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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  February 22, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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larry: well, i'll tell ya, migrant crime's bad enough, but the soros soft on crime prosecutors makes it even worse, if that's possible. and it is time for a change in america. and it is time to watch liz macdonald. elizabeth: no one does it better than you, larry. thank you so much. we're going to stay on what you've to been reporting on. let's join, bring in national
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border council president brandon judd, missouri if attorney general andrew bailey. gentlemen, let's get right at it. brandon,s first to you. president biden today getting major pushback from the far left of his party like aoc against a potential new executive order he could debut at his state of the union restricting asylum seekers. where do you come down on this, brandon? speaker johnson calls this a, quote, election year gimmick. finish. >> it is an election year gimmick. he's had three years to destroy our border, now he knows that it's hurting him in the polls, so he's going to come out with something. but, liz, let's be honest, i don't think that he's going to come out with something that he knows is going to be challenged -- that is not going to be challenged in court. i believe that he's going to allow it to be tied in the court systems and throw his hands in the air and say, see, i tried. that's what he's going to try to do because he can't go against his base. as many people disapprove of what he's doing on the border, there is still about 25-30% of
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that hard core base that approves of exactly what he's doing. he doesn't want to lose that base, so i don't think he's going to come out with anything that he can implement immediately. i think he's going to allow it to get tide up in the courts. elizabeth: so attorney general bailey, given what brandon judd just said, where do you come down? republican leaders led by senator john cornyn if says the president does not need an executive order. he already has this power in federal law, section 212f of the u.s. code, but the white house keeps blaming congress, you know? yeah, law would be better, yes, but he could take action too, no? >> yeah, absolutely. look, the laws exist on the books today, but every decision that biden has made since taking the oval office has been designed, intended to have a direct effect of opening our borders, catch and release policies, repeal of remain in hex if coe. on day one, biden signed an order saying he would not build any more border walls despite the fact that in 2006 he voted for the secure fence act.
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that's required states like missouri to sue biden multiple times to try to force him to secure national sovereignty. all that we're asking for is for the federal government to do their job. president trump used the same tools on the books to reduce illegal border crossings by 90%, but instead, missouri communities are less safe. 150 deaths from fentanyl -- 1500 deaths, 43 innocent children who have died from accidental fentanyl if exposure. additionally, we've had 1100 incidences of reported human trafficking moving through our state, so biden's crisis and chaos at the border has turned every state into a border state, and we're going to keep using the judicial system to fight back. elizabeth: you know, brandon, it's showing up in the polls. a new quinnipiac poll, the majority disapprove of the president on his border policies. we also have reports of thousands of illegal immigrants from countries with potential national security concerns crossing now into california, talking syria, russia, turkey,
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kazahkstan, pakistan and afghanistan. but, you know, the president has been saying the existential threat to the u.s. is climate change. what do you think? >> well, it's really frustrating to every single one of the border patrol if agents when we put on that uniform and go out and try to secure the border knowing that we're not going to have the president's supporting -- support, knowing that these individuals that are coming from countries that want to do us harm, china wants to do us harm. these middle eastern countries, they want to do us harm. we know they're our enemies, and he's releasing them into the united states. he could hold these people pending their asylum claims or deportation proceed beings, yet he leases them into the united states, and that's that magnet that continues to draw all these people across our borders illegally. he is inviting it to happen. elizabeth: you know where, let's watch a flashback. i'm listening and hearing loud and clear what brandon and you are saying, attorney general. watch this flashback from the white house press secretary
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downplaying the need for a presidential executive order saying, you know, basically the border's safe. then you're going to the hear from cnn political commentator paul begales saying, yeah, democrats need to wake up. watch this. >> no executive action no matter how aggressive can deliver the significant policy reforms and additional resources congress can provide that republicans have rejected. >> the democrats have been slow to come to the conclusion that we've got to have order. elizabeth: you know, attorney general, a gang of illegal imgarages have been targeting homes -- immigrants have been targeting homes for burglaries in places like phoenix, we're seeing issues coming out of philadelphia and on the west coast. you're talking home invasion robbery goings. -- gangs. plaguing the west coast and other cities. what do you think, sir? >> it's shameful. look, president biden's policies, again, they're exacerbating human misery at the southern border. they're not creating -- they're not helping the humanitarian crisis, they're creating a
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humanitarian crisis. and what about the due process rights of american citizens? why are we putting the rights of criminal aliens who are breaking the laws ahead of the rights of law-abiding citizens to possess their property and live in safety? again, this is putting america last and putting criminal aliens first. that's the biden policy, and it's shameful. it's a betrayal of our national sovereignty. we've got to hold him kit bl. i was proud to testify against secretary mayorkas. the senate needs to take action and and move that forward. elizabeth: got it. brandon judd, andrew bailey, attorney general, thank you so much for joining us tonight. it's good to see you. >> thank you, liz. liz: elizabeth this story. did you see this one? a county d.a. in arizona makes headlines nationwide giving new york democrats a wake-up call. this d.a. out of maricopa county in arizona refusing to hand over a murder suspect to man mat tan d.a -- manhattan d.a. alvin bragg, why? because of his weak on crime reputation. nate foy live in new york city with the story. >> reporter: hey, liz.
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attorney rachel mitch 'em said today she's not permanently denying extradition to new york but, rather, delaying it so her prosecutors can go first while the man is being held without bond for other attacks. police say he stabbed a woman at a mcdonald's. this was near phoenix on sunday. also stabbed another woman while trying to steal her car outside a starbucks. police say he told them about the new york city murder, manhattan d.a. alvin bragg wants to prosecute him for that now, but mitchell says she's observed bragg's treatment of violent criminals and how he initially leased several of the migrants charged in the times square attack on two nypd officers. >> i'm putting the victims first and making sure that he stays in custody. and, again, this is not casting aspersion on nypd. but with, you know, it was just a couple of weeks ago that some of the illegal immigrants that were in new york city who beat with up on police officers were let go.
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>> reporter: liz, the nypd says this surveillance picture shows the man wearing his victim 's leggings after murdering her at a hotel in downtown new york city. police say it appears that he bludgeoned her with an iron. d.a. bragg's office accuses mitch pell of, quote, plague pretty pal -- playing political games adding, quote, new york's murder rate is hess than half that of phoenix, arizona, because of the hard work of the nypd and all of our law enforcement partners. it is a slap in the face to them and to the victim in our case to refuse to allow us to seek justice and full accountability for a new yorker's death. the nypd says they're working with the fbi to see if he is connected to other crimes. send it back to you, liz. elizabeth: nate foy, does that mean he could be a serial killer? >> reporter: i can't say that at this point. he has been accused and arrested for stabbing two other people, and after he was brought into custody, he allegedly told police about a string of other
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crimes, but we don't know that those other crimes ended in death. elizabeth: sorry, nate, to hit you with that question. we appreciate you. thanks for bigging it up. great story, great reporting. >> reporter: thank you. elizabeth: let's welcome political ed editor guy guy benson. what do you make of this breaking news that new york judge engeron is rejecting former president trump's request to delay enforcement of the $355 million penalty in the new york civil fraud if case? the former president asked for a 30-day delay, now the judge is saying no. what do you think? >> raise your hand if you're surprise r surprised by this one. anyone? anyone at a at all? no. this is a judge where there's been a huge amount of mutual an mossty, i would say, between trump and this individual. he rendered this sort of eye-opening, onerous judgment that shocked a lot of people in the first place in that massive dollar amount. so an attempt by trump to push
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this down the line a little bit and tee things up for appeal, of course this guy's not going to try to do trump a single favor, make anything easier for him. it's the easiest prediction in the world to say no chance he agrees to this one, and he didn't. elizabeth: yeah. and, you know, guy, you've been really smart because now the former president's saying this is -- could be can a constitutional eighth amendment excessive fine violation. so we'll see this on appeal. let's get back to nate if foy's report. guy, you heard nate foy's report about the maricopa county d. a. in arizona saying, you know what? we're not going to release a murder suspect back to new york because, you know, the manhattan d.a., alvin bragg, can't be trusted to keep murdererrers in prison. should new yorkers thank this prosecutor because she's keeping them safe? >> i think that's definitely her argument. by the way, if i'm not mistaken, liz, i think this is the same prosecutor who is a sec crimes expert that the republican senators brought in during the kavanaugh confirmation process, and she was actually quite
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influential in that confirmation. so is interesting side note there historically. i'm pretty, like, 99% sure that's her, rachel mitt romney, is her name. and the -- rachel mitch mitchell, is her name. she's saying, look, i'm not casting aspersions, as we heard in the sound bite, i'm not saying this guy isn't innocent, she's saying i'm looking out for victims by keeping this man behind bars. and right now there seems to be an open question about whether criminals are actually treated as such in new york city by alvin bragg. actually to marry the two topics we've been discussing here, the only person it seems that alvin bragg wanted to go up the sort of food chain on in terms of felonies and not downgrade a crime, the only person we've seen potentially is donald trump. everyone else it seems like this d.a. is looking for excuses to downgrade crimes. and if given the dangerous nature of this man and what he's accuse caused of and what he's been convicted of, i don't blame the d.a. for saying he is safer
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behind bars for the public writ large here in arizona than in the hands of alvin bragg and whatever they might try to do in manhattan, new york. elizabeth: you're right. alvin bragg hit trump with 34 felonies, but he downgraded something like 60% of felonies last year to lesser or crimes. so critics have been saying they're acting like political activists, not prosecutors. so -- >> only. elizabeth: so that's what's at a stake here. that's what the issue is, right? >> right. downgrade, downgrade, downgrade forever for everyone on all sorts of crimes across manhattan, but let's find a brand new, novel way to upgrade this other thing about donald trump into now a felony. that is very much selective enforcement using this novel legal theory. i've been calling it a legal bank shot that even people on the left have said from day oning yeah, this looks pretty sketchy. and so it is a hard core
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ideological, partisan actor, almost play acting as a district attorney. and, unfortunately, the people of new york are absolutely less safe because of it, and that's the point i think the maricopa department a. is tying to make -- d.a. is trying to make here in a pointed way. elizabeth got it. guy benson, thanks for joining us tonight. >> thank you. elizabeth: we've got a hot show for you. we've got fox news contributor joe concha and radio host mark simone. the working class vote is at stake. as blue collar workers again speak out over the growing border crisis. we've got mounting concerns about the new biden 2024 strategy. social media criticizing scripted, teleprompted campaign videos heavily ed admitted coming -- edited coming out of president biden's office. also a more on a new poll, 7 out of 10 voters say the president is too old to serve a second term. and house impeachment managers say james biden repeatedly
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contradicted himself in yesterday's transcribed interview with impeachment managers. he was shown the receipt, and then he contradicted himself on the facts. president biden publicly admits, yes, for the first time he says,y, i am circumventing the supreme court with his nearly $140 billion student loan bailout. and looks like trump scores a union win. the teamsters make an historic donation to the rnc, the first time since 2004. plus we've got cybersecurity attorney leeza gasher coming up -- garber coming up, a growing 2024 concern. google suspends its artificial intelligence chat bot because its chat bot created false images of things like even america's founding fathers, even the pope. we've got more on that massive nationwide cell phone outage hitting three major carriers, rattling consumers. all this coming up on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪
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fast reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. elizabeth: okay, this major market story today. google, in an embarrassing setback, it's hit with a backlash. it's had to hit the pause if button on its artificial intelligence chat bot for creating false, fake pictures of people like even america's founding fathers. kelly o'grady live in new york
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with the details. kelly, what a story. >> reporter: liz, these images were wild. you even had george washington shown as a black man. gemini, what the chat bot is called, even returned a female pope. that's never going to happen. google is pumping the brakes, they are pausing this image generation software just a week and a half after launching it. they said they would, quote, release a new version soon. but before they halted it, we tested the product out ourselves, and we discovered it was really difficult to get gemini to generate an image of a day caucasian male. we also saw some is of those historical inaccuracies of black and female roman emperors. when we pressed gemini why they showed examples that it didn't exist, it apologized, agreed that diversity can't come at the expense of act rahs a city. we did notice before they made the decision to pause the algorithms was already starting to make changes and google told fox business, we're working to improve these depictions
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immediately. gemini's a.i. generation does generate a wide range of people, and that's generally a good thing because people around the world use it. but it is missing the mark here. so, liz, you think more broadly, google controls roughly 80% of the search market. it's it's ingrained in how we learn in school, how we find any information. any bias can have major consequences. elizabeth: exactly. kelly o'grady, always great reporting. let's bring in, she's got a lot of expertise, cybersecurity attorney leeza garber. when you hearder this story, what was your reaction? we have got senator tom cotton tweeting google deserves condemnation, that senators are taking note of this. next time google needs congressional help. elon musk says the woke mind virus is killing western civilization. a.i. is not real. it's a made up by humans. critics have said it's kind of like artificial flavoring. >> it's a major misstep, obviously, for google's gemini chat bot, but it's also a major stipstep for a.i. algorithms in
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general. we have every major big tech player trying to get into this market. there's trillions of dollars at stake, and right now this mistake has opened the floodgates to consumer mistrust which is obviously bad for with business. but at the same time, it's opened the floodgates to show that maybe these a.i. chat bots and a.i. algorithms are not quite ready for prime time, and it's not just the problem of creating and generating content like racially diverse or quotes, right? there's also problems of misinformation, disinformation, deep fakes, noncon intensing you yule pornography, buy yarks all of these issues at the heart of what creates a.i. which is humans. elizabeth: it's interesting this is coming as we're witnessing stock market history. artificial intelligence is changing the world. nvidia's now the fourth largest public company, it's about to overtake google's parent alphabet. it's beating wall street expectations in just about every metric. it's more than tripled its revenue growth, 265% revenue growth. but, you know, a.i. is also what
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this story is showing, it's indicative of the corporate culture, the people who create it, right? >> of course, liz. and really what these new dollar signs should show us is that a.i. is definitely at the forefront. every company wants in. again, trillions of dollars at stake, and nvidia was at the forefront to begin with. they were with chat gpt way before anybody else was, and they're developing all of these hot button products in the a.i. field, and they're only going to get more and more dollar share, market share as they proceed. but that's not to say that amazon, google and other start-ups will not come through too. elizabeth: right. >> the issue is there's no regulation. elizabeth: that's it. this is also affecting the national conversation. in an election year too. i mean, a.i., they're worried it's hitting the 2024 election. that's an issue. and also this, the conversation is being manipulated already. we see that in the media with. for example, democrats resurrect aring their old playbook about
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russian interference in the 2024 election, attacking trump saying without proof he could be a russian asset. watch this. >> -- the problem that we're encountering with some of my republican colleagues that there's a growing pro-putin faction -- >> yeah. >> -- in the republican party. and it's led by donald trump. >> it now a appears as if the house republican majority is being used by russia to interfere in the 2024 election. >> well, i think that all this doesn't really get to the core of the problem with the biden pa family which is even if all this is true, even if the russian intelligence agencies snuck snuck in some bad intel through this smirnoff guy, there's still lots of tax money that has to be accounted for. elizabeth: john yoo was talking about the biden family allegations of corruption, selling influence. but getting back to the pressure brought to bear on the more than voter, the american population -- the american
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voter, the american population are from a.i., from the conversation being manipulated. they want and deserve the truth. final word, leeza. >> we need authentication measures. social media hasn't figured it out. they're attempting to watermark content to show it's original and real, but the u.s. government hasn't even taken a step forward. we have all of these proposals at the state, federal, executive level, but nothing's come through. and this is not a new problem, liz. it goes back to 2020. we're still dealing with it. elizabeth: got it. leeza garber, thank you so much for joining us tonight. it's good to see you. >> thank you. elizabeth: coming up, congressman chip roy from house budget. president biden finally publicly admits, yes, he is circumventing the supreme court. he's doing an end run with his nearly $140 billion student loan bailout. also this, wor radio host mark simone, we're so excited he's here. black voters in chicago, they're outraged and angry. the state of illinois spending millions of dollars on illegal immigrants but not them. the governor is pledging millions of more dollars here.
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as the poor, the homeless and veterans go hungry on the streets of chicago and other cities nationwide. coming up on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ next. next.
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elizabeth: okay, minority voters and residents again angry, again outraged in chicago. they're blasting chicago leaders for increasing spending on illegal immigrants. the state is doing this too. this is at the expense of minority communities. garrett tenney live in chicago with the story. garrett. >> reporter: liz, there's a growing divide and disconnect in the land of lincoln over the migrant crisis between elected democrats and many of the black voters who helped put them into office, and it's largely over money. illinois lawmakers have already spent or committed to spend more than a billion dollars on migrants, and now they're proposing to spend at least another $300 million. and when some black chicagoans look around at their own
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neighborhoods and how much that money could do for them or, they are outraged, and and they're letting city leaders know. >> downtown has 3-4 illegal families on every block begging for work and selling kit kat bars after a billion dollars was spent on them. where is that money? where is the money for the south side and the west side communities? >> reporter: despite those kinds of sentiments, governor j.b. pretty kerr doubled down on the state's response to the crisis as he asked lawmakers to approve spending hundreds of millions dollar in fakes ier dollars. >> -- taxpayer dollars. >> listen, maybe some of you think we should just say this is not our problem and that we should let the migrant families starve or freeze to death. but that's not what decent midwesterners do. >> reporter: if the9 flow of migrants picks back up as expected when weather improves, chicago may not be as welcoming as migrants had hoped. mayor brandon johnson confirms the city is closing 4 of its 28
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shelters despite acknowledging there is no end in sight of buses coming from the border. liz? elizabeth: let's are bring in wor radio host mark simone. mark, this election is very much about blue collar workers and middle class voters. what a do you think of that story out of chicago? >> well, you know, for years you just heard about the border. once in a while you'd see that film of the people crossing. now it's everywhere. it's affecting new york, los angeles, all our a major cities. it is creating chaos, crime, huge drain on the budget everywhere in these cities. and the suburbanites are pretty much upset about this because they love coming into the city for all sorts of things. it's a major issue. it'll be the issue in the upcoming election. remember, trump won in 2016 over the border. this problem in 2020, the border problem was contained. couldn't use it as an issue. now it's bigger than ever -- elizabeth: yeah, that's a good point. >> -- put him over the top this time. elizabeth: the other news, mark, what do you think -- you know
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how trump and biden are fighting for the blue collar vote and the union vote. but, you know, the teamsters' union just made its first donation since 2004 to the rnc. $45,000. is this a victory for trump? is. >> it's a huge victory for trump. you have to remember biden for years has been getting away with this fake every man routine that he does, this blue collar joe act which is all just a charade. trump is the blue collar billionaire. he's always been called that. he spent his whole life in the construction business. as a kid, every summer working with blue collar workers every summer. in his whole adult business career, working with blue collar workers. he understands them, he relates to them, and their concerns are inflation, fuel prices all that stuff. on on the issue, he's their guy. elizabeth: yeah. >> personally, they relate to him. elizabeth: mark, you've been talking about how special counsel robert hur in his classified doc report about joe biden decided against charging the president with classified document crimes. he, quote, willfully retained classified documents.
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the special counsel said he's not competent to stand trial. he's, quote, an elderly man with a poor if memory, diminished faculties. we want your reaction to this. you're going to hear historian douglas brinkley saying he thinks the first lady is behind the president running. the white house has not responded to this. let's watch. go ahead, roll tape. >> she is the vital part. dr. jill biden is it. you know, if you go back to 1952, harry truman could have run, and he didn't. why? well, the korean war, and you know, other -- but bess wanted to go back to independence, you know? e didn't like it in washington. that's not the cases with jill biden. he likes power. she wants to stay. she wants some sense of revenge. elizabeth: she likes power, wants some sense of regime. show the new quinnipiac poll. 6 -- 64 say the president is mentally unfit for another term versus 41% of trump. what do you think of all of this? >> he's clearly unfit.
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and steve forbes pointed out they're calling jill biden mrs. wilson, referring to woodrow wilson when he was incapacitated and the wife had to run the country. everybody can -- it's clear -- would you let him drive you in a car? elizabeth that's a good question. >> the answer is, no. he's not fit for the job right now. elizabeth mark simone, love having you on. it's good to tee r see you. >> thanks. elizabeth: now, look who's back, congressman chip roy. it's great to have you back on again, sir. congressman, what do you make of president biden finally publicly admitting that, yes, he did purposefully circumvent the supreme court with his nearly $140 billion student loan bailout? >> well, i mean, i'm glad he's acknowledging the reality that we've all known, but yet who cares? he's still doing it, right in they're doing it on purpose. they're ignoring law which is the hallmark of this administration, ignoring the law, and in the process undermining the entire american, you know, experience. that's the truth, right? we've got wide open borders, he's ignoring the law.
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endangering american citizens, empowering cartels and china. he's ignoring the law on student loans. so, you know, my wife has been paying her student loans now for 25 years. she's still paying them off. why would anybody pay their student loans? why would anybody try to follow the law and do the right thing if you're going to come in and do this, and particularly if you're going to totally ignore the law? elizabeth: yeah. >> fact of the matter is, we don't have any more money. this is like javier malay -- [laughter] elizabeth: in argentina. i mean -- >> go ahead. elizabeth no, finish your thought. >> we're now spending more in interest than defense this year, and we're going to spend a trillion dollars more -- a trillion dollars for interest in 2026 according to the cbo. we don't have any more room in the inn. we've got to stop doing this. elizabeth got it. now, we would love to get your reaction to the president here, and you're going to also listen to this flashback sound from former speaker nancy pelosi in
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2021 saying he doesn't have the right to do this. watch this. >> tens of millions of people in debt were literally about to be canceled, their debts. but my maga republican friends in the congress, elected officials and special interests stepped in and sued us, and the supreme court blocked it. but that didn't stop maine i announced we're going to pursue alternative paths for student debt relief for as many borrowers as possible. that's the effort that's been underway the last two years. my dad used to say, joey, a paycheck is about more than -- a job is about more than a paycheck. it's about your dignity. it's about opportunity. it's about being able to look your kid in the eye and say, honey, it's going to be okay, you've got a chance. that's all we're doing. >> people think that the president of the united states has the power for debt forgiveness. he does not. elizabeth: you know, it's unclear if the president -- we don't know if he said the word kid iny, we don't know --
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kidney. but what happened in the two years since nancy pelosi said he doesn't have the power to do this? >> well, i'm going to throw you a curveball and tell you what happened is that republicans is have failed to check him. republicans have failed to stop the him. we continue to fund all of this tyranny. we continue to fund open boards, we continue to fund the lawlessness like this student loan bailout, we continue to fund the irs that's, you know, targeting the american people, funding the fbi that targeted -- [inaudible] in philadelphia. why are we doing that? this next week, right, republicans can pass a c.r. that funds government the rest reof the year. it would trigger the cap that we fought for last year. it would save $70 billion and cut the bureaucracy by 10%. but instead, republicans are busy negotiating with chuck schumer to fund biden's priorities. so why wouldn't with joe biden ignore if it? elizabeth: got it. >> why wouldn't he ignore the american people? if he's not being stopped by the republicans who ran on stopping him, or he's not going to listen
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to the court or republicans. elizabeth: congressman, thank you so much for joining us. it's good to see you. this story coming up, house impeachment managers say james biden repeatedly contradicted himself in his transcribe ised interview on capitol hill. if the president's brother changed his story about a deal hunter biden worked on with china after house lawmakers showed him the receipts, showed him the documents. congressman eric burleson of house oversight joins us next on "the evening edit." we want to check in with my if friends dagen and sean. what you got coming up next hour on "the bottom line." sean: we have woke a.i. and a democrat lawmaker proposing a $50 minimum wage. even crazier stories with steve moore, tom of -- top of the hour. dagen: matt palumbo on commander, the dog. he is sideline ared after biting incidents. it's not the dog that's the problem, it's the other than. the owner. doesn't he have to go?
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and then ron vitello on joe biden is mulling a plan to begin to fix the border? if executive action? no need. fix it, joe. will he? in an election year? top of the hour. ♪ and ♪ earning on my favorite soup. aaaaaah. got it. earning on that éclair. don't touch it, don't touch it yet. let me get the big one. nope. -this one? -nope. -this one? -yes. no. what? the big one. they're all the same size. wait! lemme get 'em all. i'm gonna get 'em all! earn big with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away.
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elizabeth: well, look who's with us, congressman eric burleson from house oversight. it's great to have you on, sir. can you help us out with this story? we've been tracking james biden and his testimony before your committee in the house impeachment. james biden contradicts himself, changes testimony. he first claimed he was not part of hunter biden's $5 million business deal with china's energy conglomerate cefc, but then did he admit he was after you guys showed him the document, showed him the repeats, show shed him his signature? >> yeah. he said that he had forgot that he had signed that document. you know, if he wasn't involved, then how did he know, as he claimed, that they were not involved with the chinese communist party, that this chinese energy company wasn't connected to the chinese communist party only to find out that hunter biden had at one point said that yi was the protege of president xi of
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china. so there's a lot of contradictory statements that have occurred. and at the end of the day, the facts contradict a lot of what james biden told us. elizabeth: you know, questions are still swirling over how the biden family got very rich selling, quote, joe biden brand. there's also questions swirling on whether the president personally profited. but then, you know, so james bind, is it true that he told lawmakers yesterday there is no loan documentation for the interest-free loans he got from joe biden? so the family's been using this narrative that there are loans swirling around. there's maybe tax implications from structuring payments like that. so, you know, at least $240,000 in checks that went to joe biden from family deals, but they keep saying these are loans. has he turned over loan documents, any of them, to you guys proving they were loans? >> no. and he claims there weren't any loan documents. he also claimed he didn't know which fund that the money originated from. so when he claimed that he
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received money from joe biden originally and those funds he was attempting to repay, he didn't know where he received the funds from because he had an rangement with the law firm -- arrangement with the law firm that had access to joe biden's personal accounts ask and business accounts. and i'm not sure even joe biden knew the money was being -- that money was flowing in and out of his business and personal bank accounts -- elizabeth: let me back up. >> and that, to me -- go ahead. elizabeth: finish your thought, go ahead. >> that, to me, is what sets up this entire narrative which is that at the end of the day, the money was flowing back and forth. there really was no line of demarcation between joe biden's expenses, his bank accounts and those of his brother and that of hunter. elizabeth: yeah. and they purpose preponderancefully set up multiple -- purposefully set up multiple off balance sheet shell companies that bury e the cash flow. that's according to what lawmakers have been telling us. house oversight, house judiciary, no irs records, no loan documents confirming the
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money that joe biden was getting that jim biden was saying were loan repayments. no documents supporting what they're saying? >> no, there's no documentation. and, you know, also james biden, the way in which he describes what he was providing to these foreign entities is really acting as a foreign agent. if he not only, you know, if you put all of the unethical issue aside of joe biden personally receiving financial benefit, if you set that aside, we still have the facts that jim biden, hunter biden were acting as foreign agents. they were unregistered, cleary. and -- clearly. and their excuse is that they were just bad at their job, that they ultimate wily never provided the -- ultimately never provided any outcome to, for example, the chinese energy company. elizabeth: you know what's really striking here, congressman? you bring up violating the foreign lobbying laws. they didn't register the as foreign agents when they were
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taking in money from kazahkstan, romania, china, russia. so this was happening at the same time that then-vice president biden was accusing general michael flynn of violating foreign lobbying laws when he talked to a foreign official. but this was going on at the same time. final word. >> yeah. and they send paul manafort to jail for it, for the exact same thing. so there's a lot of hi pock i have here -- hypocrisy here. and at the end of the day, the american people see right through this when joe biden's e personally benefiting and and his family's personally benefiting. it doesn't matter what you call it, at the end of the day, it's a pay for play scheme. elizabeth: got it. congressman, thanks for joining us. >> with thank you. elizabeth: okay. growing concern we're hearing from insider s in d.c., the biden 2024 strategy of increasingly deploying scripted, heavily-edited, teleprompted video messages from the president. we have another new quinnipiac p.o. the majority of voters
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believe the -- the majority of voters believe the president's too old. fox business' joe concha will break it down next on "the ending -- evening edit." if your child has diabetes, you'll want the most accurate cgm, dexcom g7. it's on. and, he's off. you can see his glucose numbers right on your phone, so you can always be there for him with dexcom g7. ♪ ♪ only at vanguard you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership.
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elizabeth: joining us now, a great writer and author joe concha. you are really smart. are we wrong, we're seeing
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in terms of trend spotting, is it -- does it look like that the white house is going to deal with concerns over the president's cognitive issues as spelled out by special counsel robert hur in the classified doc report, is f there more and more staging, tell prompted videos of the president. >> absolutely, this is a witness protection program presidency. at this point. let's put it this way, this president has not done a television interview with any news organization since october, that is 5 months ago. i can't remember the last time he did a full-blown solo press conference, he did 3 in 2023. donald trump did 35 his final year in office, if they think they could just get by with heavily edited
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videos and not putting this president out there without the aid of a teleprompter. the american people will see him go off again this weekend for another long weekend. a president that has taken more vacations than clark griswold at-this-point, this president says watch me, we're watching and not seeing much in terms of being out there and selling his message without being scripted or edited. >> cnn's abby phillips reported that former president barack obama and president trump held hundreds of press conferences by this point in their first term. this president did 85 or 86. let's look at this, i think you talked about this took you tweeted about this recent video that president put out with dozens of educated cut -- edited cuts, i think you are saying this is unusual. >> p power concept.
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>> while we're showing it. you will see the viewer will see cuts, cut aways and edited, you pointed this out. >> it is unusual. this a two-minute video, they have 29 jump cuts, president is on for 4 seconds before you see another anel that lasts for 2 or 3 minutes than this angle. i feel like john madden at-this-point describe tthere were 29 jump cuts in a two minute video, as a form producer, for a message like this, that lasts this short, maybe dow 6 or 7 cuts -- maybe you do 6 or 7 cuts, i said 28 in my tweet, someone said it was 29. it was, when you have to edit a two minute video where the president is reading off a teleprompter, that is a problem.
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elizabeth: a new quinnipiac poll, 7 out of 10 voters say that president is too old to serve a second term, 41% said that of president trump, 64% say that biden is not mentally fit, 51% say that of trump, but biden is still beats trump in the quinnipiac poll. >> this is so telling white house press secretary told us last week that president will take a physical exam soon but not a cognitive test. abc news had a worse poll out last week showing 9 in 10 americans were talking everyone, believes this president does not have mental ac acutety for the job now. he will not for a second term. when you consider that kamala harris is the alternative in this impossible scenario, maybe you do want joe biden in there at-this-point. elizabeth: is media more and
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more covering this issue now? >> they have to cover it at-this-point. because of the hur report and with the president, on a daily basis, but not with of hot tie that we saw with donald trump -- hostility that we saw with donald trump there is coverage but not as hostile as with the past president. elizabeth: joe concha, you are terrific: we'll stay on these issues, joe. we'll have joe back on soon, tomorrow we have an exciting show f for you, senator roger marshall, lee carter, liz peek. we'll stay on the headlines, breaking news, always trying to get a jam-packed news hour for you. i'm elizabeth macdonald, we appreciate you for watching the "evening edit" on fox business, now time for my buddies on "the bottom line." dagen: thank you, emac. elizabeth: sur


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