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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 21, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to >> he does himself a lot of favors in these and biden should say where yes town hall and press conference and speech? biden's team knows they can't do that. even if you did have a piece of legislation, you couldn't at this level. >> right now the question is what do you do? you can't take a 40-story building on fire and put it out with one pail of water. >> competitors come up and catch up to where they are. they made those investments decades ago and this is the challenge, how do you beat nvidia?
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>> how this scrutiny is impossible for the white house. why? because they're being pushed to let him show what he's got and be out there. you're hearing in now. they can't do it. stuart: i really like this song. this is now and then from the beatles and just reengineered it or used ai. i'm a beatles fan from 50 year ago. >> seems like a deep cut. doesn't resinate with me. it's a new one. stuart: brand new. what do you think, martha? do you like the song? >> i didn't know it was the beatles when i heard the first notes but, yeah. stuart: i agree. we have a big show and got to get on. it's 11:00 eastern time, wednesday, february 21st and look at the market, down 80 on the dow, down nearly 100 on the nasdaq. now look at nvidia. this is the most important stock of the day, possibly of the week or in the year.
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down again off 2% and down 4% yesterday and report results at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow. all eyes focused on nvidia. show me big tech. that's a mixed bag. amazon, alphabet, apple up and microsoft down below $400 a share and meta down $4 at $467. yield on 10-year treasury moving up this morning. it had been moving slightly lower earlier and now at 4.29%. now this, donald trump is considering holding rallies in new york, possibly in the city itself. to anyone that knows the empire state's politics, that sounds rather strange. this is deep blue territory. trump haters run the show here, but trump senses a political shift. look at this. the latest sienna poll finds biden leads trump by just 12 points.
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look, in a state as blue as this one, 12 points in the paints is not exactly a commanding lead, especially when biden beat trump by 23 points back in 2020. the same poll found for the first time biden's favorability rating dropped below 50%. what's behind it and first impact of the myograns and costing the city billions and services being cut and every night local news features brawls involving migrants and the latest showing fights at migrant center. new york court finds trump guilty in fraud and $350 million fine and doesn't pay off fast. there's no victim and ruling is blatantly unfair and it's the politicized new york courts and there's such a thing as sympathy vote even in new york, you know. trump cowel win and if new york
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state goes for him, it's all over. he's taking his fight to the belly of the beast and talking about holding a rally in the bronx and madison square garden, what does he have to lose? biden came to new york and flew in and scooped up campaign cash and migrants and scooped up the traffic. watch town hall with laura ingram, you'd have seen a vigorous candidate answering any and all questions, opposite of joe biden. i hope trump comes here, the contrast with the president can only help his chances of pulling off a new york political revolution. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: perfect time to bring in martha maccallum. martha, trump thinks he's got a shot at taking new york because of the migrant crisis. i think what he's doing is going on the offense. >> i love this story. i think it's fascinating and new
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york has not gone for a republican presidential candidate and if the former president could pull off anything, you know, going head-to-head and biden and trump is going to win new york, and with only a 12 point deficit, keep in mind democrats have a 27% enrollment advantage in new york. that means there's already a lot of democrats considering leaning towards president trump. if he were to hold rallies, i like to cover good stories. let me tell you something, that's a good story. if trump goes to madison square garden, guarantee that'll be a hell of a night. stuart: i wonder if they'd say no, no, no. that's dangerous. can't have madison square garden. >> they could say that. there's rival coming down the
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escalator moment and going to have a lot of people outside and very anti-tram and that obviously would be an interesting job for the nypd and trump is one winning the race for george santos and did it as a democrat who was speaking much more moderately and not a democrat or aoc talking about need to fix the immigration problem, which obviously is one of the major magnets that are pulling people more towards a tougher stance; right? a tougher guy like the former president. but one other thing i was mention asking that lee zeldin did not win the governor's race in new york. one of the reasons, he lost by about 600,000 votes, which is roughly the same number of people that left new york. that's the biggest problem for trump in new york is so many people that world support him have left, but it's a statewide race; right. you've got a lot of elise stefanik that area and staten island and crossover votes we're already seeing showing up in some of the polling could make it really interesting.
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stuart: outside of new york, it's trump country. new york city is trump country. lauren: trump was complimentary of eric adams last night. did you hear? it's not his fault. he was wooing him to make this. >> that's understandable. eric adams, you might not love everything he says depending on where you stand politically, but he has tried to get albany to move on some of these no bail issues and he did clear out a lot of the tent areas that were popping up around the city. he did, you know, enforce that police officers can pull some off the street if they think they're mentally unstable. there's been a lot of things that have been to his credit. stuart: let me turn the conversation to nikki haley. she told you on your program yesterday that she's going to fight all the way through the primaries. watch this please, roll it. >> my focus right now is running in a republican primary. it always has been. what matters to me is what the american people are saying. you can look at the crowds we have in south carolina hundreds of people wherever we go.
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they are tired of the chaos and the noise. stuart: what's her strategy here? >> the question that prompt that had answer was a lot of people who watched her speech today felt that this soupedded like somebody that might run in a third party; right? she said at the top of that sound byte, my focus is getting the republican nomination right now. stuart: oh, okay. >> i went back and asked her why did you say right now and gave a different version of the same answer. i find that very interesting there's a lot of money coming her way, there are -- there is that significant group who don't want to vote for the former president who consider themselves conservatives so i think she's going to continue to be a factor in one way or another so something to watch. stuart: martha, thank you so much. i'll see you at 3:00 p.m. eastern, the story on fox news channel. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: check the markets and take a look at this please.
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dow down 70, nasdaq down 78. some red ink but not that much. babaron's article claim as magnificent 7 stock could be in a bubble and about to pup. david, is it a bubble and is it popping? what say you? >> well, stuart, no question if you just look at nvidia for example. nvidia is priced for perfection. it really is a perfect stock and throw the mag 7 in there. these are perfect companies and balance sheet and pristine and they're perfect. stuart: a lot of room to rub even after nvidia's report this afternoon. they can go higher, do you think? >> stuart, we have nvidia today. what i want to say to be specific, i want to see data center revenue and street looking for 17 million on the quarter and revenue. to put this in perspective, a year ago are $3 billion in revenue and the data center and
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take meta, one of the magnificent 7 and they'll purchase 350,000 of nvidia h100 chip this is year. those chips runs tens of thousands of dollar sos meta by itself will be spending billions of nvidia this year and room to run and the demand is there for the stock, stuart. stuart: there's a dip in big tech. you're buying this dip, are you? >> now christmas came in february because this is the time to back up and buy. stuart, i could get this quarter wrong, but i truly believe this is a name you want to own and buy on weakness under $70 is a gift. buying more. we're buying more under $700 for our clients, stuart. stuart: got t david nicolas, brave man. thank you for joining us and see you again real soon. wish you luck. >> thank you, sir. stuart: lauren is looking at movers anmovers and palo alto rs moving. lauren: in one day, palo alto wiped out gains for the year. it more than doubled in the past
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52 weeks but nonetheless they said ai spending is slowing and it's shilling the sector, cybersecurity, and the market ahead of the big one tonight. nvidia last of the magnificent 7 to report and biggest planet on earth. stuart: ai slow asking spending and network ripples through everybody and margin of the beat. it's what's important. stuart: you got it. lauren: the venture by warner bros and set to launch this fall and they say the deal will keep them from getting the contents they want and allege they won't be able to broadcast the good stuff and customers are paying $80 plus a year for fubo tv and the sports they have and this streaming deal threatens their business and popularity going down 6.25%. stuart: next case is wing stop. lauren: chicken wing price and
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deflation and down 1.2% and forecasting their expenses will rise specifically for labor and for advertising. stuart: got it, lauren. thank you very much indeed. the supreme court declining to hear a case for admissions at prestigious high school. don't use phrases like manpower or mother or father and might be offensive. we'll try to explain. ivy league schools publishing the dean's list and cause stress for students. are we no longer allowed to celebrate academic excellence? brian brenberg on that and brian is next. ♪
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stuart: edward lawrence is here with us on a white house student debt meeting. canceling more loans, edward? reporter: yeah, he's grog to announce that, stu, and the first batch of students that will see student loan forgiveness under the changed rules and the president will make that announcement while outside los angeles later on today, he's going to say 153,000 borrowers are now eligible under the saving on evaluation plan and $1.2 billion on student loan forgastroenterologistness and anyone in the program -- forgiveness and anyone that made $10,000 and owe less than
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$12,000 having it wiped out at expense of all taxpayers. what's week the budget officer testified there's more in the pipeline. >> he put in place the save rules like income-driven repayment and we've evaluated the fiscal impact of undoing that and more than $1.2 billion. >> that's what we talked about recently. reporter: passing all the cost of all student loan forgiveness on taxpayers at once and cost $441 billion and by changing the rules and putting his plan together piece by piece, the president is well more than halfway to his original goal. in a new monmouth poll, 45% of people say the president's policy haven't helped them at all and 58% of people do not approve of the president's job
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performance and president using these other programs to try and change that perception with the guise of free money. stu. stuart: thanks, edward. cornell university and the university of pennsylvania have stopped publishing a dean's list. the schools think they cause too much stress and competition. brian brenberg is here. we can't celebrate academic excellence? >> come on. why are we getting rid of dean's list. this is so stupid. first of all, little stress is good. i learn that had from you. first time i came on this show years ago, you said don't screw this up before the cameras roll. a little stress helped and i think i did okay. stuart: you did. >> but the other problem is take harvard for example, average gpa in 1963, 2.7. today: 3.8. one of the problems is you've got huge grade inflation and everybody would be on the dean's list. it's a joke. these schools don't help students learn. they pass them on through and make them feel good in the process and that's why you see
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what's happening in college campuses. stuart: do they teach to the middle? is that what happens? >> problem in high schools, yes. at lower levels, they teach to the middle and get rid of honors classes and if you're a striver, forget about it. don't strive, that's not fair. don't try hard. it's like ray bradbury novels we read back in school. stuart: a catholic couple in indiana claimed the state took away their transit son because they refused to use his preferred name and p pronoun. what kind of precedent does this set for other parent s? >> it's an awful case because somebody said hey, these parents are becausing this kid. you need to take him away and indiana took the kid away. then they did an investigation about whether the kids were becausing and found, no, they're not. abusing and found no, they're not. they're fit parents but didn't give the kid back because he's
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developed some other eating disorders or something like that the bottom line is the parents have no say with their child on the most fundamental issues they could be talking with him about. and they were barred from talking about gender when they visited with their son. the state said you can't talk about it unless it's with a counselor. you talk about free speech issues in america, stuart. you're a parent, if this happens in indiana, what about california? what about oregon and some of the far left states? stuart: this will come up in the future. on what grounds do you remove a child from a house and take him or her away from the parents if being a trans and not using the right pronouns enough excuse to take the child out? >> you've got thousands of schools in america that say we will not tell parents if their child identifies as something else in the classroom. we will not tell you, parents. parents have become the enemy of the far left in america. stuart: very trusion brian. stay there, you're with me for
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the whole hour. >> yep. stuart: now the supreme court declined to take up a new case on race in school admissions. which case is this, ashley? ashley: well, the case involved admissions as a prestigious northern virginia high school and eliminated testing and they wanted toddyed to diversify thet body and produced classes with high per sen tesla and metas of asian american students who they say did not represent the racial and ethnic makeup of this. triggered a lawsuit from parents and students and communities and the new admissions going for intentional racial discrimination and going for them to ban the court of appeals in virginia and stopping u.s. supreme court and high court is declined to take up this case
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and the reason. stu. stuart: check the markets, please. we are in business for almost two hours and the red ink is mitigating. down 35 on the dow. down 60 on the nasdaq. it had been much worse than that earlier. keeping a close eye on nvidia today. one of the most important stocks and companies in the world. it will report its earnings about 4:00 eastern time this afternoon. it will move the markets and right now down $12, 1.8%. coming up, a new report shows home ownership is on the rise for some minority groups and full story coming up. one female basketball team had to forfeit a match against a rival high school. reportedly because a trans family injured three players -- trans female injured three players during a game. how does this happen? we'll take it on next. ♪
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lauren: look at it go down. a scathing report from the investment team and researchers and did channel checks and did two things. weight watchers paying up social media personnel to hype up weight loss drugs without having tried the drug and look at traditional business and getting on a program to lose weight and weight watchers and especially in january. when everybody wanted to lose weight and stuart: i've bought one of these hopes in the past. are they doing well? lauren: 111 toll brothers at record high and strong moments and string season off to a spring start and margins are growing and now at nearly 28% taking home builders up 26789 stuart: they're all up. thank you. secretary of state, antony
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blinken wants staffers to avoid genders language. ashley, come in. ashley: i have examples and blinken telling state department employees refrain from using mother, father, or manpower in a memo obtained by review and gender is a social construct and a person's gender identity may or may not correspond with one's sex assigned at birth. blinken encouraging his colleagues at state department to use gender neutral language whenever possible to show respect and avoid misunderstandings. he's also suggesting that employees identify their preferred pronouns and e-mail when introducing themselves in meetings of one final directive and blinken says avoid using phrases like the brave men and women on the front lines. oh no. he suggests more specific language such as brave first responders or brave soldiers. i need a break.
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stu. stuart: give me a break. the secretary of state saying can't use mother or father. get the hell out -- excuse melange. move on, stu. a high school basketball player identifying as a female accused of injuring opponents on the court. even one had to forfeit their game. tell me more about what happened and where you stand on this. >> what happened was a team called a charter school of lowell, girl's team, was playing against a boy and the boy hurt three girls during the game, the boy, and i know you showed a video earlier and i'm sure you continue to show and they're much bigger than the girls. the idea this boy simply says i feel like a girl. i'm transitioning or whatever it is, decides he's going to play. the school was down to five players and charter said enough,
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we're not playing and we're getting hurt. it's reprehensible and god awful and where are the parent was this transitioned boy. let me give you a solution. may i, stuart? stuart: please do. go. >> what we do right now in college, high school and everywhere else f. you're a woman, transitioning to a man, you play with the girls. if you are a man transitioning to a woman like softball player at yale is, guess what, you're transitioning to the girl. you're playing against the girls. no, i'm sorry, leah thomas, man to woman with the women. man playing softball at yale. woman to man playing with the woman. why do we let everybody play against the women? why not flip and say you're a woman plan cigsing to a man, play with the men. you're a man transitioning to the women. play with the men. why don't we do that? that solves all this problem.
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stuart: awe answered me question and you're doing well so far. riley gains calling out a trans swimmer that slashed their record in thee months. there's a trans on the woman team teem and before that spent three years on the men's team. i know what you're going to say but what's the solution? a special category for trans people, girls playgirls and men play men and trans play trans? is that the way out here? >> i'll give you three solutions, ready? number one, what i just said. everybody plays against the men. you want to be a woman, transitioning to a man, play with the men. man to woman, play with the men. second solution, boycott. we're not playing against this dude. we're not swimming against this dude. this is a man. last week he's a man, now he's a woman. last year he's a man, now he's a woman. we're not doing it. third solution, what you just said, a wonderful we support our
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trans kids. here is a trans category. woman to man, man to woman, you're all competing against each other. good luck. those are the three solutions and i wish parents would say enough. enough. this is unfair and this is in women's spaces and here's the other thing, stuart. i'm probably going too long. these women, these men transitioning to women. dress with the women in the women's locker room. that is awful, that is wrong, that is against women and it sucks, excuse melange. stuart: i got it. i got it. i have a suggestion, try de-calf. good stuff. ben, you're all right. come back soon. >> thankers for having me. stuart: brian's still here and you're a college athlete. i know what you think about all this. >> it's crazy. i played football and have huge respect for female athletes and say basketball and college.
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female basketball players at my college better than me skills wise but i was 6'2, 210 pounds and bench press well over 300 pounds. i wasn't a good basketball player, if i had gone on that court, i'd have been amazing but not fair to the real skilled athletes because i genetically happen to have -- bigger. why do that to better athlete s? stuart: to me it's not the danger but there's a danger. to me it's fairness. it is grossly unfair. it's wrong. >> if you respect female athletes let them play against each other and thrive and do what dan said, let everybody else play against the guys. stuart: can you still bench press 300 pounds? >> i can't, stuart. tv take it is out of you. you done get a lot of time in the gym doing this. stuart: i've been doing it for 50 years, it takes it out of you. thank you, brian. learning more about mandatory diversity, equity, and inclusive training at ir a ashley, why is the dei
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course so controversial? ashley: training features from university of denver calling for the death of whiteness. the de ituneing obtained by judicial watch begins a section by a transgender identifying woman who has argue that had whiteness is itself a violence. the portion in the training from stuart asks questions such as whose culture in the room is under constant threat and allege that had whiteness pretends to be in the reality creates terror and violence. the so-called training for irs agents is the latest example of the dei agenda being pushed through the federal agencies and administration already signed multiple executive orders constitutionalized and radical
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ideology in federal agencies and now the irs agents, they're better informed. i don't get it. stuart: going to leave it right there. thanks, ash. great segment. coming up, donald trump thinks the migrant crisis could be the key to flipping migrant red and it's totety blue. hopes he can flip it red in the election. karol markowicz is a former new yorker and hear what he makes of trump's efforts in the big apple. over 1200 homes are reportedly being taken over by squatters in atlanta. how republicans are taking on the issue and that's next.
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stuart: the supreme court will hear a case that determines how far a city can go to crack down
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on homelessness. ashley, what are the legal issues at the center of this case? ashley: well, it's whether cities can fine people for sleeping outside of no shelter available. it's cruel and unusual punishment people say and the u.s. supreme court will take up the issue when it considers a case out of oregon known as grant's pass versus johnson and could have a really dramatic implication for record number of people living in tents and cars across the u.s.. homeless people in the city of grant's pass say the city broke the law aggressively trying to push them out discouraging people from sleeping in public spaces and banning the use of stoves and sleeping bags or other bedding and homeless banning camps all the time and makes it illegal for people to
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exist the supreme court will take this issue up in april. stuart: thanks, ash. squatter haves taken over 1200 homes in atlanta and republicas are working to get homeowners their property back. bill white is the cofounder of buck head city movement. what are you doing with the squatters to invade people's homes. >> stewart, this is a nightmare and we have a mayor that voted to defund the police and thousands of police officers short in the city of atlanta. we have a da here in atlanta busy chasing someone for another perfect phone call versus the back of the prosecutions of over 200 violent criminals and now you have 1200 homes invaded by illegal squatters and many of them are being very difficult to get out and some of them are providing criminal elements and committing very, very serious
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egregious crimes terrorizing the neighborhood and my question today is nothing happens in the state of georgia without governor kemp. governor kemp is the governor of the state of georgia and it's the capitol city of georgia. you know, he's not around. he is? texas taking photo opportunistics at boarder and flying -- photo ops at boarder and flying to davos to meet global elitists and here in his home state of georgia, this is going on here and invasion into people's homes as i was coming on the show -- stuart: forgive me for interrupting here but the question was how do you get the squatters out? >> the state is looking it pass a law. i don't think that'll do a damn thing. you need people out in the proper way and need proper law enforcement and proper judicial standards and a committee meetly on this with the city of atlanta and the governor, and i just
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suggest that the governor get back and focus on georgia and the capitol city than doing all the other things and people in real danger here. stuart: bill, afraid i have to go and leave it short. see you soon. bill white, everyone. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: you got it. some minority groups seeing a jump in home ownership and which groups are we talking about? lauren: latinas and asian persons and 63% of asian americans owned a home in 2022. 50% for hispanics and whites 72% and after african americans 44%. every single group saw home ownership rate go up in the past ten years so since 2012. the biggest jump, which was 6% was for both asian and hispanics. stuart: lauren, i want to bring in brian on this one. it seems the best gains made during the trump years. >> yeah, time line from 2012-2022 but biggest gains in 2016-2020 when all of those
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groups come up with rates way above inflation and you whoa what's happened since 2021 is all the gains started to gnat line and on a hole they started coming down. what does that tell you? policies we've had lightly and high inflation and high interest rates and hurting those groups that made the biggest gains under trump the most. stuart: got it, thanks, brian. it's that time and dow 30 and i say the same thing, give you a sense of the market. my sense is that it's an even split and dow down only 60 points and at 38,500 and half the dow 30 up, half down. roughly speaking. migrant crisis showing no signs of slowing down. it's been labeled a national security crisis and karol markowicz just returned from the border. how bad was it? we'll ask her because karol is next.
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stuart: now we know how much texas has been spending sending myograns to other parts of the country. what number ofs do you have for us, ashley?
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ashley: $148 million in busing alone and that number grows every day and supporters of that bus program by the way say the amount already spent is just less than half of 1% of texas' budget and is worth the cost. in close to two years, texas governor abbott has transported more than 102,000 migrants to new york, chicago, denver, philadelphia, los angeles, and washington dc. abbott said he'll continue to bus the migrants to prevent the state from shoulders the burdens imposessed by open border advocates in other parts of the country and cities. other governors that follow texas' lead florida and arizona run their own busing programs to mostly democrat cities who are upset even though they are a sanctuary too illegal immigrants. go figure. stu. stuart: sanctuary city. sanctuary state. thanks, ash. new york post columnist karol markowicz joying me now. karol, you returned from a trip to the texas border. i'm told what you saw was pretty
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bad. tell me. >> hi, stu. so nice to see you. i would say what i saw wasn't necessarily bad because what i saw was mexico very close to the texas boarder and see mexico and i felt like i could swim across the water and very pretty easily, but the problem is that a lot of the solutions put into place just make no sense. there are three separate walls and bush wall and trump wall and abbott wall and all of the walls don't complete and walk around the walls and maybe nososense and that's what i want people to take away from my visit and it's a policy issue and they're released within 24-48 hours and don't know where they are and spread out throughout the country and we really have no
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control over our border at all. if my message to donald trump or joe biden would be the wall is -- might be helpful but it's not the whole thing. the real thing that we need a s a policy change and the policy change coming from a president and via execstive order coming now. stuart: is the migrant crisis in new york state and new york city so bad that trump could possibly win in new york? what do you think? >> i don't know, stu. i feel like a lot of people like me, a lot of voters like me have left and i think that makes trump's win more difficult and the truth is that getting tax
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cuts every month w. we look at new york, we have to look at the fact that a lot of the people that live there show despite complaints and voted as these policies and i don't see anything changing soon. stuart: can you imagine or speculate for a second and what do you think it'll be like at a trump rally in the bronx or madison square garden? that would be a news event, which i would wish to cover. >> absolutely. i've always said that republicans should go to ex-solve i can't tell communities -- ex-soviet community in the bronx and that would be great. stuart: thank you, karol. brian, do you think trump has
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any real chance of winning new york state? i do by the way. jaire you think he's got a real chance tobin the state. stuart: i say that and drive up country and totally. outside new york city and west chester county and get up there and trump country and trump signs are everywhere. >> if you took new york city out of the place, for sure. what he needs for the win and going to have thousands saying we live in new york and you're right and that may not win him new york but it could win him a lot of other places around the country and either way he wins. lauren: i've been obsessed with that report as trump considered lee zeldin as his potential vice president and haven't heard much since and that goes out to many political insiders and say the same thing, he could narrow the gap but trump can't win new york city. without new york city, you
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cannot win. stuart: supposing biden voters stayed home. >> enthusiastic voters getting out there big time. some biden people may just stay home and that case biden -- trump could win. let's keep the hope alive anyways. it's wednesday time for the trivia question. here we government good one. when did the vice presidency stop going to the runner up in the presidential election? used to go and stopped doing it. 1796, 1800, 1804 or 1808? the answer when we come back. (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) ..
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life is better with the credit gods are on your side. rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. credit one bank. get cash back rewards, and live large. stuart: we asked when did the vice president to stop going to the runner-up in the presidential election. your choice, 1796, 1804, it was a very narrow timeframe that this occurred. you have the honor of being first. ashley: haven't the foggiest, four minutes past 6, 1804, number three. stuart: very interesting. lauren: i was going to guess the same. 1804. brian: it's a tricky question. 18 oh 4 would have been the last one but 18 oh 8 was the
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first election where it didn't. stuart: that's very smart but i'm going to copy you. 18 oh 8 says varney. 1804 is the answer. brian: i dispute this. stuart: thomas jefferson changed of the rule after being stuck with ehrenberg as his vice president during his first term. he then ran with james madison on his ticket in 1804. brian: thanks for sticking around, see you another time. we will be watching you on "the big money show" at 1:00 pm eastern on this network. we will all be tuning into fox business at 4:00 this afternoon if not before then because that is when we get the nvidia results and that will really move the market, you got to watch. we are done for the day. coast-to-coast starts now.


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