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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  February 21, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EST

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chase. make more of what's yours. >> how can you assure independent and undecided voters that your focus as president will be on improving the state of our country and not settling those old scores? >> we had a great four years, especially before that very last part where covid came in and we did a great job there. we've been given great marks on the economy, the military, foreign affairs. but never g got the credit we should have gotten. we had the best employment numbers in history. everything was good and the driven was coming together and
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then we got hit with covid. this country came together. i don't care about the revenge thing. they usually use the word revenge, will there be revenge? my revenges will be success. maria: good wednesday morning. thanks very much for joining us. i'm maria bartiromo. it is wednesday, february 21, 7:00 a.m. on the button. time for the hot topic of the hour. you just heard former president trump at a fox news town hall last night, assuring independent and undecided voters that his focus will be on improving the country. throughout the next four years. not looking backwards and not looking for revenge. todd, it's hard to not feel revenge -- you know, veiningful after all -- vengeful after all of the things that have been hitting trump. he is sticking to his message. >> i would be filled with anger and rage. from a campaigning perspective, donald trump needs to carry that message that you said to laura to the key suburban blocks in
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the swing states because if there's any group of undecided it is those individuals right now. we talked about having a rally in the bronx. that would be great. he could potentially pick off some he voters there. in order to get the undecided people he needs to convince them, hey, my next term will be about your needs, not my revenge. if he can do that, he can really increase the poll numbers you're seeing so far. maria: it's hard to believe there are undecided voters right now. after all we have witnessed it's like you're either on one side or the other. >> it's hard to believe. but for the independent voters that todd mentioned what we hear over and over again is their one concern about donald trump is his demeanor, his attitude, his tendency to say off-the-cuff things, they give him had higher marks on the economy, immigration, law and order, on just about everything perhaps with the exception of abortion that voters care most about in this election and the one stumbling block for them is this idea that democrats have fear
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mongered that donald trump will go on some sort of revenge campaign if he's elected president. ifif he takes care of that one concern, he could win independents that are worried about his demeanor. demeanor.maria: democrats are o take his name off you the off t. who is the detriment to democracy? >> don't forget weaponizing the entire judicial system. maria: exactly. >> so i think to sarah's point, being able to put a positive spin on the rhetoric is really important and i think mr. trump actually demonstrated that he is capable of that, not only last night in that interview with msa
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caucuses he sounded quite presidential and he was complementary you of his opponents, gentlemanly, sounded like he had grown into the role of president, he unfortunately stumbled in new hampshire and sounded an gray again. -- angry again. maria: he did so in my interview as well, two weeks ago. >> it was a great interview. maria: he was very gracious to ron desantis and ron desantis' wife so whoever is helping him in terms of his strategy, he seems to be sticking to message in that regard. >> will it be 100% of the time? absolutely not. we still know donald trump is going to be donald trump and he's going to have an outburst on social media every now and then. maria: his followers want the raw, real trump by the way. i don't know that it's hurting him. >> it's not hurting him. but the moments when he's in front of a larger audience if he could show the fire but also say i'm going to make it about you, not me, when he does that speaks
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to people. >> joe biden sold himself as a unifier. that purchase -- that put him e white house. that has proven to be a lie. he's done the opposite. if donald trump could step in, he could set himself up for success. >> us and me, rather than you -- maria: one of the most important policies was a secure border. we all felt the impact of a wide open border at this point from the drugs coming in to the you human trafficking and of course this people who were coming in who are dominating cities across the country. >> the reality under biden has proven p trump right on a lot of things during his presidency that maybe independent voters didn't take seriously, like the border. i think some of his policies, like he remain in mexico and immigration policies could get a second look. maria: quick break and then coming up markets are on the move ahead of a big week of
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earnings, all eyes are on nvidia this morning because it is reporting quarterly numbers after the closing bell. it has been the face of a.i., stock is up 230% in the last year. do you buy it now ahead of earnings? the word on wall street panel is here with expectations. they'll weigh in. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ take me down to paradise city. ♪ where the grass is green and the girls are pretty. ♪ oh, won't you please take me home. ♪ take me down to paradise city. ♪ where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
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maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street. top investors watching your money. joining me is payne capital management president and host of payne points of wealth had podcast, ryan payne is with us,
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also with me this morning is adam johnson for the show. three hours, great to see you. thank you for joining the conversation. adam, we're grateful that you're here the entire show. take a look at markets this morning. dow industrials down 72, nasdaq down 95, extending losses yesterday. s&p 500 and nasdaq closed lower, led by nvidia. the decline in the stock continues this morning ahead of the chip maker's earnings report after the bell tonight. shares of nvidia are down about 1 and two thirds percent but the stock is up better than 45% year-to-date and it is up 230% over the last year. this is the top stock performer in the s&p 500. year-to-date question becomes do you want to buy more now going into the earnings. you own it already. >> i own it already. and to be clear, i bought it back at 175. my first target was 475. i sold a little. my next target was 675. i sold a little more. but it got so big. my new target is 900. i do think it will get there.
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maria: wow. >> in terms of what's happening right now. you can see people a little nervous ahead of the. , understandably, given what happened with palo alto and the fact that some of these names as they say on wall street, quote, are priced to perfection. that's the one issue as someone who owns this stock and who thinks it's going to 900, when we have the earnings coming out at about 4:00 this afternoon, they've got to be right on everything. they've got to beat on earnings, beat on revenues, need to guide earnings up, need to guide revenues up, need to guide margins up. if there's one quirky little number, well, you know, the bookings were marginally lower, boom -- maria: not a lot of room for error. >> it's got to be right on everything and that's hard to do. maria: you would just stand senate. >> i'm just leaving it alone. if it's down on weakness as palo alto is this morning, down 23%, i will add. i sold some at 675. so i can just buy some of the stock back. i do think it's going to 900. maria: are you on the other
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side of the trade? >> i'll give adam props here. he said it would go over 600. i didn't believe that. i do think it's a speculative bubble. if you look at nvidia, $1.7 trillion, it's worth every stock that trades on the chinese stock market in hong kong right now and it's got to the point where overvaluation and expectations have gotten so insanely high, if you look at -- revenue has to grow ten-fold and margins above 50% to really justify the multiple it has right now. i think i'll quote public enemy, flavaflav, don't believe the hype, diversify. maria: we're seeing a massive route in chinese stocks as the economy is tumbling and chinese communist party is trying to stop the losses. it anno announce -- the chinese central bank announced they would cut the five year loan rate and leave the one year rate
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unchanged. they're trying to ease the pressure on the property market china's yuan is up this morning. your thoughts. >> it's not going to move the needle. it might be good for home buyers coming into the market. if you have a mortgage, it doesn't do much. some of the major cities, households are down 30% on property values, the fourth year of this kind of implosion we've seen in property. so they need more stimulus to kind of wipe out this whole market where it's just slowly, slowly seeing repricing going on and kind of been like a slow tom better i would say -- tumble i would say. maria: it's always the chinese government that provides the stimulus whenever you need to and you're expecting that to continue. >> i think what's happening at such a slow pace, that's why you're seeing the market not turn here. this may be a wildly optimistic view but the mat market is so c. alalibaba trades at eight times
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forward earnings or byd, the chinese tesla, sells as many cars as tesla does, trades at one times forward earnings. there's probably value in the market right now. maria: ryan, you hit on something that i have had a pet peeve about and that is investors in america buying chinese companies who are tied to the chinese military and in effect american investors are funding the expansion of our number one adversary. so i ask you, what do you think about the financial times story where now what we're seeing is a mandatory move for chinese state owned enterprises to establish quick mao era people armed services departments, mill the militarizing these companies in china. would you buy these companies? >> i probably wouldn't buy those companies. now, you can almost argue, you shouldn't own an iphone right
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now because where do they fund, foxconn, what is controlled by the chinese government as well. maria: i think it's a little different because the chinese companies run and led by the chinese communist party, the chinese communist party appears to be setting itself up for war against america. when do national security issues become an issue for an investor? >> i think the government should put restrictions on any company that has tie toss the chinese government. 100%. maria: the tone is set at the top. the tone is set by the administration. if it's legal, it's legal, and it is to buy these companies. you i know it's not your fault. >.>> morality aside, if i told you sell your tech companies and buy the chinese stock market, if we're talking two years from now, i want to guess that was probably the best trade you could make because valuations are so high on tech, so low around the world, not just in china that right now it's a provocative trade but it's probably the right trade if you're talking about long-term
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returns. maria: thank you for that, for answering my tough questions on national security when it comes to -- >> no pressure. maria: ryan payne joining us. adam, you're sticking with us and we're grateful. biden's out-of-control border crisis, more than 75% of americans disapprove of the president's handling of the migrant crisis in the country. dr. dawn buckingham is here to talk about it. wait until you see where she just came from, the island off of texas that was controlled by the drug cartels, she's changed all that. that's coming up. stay with us. after last month's massive solar flare
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maria: welcome back. well, the president of mexico reportedly mocking texas governor greg abbott's planned military base camp, that camp is going to house thousands of national guard troops along the border near eagle pass. mexico''s obrador said it's like the governor of texas who put a military camp on the border, supposedly this is how he's going to stop the migrants. pure politicking, it's not serious, says obrador. the facility is exacted to accommodate 300 soldiers by april and will eventually house up to 2300 national guard members. joining us to give the lay of the land is texas land
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commissioner, dr. dawn buckingham. thank you for being here. >> it's great to be on with you. maria: you are just back from the fronto island where you were able to take back this island. the island was used by the drug cartels for what? >> well, it's at the most violent part of the border, the town across the river is literally fully automatic weapon fired every night, warring cartels, the most violence. the island was a 170-acre refuge for the car he'll at thes -- cartels. because it wasn't declared texas, yo law enforcement couldt step on he it. tons of migrants came across. we declared it texas, partnered with the military department and department of public safety and got it cleared and put the wire up and there's no weapons and no more people coming across it. maria: why was it not he declared texas before? >> i can't answer that.
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i just joke it took a woman to do it right. i'm the first woman land commissioner so we get it done. maria: i love it. can you tell us what you saw when you were there in terms of what they were using and doing on the eye land and what is the a-- island and what is the assess at any time how. >> we did find explosive devices, we found a lot of weapons that aren't legal in the united states. i can tell you, we found massive amounts of drugs, more than enough to kill every man, woman and child in the entire united states, a couple times over. there were tons of just signs of trafficked individuals and the hardships they had covered and so it is just really nice to know that's not going to be a place that can be abused. maria: that's amazing. >> so far, texas has found some success, you and governor greg abbott, in sort of taking matters into your own hands lack of a better word. courts allowed texas to keep the wire up for now while this plays out in the court process. do you think that provides a
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road map for how states can deal with this in the future if the courts are going to a allow states to enforce the federal immiimmigration laws that the administration's not willing to. >> the federal government guarantees a he republic form of government and secures our border, article one, section 10 talks about should the federal government not secure the border, then the states can step in and do it. so that is the right on which we stand independently and texas has been standing in the gap te federal government created when biden inherited the border, it was the most secure border we have ever had. within days of taking office he reversed the plans. now we have the most insecure border we've ever had. maria: i think it was a 40 year low under president trump and now we're at a 20 year high and this came up last night during the fox news town hall with former president donald trump, he said the president is tied to
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the border crisis he despite any new immigration policies that he may try to roll out ahead of the election. watch this. >> biden has announced, well, they hinted he's going to come out with a border executive order on the border to clamp down on illegal immigration before the state of the union. i thought he said he didn't have the executive authority. >> i do believe that he's baked in. i don't think he can come close, unless people are really stupid, which they're not. the public is much smarter than the politicians. he's not going to be able to change. he's not going to be able to change it. he's destroyed our country. this guy is destroying our done you tri. maria: the truth is, we don't really know how many people have come in under biden in total but fox news analysis finds that more than 7 million illegals have entered the country on biden's watch, surpassing the population of 36 states combined. a new poll finds 71% of
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americans disapprove of how biden handled immigration policy, 26% approve of it. commissioner, i mean, the issue here -- by the way, some people say it's 10 million people who came into america on joe biden's watch. the 7 million doesn't include the got aways. what can you tell us about the impact you've seen on texas. >> for every person they touch which are what the numbers come from i would anticipate there are 20, 40, 50 more that nobody sees. the impact is devastating along the border. our border communities are lovely communities. in fact, i spent a lot of time on the border. but those lovely communities are completely overrun. when you be put it in comparable numbers, eagle pass is a town in texas you hear a lot about and the new york city mayor was complaining about getting 100,000 migrants over a period of time. well, what eagle pass sees on a weekly basis would be like new
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york city getting two and-a-half million migrants a week. everything is stretched. you can't find medicines. these people come across unvaccinated, sick. they're all owned. they're al all enslaved, destind to a life of living in the shadows while they wait for the court date, controlled by car else the, whether human trafficking, drug trafficking. these people are not eligible for the m american dream. a new york congresswoman the other day was talking about hey, i need these migrants coming to my state because people are leaving my state and i you need them to come here for redistricting, to make sure the state maintains the influence we want in united states politics. maria: as land commissioner can you tell us about the chinese communist party's efforts to acquire land, to actually spy and surveil our military installations? >> absolutely. you know, we've seen it up close and personal. so we had a very high ranking
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chinese general buy a large piece of property adjacent to a big air force base, build a wind farm, an airstrip that would land any jet made including any large military jet and tried to tie in and control our grid so we had to pass a law to do that. we're also seeing the chinese communist party come in on the backside of social media and try and influence our politics. we had a bill this last session that would prevent foreign ownership of texas land and magically when you trace back the roots of a lot of the opposition on social media and social driving that happens, it was in large part funded by the communist chinese party. maria: incredible information from you, commissioner. thank you. by the way, thank you for coming in on your birthday. happy birthday. >> happy birthday. >> thank you. it's a great birthday present to be with you. maria: thank you so much. it's ours. happy birthday to you. when we come back the biden family scandal continues and we've got a spotlight on it. president biden's brother, james
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biden, is going to sit for testimony today in front of the house oversight and judiciary committees. we will get ahead of it with judiciary commit you the at thi, ohio congressman jim jordan is here. stay with us. ♪ investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. do you charge forward? freeze in your tracks? or, let curiosity light the way.
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>> there's no evidence that joe biden received any financial benefit personally and to that you said? >> well, he's got a lot ofs
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houses all over the place, and he's never been paid more than $179,000. he's gotten a lot of money. hunter's gotten a lot of money. hunter gets millions of dollars for sitting on an energy board and he admits knows nothing about energy. maria: that was former president trump at a fox news town hall last night with laura ingram, weighing in on how president biden has financially benefited from hunter biden's business deals. president biden's younger brother, james biden, will be appearing for a transcribed interview today. law make aers are expected to grill james about two separate loan repayment checks what that he sent to joe biden, totaling 2$240,000 which went directly to president biden right after he was vice president. joining me is ohio congressman, house judiciary committee chairman, jim jordan. thank you very much for being here this morning. >> good to be with you. maria: tell me what you're expecting from james biden, what you think is most important to
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get into with him. >> well, i actually think this entire story is a three chapter story. i tell people there's what happened with the biden family before joe biden's candidate for president, then there's what took place during the campaign while he's a candidate and of course what's happened since he's been president. we'll focus on james biden, he was involved in the precandidate stuff, the chapter what that i call the money, the business, the brand. 20 different companies, over $20 million coming into biden family members, all by selling access to the brand as devin archer, hunter biden's business partner told us so i think we'll focus on that aspect because that's where jim biden was mostly involved, whether the chinese energy company or other business deals he's involved with and a we'll also i think touch on the others because when he's candidate, it's the lies, the campaign, and the rigged election. this is where the campaign worked with the 51 intel officials to lie to the country about the laptop, saying it was a russian information operation and then of course since goa's
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been president, it's -- since. jojoe biden's been president its the corruption and the cover upand the sweetheart deal and all the things the biden administration has done to make it tough to focus on covering up the hunter biden episode. most of this will be on the first chapter the, the money, the business, the brand. maria: what about the chapter when joe biden was vice president, is that the time that he was beginning the negotiating for cefc, the chinese company, while he was still vice president. because the house oversight committee the released key excerpts from tony bobulinski's transcribed interview, he said the chinese communist party through the surrogate china energy company successfully sought to infiltrate and compromise joe biden and the obama, biden white house. he said the effort started in 2015 and didn't stop until cefc chairman was detained. so this was when joe biden was
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actually vice president. in another portion of the testimony, bobulinski tells lawmakers that he once asked james biden, quote, aren't you guys concerned that if joe does run for president of the united states in the future, that you guys are doing business directly with the chinese. so chairman, can you tell us about that and what else you learned from owe any bobulinski's -- tony bob bobulinski's testimony. >> they were working with cefc trying to put together a deal. it didn't get put together until after joe biden leaves the vice presidency. but it was shortly thereafter and frankly the deal didn't get sealed, the agreement didn't get finalized until joe biden shows up at the lunch at the four seasons, does a quick drop-by. but he presents to the entire group and a few weeks later hunter biden gets $3 sent to him from cefc. joe biden was involved i think in closing the deal. that's what tony bobulinski testified to last week when we had him in for a deposition. maria: i want you to tell me
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about the strategy they used for cefc in terms of getting paid because there is a very detailed article in politico about how james biden used his name, his family name, biden, to promote, get money and then the company collapsed but in this article it goes through how they set up the structure that he wanted to give his brother equity in americore, that he wanted to install his brother perhaps on the board or he was going to be on the board. they had offered to secure capital from investors in the middle east according to what james biden was saying, according to the politico article can. did they use the same structure in terms of what they wanted out of cefc as they did with americorp? >> it sure seems similar. remember there's a somewhat famous e-mail to hunter biden and copied some of his business partners and in that e-mail they talk about how the percentages are going to be broken down for
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the deal with cefc, 20% for hunter biden, 20% for gilyard, 20% for rob walker, 20% for hunter biden and talks about money for jim biden and 10% held by hunter biden for joe biden. so looks like -- maria: for the big guy. >> for the big guy, right. it was funny, rob walker when we deposed him, we asked him who is the big i guy, well, i don't know that is. everyone knows who the big guy is, for goodness sake. looks like a similar thing they were trying to do with americorp and cefc. both of them fell through and didn't work even though the bidens did get money from both entities. maria: i believe tony bobulinski confirmed to you that joe biden was the big guy. >> yeah. he sure did. and anyone with common sense can see the e-mail and a knows what that reference is. but we have one witness who said i don't know who it is and just made no sense to us. i think he does know but didn't tell us when he was in for his
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deposition. maria: it's interesting that you've got the americor be p situation and the same tack tigs are used for the chinese company, cefc. critics will point to mr. smirnoff and the fbi agent who has now been indicted. he was your big whistleblower who initially said, yeah, burisma executives told he me you've got to give 5 million to one biden and 5 million to the other biden and now we understand he lied. is that what you believe? >> look, we just know what the fbi said. but we also know what the fbi initially said. they initially said he was credible, they used him for a number of years, 14 years he's been a confidential human source for the fbi. when we tried to get the document, we were told this guy is so important we don't want to let this document out, we don't want to let this thing get public. can you view it in camera. we're not going to make it
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public now we find out they indicted the guy. i think it's interesting. here is a guy who lied about and gave false information about joe biden. he's gets indicted. when you have another confidential source, christopher steele give false information about president trump the fbi keeps paying him. seseems like a double standard o he me. the fbi said he wasn't being square with the fbi when they recorded the 1023. we'll take them at their word. we would like to have a chance to talk to this individual as well. maria: sent a letter to the department of just is the demanding documents from their investigation of former cefc official patrick ho, targeting an e-mail a where he referenced the name of an individual that the doj redacted because it would introduce a political dimension to the case. you're hoping to set up an interview with the deputy assistant to the president, planning to ask about work with a lobbying firm that hunter biden recommended to burisma.
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tell us about that, mr. chairman. >> well, this is the lobbying firm lusar strategies, we deposed one of the principals at the firm a along with sally payneer who wile we'll talk with in a -- who we'll talk with in a couple of weeks. we would like to a talk to mr. hockstein. he has been deposed a few years ago. it's important we talk to him gone. he now works at the white house. a few years ago he worked at the state department. we think he's an important guy to get information from. patrick ho is a guy that got in trouble for bribing individuals, has been indicted and was part of cefc. so we want to know some of the information surrounding this individual as well. maria: we discussed this fbi informant smirnoff and he's been released from custody. he was indicted for allegedly lying to investigators about the business, the 5 million each. the department of justice now is accusing smirnoff of having
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extensive ties to russia intelligence. hunter biden's lawyers are claiming that smirnoff tainted special counsel david weiss' probe, asking a judge to dismiss the tax case in california. your thoughts? >> well, we'll see. i was surprised that -- i don't believe david weiss had even approached the fbi, looked at this issue with this confidential human source. i'm not sure he had done that until he was named special counsel. they've had this investigation going for four and-a-half, five years so we'll have to see how that all shakes out. what i do know is, again, with christopher steele who gives false information about president trump to fbi, he continues to get paid. with this smirnoff guy he gives false information to the fbi about the bidens and gets indicted. doesn't seem to me to be the same standard. but again, we'll have to wait and see. maria: mr. chairman, do you want to detail for us what you believe is the most egregious here and what is the evidence that you feel that joe biden in
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fact did participate in all of this. i mean, it seems pretty obvious but you still have the democrats including democrats in congress, your colleagues, who say there's nothing here, particularly after the smirnoff indictment. >> the smirnoff indictment doesn't change four fundamental facts relative to burisma. hunter biden is put on the board, paid a lot of money. he's not qualified to be on the board, he said it when doing an interview with abc news. fact number three, the executives at burisma ask hunter biden to weigh in because they're under pressure from the prosecutor. joe biden fires the prosecutor by leveraging, conditioning the release of our tax money on the firing of the prosecutor applying the pressure to the company his son sat on the board of and made a million dollars a year from. those are facts that do not change. and it's a tale as old as time. you've got a politician who does certain things, those actions benefit his family financially and there's an effort to cover it up and that's what we've been working on this congress, particularly the judiciary committee, what we believe is
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the coverup, sweep it under the rug, investigation that david weiss was running and we know that's the case because he tried to get the sweetheart deal past the judge and she said no to it, never had seen anything like it. this the fundamental facts. all this other stuff, money, business, brand, lies, campaign, sweetheart deals, the rigged -- that's part of the deception. those four fundamental facts, what joe biden did when he was vice president, i think they're central to the whole story. maria: we'll be watching your work. we appreciate your time this morning. thank you, sir. >> thank you. maria: congressman jim jordan. quick break and then a senator elizabeth warren at a loss for words w when asked about former president trump. it's making a buzz this morning. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> why do you think that people, all these polls showing a lot of voters look back on the
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trump years and they think they didn't like a lot about it but they think the economy was good in the trump years. before that, donald trump was presiding over an okay economy. >> again, i don't know. i can't explain polling. no, i mean, i can't. i can't. i can't explain how the narrative's come to be. maria: they come to be with economic growth. that was the morning buzz. that was massachusetts senator elizabeth warren, unable to explain why americans miss former president trump's economy and his policies around the economy. during trump's first three years in office overall inflation was just above 6% and during president biden's first three years inflation was nearly 18%. economic growth as well was much better. trump at one point had close to a 4% growth story, before covid. todd, your thoughts. >> you saw in the interview the complete elite you bubble that the interviewer and elizabeth warren live in. they can't comprehend how
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anybody thought that the trump years were g good for the econo, because they're insulated from the economy. they're not familiar. i remember when i was a reporter at fox, going to the flyover states, talking to people about what the trump economy meant to them, their lives, their day-to-day lives were better. went to west virginia coal country. coal was back in. these people had livelihoods again. when you live in a bubble you can't understand it and you saw that. one final point. i would like to charge her with more cultural misappropriation. she's not jus just you approprig native americans, but with the hand talking, she's disappropriating italian americans. maria: i think she's experiencing -- she did experience a better economy under president trump. i think the bubble she's in is the narrative of the cry plat te
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change agenda, she can't think of anything else other than what are going to do about the climate change agenda, let's cancel the lng and cancel people's gas stoves. >> liberals have their sort of world view dictated by luxury beliefs because they don't have to contend with things that everyday americans do, they had have the luxury of believing that electric cars are the most important issue, transgender kid issues is what we need to focus on. liberals have never made an effort to understand trump's appeal, not just why people enjoyed the economy more under donald trump but why anyone would vote for him. they assume if people preferred a secure border, safer streets, a better economy, it must be because they're misinformed. they have disdain for trump supporters. maria: they know that president trump is not afraid to expose
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whatever corruption is under way, he's going to expose it and talk about it loudly. >> very loudly. when you're so certain that you're right, you can't see the other side. and ms. warren is so certain about everything that she defends, so much so that as soon as earlier this week when the cap 1 financial acquisition of discovery financial was reported, she immediately said well, i'm going to fight it. if she were to dig deeper, what she would find is that cap 1 owning discover will actually strengthen discover and weaken visa and mastercard, discover's competition because cap 1 won't be able to underwrite as many visas and mastercards. so this is good for consumers. she is so ow so opposed to big business, she can't see it. maria: president biden makes accommodations because of senator warren. i think she really does set his
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agenda, her and the other like severe lefties set his agenda. >> and why that is so problematic is, one, the impact it has on all of us, our entire country. but two, going back to the video, those individuals dislike you. you just have to accept that. those people talking, they have a disdain for you and your way of life whereas we can sit up here and talk and i think we all have a lot of liberal friends. i don't have disdain for them. i don't have disdain for their way of life. they just think different and that's the difference and that's why they push their agenda so hard on the rest of us. and that's why they're forcing these things down our throat. because they almost want to make us suffer and that's just a non-american way of doing things. it's horrible. >> so much of their agenda is really hard to defend. it's pretty indefenseable. so ideological, so partisan that it's much easier for them to shut down debate in this way than to actually engage on the merits of their ideas because
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it's so hard to defend. maria: so instead of defending it, they will shut the conversation down. and they will say, you know what, we are going to describe soccer mom as domestic terrorists. this is the lengths they have gone to actually shut down any opposition to their narrative. >> opposition or dialogue or multiple viewpoints. if you're so certain that you're right in your view, you want other people to agree with you because they really should agree with you. you know? i moon, it's just amazing that we've lost our ability to perceive shades of gray and it's sad. that so to me is unamerican. >> look at that time kennedy democratic party -- look at the kennedy democratic party. this would never have happened. you had disagreements. policy wasn't always hunky dory
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between the parties. you didn't have the feeling that i'm better than you, i'm an elite and you're the scum of the earth and you see this with rfk junior leaving the most storied family in the country and becoming independent. maria: biden will not allow him to have secret service, won't allow him to have any security. which is incredible. most presidents have had security or candidates for president have had security because you need it. and his father assassinated and yet they won't give him any security. i find this so incredibly stunning. >> that's right. and pro-democracy joe biden shutting down any attempts from other democratic primary candidates, dean phillips, rfk junior, anyone to have ballot access or give an actual exercise of democracy in his own party. >> it's become a hallmark of the democratic party, shut down dialogue. just look at the squad. god forbid you disagree with them. maria: the final hour of
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"mornings with maria" coming up. after the break, stay with us. we'll be right back. ♪ next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. aga... [ sigh ] next. next. if you don't pick one... oh, you have time. am i keeping you from your job. next. i don't even know where i am anymore. stop. do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. ♪ ♪
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