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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 22, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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stuart: a little facia's -- facetious, shot of the white house and the beetle thinking help. 10:00 eastern, straight to your money, the dow and the s&p 500 have all hit record highs and the nasdaq composite is a hundred points away from another record there. nvidia, that's what the market is all about today, up $96 a share, 14%, 770 one dollars per share. nvidia is a tad shy of a valuation of $2 trillion. that's the stock that's moving the market today. the 10 year treasury yield not so important today. it's going down novel, 4.3%. bitcoin, last time we checked was 50 one-2, now 51-3. some important numbers from real estate folks, the latest number on existing home sales
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and you got the number. lauren: on a seasonally adjusted annual basis, increased 5% from the prior month. stuart: still a very low number. it's not doing very much. if i was a realtor i wouldn't be very happy. lauren: trying to get the latest price. stuart: existing homes being sold at an annual rate of 40, slightly higher than the previous month but in my opinion low. okay with that? now this. i can easily be accused of piling on. daily we detail the president's latest gaffe, stumble or cognitive problem. we do this because the president's decline is obvious and seems to be speeding up. it is my opinion a national security problem because we don't know who is really in
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charge and do we know, the president incapacitated for any reason it is president kamala harris. china, russia, north korea and iran would just love that. now look at the president's performance yesterday in california. at the airport, by nancy pelosi, she held onto him and steered him around the tarmac to avoid the press. pelosi was his handler. he eventually appeared before reporters, his handlers made sure it was noisy and even then he had to be rescued. watch this. >> to win reelection? >> win reelection anyway? [applause] stuart: i did not find that reassuring. since when has the president of the united states had to have someone else answer questions. this is why in a quinnipiac poll, 67% think biden is too all to serve another four year term and it is why robert hur
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described him as an elderly man with a poor memory whose cognitive decline is speeding up. this is a unprecedented situation. watching a president and difficulty, this is not political, scrutiny of his physical and mental performance is a public service. second hour of varney just getting started. all right, take a look at this. nearly 70% of voters say biden is too all to effectively serve another term. only 34% say he has the mental fitness to serve. molly, do either of these numbers surprise you? am i piling on with my scrutiny of biden's gaffes and stumbles? >> if anything, people are too calm about the situation.
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we also what happening with the cognitive decline. it's not a matter of age so much is where he is right now mentally. it something we all see, something that's very difficult and it is a national security threat to have someone so feeble and feebleminded in this situation but i also think part of these numbers reflect general just change for democrat policies. i don't think people believe biden is the person running things so it shouldn't matter so much where he is mentally but people are very frustrated with the policies the it ministration is pushing. stuart: gop lawmakers are calling out james biden, they say he contradicted his own testimony during his brother's impeachment inquiry. >> what's your assessment of james biden's testimony? >> interesting. he contradicted himself. >> for james to sit there today
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and say his brother had no involvement in these business dealings, and no knowledge is complete hogwash. stuart: lawmakers confronted james biden with a copy of an agreement with his signature on it and james said he didn't remember signing it. they are not buying it. do you think anything will come of this? >> it's good that people are looking into james biden. we know there were 8 or more members of the biden family involved in the business, where you get money from different entities in exchange for access to president biden. hunter biden handled a lot of foreign operations, james biden handled domestic operations. my husband has written about this for years, he's also a reporter and there are so many issues involving corruption. 's testimony yesterday was a disaster including the claim he made that he received a diamond from hunter as part of one of these dealings and threw it away which i think it is hard for anyone to believe anyone would throw a diamond away or misplace it that way.
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he had lots of problems in testimony. stuart: what happens next week when hunter biden is going to testify in an impeachment hearing. >> there are so many issues at play, so money witnesses, 70 people who can talk about what the biden family business is which we still of not gotten a straight answer from the biden family about what they were offering in exchange for this money and this inquiry is definitely going to be an effort. stuart: it reaches so far into the past that voters will wonder is it relevant today? not sure it catches on with the election. last 20 seconds to you. >> it is been going on for decades but it is fairly recent and with james biden and his involvement in these shady medical schemes he was involved in in the us, that's of interest of voters and more than anything we still have not gotten a straight answer about the biden family business. stuart: what were they doing? inquiring minds would like to know. you are all right, thanks for joining us, see use in.
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lauren is back with us. i want to know what are the top issues for voters ahead of the election? lauren: the economy, the border, we are going to show you what people think, texas, new york, and california. >> our national security, our border is an issue and making sure we have a healthy economy and the country is on good track for the future. >> people are concerned about the economy. if they can improve jobs, make sure the economy is in great shape, that remains now. >> everybody is broke, like we are back to the 20s and 30s, what's going on? this is not making america great again. lauren: cpi top 3%. another issue wasn't in that
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montage, a lot of voters were telling folks at fox news digital stability is an issue. what about a functioning government? congress is in recess which when they come back, they have three days to avoid a government shutdown. that is not a stable government. that is top of mind, maybe not the top each of the top of mind for a lot of voters. stuart: back to the markets. gary, is there a danger to the market because it is so dependent on nvidia and the magnificent 7? >> reporter: i don't think so. as we speak, union pacific is breaking into new highs, goldman sachs, black rock is getting close. there are other areas and you've got to remember technology always leads bull markets because that is where the strongest growth is. if you are talking nvidia, the last four quarters i am
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rounding, 7 billion, 13 billion, 18 billion, 22 billion, whatever people are clamoring for that is what i always tell you the greatest lesson in the market is you find companies with the greatest demand i will show you the best stocks and away we go and in sympathy a lot of things are going for the ride right now. stuart: some of our guests earlier in the show asked if they would have the stomach to buy nvidia when it already up 20 bucks, 30 bucks, $70 a share. don't have the stamina to do it. would you tell our viewers, would you tell our viewers to buy nvidia now at 776? >> we bought it in the onset of this move so we are in pretty good shape. we sold down a little. as far as here, i think it's going much higher but i'm not so sure i would buy into this move right now. it's very frothy today and probably probably will get some
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pullback. but again, i think it's going much higher. accelerating numbers. there's a word in the market that comes to mind, momentum. when things start going, they can really get going. institutions are plowing even more right now as they raise their estimates. there's nothing better than estimates raised going forward, guidance going forward and believe it or not even though this is a strong stopcock a lot of people napping on how good the numbers are and the reaction, as strong as can be. stuart: a lot of our viewers are buy-and-hold investors. you buy something and hold it. should somebody, should our investors, viewers purchase nvidia now and hold it? forget trading, just purchase and hold it, make it a key part of your portfolio? >> the great line on wall
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street, think long term, i have added a sentence to that, give long-term, purchase and hold come make sure what you are holding is working long-term. you don't want to end up with a pellet on -- peloton. always babysit your hard earned dollars, the money you have saved, i've seen too many disasters on great companies, the ones you had to own forever go by the wayside because businesses change, business conditions change, new competition comes into beat the last guy, always babysit what you have. blue when i do that with microsoft, thanks for joining us, see you again real soon. lauren is looking at movers. we start with synopsis, 11%. >> the biggest maker of software used in chip design and they raised their annual forecast anticipating surge in
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demand for software used in artificial intelligence. stuart: on my prompter, i see a cruise line, royal caribbean. we to they raised their annual profit forecast, robust demand from january to march is what they are seeing and expecting as they head to march, this is the time they offer deals and discounts. the window is called the wave window, stock is up 7%. we one another one that i missed, a long list of misses. capital one. lauren: they were cut in line, took the price target down $18 to one hundred 42 which was higher than where it is now. there are concerns about regulatory approval around this deal to point out quickly, senator elizabeth warren is against the deal but so is senator josh valley, republican from missouri, strange bedfellows. that deal screws consumers. stuart: okay. i differ on that one. lauren: i thought it would help with competition against mastercard and visa. stuart: the president will use
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his state of the union address as a reset in his campaign, he needs one because he's underwater on almost every major issue. will the pivot work? mike huckabee deals with that in our next our. the mayor of chicago suing several gas and oil companies, he claims they are deceiving people about the role they play in climate change. a message for the mayor next. ♪ stment opportunities are everywhere you turn. do you charge forward? freeze in your tracks? or, let curiosity light the way. at t. rowe price,
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stuart: the chipmakers are benefiting from the ai boom under nvidia. these chipmakers are up a fraction, micron at 4%, taiwan semiconductor 4. 3%. change the subject. the mayor of chicago brandon johnson suing six oil companies. they are deceiving people about climate dangers posed by fossil fuels. gas body's patrick dehahn sent a message. >> we get tired of this, being a chicago resident, nice to know the mayor has enough energy to send frivolous lawsuits but maybe the mayor would put that energy into pushing vehicles around because oil and gas, that's not the way he wants to go. interesting when you see the city of chicago vehicles idle, with their engines running but that's the fault of the oil
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companies, those buses the city of chicago has in the summer, they get really old, reading this lawsuit the mayor blames climate change and keep in floods that we face in societies, those are all the oil companies fault but let's not forget chicago was built on swampy mud lands. stuart: a desperation move because he needs money on the oil companies have the money and he think he can get a cheap, that's what it is all about. >> looking for a handout but i can't wait to see the lawsuit against the chicago teachers unions for low test scores at chicago public schools. stuart: that's very good. you are sharp. i like that. the average price for a gallon of regular gas around the country is $3.27 and it is up $0.20 in a month. where are prices going? >> we will take a little bit of a break over the next week or two but the transition to summer gasoline is around the corner, that americans will be driving more. in chicago as temperatures start to warm up, want to see
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more americans on the road, that will boost demand at a time of year we start the transition to summer gasoline, that in refinery maintenance is going to push prices up more in march and april, that may last into made but for the here and now over the next week or so people will get a little bit of a break, the price has receded a little bit. you saw the chipmakers through the roof of their, wonder how long it might be before chicago's mayor sues them for the energy their chips consuming this trip chicago. blue and i've never known you to get so political. i've known you for 10 years, always talking about oil and gas prices, suddenly you are into politics. are you a conservative? >> when it comes to the city of chicago and what's near and dear to me i don't like when politics get into the fray, they should stay out of this, just like gas prices are going up, not so much the white house but a lot of this is very seasonal in nature so they should prepare for higher prices. stuart: what is it like walking
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around chicago on a daily basis? what is like? is the city falling to pieces? >> he argues to have an office downtown, an office i don't have anymore. we often go out downtown and it has started to return, glad to see that because i'm sick and tired of paying most of the tax bills are citizens of chicago, nice to see tourism has come back to downtown. is the mayor going to start suing those entities on the magnificent mile for offering luxury goods that are then stolen. stuart: you are very political. you can come back anytime you like. see you soon. democrats have continued to push the green agenda despite back lash over rising prices. i she ashley webster on the screen. how much of utility bills gone up? ashley: a lot. utility bills in the golden state, california, shot up by
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one hundred 27% over the last decade. the same story in other blue states including new york where lawmakers have had to set aside $200 million in the budget just to help households with those surging utility bills. the costs are expected keep growing to accommodate the shift to renewables. southern california edison estimates the cost of generating, storing and transmitting all the renewable energy could hit $371 billion by 2045. bottom line going green is leaving more people in the red. stuart: who wrote that for you? did you write that? ashley: i wrote that. stuart: a good line. i propose one might say. thanks. this is for you. the teamsters just gave the first major donation to republicans, first time in years they've done that. how much money are we talking about? ashley: 45,000 to the
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republican national to, the teamsters political committee sent one hundred $35,000 to the democratic national committee last december and another $15,000 in march. union leaders have touted biden's policies that make it easier for workers to unionize and subsidizing projects to create more union jobs, but donald trump remains popular among a lot of rank-and-file union members especially in battleground states like michigan and pennsylvania. the union's first contribution to the rnc since it donated in 2,004, 20 years ago, the teamsters backed president biden in 2020 but interestingly yet to endorse a presidential candidate in 2024. stuart: that will be interesting. thanks. president biden says mag republicans on the supreme court could not stop him from
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canceling another one. $2 billion worth worth of student loan debt. biden claims the move will grow the economy. ashley hinson will take that on shortly. the president is considering executive action on the border, facing criticism from within his own party. aoc called the move outrageous. hillary vaughan has the story from capitol hill next. ♪
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adam: a big shout out to good friends from the las vegas grand prix and great viewers, glad you are watching the show. check those markets, plenty of green all over the place, the dow is up 268 points, that's 0. 7% for% for a nice game, close to an all-time high. in all 10 intraday high. look at the s&p 500, that also intraday high on that one in the nasdaq to the moon, up 2.3%, 369 point 's. lauren: one. $9 trillion is is the market
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value and growing, ups lowered their price target on nvidia today to $800. from 850. stuart: the only person lowering the price target. stuart: they are staying at a by and the commentary is positive and they say a i is in the early game, nvidia is a dominant player but they are contribute into a potential slowing revenue growth. a little bit of caution, the markets ignoring it. just told you the valuation, nvidia is worth more than amazon. look at the chipmaker. lifting all of them. amd already doubled in the past year, bottom line is the ai boom is sustainable. amd up 10%. taiwan semi up 4. 5%. stuart: significant gains and i missed them all and you did too. is that right? lauren: maybe not amd actually. stuart: what about amazon? stuart: a consulting group forecasting the retail sales
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will bring in 20%, to $641 billion, stock is up 2%. stuart: it really is amazon, isn't it? lauren: it's a very enthusiastic day. stuart: i feel like smiling all the time. president biden is considering an executive order on the border. it would limit the number of migrants who apply for asylum. hillary vaughan on capitol hill. my question is how the progressives are reacting to this? i suspect not well. >> they are not thrilled because of this news the white house is considering taking matters into their own hands, considering executive action that would ban people from claiming asylum if they cross the border illegally. instead they have to go to a port of entry to claim asylum, ending the essential free-for-all at the border with people streaming and anywhere they can find a whole. that's a 180 from what the white house claimed, that they needed congress to give the president new powers. >> he said he's willing to use
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executive measures and if he gets the bill passed, gets border funding, and includes those authorities he will use it. >> reporter: republican governors who were shouldering the cost of this crisis say biden needs to step up. >> he could fix it today. he could reinstate the policies donald trump had in place and we would be in a whole different situation. >> the pressure is on the president to do something is americans are seeing people from all over the world waltz over the border into the us, just this fiscal year in san diego, cbtc hundreds from is pakistan, vietnam and others. another policy reportedly under consideration, faster deportations for people who don't meet the asylum criteria so people are not piling up, waiting for hearing while costs pile up to take care of them, still officially, the white house downplaying this executive order talk saying the matter what they do it won't be enough, no executive action no matter how aggressive can
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deliver the significant policy reforms and additional resources congress can provide that republicans rejected but progressives outraged at the idea of executive action. alexandria ocasio cortez saying doing trump impressions isn't how we beat trump, the mere suggestion is outrageous and the president should refuse to sign it. so really the president is in a tug-of-war between progressives and moderates as he tries to stick a step to fix the crisis. stuart: thanks very much. joint now by republican from the great state of iowa joining me here in new york city. welcome to new york. >> great to be in the big city with you and thanks for having me back on your show. we want hope you will hope you enjoy new york. we just had a report that executive orders from the president would funnel migrants, through accepted border crossings but wouldn't cut the numbers. >> it clear when you look at these policy proposals coming out of the white house too little too late. president biden has been gas lighting the american people on
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the border for years, his exec of actions created this crisis. stops construction of the wall. stuart: he knows he is in political trouble so this is a last ditch effort, trying to pivot in another direction. will work? >> reporter: the number one issue i hear from islands. islands see through this in an election year and these are election-year antics which congress has not passed any border, the crisis at the border is as a result of his executive actions he signed. i make that clear when i'm doing town halls in my district. i don't think this will fix it. stuart: in iowa even though you are not a border state, is the border a key issue among your people when you go to a town hall? >> it is a key issue, border and economy. i will tell you why. people care about safety and security and i were. we want to raise our families,
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our businesses at stake, the drugs that have poured into a state like mine, not just fentanyl, methamphetamine, we've been spinning years to try to get under control. it's out of control again. lawmakers in iowa can't pushback, seeing a massive increase too. we are doing what we can on local, state and federal level but this comes down to border policy not to mention i talk about safety and security, chinese nationals coming across the border, the impact of that in our communities, chinese national, illegal immigrants in iowa, we are learning more details about that. it is impacting. stuart: one more item for you. president biden canceled another one. $2 billion worth of student debt, canceled. watch this. stuart: the ability to repay has been so burdensome a lot of people can't even repay the when they try they don't miss payments, they work like the devil every month to pay their bills.
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but than their debt increases, doesn't diminish because of interest rates. i thought i would make a lot more sense to release student debt for families and grow our economy. stuart: in my opinion, undermining the principle that when you take out a loan you repay the money. >> it is simple that you are was possible for your own actions. all those people say he's going to wipe out their loans, to those who paid it off, every person who didn't take one out saying you're out of luck, we are going to cancel student loan debt. it's very clear this is not a cancellation but a transfer, taxpayers on the hook and every taxpayer knows you are paying for those canceled loans. we when i call it vote buying. what say you? >> what's happening with his border policy and student loan cancellation tour, it's an appeasement tour around the country. blue one right before the state of the union address which is two weeks from today. does seem -- >> a reset. stuart: that was great, thanks
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for coming to new york for this interview. be careful out there. thank you very much. the company behind the salary cuts is facing a series of new lawsuits. what is this about? ashley: there are claims that customers have been deceived about the presence of lead in these products, against specific market international, the parent company of the stanley toddlers that have become kind of a viral sensation over the past year thanks to those colorful instagram ready looks. estimates say the product actually bring in some incredible $750 million in annual revenues, but a potential class-action lawsuit claims these stainless steel vacuum seal installation covers appellate that contains lead. some of which is melted during the manufacturing process. the suit alleges if the time. is damaged or worn, the seal
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can break and potentially expose the user to lead. the company says the potential for exposure is extremely minimal but it is already working on a lead alternative. stuart: got it, thanks. apple just released a new free apps for sports fans ahead of major league soccer season. details on that. google being criticized for its diversity algorithm. many users save the ai chat block is pumping up woke responses when asked about historical events and images. kelly o'grady will have that story next. ♪
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stuart: ladies and gentlemen, the nasdaq is on a wall, 374 points. not surprising that list is headed by nvidia, nvidia is worth more than $2 trillion. moderna and marvell technology, a huge percentage, gains across the board, google launched its chat gpt competitor. for its diversity algorithm. kelly o'grady, what's going wrong here? >> it is historically inaccurate. i want to show you a new york post cover from today. this is what gemini, what the chat but is called, generated, when -- essentially a black
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george washington. you saw a female pope which is never going to happen. users are calling out gemini, google is causing image generation a week and 1/2 afterwards, it would release a new version soon, we test the product out for ourselves and discovered it was really difficult to get gemini to generate an image of a caucasian male. you got everything else, female astronaut, lawyers of color and those folks do exist but gemini showed everything but white males for the most part. we also saw historical inaccuracies, black and female roman emperors, when we asked gemini why are you showing examples that don't exist gemini did apologize, diversity can't come at the expense of accuracy. they were starting to make changes to the algorithm and google even told fox business we are working to improve these depictions in media, gemini's
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does generate a wide range of people, generally a good thing because people around the world use it but it is missing a mark here. i will close with this, you see google is 80% of a market share when it comes to search, and information, makes long-term impact. stuart: good story. apple released a new sports apps, head of the major league soccer season. what will the apps do. ashley: it promises to deliver fast access to coincide with the start of the new season but there are people asking why now? sports fans have access to numerous sports apps and american sports fans the apple apps lacks the nfl and major league baseball. apple says they will be in
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place. what is apple thinking with this bare-bones apps? there's a theory that deals with online gambling, when you click on a game in this apps you see a panel of betting odds. you can't place a bet with in the apps. it does not link to anywhere you can. ultimately, with a gold mine of revenue, that may not fit the apple image but you say this awful time, revenue is revenue. stuart: and it just. here's what is coming up for you. all doctors struggling with -- some believe artificial intelligence help lighten the load. and contaminated with mold and heavy metals and legal weed can be unsafe. doctor marc siegel tells us about that next.
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she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark)
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it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do.
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stuart: how about the magnificent seven? all of them doing reasonably well, microsoft, amazon, nvidia dominating the market and running away with it. meta is up, tells the below 200. a new warning about a dangerous drug causing the spike in illnesses in new jersey. what is it? lauren: those are brands, that is what it is called. the drug is an antidepressant, it's approved in europe and latin america, not in the us. it is in these products. neptune fix, pegasus. might have seen these at the drugstore and the convenience store, the new jersey department of health warns this
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ingredient can cause seizure, cardiac arrest and confusion. the cdc says the effects of taking these drugs makes opioid toxicity and withdrawal. stuart: warning taken. from the wall street journal sounding the alarm on legalized marijuana, quote, mold, pesticides and heavy metals can contaminate products threatening to sicken users. is even legal weed regulated, is that suspect too. >> i've been focusing on the thc content of weed and how it affects, it turns the pot plants, the bio accumulator, it comes parading into it.
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the lead and cadmium levels, goes up if you smoke pot a lot, very high risk. ficus, you had outbreaks, pot plants being in the soil and picking up fungus which gets to the human body. the toxicity, this is no free lunch. 17% of americans smoke pot regularly. they are not considering this issue. the epa is correct saying no amount of cadmium, lead, or fungus you get exposed to from a marijuana plant is safe. i think we have to take a special look at this. i don't think legalization of marijuana solves the problem. less people will use it illicitly. more people using it illicitly.
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stuart: is marijuana addictive? >> it is addictive too. you can parse words. what does addiction mean? it is habituating. if you smoke pot you will smoke more pot and mean more of it. it's an addiction. stuart: doctors are struggling with burnout from an overload. there's a study that says 83%, ai could eventually help them. >> >> one of those doctors afraid of ai. i've come around completely. if i am staring at a computer screen, ai will take that over for me. it will help me with note writing, help me with insurance approvals. guess what i get to do.
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face-to-face, i get to talk to you. i don't want ai recording conversations, ai will cut down greatly on paperwork, diagnoses but as a copilot, talking about standalone, large language models were pretending to have empathy. i'm talking about a copilot who does a lot of busy work for me and that helps me hone in on things. i am agreeing with 83% especially in rural areas where there are not big engines of medical centers. stuart: the ceo of nvidia says he can imagine products like ai agents that sit on a platform and personalize help for you. he's talking about what you can do with is that in the future, ai agent for you. that will be interesting. >> i love that idea.
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>> guess what. we are behind japan in this. stuart: doctor mark. mike huckabee on trump leading biden in georgia, north carolina polls. john tapper on restaurant owners, new california law are raised menu prices. why black, hispanic, and young voters are abandoning biden. the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
10:57 am
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