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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 19, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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ashley: don't you just love it, david bowie on almost empty six avenue looking down toward central park, there is presidents' day many people have the day off, markets are closed as well but we have a lot to talk about, 10:00 o'clock eastern i am ashley webster in today forced to. let's get straight to your money markets are closed for the presidency but the future open they are modestly higher, the dow, the s&p, the nasdaq up slightly but let's take a look at the price of oil if we can oil itself has perhaps slightly on the rise it was at $70 now closing in on 80 up 35 cents, 7954 a barrel let's take a look at bitcoin strong start to the year of 52001 plate, topic and
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$126.52084. take a look at the wall street journal reports democrat donors have anxiety over president biden's reelection campaign, they say they see no effort to push biden aside and counting on trumps legal woes and controversies to keep the race competitive, todd piro joins me now, you're with us for the hour, thank you for that. do you think we've asked you this every time you been on you think democrats are going to have to be forced to push biden aside. >> to get his tribe whether they succeed is unclear. to the point of article what else do they have after going after trump when you break down the policy trumps policies defeat biden policy with the majority of the american people including many democrats, the strategy is try to keep trump and courts we can't be on the
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campaign trail and so angry that he says something that makes him lose independent voters, this is a risky strategy, every time they go after court he makes more money on the campaign trail in devices in the polls, every time he says something even as angry as he gets it does not loosen many voters. we will see how this plays out but the strategy is backfiring. >> it certainly is the inevitable question, who can replace biden as a democrat nominee is not exactly a strong bench. >> it is not in every time were together is the key players it's a buddy coming out of the woodwork and gavin newsom who do not do so well in the town hall with ron desantis and michelle obama former campaign staff ready to go another thing she hates politics and wants nothing to do with it at this point everybody is speculating we can take day by day and look at
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reality as her country is in trouble under biden and we will see what happens from there. ashley: next one the favorite squad member rashida tlaib she is urging democrat voters in michigan not to vote for president biden during the states primary, how much could that hurt biden in november, it's a party divided, would you not say. >> 100% a party divided, how will this vote that she's asking people not to take matters this one doesn't matter it's just noise, it's a primary joe biden is going to win anyway, come see me when november arrives if rashida tlaib and ilhan omar and people in the north are saying to do this telling their voters don't vote for joe biden, there's certainly going to lose the state of michigan that becomes the story there and it's not out of the possibility they could potentially lose minnesota
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to. this is a nonstory for the primary and it becomes a story for the general because joe biden cannot win the presidency without winning michigan. ashley: that is right and it's interesting rashida tlaib says biden has not done enough to enforce a cease-fire in gaza. biden has said that's what we would like to see but has not been very forceful he stuck between a rock and a hard place. >> that was the issue all along he tried to appease everybody and it's a bad word you understand what appeasing does when you and try to appease everybody you appease no one i'm not saying you. you're a great guy i'm not comparing you. ashley: thank you very much. we will have to leave it right there, you're here for the hour, lock the doors. we always do. national co-chair for the no label organization, been jobless
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has reacted to senator joe manchin rescission not to run for president so much for that plan, come in here to have any other candidates in mind. >> they do not flow any names but now the joe manchin is out and another talked about candidate larry hogan is running for senate in maryland the group is pursuing others. >> were talking with several exceptional leaders a whole internal process. the next couple of weeks or more we will make an announcement and give the ballot access to a unity ticket and it means republican and democrat. were talking to republicans, democrats and independents. >> they could unveil the unity ticket as early as next month around super tuesday and they qualify to put the candidate on the ballot in november in 16 states so far, this is a hard thing to do and it's not been done many times and the fear is
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you can get a contingency election there is no clear winner in the house votes on the president and the senate votes on the vice president. ashley: we don't want to go down that road, manchin bailing out her thought movement. , what is nikki haley saying about trumps legal troubles which she parted him if she was elected in november. >> absolutely in the best interest of the country, washer with john roberts at the fox town hall yesterday. >> i would pardon donald trump i think it support for the country to move on, we have to leave the negativity in the baggage behind i don't want this country divided any further i don't think it's in the best interest for america to have an 80-year-old president sitting in jail and have everybody upset about it. this would be the time we would need to move forward and get this out of the way. >> can she cut through trump to help the nation move on she said
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i'd be joe biden hypothetical by as many as 17 points and then she says an ex-president will be a woman, me or kamala harris and that is her pitch. if we don't make it i can be biden if not you're stuck with an aging president and president here. ashley: that's pretty compelling stuff for sure, thank you very much. but of course donald trump has a massive lead. let's get back to the futures, the markets are closed but i want to bring in alyssa who joined me now, we have some big earnings reports this week in a bellwether for the consumer for sure. what you looking at closer this week. i'm keeping a close eye ion nvidia this is a chip stock in the a.i. thing going very strong
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and expectations are high in the earnings season for the tech sector and arguably with the biggest application perhaps of the overall market trend because you can see a domino effect of other a.i. stocks in the guidance as well in the quarter with triple digit growth in the third time in a row and "the bottom line" but the top line as well these are big eye-popping numbers as well i think the question since this is a stock up almost 50% this year alone after a huge year last year or is it going to fuel the a.i. frenzy that could be big implications here. do you think has room to run it 727 the tremendous growth of very dominant with the chips in the a.i. sector.
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stocks can go a lot higher than people think, look at the '90s, we could continue to see about this explosive move go we forgot about they did not have the fundamental to backup, this one does, it could have more room to run and we could see a break in the positive that would not be a disaster and if we see a pause, the digest and that could give traders in a lower risk chance to get in. >> so much movement of what the fed is going to do in the tremendous expectations and seven rate cuts in the ratcheted down, or the rate cuts still on the table how many do you think even at all. the market is pricing then four or maybe even three-
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three-quarter.rates and as you said that is a big change from h ago, the fed is going to continue to keep a close eye on the inflation data. i would say the market has been resilient even though we had a down week we closed and this comes despite the hot cpi and ppi inflation data in the fed will be continuing to adjust their plan as we continue to get the data out and we will have to see how the market reacts to those adjusted expectations. ashley: very good. we will have to leave it there, thank you for jumping in today on the show we appreciate it. now this one democrat reveals how president biden really feels about israel's prime minister, he said benjamin netanyahu's leadership is not good for israel. we will have that story. a stark warning on the russian space weapons, watch this. >> if this is allowed to fully
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deploy acute completely blind our economy intake at her gps and blinder military is incredibly serious as a weapon of mass destruction. those are sobering words, casey mcfarland of the national security implications that. ♪ welcome to ameriprise. i'm sam morrison. my brother max recommended you. so, my best friend sophie says you've been a huge help. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. our neighbors, the garcía's, love working with you. because the advice we give is personalized, -hey, john reese, jr. -how's your father doing? to help reach your goals with confidence. my sister's told me so much about you. that's why it's more than advice worth listening to. it's advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile.
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ashley: democrat congressman jim clyburn spoke about israel's pride minister benjamin netanyahu, what does he think about his leadership.
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>> is getting some attention for some comments he made about our presidents feeling towards the israeli leader, not very positive, listen. >> i talked to the president about this and of course he's knocking to be public and everything he says to bridgeman yet yahoo, he feels about the way i feel when it comes to benjamin netanyahu, his leadership is not been good for israel, we stand firmly with the people of israel but i always had a real problem with benjamin netanyahu and that continues to be today. moments later he thought to walk back the comments amy hadn't asked the president whether he agreed with him, clyburn's comments come on widespread reported that joe biden is growing increasingly frustrated with benjamin netanyahu in the israel war going so far as to call him various expletives in private i will not repeat the
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expletives even though it's a holiday monday here on varney. ashley: we can let our imaginations run loose. the israeli government unanimously approving a measure to outright reject any foreign attempts to create a palestinian state once the war against hamas is over. a great person to have here to talk about it. kt mcfarland joins us now what happens next, israel says forget about the palestinian state were too concentrated on wiping out hamas but how does this play out and. >> nobody wants a palestinian state or two state solution the palestinians want israel to cease to exist in the control the whole place. the biden administration is yammering on about a two state solution but nobody want to even the arab countries in the region say we don't want a palestinian state either. because a palestinian would need
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to elect hamas and what is that do, congratulate and award hamas for the massacre. have we not learned after iran and afghanistan and libya and vietnam even that the countries in the region make the decision about which states survive, they know people, the territory and what will work, that the palestinians have a stake and a say in the israelis have a stake in say let the arab countries and let them figure it out and then let them pay for. they are all affected by it, every one of them it is not our problem it is their problem and they should solve it first. ashley: very good, another subject senator lindsey graham wants to designate russia the state-sponsored terrorism after alexei navalny died in a russian prison last week, listen to this i'll get your thoughts. >> alexei navalny was one of the great. paul: are met and he went back
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to russia he had to know he was good to be killed by putin and he was murdered by putin, why don't we do this i just got off the phone with two democratic senators let's make russia state-sponsored terrorism under u.s. law let's make them pay a price for killing the alexei navalny. ashley: what should our response be alexei navalny step, what would you do? >> first of all alexei navalny is an epic hero for the ages and a christlike sacrifice he went back to russia knowing that he was going to be arrested and assassinated. if that man cannot inspire the russian people i'm not sure what else can. i like lindsey graham's idea to make russia state-sponsored terrorism but i don't think that goes far enough, the way to stop vladimir putin is taken with the pig giving he cannot make war on ukraine and he cannot to any of these things if he doesn't have the money, why does he have the money we allowed oil prices to go higher than they need to be
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because we shut off american oil and natural gas production led american companies produce simple supply and demand and it takes the revenues away from russia and iran and it bankrupts our adversary and no matter what they wanted to they don't have the money to do it. ashley: a good point. another one congressman mike waltz issued a warning about the russian space weapons, listen to this. >> if this weapon is allowed to fully deploy it could completely blind our economy it would take out her gps it could blinder military it is incredibly serious and a weapon of mass destruction not just us, countries all over the world and the fear putin is calculated were far more dependent on space than he is and perhaps this would be at his advantage or he could use it as a serious deterrence to keep us from doing
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what we need to do. ashley: interesting stuff alarming to say the least. how big of a threat are the russian space weapons do you think? >> is not just the russian space weapons at the range of weapons that the chinese have developed that we have not despite the billions that we spend on defense we have not kept up with the technology in the advance weapon system, hypersonic for example but the space-based weapons we are completely dependent everything that we do from driving our cars to the air filtration system in the apartment building to communication it's all wi-fi and a satellite and to get american satellites were not just blind were back in the stone age the united states needs to figure out how to defend against these weapons or in addition get our own weapons so we have deterrence so we can deter the
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russians. i'm not going to get in the middle vladimir putin said to figure out who is going to risk world war iii. i just think we did to bankrupt the russians so they can develop the weapons and then we need to develop them on our own so we have the defensive capability and the ability to deter. ashley: take his money away that's a broad message. thank you so much, a lot of issues discussed, thank you for coming in and talking to us on this presidents' day, always great stuff. by the way fbi director christopher wray is warning about the cyber attacks in the u.s., what is he saying. >> this is bad of how it will happen or potentially happen beijing's efforts to covertly plan offensive malware inside of the critical infrastructure is at a scale greater than we've seen before citing volt typhoon that is the name to the chinese hacking network that was real
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last year to be lying dormant inside of our networks, he said beijing actors were pre-positioning the malware that could be triggered at a moments notice to disrupt a way of life the chief declining to elaborate on what critical infrastructure have been targeted adding only the burial at a lot of work underway. ashley: the volt typhoon even the name is very omnibus indeed. thank you very much, now this, the weight loss medication like ozempic in wego v have become so popular that some states are pulling their coverage for government employees. gerri willis will have the story coming up. you may want to think twice before reaching for your cereal oatmeal, 80% of americans have been exposed to a chemical found in cheerios and quaker oats, doctor marc siegel will tell us everything that you need to know, say it ain't so, he is next.
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gerri willis joins me with the story, do we know what states and why. >> a total of 35 states, including new york, connecticut, we want to talk to you about north carolina who state health plan is dropping coverage of anti-obesity drugs including ozempic and wegovy for the 487,000 workers why costs are spiraling out of control, listen. >> i want to be very clear that this decision by the board is not something that any board member desired but is what we had to do to keep the plan solid. >> the state will spend $170 million on weight loss drugs this year an estimated spending of a billion by 2030 if they keep going down the same roots. to be clear the state is discontinuing support as of april 1 for drugs like ozempic with their use for weight loss but continuing for people with diabetes a small proportion of users just 3,325,000 users, the
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number of employees using the meds has increased 731% to 23215 up from 2700 amid 2021, some of the users are 12 years old they're being given this in schools each prescription cost the state hundred dollars monthly after rebates, you can see the map in north carolina not the only state holding back 35 states including new york do not covered gp e- one drugs will 16 states do, california is one of those it's not just state struggling with cost, when blackstone estimated gop could put companies out of business, the cost mainly accelerates as more and more children take the drug and they told us the state's pain for children as young as 12 and users expected to continue the drugs for the rest of their lives. who's going to pay for that is a
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real question. >> fascinating stuff, thank you very much. doctor marc siegel joins me to talk about it. if you don't have insurance these drugs are prohibitively expensive that is going to be a huge concern for patients who may benefit greatly from these drugs but cannot afford them. >> we are talking about over $1000 a month obviously you have to be well-off to afford that novo nordisk has become the biggest company in denmark, huge profits, they're trying to catch up to the shortage issue on the drugs wo wegovy and ozempic. it's more than glp-1 and what jerry was saying it's too hormones in git as well, here's what i want to talk about this. i don't look at obesity as separate from other medical problems, listen if you are
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obese and we have an obesity epidemic in the united states are not only more prone to diabetes you're more prone to high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer and diabetes so i look at is a constellation of things i need people's weight to go down, how do i get there, were not exercising enough as a nation our diets are terrible we have too many chemicals in our diet and too many carbohydrates is not the every whether the country needs to be on wegovy but the pockets that need it i'm arguing that we needed to protect against other diseases that is not how insurance companies want to see it and that's not how the state wants to see it but that's the rea reality. ashley: with that happy thought in mind, how about this the director of the world health organization issued a warning about the possibility of another pandemic, he says it is a matter of when not if are we talking about disease acts or a super
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viral bug out there that will make covid look like nothing. >> disease acts hypothetical pandemic and i most worried about it coming out of the lab we were busy manipulating viruses. excuse me if i don't take the head of w.h.o. that seriously. he did not warn us about covid he told us a regional problem while he was cozying up to the chinese government. are you kidding me then he's talking now about a global treaty, international participation in pandemic preparedness but that's not going to get people to cooperate that is not working were not hearing what comes out of china or what comes out of other countries. we are at risk of infectious diseases from other countries in the w.h.o. as part of the reason because their weak organization that does not stand up to
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countries like china. yes we have a worldwide problem but the pandemic is more likely to come out of the lab then is to come out of nature in my opinion. ashley: i would agree. a new study found that 80% of americans have been exposed to a chemical found in old based foods like cheerios and quaker oats being too reduced fertility, fetal growth, delayed puberty i like my honey not cheerios i like them a lot, should i be worried? >> i would not be worried it's only trace amounts of a chemical in as you said 92% of products in may 2023 the journal of exposure environmental epidemiology is something to track and i don't like that we have chemicals in our food and i
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don't like that these forever chemicals are tracked with fertility and i know were having a problem with fertility in the united states and around the world more and more people going to in vitro fertilization were people unable to have children it is affecting eggs, sperm, this is a serious matter but oats are good for you and they bring down cholesterol and they have fiber so how about we make a deal we go for oats, oatmeal and oat cereal the breakfast of champions but we get the chemicals out of their we get the chemicals out of there, what do you think. ashley: is the year said than done because the chemicals give them a longer shelf life or whatever so you're swimming upstream on that one. but to your point, i don't have to worry about my honey nut cheerios too much. >> don't eat them every minute but i'm in favor of farm to table but all have a bowl of cheerios anyway, your points are correct, very low amounts. ashley: very good i feel a
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little calm now. thank you so much as always for being with us today on this presidents' day. >> cabinet with our soymilk. good to see you. general mills by the way provided us with a statement it reads as this, all of our products adhere to regulatory requirements, food safety is always our top priority at general mills and we take care to ensure that our food is prepared and packaged in the safest way possible. before i go to the break let's bring in lauren and todd, do you like the cheerios i like hunting i think it's very sweet but probably not great for me but i have a sweet tooth i go for the honey nut cheerios. >> honey not a big fan. i always thought cheerios were healthy but apparently not the best for kids so my husband banned them from the house, what gives that was supposed to be the healthy cereal. >> i did the same thing i sent my wife an article but i think
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you and i i don't mean to be presumptuous but i'm sure we can eat these and not worry about the effects and i feel like the ship has sailed for both of us but i worry about the kids so i thought cheerios was the one thing that didn't have to be organic but now i have to pay for expensive serial, thank you nature. ashley: are ship is already sailed, were long gone, don't come back for us, lauren and todd, thank you very much. i still love my honey not cheerios. eric adams reversing cost on plans to use a luxury apartment complex as a shelter, the mayor is prioritizing migrants over new yorkers, we told you how chinese nationals are the fastest growing demographic of migrants who are illegally crossing our border, 20000 of coming to her country since october and are being smuggled in by the cartel.
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bill melugin has the latest from the border next. ♪ (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®. jorge has always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let his own maintenance take a back seat.
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ashley: fox cameras witness hundreds of chinese migrants crossing the southern border in california just this weekend alone. bill melugin is there, good morning to you is this the new hotspot for chinese nationals? >> good morning it absolutely is the chinese showing up have been exploding in recent weeks this is a remote area an hour east of san diego and if you chinese standing behind my shoulder right now will show you what it look like out here, take a look at the video i came out before midnight dozens of illegal immigrants from all around the world who camped up off of
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interstate eight in san diego county they started fires because it was cold and there were people from turkey and china and others from central america no border patrol agents around at the time they were waiting to be picked up i chatted with a few of them, take a listen. >> where are you from. >> turkey. >> where are you from. >> ecuador. >> china. >> china. >> what city in the u.s. do you want to go to. >> los angeles. >> los angeles. >> over the weekend we saw hundreds of chinese nationals crossing illegally this is video fox team shot saturday and sunday and on most all the chinese national adults we talked to handfuls of them almost all are here for work, this is not normal the chinese
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numbers have been exploding into put into perspective take a look at the graphic cbp sources tell us in the last four months since october 1 more than 20000 chinese nationals have been encountered at our southern border compare that to all the fiscal year 21 when only 450 chinese were encountered we are up over 4000% compared to back in 2021 and it's not just chinese my colleagues griff jenkins caught up with syrian men yesterday, take a listen. >> from syria. >> english? >> why are you coming to the u.s. >> we love america and we need a nice life. >> are you coming for jobs. >> a nice job. >> our country is very weird.
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>> one thing that you will notice the california border is very different than the texas border, no razor wire no national guard, no shipping containers there is no highway patrol. california is a sanctuary state and starting this year the state began offering taxpayer-funded health insurance to illegal immigrants in the state. we will send it back to you. no big surprise while they are heading there. thank you very much, fascinating stuff, new fox nation special is giving us an inside look at the iconic roosevelt hotel in new york city which is being turned into a migrant processing hub, come back in here take us through what they saw. >> all do you one better fox five rosanna, she took viewers inside of the icon for a tour on special on fox nation the sanctuary trap is is the city's
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attempt to solve one problem the overflow of newcomers created new problems, watch. >> every day new migrants arrive in manhattan by the bout onto busload. how many people of your process so far. >> we register more than 70000 asylum-seekers since we opened in may. we are finding a huge need for vaccines. >> each room ends up costing taxpayers $200 a night in the cafeteria cranks out free meal seven days a week. >> new york city mayor eric adams has done a u-turn to convert an abandoned luxury apartment complex into a shelter for illegal migrants after the community in harlem opposed the proposal. i will add i walked by the roosevelt every single day to grand central, it is a mess over there. ashley: it is the word, mass, stay right there. this is an interesting story
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sylvester stallone nervous when he learned that two of his daughters were moving to a crime-ridden new york city so what has he done to help prepare them. >> he trained them in self-defense with the navy seals he has three daughters in their 20s all of them raised in los angeles and to call new york city home and they told the new york post that their dad is overprotective and very worried he hired them and train them in the forest for hours like the rocky way and at times they had to chase chickens for speed and agility and they talk about it because i have a reality show. ashley: of course, interesting, come back in here you have two young daughters what do you think the navy seal training to get the prepared for new york city. >> absolutely what are the great things about this job compared to the regular population you meet and over an abundance of navy seals working on fox avenue
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a lot of navy seals friends not only a megatrend for the big apple but i will have pictures of the navy seals and me at the entrance to my house so when the gentleman come over i introduce them to micah and chris in the big boys that will not hesitate to snap their neck if they do something wrong to my daughter. >> oh my gosh, while you clean the gun in the background. you get your message across. good stuff, coming up my next guest is a contractor who teaches people on social media how to be their own contractor at home how do you keep the cost down. host of successful contractor will tell us how to do it next. ♪
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♪ ♪. ashley: fox business is examining the state of the real estate market and giving you tips on how to find hidden gems. contributor in the house to fox nation "mansion global" katrina campaigns joins us now, good morning with high mortgage rates and low inventory we know the american dream can feel out of reach. where do you see the housing market headed this year and what do people need to know if they're trying to buy a home. >> great to be with you, the housing prices still remain elevated despite high interest rates since 2019 the median home price has skyrocketed from over $327,000 to nearly $418,000 january consumer price index showed inflation is still a problem with shelter being the main driver up 6% year-o year-over-year. i believe it could be a bit
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longer until we see interest rates come down and i anticipate a rate cut in march but more likely and may, not in march but more likely and may looking ahead of places i explode when we see interest rates come down, the national association of realtors has a list of places with the most pent-up demand. many of them in texas. we were ready seen a lot of people moving from high tax states to more tax friendly areas sometimes without knowing the location well. >> when looking to purchase a home remember as old saying says location, location, location in the saying remains true today think about what lifestyle you want to enjoy are the shops, restaurants and things you find entertaining close by you to want to spend most of your time in the car traveling to those and also it is important to be a good public school district were great private schools depending on your preference not only will
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your kids get a good education but your investment will continue to appreciate and let's face it between drop-off and pickup and all of their activities you do want to spend most of your time traveling in the car you will become your kids official chauffeur and also another good tip dried by the neighborhood, check out the lines see how the houses are kept up you want to make sure your future neighbors take pride in the community. all of this week fox business will take a look at rebuilding the dream. ashley: katrina, thank you very much, fascinating stuff and valuable information. my next guest is a contractor who teaches people on social media how to be their own contractor right at home i could not do it but maybe others can, mark olson the host of successful contractor joins me now. doesn't this take away money from your pocket. aren't you encouraging your
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competition? >> we can be encouraging her competition but honestly what were doing is making better competition. were educating consumers and at the same time making better competition in our own market for people that may be one look at getting into their own contracting business or fence business in our area. ashley: someone like me who does not have a clue to do any of this could i still do some of these projects? >> believe it or not, there are several people that will follow the information that we give them on youtube and successfully build their fentanyl happy to share the photos with us. we get success stories from our youtube followers all the time and how much they appreciate the time and effort that we put into our content and help them become better contractors into their own projects. ashley: very quickly i'm so sorry this is fast but how is business doing, business is good weather segment before this, i
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just moved from florida back to wyoming and that was an adventure. ashley: good for you, congratulations and sorry for your time is so short. will be back with varney after this. they're waiting for you. hey, do you have a second? they're all expecting more. more efficiency. more benefits. more growth. when you realize you can give your people everything, and more. thank you very much. [applause] ask, "now what?" here's what. you go with prudential to protect, empower and grow. with everything you need to deliver, you guessed it... more. one more thing... who's your rock? learn more at in a rocky mountain setting? spanning over 280,000 acres, three forks ranch is the destination
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>> why do we have a


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