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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 21, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EST

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stuart: good morning, everyone.
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donald trump does a lively and revealing town hall. nvidia, the king of a.i. chips, is about to reveal its financial performance. politics and money, two giant whe do we tart? okay, we'll start with money. look at this. in premarket trading, nvidia is losing more ground. of it's all the way down to $682 a share, down $12. that's premarket trading. it reports after the bell. if massive gains in revenue and profits are expected, but the fear is the slightest failure to live up to expectations will aa letter or the algorithms, and there'll be a knee-jerk selloff. of course, it could go the other way. this is a stock that has ignited the artificial intelligence boom. it's a very important report. it will move the markets. we'll be covering it throughout the show. politics. donald trump says he would love to debate joe biden. he says the president is in decline and has been for some time. he says his revenge would be his success in the election. throughout, he was confident, engaged and answered any and all
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questions. the contrast with the president is obvious. biden stumbled slightly getting onboard air force one. he very briefly answered a couple of questions. his handlers are trying to keep him under wraps. nikki haley insists she will fight on despite trailing trump in the polls. she's 30 points behind him in the south carolina primary which starts on saturday. to the markets. yes, everybody's waiting for the nvidia report, and the markets are doing a little more selling today. the dow off 80. look at the nasdaq go down because nvidia is in the nasdaq, of course, down 106 points. plentyty of red ink there. the 10-year yielding just above 4.25%, and we have the 2-year right around 4.6%. 4.60, to be precise is. bitcoin, it hit $53,000 earlier, now it's back to $51,000 and change. gas, to change at $3.27 for regular. diesel, no change at $4.09.
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on the show today, donald trump may campaign in new york city. talk about going to the belly of the beast. a city 9/11 ya poll -- sienna poll gives him some hope of success in deep blue new york. biden has just a 12-point lead. he won in 2020 by 23 points. wednesday, february the 21st, 2024. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ ♪ ♪ here comes success ♪ lauren: duran duran. stuart: do you like them? lauren: i do. not a huge fan. stuart: not sure what the prices are trying to lead -- lauren: we'll tell you right now. stuart: trump said success -- lauren: he wants to restore american to great success.
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stuart: let's get on with it. fox town hall last night. good morning being, lauren. i know there were plenty of highlights. go for it. lauren: he says the main reason he is running, not for revenge, but for -- duran duran -- success. stuart: thank you. lauren: and to finish the job he started which is a big part of the town hall that he did with laura last night. >> you're going to -- do you ever just say to yourself, you know, i'm done? >> i can't. >> why? [applause] a lot of people would have said i'm going to come out. why are you staying in this. >> i can't -- [applause] because i want to make america great again. it's not great right now, and we can do this. [cheers and applause] we can do this. laura, we can do it. we can get it fixed. it's harder now. it would have been so much easier if we'd just finished off a -- everything would have been so perfect. everything was set to rock and roll. >> you feel like you have an obligation to america -- >> i do. lauren: he covered his legal
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dramas even here in new york where he thinks he has a chance to win. he said he will debate biden as many times as necessary, even on cnn. and he revealed six names on his vp short list. and his remaining republican opponent, nikki haley, wants to quit the race but she doesn't know how. stuart: thanks, lauren. pete hegseth with us now. pete, come on in, please. [laughter] how do you think trump -- >> hey, stuart. stuart: -- came across last night. >> well, he's on offense. that's, i think, the big difference here. and the idea you reported on at the end of your open there, that he's flirting with campaigning in new york, i mean, main in an absolute -- maybe in an absolute, overwhelming way that state is contested, but it's about a forcing your opponent to defend territory they didn't think they had to defend. create the perception that the weight is overwhelming. the ability to go out there and articulate the way that he does,s with passion, turning back to what he did versus what
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biden has done, i think the more forums he does like this, the better it is for him. it creates the perception, you're right, of capability versus someone who's incapable. so i think he because himself a lot of favors in these contexts, and he should keep daring biden to say, where are you? if where's your town hall on msnbc? if where's your press conference? because biden's team knows they can't do that. they know hay can't do that, and i think all of this is necessary net positive for trump. stuart: okay. an audience member asked trump how he can convince is independent voters that he's not in the race just to settle old scores. here's his response. roll it. >> we're going to get together to success. this country was at a level, we had the best employment numbers in history, everything was good, and this country was coming together. then we got hit with covid, but this country came together. i don't care about the revenge thing. i know they usually use the word revenge, will there be revenge.
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my revenge will be success. stuart: i think voters will like that response. they don't want revenge, they want success. that's what they want. that was a good response, pete. >> i think it's the right answer. i think it's the right answer a, you're right, stuart. of he probably wonts -- can wants a little revenge, a little retribution. the reality is they've come after him, there's no doubt. but when you talk about a term like retribution, a lot of that is cleaning house of the deep state that has totally slanted the world against him and against people with a particular perspective. so it will be success that ultimately is undeniable that will be his best asset. that's the right answer just like, you know, 2020, not dwelling too much on that despite what you might if feel. i think he's fine-tuned his answer as well. and they'll serve him well. stuart: here's what nikki haley had to say to critics who say it's time for her to drop out. roll that tape, please. enter some of you -- >> some of you, perhaps a few of you in the media, came here today to see if i'm dropping out of the race.
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[laughter] well, i'm not. [cheers and applause] i refuse to quit. south carolina will vote on saturday. but on sunday i'll still be running for president. i'm to not going anywhere. [cheers and applause] stuart: pete, what is her strategy here? what is she angling for? >> stuart, i'm glad she held that press conference, because it reminded me that she was still running. i think that was the entire point. trump should focus h fire completely on democrats, on the general election. i don't know what her point is, stuart, or because the further she goes, the more she moves into sort of never trumper, anti-trump area. her rhetoric's getting more heated which only turns the base against her more. and if her belief is that she's a front-runner candidate in 2028, then what are you doing? why are you burning your own bridges against an inevitable nominee?
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if she's counting on the lawsuits to work, i guess. i don't know, maybe she's got donors that just say keep going. but the only mart thing she could do the at this point is bow bout -- out. she's about to lose by 30 points in her own state. i don't even know why i'm talking about it. it's such a vanity candidate at this point, it's barely worth discussing. stuart: pete hegseth, you are all right. i know you're enjoying this. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: see you again soon. check ethos markets. crucial day, nvidia's results come out later. dow us a off 70, nasdaq's down close to 100. premarket trading, nvidia down to $of 682. the high just a couple of weeks ago a was $749, if i'm not mistaken. mike lee is with us. you are the bull on nvidia, and i believe you think it's going to, what, $90 a share? >> -- 900 a share? >> stuart, i think much higher, and i'll tell you why. stuart: okay. >> so is, first ofll, the
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price to earnings multiple is 90, that's completely incorrect. insid ya's going to earn roughly $50 billion which means it's trading about 34 times earnings right now, okay? their historical multiple is between 35 and 40. however, after palo alto had a huge miss last night, there's a lot of pressure on these stock. i think we'll see a beaten other thankings, a beat on revenue, a beat on earnings and revenue guidance, but i think at best the stock stays flat and you get a selloff because, you know, you've set e the bar so high because, remember, just last summer they gave the largest revenue guidance beat in the history of the world. so it's kind of hard to top things like that, you know what i mean? stuart: so if you're right and whatever the results are revealed and it comes down, there's another selloff, that would be a very big dip. would you be buying that dip? >> absolutely. and if you ebb, the exact same thing happened the last time they reported. massive beat on earnings and guy. dance. stuart: yep. >> so i expect very similar
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things to happen right now, and what i'd say about a. i. as a whole is the market and wall street is banking on this exponential growth we're seeing right now flatlining to like a more normalized growth in the next year. i think we're 2-3 years away from that happening. i think the adoption of a. antiis going to be the largest -- a.i. is going to be the largest technological investment span we've seen in our lifetime, similar to the internet, but it's going to happen on a much faster scale. stuart: if you're right and nvidia's stock does take off, does it drag the other magnificent seven stocks with 'em? >> absolutely. we've been up 15 straight weeks, and the market's a up over 20, so we're due for a little bit of a breather. however, if nvidia blows the doors off with their guidance, we could be hitting new highs. so today after the close is for all the marbles, i'm hoping for great news and a selloff so is i can buy more cheaper. stuart fascinating. mike lee, that's fascinating. al eyes glued at 4:00 -- all
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eyes glued at 4:00, to fox business, of course. thanks very much, indeed. >> thanks, stuart. stuart: joe rogan thinks the democrats have a plan up their sleeve for the election. roll it. >> i think they're going to get rid of him. i think they're going to move him out. they're going to force him to step down. that's what i think. he forgets what he's talking about all the time. well, whatever. he just say, well, whatever, just drifts off. stuart: we'll tell you who row began thinks will replace the president. more than 450 chinese nationals apprehended in the san diego sector in a 3-day period. what is behind that surge? hillary vaughn reports next. ♪ ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk,
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our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders. all so you can trade brilliantly.
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♪ stuart: more than a 450 chinese migrants crossed into the country through california, that was in just a 3-day period. hillary vaughn on capitol hill. what's behind this surge, and what are lawmakers saying about it? >> reporter: stuart, we used to see a lot of these migrants coming in caravans fleeing dire conditions in their home countries, but now we're seeing chinese migrants buying plane tickets to come here like they're booking a vacation, showing up with suitcases ready to be a part of the millions of migrants that have been allowed to roam free with zero consequences so far for entering the country illegally. now we're seeing that surge of people coming from china between saturday and monday, c or bp saw over 450 chinese nationals cross the border illegally in san diego. that's more in those three day than the number of chinese migrants we saw enter in all of 2021. and lawmakers say this is a national security threat and an economic threat. >> the chinese government's
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using tiktok to spy on every american who has it on their phone. now they're using tiktok to bring thousands of chinese nationals across the border. if you're a worker in this country, my gosh, joe biden's open border policies are costing you your job, your security, cost or -- costing your family their safety. it's out of control. >> reporter: and our own griff jenkins who will be coming up in just a minute, has talked to many of these chinese migrants coming over, and they have told him they're coming for the money. >> reporter: why did you come? >> take the money. >> reporter: money? >> yeah. >> reporter: for a job? there's no job in china? >> maybe. i don't know. >> reporter: and they aren't wrong, it pays to come for many. in new york a family of four migrants could make more than $15,000 a year just a in a cash-loaded credit card to pay for things like food, and in massachusetts the cost of care is going through the roof daily. they're spending about $64 per
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person to feed them, and to feed and house a family of four, that adds up to more than $93,000 a year, stuart. stuart: hillary, thank you very much, indeed. griff jenkins has been doing much of the reporting from the border, and he joins us now in new york city. you've been showing me pictures of the chinese migrants. they look like they got on a plane from china, flew to cancun and then got on a bus to the border. >> and that's what's different. last year we saw so many migrants going through the jungle, they would arrive dirty, exhausted, they'd been traveling for weeks if not months to get to places like eagle papas. now out west you've got way more countries to include state sponsors of terror like syria where with, kazahkstan, afghanistan and, of course, the influx of chinese, and they're flying literally, stu, into airports like tijuana which is right across from san diego, and the cartels drive them right to the border crossing. and they're closing with roller
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bag suitcases outwithout so much as a smidgen of dirt on the wheels of the roller bag. stuart: that's extraordinary. 7.3 million migrants have illegally crossed into the united states under president biden. that's greater than the population of 36 states. griff, i don't think they're going back. i know the politicians may say, yeah, we're going to deport them. can you see the day when we deport 7 million people? >> that's like staying -- saying, stu, hey or listen, here's what i'm going to do, i'm going to grab a bus, drive to wyoming, vermont is, alaska, north dakota, round up the entire states' population of all four at the same time and put them on an airplane and fly 'em back. it's preposterous. and we're not even deporting at the same time. the one thing about the border bill that's now in the senate, that's now dead that was a positive, moving in the right direction was this push to detain and deport, remove more rapidly. that's not going to happen now.
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but even if you did have a piece of legislation, youup couldn't do it at this level -- you couldn't do it at this level. right now the question is, what do you do? you can't take a 40-story building that's on fire and put it out with one pail of water. stuart: very true. griff, listen to what donald trump said about migrants who commit crimes. roll tape. >> there's crime, there's violent crime, there's migrant crime. we have a new category of crime, it's called migrant crime, and it's going to be worse with than any other form of crime. you look at new york city where they attack police officers, they want to fight police officers. our criminals don't even do that so much, okay? i've never seen it, they're having fistfights with police officers in the middle of the street. finish and we have to do something about it. stuart: what do you make of that, griff? if a new category of crime. >> so it's very fascinating, or and i'm not going to divulge a private conversation with my cbp sources, but that moment actually, stu, and you don't know this, that moment really stood out to me last night because most of the numbers and
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the information we put out is at point of contact. and then they're handed off, and in the case of syrians and afghanistans, they go actually to the fbi and the joint terrorism task force to look into their background. but you had chief jason owens at the border patrol just a few weeks ago put out a tweet sawing more than 116 known confirmed gang members have been apprehended since the first e call year began. so when former president trump said that yesterday, i started asking my sources, do you classify any migrants that have been proven to have a criminal history? because you do it, but the is there a data point that you collect? and the answer is, no, it doesn't exist. each sector will know what they have gotten because of the second tear -- secondary, once they begin to vet them, but it's not a nationally known metric. and what i took away from that is that i hope the officials will start makeing a national metric of who has a criminal history because even if they're not dangerous gang member, you
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see the fight that just happened on randall's island and the other instances that are too many. to mention here. stuart: griff, thank you very much, indeed. great stuff and great reporting from the border. good man. now, i'm going to go on to what you just spoke about. new video shows a confrontation between new york police officers and migrants at randall's island. lauren: it is disturbing. this is a shelter of 3,000 migrants. it was 11 a.m. thursday. a man from venezuela, a my grant, was presumably there to visit his mother who lived there. this is what happened. they get into a verbal a dispute. the shelter security calls the cop cans, the nypd comes calmly. the man in the middle of that melee is kicking and screaming, resisting arrest. the other migrants are looking on, and then you just saw that bag hurled. they were throwing debris and a bag at a one of the officers. it got so bad that the shelter security came and said let's form a circle around the cops so they can make this arrest so
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they don't get hit. the man was arrested, he was charged with disorderly conduct. he was not prosecuted. eric adams is speaking about this. eric adams says looker, yeah, there's always going to be bad actors because these are a lot of people that cannot work and they have nothing to do, but nonetheless migrant crime, migrant disrespect of our rule of law. stuart: you've got it. lawyer lauren over and over again. stuart: right there on screen. thanks, lauren. we're going to briefly check futures. nasdaq down 100 points. the opening bell is next. ♪ ♪ ( ♪ ) we're in the security business...
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and if you call now, you will also receive a free 5 year warranty valued at over $500. the call is free, the quote is free, and there's no obligation to buy. call or go online now, so the next time there's a power outage, your home powers up. power your life with generac. call or go online to request your free quote today. stuart: plenty of red ink as we approach the opening of the market. and, by the way, nvidia is down again this morning. we're looking at a price now of about $682, down another $12 today. shah ghailani is with us. all right, shah, is this a big enough dip in nvidia and big tech for you to jump in and buy? >> i don't think at this juncture. i think perhaps if after the close if nvidia disappoints,es which is a bit of a long shot, stuart, yeah, i think we could get a reasonable selloff. and that would probably be a
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beginning of a correction that we certainly would want to buy. it's really about nvidia today, at the close, about the way the market opens tomorrow morning. it's very rare that we see a stock the make or break like apple was for many years on earnings. last february nvidia had really good earnings. the stock popped 14%. then in may it pond 24 -- popped 24% on good earning, so this stock has a power. stuart: now, what do you think happens this afternoon? take us through it, because we're all going to be watching. the numbers will come out, the stock will be all over the place. the computers, the algorithm will react. what do you think's going to happen in those few minutes after the release of the numbers? >> stuart, i wish i knew, because if i had a decent understanding of what could happen, i'd probably put a play down, but i don't. you know, we could see a sell the news moment where the earnings could be good, and i think they're supposed to be very good, but if they're good, it might just be profit taking because they weren't great. if we see really great numbers, and i think it was tom lee who
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said earlier, i think we could see new highs again because, again, the magnificent seven will start to look good, nvidia leading the pack. if we have, if we see disappointing earnings, i think investors may look at that as, okay, we've gotten far too far ahead of ourselves, and it's time to take profits. either which way, you can toss a coin. that's how difficult this is. stuart: if in a couple of days' time we've got the results, the stock's react ad, gone all over the place, if in a couple of days' time, say like friday morning, nvidia is trading at a, like, 660, just picking a number here, would you buy it? >> yes. we're out -- so i really want to get back in. i'm hoping for a dip, stuart. i'd like to see it come down so i could buy it. [laughter] stuart: okay. glad we've gotten that straight thenned out. shah ghailani, thank very much. i know you'll be watching at 4:00. the market is now open officially, and we've opened in the red. the dow is down 70 points in the
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very, very early going. when we've got all the dow 30 opened up, we'll tell you what's going on, but right now we're down 47 on the dow. show me the s&p 500, please. that is going to be down a little bit, 12 points, a quarter percent. that's it. i'm looking now at the nasdaq. show me that, please, because i would expect a significant drop there, and that's that we've got. we're down about two-thirds of 1%. waiting to see those dow 30 stocks opening up. can you show me big tech, please? if yes, you can. amazon is up, and there's a reason for that which we'll get to in a second. alphabet is up. apple at 181, but the others are down. amazon, here's the story, is going to replace walgreens in the dow jones industrial average. lauren, when does that happen and why? and. lauren: monday, and it's because walmart is splitting its stock, 3 for 1. the dow jones is price-weighted, and walmart will be, is have less of an impact. amazon is also a major is retailer, so it gets welcomed to this exclusive club.
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a lot of retail the investors track the dow 30 whereas the institutionals track the s&p 500 more or less. the dow now has three magnificent members, apple, microsoft and it has amazon. by the way, jeff bezos just is wrapped up his 50 million share sale. he sold more stock, he's cashed out at $8.5 billion in nine trading days. he moved to florida, he saved hundreds of millions of dollars on taxes. stuart: do you blame him? lauren: no, not at all. nine days, $8.5 billion. stuart: i'd move to florida if i could too. palo alto networks, cybersecurity firm, that is a huge drop. it's been a very high flyer for some time. what's the problem? lauren: it's wiped out its -- wiped out its gains for the year. it's doubled in the past year. stuart: why? lauren: they cut their full-year outlook and said specifically a.i. spending will slow this year. stuart: oh. lauren: they said the top end of their sales forecast is still
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going to grow by 16%, but it used to be 25 plus percent. what if nvidia says something of the same tonight? better than expected but it's all about the margin of the beat. goldman sachs is calling nvidia the most important company on planet if earth. the message to wall street as a i see it, if you trade at an expensive valuations, you better have a blowout quarter. stuart: if you like the stock and you see it dip, at what point do you get back in? i have no clue. lauren: yeah. stuart: i'm not going to buy it because i simply don't know. then we have the renewable energy firm, solar edge. i know that's way down after their report. solar stocks have had a tough go. lauren: yeah. they put solar panels on reds den 678 -- residential roofs. their sales missed expectations, and they offered weak guidance for this quarter. the ceo said the u.s. market will not improve until interest rates come down. no demand, high rates, product is unpopular. they're cutting 16% of their
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staff. stuart: that tells the story, does it not? bitcoin. it's down to around $50,900 at the moment. where are other crypto stocks going? lauren: yeah. the exchange, coinbase, the miner platforms are down because bitcoin is down. bernstein thinks bitcoin is going to $150,000 by the middle of next year with. $150,000 this. you have a few catalysts, right, like the halving event that takes place in april and the spot 3weu9 coyne etf -- bitcoin etf. major catalyst. and i was reading that back in 2004 when we had the gold etf, gold was around $300, that launched, and in eight years the price of gold rallied 600%. so now you have the bitcoin etf -- stuart: and that's the theory. lauren: bitcoin's going to rally, right? if 600% for gold. stuart: there is some talk the of an i here to yum etf as well, and i noticed it was way up yesterday. i've not seen it this morning, but the idea you might get an etf in etherium --
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lauren: will gary againsterer at a the sec do that in a lot of people say no. i would say if you do it for one or two, wouldn't you have to do it for all? stuart: i don't know. totally out of my depth on this one. you better take a look at beyond meat. lauren: yeah. stuart: the stock's down 50%, what is it, in the past year, i think it is in are they trying to change it? lauren: something for investors, maybe people who eat fake meat, they've got a new burger coming out. it's apparently a lot healthier e, less sodium and saturated fat. the stock's up 1%. beyond meat sales are down 29% in the past year. i don't even see it in the grocery store anymore, and if you look industry wide, alternative meat has been cut by a third. stuart: you don't see it, but do you look for it? no, you don't. lauren: sometimes i do because we talk about this stuff, and you'll find one box on the shelf is. stuart: here's another stock that's way down, teledoc is down 21%. what's their problem? lauren: people are going back to their regular doctor, so there's
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fewer virtual visits. and their forecast this year is for slower growth. there were 4.4 million visits in the quarter, expectations were for 4.9. stuart: i noticed the dow industrials are now down 160 points. down that -- look at that, down 160. dow winners, do we have that list? yes, we do. procter & gamble, apple, coca-cola, conservative ron. they are up. s&p 500 winners, garmin, eqt public storage a, don't know them. exxon corporation. i don't know. i don't know what they do. the nasdaq composite. the winners are, i know that one, exelon, amazon, diamondback energy. got it. now, i want to see the yield on the 10-year treasury. it had been going down. it's down a fraction, but you're still above 4.25%. that's a key level. checking the price of gold, please. $2,039 per ounce. no change there.
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bitcoin, we showed you that a moment ago. it was at $50,900. now it's $50,800. the price of oil. let's see, we've got old -- do we have oil or nat gas? yes, we've got nat gas below $2 for a million british thermal units, 1.75. man, that's low. the average price for a gallon of regular, no change, $3.27. the average price for a gallon of diesel, no change, $4.09. all right, coming up, laura ingraham mentioned these six names, we're going to put them on the screen or if you, six names mentioned by laura ingraham and donald trump last night. these are potential vps for trump. will be to -- listen to what he said. >> you would like to get somebody that could help you from the voter -- and, honestly, all of those people are good. they're all good, they're all solid. stuart: there's no bad blood with his former rivals except, of course, chris christie. here's an op-ed for you, biden caves on another big initiative. he'll do anything to win in 2024.
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liz peek wrote that, and she's going to tell me what biden has caved on. and there's this, some of the hosts of "the view" don't want biden to debate trump. we've had televised presidential debates since kennedy and nixon in 1960. i say, debate. more on that coming up for you. ♪ ♪ i lose myself tonight, belle be by your -- it'll be by your side ♪ (fisher investments) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position
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our clients' portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money? (fisher investments) yep. we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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stuart: eleven minutes into the trading session, the dow's down 120, the nasdaq's down 80. still plenty of red ink again. speaker of the house mike johnson created a bipartisan task force on artificial intelligence. all right, lauren, do the members of this task force, do they need to have knowledge of a. i. to be on the the task
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force? no. lauren: i'm going to go with no because only four members of congress have a computer science degree. so 24-member bipart pa san -- stuart: they're all democrat, right? [laughter] lauren: no, it's bipartisan. and it's chaired by the two guys from california, right? congressman jay abernathy, republican, he actually owns a video game development company and has a master's to degree in a.i., and also the democrat there, ted lou. he's done a lot of work on a.i.. there have been a flurry e of bills to address artificial if intelligence, to regulate are it. none have made it to the house floor to vote because these are lawmakers. they're not engineers, right? they're confused by it. as a are we all. over in the senate leader chuck schumer has convened several meetings. they're all trying to get ahead of it with limited knowledge and even people like elon musk have limited knowledge because the potential pebble of a.i. is just so great and scary. stuart: but the politicians want to put their thumb on it. and i don't blame them either.
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lauren, thank you. one more, please, a look at nvidia. it is clearly the stock of the day. no recovery. it's at 682 as we speak. the full report on their finances comes down to 4:00 this afternoon eastern time. ray wang is with us. welcome back, ray. your price target for nvidia is $900. okay. justify that. >> well, here's the thing, heavy got 90% of the a.i. market, the process to build the chips is very hard to begin with. the process that they use. and more importantly, they have a software lock in this if a propriety way of accessing those gpus. that puts them in the lead for the next 18-24 months. very few competitor it is can catch up to where they are because they made those investments decades ago. and this is the challenge, how do you actually go beat nvidia. it's going to talk companies a long time to get there and to get the fab processing, and they have such a huge demand in data centers at this moment, 20-30% increase in data center purchase
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being of a.i. chips. stuart: when the numbers come out from nvidia, the slightest failure to meet expectations will probably result in a sell isoff. would you agree with that? -- selloff. would you agree with that? >> i think that's likely to happen. but if you look at it over the next week with, you're going if to have a lot of opportunities to buy the dip. and as you noticed, almost everybody's waiting or for a dip to jump back in, which tells you this is still a lot of interest especially in terms of price target moving upward. stuart: let's suppose the results come out and over a few days nvidia's stock the moves up again. does that drag other companies up like the magnificent sevensome do they go up in tandem with nvidia again? >> not all of them. this is a really good question as a really you have a real a.i. strategy. it's a.i. that's powering the stock boom. so a company like google and a company like microsoft, yes, the a.i. boom is in their favor. a company like meta, lots of
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people are going to meta for a.i., amd and tsmc, they're going to do well as well. it really depends where you play in this a.i. game and if you have real a.i., not fake a.i. stuart: am a i right in saying nvidia makes a professor, earns $1 billion a week? is that correct at this point? >> i think that is, actually. [laughter] running the numbers, that's a huge number on the back end. yes. so -- stuart: what we're waiting for in these numbers is the call. they do have a call, right, where they look at the future business. they do have a call, right? if. >> they do. and the future business, right, is beyond a.i. there's other things that are happening, high performance computing, especially on -- [inaudible] vehicles. those things that the ceo made bets years ago, and really when the gpu first came out, it was a computer gaming chip that actually was looking for product market fit. and suddenly a.i. was really one of the best use cases, and the
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place has taken off since then. stuart: ray ray wang, thanks for joining us, we'll be glued at 4:00 to those numbers. thanks for being here. >> on fox business. stuart: good man, good man. elon musk, wait a minute, he was just nominated for the nobel peace prize. lauren: he was. stuart: for what? lauren they're well -- stuart: what's he done? [laughter] lauren: what's he done, namely because he is a promote of free -- proponent of free speech. musks' adamant defense of dialogue, free speech and enabling the possibility to express one's views in a continuously more polarized world. and he also said because he's enabled ukraine to communicate after the russia inhalation vegas. concern invasion. that's just scratching the surface though. he spoke about two companies, x -- twitter -- and spacex. what about neuralink, right? he just implanted a chip into someone a's brain to enable a paralyzed american to move -- person to move again. stuart: but you don't get a
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peace prize for that, do you? lauren: he's momming nateed. it now has to go through the committees. stuart: remember when obama won it for doing nothing? glrt all right, coming up, much is being made of the president's slight stumble tuesday. he was apparently wearing dress shoes rather than the sneakers they often put him in to give him extra grip. okay, look, that's the kind of intense scrutiny that biden can expect. that's my take, top of the hour. and speaking of the president, he started his 3-day trip through california to rev up his fund raising, but biden may have bigger issues coming from inside his party. we've got a report on that next. ♪ what do you say we leave for california? ♪ if we drive all night, we could make it by the morning. ♪ and no one likes to know -- ♪ what do you say we leave for california ♪
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♪ ♪ stuart: president biden is campaigning in california today. jacqui heinrich joins us from the white house. california's become a hot spot for illegal border -- border crossings. does the president have any plans to address that during his visit? >> reporter: well, stuart, the
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simple answer is, no, as the campaign heats up, the president is trying to win back sagging support from young people within his base. and today he's planning to announce new efforts to forgive student loan debt. but the primary purpose of this 3-day western swing is really fund raising. yesterday the campaign announced that last month if they brought in a whopping $42 million haul bringing their war chest up to $130 million cash on hand. those numbers are a bright spot for team biden as new monmouth polling puts his approval rating at 39%. even worse on immigration, just 26%. but former president trump telling republicans in both chambers to reject the senate's bipartisan national security supplemental which would have gone a long way to securing the border according to the border patrol union is now allowing the white house to move from defense to offense on this issue. they are deflecting blame for the border crisis to house
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speaker mike johnson. >> -- is have to remind you that our border needs to be secure, right? you've heard me say this. the president has led on both when it comes to getting a bipartisan agreement on the border security. the speaker is the only one who is actively hurting america's national security by killing those priorities that i laid out. >> reporter: now, house republicans claimed that the white house rebuffed johnson's request to meet with the president and talk to him to try to find a path forward. the president said earlier this week that he would meet with johnson, quote, if he has anything to say, but we are told there is no planned meeting on the calendar just yet, stuart. stuart: got it. thank you very much, indeed. joe rogan says democrats will force biden to step down and drop his re-election bid this year. lauren, who does rogan think will be the actual democrat nominee? lauren: gavin newsom. watch here.
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>> i think they're going to get are rid of him. i think they're going to move him out, they're going to force him to step down. that's what i think. if i had to guess, and it's just speculation, i'd say they're setting up gavin newsom for it. >> it'azing. >> well, he just can't keep a thought in his head when he starts talking about things. he forgets what he's talking about all the time. welsh whatever. he just says, well, whatever and drifts off. lauren: you know, we've been saying this for a while, newsom is just strategically, patiently waiting in the wings, right? he compliments joe biden in public, he does television debates and interviews and, look, he is starting to try to clean up california. he really is. he's making some moves, what? he needs to do that before his big national debut potentially at the convention in august. stuart: let's switch coasts. we've got a new poll, and it shows biden leading trump in new york. lauren: yeah. stuart: but the lead is much smaller than when biden beat
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trump in 2020. lauren: it's half. it went from 23 points to 12 points. sienna poll, biden's at 48% support, trump at 36. new york is deep i blue. how is the quality of life for new yorkers, that's the question. that's trump's in. he saying yeah, i'd do a rally at madison square garden. he's using migrants, migrant crime and the court cases as a rallying call for voters. we'll see if it works. stuart: the big deal here is the migrants, and that's the -- lauren: you pay more, you get less. they get everything. [laughter] stuart: you downed bitter. still i head, the u.s. vetoed a resolution at the u.n. calling for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. is florida congressman mike waltz onboard with that? if i'll ask him. trump says there's a chance he could win new york. can he turn the empire state red? that's a bit of a stretch. i'll ask martha maccallum about that. and carol karol markowitz just got back from the border. she's here to tell us what she saw, and it's not good.
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