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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 15, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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interesting to hear both sides sides,er certainly as we focus on the energy world, we can't do what we expected pause these huge projects especially with natural gas is clean burning, bonn dance of it, the biden administration is worried about exporting, if we have less here, prices may go up. we have a hard break. alan, thanks so much for joining us. the markets are very close to session highs with the dow up 355 points. the s&p up 30 points. looks to close at yet another all-time high. [closing bell rings] that will do it for the claman county countdown. thank you so much for joining us. larry kudlow and company are up next. ♪ larry: hello, folks, welcome to
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"kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. so the whole world is watching the fani willis, nathan wade corruption saga spectacle in real time. they lied, likely to be disqualified. the case likely to be thrown out of court. we're going to have gregg jarrett and former justice department official carrie urban in a few moments. lara trump is around talking about democratic lawfare, 2024 election. the bloom is off the temporary biden economic rose. retail sales and manufacturing both plunged in january. we have kevin has zit, mr. wonderful, kevin o'leary, "breitbart"'s john carney to weigh in on all of that. let's go to our own grady trimble who is standing by in d.c. i know it's real live time, grady, but what can you tell us? >> reporter: boy, what a day, larry, for former president trump. the hearing in atlanta is still
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going on you showed a picture of it, district attorney fani willis is seated on the stand right now taking questions from former president trump's lawyers as well as other codefendants lawyers and it is getting heated at times. i want to start with new york where a judge set a trial date what could be the first of several criminal trials this year for former president trump. trump was in the courtroom when the judge decided that trial will start on march 25th. in the case brought by manhattan district attorney alvin bragg. the president is accused of covering up hush-money payments while he was campaigning in 2016. this trial could last weeks. trump argues it is part of a witch-hunt against him. >> so it's a very unfair situation. they want to keep me nice and busy so i can't campaign so hard but, maybe we won't have to campaign so hard because the other side is incompetent. the other side has done a horrible job running this country. >> reporter: now back to georgia
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where lawyers for former president trump and his codefendants are trying to derail the state's election interference case against them. they're alleging district attorney fani willis had an improper relationship with the lead prosecutor in the case, nathan wade and that the two may have made money off of this case. wade testified today their relationship started after willis hired him to lead the case but another witness, former friend and coworker of willis, the district attorney, contradicted that. and now as i mentioned lawyers are probing willis herself and at times she's getting testy. >> i'm l i very much want to be here. i'm not a hostile witness. >> not so much your hostile, miss willis. you would be adverse witness. our interests are post. >> interests are be contrary to democracy, your honor, not to mine. >> reporter: okay. in another case tomorrow, the judge in that case in new york could issue a ruling in a civil
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fraud case against the former president and his company. also today, a reporter asked former president trump when he will be able to campaign if he is tied up in court so much. he retorted, larry, he will do it in the evening. larry. larry: i'm sure he will. i'm sure he will do a great job. by the way you can look at fannie will is's body language, tell me that is not hostile, angry, overaggressive. grady trimble, thanks. a couple thoughts of me in a fulton county georgia courtroom, the legal and political travesty known as the fani willis case has blown sky-high, let's face it. section lies and videotape doesn't even do it justice. as a non-lawyer i will insert the word allegation but the televised hearing today answered most of these allegations as real-time facts. from the testimony of special prosecutor nathan wade, particularly, but also the re-time testimony of nani former
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friend and coworker t was very clear there was a romantic relationship wade and willis going back many years, well before the criminal indictment charges were brought against mr. trump and other defendants. so point number one for me, willis and wade lied. she was having an affair. she appointed him session prosecutor. she ginned up this whacko rink coracketeering case that has no merit. she paid him something around 700 grand. they were romantically involved. they went own trips together. all paid for by public taxpayer trough. so they must both resign immediately. and they are both disqualified from the case and the case should be dismissed. with once more the rest of the fulton county d.a.'s office should suffer a major resignation wave because they knew all about it and did not raise their hand to publicly object, and, this whole pathetic tale of democratic corruption
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should be a lesson to the entire country, that it is time for change. now, don't forget, wade and willis spent a good amount of time in the biden white house, undoubtedly getting coached about how to proceed in their weaponized lawfare attack on donald trump. that's really at the heart of this, with the usual democratic corruption layered on top of it. investigative journalist matt taibbi spelled it out in his explosive article, the electoral fix is already in. he called it a lawfare election. he noted how democrats were planning to sabotage the entire 2024 election gain. he described the transition integrity project led by jennifer granholm, john podesta, donna brazile and others who are gathering to war game, election contested scenarios. they were ready for trump insurrection. mr. trump never insure
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recollected anything. never charged, never convicted. what happened the democrats are insurrectionists from the white house on down. the fani willis, nathan wade catastrophe is a bunt much of dirt and grime near the bottom of the greasy politcal poll of once great city of atlanta which has been dragged into lawlessness and crime by left-wing progressive democrats. democrats like these look as government not a noble calling but a way to get rich off the government taxpayer trough. to use government power to enrich themselves and prosecute their opponents. the democratic party has become a corrupt party from top to bottom, from joe biden influence peddling, to election sabotage, to weaponized lawfare, to russian hoaxes, to throwing donald trump in jail for 700 years and through constant lying to the public. and i will say, as a former democrat many, many years ago, it wasn't always this way in that party but the further left
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the party has gone. the further the party's collectivist embrace of big government socialism, the more corrupt the democrats have become. the fani willis episode is just one more example of democratic corruption and that is why it is so essential that donald trump be elected president to clean the stables and drain the swamp. all right? that is my take. now, for more on this let's bring in some experts. fox news legal editor, former trump justice department legal counselor and my great pal, gregg jarrett, fox news legal analyst, the author of the constitution of the united states and other patriotic documents. thanks to both of you. kerrey, lead us off, you're covering this wall-to-wall. you're toured did i. a hell of a day. the whole world is watching. i think it is a pretty sad tale.
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give me your first take. am i too hard on this? i want them out, disqualified, they lied, throw the jury out, throw the case out, i think the fulton county d.a.'s office should be thrown out too the am i being too hard on that? i'm not the lawyer. i will make the crazy assertions. >> this is a bad day for the democrat lawfare campaign against president trump. the testimony from miss willis's friend this morning was dep stating where the friend basically said willis and wade were lying when their relationship began. larry why that matters is because they, it all, that could result in disqualification because they put something that was false in a court filing. now of course both willis and wade are disputing that. the other thing that has come up, been very murky, raising antenna of legal analysts across the board whether republicans or democrat the use of cash. the fact they were constantly paying each other with cash is not traceable. here is what makes no sense about that. if they were paying each other
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back to avoid the appearance of i i impropriety of something like this would come up, why would you use cash? use something you could point to when people questioned the ethics of what was happening this is not a good day for willis. why she probably stormed out of the courtroom. she thought her boyfriend wasn't doing a very good job. knew it was bad for both of them. she decided to take care of business herself. whether that proves to be a good judgment call we'll wait and see. larry: a woman scorned. yesterday was valentine's day. the day day is after valentine's day. gregg jarrett, nobody uses cash, unless you, mobsters use cash, cartels use cash. real people don't use cash. law abidings people don't use cash and public servants don't start shelling out hundreds of thousands of dollars of cash. that is not what they do unless you're a democrat and you're lying and you're stealing from the taxpayers? >> it makes no sense. it's bizarre. she tried to blame it on her dad
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saying at one point, i don't know why a black man would want to hoard so much cash but that is what he taught me. i don't know about that. look, overall i think you're right, larry. it was a devestating day for fani willis. the first witness said the affair began two fuel years before nathan wade was hired by the d.a. the friend said look, i observed their romantic relationship fir hand. so if believed, that puts a lie to their sworn statements to the court and you know, perjury is a serious stuff. that alone would disqualify them but you know, then wade takes the stand. he makes matters a whole lot worse with absurd statements and i think kerrey is right, that's why willis suddenly stood up in the back of the courtroom, waved her opposition to testifying and volunteered to take the stand but, boy, from the outset, she was angry. she was hostile.
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she had to be admonished by the judge. at one point 15 minutes ago, she starts screaming at the judge, he bangs the gavel, calls a halt to it. a recess. you can see that the other lawyers were filing into the other judge's chambers to figure this out. willis admitted the sexual affair but insisted it didn't start until after wade was hired. larry: a lie. a lie. >> that is not, it doesn't make any difference. larry: that's the point. it is absolutely disingenuous. >> it's a lie but it doesn't matter. larry: they got caught. >> it is still a severe conflict of interest. larry: yes, in real time. it creates an impropriety which she vowed publicly she would never do. it violates the cannons of ethics. that alone should disqualify both her and wade. larry: i don't care, listen, i don't care if they have an affair, a romance, none of my business, it is none of anybody's business, until, keri,
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it becomes the public's business and the taxpayer's business. >> right. larry: there are tragedies here left and right because, look, i'm of an age, i remember when atlanta, georgia was just a fabulous, growing, bursting city of, a wonderful place, business flocked to hotlanta, georgia, that is what they used to call it, hotlanta, georgia. this was before the democratic machine. this is before it became a collectivist, socialist, corrupt laden home. home of the civil rights movement, martin luther king, i could go on and on about how wonderful atlanta was. outlying counties trying to leave atlanta, leaving fulton county secede, gotten sew bad, democratic corruption where people carry just like fani willis and her boyfriend, whatever she is. they're lying, they're using, this is right out of what matt taibbi said right out of the
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show, in the explosive article he wrote, from the democratic playbook, from the democratic playbook of lawfare and weaponization. kerrey, i'm sure you have it, evidence shown reports are very clear that wade and willis spent a foodly amount of time in the white house. what do you think they were doing? do you think they were talking about cutting marginal tax rates or the m2 money supply or you think maybe they were talking about ginning up something to put donald trump in jail for another 700 years, what do you think? >> it is an outstanding question a lot of us want to know the answer to. i don't think we'll find that out today. but exactly, why did nathan wade bill so many hours for white house meetings? what were those meetings about? especially when he is, you're meeting with the political, you know, i don't have to get into all why it is so obviously bad but, it raises a lot of questions about the white house coordination, collaboration, of course, we've not heard back
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from the white house about what those meetings were, but, we're waiting to hear whether in a different case, a related case, the judge will make those documents available because a codefendant asked for him to do so. we haven't got an answer on that yet. it will be interesting to see what this turns up. larry: gregg jarrett, at what point do you throw the whole case out? >> well, this is going to be a tough one for the judge. i think he absolutely needs to disqualify both willis and wade for their romantic affair. as i say it is a conflict of interest. it is impropriety, it is everything under the sun in the cannons of ethics but if it has so tainted the creation and the procedures in the case, then i think it is incumbent upon the judge to do one of two things, either dismiss the case entirely, or send it over, larry to a different district attorney's office. i think if fresh prosecutorial
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eyes took a look at this, they would see it for what it is. it is, and has always been a legally unsound case. larry: right. >> in which willis contorted the racketeering statute to try to fit facts like square peg into a round hole. you know, i think other prosecutors would dismiss the case. it is just not viable. larry: all right, gregg jarrett, thank you, kerry coupe pack urban, thank you for coming on the show, the work you're doing today, great mission into the whole world. we'll take a quick break. we'll talk to lara trump talk about democratic lawfare, 2024 election, she will be a big wheel on the republican national committee. i hope the rnc will be ready. democrats will come at them. they will try to steal the election, you know, that you know that. we'll see more with what the
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fani willis episode if all that gets thrown out of court as it should. we'll be right back. a woman scorned. ♪.
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larry: a little bit more about this democratic lawfare weaponization and trying to sabotage the 2024 elections. we bring in the great lara
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trump, old friend, host of the right view podcast. lara thank you for doing this. i know you're very busy but you know, i don't know if you heard the beginning of the show, my riff and so forth, this is weaponization, this is lawfare, this is insurrectionism, this is undermining democratic principles. this is trying to put mr. trump in jail for 700 years. this is a pack of democratic lies you know? they're not going to get away with it, that is the good news. but we have to be on guard, don't we? you're going full time on the rnc i gather. we'll have to be on guard because it will have to be tough as heck. >> listen, we have to do everything far better than the democrats because we know they don't play the game the way they're supposed to, larry. that is pretty clear to anyone. you look at this fani willis case. this things should obviously be thrown out just like the rest of them. they have all been tainted by politics. this is about election interference just like every other indictment against
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donald trump right now. you just had the special counsel come out and say we're not going to actually charge joe biden with anything although he took documents that he wasn't supposed to have as vice president. you can't take classified documents and declassify them. only the president can do that, because this guy doesn't have all of his faculties about him, his mental a cutie is not there. let me remind people, this guy is the president of the united states. it is horrifying we're in this situation. they should of course drop the case against donald trump but you see, larry, they're not doing that. yes, we better be on guard, we better be ready to go. we need to have the most lethal and precise political fighting machine the country has ever seen and that is what we plan to do on the republican side of the aisle. this is a must-win election. if we do not win on november 5th of this year, larry i do not believe we have the same country on the other side. larry: as i said in my riff, we have to clean the stables, drain
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the swamp. time for mr. trump to return. he is the only person tough enough to do it and we have confidence in him. when i saw your announcement about the republican national committee, you and i have known eve other a good long while. they will try to steal it. i don't even want to be, i don't even want to be anymore ambiguous or anymore diplomatic, they are going to try to steal it and we have to be ready. because look, early balloting is going to happen. the president doesn't like it, i know the whole story. i spent time with him as you have, they're spoke to do it. there will be harvesting and we've got to do it better than they do it, because they will try to sabotage it, they will try to undermine it, you know that. it is coming. there is a wave out there coming. we have toby ready for it. >> yeah. larry: i hope the rnc, tell me the rnc is fog to go get back to the top of its game and be able to fight this thing? >> well, obviously i have to win an election of sorts by the committee in order to become co-chair which you heard my
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father-in-law of course endorse me to do. look, i think that, you're exactly right, we better have the best ground game this country has ever seen. we better be doing legal ballot harvesting, larry, everywhere we can in this country because the democrats have been doing it, whether or not they have done it is legal, that is up for discussion. we'll do it the legal way. we better do it every place we possibly can. voter registration, election day operations. i told you already know the rnc has trained poll watchers, these people will go into presents, not just stand there, count the ballots, how many are coming in, how many are going out. we need to be ahead of the curve on this, you were right, we know the funny business that happenses all over this country. there are millions and millions of americans look back to 2020, hmmm, something wasn't quite right there. we can leave nothing to chance. people need to vote early and getting their friends to go vote with them. larry: right. >> this is the plan.
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this is how we do it. 10 months to go. it is full force ahead. i can assure we're working hard in my family. larry: i put my bet on you. i'm so happy to hear your name up. look, you come from pretty good stock, i don't know i think you're the cream of the crop. >> oh. larry: i love having you there at the rnc a friend of mine who is involved in the rnc says well we have 400 lawsuits. i don't care how many lawsuits you have, it is on the ground game, that's what -- the actual people in place, okay, for the early balloting and the harvesting and the efforts to -- democrats will try to sabotage. you're tough. we need tough. we need trump tough at the rnc to stop the democratic -- you see what they do? i mean this fani willis thing, this is just the tip of the iceberg. she is the bottom of the greasy poll. it is at the top. the white house is running this. you know they are. the white house is orchestrating every single one of these lawfare weaponized lawsuit toe
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throw potus in jail for 700 years. it is absolutely terrible. anyway, i'm sorry. i should be interviewing you. i'm very excited about this. >> larry, you're exactly right and that is all the more reason that this election, i think we hear every four years, the most important election, the most important, people feel the difference right now, not only is our country in shambles, not only is the world much weaker, destabilized with a weak leader in the white house, we see that donald trump had basically 180 degrees in the other direction on all of these other fronts if we allow democrats to get away with the department of justice as they are trying to do with donald trump right now, then we are no better off than a communist country than the former ussr, then cuba, then venezuela. we might as well pack it up and get out of here because the united states will fail to exist in the same way if we let them win. larry: spot on. lara, thanks for coming by, we love you, trump tough, that's
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all i say, trump tough. >> that's it. we'll do it. larry: lara trump, best of the best, thanks ever so much. folks next up the bloom is off the temporary biden economic rose because sales and manufacturing cratered in new reports in the month of january. consumers may be giving up all the government spending. money can't buy you love. kevin o'leary, mr. wonderful, "breitbart"'s john carney, mr. trump is up 30 points in south carolina, likely voters, "cbs poll." what in the world does nikki haley still think she is doing? we'll talk to "breitbart"'s alex marlow, ned ryian all that anda more when "kudlow" returns. we actually have reinvented ocean voyages,
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♪. larry: all right, the biden economy is down today with new reports in january but stocks seem to celebrate hoping rates will fall. our own gerri willis standing
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right here. gerri, what's cooking. >> reporter: lairy, markets staging a rally. all three major averages in the green after the close. take a look. the dow up 348 points, the s&p up 29, the nasdaq up 47. let's talk about those retail sales, down .8 of a percent in january. that is lower than economists expectations and the biggest fall since last march. traders liked the news though because it is seen as keeping the fed on track to cut-rates in june. also three regional manufacturing indexes showing improvement. the new york fed manufacturing index rebounding from its lowest level since may 2020. philly and mid-atlantic indexes also improving. here is an interesting note from today's trading, stocks rebounding without much help from the mag seven most of which were in the red except for tesla which was up 7% and meta up 2%.
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i guess it is just the revenge of elon musk. larry? larry: gerri willis, thank you very much. joining me now to chew on all of this, john carney, "breitbart" economics editor and coauthor of the "breitbart business digest." we have mr. wonderful on set, kevin o'leary of o'leary ventures, "shark tank" investor, author of the cold hard truth on business, money and life, and the great kevin has it, distinguished fellow on the hoover institution. kevin, you're the furthest away. i will say manufacturing, index of industrial production was down. manufacturing fell half a percent. manufacturing is down 1% for the last year. business equipment investment barely above water for the past year. so, kevin, you have a lousy retail sales number but it looks like all the government stimulus hitting consumers may be coming to an end, the so-called biden
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boom which was temporary, is it over? is that what's going on here or what? >> well, you know i think that you know this, larry, that there are parts of the country in january where the sun never comes up, right? the fact is that is kind of what the january data are like for me. the seasonal changes are so massive that when i see big numbers positive or negative i'm always kind of scratching my head, wondering so it will reverse in february. so the market has just like had a crazy few days because it's really reacting a lot to january data. i think that the economy certainly not as strong as it looked a week ago but it's still gdp now says around 3% and i think i still feel like the economy is way stronger than i expected given all the terrible policies and the expiration of the expensing and so on. so i would have to say this is really good for thought. it is something to watch out for. there are cracks in the labor market. maybe that recession you and i talked about a year ago is
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finally starting to happen, one month of data, especially in january is not evidence. larry: no, no, that's fair enough, that's fair enough. people were surprised with weak retail sales. john carney you follow this very carefully. it is an odd thing because you had higher than expected inflation and lower than expected consumer spending. >> right, so let me make this make sense. so we see goods deflation in the last cpi report. all the inflation is coming from the service sector. the retail sales data it is all goods. there is restaurants in there, that was up. so the services part of the retail sales actually went up but all the, so what you're seeing this low number for retail sales what you're really seeing is the price action. people are still buying things but those things are lower in price. i think you saw a lot of january clearance. larry: right. >> there was a huge inventory build in december. i think you're seeing a lot of that come out. that will lower retail sales, because it is a nominal figure, not adjusted for inflation.
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larry: kevin o'leary, as you travel, assess your investments, i don't think the business side of this story has been very good at all. i do concede the overall gdp, yes, i can see massive government spending, yes, consumer side, it may be on services as john is saying but how do you see that? some people think we've been in a business recession or a flat line? >> better to look at it, larry as a cap-ex slowdown. larry: right. >> if you think about what's going on in 60% of the economy, i'm always an advocate of small business, those companies five to 500 employees they're having a hard time borrowing money. part of it is the regional bank story you've been following for two years, but every couple of months you get another regional bank story, i can guarranty you the loan book is shut down, community bank, same story. that is happening in 4,000 other locations around the country. so my companies are complaining about two things, the cost of
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borrowing because they're dealing with the gray market which you know usually is much more expensive. so if terminal rate is 5 1/2%. they're borrowing sort of nine to 11 but they're not getting anything out of regional banks. so that's one of the reason you're seeing a slowdown in manufacturing. if you can't buy that machine or can't borrow to amortize it you don't buy it. you live what you already got. i think it is reflected in those numbers. there is a valid case to be had. i think in the months ahead we'll get more failures of regional banks around office space and commercial real estate. larry: yes, i hear a lot about commercial real estate but the new york fed survey a week or two ago, credit card delinquencies rising and automobile loan delinquencies rising. not yet mortgage rates but credit cards and automobiles. now that can't be good? >> no, think about what's happened. in a matter of about nine months you went from 18% interest rates on the carrying costs of credit
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cards to some cases 25. larry: i know. >> so -- larry: some cases close to 30. kudlow family will tell you that. >> a whole generation of people never experienced that saying wow, the interest payment is more expensive than what i spent on coffee this month. >> the other reason delinquencies are so much troubling they're not very much higher than normal but unemployment being this low having a normal level of delinquencies is troubling because we should have very low delinquencies. larry: with low unememployment. >> everybody is working. larry: by the way fani willis pays cash. kevin hassett there, was a story on "breitbart," i don't know. >> yes. larry: biden is so proud about the economy, numbers come out 8:30 in the morning they don't want to wait an hour before you and i went on tv and cable, they want to go out there in a half
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hour, maybe push the markets around. this started, the one hour rule started under reagan as you tracked it down, 1985, you and i had to deal with this for some years. does it matter they wait a hour, wait a half hour? is this a story? should we look as conditions at that? what does kevin hassett think? >> just look at like how much carney and larry know about the economy. the fact if the white house comes out when there is a retail sales number and says something that is ludicrous, you're going to be red meat for "breitbart" and they will set markets straight right away. >> yeah. >> the fact is there is a lot of career staffers at omb, cea, aren't partisan, that understand nuances of data that might be important. for example, the cpi there was a massive drop in used car prices which had a big effect on the overall number. which is actually worse than you thought. having larry kudlow out on tv in
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half hour like the political response guys is having any effect. to have you out there sooner. i supported it. i gave them a quote. i have actually think our team will be better. also think ahead. next january, kudlow's, minions will hopefully be on tv a lot and having them out there, half an hour i think will be good to stop the negative slants so anyway. larry: john carney, john carney, kevin o'leary know more about this stuff than we do. doesn't matter we're in the government. kevin o'leary, favorite investment right now? buying stocks, selling stocks? >> i'm staying long equities because i don't get, i don't see much more opportunity in fixed income right now. i'm still incredibly bullish on the economy but i tell you the thing i'm most interested, in, larry. my big guest gains came from mid-cap stocks a subset of the russell 2000. why is that happening? 50% of the market has to make bets for the next 24 months is
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assuming a regime change in washington, at least a 50/50 chance to a less regulated, domestic economy. larry: yes. now you're cooking. >> those companies are all domestic revenue. larry: i love this. >> you deregulate including energy selling at a huge discount, you want to be long now before the market figures out regime change because look at what would happen, just to energy? larry: deregulation. i have to get out. john carney, 10 seconds. fed rate cuts? >> no. everybody is overinterpretting this. larry: right. >> the fed is not going to cut in march, may, june. larry: market is too hot. you're exactly right. they're all crazed about that kevin o'leary, kevin has sit, john carney, thanks heavens so much. switching gears, donald trump is up 30 points in south carolina based on likely voters from a "cbs news poll." joining us alex marlow, editor-in-chief of "breitbart news," ned ryun of american majority, ce something, must be the ceo of american majority.
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alex marlow, give me some wisdom on this insane, i want to talk about why, why nikki haley is going to lose south carolina but the insanity of fani willis and her boyfriend prosecutor and lying and democrats corruption, you know, alex? here is how i conclude it, that democratic party was not always this bad but as it has become a big government, socialist, collectivist party, it has become corrupt through and through, alex marlow, that is my take, one indian's take. what do you think? >> this is the whole nature of politics right now in america unfortunately, which if you're on the left you can get away just about anything. that cnn promote the reporter who was the main russian collusion hoax instigator. you fail upwards. this is the culture on the democrat side of the aisle. she will get away with a lot here. might get removed from this case, but her career will be
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fine. now she is a household name. larry: that is choice. ned, take me back, 65-trump, 30 haley, these are likely primary voters in south carolina which is coming up i don't know, dozen days, end of february, what is nikki haley doing? she is running around the country taking potshots at donald trump for what? what's the purpose? >> so i've got a couple theories on this, larry. useful idiot of the left. useful idiot. the donor class that hates trump. there is no world in which nikki haley is ever going to be the gop nominee. she has been shut out. she will get crushed in south carolina and on march 5th, super tuesday, 16 states, it could become a mathematical impossibility in regards to delegates that it is over. it will be over march 5th, maybe the latest march 19th. why is she still in the race? it is patently obvious she will not win. i would remind funded by people, reed hoffman, the kochs, people
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that truly hate trump. the more she stays from the party coalescing on trump, to focus on beating biden in the general election. we want to see that happen sooner than later, we want that by the fall. she might be staying in, larry, with the hope of lawfare, that the lawfare takes out trump last one standing which would make her completely repulsive to republican voters. maybe awed decisioning for a biden cabinet position. none of it is good. larry: it won't help her but help biden undoubtedly. the spectacle of this fani willis trial, the lies, inconsistency, aggressiveness, the anger, to me, alex, the country sees here we have got to have change. we cannot allow our system to be undermined, our legal system, our justice system, living off
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the taxpayer trough, you know what i mean? tell me i'm wrong here, just seems to me the spectacle of this, everyone is watching the court show. what do you make of it? >> this is all part of the political system unfortunately. the justice system is now, every bit embedded, we see it the way donald trump has been treated with his weaponization. we see it the way joe biden gets away with everything as well as his son but i'm mostly concerned here, larry with "the federalist" charges against donald trump because people are sleeping on this a little bit, timed just so, trump is convicted, probably win appeals eventually, if he gets convicted specific moment people go to the polls that could affect him politically. it will be a temporary thing, people bounce back to him, if they time it right this could be a have aniability and we might miss it. larry: no, that's a good point. in the short term he might be vulnerable. then again joe biden might be vulnerable, i don't know. alex marlow, thank you very
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much. ned ryun, appreciate it very much. coming up here, this is important point, why are we letting 16 million i am -- illegals determine our congressional seats and our ilec tomorrow college? really? we'll ask house majority whip mr. tom emmer from the great state of minnesota all when "kudlow" returns.t' ♪. ' story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur.
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♪ larry: here is the question before the house, why are we letting nearly 17 million illegals determine our house seats and the electoral college for president? i don't get this at all. joining us now, house majority leader whip tom emmer from minnesota. yes, mr. emmer, tom emmer, good to see you. january 2021, you know this story, joe biden, executive order, that the u.s. census bureau factor in all residents, legal and illegal, and then of course as you also know, mr. emmer, that will determine the volume of house seats and it will determine the electoral college for president. i would suggest you want to stop this but i haven't heard much about it before today's news story? >> well, larry, first off thanks for having me. second, this is outrageous. larry: yeah. >> we cannot let, let our democratic process be distorted
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by biden's border crisis. house republicans are going to continue to stand up for election integrity, more than than ever. it is not just about the congressional seats. it is about the next election. you have to make sure that the people that are citizens, that have the right to vote, are voting and not having people that should not be in the polls distorting the outcome of these races. larry: they have told, i guess, this is apocryphal, this executive order, the beginning of his whole term, january 21, this was open borders, this was apocryphal. you can probably overturn it if you had a good republican president in there, other than that, the next census isn't, the nexen sus is coming up in june, this is as of june 2023. you got to change this. i mean, they're talking about roughly a dozen seats, tom, maybe it will be more by the time -- i think, no, 22 seats, i beg your pardon, 22 seats, tom
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emmer. >> well, larry, let's face it under the trump administration they were making fixes to the census bureau, the way they count citizens as opposed to everybody and anybody regardless of whether they're legally here or not. that whole process changed as soon as this administration came in. keep in mind we were expecting to pick up more seats in arizona. we were expecting to pick up more seats in texas. you can go around the country. we were expecting to lose seats in my own state of minnesota. guess what? after they changed the internal operation of how the census is counting people, minnesota kept a seat. arizona did not benefit the way we thought it should benefit. same with texas. it's a real problem. we're going to need a republican president. it will be donald trump and we've got to have the senate and the house. there are some serious things that have to be done in this country to put us back on track. larry: thank you, tom emmer. we appreciate it. time is always short. thank you so much, sir.
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willis story about democratic lies and corruption and election sabotage. it's an absolute disaster and they ought out to be fi fired ad the case thrown out. period, full stop. end of sentence and everybody should lay back and watch elizabet


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