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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  February 16, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EST

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woman (on radio): ok, well still send a code three. [music playing] ♪ ♪.
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maria: good friday morning everyone. thank you for joining us. i am maria bartiromo. it's friday february 16, your top stories, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast, and mixed opening for stocks, take a look the dow industrial under pressure but the nasdaq soaring again up 103 points on the nasdaq the dow down 47 the markets jumped with retail sales slumped the dow finishing up in the triple digits, the dow up 348 about 1%, the nasdaq of 47, the s&p 500 closing in record territory with a gain of 29 points despite a larger than expected decline in retail sales, the focus is on the january producer price index at 8:30 a.m. eastern, artful panels here all hands on deck. a big week of retail earnings walmart among others in nvidia
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coming out next week european markets are in the green, s&p 105, keck, 41 index index higher by 125, and asian markets finished like this, china closed for the lunar holiday but the hang seng up 2.5% on the ses session. back in washington the department of justice is defending robert hur's report on president biden's handling of classified documents. robert hur set to testify on march 12, will tell you about the letter the d.o.j. sent to the white house. as the fbi indicts a longtime trusted informant claiming he gave false information to the agency when he saying about ukraine's burisma $5 million obese, is it a message to other whistleblowers wanting to come forward were breaking down the timing of the announcement, joining the conversation montesquieu group founder john lonski and candidate and gop strategist joe pinion and fox
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business cheryl casone. "mornings with maria" is live right now. ♪. maria: time for the hot topic of hour robert hur is set to testify on capitol hill over the investigation of president biden's mishandling of classified documents. he will appear before the house judiciary on march 12, the day before the report was made public the white house counsel wrote to merrick garland slamming the way president biden was characterizing the special counsel report saying that robert hur latently violated the justice department's own policies the department of justice responding same robert hur's report provided
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significant detail on the basis of his declining declination decisions in the report within the department standards for public release. joe pinion the white house may have a warped view of what the special counsel is supposed to be there supposed to be independent but they violated their own policies. >> we have listened to democrats with baited breath as they went around telling us that the listen and accept everything the d.o.j. as it relates to president trump and when the same d.o.j. comes on says that a meaningful part of their decision not to prosecute is that the president lacks the mental capacity to stand trial, suddenly that is something that we should alternate blind eye to. par for the course from the left that wants fax in truth on their own terms and when it undermines their political destination
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suddenly i truth is no longer a northstar. maria: maybe they put charges on somebody they don't like the content of what he's saying, the white house is telling the press how to do their job the white house official writing to the association saying the report is 400 pages long and written in a confusing meandering way, president biden was asked by reporters what he will give up for lent listen to his response. >> what are you giving up for lent. maria: you guys, he's talking about the press give up the press he hasn't done any interviews anyway. >> are obviously hiding them that will be the strategy for 2024 we will get the testimony and that will be interesting we will get more clues or examples
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of the president struggles. what i find interesting about the pushback from the white house as far as the report, robert hur did them a favor by not pursuing charges but that upset the way the president was characterizing want to control the narrative and much of the mainstream media lets them do exactly that. maria: that's exactly right this is becoming too much the white house weighs in on the special counsel's work it is supposed to be independent. >> it's common practice at the special counsel explained its decision, this is nothing new i don't know why they're so upset and quite frankly it's been obvious for some time that joe biden does not have it all together upstairs we have proof of this of what he gave up for lent doesn't he know you supposed to give up things that
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you'd like to do and consume it could be beer it could be wine it could be chocolate, you do not give up something you don't like like washing the dishes were meeting the press. maria: it's all comical but this is quite serious, particularly as the democrats are saying is the gop trying to mess with democracy but we see it in plain sight from the democrats were just getting started a quick break will talk with the ceo kathy wood she have stuck with her belief in high big tack. we will talk about her annual report and how a.i. is shaping the goble equity market and bitcoin's role investor portfolio according to kathy wood but the house delivers a blow to the green agenda overturning the cancellation of lng exports, randy weber is here with more on that. watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back.
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maria: welcome back the house passing a bill that reversed president biden's paws on the confined natural gas exports the unlocking lng potential act strips the energy department power to permit natural gas export projects, speaker mike johnson putting out the statement after the bill passed, president biden targeted our producers and undermined america's energy america's effort to be energy independent the bill passing a 224 - 200 boats, nine democrats join twitter 50 republicans and in favor of this bill the wall street journal editorial rights biden's lng gift to vladimir
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putin call out the democrats who claim to support ukraine but voted in favor of abetting mr. putin's energy coercion, joining the texas congressman randy weber of the house energy and congress committee and the house freedom caucus, good to see you you're not only looking at this as a member of congress in terms of the bill but you look at the standpoint of texas, tell us about it. >> thank you for having us, good morning it is unbelievable what this president has done nine democrats voted with us they know what is at stake. if you think about it last year president biden told the european countries they needed to get off of russian lng and we would supply their lng, america would but it's a campaign year so all of a sudden he's taken
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the tack to appease his radical climate base before us in texas we have lng, two of them are producing lng and we have energy in louisiana to it's going to hurt the gulf coast of texas, jobs for people, energy independence, it seems like this president is intent on killing her in injury industry. maria: where will this go next bullet die in the senate? >> probably, chuck schumer will do anything to appease the president because they don't want him to look as robert hur pointed out earlier in robert hur said he's an older gentleman, all use those words he said he cannot remember things that should not be in front of a jury, he should not be in front of the american public and certainly on the stage. maria: it's odd to hear the special counsel say that this president is too feeble to get prosecuted but is just fine to
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run the free world but in terms of the lng bill, to get your take on the potential for america to become energy independent again what will it take. >> therefore countries that produce lng there's obviously the united states, there's russia, iran. we produce energy so we can help not only our industry here and people hear the folks that depend on jobs and the investors who want to get involved but so much uncertainty with this president this is a gift to putin and the iranian killers who killed their proxies that killed three of our fine service members i believe this president will stay the course and americans are not paying attention. maria: how does he justify that. >> it's all in the name of climate change you have seen
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that and i would argue what needs changing is the political climate he needs to be out of office and we need a president rejects power and strength and confidence to our allies not just economically but militarily as well when america is strong the world is safer. maria: cheryl casone a jump in. maria: really quick the issue on lng there's a lawsuit from the american petroleum institute who believe it or not have teamed up with environmentalist because of the executive order regarding the gulf of mexico and i ask as a texas congressman this affects louisiana as well is that something with a lobbyist in washington have a point and maybe this is the way to stop the president from hog tying our energy exports, in particular lng that's going to europe because as the journal points out that's hurting our european
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allies but also hurting european countries and jobs in texas and louisiana. >> absolutely you're right on track and you make a good point with the lobby point set out in the industry teaming up, something is wrong with this picture union with the president trying to project. i cannot believe is going to stay this course it will hurt my district 14 the gulf coast of texas have imports more than any member in congress we have a lot of energy coming from the gulf coast of texas and we ought to be energy independent and energy dominant in this president is intent on killing our energy industry you make a good point. maria: is also intent on pushing back anything that texas is doing the justice department is suing texas for the new border laws, they were in court yesterday and the judge did not rule on the case but they decision is expected soon that allows the state to arrest people for illegally entering the country to texas the law is
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supposed to go into effect next month because of texas increase border security and the migrants are crossing the border in arizona and california wisconsin tom tiffany was near the arizona border and nieces area has been completely trashed by illegal migrant camps. watch this. >> there is garbage everywhere in the national forest we had hearings in regards to the floyd bennett field in new york city which is a unit of the national park and turned over to illegal immigrants, same thing on a national forest. i want to know when environmental groups of america are going to stand up for what is supposed to be the best places in america and when are they going to start going after the other national parks and make them migrant camps also. maria: what about that, how ironic where are the environmentalists now that our national forests are getting
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trask by the illegal migrants is like the climate change is only an exit essential threat when it fits their narrative in if the windfarms are killing our whales that's not important if the migrants are trashing our forces not important it's only about lng and what the president want. >> you make a good point remember when joe biden was candidate running for president there is video of him in new hampshire saying he will kill the fossil fuel industry is intent on it in the environmentalists it doesn't fit their narrative of what's happening at the border they're not interested in that they're interested in climate change and killing the fossil fuel industry. it's scary that we have a president doing this. we seen this movie before, james comer said hilary clinton had a lot of classified information on a personal commuter but it didn't matter because no
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prosecutor, it does not fit the less narrative, robert hur came out and said something about the president that doesn't fit the last narrative. maria: that is so terrible people are so sick and tired of them putting politics and everything, politics overrides our national security, it overrides killing of whales, is outrageous. were to keep a spotlight on it. thank you, sir. randy weber, we will take a short break when we come back, fulton county district attorney fani willis talking herself in circles as she testifies over her improper relationship with the state prosecutor that she put in place. it's making a buzz wait until you hear this, markets are mixed ahead of the january producer price index coming out in two hours how investors are poised before the numbers, stay with us. ♪
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maria: welcome back let's take a look at futures, the dow industrials are down 42 but the nasdaq is strong up 101 and s&p 500 after closing in a record high is further into record territory it is up ten points and 5057, the dow industrial finishing up 300 points yesterday, 348 that was 1% as a market rally despite weaker than expected retail sales numbers take a look at interest-rate ahead of the january ppi the ten year treasury yield is higher by three and a third basis point sitting at a level of four-point to 6%, the numbers is 40 ppi in two hours time 8:30 a.m. eastern economist are expecting an increase of one tenth of 8% for the ppi month over month and up six tenths year over year, all of this sj powell will testify on capitol hill next month on the central bank's handling of inflation joining me to get ahead of it chief equity market
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strategist phil orlando, thank you for being here this morning your thoughts on where we are there's a lot of questions to discuss the federal reserve and whether we will see great cuts coming this year and a little bit of skepticism over the week and a half and what about the economic data improving that inflation is still elevated. >> first of all thank you for having me back, lance jump into the fed and inflation. powell do his humphrey hawkins testimony in front of congress next month. inflation as we saw with the consumer price index a couple of days ago remain sticky we are moving lower but at a pace that is much lower than the market would expect the ppi data not as important as the cpi data in later this month personal consumption expenditure index, the market had the perception
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that we got immaculate disinflation and immaculate pivot coming from the fed and they have been expecting to cut interest-rate six times over the course of the year starting in march that's not going to happen and when powell sits before the house of congress next month he's going to talk about the fact that inflation is moving lower but it is very slow pace. if you look at the summary of economic projections that the fed published in december were getting get to the 2% core pce target by the end of calendar 26 that is three years were at 2.9% now and what the fed is telling us the easy money has been made, the last piece is going to be hand-to-hand combat in the fed is going to be very patient before they start cutting interest rates. maria: we will see about that i want to know about the pc and dex, jumping when we were talking about jay hatfield in
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the world on wall street, he said he's expecting bad news when we get the pce index coming up that is the fed's favorite inflation reading and he says that inflation remains high and could get worse given the hostility in the red sea. >> that individual could be right on the mark, what worries me is the acceleration of wage growth that we've observed from 4.3% december, four and a half in january, believe me, there is no way that we get to 2% underlying rate of inflation of wages growing by foreign half% annually. it's not going to happen. another problem on the inflation going forward we no longer have energy prices declining. in fact we now have the price of gasoline that is risen for four consecutive weeks and without
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the benefit of energy price fossil fuel deflation we are probably, we may have reached already and come to an end of the process of this inflating the u.s. economy and again, labor cost that explains why services are running at 5% year-over-year in the cpi on the other hand we have no change with consumer goods or commodities. maria: what about all of that i should add we have economic data that showed the rest of the world falling into recession in some areas the uk and japan's economies are in recession at the end of last year week conditions in europe and china as well we've been talking about europe potentially being and cutting interest rates before the fed because the european economy is doing worse we have a real divergent between the u.s. and the world when it comes to
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growth. >> john hit the nail on the head, the federal reserve is targeting to present core pce inflation that is consistent with the 3% increase in wage growth, yet in the last jobs report we saw two weeks ago wages are running foreign half% that is inconsistent in the fed will not have the 4% wage growth that's one of the themes that will hit and humphrey hawkins next month regarding the global economy, you're quite right just this week japan and the uk reported negative gdp those economies may be in recession right now but that is not a surprise the global economy has been running ahead of the united states on the way down. we believe the u.s. economy here is decelerating, the next three quarters we think will slow and tradeshow much lower gdp in the last couple of quarters and we
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think the slowdown will bring the u.s. economy into a soft landing rather than an outright recession but there's no question europe, latin america are running ahead of the united states in terms of the global economic slowdown. maria: great points all around would you buy stocks for 2024 or are you expecting an opportunity to get into better prices. >> great question we have a constructive view on stocks we thought a - 9% increase in the s&p to 5200 by the end of the year we have 6% in the first six weeks of the year. i think there may be a pullback with some of this related to the mag seven so there may be an opportunity in the leader of the year to jump in fullbore. >> that's what i thought i heard you saying, thank you very much. phil orlando joining us, roku
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down in the premarket, distribute platform traveling after putting a larger than expected fourth-quarter loss the company reported lower customer spending roku forecast higher net revenue of $850 million despite competition from streamers like netflix and amazon the stock is down 15% although it's still up 43% in the last year, the white house says russia is pursuing anti-semite capability as new intelligence points to moscow building nukes in space we will tell you about it, which city is home to the most expensive pizza pie and how much you are shelling out for a slice we have it all coming up, stay with us. and welcome to ameriprise. i'm sam morrison. my brother max recommended you. so, my best friend sophie says you've been a huge help. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out
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maria: will come back and do more arrest to the super bowl parade shooting this week. >> is amazing what were learning this morning no charges filed after the deadly shooting at the super bowl parade for the kansas city chiefs but police say they have two juveniles in custody, watch. >> we have not charge them this is under investigation we have 24 hours until we have to file charges or release them and were working closely with the jackson county prosecutor's office to present for prosecution. maria: authorities releasing a third juvenile not connected to this the shooting may have been sparked by personal dispute no indication this is an act of terrorism one person was killed, 20 others were hurt the brother of the dj mother of two who died speaking out for the first time since her death he said she was at the parade with her children and she never made it to the hospital they were caught in the
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crossfire, she was trying to go like everybody else to celebrate last night chiefs fans held a visual to honor the life of lisa lopez. we have breaking news coming out of russia this morning we are learning that jailed russian opposition leader alexei navalny is dead 47 years old, he was one of putin's most visible and persistent critics being held in jail about 40 miles north of the arctic circle he was sentenced to 19 years under the regime a prominent critic of vladimir putin and he went back to russia as you know aware when he flew home after being in exile in germany he knew he would be arrested and he was, the sad news to report, alexei navalny has died at the age of 47. we will get more details but the
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russian media reporting that this morning. another headline at home president biden heading to east palestine ohio one year after trying to ram it left the community afraid and on edge but the white house has not seemed eager to get him there now there being accused of using the strip as a campaign stop. >> he's going out the invite of the mayor and the president will hear from the people of east palestine this is a trapeze been wanting to make and make sure it was the right time to do it. >> the president has no concern with drinking the water and east policy donald trump called out biden and said he should've gone there long time ago for him to go now is an insult to those live and work in the east policy in the great state of ohio this headline meta is taking aim at apple the parent company instructions for advertisers encouraging them to use a
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workaround to avoid paying a 30% service charge to apple and an announcement the social networking giant starting later this month advertisers for facebook or instagram are now going to be billed through apple were the additional charges going to be loving, there is a workaround not a lot of movement on them. as staple of new york city life i know that is pizza if you're looking for a bargain it is not here the big apple the note under most expensive pizza city of one topping pie is going for $33.65 that's the highest anywhere. increase labor, percentages paid to third party delivery services, higher rent and ingredient as contributing to this i know you know pizza very well because you and your father in the pizza place that you guys had i always think of you and your dad and i love when you put up pictures you look like you have so much fun together making
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pizza. >> he must be making pizzas in heaven for sure maybe i'll do won this week in his memory. the white house is confirming a potential russian threat to the u.s. national security the confirmation coming yesterday one day after house intelligence committee mark turner warned of intelligence indicates russia is looking to develop a nuclear weapon in space and it could threaten satellites from america hears with the national security communication advisor ted about this yesterday. >> i can confirm it's related to an anti-settling capability that russia is developing this is not an active capability that's deployed and russia's pursuit of the capability is troubling there's no immediate threat to anyone safety were not talking about a weapon that can be used to attack human beings or cause physical destruction here on earth. maria: the u.s. launching satellite into orbit yesterday with advanced missile tracking
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technology, joining the heritage center for natural defense pentagon official navy captain brent sadler, thank you for being here this morning how do you assess the story. >> is quite interesting about the hyperventilation yesterday about this we only know very little about the capability. but what we have heard it does not sound like it's a new type of threat even during the cold war the soviet union plan to have an emp weapon in space i'm not sure i see how different this is other than maybe the delivery method it is quite curious the timing and the nature that this information was put out to the public. maria: are you saying the republicans are onto something when they accused mike turner of having here on fire moment over this because he's trying to pick up the pace of sending money to ukraine? >> are not sure about that it's
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very unusual something like this it is highly sensitive classified to be put out so quickly and we know there was coordination it does not make a lot of sense, i heard there's theories about about it would be best for representative turner to come out and say why the urgency and i think he could do that without crossing thresholds and classification. maria: the u.s. carried out self-defense strikes against two houthis rebel targets in yemen u.s. central command also announcing a u.s. coast guard ship seized advanced uranian weapons that was headed to the houthis late last month there were more than 200 packages of weapons found on board, your reaction to what about the u.s. response to the iranian attacks on our troops in the middle east more than 170 at this point since october 17. >> my biggest complaint to our policy in this administration's policy has been too little too
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late and signaling too much and acting too little and the fact they were intercepting these weapons going into yemen is good but the problem were only getting a small fraction and if there is any hope of stopping the houthis from continuing the attacks you have to press them with the capabilities at the same time cutting off iran and resupplying in these inspections some of them are flag inspections that are not showing any indication in the others in support of un sanctions that needs to be turned up or more players putting pressure on iran and getting these weapons into yemen. maria: give us your overall sense of what's happening with foreign-policy out of this administration, we know it's not russia, ukraine is not just houthis and iran on israel, it is china in the aggression that came out of the communist party since joe biden walked into the
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oval office how should the united states be responding to communist china with a soft attacks every day against america. >> what we see right now is what starts with the disastrous withdrawal out of afghanistan and at every turn even with the bad public statements which give a green light for putin back in january of 22 to launch a second invasion the administration needs to take a harder but that will be actual presence military forces where they feel there is a red line to be crossed but they gotta be a lot more clear and were ready to backup. all sides are seeing weakness north koreans or bacteria provocations all the way to the iranians attacking and testing us for two years and encouraging a year ago how moscow launched the attack on october 7. maria: it feels after that
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botched withdrawal our adversaries decided to pick up the march against america in the west in general. >> absolutely they felt there was weakness in the capital in d.c. and that they could get away with it. the attacks have been against her forces in the middle east that's been ongoing for two years and up until october 7 there was 100 attacks in only four responses so that indicates the u.s. did not see a redline being crossed so the iranians want to continue to press their interest they saw a green light a vacuum in the middle east and we have not filled it or responded reflectively yet. maria: thank you. brent sadler joining us on all things foreign-policy, trial by fire for fulton county district attorney fani willis.
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watch. >> you are confused you think i'm on trial but these people are on trial for stealing the election i'm not on trial no matter how hard you try to put me on trial says fani willis, more from the hearing that's making a buzz, you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. everyone say space pod! (♪) meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals are just for likes, try one where you'll actually like.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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maria: welcome back time for the morning buzz fulton county district attorney fani willis will get back on the stand after he today in court defending her relationship with the prosecutor against trump, nathan wade, watch this. >> you are confused you think i'm on trial these people are on trial for mazi pilip sealed election in 2020 i'm not on trial no matter how hard you try to put me on trial. >> has he ever visited you were the place you lay your head. >> let's be clear you like i think you live right here. it is a lie. >> i probably had some choice words with the things that you said were dishonest within the motion as mr. wade is a southern gentleman, me not so much. >> as for the money that her boyfriend paid for all of the trips willis defended that saying she was not benefiting
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from all of the fancy trips because she paid him back with cash, watch. >> i paid for a bunch of stuff we did two different wine tours that you do that are pretty expensive he likes wine i don't really like wine i like gray goose. maria: she likes gray goose vodka she does not like wine. >> as the saying goes caesar's wife must be above her approach. there's a reason why we make the judges and the prosecutors disclose whether they have any previous dealings with private prisons that pay the money there is a reason why it's important to know if the actual prosecutor will benefit personally or financially from the ongoing prosecution, it's because the jury and the public has the right to know whether or not you doing this in the name of
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justice or in the name of pleasure, it's not that she had an affair whether your opinion on the affair might be but it's a lack of disclosure and something the democrats want to think doesn't matter. i will remind people there gearing up to say president trump spending money to make sure personal affair was not disclosed was a violation of election law but this is something they don't seem to care about. maria: the comment that i like gray goose and he likes wine. is she mocking the court. >> absolutely, she had her finger pointed at the judge at one point, she is thumbing her nose, pointing her finger and acting like i haven't done anything wrong why are you pointing your finger at me, she was combative, she's toast that the simplest way to say it at 6:50 a.m., she is toast he's
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toast what happened to the case against donald trump i don't know but this is not good against donald trump that defines the videos but she knew she was taking a public service job and those don't pay a lot of money, hugh uses cash anymore by the way and when they ask her was it a cash app, venmo, i don't know i don't remember, this is a kickback scheme a plain old kickback because she is a d.a. job she was not making money he got the money and he spent it, on. maria: there whipping it up in napa valley and all these other trips and while they spend the money on trips and wine and gray goose in whatever she spending her money on but the fact that she brought this up under oath feels like she's mocking the judge then she says your confused are not on trial trump is on trial. >> this behavior in a courtroom is reprehensible.
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if you're on a child this is not how you want to treat the judge she is mocking the system and very much part of the system and in the process she destroyed her own reputation and integrity. maria: obviously she's been using campaign money for her own personal use how else can you look at that and they are a couple who have taken trips together and there whipping it up together whether talking about trump in taking trump down how else can you look at it then she said she paid him back in cash, how do we know that. >> first of all atm withdrawal records and i hope she has those saved but to the greater point they have cooked up a legal theory so novel it's never been used before to charge a president of the united states in a racketeering rico case, it is pertinent to know how much he was getting paid and how much she benefited from it because
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otherwise the market public is left looking at a case that makes no sense except in the mind of the d.a. that we saw there that does not have the best judgment not in her personal life or how it's in the courtroom as well. maria: i don't even know if you get the withdrawal information in the atm receipts and uc she did not take out cash she had an answer she said her father told her for a long time to keep cash in the house. >> right next to the gold bars with bob menendez. it's fine. maria: by the gold bars and bob menendez closet. let's take a short break, longtime fbi informant indicted he was supposed to be a trusted informant we were told for months and months but then he blew the lid on joe and hunter biden's connection to burisma the ukrainian gas company saber
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reason for executive told him one biden gets 5 million and the other biden 5 million now is talking about serious charges, tune in all next week right here fox business is looking at the state of real estate with the hottest markets in the country hitting home is a special rebuilding the american dream and airs next week on fox business. you're watching "mornings with . stay with us. it ♪ ♪ ♪ you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy— i'm so proud.
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