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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 19, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EST

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>> barbara president trump unveiling his limited-edition gold sneakers during the sneaker con in philadelphia 399 kicks are selling out within hours of their release. >> i hate to say this but is a wise investment, the sneaker resale is worth $10 billion and projected to triple throughout the decade. >> to see all the knockoffs we will see that come up in the next couple of days. >> we shall see, "varney & company" is coming up next and ashley webster is in for stuart.
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>> thank you very much, good morning, everyone indeed i am ashley webster in for stuart varney today on this presidents' day. what about us, that is what citizens of new york city are asking mayor adams as he keeps putting migrants needs ahead of their needs, we will get into it, speaking of disconnect the white house is not happy with popular radio host charlamagne tha god he is once again criticizing the president and he says he's getting blowback from the administration but he does not care way into you have to hear what he has to say about the vice president. markets are closed in honor of presidents' day today to take a look at the futures we can take a look at those the dow and s&p 500 and the nasdaq and the futures market all moving slightly higher here's a question, his administration realizing that the green push is not working, they could be relaxing some roles for ev proposals we will have the story on that as well.
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truck drivers who support donald trump are saying they're knocking to deliver goods to new york city this is the protest of 355 million-dollar ruling against trout in the new york civil fraud trial. will get more into that, it is race day the engines will be roaring in today's daytona 500 we have a preview from last year's winner ricky stenhouse junior, don't miss that grab your engines monday february the 19th 2024, "varney & company" about to begin. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> randy newman on this monday morning chilly but clear morning it looks like that but in washington, d.c. mr. president by randy newman very appropriate
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it is presidents' day and to start on the theme with the rankings of the president by a group of so-called experts, good morning lauren, tell me where do mr. biden and mr. trump rank on this list. >> biden is 14 and trump is dead last, of survey of presidential greatness it's been done three times, lincoln always on top, trump was ranked twice and he's been dead last two times, these are experts in social science and presidential politics and they rank the presidents from 0 being the worst to 100 been the best, lincoln scored 95, biden 62 and mr. trump ten. ashley: we always asked by whose standard. thank you very much now this radio host charlamagne tha god is once again going after president biden, listen to this. >> is an uninspiring candidate there is nothing about joe biden
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that makes you want to listen to him he should be leaning on people who are more inspiring and more charismatic than him and i guess if you want to call it the brains of the operation hide the scenes that sounds crazy that we say that about the president of the united states of america but he has no main character energy at all. >> that is an understatement, joining us joe concha, would you agree with the characterization of biden. >> the main character energy i'm not sure if joe biden is pulling walnuts supporting actor peripheral character energy at this point, black voters, hispanic voters, they are the two groups that will decide the selection ultimately think about and fulton county georgia, atlanta or the detroit area in michigan or philadelphia and pennsylvania, those three cities came up big for joe biden in
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2020 and 2024 then only disappointed they are angry at this point and one of the main reasons why is the illegal migrant crisis that is impacting all the cities especially in new york as were reporting all this weekend and it seems that this administration and those democratic mayors are prioritizing those who are here illegally over those who are born here or came here illegally in terms of social services, education, sanitation, police, they're not happy about it and this is why this president is not the odds on favorite to win in november but donald trump despite all the legal challenges. >> it is interesting but charlamagne says he has pushback from the white house for his comments about the president. do they do that with all the commentators, what did you make of it. >> you have a popular radio host who is sharing his perspective giving an honest opinion about
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how he feels in a ticket that he endorsed in 2020 and now is profoundly disappointed here in 2024, i thought that this administration and the democratic party in general were going to save us in terms of preserving democracy and here we have somebody exercising his first amendment right in criticizing leaders and sharing of perspective in general and now they're going after him for doing so that does not sound democracy like to me. ashley: let me move on, one columnist for the new york times argues that biden should not be running for election. listen to this. >> biden as painful as this is should find his way to step down as a hero and the party should help him find his way to be the thing that he said he would be in 2020. the bridge to the next generation of democrats and they should meet in august at the convention to do a political
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parties have done so many times before organized victory. ashley: it's almost like a children's nighttime tail, then boys and girls, you have a new op-ed hide in biden a-wall as america faces crisis after crisis. more voters want to know who is running the country right now. >> who is running the country, we see so often the president schedule as i point out in the op-ed for the new york post, last week on tuesday, wednesday and thursday here we have the president of the united states did not have one thing on his schedule and he was receiving the daily intelligence briefing were at last check the world is on fire with hearing about terrorist coming across their open border he is getting the daily briefing in the afternoon, why is that why do we have a president who is on vacation more than clark griswold, 40% of his presidency is spent away
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from the white house and on vacation. and we hear him saying he should step aside and they should do something about it at the convention in chicago and august, this is the party that says they want to preserve democracy but they're going to make sure that the primary voters don't have one saying who their nominee is and there can allow superdelegates and delegates on the floor the convention simply anoint somebody to be donald trump's opponent and said, voters a reject that the going to say we want to stay in the process and i think that will only hurt them more than having biden on the ticket. >> lastly what i find interesting democrats have a strategy if you think about the border crisis they denied there was a crisis for years and then they took a step back avoid republicans and then they said they really need to fix it he is mentally competent, sharp his attack and you're trying to make this an election issue in a
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growing number of democrats are saying i don't think joe biden could do another term as president who is heading in the same direction in the border crisis finally facing reality. >> to situations where you can put the toothpaste back, we saw what was happening at the u.s. other border for the past three years, millions upon millions of people coming and in hundreds on the fbi terror watch list that coming in and killing more americans between 18 and 49 and at this point the problem for democrats if you put joe biden out there and have him do a solo press conference extended press conference with multiple questions at the cleanup on aisle five, 17 and if you keep them hidden then he can get his message out whatever that may be in donald trump is allowed to dictate the narrative "the bottom line" donald trump is leading in every swing state and unless something changes would joe biden it will remain that way or conviction of trump can change things as well.
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ashley: fascinating to follow regardless, as always thank you for being here on presidents' day we do appreciate it. ronald reagan's daughter is speaking out about the state of politics in america what is she saying. >> patty davis says her father would be appalled by current politics she calls them coral. watch here. >> i think he would be appalled it was more several iced contravention civilized he didn't understand lack of civility or attacking another person, he could be pretty pointed and what he would say about someone else but he doesn't understand cruelty and that's what were dealing with now and he would not understand that and i think he would be really scared for our democracy. >> she also said the american people are scared in the fear morphs into anger and that's why
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she things politics have become so nasty. the current politicians right now, both sides are masterful of exploiting the energy between fear and anger, she said one of the thing that got my attention, cognitive test for the office is probably appropriate. her dad ronald reagan likely suffered from symptoms of alzheimer's during his second term, she had a first row seat and after she saying. ashley: she makes a lot of good points, thank you. markets as we've said close for presidents' day but jeff sica is in the house here to give us his view on the week ahead great to see you, last week we had to inflation indicators that came in hotter than expected you can see it in your view does that mean the fed cuts are off the table this year. >> yes, last week on the show i was talking about i anticipated
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consumer price index, producer price dewould me in hot and they did come in hot, keep in mind if you go back to what jerome powell said he had professed this radical lower terest rate going forward, now you have the cpi above 3% for 11 months, this is sticky, stubborn inflation and the fed now, the march rate cut is off the table, the main rate cut is probably around 17%, the june rate cut is terest-rate and futurecording to i think the fed needs to look these numbers and dede whether not they madetrategic error as they did back in the beginning when ty said inflation was transitory, now they said they're going to lower
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interestates so they keep stacking on one statement that does not make sense upon another. it is interesting to see what will happen. ashley: i haveo point out, nvidia reports the earnings this we, u for years have been coming on the show in talking to us about ndia, you're exactly right, what you expecting look at the stock 727 where it is a go from here. >> the funny thing about nvidia, nvidia surpassed google alphabet as the third largest company in america and a lot of people know what google does and so few people know nvidia is in the chip business but now it's become a gigantic force in the market and we used to say on the show as goes apple so goes the
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market. i don't think there's an earnings report that we've had in the last few years as important as nvidia, this is a stock price to perfection and then have to deliver not only on the top and bottom line, they also have to come out with a optimistic opinion about the future and quite honestly even though i've been touting this stuff for years on the show, i think it's getting a little ahead of itself and we have to be ready for reversal. ashley: very good on that cautious note we will leave it there, thank you for giving us your insight we always appreciate it. more bad news for biden, squad member receded to leave came out against him in the primary, roll tape. >> this is the way you can raise our voices don't make us more invisible right now we feel completely neglected and unseen by our government if you want us to be louder than come here and
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vote uncommitted. ashley: interesting, then israel's government unanimously voted to reject any calls for a broken palestinian state, prime minister benjamin netanyahu said it will be a huge reward to terrorism after report from israel right after this. ♪ home security firm. we chose principal to provide the benefits and retirement plan that show our people just how much we appreciate them. because benefits help us keep top talent. benefits help us grow. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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>> is mureau's prime minister engine vignette yahoo brushing off close and his offensive into gaza he promises to finish the
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job something he said from the outset. trey yingst in tel aviv with the very latest. >> it is day 136 of the war between israel and hamas it appears all diplomatic efforts to end the conflict are failing, over the beacon protesters gathered in tel aviv to demonstrate and call on the government to prime minister benjamin netanyahu to cut a cease-fire deal the israeli government rejected demands calling them delusional. the israeli cabinet rejecting international calls for creation of a palestinian state as a pathway to end the war. >> in light of the recent talk of the community about an attempt to unilaterally impose on israel palestinian states today and bring it a decision on this issue for the government's approval i am sure it will be
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widely accepted. meanwhile intense ground fighting rages on and gaza with another soldier killed overnight israelis working to the second city of khan yunis and airstrikes into the central part of the strip video shows medics transporting injured children to the hospital in central gaza, the ongoing activity on the southern front is taking place with israel on high alert in the north, attacks by the militant group hezbollah has drawn strikes in but on the broader war with the militant group hezbollah as officials in tel aviv say the israelis are being attacked on seven different fronts. ashley: thank you very much for that. israel's government has unanimously voted to reject any foreign attempts to create a palestinian state once the war against hamas in, daniel hoffman joins me now.
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where do you stand on the two state solution is that the only way forward, what do you think. >> i think israel has to finish the job and destroy hamas they cannot allow a terrorist group by thomas to enjoy ungoverned space to plot an attack like the one we saw on october 7. i also think israel cannot go at this alone they need diplomatic top cover and not to mention weapons from the united states and they could do well with regional allies especially saudi arabia so the idea of a post-conflict reconstruction plan for gaza which would involve the international community and potentially a two state solution i think israel could lead the process and be involved in have control over the process but i do think that they need to agree to a settlement while the fighting is ongoing this is something that we learned in iraq when we invaded iraq in 2003 we had no post-conflict with
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reconstruction we pay the price. ashley: the u.s. launching five airstrikes against houthis in yemen over the weekend. air force is destroying underwater drone. is the war widening and are we responding aggressively enough to diagram proxy attacks from around the region? >> i don't think were responding aggressively enough. right now we are not deterring iran from continuing to supply the proxy terrorist whether the houthis or terrorist in iraq and in lebanon the lebanese hezbollah were not cutting the supply line to the proxy groups and we should not rule out a targeting irgc or targeting iran but right now iran is deterring us and we need to resort escalation dominance or else we'll see arising terrorist attacks and freedom of navigation in the all-important
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red sea is at risk and it's driving up the cost of goods. ashley: is there a danger that the war is escalating is something the u.s. has said from the very beginning is trying to prevent but as long as the attacks come and it doesn't seemed like there's a deterrence to your point. >> iran doesn't want a wider war they know they would lose a wider war. that's a biden administration allowing iran to deter us from bringing the full force of her diplomatic and military economic power to the fight i think we should do that and go back to late 2019 when we launched a kinetic strike against the irgc soleimani at the baghdad international airport that was a good way to resort escalation dominance over iran. ashley: senator lindsey graham wants to take action against russia after the death of alexei navalny, listen to this. >> alexei navalny was one of the
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greatest people i ever met when he went back to russia he had to know he was going to be killed by putin and he was murdered by putin, why don't we do this i just got off the phone with two democratic senators let's make russia a state-sponsored terrorism under u.s. law and make them pay a price for killing alexei navalny. >> i guess the question should russia be designated as a state sponsor of terrorism i find it hard to argue against that, what do you say. >> china does the same thing to their political opponents. i think what we ought to do to support ukraine that is less than 5% of the department of defense budget and if you want to bring her giovanna reporting and make them pay a price, that is the way to do it pay alexei navalny that ukrainians will launch at the russian invaders in return for russia launching the indiscriminate proclaiming
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neighborhoods in hospitals and maternity wards that's the way to go about it bring the congress back to session #to deal and move forward. ashley: very quickly on ukraine russia took back another town in the eastern part of ukraine. do you feel unless something is done with more help for ukraine that the tide is turning in russia's favor? >> the town was on a major strategic victory for russia they certainly sacrifice significant numbers of their troops to capture it but we do need to get ukraine the ammunition and artillery but people ask if ukraine is winning, 300,000 plus russia casualties, finland is a member of nato which is awakened from the post-cold war thanks to the leadership. every day that steve is a sovereign nation that the victory for them and the west and for nato in an indication of our support for their effort to
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defend themselves from russia unprovoked aggression. ashley: very good. thank you very much for being on the show today. we appreciate it. coming up, food price hikes are outpacing overall inflation will take a look at the rising costs for families, the getting expensive, next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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i had caught microsoft or apple or amazon back in the day, why people continue to resist this is beyond me. ashley: it is interesting you're looking at earnings, that's talk a.i. in the chipset fuel a.i. and nvidia what you expecting for them this week. >> i am expecting strong numbers, several hundred% to the upside to the upside 20 billion in revenue, 4.5 on earnings but the key is going to be guidance and customers are going to buy every chip that nvidia makes for the next two, three, four, five years, if that is strong the stock has plenty of energy. ashley: interesting, were getting hear from walmart often seen as a bellwether for the consumer, what you expecting there. >> that is an interesting one they mounted an incredible
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charge to amazon they have a handle on inventory management they don't make it target like mistake. if consumers continue to buy must have stuff in the have a handle on that, there is a strong guidance, strong results from walmart. ashley: another one, home depot, are people doing home improvement projects or companies that home depot and lows struggling? >> i think it is the latter i think they're struggling but also to plenty of research, people are looking at replacing their sinks not redoing the entire bathroom. if you watch the contractors load up not massive re-engagement renovation supplies, the antidotal evidence suggests this would be a little bit of pressure on those stocks. ashley: very interesting. we are out of time, thank you so much for being here on this monday presidents' day, many companies by the way looking to cut costs the sheer one of the
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best ways unfortunately is through layoffs. which big company has already announced layoffs this year. >> it's too big to go to the mall companies are feeling heavy we feel more and more companies compositions to get some of the weight off. what is happening as you look alphabet, amazon, blackrock, ebay sloshing job that layoffs are being normalized, in a way i think the other thing to remember with the story for years through covid, company successfully passed on their higher cost through higher prices to customers. but many of them have lost their pricing powers, now they/jobs, we used to see what a company said we were laying off a thousand workers the stock price would go up because investors said they're getting more nimble but were not seeing that this time around sometimes are making the announcement of a layoff and then we see the stock price go down because investors are
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nervous there might be another problem with a copy. >> that is quite a list of companies on the screen. two brothers on tiktok are going viral for the videos on inflation of all things wire they so popular. nikki and jojo are twins from staten island they say inflation is so out of control from the price that their dad pays at the daily for his pastrami to their car insurance, listen in. >> my credit score is 800 i'll be 25 in two weeks in my car insurance in the last two years went from 220, 270, now 2320, not for nothing i'm paying $900 a month for a nissan rogue sport, i'm paying a thousand dollars a month to not look masculine at all. >> he has a point, both of them
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had jobs in the union they gave them up to do this to make tiktok videos full-time and they made another point, everybody is complaining about higher prices everywhere and inflation is bring people together in sympathy for the fact that it hurts every time you have to pay a bill. ashley: the can have a show sometime soon on tv. thank you very much, let's move on last week's report showed the inflation fight may not be over quite yet, few places are feeling the pressure of more than grocery inflation. jeff flock joins us from our produce market in philadelphia, take me through this how much worse is food inflation compared to the rest of the economy. >> it won't quit it is a steady climb and it keeps climbing. i'm in america's biggest refrigerator, this is the produce market in philadelphia the wholesale produce market
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this is a quarter-mile of folks selling produce and then guys getting squeezed right now, look at the numbers on inflation in january gas prices came down used-car prices came down in clothing came down but food continued high i got mike watson with tm k produce in philadelphia. give me a sense of what you got you are the ones getting squeezed because you have high inflation, high input cost. >> apples from washington state and grapes, bitter. >> the problem is you consumers saying this is a lot of go. >> correct. >> were concentrating all the time on enough product in the right product for customers and we can see their resistance to some of the higher prices as they continue. >> is not less volume.
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>> the customers are buying more often that each purchase time. >> were conservative in their purchase. they are tightening up a little bit. >> in pennsylvania we got the numbers on this the worst state in the union for food inflation. you will say pennsylvania, vermont, maryland. >> i don't understand why it would be one over the other, i cannot make sense of that. >> i think that's "the bottom line" a lot of people cannot make sense of it remains the case. ashley: it does indeed, don't put the squeeze on my grapes, that's all i have to say, that's quite a statement. thank you.
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, no whining, the governor of new york kathy hochul address business owners after donald trump was hit with a $355 million fine, listen to this. >> law-abiding and following business people have nothing to worry about because they're very different than donald trump in his behavior. >> that makes it seems politically motivated. does that not take a look at the op-ed on, boxing volleyball make surprise choices on who they think is the best female athlete ncaa volleyball player wrote that and she will be here to tell us why new legislation is critical, then there's this, the budget administration may be tapping the brakes on the ev push to lacks limits is not music to steve moore's ears, he is here next.
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ashley: the administration plans to slow its push for carmakers to transition away from gas powered vehicles, hillary vaughn joins me now from the white house what is the new plan. >> the budget administration pumping the brakes on what would've been the most aggressive electric vehicle push ever giving automakers more time to get more ev's in the lot and customers more time to want to buy electric cars, the original plan was to make 67% of new car sales electric vehicles by 2032,
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last year 7% of car sales were ev's a 60% jump in less than a decade, that's ambitious, the budget administration is too ambitious, reports say the epa is finalizing the role in considering slowing down the requirements to give people time to get to the ultimate goal the official rule is expected to come out this spring but in the meantime the ev push is becoming a big part of president biden's 2024 rival campaign, former president donald trump attacking biden over it. >> biden's electric vehicle mandate the green new scam. >> the green new scam, all those cars are good to be made in china within three years i hope they know that. >> the biden campaign is responding to trump's comments saying all donald trump knows how to do is lose like he had america losing the electric vehicle race to china when he
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was president, president biden is keeping the united states at the forefront carmina factory by investing in the future of good paying union auto jobs and up in america not halfway around the world the epa relaxation is happy just in time for the november election president biden needs autoworkers to vote fohim he has the support of unions, the united auto woers union endorsed him last month but the ion boss admitted a lot of their mbers are gng to be voting f former president trump in nember and perhaps this is a push to try to get workers to sw up in november and vote for presidt biden. ashley: yes indeed, thank you ve much. guess who joins us, stephen moore, it turns out that people don'li to beold at they can and cannot buy especiall when it comes to vehicles, you muste loving this. >> happy psidents' day, one thing about americwe have a
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love affair with our cars,he idea that the government will lleople what kind of car th c buy theres a huge off some of e ndates, the reason amerins are not buying the caf theyhought he last yeawas a tragic year for electric vehs cars starting on fire cars around you people in winter blizzards give the car manufacturers say we cannot sell these, you sol whahappened inaying forget how to sell these off because nobody wants consumers to bometng therce don'want. ashley: that's what you get. i want to get into this you have a new op-ed, the biden bull market, frankly it is just pull, make your case.
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>> it is very mple but there's no question that the last 14 months as been a bullish market, no question about it. the point i was saying in this article if you go back to the start of the biden presidency today and you look at the returns on stocks, here is the key when you buy stocks and sell stocks and make a profit you're interested after inflation so you have to take into account what happened during inflation and when you look at that, here are the numbers, under joe biden in the first three years of office stocks are up by seven or 8% after inflation, seven or 8% hold that data point mind you know what the data point was for trump in the first three years due to what the number was, 32%, 32%, the point i am making after inflation the returns have been much higher under trump then
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biden i hope we see a good year in 2024 is off to a good start with stocks that the bull market was under donald trump not.under joe biden. ashley: we will leave it right there, thank you for pointing it out. we appreciate it. now this. schools including a natural literary literacy classes, maybe i need this class as part of the curriculum. how many schools across the country are using these financial literacy courses. >> schools and half the country, in high school financial literacy as a class is a mandated course, obviously there is a push to make it a requirement to graduate high school you must take a financial literacy class, 25 states half of the country are offering a literacy to k-12 grade, meaning
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young kids, middle school are being exposed to this to, d of the taco with your parents about a credit score budgeting, probably not. the school district is trying to fill that backout. ashley: my parents were bankers so i got the last of them. thank you very much. , coming up, illinois announced plans of a georgia $50 million this year to shelter and care for migrants. chicago brandon jones is saying that is not enough. we got the report next. ♪ ♪ (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪)
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ashley: illinois will spend it additional $250 million for the migrant crisis, but chicago's mayor says he does not think that's going to go very far, kelley's a very is out of migrant shelter in chicago this morning. how soon does the man think the money is going to run out.
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>> brandon johnson says this money will likely not last into the summer this is significant because were expecting governor greg abbott of texas to ramp up the pace of migrant buses he will send to the city during the summer in time for the democratic convention that will happen in late august. you mentioned $250 million, some people are hoping it'll be even more money. last week we heard from the county and the state together and enjoying announcement that they're estimating another $321 million that will be needed to get their 2024 the state is expected to tackle the majority of that with $182 million in the county says it can contribute another 70 million if you do the math that leads another $70 million up in the air and a lot of unanswered questions from the city's mayor, then came intense back-and-forth with reporters last week after this was announced as mayor johnson
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called out the states pledge to provide 2000 beds in november, governor committed $65 million to make a winterize tent camp that is not been built and plans to continue the process are not in the works. >> all i'm saying is that what in the city, let's make it broader, no one in the state of illinois or this country is questioning mayor brandon johnson's commitment to this mission. >> it appears there is questioning, the governor spokesperson telling the chicago tribune the county president stepped up to govern additional $70 million you will have to ask the city what their plans are for the remaining $70 million that all parties have agreed to fund this humanitarian response governor is expected to announce the details of next year's budget this wednesday, he is also going to get a lot of pushback from people in his body of government. back to you.
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ashley: thank you very much. still ahead, kt mcfarland, doctor marc siegel, tomi lahren in daytona 500 defending ricky stenhouse junior to 10:00 a.m. hour of "varney & company" is next. (♪) in this clinic, we pride ourselves on putting others first. it's on us to help care for our clients' well-being; to help them adapt. it's inspiring to work at a place where our patients succeed. and we as therapists do, too. with great benefits from principal, we feel appreciated for the work we do. (♪)
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what will you do when the power goes out? power outages can be unpredictable and inconvenient, but with a generac home standby generator,
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your life goes on uninterrupted. because when your generac detects a power outage, it automatically powers up, giving your family the security and peace of mind they deserve. we don't have to worry about whether we lose power or not. if the utility company does not come through, our generac does. after the hurricane happened, we just want to be prepared for anything. 8 out of 10 home generators are generac, with thousands of satisfied customers. number one thing to prepare for is extended power outages. don't make it so hard on yourself, have a generac home standby generator. and owning a generator is easier than ever. special financing and low monthly payment options are available, and if you call now, you will also receive a free 5 year warranty valued at over $500. call or go online now to request your free quote.


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