. this hotter than expected cpi inflation report it signals to
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the federal reserve they may not cut rates until maybe this summer and that is what the markets reacted to. the markets trying to figure out when a march and a may rate now might be off the table with the numbers here. the white house trying to spin it, month-over-month key indicators point to inflation possibly ticking back up. >> obviously we understand there is more work to be done but this is an economy that is in much different place than it was a year ago, a much different place obviously than it was three years ago. when you see, when you see eggs and milk and products like that at the grocery store going down, they are lower than they were a year ago, that's important. >> reporter: talks about the time frame but look what many things peep have to pay for? rent is up 6.1% year-over-year. car insurance is up 21% in that time. electricity up 3.8%. still the white house talks about trends. since president biden came into office from january 2021 to january 2024 overall inflation
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up 18%. food is up about 21%. you see the rest of them there. so here at the white house, a surprise add to the public schedule. president biden pushing house republicans to spend more money, $95 billion in a package to ukraine, israel and the indo-pacific saying this -- president biden: you got to decide, are you going to stand up for freedom or are you going to side with terror and tyranny? you're going to stand with ukraine or stand with putin? you stand with america or trump? >> reporter: i was in the room there. the president said he would not take any questions because he wanted his message to stand, pushing house republican there is. he turned then and walked away. larry: edward what was that last thing? you had an important, or do you stand with america or trump? >> reporter: stand with america or stand with trump. that stuck out to me there.
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the president making this political trying to put sides on this, trump might not stand with america on that. but yeah that was a very interesting thing the president slipped in there on this report. obviously on purpose. larry: edward lawrence as always. fabulous comprehensive report. now for a little bit of the stock market, not much of a stock market day of course, if it doesn't report by gerri willis it didn't happen. today was kind of ugly, gerri. >> reporter: it was very, very ugly. it was a big stock selloff that started at the open and really continued nearly all day long, getting a little better at the end. let's take a look at major market averages if we can. the dow here, down 524 points, 1.3%. it was off as much as nearly 800 at one point this is an improvement. s&p 500 down 1.3%. the nasdaq oaf off 1.8%. big changes in those indexes.
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nowhere to run or hide at this point. all "the magnificent seven," you expect the companies doing higher, not doing so today. nvidia, the a.i. chipmaker, the best of the group, losing only 1%. that is what qualifies as a great day today. stunned the bank stocks, majors, jpmorgan chase, bank of america, citigroup all in the red trading lower, regional bank stocks really taking it on the chin. kre, the s&p regional bank etf off 4.9%. dallas based comerica, just one example of many regionals off 6.2%. utilities and consumer discretionary sectors all falling more than 2%. and larry, it didn't help late in the afternoon, doubleline capital's jeffrey gundlach said rising interest rates could spur company defaults. so a tough day. back to you. larry: you know that jeff gundlach, i've known him for years. he is a very smart guy.
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we should get him on our show, producers. he is a very, very bright guy. gerri willis as always, great stuff. folks, let me get in here on this hotter than expected inflation. joe biden's heavy spending fiasco is forcing interest rates to rise and keeping higher than expected inflation alive. biden poured almost $6 trillion in new spending and look like he is planning on at least another four trillion in years ahead, according to the new ceo baseline. economics "bidenomics" would move federal debt held by the public to $48 trillion, from 26 trillion presently as though that were bad enough. shares of gdp biden borrowing could reach 116% in the years ahead. that is well over twice the 50 year average of only 48%. so you have the fed trying to restrain inflation on the one hand but the biden
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administration's huge spending and borrowing looks to be increasing inflation once again. today's unexpected cpi, .3 of 1% coming to 3.1% over the past year. now that may not be a short-term, one-shot aberration. important point. over the past three months core inflation, that is excluding food and energy is up 4% at an annual rate. remember the fed's target is two. jay powell's goofy inflation measure of core services excluding housing, well that's actually up 6.7% annually over the past three months. that is the fastest rate in 19 months! meanwhile services inflation itself rising 6.4% over the past three months. just to add to it, the latest ism survey of manufacturing prices, well that is just moved above 50% for the first time in quite a while.
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these are not good numbers. they suggest inflation is creeping higher, not lower. long-term bond rates up 14 basis points. they have been shooting up since the new year began. all of biden's government spending, yes, gave them a temporary boost to gdp but now they're paying the inflation piper. actually we are paying the inflation piper. outsized price hikes continue to pop up all over the economy. groceries up 21%, energy up 29%, since biden took office. the cpi itself up 18%. want more? eggs, 37%. gasoline, 33%. baby food, 29%. electricity, 28%. i can go on and on and on. with all these price hikes for live a day essentials real average weekly earnings for typical families have fallen by 4.9% under economics economics. that key measure by the way under former president trump
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rose $6,000 for families or roughly 9%, all right? minus 4.9, plus nine. there's a contrast. so folks be the moral of the story is, you can't spend your way into prosperity. dying to say money can't buy love. all of sudden prices are going up again. interest rates are going up again and the biden created affordability crisis is worsening. if it weren't an election year, the federal reserve should probably be tightening their money and interest rate targets but they're not going to lower them, that's for sure. like i said, money can't buy love. let's talk about this with john carney, "breitbart economics and finance" editor and coauthor of the "breitbart business digest" who has a cult following and art laffer, his own cult following, former reagan economist and presidential medal of freedom recipient, author of "taxes have consequences." john carney, you've been
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speculating the last few reports, not so good. this one kind of blows out a lot of things. what do you make of this? let's start there. >> first it is important, it is not one report. hear a lot of people say don't make such a big deal out of one report. i've been pointing out the last few reports that in fact inflation was no longer falling and probably was going to climb again. that's what we're seeing here. if you look at the underlying inflation numbers they're even worse than the headline numbers. median cpi, 60% trim mean cpi, what was the median? the cleveland fed? >> right the cleveland fed takes basically the middle of all the numbers, here's the real -- chops off the high and the low. >> it was up 0.5% for the month. larry: wow. >> we're looking at a huge increase in inflation. it was pulled down by some things that we can't even depend upon. so energy prices fell for the month but look, we have a big problem in the middle east right now. we can't depend on that keeping
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happening. we also still have some goods disinflation happening. that is probably over. we're going to start seeing the price of goods climb again. so what we're looking down the path at is higher inflation later this year. we had, the year-over-year number, 3.1% was down from a month ago but that's only because last january was 5., was 0.56. liz: right. >> we had a huge number. that dropped out of the year-over-year number. the trend is up. larry: the inards of this report is not good, the immediate cpi, do you remember what the year on year was for median cpi? >> four, four hand dill. aren't laffer, money can't buy love but can buy higher prices. it is fiscal spending seems to me and there is no sign that is abating or slowing down or going away because the bidens love to spend the taxpayers money so
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what do you make of this problem? >> first i think john is completely correct in what he said. i would like to add that the core inflation. larry: yeah. >> the core inflation has exceeded the cpi inflation for the last 11 months. what john said was they dropped off of a very high number this month. there is going to be a lower number next month but then the next three months both the core and also the cpi are very, very low, high, and they are going to drop off. this will be even worms for the biden administration. this has not been a good week for biden and frankly these numbers do as john said, look to be almost permanent. there will be more rises coming in the future. which is bad news. interest rates being up tell us the market expects this, larry. this is a bad number and the biden policies are just plain not working. larry: i mean i think it is important to note, by the way, in gerri willis's report with
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market interest rates rising, not the fed's target rate but market rates which after all are very, very important, more important than the fed's target rate, market rates have been going up since the first of the year. bank stocks are going down. regional bank stocks are going down big time. you have got a commercial real estate threat out there, okay? commercial real estate, we'll have mr. wonderful, kevin o'leary on i think tomorrow or the next day to talk about that. these are all issues. so art, what's the impact, what's the impact on the average typical family on working folks, okay? middle income working folks, blue-collar folks, maybe some lower income folks too? what do these price increases do to them? >> well what it does it raises the cost of living for all of them, larry, and that makes it very bad. people buy on prices not inflation. when inflation goes higher and higher the prices get higher and higher as well. it irritates, aggravates the
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family, makes it worse off. there are other reports been out, the jobs held, jobs created all of this about the biden administration really hasn't gone to the same group of people. the jobs for non-immigrants have not risen very much at all and the median income has not risen anything like it should have and wages, real wages from the beginning of biden to today are lower than they were when biden took office. so you know, it is a cacophony of problems flowing down and that in conjunction with rest of the stuff on the news, larry, that you cover so well, really making it for a very, very tough week for biden and i think it is going to continue to being tough economically and politically for him. larry: so there is a report out today, there are 183,000 less u.s. born americans working today than in 2019. >> yes. larry: a big chunk of the jobs
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have fon to illegals. i don't want to do it in this segment. it is an ongoing problem. it shows you difficulties on the border. the other point, john carney this played on "breitbart." real wages have come down in part, not only but in part, because of cheap labor from the illegal immigrants. >> that's right. larry: i'm going to say breast them even though i think absolutely wrong what's happened. it created a fiasco of border security but that is reality. they're taking the low end, low skilled jobs away from native-born people. >> and by the way, larry not from native-born people, but legal immigrants. people hit hardest lyle immigrants came at the last 10 years, literally at the bottom rung of the ladder are getting the ladder kicked out from above them because of the border.
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>> that's true. >> biden, they call us anti-immigrant when we need to control the border but the fact people getting hurt the most are recent legal immigrants. larry: that is a great point. i'm pro-legal immigrant and will always be. with we have room to accommodate a million so on every year. maybe they no something about this country. maybe they speak english. >> not uncontrolled numbers. we'll look at a million a month if we don't get control of this border. larry: john carney, i know it is an election year, the fed will not tighten up the interest rate targets but at what point does this really turn around the fed's own assessment? every time the fed comes out and says something they're wrong. six months ago the economy is weak going into recession. like the rest of us they were wrong. the economy turns out stronger. now they say, talk about three interest rate cuts and inflation is coming down to their target. looks like they will be wrong about that. >> they are wrong. inflation is not coming down to their target. look, powell was very smart saying we'll not cut in march.
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they will not cut in may. june looks very questionable. there aren't that many reports coming. by the time they get out to july they better start cutting in july because the political backlash will be enormous. very possible we don't see any cuts until after election day maybe none at all this year. the market is not prepared for that. that will punish stocks. people will be shocked. larry: art laffer, one more time, these individual prices. >> yes, sir. larry: you make the point, we all try to make this point, there is something called the overall inflation rate. it is lower than it was a year-and-a-half ago but individual prices continue to rise, albeit more slowly but they continue to rise. >> yes. larry: over three years this takes a huge toll on family budgets and takes a toll and earnings worth, you go to the store, buy less. this is a political problem, is it not, art? biden can move his way back and
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forth. this is what plagued him. i call it the affordability crisis. i give you the last word? >> it's a huge problem, larry but not only is inflation not coming down any longer, if you look at the numbers that are dropping off the index and if you look at core, versus regular cpi, corp. has exceeded regular cpi for 11 straight months on inflation which means prices are going to be rising at a faster rate, not a slower rate going forward, at least for the next four, five, six months. that's what's going to happen. all of that provide as huge political problem a real economic problem for people working, people trying to get jobs, real serious, real problem as well as enormous political problem. if i can say, putting it on top of all the other stuff it is a death nell for this administration i think. larry: arthur, eggs are up 37% under joe biden. that's a lot. eggs. >> why did you pick that for me? why did you pick eggs?
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larry: eggs are very healthy. i want you to have your eggs. >> i do love eggs, harry. larry: they're up 37%. you're a successful wealthy guy you can afford it. not everyone can. eggs are very important. that is all i'm going to say on the subject. >> don't put them all in one basket, larry. larry: oh, no, here we go. art laffer, money can't buy you love. >> don't count them before they hatch. >> there you go. larry: john carney, also mr. cliche, coming up on "kudlow," joe biden make as plea for more ukraine money. here's the thing you never once mentioned the open border catastrophe here at home, that is the northern border around the southern border as well. so what are the house members going to do about that? we'll ask two leaders, cory mills and scott perry, next up on "kudlow." folks remember you can catch "kudlow" monday through friday at 4:00 p.m. right here on fox business. if you can't catch us at 4:00, just dvr the show.
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text your favorite nine-year-old. she will show you how to dvr the show. you will never miss a thing. no one will ever throw eggs at you. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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larry: so the senate last night chose ukraine over our own
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border security here in the u.s. so now i want to know what the house will do about all of that. here to tell us we welcome florida congressman cory mills and welcome pennsylvania congressman scott perry. gentlemen, thank you very, very much, i appreciate it. let me play a quick clip from speaker johnson. here it comes. take a listen please. >> national security begins with border security, we said that all along. there is deliberative process we'll see how it goes, what i said national security begins with our own border. larry: national security begins at the border, i have to got to say, scott perry, that is a bit of a non-denial, doesn't say whether there is a vote on the floor or not. i think americans are still furious. i wanted to add northern border security is now coming into play. 484 came over on the terrorist
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watch list. they were apprehended. of course the southern border has been an absolute utter daily catastrophe and joe biden din mention a single word about u.s. border security in his little speech today, scott perry. what do you make of it? >> well, look, in the senate they are slow learners. i'm not really sure what to say about president biden. i will let you make your assessment on him your own according to his abilities to understand but the house said over and over again we'll not going to be interested in funding, securing other countries borders, thousands upon thousands of miles away while ours are wide open. we heard your economic report which includes the things that our citizens are enduring because of all these people coming across the border illegally. that has to be what is solved first. once we solve that, then we can talk about a whole lot of other things but that has to be front and center. the senate will get it one way or the other. if it means they have to continue to pass bills that
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never come to light in the house then so be it, fine by me. larry: cory, putting in another $100 billion, i mean maybe i will sound like rand paul but i'm happy to sound like rand paul. others said the same thing. we had marco rubio on last night saying it, putting $100 billion we'll be on the road to four, $50 trillion of debt and cory, for what? here is what i don't understand. mr. biden doesn't lay out the iams and goals in the ukraine. he doesn't lay out any sort of diplomatic exit ramp or negotiations. and he seems not to care one wit about whatever, six, seven, eight million illegals crossing the border and there will be a lot more this year. in other words, i don't know what the strategy is, for either the war in ukraine or the border. all i know is we're throwing money at it. cory the inflation rate is starting to rise again the last few months. >> you're exactly right, larry. look the bottom line we're
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34 trillion in debt. that is the equivalent of just next year in our interest service payments alone at being over $900 billion which is the equivalent of our entire national defense annual budget and if president biden truly wanted to secure our borders like he continues to try to tell the american people he could do it right now under executive order with 212 section f he could snap his finger with unilateral authority. the senate in their arrow ganci, trying to pontificate whether or not we should prioritize our border or another border. we have to go stop funding endless wars, stop prioritizing people we weren't elected by, start thinking about people coming across our border illegally. 8.5 million crossing border, 1.8 million in got-aways. that doesn't include those on known terrorist watch list crossed our borders. this is national security, humanitarian, health crisis. we as elected officials are elected by the american people. i'm elected by florida's 7th
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district. i will serve the american people, not zelenskyy and his people. larry: scott, occurs to me, you guys are the leaders, biden is trying to make this about saving ukraine and i think we have to save the united states and it isn't political. i just think that if you look at the numbers, 80% of americans want to do something about our border and biden is ignoring that. and i just think if you turn the conversation back to our border, the ukraine thing will make less and less sense unless we go back to a border bill, scott perry, you follow me? we need a border -- the u.s. public, i don't know what the ukrainians want. i'm not smart enough to know. i would like to see negotiations with putin to tell you the truth, all right? i don't like putin but i think there should be negotiations. i'm just saying american folks want to solve the border for any number of reasons. >> well maybe the president is detached from reality but representative mills and myself are not.
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our bosses, our constituents, the citizens of america, whether you're in florida, whether you're in pennsylvania are demanding we fix the border and of course like you said the president is not mentioning it at all. meanwhile we're supposed to ship our hard-earned tax dollars, people that get up in the dark of night, pack their lunch put their kids -- kids go get on the bus after these folks have gone to work. they're working hard to pay these bills, these inflationary bills, trying to put food on the table they can no longer afford. this president wants to send their tax money over to ukraine without any plan. we don't know what the mission is. we don't know what success looks like and oh, by the way where is europe? why aren't they fixing the problem in their neighborhood? why is it america's issue to fix, not only our problem but their problem as well? larry: all the big countries, we did this last night, not the uk but france, germany, italy and canada, g7 countries, have not paid their 2% of gdp fair share
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for nato. so that's a great point, scott perry. we had tuberville on last night. we had others on last night. i don't like putin. i don't like putin, don't get me wrong but why is there no effort at a diplomatic channel a negotiation? it would help the ukrainian people and might help the russian people? here we have to do something. cory, i will give you the last word. i'm just saying i think our foreign policy is just completely topsy-turvy out the window and i know our domestic border policy is topsy-turvy also. >> look the bottom line is that president biden and the democrats haven't recognized that our foreign and domestic policies are intrinsically linked. as you talked about the three biggest players, germany, italy and france, don't pay 2% of their overall function. 1947, nato was created to stop soviet union expansionism. they're saying no, we don't care about that. in my opinion we go back to president trump's stance, if you don't pay your bills, you don't
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get the article v services. nato stands now america takes over like the u.n. stands for useless nations. we need to protect the american border on both sides, work for the american people work as hard as schumer and mcconnell, two democrats in the senate are working to fund these foreign aid packages. larry: i hate to say it, repeat from the last segment, money can't buy love. congressman cory mills, congressman scott perry, you're terrific to come on. good luck, gent men. coming up on "kudlow," tony bobulinski remember him, he is singing before the house oversight committee today and his message is brutal. the bidens sold out the united states to ukraine and to china. congressman andy biggs was in the room to hear the discussion. he will with us next. get this, joe biden will have a medical checkup but it will not include a cognitive test. how will we know if he got all his marbles? liz peek, batya ungar-sargon will weigh in all when "kudlow"h
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♪. larry: so, tony bobulinski, very tough deposition today. he told the house oversight committee the bidens sold out the u.s. to ukraine and china. let's talk to arizona congressman andy biggs. he was in the room. he joins us now. andy, thank you for this. this sound was very brutal, just very candid, very direct. just thumbing through this basically he is saying the influence peddling depended on the biden name and the power of his higher office. the biden family business was joe biden period and he accuses them of dealing with the china oil company and the ukraine and in particular, andy, apparently he cited, i will get your testimony in a minute, but apparently he cited the fact that joe biden was sitting next to hunter biden when they did that 10 million-dollar shakedown of the chinese energy ceo, sitting right next to him.
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so is that what you heard? you were in the room today. >> yeah, mr. bobulinski was very forceful, provided documentation and, you know, i think he is credible. everything he says has been verified by other people so, when he says joe biden was the, was the product that the biden family was selling, that was verified by devon archer. that was verified by others. when he says he met with joe biden, he can tell you the day he met with him, where he met with him, why joe biden was there. he was really talking in 2017 at the milken conference in beverly hills. so i thought he was very, to me he is very convincing and i think he is up applied enough connection between joe biden, i mean, don't ever forget joe biden told us and his campaign people told us for years, hey, joe biden didn't
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know anything about hunter's business and nobody in the biden orbit got any money from china. simply not true. you add what tony was talking about today to say the 1023, the fbi statement, you have a plethora of information connecting joe biden to the shakedown which is what, what hunter biden was engaged in, this shakedown and selling of influence. larry: andy biggs, one thing bobulinski says which is very interesting to me, he says united states law enforcement appears to have been singularly unwilling to speak with me or hear the facts we will be discussing. he goes on to say, i have never been contacted to provide testimony, nor asked to speak with anybody connected with biden's administration including the justice department, the fbi, or the internal revenue service, or local law enforcement, or, special attorney david weiss. in other words, nobody in the
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justice area i'll say, even though we know it is a two-tiered justice system, nobody wanted to talk to bob linsky. this guy is a navy veteran. his father was a navy veteran. they're both decorated. he has given money to democrats. not like he is a whack job partisan republican, et cetera, et cetera. nobody wanted to solicit his opinion. i find that incredible. >> well, don't be too surprised about that because, every agency you're talking about engaged in other acts to protect and hunter biden, whether it was doj hey, that laptop is not real. the intelligence community saying that is russian disinformation. bobulinski is coming in. he has mountains of documents. he kept three phones from the era of 2015 to 2022, excuse me, 2020, where he has these text messages between him and hunter,
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everybody like that. they can't get those because they are blackberries. i don't know why he was still using a blackberry in 2015. he was still using a blackberry for pete's sake. they claim they can't get the information. what is more striking, i want to add to your bewilderment, what is more striking to me, when he was looking over the document, when they finally released the fbi transcript to him, he felt it was wrong in places, they reached out to the fbi, we want to make corrections, we think it was wrong and they still didn't get any response. that is amazing to me. larry: yeah it is. congressman andy is about, thank you for this preliminary discussion. we appreciate it very much, sir. moving right along, joining me on set, i needed some company, liz peek, syndicated columnist, fox news contributor. batya ungar-sargon conservative journalist and commentator. ladies, welcome. enough of, enough of that, here, joe biden said today or his people said today or his wife
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who we're calling mrs. wilson said today, you know the inside joke, anyway he is going to get a medical, liz, he won't get a cognitive medical. >> yeah. larry: if he does not get a cognitive test how do we know if he has all his marbles, huh? >> i think this is a teaser because i think you don't think he has all his marbles. larry: i'm empirically asking this question. >> this conversation has gone on in four years, remember in 2020, people were saying why doesn't he take a cognitive test? now it is really dire for joe biden. all this could be resolved if he did took a cognitive test, did okay. end of discussion. obviously he can't do it or he would do it. if you want to put 86% of americans who think he is too old to run at ease, take a cognitive test, have the results verified, come out and say, i told you i was okay. i'm totally okay, here is the proof. he can't do it.
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larry: did you see his little speech today about ukraine? do we have a tape of that? i know it's not in the script but we had something before. he looked so feeble, you couldn't barely hear him, okay? he is trying to sell the ukraine money. i don't happen to agree, but whatever, that is not my point. my point is how feeble he looked. to liz's point they can continue to get away with it, whether he runs or not the public is completely turning against him and unless and until shows he has some cognitive abilities or recovery or something. >> but here's my question, okay? so on ukraine for example, on funding, right, he is no different than any other democrat. on the open borders, in 2019, during a democratic primary debate they were asked who here agrees that we should decriminalize illegal border crossing? larry, every single person on that stage raised their hand yes, that one person, poor john
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hickenlooper, who didn't go far. marianne williamson, bernie sanders, all those people agree with him. the democratic party all agree with him. i say all that because his cognitive abilities are not terrifying, but they are, to say he is a perfect representation where the democratic party is at, waging class warfare against the working class through the open border. larry: with or without his marbles. with or without his marbles. you're saying the marbles are irrelevant. do we this quick clip to play. here it comes. take a quick look. president biden: supporting this bill is standing up to putin. opposing it is playing into putin's hands. house republicans, you got to decide, are you going to stand up for freedom or are you going to side with terror and tyranny? you going to stand with ukraine, you going to stand with putin. will you stand with america or
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trump? >> oh, boy. that is pretty awful. larry: just awful. >> so uncomfortable. larry: best thing can happen to him, day time tv, nobody saw it. in all honesty it will be shown in prime-time tv on this show. whatever you think, i agree with you, the policy is far left stuff, it is failing. i totally agree. one other point. >> can i say something about that? larry: no, too much fun. >> i know, but republicans, i've said this before, republicans need to run against the policies, not just an old person. larry: no no,. >> i do think that is completely valid. larry: i agree 100%. i want to talk about the new republican national committee. mike wheatley, lawyer lara trump, particularly lara trump. here is the thing, the democrats will do the best they can to sabotage, to lawfare, to mail-in ballots, to undermine and steal this election and the republican
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national committee better be ready for it. that's my point. that's how i -- i don't know these people. he is the head of the rnc in north carolina, fine. i do know lara trump. she is very bright woman, so for the. la ciitas that he will try to steal it, that is my point, bet on it. bet on it. >> the most important thing for the gop is to be focused on right now not running against things, running for things. how are you showing your working class voters who are the majority of the gop right now, that you are creating a pathway to the american dream for them because for working-class people, that is becoming harder and harder. what are you running for? what are you running on? not just what are you running against. larry: i agree with that, 100%, liz, give you the last word because you have all your marbles. >> so far. larry: the rnc, they're the machinery. >> yeah. no, no i agree. larry: the machinery has not done so freight in the last several elections, last word.
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>> interestingly i went back and looked at by cycle fund-raising. they have not done so badly on fund-raising but it is the legal stuff, larry. you are totally right. they need to be out there incredibly active and prevent tiff in terms of this stealing of ballots and drop boxes full of ballots somebody harvested that are not correct, et cetera. they have to be proactive on this hopefully, hopefully, lara trump will get the fund-raising machine really activated because it has the trump name. i do think that is good. larry: she is great. they will try to steal. democrats -- >> all the dirty tricks possible. larry: liz peek, batya ungar-sargon that, very much, ladies. up next, fani willis is in heap of trouble, won't tell the truth, will lose her job. will lose her case against donald trump. she will lose everything. we have a live report on this from hotlanta, georgia.
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fani willis did not want to happen. a judge insisted on it. a focus of hearing will be her relationship with the prosecutor she hired. when did that relationship start, and did both profit from the relationship? willis said the allegations against her are gossip a judge says differently. the judge says if these allegations are true she could be disqualified from the case. >> because i think it's possible that the facts alleged by the defendant could result in disqualification i think an evidentiary hearing must occur to establish the record on those core allegations. >> reporter: we could see some real fireworks on thursday if the judge makes fani willis take the stand. one defense lawyer has already said that willis and wade, the prosecutor she hired, are both lying about when their relationship started and that she has the witnesses to prove it. larry, back to you. larry: so let me get this right, we got a minute, the possibility, the allegation they knew each other well before
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2022, had their relationship, quote, unquote, then she appoints him, then she throws 700 grand at him and then they go and joyride with the 700 grand. she could lose her whole career from this if those allegations are in fact true. >> lose her career, when you give false testimony, false affidavits in court records that could be a criminal offense. larry: steve harrigan, one of the themes of this show is money can't buy you love. here we go again, in hotlanta georgia. thank you ever so much. appreciate it. >> reporter: thanks, larry. larry: folks i will be right back with my last word.
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