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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 14, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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gy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to >> in you want biden to win, you have to know the independent that's comfortable. if there's a longevity issue, it's second mandate. that you've got someone to step in that you would be comfortable being president. that's not her right now. >> if joe biden wanted to put to rest and attack this issue, about how unfair the transcript is, demand they release the transcript and/or video tape of the interview. >> far more concerned to -- far
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more important to concern yourself with your own border. i was elected to protect american citizens. >> it's an electable campaign. what's more disciplined if they can throw that discipline net over the president, former president trump, that would be great because he can win this election. stuart: what's this song? the supremes. something valentine related. it is 11:00 on the east coast, we're on the east coast and wednesday, february 14th. happy valentine's day to one and all. check the markets. we have the dow now in negative territory. big drop yesterday and now down five point this is morning. the nasdaq tried to recover, it was up about 100 points at one stage and now up just 50 so the rebound is slowing down. let's put it like that. big tech moments ago all the big
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tech stocks on the upside and now we've just got meta and amazon. that's it. microsoft, alphabet, apple, all -- microsoft hovering around dead flat and amazon and apple down. 10-year treasury yield telling you about the state of the market. down a little but well above 4.25%. now this, with karine jean-pierre, the white house could check three boxes. white house press secretary is black, female, and gay. identity politics played a big role in her appointment. she had very little experience for such a big job. she worked as a political adviser to president obama and political analyst at msnbc. handled communications for move very left wing but never faced anything like a white house press call. it showed. she lacked credibility, her answers to reporters questions lacked clarity, frequently it was hard to understand exactly what she'd said. she'd been appointed because of
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who she was, not for what she could do. presidents have every right to make those political judgments, but they have to live with the consequences. now the president is in a tough reelection campaign, under extreme pressure for cognitive abilities and karine jean-pierre is not doing well. that's why john kirby has been promoted to assistant to the president. you'll be see ago lot more of him at the podium. this is a difficult situation. kirby is a 60-year-old white male overshadowing a 49-year-old black female. it's admission that identity politics may deliver diversity but not always solid performance. third hour of varney starts fourth quarter. ♪ stuart: guy benson with me this morning. what do you make of this tense relationship between john kirby
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and karine jean-pierre? is this a failure of identity politics? >> i think it is. we've seen this from the biden administration on multiple fronts, one example that springs to mind, stu, i don't know if you saw the ax owes report earlier in the week about the total chaos within the administration on border policy, one name is javier ba cera. the health secretary in the pandemic appointed during a worldwide pandemic, and basically everyone agrees he was totally unqualified for the position. he was a lawyer and politician, no experience on the health side. public health or otherwise but said we like that name, javier bacerra and want to look like america in our cabinet so he'll do. look how that's turned out on multiple fronts i would say at hhs. similar story with jean-pierre. what's sad is, stuart, you and i both know tons of people with diverse backgrounds and all sorts of incredible stories who
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are very good and talented at what they do. it feels like shoe horning people into high profile positions without thinking it through potentially, no consideration for qualification and then checking the box very publicly oh, look at what we've done on dei or representation without going a little deeper into job performance. stuart: there's no transcript released of president biden's counsel interview and president biden won't take a cognitive test and yesterday he walked up to the podium saying i'm not taking any questions from reporters. this looks like a new basement strategy. >>it does and i'm not sure it'sa great plan. they can stand up there and
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pound the table about how unfair and inaccurate the report is and get a bunch of democrats to come up and wear up and down he's -- swear she's sharp and we've seen him over and over and not having him demonstrate it to voters, you're going to get, oh, 86% of the country saying he's too old, which is what we saw in the abc news poll recently. if they felt confident in their defense of him and in his cognitive abilities and being up for the job, i think they would be putting him out there in a flood the zone strategy as their best form of defense right now. you want to do pr, get out there, the damage control would be the president showing that commanding presence, showing that acuity in one interview after another for about a week. just put him everywhere. then americans can make their own choice, they didn't do that, they haven't done that, they didn't reverse with the super
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bowl interview with tens of millions watching and they're making these choices for a reason and that's the conclusion voters will draw. stuart: they're not taking the risk. put him out and they will not take that risk. if they don't, it looks even worse. >> agreed. that's the dilemma they're in. if they felt the confidence they aspouse about him in him, they'd have him out there and they're not. stuart: well said, guy, see you real soon, i hope. >> thanks, stu. stuart: hunter biden's former business partner testify that had president biden enabled, that's the right there, enabled his son to sell access to most dangerous adversaries. what else did he say? lauren: this is tony bobulinski. stuart: testifying on the hill? lauren: yes, worked with hunter biden to create a joint venture with cefc china energy. he call it had a surrogate of ccp. said he personally met with joe biden two ti times in californin may of 2017 saying it is clear to me that joe biden was the
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brand being sold by the biden family. republicans agree, democrats say all right, where's the evidence? house impeachment probe into biden is accelerating and president biden's brother is testifying in two weeks and photos of drugs and drug paraphernalia on hunter's phone and mentioned in court filing and the if i cantures from 2018 around the same time the government said he lied on a federal gun form. stuart: interesting developments. it is, speeding up. got it. thanks, lauren. lauren. check the markets, please. we're back in the green and not much compared to yesterday's ton of red ink. dr barton for us this morning. does yesterday's inflation number change your outlook, 3.1% on cpi? change your outlook on stocks? >> it does not, stuart. we've been talking about a market that's been happy, that's
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got lots of cash still on the sidelines, amazingly, and company earnings doing better. pushing out one or two more fed meetings till the fed gives us a hint of dropping rates, they'll give us intermediate popping around, volatility, but doesn't change my outlook at all. stuart: okay, you like uber. it's up big today because they've got a big stock buy back program, $8, 11%, $77 a cheryl where do you see uber going? i own a thin sliver so i'm happy but where's it going? >> yeah, the last time we talked about this, stuart, was march of last year. about 80% ago. this thing has given us a nice drive up since then. i can see it tacking on in addition to today and end of the
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year and stock buy back is actually a pretty big deal because they didn't have any money to buy back stock with before. they've shown $1.9 billion of profit and that's a huge deal for a company built on growth. stuart: where do you think it's going? just under $100? >> i think that under $100 in the next 18 months is under, yes. i think we could get double digit gains from here in the next state queens months, tack on 10, 12% from here in the next 12 months, stuart, which is good money for a stock that's doing already really well today. stuart: i'd be delighted. dr, thank you and see you soon, sir. lauren is here and looking at wonder stock, amazing stock
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nvidia up again. lauren: yeah, the market came down a bit so did the gains for nvidia. this is the poster child of ai. it has now officially topped amazon's market value and google. hasn't close where had google was but third most valuable company. microsoft, apple, in the u.s. and then nvidia. stuart: extraordinary. out of nowhere. good lord. we've got mgm. their revenue is up big. lauren: look at stock, down 6.13%. formula 1 coming to vegas and hotel seeing regional weakness in gambling. the super bowl, big win for mgm and can't count that in yet. stuart: ketchup heinz. lauren: customers pulling back and trading down. craft-heinz reported lower sales and also forecast lower sales
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for the full year as well. stuart: pricing power goes down, stock goes down. lauren: volume down, price up. stuart: spacex looking to build a massive new plant in texas and reportedly big enough to house 15 football fields. how much it's going to cost and what it's for. the u.s. reportedly rejected putin's proposed ceasefire deal for ukraine. we have a full report on why. president biden now making tiktok to promote his campaign. is he sacrificing our national security to get more gen z votes? morgan ortagus on that next. (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪
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stuart: a new report claims the u.s. rejected putin's proposal for a ceasefire in ukraine. greg palkot is with us. what was wrong with putin's plan? >> stuart, if this report is true, it's putin want ago ceasefire his way. more between russia and ukraine is now about to enter its third year and the death and destruction is un-relenting just over 93 killed include ago child when russian missiles hit a apartment building in the east and roaders said russian president putin offering the last few month as ceasefire in the fighting to u.s. contacts. moscow intended to hold onto territorial gain gains and kyiv flatly refuses and it's in line when how russia is thinking the
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days and one dramatic hit for the ukraine side according to kyiv, a russian landing ship potentially full of crew and ammo is blown up and sunks and ukraine secondive in targeting russian naval vessels. stuart, outmanned and outgunned and has to deal with the russian foe. stuart: greg palkot, thank you. the president is criticizing presidents that don't support more funding for ukraine. watch this. >> can't walk away now. that's what putin is betting on. he flatly said that. supporting this bill is standing up to putin. opposing it is playing into his hands. you've got to decide, are you going to stand up for freedom or side with terror and tyranny. you're going to stand with
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ukraine or with putin? will you stand with america or with trump? >> do you agree should we give the president money and do it now? >> it's more complicated than yes or no on that. if the house can do a couple provisions to the supplemental and palatable to the house and could be possible to pass. with refacing some logistical hurdles looking at reality and it's only three days left in this session. i don't know if there's enough in the next three days and making it palatable and there needs a two-thirds majority from the house to pass this. we are not close to that right now.
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now, what could the house do, and speaker johnson and common sense proposals and you don't need to negotiate comprehensive immigration reform and insert more border security measures that would make this more palatable to two-thirds of the house and funding reporting aid to ukraine, taiwan and israel and make it a loan. there's a history and helping allies and friends and doing so over a long tenure and and germans paid back construction and asyou can't get two-thirds of the house. it's a reality
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>> well, biden has war and chaos in theaters and would probably not like to go into reelection with that hanging over his head. every time the president talks about democracy, talks about standing up to putin, i'd like to know where he was for the first year of his president say not standing up to putin and remind our audience in two weeks, under two weeks is the two year anniversary of tuning fork tin invading in ukraine. putin invaded under george w. bush, barack obama and biden. he did not invade under trump. by the way, he didn't invade under biden just because they did everything right and oh well, it just happened. i have detailed and talked about plenty of times on the show biden saying as long as it's a minor incursion cpi canceled the nordstrom pipeline sanctions and armed control treaty withs no negotiation withs the russians and most importantly the flagrant thing the biden administration has done is they fund both sides of this war. so while they have been sending
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lethal weapons to ukraine and remind our audience president trump was the first to do that, we were the first to send lethal aid to ukraine. he's been paying off iranians billions of dollars and iranians in turn have sent suicide drones to the russians and they're now reportedly sitting am in addition, ballistic missiles so the biden administration by not enforcing sanctions and putting $6 billion in the largest randsome payment in history into the escrow and by not enforcing the tough policies that we pursued against iran in the administration they've funded both sides of the war and undermined their own policy so this thought they are the ones standing up to putin and russia is quite laughable to me. stuart: got it, morgan ortagus, thank you for joining us and always appreciate it. see you later. >> thanks, stu. stuart: now this, one of russia's neighboring countries just issued a chilling warning to the west. ashley, which country and what are they saying? ashley: that would be estonia.
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of course a former part of old soviet union saying russia is preparing for a military confrontation with the west been the next decade. estonia's foreign intelligence service said the threat could be deterred by a counter buildup of armed forces and the growing number of western officials have also been warning of a military threat from russia to co countrs along the eastern flank of nato. estonia said the assessment is based on russian plans to double the number of forces stationed along the border with nato members finland and baltic states of estonia, lithuania, and latvia. nato is responding and germy plans to have 4800 combat ready troops in the region by 2027 and that by the way is the first permanent foreign deployment by germany since world war ii. stuart: thanks issue ash. mark zuckerberg tried out apple's vision pro headset and
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facebook founder not impressed. we have the story. nvidia on a tear. they surpassed amazon in market value earlier -- just a moment ago, and now they've overtaken google. that was just a moment ago. angelo zino covered nvidia. we'll see if he thinks this surge can continue or if nvidia is running out of steam, that's next. ♪ (marci) so, how long have you lived here? (opponent) over forty years. (marci) and how are the restaurants around here? are they good, bad, meh? what's the average household income? is there a mall? i don't know. a hair salon? where do you get your hair done?
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and events, to email and sms marketing. constant contact delivers all the tools you need to help your business grow. get started today at constant contact. helping the small stand tall. stuart: spacex is planning to build a massive new facility in texas. how big will it b how much will it cost and what for? lauren: 15 football fields and $100 million and obvious and a factory so massive all around. ground breaking starts next week and elon musk hopes to have this wrapped up by january of 2025. so this is in brown'sville, texas, near the launch site of star ship and it'll take passenger into space. i wonder if this -- 'em said he
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wants to put a million people on mars and wants to col col colons but they're build ago retail complex and major industrial complex. stuart: he's building a compound for workers. 15 football fields, why not? i like this story, mark zuckerberg tested apple's vision pro headset, which is the direct competitor of meta's quest 3 mixed reality headset. let me guess, zuckerberg preferred his own product? lauren: said it's seven timese e comfortable to wear, lighter for the face, head to carry. he is more applications and games available. the screen is brighter. he went on and on. is apple just going to take that? stuart: i don't see tim cook trying out the quest 3. he's not going to do that. i don't know how he responds.
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there's no love lost between app and will google. lauren: i remember when the vision pro was first coming out. mark zuckerberg was positive and said i'm so hopeful that app criminal sell this thing because that'll get more people interested in virtual reality and augmented reality and boost our sales and get him closer to vision of the meta verse. stuart: going for that review, i think that's a good review. check the markets and green but not that much. dow is up 50, nasdaq up 83 points. i want to bring in angelo zino and right into nvidia. you cover it. it just passed google in market cams at third most valuable company in america, $1.83 trillion. where does nvidia go from here? what's your price target? >> well, you know, i told my target price is $700 and definitely surpassed that at this moment. we have a buy recommendation on the stock and our target price is under review. what we have repeatedly told our
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investors is that we think nvidia is probably the most important company out there to our economy, and we wouldn't necessarily be surprised if this very company that we're essentially going to be the most valuable company in the world at some point in the future because of that ecosystem that they have. when you look at catalyst they have in the next 12-18 months, there's no shortage of catalyst to be honest. there's a number of new products ramping up here over the next 12 months and h200 ramping in the first half of the year. new architecture called blackwell in the second half and commanding higher pricing and there's a lot to really like about in terms of nvidia. we think consensus estimates are probably about 15-20% too low in term of run rates exiting calendar 2024. a lot to like about it. there's a justification to why this name continues to work. stuart: i want to ask you about
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arm, chip designers in the same camp as nvidia and going straight up today. again 4% higher. but you put its rating at hold. why is that? >> yeah, we have a hold recommendation and seeing some momentum over the last couple days post earnings and had to absolutely great kind of earnings report but at the end of the day, you know, we typically have buy recommendations on names and the fundamentals and valuations both kind of work itself out and in this case with arm, the valuation doesn't make sense to us and definitely more momentum-based in nature and end of the day this company is largely driven by the smart phone industry and we've got a new architecture that they're ramping themselves that has significantly higher pricing and in fact 2x the pricing that their predecessor has and upside in the next couple quarters in terms of estimates and our view company trading north of 30
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times sales north of 65, 70 times on a basis r25 estimate and doesn't make sense at these levels in our view to own arm. stuart: too expensive, i got it. angelo, thank you for being with us today. covering two very interesting companies. we appreciate it. thank you. let's turn to the crime crisis. that's a change of subject. gun violence, robberies, car thefts, they're all up in oakland, california. z what else is the state doing to get a handle on oakland, claudia? >> well, stuart, now that the crime wave has gotten the state's attention and sending in more than 100chp offices and traffic laws and state attorneys to beef up prosecutions there and business owner wills need a lot more help from the state and also from the federal government to combat what they are calling a public safety crisis and one
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oakland city council member agrees. >> somebody robbed me and broke into my car, somebody stole my car. >> oakland city councilman said police aren't doing enough to stop dangerous street takeovers. >> people come in and throw their trash. >> illegal dumping, robberies, and other crimes that have residents like addy marcus. >> i carry bear spray, have a pocket knife on me. >> arming themselves walk his dog. >> it just seems to be going downhill. >> i've never seen oakland this bad. >> manager of this roofing company next to open air chop shop says break ins are routine. >> nothing changes, people swing by, police look at it. nothing. >> last year oakland saw violent crime rise 21% from 2022. robberies up 38% and number of stolen vehicles rose 44%. the results include home depot hiring private security, kaiser hospital advising staffers to
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eat lunch inside, and businesses like this profitable in n out closing all together. the mayor said she's surged police presence and employed technology to deter and respond to criminal behavior. >> our city is totally in utter dysfunction. >> at a recent rally, business owners blasted city leaders and threatened to take legal action over what they see as a total failure to tackle oakland's crime spike in any significant way. >> both the mayor and county's progressive district attorney are facing possible recalls and on top of all of that, stuart, the city is still looking for a new police chief more than a year after the last one was fired. back to you. stuart: claudia, right on it. thank you very much. we're only six weeks into the year and there's already been 169 shooting incidents in chicago. ashley, come into this, please. the city is about to make it more difficult for police to
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detect gunshots. what's that all about? ashley: well, the city is ditching its shot spotter contract and will stop use ago gunshot detection system later this year. the system relies on an artificial intelligence algorithm and a network of microphones to basically identify gunshots. critics claim the technology is not only inaccurate but open to racial bias and misuse by law enforcement. however, police have praised the system arguing that it is the crime rates, notaries don't's race that determine -- not resident's race that determine where the technology is deployed. the latest data shows a violent crime in chicago is dropping. since the start of the new year, there have been 39 homicides compared to 56 during the same period last year. that is a 30% drop which leads to questions as to why they are now going to ditch this technology. stu. stuart: good question. i can't answer. thanks, ash. coming up, thousands of drivers
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for uber, lyft, and door dash are striking today. they're demanding fair pay. we'll bring you the latest on the strike. a senate campaign in california calling for a $50 per hour minimum wage. celebrity chef sounding off on how this could affect businesses. we'll be back. ♪ you always got your mind on the green. not you. you! your business bank account with quickbooks money
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♪ looking good, guys! thanks! vacations are better with the credit gods are on your side. i'm coming up! rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. earn points for travel with credit one bank, and live large. stuart: amazon stock this morning, up $1 to $169 and jeff bezos sold nearly millions of shares. lauren: worth $4 billion and part of previously announced plan. he's catching high prices, selling shares near the highs.
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he's saving hundreds of billions of dollars. sorry, millions. $288 million thus far. why? because he moved to miami and florida had no state gains tax and washington state does, they've seen money leave the state. state. in november, should we repeal the 7% capital gains tax. stuart: they'll never do that. they hate capital gains. they love to tax them and don't care about a loss of money. believe me. they're socialists. barbara lee of california is calling for a $50 per hour minimum wage. kevin o'leary with me many this morning and weighed in. >> why not discuss better management of the resources versus just continuing to pay for inefficiency and lack of execution skill s? that place is a loser state.
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number one loser state. stuart: celebrity chef andrew gruel joining me now. thank you for being here hawaii would a $50 per hour minimum wage do to your business? >> hands down completely decimate every business in the state of california albeit 1% of high end retail businesses stay in business. there's thousands of state jobs in california. why don't they just step forward and start paying people $50 an hour today? because they can't. they can't afford it. if this is about putting more money in the pockets of workers, why not cut payroll taxes and people taking more money home. they can. they can't afford it. it's profiting 10% on say 30% labor costs to double their labor costs to 60%. that means they'll be net negative 20% every single
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restaurant will close overnight. stuart: are you comfortable with the way california is run? doesn't seem to be in favor of business much at all, does it? >> california is the worst run state following off what kevin o'leary said. he's 100% correct. the thing is they can't manage their money, they play the games on their spread sheets and move money around to pretend there's a surplus in the budget, they don't. they can't prosecute crime, and the state itself is falling apart. but the thing is it's an absolutely beautiful state and there's a reasonable subset of people that have good values and good perspective on things but they're being ignored and if they speak out, they get prosecuted. the only people getting prosecuted are the people that have good opinions. stuart: when i go out to eat, i'm astonished on the high prices and are they driving them away from your restaurant s? >> yeah, what happens is that if
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you maybe have like a visit once or twice a week, that person is going to come once every two weeks at best and prices are so high. everything is being priced out of the market and it's eating out even in fast food is becoming a luxury experience as opposed to something that can keep jobs on the vet sheet and can keep restaurants going day in and day out. stuart: are you financially strapped? >> oh, you know what, it's not about being financially strapped anymore, you can't get loans because the rates are so high and it's so risky to get the necessary loans that it's all friends and family and angels and every single day living so close to the edge that you want to be able to take care of your team members that you don't know how you're going to survive the next day if you don't get at least x amount of people in your doors and prices go up and they tax you more. stuart: it's a real tough situation for businesses across the country. thank you for coming on and telling us how bad it is.
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andrew gruel, we appreciate you. thousands of uber, lyft, and door dash drivers are expected to strike today. ashley, what are they prot protesting? ashley: well, the drivers that work as independent contractors accuse the companies offering unfair wages and accuse them of taking majority of commissions and valentine's day strike was announced by justice for app workeers and a coalition that represents more than 100,000 drivers. drivers shouldn't worry about making ends meet and demand changes from uber, lyft, door dash and all the app companies that use these contractors. as for the companies, their wage structure is fair. uber says drivers in the u.s. earned about $33 per utilized hour in the last quarter. we just got this news in, the self-driving car company waymo issued first ever recall over software issues and of course it comes after two of its cars crashed in phoenix.
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waymo update that had software. stuart: sports memorabilia up for auction and items from kansas city chiefs and patrick mahomes rookie card and travis kelce jersey. kenny is here to show off the goodies. they're up for auction and he's on the show next. ♪ hive digital technologies. a leading bitcoin miner and gpu cloud operator is building the infrastructure of tomorrow, featuring a robust growth strategy that aims to double its mining capacity while accelerating gpu-on demand business.
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stuart: ken goldin is back with us and priebus supply of hot items up for auction. ken, welcome back. start with kansas city chiefs memorabilia. that there is a kelce, travis kelce shirt. jersey. >> yes, this is a game-worn kelce jersey, and he wore this when he caught his 700th career reception making him the fastest tight end ever to get 700 receptions in the nfl. so we all knew he was going to be great back then, probably one of the two greatest all-time tight ends and this is up and expect to sell close to $40,000. stuart: $40,000 for the jersey. >> yep.
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stuart: okay. patrick mahomes rookie card. >> yes, mahomes rookie card is a 2017 card. it is no. 2, only two. a special card from his rookie photo shoot with the piece of swoosh from the rookie photo shoot and mahomes obviously has been going up since third super bowl. this is from 2017 national treasures. probably close to $50,000. stuart: have you got a taylor swift sealed copy of her debut album is this i know you do. it's there. >> we thought it would be interesting because of all the publicity. at goldin there's a pop culture auction running and one of the latest is people taking old vhs, old vinyl and old cds and getting graded just like a trading card or comic book. this is from 2006, a highly graded copy of first ever self-titled cd. this is very affordable. probably will go for under $1,000. right now it's only $330 right now. stuart: bring it on.
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>> everybody can bid on taylor swift. stuart: kobe bryant's jersey. >> yes this, is special and nba finals from 2009. this is a game used jersey from the 2009 nba finals and photo matched, and the lakers not only one that series 4-1, but kobe was the mvp and this is the highest ticket item on the desk. probably about a half a million or more. stuart: half a million dollars? >> yes. keep many mind, we've sold a kobe jersey for over $3 million previously. kobe is extremely, extremely popular. stuart: i wanted to save time for that pair of shoes. lebron james pair of shoes. it's a story and we have 60 seconds to tell it. >> this is very, very, very significant and patriotic. after 9/11, kobe bryant had adidas design the kobe2 in a special flag shoe and presented him with six pairs of flag shoes that he wore proudly after 9/11
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to show his patriotism and support for new york and the country. he wore them in a game. he then handed them to lebron james prior to the 2002 nba all star game and lebron, all though he had size 15 feet and these are size 14 shoes, squeezed his feet into these shoes and wore them in two high school games, they are photo matched. so this is like from kobe bryant to lebron james supporting our country. it's like to me one of the most special items we can sell. we're looking for this over $300,000 for this very unique pair. stuart: that is unique. it's two players coinciding on a pair of shoes. >> a player can use a bat, hand a bat but how can you step into another man's shoes; right. lebron did because kobe was so important and this moment was to important to him. stuart: you don't have an auction house where there's a bank or bits. do you? >> we typically don't do live auctions. i have a goldin gavel and that
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was presented in like 2014 when i did my first live auction so i do have a special wood gavel but no, everything is online at and people go and register to bid and all of these items we've got the sports option running and pop culture. stuart: >> yes. stuart: thank you, ken. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: time for the wednesday trivia question, it is kind of an easy one. what is the most purchased gift for valentine's day? flowers, greetings cards, candy, jewelry? the answer when we come back. i know exactly what i'm going to say. lauren: i don't. stuart: so do you. lauren: no, i don't. stuart: we'll be back. ♪ [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants
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stuart: i don't get that music for valentine's day, a string quartet.
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ken golden graciously agreed to stick around her. >> reporter: i will say the
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wrong answer. i would say jewelry. stuart: what have you got? ashley: based on the line of walgreens, greeting cards. stuart: i'm going with flowers. almost $26 million expected to be spent today, they are candy. >> everyone gives valentine's day in school. stuart: that's it for "varney and company". thanks for taking part. coast-to-coast starts in three seconds, starts now.


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