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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 15, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EST

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thomas jefferson survives. - when thomas jefferson and john adams die within hours of each other on the nation's 50th anniversary, the first chapter in american history comes to a dramatic close, earned with tremendous courage and perseverance. our nation stands on the sacrifice of our founding patriots and the liberty they fought so hard to achieve. while our government does require constant evaluation and revision the core values of the patriots remain firm. and so does their grand democratic experiment called the united states of america. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow.
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well, speaker mike johnson said happy valentine's day with more love for america by stopping ukraine funding bill and closing america's border instead. right on. matt taibbi will be here asking if election fix is already in. and oversight chair james comer will update us on joe biden influence peddling and classified documents, we begin with a couple thoughts off the top of, i love what speaker johnson did today, happy valentine's day. >> house g news conference mr. johnson said he wants to show valentine's day love for american people by securing u.s. borders before ponying up more foreign aid to other countries.
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>> american people are not feeling very loved right now, it's time are in washington to show love to americans, valentine's day is a good day to point it, leslisten to american people and their needs and take action. larry: live that. i feel more love now than before. and here is speaker johnson on the house bill itself. >> clear here this morning. the republican lead house will not be jammed or forced into passing a foreign aid bill opposed by most republican senators and does nothing to secure our own border. >> all right this is spot on. i love this stuff. this is love. this is valentine's day love. it is also very good policy, speaker johnson said he has been requesting a meeting with president biden for a month. biden won't give him a meeting, speaker wants to talk about the border, national security, i'll get
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talk about joe biden's federal budget that has become a fiscal fiasco that according to latest congressional budget office baseline estimates. this is where government debt held by public estimated to rise to 48 trillion dollars or 116% of gdp, with all this new biden spending, even inflation rate that was creeping down is now beginning to creep higher again along with rising interest rates, that including mortgage rates, the fiscal point, former speaker newt gingrich writing on fox news digital, senate at contempt for america is on full display, 22 republican senators appear clueless about america's fears when if comes to our ballooning national debt newt's key
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point, they passed foreign age package with zero offset to pay for it none. no one wants to talk about spending offsets, that is if you spend a buck here, you have to erase a buck over there. newt cites a poll that shows voters prefer republicans by 50 to 34% over democrats so long as republicans insist on spending offsets. in this case, g.o.p. senor senators who voted for the foreign aid bill never discussed offsets. that is not love. back to speaker mike johnson, he is talking about focusing on appropriation bills in normal course of regular budget order, rather than diving into a massive unpaid for foreign raid bill. and from my perspective, any of these ukraine funds bills, should insist on some sort of diplomatic off-ramp
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mandate by congress. the idea that because america doesn't like vladimir putin, that means we should never talk to the russian dib tat -- dictator or as former president trump suggested, attempt to negotiate a ceasefire, or even peace, that idea is nonsense. you know back in the day, ronald reagan who stated policy was to destroy soviet communism, and he did. but along the way, he negotiated with gorbachev, not out of love but as a tactic to nail down the soviet coffin. trump wants to talk with putin and is willing to talk with 94 dec other de dictators as pri negotiate or on behalf of america first, in speaker johnson he intends to close the border and restore trump border security hr2 provisions that
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biden destroyed when taken office biden's actions led to illegal immigration cas a-- catastrophe. so, i repeat, happy valentine's day mr. speaker. mike johnson. we'll get back to this in a few moments but first, let's talk about america's fiscal path, edward lawrence is standing by at the white house. boy this is, you know money can't buy you love, as i said last night, what you got? reporter: president believes that money can buy the things that help the challenges that here at white house, from helping economy to the border to helping ally overseas. but the congressional budget office director issued a stark warning today. >> i can tell you, i am very confident this fiscal trajectory is
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unsustainable. under current law, that you know, that is one of the key messages of our budget projections. reporter: talking about interest payments to debt larger than all of the federal spending on children, also more than government spends on medicaid by 2026, committee for responsible federal damage said intere interest payment don' will top a trillion a year. >> we're at economic and fiscal tipping point. you know every second we borrow another 90 thousands dollars, time it took me to say that we borrows another 90 thousand. reporter: democrat in house, hearing what cbo director focused on the economy as you know, the administration pushing line that people should feel better about it. >> prices are still high, our economy has been
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remarkably as noted by many people, through on the the world i, i would say, remark actually resill yip and inflation is coming down, we can all agree on, based on the numbers. which could soon lead to interest rate cuts. as we're seeing. reporter: there is no talk here at white house to change policies or that spending could not cure anything. back to you. larry: edward, spirit of valentine's day. those fed interest rate cuts, look like they are dead in the water for at least foreseeable future. as you know market rates are going back up. the mortgage rate above 70%. >> yeah. -- 7%. >> march rate cut off of the table. now it looks like may rates might be off the table, given what we've seen with inflation, you have more government spending to come that the keep putting upward
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pressure on inflation, there is tha that under tone this core number is moving sideways. >> edward lawrence thank you. >> joining us now, great pressure chairman of house oversight committee mr. james comer, welcome back, sir. i want to get to your to bobulinski and classified documents, but. i want to start with what mike johnson said today. speaker johnson made very bold statements, he said this is valentine's day, we have to give america more love, white house and democrats are ignoring it. they are giving money to the ukraine, and we should have a protection of u.s. border first. basically, as i read this, speaker johnson there is not going to be any vote in the near-term on this senate bill. can you enlighten us on this mr. comer. >> i proudly support what
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speakerrion johnson said, people at home in kentucky that i want to spend their tax dollars on american first policies and secon secure the border, president has the authority to secure the border, he does not need more money or a bill to be passed. he just needs to do his job. we know he has not done his job, he immediately halted the ca southern border wall that president trump started and we funded, and filed to supreme court to pro remove raiser wire that texas national guard put down, we know where joe biden s i support speaker johnson's statement. larry: according to speaker johnson today, you are my nearest poll to the republican leadership, i have to ask you the questions. you are smart, you know this stuff, jones janua johnson
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said biden won't meet with him. he has been trying to meet with him for a money, i bet you, that part of that conversation, known if you saw newt gingrich op-ed piece, where are pay-fors from the senate. not a single pay for that, is a reason why we're going bankrupt. >> you are right. we can't continue this excess eveexcessive spending, we have to look at our priority of the american people, it is not giving ukraine a blank check, but paying our own bills and securing our border and fixing our own crum crumbling infrastructure. talked about this for many years. that is the position of majority of republicans, in the house of representatives. larry: one last one, for the
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moment, to use speaker johnson, g.o.p. won't be jammed on this senate foreign aid bill. i am here to say, that happy valentine's day, mr. johnson, i hope he stays with that. and you might be still attempting to put a border security bill in there. you have hr2, that is a terrific bill. are we right about this? not being jammed on senate bill, and you try to pivot get back to border security is that possible. >> that is possible. i want to make sure that everyone knows we have already passed hr2, we can pass it again, senate sat on that bill for months and months and months. it would fix the border, it is everything that president needs and more to do his job, to secure the southern
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borders yet republican in senate have n have not demanded that schumer take it up, that is disappointing and cost a lot of american lives with more fentanyl and more human trafficking, pouring across our unsecure sword inc southern bored sneborder. larry: to your oversight hearing hunter biden coming up and james biden. you had bobulinski and walker. is the case for influence peddling in your judgment strong every after the depositions from bobulinski and walker. >> absolutely. as you know, to be able to convict someone you have to create a pattern of crimes, we have done with bobulinski and walker, we created a pattern that joe biden was the brand, he was the what
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the bidens were selling access to. the big question, we have always had, what did the bidens do to receive tens of millions from our enemies according to rob walker and tony bobulinski under oath, they were selling access to joe biden, and joe biden knew, that is the other thing, joe biden said he never met with these people, we have proven he has met with all of them, i think that american people even democrats in congress and allies in mainstream media they know thatted by itc that -- bidens were influence peddling, joe biden knew and he was a central figure in the influence peddling. larry: mr. chairman. seconds of the hur report, the special counsel report on biden's classified documents. are showing that some of the documents that he illegally
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and willfully took away from the senate and vice presidency, had to do with ukraine and china. which does all of a sudden cross rough to what hunter biden and the rest of the family influence peddler were doing is that true? is the classify documents going back because of what biden was worried about? or'ed too keep stuff -- he wanted to keep stuff, didn't want people to know that would add to illegality of it, that justeds to problem. what do you think? is it in there? >> well we know that some of the documents that were classified that joe biden mishandled were documents from ukraine and china. this is a concern to us. we know that the bidens have received millions of dollars from ukraine and russia. one of documents that we're concerned about that showed
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up on hunter biden e-mail was a document he sent on a ukrainiana oligarch, we' ton if this was a -- we want to know if this was one of documents in joe biden's stash of the documents he his handled. if -- mishandled. if that is true, then that says that hunter biden was trying to prove worth to ukraine, when joe biden was vice president he made 80 thousand a month on the bored of burisma, the day joe biden left, they cut his salary in half because he was less value to him. it could be possible to hunter biden was trying to prove his value to the ukrainian oligarch, saying i have access to the classified documents that fits into the business model, we need to know which documents and from from
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country, joe biden mishandled the classified documents. larry: i get it chairman comer thank you, sir, we appreciate it. >> happy valentine's day. >> thank you. larry: coming up on cud lo kudlow, money can't buy love, and joe biden's federal spending fiasco is bankrupting america, we will talk about it with steve moore and mike faulkender coming up. you can't catch us at 4 text your favorite 9-year-old, she will show you how to dcv the show, and you will never miss a classified document, i am kudlow, happy valentine's day. the new dexcom g7 sends your glucose numbers to your phone and watch, so you can always see where you're heading, without fingersticks. dexcom g7 is the most accurate cgm. so, you can manage your diabetes with confidence. ♪ ♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down...
5:22 am dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. larry: all right happy valentine's day. why not say it, i wir wore my pink tie, nothing but love, but known can't buy you love, but joe biden is still throwing us to bankruptcy, joining us now steve moore, most of moore money. and michael faulkender. and now the big wig economist at afpa, blotting a new administration, i hope to you both. i will enjoy reporting on
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it. steve moore, newt has a piece on fox digital, i mentioned it, it goes to this, so many reasons why ukraine spending bill is bad bill, one reason, there are no offsets, republicans 20 something voting for it, not a peep about offsets, you spend 100 billion and take 100 billion out of here, make it a way of life. happy valentine's day america. we would like to keep you out of bankruptcy but no one cares, this business about offsets, we have looked at it for years, what is wrong with the g.o.p., i hope mike johnson fixing it. >> not one penny, not one penny of offsets on 100 billion spending bill. whatever happened to pay-as-you-go. the rules, spend more money one thing you spend less on another.
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i calculated that if this is such an urgent national priority for america, as biden said yesterday in his televised speech, searchly we could cut 2 cents out of every dollar from other programs to pay for it they are not doe, that i want to make a points, my friend at heritage foundation appointed out if they approve this money and they get a peace deal in ukraine with russians, the government would still have to spend that money. and this is where i like your idea and donald trump's idea of giving president. -- power so president does not have to spend money. larry: thank you, i want to add russ vought, a strong advocate of this, i have been in love with budget empowerment for years, faulkender if you know something, weigh in this
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means, is that president has executive authority, on the fiscal and budget side, if he sees moneys that he feels are being spent unwisely and/inefficiently or incorrectly here, can take it away, last guy to have it was nixon. my faulkender, but he got blown out by watergate and a left wing congress in 1975 why not bring back, to repeat, my saintly wife asked, could you put a sentence in. it just means, presidents have a executive authority to control the budget. they can make executive decisions if they see problems and inefficiencies or corruption, faulkender, what do you think, it will not solve every problem. >> so, larry worse than what
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you describe, it says that if president or congress says, we need to fulfill some obligation, say on education or foreign affairs, if president can do it less ebb expensively, right now they have to spend every dollar that congress appropriated, even if 5 billion is allocated but about the can do it for 3, they have to spend 5, it generates no incentive for bureaucracy and executive branch to find efficiency, it actually encourages very pro. >> spend gd. spending. larry: steve moore, you give this authority to a tough president, note a weakling like biden but a tough president like trump tough.
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he will rip into this swamp like you have never seen ripped into the swamp. high wi-- you know what else, we have been talking about this, i want to end the civil service tenure. there is no reason why they have to lifetime tenure, they are worst than harvard faculty and just as far left. i want to rip -- drain the swamp, and rip through the swamp, and stuff like civil service -- ending the tenure and budget entitlement authority and a lot of other things that can be done will go after the swrasm swamp, that is better than jacking up taxes. >> well, you know every president from george washington to james ma madison to abraham lincoln to franklin radiosvil
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roosevelt used to empowerment power. another president was ronald reagan, he was so frustrate hide had to spend tens of billions he did not think was necessary for obsolete programs. what ceo of a company would be required to spend money on things they don't need to spend money on, you can't make it up, this is outrageous. the most -- we don't have to spend a ton of more money in ukraine if we would drill, baby drill, another theme. and bankrupt the russians, that is one of the reasons that in my opinion, that russia went into ukraine. larry: i think you are 100% right. 100% right. mike faulkender, you look at cbo numbers, edward lawrence had clips, we had douglas holtz-eakin on.
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a friend he said this is unsustainable, no one in town, except far left laughs this mike faulk faulkender, what do you do when you are a big shot in trump administration, what is your plan to solve 120% of gdp budget deficits 2 -- let's see, 2 .5 to 3 trillion dollar deficits, spending is 24% of gdp . >> item number one, drill, baby, drill, unleash american merge to drive down cost of everything, send power back to people through deregulation, let businesses and individuals operate their own lives, and massively slash spending there no reason for bureaucracy to spend the money it does and extent pro growth tax reform, and 5, let's make sure we have sound money and sound
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financial institutions, and number 6, let's make sure our trade dials in world are resireciprocal. >> he is pretty good. >> he has the whole agenda. and not just valentine's day it is ash wednesday. i hope you got your ashes today. larry: i am going to go, i am getting communion after the show, i promise. you are great, nice going by the way, michael faul faulkender, you are a star, steve moore you have always been a star, thank you, kids. >> on kudlow, a tough one, is election fix already in for 2024? democracy, insurrectionists, we ask investigative journalist mas matt taibbi, then we hear from joe concha and caroline downey when kudlow returns on
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larry: ace investigative journalist, mac matt taibbi asked, is the electoral fix already in. looks like it will be decided by lawyers not voters, as democrat unveil fans for america's first law fare election. so matt, i will say i read most. i read about it. you make some really tough points. interesting this democrats thought trump would blame them for the insurgent now they blame trump. everything is lawfare, this is din dynamite stuff.
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>> thank you for having me on. i have been covering president at elections since 2004. normally this time of year, media is interested in what voters think. we're out there going state to state. this year, all of key battles take place in courtrooms with supreme court hearing last week about colorado case. there were complaints filed about robert f. kennedy jr., and on going battle to keep the no labels third party off ballots, in many states. and all of this stuff is designed to make key determinations about who can participate in the election ahead of the 2024 vote. and there is possibility exists that you know,
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everyone but the major matter candidate on the democratic side, will face very seriously legal challenges ahead of the vote. larry: biden -- people refer to 68. lbj steps down because mccarthy sort of upset him in new hampshire. believe it or not, i was kid working on those campaigns, but. there are no primaries now. biden won't let it, this is undemocratic. >> right, this is a massively under reported story. for whatever reason, the mainstream press, which should be interested in goes on of the democratic party, didn't seem to care that the disallowed the results of the ha new hampshire pray meyerprimary, and canceled florida primary, and robert
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f kennedy jr., to run a well financed campaign was forced on run as third party candidate because of the obstacles. they are not allowing you on run -- they don't want to run a hear party challenge and they are trying to get donald trump off the ballot in the republican party, who do they want to run against, a very interesting question. larry: the left fields justifies, usurping democratic will of america people to quote, save democracy, and you mention a trantrans-- transition integraintegrity project, sounds like the dems are itching to sabotage of election. >> the transition integrity
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project was a very interesting story, it came out in summer of 2020 there was a group of people who claim to be deeply concerned that donald trump would not leave the white house voluntarily, they gathered 100 prominent people who included, energy secretary jennifer grandholm and john podesta, and donna brazile. and a number of former defense officials, and people in military, and they had war game exercises, to determine what to do if. one of the scenarios involved a clear trump win with podesta claimed biden's threat t suss ised from the union. this kind of group is
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constituting again, that was a story in nbc, a couple weeks ago talking about a loose knit organization, that is making these klei kind of plans, you have to think they are war gaming similar situations. >> matt taibbi we appreciate you coming on, congrats on tough journalist, appreciate it, matt taibbi. >> folks, switching gears, valentine's day show. we have joe concha, and fox news contributor. not wearing red or pink and caroline downey, fox news contributor, she has red on, pink is valentine 's color. >> it was red with love. >> ready for roses. larry: matt tak taibbi a smart guy, a good investigative reporter.
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democrats want lawfare and sabotage. >> they are throwing every dirty trick in the book, they are weaponizing the legal system against trump, some have postulated that trump may be undermining his own electoral prospects by planting a taboo in minds of blue collar demographic voters that election mechanics like early voting. sending a mail in ballot is jinxed. that is something that trump's legacy it, go in person day off. that only turn out that matters. larry: i think he changed it he does not matter, but i think hurricane harvey does but i. >> i think he doesn't like it but he think he changed it. okay, they have to guard against the democratic effort to sabotage the
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election. the early voting, the harvesting, the everything. they will do what they can to steal the election, is there any doubt. forget trump, trump is not a cause, he is a victim. i'm not redouting th redoutredo that stuff. the point is, the rnc, has not be able to nap through the next election. >> i don't know if they will be o able to navigate it spelspecial election in new york is a case study, we have to be competitive. that is what that loss in new york is attributed to. larry: you think? >> just look at numbers here, i don't see it a bellwether election, that just happened in new york. think about tom suozzi, he represented this district, he won 3 elections already, he had name-brand recognition. his republican opponent, is still a registered
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democrat. but when you go through facts and fact that there is a district that barack obama won twice, hillary clinton won, and joe biden won by 10. how is this a bellwether again, george soros happened to sneak in, and leung look at his resume into this election how do you goat against george soros. my point, 10 wealthiest district in country are all democrat, that is the most wealthiest in new york, 4th bes wealthiest in country. larry: democrats are better saboteurs than republicans, i agree, g.o.p. has to learn to be greatest harvesters in the world, the early -- if that the game played, paper ballots will not make a comeback between now and november.
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the republicans who i think got out-jocked in 2020 and 2022, they have to get their game back. >> this is the game, these are the new rules, and we can have disdain the fact thats voting machine is digitized and new technologies and we can't pro sent a paper ballot any more, and make the counting efficient. but, that an how it is, key have to play to win -- we have to play to win. larry: okay kids happy valentine's day. >> happy valentine's day. >> you doing something nice. >> they are giving bouquets walkeaway downstairs, i'll buy her some, 36 years of love, love. >> wow. >> joe concha and caroline downey and no election saboteurs. >> coming up, just because we don't like putin doesn't mean we can't negotiate with him. negotiate with your enemies if you have, to we talk about it with general keith
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kellogg. kudlow is a available as a butt-kickkicking podcast. happy valentine's day. boom. my money should work as hard as i do. that's why i used my freedom unlimited card every time i get gas. [laughing] get a little slack on pump three! earn big with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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larry: just because we don't like vladimir putin, don't trust him, dictator whatever word. does that mean we can never negotiate with him? i don't buy, that but let's hear from a veteran diplomat and security adviser, great friend lieutenant general keith kellog kellogg. you know, i as a child, worked for ronald reagan. and ronald reagan stated goal was to destroy soviet union and soviet communism. but, after their leaders stopped dying on him, and found one who stayed alive, gorbachev, he talked to him. and negotiated with him. and used it as a tool to bring the soviet down, i don't understand why we
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can't apply that logic today. >> thank you, larry, red, happy valentine's day. larry: you too. >> we both know donald trump pretty well. in sent he reaches out to people, you need to do that, that old adage, keep our friends close and enemies closer, he would do that, that was important characteristic of donald j. trump. president biden has not spoken to vladimir putin. 2 years, two years. only met him once, that is a big mistake, i can show you track pattern with biden, he has done it with a lots of world leaders, you have to keep the dialogue open, i saw trump talk to chief of taliban a couple times, we saw him talk with xi, and talk with kim jong-un. talk with vladimir putin, i was fortunate enough to be on we used to call drop
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line, on the conversation. when he talked with putin, that is important deal for a president to be able to keep those lines of communication open. when you don't, things like happen like today, you don't know what the russians are doing or up to, i don't think he could reestablish him, i think he has broken the lines with putin, he cannot rethin reengage. larry: they have a weird mantra, how they sell their foreign aid bill, you have chuck schumer. mitch mcconnell, others some republicans, saying, that you know we must not talk to putin and anyone who votes against this bill is pro-putin or say trump is pro-putin, this is like russian hoax, this is nonsense, this not how you
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conduct initial relations, you -- international relations, yo you have to keep your enemies closer, trump is a master negotiator, he did it for a living for many years and a very good job. whether it was abraham accord o or dealing with trade deals with xi or other country, he tried to deal with putin, if ronald reagan who you know, lived and breathes to destroy the soviet union, if hoo he could talk to those communist de dictators, why can't american leaders talk to them? >> you know, larry, those comments coming out of capitol hill, those are real disservice to american people, maybe it in water drinking. american leaders expect their -- american expect their leaders to engage diplomatically. president trump talked with vladimir putin for different reasons, i saw him on good
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days and bad days when he did it. good things happen and bad things, and russians had a huge forest fire, trump called them, i saw him do same with president xi, and kim jong-un, you have to keep the lines open, for people to say you don't do that, that is foolish, when joe biden called saudi arabia a pariah state. people see that. >> general keith kellogg making a lot of good common sense, thank you very much happy valentine's day, folks i'm kudlow, i'll be back with my last word.
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adhd diagnosis has increased by 43% in less than 10 years. around adhd there is tremendous ignorance. most people are not aware of the positives. it's a super-skillset. larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. ♪ ♪


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