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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  February 22, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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stuart: even though i get the answer wrong on most occasions this is the segment of the show i like the best so which person had a middle initial didn't stand for any name. ulysses s grant, lyndon b. johnson, warren g harding, harry s truman, what are you got? ashley: a great question, don't have a clue. that said i will go with number 4, harry truman. stuart: lou? lou:i will go harry truman as well. we when i guarantee it is not lyndon johnson because that is lyndon baines johnson but i'm going with ulysses s grant. reveal please. harry s truman. he's got it right again. do you look it up? >> i don't look it up. it's not allowed. i don't. ashley is the one that gets it right. stuart: the us didn't stand for any name but was a compromise between the names of his grandfather, truman and solomon. out of time, coast-to-coast starts now.
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neil: we are focused on nvidia, the nasdaq. in the case of nvidia about hundred points, good for a 13% gain, lifting anything check with including all the magnificent seven, not all of them doing what they are doing but many putting a confirmation that ai is not just a passing fad. they are there making a ton of money on it and the hope seems to be they will continue doing so. it in the eye of the beholder whether this is actually the case anyway. susan is falling all of this including spillover for other tech names with the exception it seems of tesla. what have you got for us? susan: could be the biggest day in history for stock market creation. nvidia adding another $230 billion in value today which would be the equivalent of adding another walt disney or
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wells fargo to their value. that would eclipse meta's $200 billion day earlier this month. pretty incredible when you consider high expectations wall street already had. not only did nvidia triple sales last quarter to a record, now they are gunning for another $24 million in sales this quarter and that is a reason the company is worth more than google with more than amazon and the fourth largest company in the world. you heard nvidia's ceo talk about ai last night on the earnings call. >> reporter: generative ai has kicked off a new cycle for the next trillion dollars of infrastructure of ai generation factors. we believe these 2 trends will drive a doubling of the world's data center infrastructure in the next 5 years. and will represent an annual market opportunity to hundreds of billions. susan: hundreds of billions of dollars and that is why nvidia
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is driving stockmarkets the best day of the year, they are confirming the ai boom looks far from being over, the boom is ongoing and that is why you have ai chip names rallying in reaction but i counted 60 wall street brokerages raised their outlook on the stock. them expecting nvidia to jump another $100 from here and nvidia's founder and ceo adding another $8 billion to his own personal wealth. he is set to surpass charles koch and approaching the walmart waltons. over $60 billion and this is not bad for a guy who used to work at denny's, came up with the idea to start nvidia over a couple of bottomless coffee in the 1990s and this is what i call the american dream right there. lauren: thank you very much. i want to put this in
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perspective with today's heavy gains, this is a stock that essentially has been doubling every couple of months or so. if you had invested one thousand dollars in this just 5 years ago you would have with today's gains roughly $20,000, putting $1000 in five years ago, say you saw this great potential 10 years ago, 22,000% return bringing your holdings up to 160,000, that same thousand 20 years ago, worth that much money but you all did this so this is a moot point. my next guest did, david asman, luke lloyd with us as well. great to have you. we've covered over the years some real surge stories, stocks that capture people's attention, the magnitude of their potential lost in the earliest days, microsoft comes to mind, this is a horse of a different color.
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>> the trivia question, how many, the increases we've seen over the past couple years has a little bit of envy, they jump into buying this thing. it reminds me of peter drucker, the great old management consultant who wrote in the early 1990s in the wall street journal that the technology revolution wasn't so much about the tech itself but how it would be applied later on. he foresaw the social media companies on the rest of the stuff where the trillions of dollars of increase in value came in and that is what investors are looking for. not so much the technology itself but how eventually it will be applied in all areas of technology and just about everything we see and do as we live our lives.
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neil: to rich stock trading a hundred times earnings and a lot of up and coming tech names do that in the early days. you had the earnings and revenues to sort of give it streak read but is this more like some would call a melt up. do you worry the passion is exceeding the reality and the reality is great, don't want to take anything away from it but what do you think? >> i said this a lot. reality doesn't matter in regards to investing. it's the perception of reality. when it comes to nvidia, they are the arms dealer of everything regarding artificial intelligence, the only place you can go to get chips needed for productivity, 50% are projected to use ai solutions. we use it on our podcast which saves us hours of productivity which ultimately saves us money and that is every company out there. the thing that scares me most
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with artificial intelligence, nvidia being one of the biggest players, it will make the rich richer. it will make the wealthy wealthier. it's a good thing for stock owners. if you are an investor that's music to your ears because productivity in business means more dollars to the bottom line. those that on stocks in general, the whole market is getting a bump will do very well but the problem comes and what scares me is this is moving very quickly and it does replace jobs like we talk about a lot it will take away discretionary income from those in the middle class and the bottom spending the money. the only solution is a socialist scenario which is concerning. it's going to make the rich richer, stock owners richer but be bad for those on the bottom. neil: before i go to david luke, a lot of financial
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advisors tell customers you got to diversify but by sheer math here, if you hold a stock like nvidia or the magnificent seven, without doing anything, it has become a disproportionate waiting in your portfolio. maybe accounting for half or more of your market value or market approach. what do you tell those people who just keeping the stock, running up and away and disproportionately lack of portfolio in a good way but disproportionately? >> like we've been doing here, you got to start thinking about taking up the butt of profits on the web, doesn't mean you have to sell them all but taking, if it is on your overall portfolio, take it down to one. 75%, every time it goes up under points might make sense. having that plan trim and reallocate those dollars to
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areas you think will benefit from maybe not the arms dealer of artificial intelligence but the implementation of artificial intelligence like i talked to where the home market will benefit, those companies will become more efficient and more productive will benefit so reallocating those dollars elsewhere, like a century we been allocating to. other areas like putting into amd, it's not necessarily a bad thing to start trimming on the way up, reallocating dollars because our job, trying to make the most amount of money possible. it's about risk management. when stock like nvidia are flying so much, the risks to the downside, if anything goes wrong down the road, don't sell all of your nvidia but start somewhere. neil: we went through the internet boom and the promise of apple being not just a stock, technology stock but mutual fund of all things, human entertainment, i don't know what the next role for
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nvidia is, it has surpassed almost all expectations but the pressure is on that it can't come up with any disappointments if it has 1/4 where it only records 25 or $6 billion in revenue. that's the same thing that happened to apple and they weathered that just fine, in and out of all time highs. i still think 30% off 3% off of its old highs but you get my point the you can be priced for perfection? david: you are right. remember thes and outs of steve jobs when he left, the company went down in a big way. didn't just kind of slump a little, it went straight down like a stone in water but the other thing i wonder about, the whole ai, not just nvidia is whether or not it can deal with what we are facing now with not only social media but in terms of person-to-person contact and
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how important that is in our business lives. we saw that is a hangover from the pandemic where people were used to getting service that really went down in the dumps whether it was talking to somebody over the phone or dealing with somebody at a restaurant, people, people, people contact that ai cannot provide has to be fulfilled, to luke's point that might be where some of the unemployment the results from ai might be filled. americans in particular but people all over the world do require human contact for a lot of economic exchanges and that is something ai cannot provide. i wouldn't worry about the jobs. there will always be a role for people, things ai cannot replace. david: i heard one trader say take your profits and run because you might be losing your job and soon. that's a little extreme but it
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is great seeing you guys. we are following major market averages, the nasdaq at records now, the nasdaq less then one% away from that. could be a sort of patrick here, three market averages hitting records the same day, certainly not alien in this market we've seen. but it is something we are focusing on because we are not far from nasdaq. we are following other developments, technology gives and takes away. if you are trying to get on your smart phones or whatever, you might talk about the take away part, at&t and verizon and telecom. all indicate right now they were having some disruptions in the service, we don't know where that stands or what prompted the outage that has affected tens of thousands of customers across the country but let's get the latest on how to protect yourself from this. kurt knutson, the cyber guy,
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what do we know about this at this point? >> reporter: very little except it is still going on in some people say it has been resolved where they are and they might run into it again and you have new people surfacing saying i still have trouble, at&t, verizon, t-mobile, at&t just out with a statement, some of our customers are experiencing wireless service interruptions this morning. our network teams took immediate action and so far three quarters of our network has been restored, we are working as quickly as possible to restore service to the remaining customers. what i can tell you right now as we just, 6 minutes ago, still up at a hefty pace of people reporting outages on multiple services, some iphone users experienced cellular outage, reporting their phones are stuck in emergency sos node. this can happen when it can't reach wi-fi and cellular connections and some people
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having success by this with hard restarting their iphone after they do get cellular service restored. we don't know how significant this outage happened and if you are still experiencing an outage today or in the future you can turn on wi-fi calling to make and receive calls when connected to a wi-fi network like if you 're at home or at work to turn out on if you have an iphone. all you do is go to settings, cellular, wi-fi calling and turn on wi-fi calling, if you have an android, pretty universal, it varies a little bit depending on the maker of your phone. it settings, connections or calls and turn on wi-fi calling. also we've got reports at multiple 911 call centers around the country, people once they get their phone working or not sure their phone is working, they are calling 911 just to see if it is working and they are saying please don't do that.
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it's inundating true emergency calls, they can't handle the load. people trying to test their phones out. unless you have an emergency don't call 911. we've been in touch with at&t for global network operations center in new york working to restore the service. i don't know what has happened here. it's not the end of the story and i don't think the trouble is over with. we got our eye on it and i'm really curious to see what's going on here. another wake-up call, are we ready for an outage like this, we rely so heavily on our cellular phones no matter which one you have so initially, people start the band are like is this an attack, their 0 evidence this is any kind of cyberattack but it still rings the bell, if it were, am i ready, do i have the kind of protections at home or in my business to fend off for this. if i purchase that, beyond
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general liability insurance for your business if you purchased that sort of cyberattack insurance or data, data errors and omissions insurance. this isn't going away. this isn't a one off. this is something we are going to see a trend of. not necessarily outages but we are going to see outages caused by a variety of bad actors, mistakes and things of that nature. it's not something we have control over, it's something that's coming our way again and again. neil: you cautioned, we know stuff like this gives bad guys bad ideas. there cellular networks go down and are incapacitated and frantic and start wondering. thank you very much. >> good news about a cyber attack. once the cyber attack, this has nothing to do, this is not a cyber attack that we know of
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but if a cyber attack, when it comes our way, it is a one off. once they've done that, our people know who did it, how they did it and can't do it again through the same mechanism. that's the one bright spot of information warfare as it will target the us in the future. julie: very good point, thank you very much for that. we are focusing right now, the nasdaq is having a heckuva day, this is buoyed by develop instead nvidia, one thing i found interesting, fortunate reporting customer demand for nvidia chips that are all the rage right now behind all this ai activity is so far above supply that the ceo has had to discuss how fairly the company decides who can buy them. that's how good their business is. they can pick and choose their customers. stay with us, you are watching fox business.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. neil: you know that nvidia is the story of the day, stock is soaring 15%, corley revenue
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tripled from a year earlier. it is the sort of graphic chips backing get for artificial intelligence is that it. it's the king of the hill but as we learned through the internet and early kings of the hill, sometimes there are other kings that appear and others who get shoved to the side. many of you remember aol, there were other search engines, google one of them. we don't want to rain on that nvidia parade, just remind you these types of gains are sometimes market snapshots. one snap can be shot or they can propel a company even further. apple is a good example of that, microsoft is a very good example of that, amazon huge example of that. we are following that. meanwhile we are following a lack of progress on capitol hill regarding funding for ukraine, by extension israel. a number of democrats working with some republicans to try to bypass the speaker of the house and get the aid going but it is an uphill task.
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jennifer griffin has more. >> reporter: the gridlock in congress over ukraine funding is impacting the front lines in ukraine and having a deadly impact. ukraine's foreign minister says ukraine's soldiers could have held onto the strategic town if they'd had enough artillery and ammunition. heartbreaking images have been shared of ukrainian soldiers checking their phones for update on the funding debate in congress while taking russian incoming fire. ukrainian president vladimir zelenskyy told bret baer in an exclusive interview that the longer this takes, the longer that this takes for ukraine to get aid, the more lives will be lost, the more empowered plan reboot will be to advance on europe. >> help is crucial. without it, we will have more,
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if you don't have powerful artillery, with arms, you will lose capability. >> the house is out of session until february 28th. speaker 28. speaker mike johnson told reporters he would not take up the bill, the senate, 95. $3 billion foreign aid package it passed last week that funds taiwan, israel and us forces in the middle east that includes $60 billion in ukraine 8 along with $20 billion for the us to revamp its own weapons stockpiles. despite heavy losses on land, ukraine's special operators sunk a large russian amphibious assault ship in the black sea last week, ukraine has used these little see drones along with anti-ship cruise missiles to take out one third of putin's navy. expert say of the us is also learning from ukraine's
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tactics. >> a lot of flexibility, naval drones in ways that have been exceptional, not been seen in naval warfare. >> reporter: a bipartisan group of lawmakers led by republican congressman brian fitzpatrick of pennsylvania are urging their republican colleagues to back a modified version of the foreign aid bill that will also secure the southern border. the 66. $0.3 billion bipartisan package called defending borders, defending democracies act which is different from the senate bill would provide 47. $69 billion of only weapons for ukraine, no economic aid, and strong us border provisions including reinstatement of title 42 and remain in mexico provision. neil: thank you for all of that, jennifer griffin keeping track of all of these. general james jones, former commander of the marine corps,
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former national security adviser, served his country notably and bravely, good to have you back with us. you are very concerned about the stumbling nature of this but more to the fact that the west itself might not have done enough for enough consistently earlier. we are where we are, but where do you think this goes? >> is good to be with you and thank you for having me. we are at a critical juncture here with regard to the russia/ukraine war and it is very important, following the munich security conference, that we speak with a strong voice and supportive ukraine. some weapons systems have been slow in arriving. lack of a real criminal air force complicates the offensive
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capability ukraine as so the quicker we resolve that the better the chances are that ukraine will prevail in this war. adam: did it worry you, i know you don't like to play politics but the bigger worry for many in europe right now especially among nato nations is what donald trump has been saying about nations that don't put up the minimum 2% of their gdp toward defense, practically inviting larry putin to invade them. that has given them pause to think forget about ukraine. what he have far more onerous ideas down the road? >> the 2% issue of gdp goes back to the prague summit of 2022 before i even got to nato in 2,023. at that time there were 19 members of nato, all of them
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agreed to% of gdp would go towards national security and frankly over the years very few of them did that, but it was reaffirmed every nato ministerial -- you can't argue with the fact is that there are nations that have agreed to do this that have not put up the funds, on that score, i think we are those who have been short in delivering because this is a critical juncture as i said. neil: one thing putting pressure on them, that i get, but to invite russia to attack those countries that don't, or that don't keep up with that,
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he might have been just making a statement out of pressure but it did worry a lot of folks. >> it worried me and worries a lot of others who believe in nato, and a lot of times, supporting nato and proud of what nato has achieved, but i do think that inviting russia to go even beyond what it has done in ukraine was not a wise choice of words. stuart: thank you for your service to this country. >> my pleasure, thank you. neil: nvidia and its ceo making a lot of comments coming from in san juan who was tossing the by shattering customer sample two new artificial intelligence chips aimed at the china market.
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unlike his magnificent seven counterparts, he seems to be open to the china market dealing in china but it is all in how he goes about that. we are following this word by word the first day after the earnings announcement all estimates but he is saying he is open to all, the world is a big oyster after this.
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so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. neil: is is there think we will look back the day i got cracked, with the numbers we see out of nvidia, not imaginary numbers, real sales, real earnings, real opportunities and real customer expansions all over the world including china, this is something that is not a fleeting passing fad or internet boom moment. whether it lasts the same way or expands the same way as the internet boom that turned into a bust is anyone's guess but
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today, it has some street grid. charlie gasparino has more on that. charles: i am retiring from fox business because i invested in nvidia. i don't have to put up with this stuff ever again. full disclosure, i'm not an investor in nvidia. i can't be because i cover this stuff because there is an irrational exuberance to this company and the notion a i will change the world, everyone is talking about it, everyone was talking about the internet in 1998 and we were member what happened next, in 2000, the bottom fell out and that's why we don't have anymore. there's a little bit of frothy air in this ai stuff but if you listen to people like steve
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schwartzmann, ceo of blackstone out there spending money starting courses on ai education, it's the next new new thing. whether it happens or not who knows? and that is why you've got to be careful about chasing these stocks. this is classic momentum play. who knows what it will be like a year from now or a month from now or 6 months from now. look at that stock. that's why i can retire now. that's where we are with this. i would be really careful playing around here. does that was supposed to be the new new thing, but up a stock chart of tesla. people are starting to look at evs as not exactly something that the new new thing. be careful here chasing this stuff.
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i really wish i could retire. neil: which you would. i love you like my brother. the best of the business, i means that, great human being besides. so is larry glaser of mayflower advisors managing partner. i'm glad charlie was here to step back and take a look at this. i remember the internet boom. it did go bust. there were some survivors, not one of them but ebay and so many other big players that emerged bigger and stronger than ever, amazon and a few others grew exponentially bigger than it was back then but it can be a bumpy ride. what do you tell investors who might own these magnificent seven saying i am still home free. it's a bumpy ride. >> it is a bumpy ride and we should embrace technology, we
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should applaud this entrepreneurshipment innovation is alive, look at the country that supports this great next-generation, leaders change. my dad was in the business, you had xerox, that's all you needed, everything -- general electric. nifty, great company, great companies replace them. don't fall in love with your stocks, fall in love with the american investment platform, invest in the next generation but recognize leaders will always change. somebody will replace nvidia, trust me, they won't be the end. recognize chips are signal of the business. it is wonderful. we should clap our hands and support this. pulling the market average up, supporting the us and paying for a lot of people's retirement and that's a great thing. lauren: 1 else said. we are focusing on the nasdaq
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now getting close to the all-time record, watching it closely, also looking at interest rates because they had been backing up but it's been a tussle here, whether that represents a strong economy or whatever but we know on the mortgage rate front at least they are under 7% in the latest week for 30 year fixed. that would be helpful to the entire real estate sector. maybe you if you are looking to refinance. stay with us. ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content
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the best advice i ever got was to invest with vanguard for my retirement. the second best? stay healthy enough to enjoy it. so i started preparing physically and financially. then you came along and made every mile worth it. hi mom. at vanguard you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. helping you prepare for today's longer retirement. that's the value of ownership. adam: talk about residential real estate and some hope that with interest rates back under 7% that's the defining point
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where a lot of people come back and refinance or attempt to look for homes versus getting over 7% of they don't. corporate finance, that kind of stuff is a different game here. a lot of worries about that and what's happening on the business front. former obama fundraiser, ceo and founder, well schooled in all of this stuff. that's the difference when we look at a lot of corporate real estate, they are having a tough time filling those spaces and looking at higher interest rates, are you worried? >> especially retail and commercial will continue to have significant value loss, if you look at commercial possibilities they have got a double punch with interest rates and remote work. in new york city about half of
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the workforce occupying offices. that the devastating impact for commercial office building owners. we 20 you are pretty savvy investor in your own right, you see what's going on right now with nvidia and these magnificent 7 stocks in general disproportionately weighted, the higher they go and all the major market averages. i'm wondering on that aspect alone is this frosty or substance, you've been through bull and bear markets alike, what do you think? >> we been through interesting times in the country but it is technology that innovates and creating new values. you look at ai. it's a meaningful change and impact in terms of society, how we live and do business. our company uses ai extensively and much more efficient so there's a lot of value in these stocks and they will continue
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to run up because they will expand our customer base and the technology that makes this more efficient will be more widely used and in these types of stocks a lot of runway ahead of them. neil: let me ask about the civil effort to go after donald trump. easy to play politics with of that but i talked to a number of business leaders who don't like the signal that's being sent by this court and the state attorney general, where they can be fingered for doing things that are not, they thought, illegal, and will put a chill on business activity in new york state, so taxes and everything else, what do you think of all that? >> it's another indication that new york is not business friendly. this is obviously a unique situation. the legal system is being
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weapon eyes did for political purposes and throughout our nation's history it has happened before, the, the justice system was used against martin luther king jr. . the, the justice system can be weapon eyes and the legal system. no one else has been sued for what donald trump has been sued for with regards to financial statements. is only under, that they submitted to, said they would not have made a difference, and would want to do business with him again. if they were going to charge people for it they would be charging thousands of people in new york city alone and the reality is he's the only person who's been charged with this so i think it will be reversed on appeal and i think it is an unfair circumstance. for justice to prevail i have 2 -- has to be applied equally even when we don't like the person, not to say i don't like
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donald trump but for political purposes we can't use our system for that purpose. >> you are very helpful getting elected president, he's apparently concerned about his former vice president, he's quite alarmed. are you? >> yes. i think the democratic party should turn the page. president biden was to be a transitional president. i said it on your show that he would be president and kamala harris would be waiting in the wings learning to become president. i think she has disappointed a lot of people including me. i think the team in play now ought to step aside. i don't see how he can beat donald trump. all that is thrown at the former president has been thrown at him and he is still ahead in the polls, telling us
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all something, americans don't want this president, this administration and it's time to move on for the good of the country. jack: q very much. those comments carry considerable weight. we will be watching. thank you again. that is a growing view from the powers that be within the democratic party. that story on the internal revolt in the democratic party after this as nvidia races along and the nasdaq races faster. stay with us. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day.
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12:53 pm
>> 55%, 53% will not vote for donald trump so the question i have when i look at these polls, what does biden need to do, what can he do to capture the anti-trump vote, the non-trump vote? that's the way you need to look at these polls. to me it is about sort of what does biden need to do to prove to americans who are not ready to vote for trump, whether they should vote for president biden, stay home or vote for a third-party candidate? when i look at that i think there's a real opportunity for the president and a real threat
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to the president that he's not going to be able to consolidate the anti-trump vote. neil: our election desk, very good at this stuff. one of the things, he looks beyond the polls and the numbers, the entrenched vote for each candidate that will never vote for that candidate. if you look at the sort the president biden has, a certain poll of voters will never vote for biden and a certain pool of voters who will never vote for donald trump. what he was seizing on is donald trump has more to worry about because a far greater number of voters in a general election who won't vote for him. that could change but that's an opportunity for president biden and he isn't grasping it for the time being. the director of polling at the cato institute, i think i got the gist of that right, that passions on the negative side
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run much more strongly against donald trump than they do for president biden. the trick for president biden's to get those who are blasé about him to get less blasé about him. what do you think? >> this election is all about donald trump whether you are voting for biden or trump. if you ask biden voters are they voting for biden or are they voting against trump, they say they are voting against trump. asked trump voters are you voting for donald trump or are you voting against biden, they say they are voting for donald trump. this whole election has become centered on one individual. when we look at these polls, you have to filter it through this lens. this is an election about donald trump. neil: they are as those in the republican party who at this early stage like what he did in office and are ignoring the personal foibles and attacks etc. . that's a bigger issue in a general election and reason for him to worry or what would you say?
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>> if you dive deep into the polls you will find a majority of americans support the charges and indictments that have been brought against donald trump on a variety of issues, but despite that, he is leading in most of the polls. if you look at the key swing states like michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin, those are the ones to keep an eye on, trump is leading in most of those polls. you have a considerable number of voters who say i support bringing charges against trump for these things but are still going to vote for him. neil: it is amazing to me but it is still early, anything can happen at each has to work on their negatives and see what happens. i apologize for the shortened time here. you are looking at the nasdaq closing on record territory, dow and s&p, you've seen this, nvidia and these earnings that haven't stocked up my 15%, ai is readable, nothing artificial
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about this. we will see if it can last longer, after this.
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1:00 pm
neil: taking a look at the significance of today. i said this, this is the is the day i gain some street cred but a key player is making - sharing wealth and investors. we will see how long it lasts but it's a big story now. "the big money show"


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