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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  February 15, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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willis story about democratic lies and corruption and election sabotage. it's an absolute disaster and they ought out to be fi fired ad the case thrown out. period, full stop. end of sentence and everybody should lay back and watch elizabeth macdonald.
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elizabeth: thank you, larry. it's not our grandparent's democrat party anymore. larry. that's my thought. yes, ma'am, yes, ma'am. elizabeth: joining us is former justice department attorney hans von spakovsky and francey hakes. this was a catastrophic day for fani willis and her boyfriend, nathan wade on the trump 2020 case. francey, first to you, what do you make of franny's friend and co--- fani's friend and coworker testifying that they lied and their relationship started three years earlier than they both claimed? lying to court -- lying to a court, isn't that grounds for disqualification, francey? isn't this game over? >> it easily is grounds for disqualification, liz. he filed an affidavit and she signed a motion and makes both of them effectively under oath. she's an officer of the court, so is he and he swore to tell the truth in the affidavit and first witness up today --
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technically the second witness that gave a testimony, she blew that right out of the water saying she had been friends with fani willis for years and she wasn't a particularly friendly witness to the defense and gave her a lot more credibility and said they first started dating in 2019 and friends with fani and that's how she knew 2, i thought their case was pretty devastated at that point. elizabeth: listen to what happened. hans, and francey, both your aerodynamic actions and fani willis accused of abusing taxpayer money and accused of misconduct and fani willis hired and paid nathan wade more than experienced prosecutors to work on a shotty, jerry build stretch of a rico case against tram codefendants. this is a portrait of what's going wrong with using the courts to attack political rivals. listen to some of the explosive testimony, watch. >> i say personal, romantic. is that -- i want to make sure
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we don't get in an argument of personal and romantic. when i ask you personal, do you take that to mean romantic? >> yes. >> okay. and do you understand it that their relationship began in 2019 and continued until the last time you spoke with her? >> yes. >> you don't have a single solitary deposit slip to corroborate or support any of your allegations that you were paid by ms. willis in cash, do you? >> no, sir. >> not a single solitary one? >> not a one. >> ma'am, you're mis-characterizing my testimony greatly. i'm not going to allow you to mis-characterize my testimony. i know that i keep money in my house. the amounts of money i gave mr. wade, it was never that serious. i'm not a house [inaudible]. >> it's not your household,
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ms. willis but your interests are posed to mr. wade. elizabeth: hangs, the jumped said she could be disqualified and could she be and go to another prosecutor if she was tossed out? >> hehehehe decided she needed to be recused under prior georgia precedent, they should recuse everyone in her office and include wade and every other prosecutor that works there the judge would then transfer the case to a different georgia county and that new da would e e valuate the case. i got to tell you, the testimony today from nathan wade and fani willis didn't help them and wade came across trying to avoid answering questions and fani willis came across as so
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arrogant and so obnoxious even arguing with the lawyers constantly and the judge, you know, at one point the judge admonished her and said he was going to have to strike her testimony if she didn't change her behavior. elizabeth: it was a bad day. what hans said, francey, nathan wade and willis are saying that fani willis paid him back in cash for thousands of dollars worth of luxury travel? really? and he only has one receipt as proof. really, no receipts? venmo has been around since 2009. zelle started in 2017: why not just use that? that would have shown a paper record that they did do these reimbursements but wade said he can't even recall traveling with fani willis in 2021. really? that's because it would have given away they were together before when they claimed their relationship began? >> well, liz, fani willis blew that defense out of the water.
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she said she was staying at a friend's apartment and the same friend that testified the relationship started in 2019 she would pay her via cash app so she does pay via cash app and something important to remember, fani willis is a da and gave this contract to nathan wade and nathan wade is a contractor to full ton county and prohibited from giving the district attorney any gifts of any meaningful size. she knows that and has to file financial disclosures and for her to say she's paying in cash and poof, there's magically no paper trail to any of this cash, we're just supposed to take her word for it? beggars belief when she is an official who has to certify that contractors aren't paying her anything. she should be doubly careful to make sure there's receipts for things like checks and she also did decline to say she needed. she said i don't use checks and her whole testimony was not credit card and will her attitude certainly didn't help
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things. credible and her attitude didn't help things. elizabeth: what francey said, hans, whether you hate or love trump, any reasonable person and person that's dispassionate and looking at what happened and the day trump was inaugurated, rioting. within days of trump being inaugurated and democrats wanted to impeach him. he was obstructed from day one of what he ped to do. they pushed to impeach him and then the lockdodowns happened ad social juice tis riots and people were -- justice riots and people were upset in america and then of course the capitol riots happen and that's not good. nobody like that had that happened but what's happening now is people feel like trump is getting railroad and trump in a manhattan courtroom and new york judge ruling this new york criminal books and records case, hans, will go to trial ma march 25th. trump faces 34 felony criminal charges for books and record
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cases about paying hush money to stormy daniels and booked as legal expenses. is that a misdemeanor or criminal felony? under new york state law, it's not clear that da bragg can bring this case, point to a federal crime under new york state law. >> yeah, that's a totally bogus case. i used to be commissioner on the fec which got authority over that. it wasn't a violation of federal campaign finance law. and both the fec and the u.s. justice department obviously didn't think it was a violation because they didn't prosecute him for it. this is just another way of a local politically ambitious prosecutor alvin bragg like fani willis thinking they can turn themselves into national prominent figures in the democratic party by doing this. elizabeth: what hans said, we've been tracking reports that three
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prosecutorial teams, francey, on three separate trump cases were talking basically fani willis' team, alvin bragg's team, special counsel jack smith's team, met with the biden white house before the indictments were -- came down the pike there. what do you make of that part? nathan wade was billing for multiple hours, you know, billing georgia taxpayers for sitting down at the biden white house. >> well, you know, liz, this entire series of cases is clear, political law fare against the president. nothing like these have been prosecuted like this before and the georgia rico stature is specific and the facts don't meet the rico stature and the white house tells us it's all
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political warfare. elizabeth: we've never seen a democrat party go so far off the rails like this party has. this is not the democrat party of bill clinton, not even of, you know, the first term of obama. it is really seriously derailed. it has gone so far left, the voters of the democrat party are becoming more and more independent. we've seen those polls and seen the data. hans von spakovsky and francey hakes, good to see you. thank you. welcome retired colonel james carafano. nfc spokesman john kirby confirms that, yes, russia is developing a space-based weapon. designed to knock out u.s. satellites and it could be nuclear. what do you make of this? >> i got to blake grupe honest, that statement in -- be honest, that statement in itself is not new and russia and china working on antisatellite technology and
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taking down assets for some time and denying the united states. my whole problem with this whole kind of cycle has been we're arguing about intention, which none of us have seen and making conclusions on that. i don't know what that statement means and how it relates to the what's going on in the house intelligence committee. elizabeth: they're dismissing a trick and malicious fabrication that the white house is "trying by hook or by crook to encourage congress to vote on more aid for ukraine". what do you make of that? >> i don't, you know, whatever brought this issue before, we shouldn't lose sight of the real issue. china and russia are doing space warfare as we speak. they're planning and are putting systems in space to prevent us.
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america is in this game because the last president created a space force and that space force is finally starting to deploy assets and do things in space to counter this. so elizabeth: vladamir putin saying in an interview that biden is better than trump because biden is "predictable". what about all the media reports that trump was a russian asset? >> yeah, that was all bogus and there's reports that prove that. it's very clear in 2016, anybody that didn't even have access to anything that just knew the russians and clinton campaign knew he was better for russia and hated trump because they couldn't control him and they were scared of him. biden has been incredibly
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predictable and putin was right. biden would have done nothing to defend ukraine and was going to yank the president out and it's because the ukrainians fought and they know biden is weak and they can't, they want him back just like china wants him back. elizabeth: got it, colonel carafano, thank you for joining us tonight. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: still ahead, former acting ice director tom homan and grover norquist, dr. marty makary and forbes media chair steve forbes and a washington post reporting ice is considering a "mass relief of illegal immigrants into the u.s. in order to close a budget gap". tonight the fourth installment of evening edit's misleading america series. this time dr. fauci on the hot seat. we've got more details on the covid flip-flop as his memoir may be coming out and biden 2024 campaign scrambling and voters
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saying wake up, dc. we cannot afford interest rates that are high. suddenly high inflation and high housing costs anymore. plus, the washington times charlie hurt is here and robert hur in talks to testify in early march about robert hur's biden classified doc's report citing details about the president's cognitive decline. the president misleads again. he ripped the special counsel for "daring to bring up his late son beau". but it was the president himself that brought that up. all this next on "the evening edit".
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elizabeth: breaking news, da fani willis just finished testifying about misconduct allegations against her in the georgia trump 2020 case. the judge said it could disqualify her. bring in for his reaction washington times opinion editor charlie hurt. charlie, what do you make of this combat ick testimony on the part of -- combative testimony on the part of fani willis? >> yeah, the whole office looks pretty hapless and it's kind of interesting that every one of these locations with the exception of florida where you
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have prosecutors going after president trump, you've got him in fulton county georgia, washington dc and new york. prosecutors are not doing a good job of addressing crimes that actual people care about. again with the exception of florida, it really doesn't -- all of this testimony today raises a question about what these people's priorities are. the second thing is listening to her talk about her inability to establish any records for anything, it really does make you wonder how people in fulton county, the leadership of fulton county georgia runs an election. elizabeth: charlie, move onto this. special counsel robert hur in talks with congress to possibly testify before house judiciary and that's what we're hearing in early march. does biden 2024 campaign really want a public testimony on hur's report detailing why he said the
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president was mentally not fit, has diminished faculties and willfully kept and retained u.s. secrets and biden is polling the worst since eisenhower. >> it would be a disaster for him and they don't want that. the more obvious reason is because they don't want another several news cycles talking about joe biden's own justice department talking about how mentally incompetent the president is and when the white house complains about the fact that hur went into all that, don't forget, the only reason the report went into that was to explain why they weren't pressing charges despite the mountains of evidence. there's another reason that i think the biden campaign doesn't want to see this happen and republicans are also looking at other records regarding china and ukraine and russia that were uncovered in this investigation that leads to much bigger
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questions beyond just his mental incapacity. elizabeth: has to do with the biden family deal making overseas. charlie, when you experience and feel what's going on, feels like a second term of a beleaguered and fatig fatigued and tired out presidency. this is happening in a first term. feels like a second term. the second term stuff boils up and now nbc is reporting that president biden lashed out at special counsel hur for "daring to bring up his late son beau" but it was president biden himself that brought it up and not robert hur's team and he forgot when his son beau died. listen to the president again, watch. >> how in the hell dare he raise that. frankly when i was asked the question i thought to myself, it wasn't any of their damn business. elizabeth: he brought it up and the president and first lady and media attacking robert hur and
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the white house is asking reporters to reframe their coverage on the essential counsel report sending a letter to the white house counsel correspondent about it and supposedly misstating the findings from the report. >> i've never seen a -- i've covered the white house for a long time and never seen anything like that letter who the white house correspondent association and basically a cease and desist letter telling reporters not to report on what they're reporting as if somehow the president hasn't been fairly in the bag for joe biden all along even before the 2020 election. charlie hurt, you were terrific and thank you, sir. taking on all the different topics we appreciate you. coming up, we have grover norquist and questioning the true level of job growth with hunter biden and the mounting layoffs and inflation stays stubbornly stickily high and former acting ice director tom
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homan and washington post is reporting in is basically coming in, ice may do a mass release of illegal immigrants into the u.s. because of budget cuts. also the white house will not sit down with house speaker mike johnson despite his multiple requests to meet with the president about the border crisis. taking it on on "the evening edit". ♪ (vo) sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life and cultural treasures. because when you experience europe on a viking longship, you'll spend less time getting there and more time being there.
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rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. credit one bank. get cash back rewards, and live large. elizabeth: okay, news coming in. this development that dangerous drug and human trafficking cartels have now ramped up operations near the southern border in california. fox news griff jenkins back with us live in california near the border with the latest. griff. reporter: good evening, liz. yesterday we talked about the surge of chinese migrants coming here, the numbers are one thing but when you see it in person, it is really something. let me take you now quickly to our fox flight team, the drone
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in the sky. you're looking at almost all chinese nationals that illegally crossed but this is a remnants of 20 or 40 left of what was 26270. liz, we shot this at lines -- 260-70 myograns. some of the groups are from china. that's why this is ground zero. we did get an exclusive interview with the immigration fishes on the med mexican side d told us that at least a third or more of the migrants they run into are chinese that the cartels he says that at least two or thee cartels are operating in that area and that it is putting the chinese and other migrants lives in real danger. here's a bit of what he had to say. take a listen. >> there's times that they won't necessarily bring them to the
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fence. sometimes they abandon them in the middle of nowhere in the desert, in the mountains, there's people sometimes that has died in their intent to cross the border. reporter: as you can see, conditions are harsh out here. to watch our border patrol agents try and process people from china, or countries where they don't speak the language, it's significantly more different than spanish speaking countries because many of the agents obviously speak spanish but it is a challenge out here and it is no doubt the focus of the migration is chinese nationals here and 90% of the surge we've seen across the southern border since fiscal year began and 20,000 are coming here and at least 200 or more have come today. liz, that's the situation on the ground and we'll cover it and bring to you firsthand. elizabeth: griff jenkins always terrific reporting on the latest developments of what's happening there. we appreciate you. thank you so much. welcome back to the show former
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acting ice director tom homan. tom, great to have you on. let's move to this, the washington post is reporting homeland security they're blaming the senate bill that failed because it also didn't cover border security hawaii do you make of this story? >> well, it's ridiculous and ice has been releasing people from custody for the last three years and this is no change. second of all, they can't claim they reason out of money because secretary mayorkas and his 2024 budget request requested $700 million less and now he's claiming poverty and asked last three years for less beds.
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they want from 34,000 to 25,000. he asked for 25% less beds and finally i was at headquarters in ice for the last nine years of my career. eight of those years we programmed money to pay for detention. they can simply reprogram money from other areas to pay for detention. we did it eight of the nine years i was this. they can do it. elizabeth: it's a form of robin lou presentation to face crime walking out the door. that's what minority communities and voters are saying they're seeing in dc and atlanta and chicago and in denver, los angeles and new york. now, what do you make of this story, reports coming in that federal officials warning that at least two of the illegal
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im grans that are charged in the shocking caught on video mob attack against two new york city ccops and times square are members of the notorious venezuela street gang and that's the level of ms13 and they're here. >> that gang is now in most of the major cities in the country and many came under the open border of this administration. it's going to be a big problem and also my intelligence report shows they're joining no, sirs and some of the my jordy cities where ms13, the most violent street gang connected with one of the most sophisticated criminal gains and this is a big problem in the major cities and in new york and city, they're sanctuary cities and police officers run into them, they're not allowed to call ice. it's like the now that attacked nypd. when they walked out of court, ice should have been there and taken into custody and not placed on them and violated
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teterms of release. there's certain laws in new york and illinois and other states and ice is the contact of the law. they cannot only take them out of the community, they can take them out of the country. the sanctuary city not allowing cooperation with ice. that'll make the problem a lot worse. elizabeth: got it, tom homan, thank you for joining us. good to see you again. >> good to see you. elizabeth: the president's record on job growth facing new questions. we're seeing mounting layoffs and growing voter concerns as well as inflation stays stubbornly high. edward lawrence at the white house with the latest. edward. reporter: liz, a slew of companies announcing layoffs in 2024. the list of companies from mid to lodger size and the list keeps growing and charles swab on the list, way fair, city bank
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and all adding more part-time than full-time jobs over the past weir. the bureau of labor statistics said the economy had 870,000 part-time jobs and 97,000 full-time jobs in that time. this comes off the heels of an inpolice station report showing that core inflation without food and energy remains sticky and the white house defending actions related to the economy. >> obviously we understand there's more work to be done. this is a economy in a different place from a year ago and three years ago. when you see eggs and milk and products like that at the grocery store going down to lower than a year ago, that's important. >> the administration also saying with the higher prices, wages are up over the past three months and treasury secretary janet yellen adding people should feel better off from a year ago but with inflation and wages, some economists point to the risk of a spiral. >> wages going up is not worry some but if people are getting paid more money, they can pie
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higher prices and protect more inflation and labor is a big driver of it. reporter: looking at month president biden came in to latest data, wages are down 2.1% because of inflation and all prices are up 18%. liz. elizabeth: edward lawrence, always great journalism from you. joining us now is americans for tax reform president grover norquist. good to see you again. sit tight and get your reaction to congressman greg steube on inflation and sits on house weighs and means and he was with us tonight. watch this. >> overall prices since joe biden took office is up 17.9%. food is up 20.8%, energy services is 28.8 and biden administration of domestic production of oil and gas and rent up 19.5%.
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those numbers will be telling for how people vote in november and the huge amount of inflation urn the president. >> the american people are paying a high price for all the government spending that biden put out the trillions at very beginning, the trillions with the inflation we action ticket that was gone that be more spending. people are poorer today than when biden came into office because of the things biden did. elizabeth: there's something strange going on with the government jobs numbers and the government, how it puts out two reports and payroll report and household survey? the household survey shows 1 million jobs created last year. that's it. not the 3 million that payroll survey said.
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seeing the swing, what's your take? >> unclear how many are part-time, short term, where we are in wages there. the way the government keeps some of the statistics is not as userful as it might be and the administration likes to put out that particular chosen statistics looking better this week but a month later perhaps now. elizabeth: 350,000 jobs on the report. when you see the household survey they're saying, no, it's dramatically less than that. it's less than half that. >> the administration is trying to brag on the economies and they've made a mistake because
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it's not there like they're hoping. elizabeth: thank you, grover norquist. coming up, dr. marty makary and tonight's fourth installment of the evening edit misleading america series. we're taking on dr. anthony fauci and coming out with a new memoir this summer and details on the football and misleading statements during the covid pan dick emberd but first we want to check in with dagen and sean. what's coming up next hour on the bot top line. >> hey, emac. house impeachment members named in the house trial for secretary mayorkas. >> victor davis hanson on fani willis show today. how she horded cash, thousands of dollars of it and reimbursed her lover that she tie hired and paid with taxpayer dollars and no record of the reimbursements for the lavish vacations they took. steve more also on the top 1%
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paying their fair share and they pay more than their fair share, almost half of all federal income taxes, top of the hour. ♪ so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) -awww. -awww. -awww. -nope. ( ♪ ) constant contact delivers the marketing tools
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>> to quote the four words most often used to cancel vacations, there's some covid news.
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we just learn that had the cdc plans to drop it is five day covid isolation guidelines. what? no isolation you've been telling us for years to be mindful of infecting friends and neighbors. theys announced this use, cdc slogan, jk, lols. elizabeth: welcome johns hopkins university professor of public health marty makary. that was steven colbert on the news about lockdown advisory. what do you think about that? >> look, he's mobbing the fact we're -- mocking the fact we're dropping restrictions now. not every place is doing it. my own employer johns hopkins hospital requires that i wear a mask when i walk into the building. the security guards, half are wearing a mask and half have their nose hanging out and most are making a mockery out of science. i wish dr. fauci and the science
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officials would say something about this practice since they set it in motion. elizabeth: this is our fourth installment of misleading america. our series this week. former nid director, dr. fauci, is going to release his memoir in june and rand paul said fauci and the government deceived americans on lockdowns, masks, funding and dangerous research to create super viruses in china misleading america about it. >> what's so sad is beyond the finger pointing, the entire covid pandemic was likely avoidable. the entire thing prevented and all the damage and what we know very clearly and in part from rand paul's research in his book deception, dr. fauci was saying opposite publicly as he was privately about many topics, namely the lab leak. elizabeth: than to dr. fauci and hear him flip-flopping on masks and lockdowns.
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watch this. >> we're going to exam on whether things were done too long or not, but the initial decision to lock things down unequivocally saved a lot of lives. lives. i didn't shut down anything. i recommended to the president that we shut the country down. and the only way to do that is by draconian means of essentially shutting down a country. right now in the united states, people should not be walking around with masks. >> you're sure of it? people are listening really closely to this. >> right now, people should not be walking around with a mask. there's no reason. there's no doubt masks work. once people feel empowered and protected legally, you are going to have schools, universities and colleges that are going to say you want to come to this college, buddy, you're going to get vaccinated. it's been proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their
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ideological bull [bleep] and get vaccinated. elizabeth: that was bullying about vaccine mandates and, dr., people lost their jobs, students lost out on education because of lock downs but to dr. fauci, that's ideological bs. he their coauthored a study and last year finding covid vaccines had de-efficiencies and have the elicit short lived and incomplete responses because of covid virus goes into the sinus cavity and vaccine into the bloodstream. seeing him in action, what's your first initial response? >> it's sad and many that took issue with recommendations in covid restrictions and mandates and we haven't had a political bone in our body and the group of us that spoke up and some were bernie sanders supporters and he said dr. fauci says we have to get over ideological bs. we had scientific concerns about
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myocarditis in young people and scientific points about natural immunity and damage of school closures and shut downs. elizabeth: shut downs of little mom and pop stores but not big box stores and they went out and ate at luxury restaurants or went to hair salons and voting and closed playgrounds and banned motor boats and jet skis and towns in new york banned leaf blowers and california pointlessly closed beaches and gave people tickets for watching the sunset. >> life was good for a lot of people during the pandemic and people that could work in pajamas on zoom and made a lot
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of money and dr. fauci had a net worth go from 7-12 billion and says something about the disconnect. system of articulation elizabeth: are voters finally being heard and housing sun affordable and hurting the american dream. white house now in a panic? that's what we're hearing. they're expecting interest rate cuts coming out of the fed leading into the election. seeps like that's a long way away. inflation is staying high. we have more on today's explosive testimony from fulton county da fani willis, forbes media chair steve forbes will break it down next on "the evening edit". ♪
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she could appoint someone like that and not think it would come out in a case like this. here you have the da, spending time at the white house, i'm sure they whisper a lot of sweet nothings about she could run for governor some day for georgia if she brings down donald trump, i believe this case, if they have justice will collapse there. new york case is bogus. that will could over thrown, a lot will be seen by the voters as use a phrase, trumped-up. elizabeth: that is witty, the court action against trump, when voters on the streets have been trying to tell biden white house for two years that housing costs are hurting them. you have talked about this the cpi shocker, the 2/3 of rise of january inflation was because of high housing and shelter costs, steve listen to the voters.
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>> everything is through the roof. you have to be a million air to live in dc . >> i am middle class i'm concerned about the inflation issues and interest rate hikes. >> inflation raised the cost of a lot of things it is more expensive to eat. >> hard to save money with as you said gas prices and groceries, insurance, rates, and many other things that have fed into eating into our pockets. >> work and material costs so much more money, prices have been driven up. >> i am hearing wages are all-time high, i pay my guys more than i have. elizabeth: steve, what do you think, because the biden campaign they are reportedly in a panic, they were expecting the fed to cut rates by this time to help them leading into the
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election. >> they should have listened to what fed powell said two years ago in jackson hole, wyoming said great mistake of 1970s is they fought inflation but not long enough, and then inflation came roaring back, was knoll until v volcker and r ron reagan took control in the 80s, you will not get rate cuts in march, i feel no compassion here. the key to look at what fed is paying banks on reserves, which is high, white house should ask their bank regulators, why are you putting in new capital requirements that will hurt loans to small and business size businesses. elizabeth: inflation running toward 3. 7%, could we see double peak inflation like
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the '70s that lead to something like 5 years of really tough years to stagflation? >> well, the fed is floundering so is the white house, they don't understand what is going on, you see talk about wages going up, a lot of companies are not hiring the way they did before, people are applying for jobs are waiting for longer to get a decision, except in nursing and restaurants. but many parts of the economy see slow hiring, because, the workweek is slowing down. that is a sign of hard times. elizabeth: got it steve forbes, you are terrific. >> thank you. elizabeth: join us tomorrow, former home depot ceo bob nardelli, and tome dupree, joe concha and liz peek, time for my buddies dagen and sean. dagen: thank you, emac. elizabeth: sur


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