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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  February 22, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm EST

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protein bar and protein powder, protein shake maker. and it makes premiere protein bars and powders. it's also the protein powder inside the power bars. so they have amazing distribution. 16 long-term growth, good valuations -- 16%. i know you've never heard of it -- charles: i know, but i eat protein bars. i've been lifting, i'm back in the gym. i'm going to check the label. [laughter] you always find these. i love it though. earp, thanks a lot. all right, folks, it's been a crazy day, a wild day, and it all began in the last hour of trading yesterday. the markets made a huge reversal. i think it has something to do with liz clay liz claman who's going to take you through the next hour. liz: oh, the pressure's on. charles: it's on. liz: 60 minutes left to trade, let's mark the exact move in nvidia shares. we've put it e on the lower bug
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at the bottom of the screen. the a.i. chip goliath right now is up 15%. at the moment it is pushing so much out there. the a.i. chip goliath has a really generated this beg guessing game all day long on wall street, and that guam will be answered in this final hour of trade. here's the question: can the mega market gains propelled by the prodigious earnings report hold or will profit takers swoop in between now and the closing bell? let's start with this point gain and this big pop on the nasdaq. right now the nasdaq's 443 points. if the tech-heavy index is the rocket, nvidia is absolutely the fuel. moderna gets an honorable mention. we'll get to that in just a couple of minutes. but right now with nvidia's 15% gain leading the way, the winners of the nasdaq are heavily populated with a.i. and chip-related names. nvidia rival advanced micro devices, semiconductors names
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marvell and broadcom, all powering higher. amd up 11%, marvell gaining 6.6%. arm, how about that, the chip designer, a 7% pop here. semi if equipment makers applied materials and kla moving higher. applied materials and kl a a, as they push forward, kla is seeing an all-time high. and check out electron electronic deseened software maker city knop if sis. that one also at a record thanks to a better than expected second quarter profit forecast. revenue and profit, its software helps design circuit-testing equipment, and the company says demand is absolutely off the charts. right now it's just off its intraday high but still up about a 7%. let's get to the blue chips, they are blasting higher right now. we've got the dow up 412 points. they only need to close up 185 points to mark a fresh record, so we're there for the if moment salesforce is grabbing the dow leader trophy for now.
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as a you take a look at the dow heat map, crm up 3.25 followed by visa, ibm, microsoft. two a.i.-related names. home depot's in there and american express. however, intel, if you go down to the bottom let's call it five losers, that's all there is on the dow 30 that are in the red, intel is actually the third worst performer down two-thirds of a percent. you know, it's the only chip name that's struggling this session even though microsoft says it will use intel's foundry e to churn out its future chip. so that's good news for intel. look, yes, the froth if is fun for the bulls right now. they continue to patrol ific in it even as fedheads wring their hands over the sticky inflation outlook. in fact, we are just minutes away from a speech by philly fed president patrick harker in delaware, but already treasury yields began heading north after federal reserve vice chair phil lip jefferson issued a warning during a q&a at the peterson institute. he said the fed needs to be
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cautious of easing too much on improving inflation and that he needs to see a, quote, body of economic evidence before green lighting an interest rate cut. so right now you can see the 2-year yield which most closely tracks the fed policymakers up 6 basis points to 4.722%. but, you know what? normally that would freak out the bulls, at least today the bulls are not scared off. the s&p only needs 47 points to hint a record, and right now it's gaining 103. should investors charge ahead, take part in this big race and reach for the semi-sky or think about staying grounded? let's get to the floor show, two perfect people to talk about this, morgan stanley senior vice president and financial adviser jim lacamp. morgan, by the way, has an overbought on nvidia with and a new price target of $795. right now we're at 779. and merrill and bank of america private wealth head of fixed income strategy, matthew desock.
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jim, investors are taught to talk some profits when they see this kind of moonshot move. what are you advising right now? >> yeah. i think back to 1996, and alan greenspan if gave that irrational exuberance speech. but the market went on for another three and a half years. and i think investors are make a mistake here by looking at a price move in a stock and making a judgment based solely on that price move. because what we've seen with nvidia and several of these other magnificent seven type stocks which is really now of the fab four than magnificent seven, but what they're seeing with these companies is that the cash flow has risen just as a fast as the stock price. so this is very much fundamentally driven as well as momentum driven, and the fundamentals haven't changed. when we look at nvidia, they were on the forefront of video games, cryptocurrency, car sensors, artificial intelligence, so they're in a
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lot of the hot growth areas of the market, and their revenues have really ramped. so, yeah, do i have a problem buying a stock that's a made this big of a move today? probably. but is in any if sort of a sell signal or any sort of a reason to call this overvalued? i really don't think so. and it's not just morgan stanley that raised their price target. almost every firm on wall street raised their price target because they're fighter on all sillen bearer thes. -- fighter on all cylinders. liz: that's right. let's bring matt into this conversation. math, i know that you're more of a fixed income guy -- matt -- but clearly this is a story that propels so much conversation and is lifting the whole market, you know, and it's not just -- and i think what jim 's correct about is this possibility that there are fundamentals behind it. look no further, have you guys seen smci, super microcomputer or? if this is a patrick lang outfit here, and this strong is
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going -- stock is going absolutely parabolic. but it had good substance to what was going on in its world too. so as you see it jump 33%, broaden the conversation to the halo effect. >> i know. and last year yields are high and all of a sudden i'm old news, and everyone wants to talk about equities again. jim did a very good job. he brought the itsal rational exuberance comment, bid '90s are the right parallel, we think. think back to that era, rates all the way as low as 3% which was the lowest in thehistory of the data series of the fed funds rate. you saw leading economic indicators collapse. you saw the yield curve collapse. you would have thought a recession was with coming, but the fed fine-tuned, hay pivoted, they cut three times over the next few months. they managed to push i off a recession, keep the recovery going, and, bity returns which had been 4-5%, were 25-30% per annum for the next flee to
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four -- three to four years after that. so we did go slightly overweight small caps earlier in the month taking a little bit out of fixed income and putting more in equities here. liz: as we look at, jim with, what a appears to be very bubblish s, nonetheless, bubbles can exist and expand much more, can they not? so how much more of a run do you see this a.i.-propelled drama going? >> well, i think you're going to see some more volatility, for sure, just because of the giant moves that they've made p. but if we simply just track the revenues, and it's not just nvidia. if you look at microsoft and meta and amazon, they've all got very strong earnings growth. 9 and the market can rotate. the problem is, is there isn't that income areas to row tate too. very few areas have the kind of revenue growth that we're seeing out of technology. yeah, i think we will see some rotation into the names like energy on the value side, but i don't think there's enough strength in the small caps, the
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mid caps or the rest of the value areas to justify buying at high multiples or with a market having made this big of a move. and i will say that i think we are going to see is more volatility, but from the bond market to the stock market because we have $6 trillion worth of treasuries to issue, and we're still trying to control inflation and print massive amounts of money all a at the same time. it doesn't work. unless they stop printing so much money, we're still going to have an inflation problem, and that will be a problem for the bond market. liz: matt, you're telling me the russell can't break out at some point? it kind of made a dramatic move here and there in january and december. >> we think small caps do have is have a runway. , and again, whenever you hear any clever names for a small basket of stocks, do you need a little bit of caution? absolutely. you should have some caution. but, again, going back to the mid '90s, the risk was not taking a little bit more equity risk. when there is a recovery well
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underway, a lot of times you see those large cap stocks lead, but then the rest of the market follows. and we do believe it's going to broaden out. rain joe hall, our small and mid cap analyst, feels the disconnect is quite large. at a some point, it's going to turn. again, we made a modest, slight overweight, but we do expect the market to broaden out, and we want clients to take advantage of that. liz: let's be clear, folks, the dow and s&p are at all-time records right now, holding on to even just a part of these gains will mean -- we'll see it at the closing bell, so you have to stay with us. jim, matt, great to have both of you. thank you very much. >> thank you. liz: can you hear me now? not if you're an at&t customer. thousands of outages reported on down detector early this morning prevented calls and and emergency services messages across the nation. we actually have a live picture of down detector right now, if we can pop that up there, it
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shows where the outage stands and, clearly, we are looking at the moment to see the big s-o-s sign on many different phones. we are going to get you the very latest on where these outages stand. award-winning tech journalist kurt knutsen next on what could be behind the outage and the fallout for not just at&t, but look at some of these other wireless providers who weren't even part of this, t-mobile and verizon getting dunked even though their services reported i up and running. at&t down 2.5%. verizon down 1.33, and it's the biggest laggard on the dow. we are coming back with so much more on "the claman countdown." nvidia holding on to a stunning 15.5% of gains radioright now. mug. ♪ only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice can help you prepare for today's longer retirement.
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businesses that grow grow with shopify.
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liz: fox business alert, national security council spokesman john kirby telling fox business' edward lawrence there is no reason to think that the a, the and, the outage that hit 70,000 wireless customers this morning was a cybersecurity incident. defense officials is have also confirmed to fox news there was no evidence it was any kind of attack as of now. finish kirby did confirm both the department of homeland security and the fbi are looking into the outage along with the fcc and the cyber watchdog agency cissa. the stock is falling on the entire sort of aftermath, down about 2.5% for at&t. but we say aftermath because, as of 2:50 p.m., 10 minutes before the top of this hour, only 3200 of the more than 70,000 outages reported on down detector still remain active. you can see that on the far right side of our live picture
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of down detector. at&t says it has restored wireless service fritsch all affected customers, and it sincerely apologizes. kurt the cyber guy, seasoned tech journalist, who's breaking it all down for us and also giving us tips for the next time something like this happens. what's your reporting until tel, kurt? >> hey, liz. con confirming what you said, got word from a spokesperson that their entire network has been restored although, you know, for some people it may not seem that way because some iphone users that did experience that cellular outage are also reporting that their phones are getting stuck in that emergency sos mode. so if you look at your phone and and the ill still says sos at the top, that means it's going to be sort of stuck there until you fix it. well, this happens when your phone can't reach wi-fi or cellular for an extended period. so some people have had success by hard restarting their iphone after that has happened.
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other people also are saying, oh, it's back, and they're calling 911 call centers just to see if their phone is working. well, that is causing all sorts of disruptions for people who have a genuine emergency. so that's not a good idea. and then we still don't know how this significant outage happened. i got word at about 3:40 a.m. eastern time this morning that it started, and and then it progressed up hike a hockey stick. and we were into the tens of thousands of people which means those are just the people being voc al about it. this is a big black eye for a, the and, the. you can only imagine that in new york at their global network operations center which is their underground, secure bunker that they handle disasters and big outages like this, that there was a lot of sweat on the eyebrows of people trying to get this worked out. you know, they did confirm to me
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because they recently, liz, had this business update called dynamic defense saying that small businesses, medium-sized wizs were -- businesses were going to be protected from now on. it was just two days ago. and i said, hey, any relation to that update on your network? they said completely not relevant to that. but what you can think of is we've ruled out the cyber attack. that would be one. so that sort of leaves another one of the obvious players which is a simple software update can cause all kinds of havoc like this. liz: right. >> we don't know that that's it, but it's likely to be something like that. liz: kurt, nobody if wants to lose their cell service is, but there are emergency situations. apple had unveiled that special service where even if your phone says sos, like many people's did this morning, you can still do that emergency satellite push. and, you know, is that something that continued to work?
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is your with reporting showing any of that? >> yeah, it did continue to work, and it actually is stuck on a lot of these phones. so cycle your phone. don't just power it off. you can power it off, power it back on, and if that sos is still there, then go ahead and hard reset that phone. and i'll show you how to do that at the web site, it's cyber guy. and in terms of being ready for something like this when it happens again because i don't say if, liz, it's when, so turn on that wi-fi calling or get familiar with how to do it on an iphone. it's settings, cellular, wi-fi if calling and you flip it on, and androids are very much the same except instead of saying wi-fi calling, it says connections or calls and then turn on wi-fi calling. again, step by step directions online for all this stuff. being parader, being resilient whether it's -- beared, being resilient whether it's an outage on things that that we heavily rely on or it's the doomsday attack that inevident write one
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day, we will have that pointed attack at us that really causes some massive disruption. makinginging yourself resilient is the answer, and that's by getting -- take security in your own hands. putting up that wall of your own, investigating and investing in proper defense such as anti-virus or software is the key. liz: kurt, great to have your expertise. thanks. >> good to see you. liz: great to see you. breaking news, here it comes. we warned you at the top of the hour, philadelphia federal reserve president patrick harker moments ago said we are in the final mile to get flakes to its -- inflation to its target which, of course, is 2. he does expect -- 2%. he does expect a rate cut this year, but the greatest risk would be implementing one too early. now, harker -- who is a non-voting member -- spoke at the university of delaware just, he's actually doing it right now, cautioning americans from looking for a rate cut right now. maybe we can put up some of
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these headlines here. and he said don't look this second or right away. the fed needs to see more evidence, this is precisely what the vice chair of the fed, jefferson, said earlier today. gotta see more evidence of measured progress on inflation and, there are, if we can just pop up the 2-year yield, because it is coming off the boil here. we've got the 2-year yield at the moment to 4.709 president. percent. earlier today it was at 4.72%. so at the moment we are just coming a little bit off that. it's the one that really tracks the federal reserve policy. so interest rates are still up but coming back down. we got a heads up yesterday, and there we go, 2 year -- 2-year still up about 5.2 basis points. we kid get a heads up yesterday from that huge drop in weekly mortgage originations week over week that home sales might fall as well, and now we know, we got them. existing home sales in january slid 1.7 year over year with as
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owners locked into low rates stay put. are you one of them? up next, fox business' real estate star katrina a that cam pence will reveal her secret on how to make home sweet home just a bit sweeter. and when you're finally ready, make the home tastier to potential buyers. home renovation giant home depot, folks, this is a 2-year high at this hour. rival lowe's right now is also up about 1%. and we've got home furnishing names wayfair and williams-sonoma charging higher, wayfair up 11%. we're coming right back with katrina and some important ideas. stay tuned. ♪ i've got to go. ok. bye. mom! (♪) -thanks mom. -yeah. (♪)
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liz: breaking news just hitting the tape, according to an sec filing, reddit has filed for an ipo. ticker symbol r-d-d-t. so it's a 4-letter ticker symbol, but it is not going to list on the nasdaq. the new york stock exchange gets the nod. okay, here we go. we understand that morgan stanley, goldman sachs, jpmorga- [laughter] it's a long list. bank with of america, citigroup are among the underwriters. i believe deutsche is thrown in there too. mierntion a lot of names here. mufg, citizens, piper sandler, raymond if james. this is a big one. loop capital's in there. this is, i guess the most recent expectation the was that it
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would be a $10 billion valuations, and it's going to be one of those very interesting i portions because reddit -- ipos because reddit is going to honor its most prolific people who use the platform, 75,000 of them will be offered an opportunity to buy shares. so it's not just going to go to, you know, the wall streeters and their top, top clients. so once again reddit has, indeed, filed for an ipo, ticker symbol r-d-d-t. investors, let's get to some individual stock names, pulling the plug on rivian, push share toss a record low after the company posted a wider than estimated loss in the fourth quarter and also drastically downgraded its annual production target. shares are falling 26% at the moment to $11.40. rivian says slowing demand will mean it's going to produce if just 57,000 vehicles this year which widely misses the street's forecast of 81,700. rivian also a says, you know what? we've got to cut staff. they're going to cut about 10%.
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same story, different ev maker, lucid group running on empty down 18.6% after q4 revenue missed, and they got swamped. there was a narrower than expected loss. the luxury ev maker said it expects to produce only 9,000 vehicles this year, just 10% of the 90,000 forecast when promised during the ipo nearly three years ago for lucid group. all right, here's a question, is google's a.i. tool rewriting history? if the alphabet-owned company announced it e has paused the use of a.i. image generator gemini after receiving criticism online that's going viral. social media users or said the tool was pollution historically in9 accurate images by -- inaccurate images by switching out famous icons and replacing them with people of other races. one example, it's on the front page of the new york post which i is right here. when you searched america's
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founding father george washington, this is the scene that you get. he is portrayed as a black man. google has apologized, said it's aware of the inaccuracies of all its a.i.-generated historical image depictions i including the one of the pope that shows the pope as a woman. a a h, okay, let's be accurate here, people, at least. hand crafted goods site etsy, it is unraveling by 8% after the e-commerce brand posted mixed fourth quarter results. it did beat on revenue but missed on earnings. etsy also forecast a slowdown in its current quarter. let's get to home sales. existing home sales. aka, used but nobody wants to say used homes. existing home sales -- [laughter] hit a 5-month high in january. that's month over month. but they gained year-over-year, actually, the resales fell 1.7%. what drove the 5-month high though? remember, in january mortgage rates dipped below 7%, inspiring
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buyers to dive back into the housing market. but with mortgages now back above that threshold, many americans are looking for ways to make their current home the dream home that they can't afford to outright buy. real estate rock star katrina camp pins is live in new york city at a home being renovated. katrina, teach us how homeowners can get a bigger return on their humble abode. >> thanks so much for having me, liz. you're exactly right. and i'm here with shane and sandy from fd squared renovation and design, and they're going to share how you can refresh your digs or your crib on a budget. tell us, what are the biggest remember are vegases -- >> the best thing you can do is improve a kitchen or a bathroom. what we did over here is we created an open concept. so people on that side of the room can communicate with this side, and we've got storage in the middle. and then the other thing you can do is change out the old countertops. they're granite or formica, you don't want to do that, you want to go with quartz.
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it's zero maintenance. you can, you know, spill wine on it, no problem. just wipe it right off. the other big thing that is really helpful is your floors. you switch out your floor for an engineered floor like this and forget about it. it changes the whole thing. it opens up the room, and if you don't want to go with wood, you can go with luxury e vinyl. a lot of people are into that. it's zero maintenance, it's, you know, something spills on it, you basically wipe it off and you're good to go. >> it's water-resistant, not waterproof. >> you can definitely get it wet, you know? and then there's other little things that you can do -- >> what are some do it yourself tips? >> diy things that can definitely increase the value of your home are painting, right? painting, people get scared of painting, but call a friend, paint the wall, refresh fresh the space. >> what color? right? >> white with a neutral undertone. we love dove white, chan lily lace -- chantilly lace.
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paint your space. next, while you're painting your space, if your homes has one of these switches, it's time to switch. >> time to switch to a dimmer. >> upgrade to a dimmer, a nice flat panel. when you're upgrading all your switches, make sure you change out the plates. >> and this is a big point because it has to match, right? that's a pet peeve of mine, when they don't match. >> and that brings me into the next thing, cohesiveness throughout the space. whether you're selling your home or keeping it, when people walk in, they're looking at what a your home looks like. make sure there's the cohesiveness on the dimmer plates and the plug, but change out the handles as well. if if you're going to do to do the chrome, do chrome as well. if you're doing matt black, make sure there's uniform through throughout. >> and, liz, again, as i mentioned, the biggest bang for your buck are the wood floors, the kitchen, the bathrooms. so if you're looking to stay in your home now and make it feel more like home or upgrade it or if you're looking to sell in the future, these are some great
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tips to revamp your space. liz: yeah. we're looking at some of the cost recovery on interior remodeling. and when you do the hardwood flooring and refinish, that is the biggest bang for your buck, katrina. that you get 147% return, so that's pretty darn good. add a conversion to a living room, okay. katrina, i'm all about a benjamin moore swiss coffee. that's what i did on all my walls. [laughter] >> you know what? that's a great color. anything that's white, you know, that has good undertones and just gives you a clean canvas so that you can decorate to your tastes, but keep it neutral. liz: but you can do the pop of color with a back splash. okay, now i'm -- >> for sure. liz: it's great to have you, katrina perform thank you so much. [laughter] >> thanks so much for having me, liz. liz: the fda is warning, this is important, that using smart watches to measure your blood glucose levels is not as reliable an indicator as those
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taken with devices that pierce the skin. that could be great news for one medical device maker. medtronic, it dominates the glucose-monitor thing market and could be good news for their shareholders too. we've got the ceo live next. and speaking of blood, they say blood is thicker than water. so much so that when casting agents were hunting for the right actor to play regular reggae star bob marley 's band leader in the new biopic pic, thaw went straight to barrett's son. they must have done something right. the movie hauled in $52 million over the long holiday weekend, double what was anticipated. thanks in part to the movie's breakout costar, aston barrett jr.. yes, the son of marley's bassist band leader right there there with his dad. how did he get cast to play his father when he never acted in his life in you have got to hears aston barrett jr.'s story. he's my guest on my brand new
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everyone talks to liz podcast episode. download it on amazon, apple, spotify, i harte radio, wherever you get your podcasts. folks, we've got the closing bell 24 minutes away, and nvidia just won't stop. that's why we've got it on the lower right of your screen, up10 points -- 110 points or 167.33 -- 16.33%. making new record highs. and same with the dow, up 435 points. that too is a record. ♪ don't worry about a thing -- ♪ 'cuz every little thing's gonna be all right. ♪ singing don't worry, about a thing -- ♪ 'cuz every little thing's gonna be all right ♪
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liz: i mentioned moderna at the top of the show because we said, oh, listen, it's the not all just a.i. companies and chip companies grabbing nvidia's tail. moderna is legit spiking right now, up nearly 15%. it's the second biggest gainer behind nvidia on the s&p 500 and on the nasdaq. the covid vaccine maker reported a surprise fourth quarter profit even though sale of its covid-19ing vaccine is declined from $5.1 billion down to -- pretty big decline -- $2.8 billion. but investors are expressing confidence in moderna's pipeline which includes an rsv vaccine and a combined covid-flu vaccine. moderna expecting approval if sometime during the first half of the year, the ceo calling 2023 a transformation ifal year as a it was for many pandemic e players. but this timest working in moderna's favor.
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medtronic also transitioning a portion of its business, announcing it's going to exit its unprofitable ventilator business. analysts called the restructuring a big positive. the company also a lifted its annual profit forecast. so let's bring in jeffrey martha, medtronics' chairman and ceo. we've got a lot to talk about, jeffrey, beginning first, let's just get this ventilator story out of the way. you're exiting that business. but you've got the biggest market share here, 42.5% of the market share for the ventilator business. why is it so important to leave that part of it? >> first, liz, it's good to see you and thanks for having me on the show. liz: sure. >> yeah, so it's a tough decision for us especially given our rich tradition in vent rights. ventilation and the role we plaid during the pandemic. but even prior to the pandemic, we started pruning our ventilation portfolio because the market had been shifting to a lower acuity setting, and that's really not our sweet spot. we're more in hospitals, higher acuity settings.
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that's where we add a unique -- the business became increasingly, the growth was going away and becoming increasingly unprofitable. and given some of the new standards the of care that were driving areas like atrial defibrillation, diabetes, we thought it'd be better to redirect that money, and we do think the market will absorb us exiting. liz: yeah. and we've got the pandemic so far in the rearview mirror, thankfully, although it still rears its head on occasion. post-pandemic there's some really good opportunities for head if tronic. and i think that -- medtronic. and i think that opportunity area involves the diabetes devices that you have, and we were just telling our viewers about how the fda is warning that the smart watches which test your glucose -- and i put that in air quotes -- because it's not necessarily clinically up to speed, and they're concerned that people may get false readings or not the appropriate readings. how does that help you guys at
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medtronic? >> well, first of all, i think wearables and things like that, they do play a role in more. maria: of the wellness space. but for diabetics that are insulin-dependent in particular like type 1-rbgss, that's not enough. even just wearing a clinical grade continuous glucose monitor by itself is not enough, and that's been proven clinically. if you actually want to manage the condition, our recommendation for type already diabetics -- type i diabetics would be an since e lin delivery e device, a sensor, preferly a continuous monitoring seven sensor and algorithms that connect the two and actually know how much insulin to deliver and when to pull back and when. and this is an area that's really driving a lot of growth for us. we grew double digits last quarter. really our secret sauce is that algorithm that connects that glucose monitor, that clinical grade glucose monitor with the insulin delivery device. we're actually to the point now,
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liz, where we're predicting people's eating habit,s, predicting their changes in gluten, sugar levels and microdosing ahead of that in order to keep them at a healthy glow cose range. and we're seeing phenomenal results as we roll this technology out around the world. liz: yeah. instead of just a one-size-fits-all injection. have you modeled for what effect your diabetes devices might sort of be with subject to with the glp1s, to semipicks and the wegovys of the world? if. >> yep. liz: actually tamping down some of the worst part pas of type ii diabetes and heart problems that i can't imagine that would be a positive for you guys. but how do you view that? if. >> well, for us we're -- like i said, we are more of insulin-dependent diabetic therapy company, so that's type 1-rbgss. that's more of a genetic issue, so the type ii is more the lifestyle that a you're talking about. and i do think the gop1s,
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ozempics, etc., there -- they're having a profound effect on patients' weight. i do think it's having impact on type ii diabetes but not the type i. we have not seen any impact. we're at double-digit growth last quarter, we haven't seen that level of growth for years, so we have not seep an effect there. liz: true. you also make heart devices and all a kinds of problems with heart and plaque in people's arteries. clearly, those types of drugs are helping improve those situations. >> sure is. yeah, but the majority of our, the large share of our revenue is coming from things that tend to be more age-related like heart valves wearing out. we have therapies that instead of open heart surgery we provide catheter solutions to replace heart valves and things of that nature. we've actually taken a step back, looked at all of our portfolio, cardiology, neuroscience, surgery and
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diabetes which we've already are talked about and looked at the epidemiology and the gop1s and different adoption rates, and we don't see other than one area in particular, we don't see any impact, short term or long term. the one area we are seeing an impact is bariatric surgery. and we are seeing a short-term negative if impact there. but even there we're seeing medium, long term the expectation that it gets back to growth. liz: welsh one area or that has never been impacted in the 75 years of business for medtronic is your dividend. folks, you've got to know this. >> right. liz: medtronic has raised its dividend 46 consecutive years in a a row. i believe your annual yield right now is at 3.2%. congratulations, jeffrey -- geoffrey. you've taken the helm, and you continue to do well. thank you so much. >> well, thanks for having me, liz. liz: massachusetts senator elizabeth warren pulling out all the a stops with democratic donors as she fends if off a gop
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challenge from a prominent figure in the crypto community. charlie gasparino is going to tell you who that person is and what are the odds. that's next. closing bell, 11 minutes away. dow is still in record territory, same with the s&p and, i've got to tell you, the nasdaq is super e close. nasdaq needs 470 -- sorry, 476 points to strike a new record pro. it's at 465 right now. ♪ if. ♪ ♪ dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go.
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>> democratic senator for messages, elizabeth warren, apparently according to reports, frantically rolling her daughter base company helper ward off a new gop challenger, for her sympathy and who has a worried charlie. >> 's name is johnny didn't pennies been on the show with you many times. and you some ava sorry in any race, to trust me. >> i know our animals. >> by the way as you point out in my producer has been doing amazing work on this and this is reporting the most part. she's been following this campaign and they'll she came to me and she said john this crypto
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attorney is a guy that's be calling the ripple for excuse me the srp holdings and he was essentially one of their top lawyers inviting that the sec sullivan ripple and xrt. she said that he is a chance, i do not believe it. all of a sudden she started to report about this is really interesting liz, elizabeth warren, one of the top senders the country. >> installments. >> sitting out of these e-mails out frantically looking to raise money calling him a mega gop here and you know that is backed up by wall street and is so over-the-top that is also so wrong. liz: is not mega. la.charlie: has not pennies essentially moderate as a republican ex- marine, centrist guy, not mega and basically cities are crazy but either biden or trump, any does not like most of the country now,
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always kind of like well he has their here's the other thing, and la look this up, her polling is starting to fade off. he might just have a chance and you know will obviously be raising a ton of money she try to do it right now and employing other senators to help her out to raise money so she's going to come out and with everything that she has and you have to ask yourself why she so afraid of john deaton who essentially is kind of a cult figure, coiled hero you guess i could say with a narrow portion of the population the polls xrt crypto you know what he just put out a popular blog, but she sees something in think she season is that the country is in many ways not far right now far left is over the middle, they don't like what's going out of work in the heat inflation and they do not like tons of spending, and you know, they do not like the far left and they hate focus on, hundreds of that she stands for,
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as you just might lose independence in that state. massachusetts, and that romney was the governor and charlie was the last republican governor recently. liz: bill was. charlie: will remember it can go back and forth and who knows when the sand is up and it will be very interesting is scott see before. remember that. speech of yes. charlie: yes republican this will be interesting estate there's a reason why she's freaking out because of the baldhead. and is guilty. liz: words marine charts and jobs. charlie: [laughter] liz: thank you charlie welcome back and adele is not only getting an all-time high, someplace record because we know that, but is also said to close above 39000 threshold, for the first time ever that we get that hundred 40 40000 where the first
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time ever okay will nevermind in the. [laughter] [laughter] i have so many baseball hats, down 20000 and down 20000 it doesn't become a us of any an all-time high okay it's up 105 points, but that has that, that rockstar the with these 457 points of gains, not a record in a needs goes up 476-point but right now from you can see trying has gotten close but so much of this scrolls run joining us now and jake in managing director and senior portfolio manager, getting 6.7 billion in assets under management, what i find interesting about you is to savor the moment, was not discussed nvidia but let's go starbucks wow, why starbucks. >> what was the case well one of the things that we've been talking about is expanding breath and the marking the market was her mama sure whether mega of seven will try to focus on monday for 493 starbucks
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attorney still basically trading of the exact same polls brought emergent typically trade is that about 25 percent premium to that, edits outside of the pandemic it is the cheapest is been about ten years and have a dividend yield going to the yield of more than 2 percent, but they been legendary dividend and grower dividends whereby nearly 20 percent per year over the last decade and so that's a great way to keep up with inflation is name is just been consistently grown same-store sales three - 4 percent per year and again getting back to the inflationary think, in the markets like this, the pricing power is the holy grail. >> they have a this quite heavy verse, we are cuing the fireworks, is that soon a sonic boom. record because is further down the s&p, nasdaq by thanks to nvidia, which is looking and looking just about everything and see you tomorrow.
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