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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 23, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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knock at the tech rally and certainly not from an a.i. perspective. liz: are you looking at all the possibility that these markers are definitely cruising along, and the earning supported certainly dana but in the end, there could be an event some type of blocks wonder what is going on the world out there, they could start this. dana: you're absolutely right. i thank you so really interesting what is going on the market south and thank you so a you know kind of nvidia in the tire ecosystem run a.i. the different companies out there having massive explosion name and the growth in stock-price growth, the holdings the computer company's like that where they're all benefiting from this a.i. and i think see you gotcha and tina thank you and folks another record for the dow, and it looks like for the s&p.
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>> c1 hello folks are looking to cut loan i am larry kudlow and as usual, joe biden's new russian sanctions have no teeth and a real pain for russian. larry: the governor energy secretary rick. is going to help us weigh in on that john robertson is going to visit us and give some color on the south carolina memories is going to be the endgame for nikki haley, bluenose and joe biden, he said he has the best economy in the world really see more and norquest they may have something to say about that around three is going to tell us why god is endorsing donald trump and all right, there's the opening a know it's had to south carolina, variant john roberts coanchor of america reports and "fox news" is standing by. mr. john, you know is kind of us news but maybe has not us news, nikki haley is closing and she is never late well hello 35 - 25 democrats and how do you see it.
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john: will larry offenses news a better head back to my hotel room and go to sleep, because we think that it's exciting this a big primary, this the first big seven primary. and everybody's watching to see it nikki haley and close the gap in the final hours here and narrowing that you talked about, is it indicative of some sort of surges she's having mark is just a natural narrowing. well, that was a great ago there was worthy of pink floyd. [laughter] and if it is a narrowing, because were getting closer the primary or maybe she somehow pickup support. but for all into the purposes may look like she's what it was and was badly right tomorrow and we question is, if you lose your home state is a two-time popular governor, can you going to fight in the future because we cannot win in south carolina, where can you when in order to see in the court has you got when something enough get 2016, the primary
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season in it for all intensive purposes on may 3rd, when ted cruz dropped out. the crews and rubio, john casey had been in it for a long time. because they had each had one at least one sitting room you want to couple of casey one and crews want much so he's it is irrational to say the race to kaylee has not won a single race and it looks like a portable she's no way to win a single race and so i don't know how she makes the case keep going but she is going to. larry: well john, byron is russia's enforcement of washington examiner the president trump made a mistake and took potshots at it the husband of nikki haley and out a lot of south carolinians did not care for that very much i could to be reason why the polls have narrowed and plus plus plus plus, democrats probably going to come and vote something hard to do as long as it did not vote in their own primary which was truly us news and also boring. he read any of those
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speculations. >> all agree with you come the primary, it was in fact his news is hard to a couple of veterans today for them veterans of the vietnam war they do not like the fact that trump would have to when after making a needs assessment even one of them is when support from the just not cross line that he should not of done that the nikki haley had a bit of a faux pas earlier this week when she was asked about the other, ivf decision from the supreme court and she said that to her, embryos or babies pretty will now literally every republican in the country, running away from that decision and down and alabama the governor senator tim nelson state senator and out donald trump they have come out because trump just released a statement couple of minutes ago, saying that they fully support ivf the desire appears to be able to have children through science if they can't have children naturally so to kaylee assuming
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a bit away from the ground that particular point to try to clear did up yesterday but i think you're still bunch of controversy around that so the me sway some independence away from her and towards trump sue when is a good point in your right and i forgot that faux pas good point and she was by 3035-point john come i think she's going to have to pull out and if she loses by 20 or 25-point oh, i think she'll live towards super tuesday and then pull out and john roberts what you think of those hypotheses. john: leaving you know she won't admit this, but there are a lot of people who support her low political analyst to believe that she's running in contingency campaign and then this she's going to stay in it as long as you possibly can and as long as there is money to keep the campaign going and in the event, that one of these court cases donald trump is up against, it is been a conviction. and the voters you turn away from him, or maybe sentenced to jail time, who knows and that for some reason him he cannot
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continue to be the nominee. come i think the donald trump would continue to run for president even if he was - although that's a state prison on federal prison but, i thank you so she is playing this game for the strategy camp you will, but she is the last person standing or she goes into the convention with more delegates than anybody else, she would make the case to say the donald trump cannot be nobody i'm the next logical choice this only thing i can say. larry: well if inevitable like totally worst case in another been trying for trump and joe but if something like that happened john, the republican party will nominate someone at the convention in milwaukee other than nikki haley and that is my view on that. john: that's what a lot of people say, that this is a failed strategy. larry: that's right. steve: evening she goes in with the most number of delegates she
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still won't when you and enjoy south carolina's wonderful place. >> of course 11 here. larry: okay don't forget that you can catch john roberts as cohost smith on america reports every day, 1:00 p.m. eastern on "fox news" and now, several foxbusiness edward lawrence of the white house edward, you have some thoughts i know you covered the treasury for quite some time and i'm going to refund the inadequacy the sanctions but i'm to hear your thoughts before my thoughts. edward: yes and you know they did not mean the sanctions of our come they really have worked here and president joe biden announced the sanctions that these larger sanctions been living actually against russia since the invasion of the work in us who the to what he said about this here. biden: you cannot walk away no it is what putin is betting on, then we will walk away as well be speaking the g7 folks in some of the heads of the european union and nato today and that's
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why am announcing more than 500 new sanctions. [applause] [applause] edward: they have more than 4000 sanctions on russia none of them seem to have slowed down the invasion that is happened with this as part of the issue here please may not have teeth they want because the wealth effect outside of russia they want impact inside aggression only if aggressions going outside to the western countries and now, president joe biden also addressing the border in a meeting with governors kathy ho causing that there be a commonsense approach to the press legally, and feeling in the room there of exasperation and listen. >> the frustration level is very high the reseal governor in the room and it doesn't matter if your border state or aalborg streets now there's no question financial strain is definitely taking a toll on all of us and that is a very bipartisan message. edward: for the white house here's putting the blame now, the border congress.
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>> taking executive actions again taken why wait this long cement i think clearly we made decisions on that not going to get into policy discussions hypotheticals that we hear right now we very clear. but the focus here should be what happened in the senate, in a bipartisan way, the republicans have rejected. edward: i was asked way to three years now come to get other actions or executive actions to be working when asked person back and said that they have been many actions over the past three years but still under pressure from the president now at sources telling me is considering executive action to the border and about people crossing illegally come from getting asylum back to you suet edward timothy been speculating this talking about this people are attacking it, aoc is attacking you, the republicans and when is he going to get something done, finally down there. edward: i don't know the feeling
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about this is that from a number of folks that i talked to, this is a balloon of the senate to see how it would play the progressive party and aoc came out against it and we may hear something just before right at the state of the union address clearly order his major issue bolster is presented to people disproving the presidents handling border cement editor norms the best of this and think you know folks more on the sanctions of the non- sanctions. if anybody things all have crippling financial effect, caused some real wartime pain, please think again. and russia understands money, and oil. these are biden sanctions, just like the old ones, when i do any serious damage to the putin war machine and investigative report by the wall street journal. show us how mysterious rate of - was on this secret global trading network, is basically a lab russia to sell their oil
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places rather like china, turkey, india, south africa, herein and who knows where else pretty not only is a clandestine trading network made a mockery, by the so-called energy shake sanctions but is also mockery of the so-called 60-dollar a barrel of price captain the russian prickly himself surpassed $180 billion last year card that according to the international energy agency and is only slightly below prewar revenues in 2021, just slightly below now of course that biden would listen to truck, and drill baby drill, and the u.s. is reducing 50 million barrels a day, we should be, and oil prices closer to 40 and 80 then putin would've never had any money to finance his ukraine more but he does have money and he is producing somewhere between ten and 11 million barrels a day is about the same as prewar. meanwhile the biden's have never
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enforced what is called secondary sanctions, in other words, never saw third-party countries. like in trying our india or turkey where he ran, probably several others and never stopped them from doing business with russia. never pretty and, the biden administration has never fully sanctioned russia's big oil companies or russia's big x who landed to the oil companies. new were carves out all of the place, and finally, the findings a referee to the russian central bank reserve funds that are now part of them in the united states and the rest of them around the world, and i think united states five - 6 million of them and the rest of them in europe new room has like 280 billion these are retro russian change reserves present offshore for the last two years pretty right to secondary sanctions failure biden are afraid to seize these assets.
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in the assets are and what foreign exchange, currencies, gold, probably bonds. the bidens wanted take them the most regional editorial, yesterday pointed out, president george hw bush, sees iraqi central bank ss in the early 90s remember, some 50 billion iraqi funds, liquidated, they were paid out to cover the cost of saddam hussein's crazy invasion. the 2022, just a couple of years ago just about three and half million assets belonging to the afghanistan central bank and they were liquidated and use for relief. i was could use some or all of these russian central bank reserves as collateral for loans ukraine big chunk of the liquidated traveled over to finance ukraine and arkansas, they have been working on these plans for nearly two years. about senate and house committees, have approved this seizure, and use of the russian
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monetary reserves pretty some of those reserves could even be put into u.s. treasury used as collateral, for u.s. loans, to the ukraine. anyway, none of this is been done by the bidens, there sanctions in their anxious and emily and i working and it's not enforcing the sanctions any right, it is just like that, not enforcing that uranian changes in the bidens are always afraid of royal running the waters afraid of escalation and how abt that they are afraid anything about one from the could inflict some serious financial damage vladimir putin and wall street would call it, a putin put, that is go short because u.s. is being inflicted serious one is hearing punishment with disappointing happen and so this dreadful war is going to continue as my riff and now let's talk in joining us, we walked back to the shop governor doug brueggeman is great pleasure to see you when your friend rick perry former texas
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governor energy secretary. governor doug bergen thank you for coming back on the shelf perry thank you for cover bergen come the sanctions are known sanctions, they were they never enforcing carveouts makes and energy companies and you have as you are johnny traders running rings around the united states and the rest of it, we are afraid he is there central bank reserves which could really cripple them three and really dollars and will take this ukrainians of seriously. doug: you canon 4000 sanctioned before by the bidens that did not work and 500 more today. and this is like swiss cheese, they can sell right through this larry you're so right in your opening remarks, and china, the world's largest importer of oil, 10 million barrels a day. we have russia selling billions of dollars will. rick countries and to china china's replenishing their strategic petroleum reserve and the only thing that i can interpreters do writers try to
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have a two ways we try to look like he's acting tough he's afraid of getting gas prices to go up in the u.s. and he wants them low before the election just like he drained our strategic petroleum reserve before the midterms this would be try to manage the same time is also attacking u.s. energy like banning lng exports so it is almost like his energy policy was designed by russia self. larry: is like stupid to the tenth power that mean, you cannot well every single thing is a mistake of the compounds the mistake pretty you repair he, china's going a lot of russian oil so we know that india's going a lot of russian oil and so we know that as well so suppose joe biden got on the phone with she jing being the leader that i can remember said you know, if you do not stop buying russian oil, i'm going to triple the tariffs on all of your exports to the united states just mmm will take effect tomorrow under section 301 and remember somebody some of the unit both know did that kind of
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thing once upon a time but if is not in the white house now. rick: is very true and you know what she was cannot wait until leaseback i'm telling you, this is just really is rope a dope foreign policy what we see at a biden enemy when you think about he gets up and for the american people just say on the site, your monologue was put on is important for the american people to understand that and to know the details these sanctions sanctions historically, have only working about 20 percent of the time and unfortunately, because most people there putting the pension sections in place more interested in that legal message sends making the hard rather than making the hard decisions really making a hard impact be sanctions are what you need them to be very precise you need for them to be quick.
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swift really cut to the bone. this what donald trump did while he was the president of the united states. biden is just afraid that he is going to make somebody mad or frankly i don't know what drives his foreign-policy but is been week, and again i go back to the rope it out, he's over here trying to make the market people think that he is being tough the other side of it, there will he may not be winking at them, they know the sanctions are not really going to have an impact and if you want to hurt putin, open of those lng ports along the southern coast of america is inasmuch liquefied natural gas as you can europe. c1 governor doug bergen this talk about lng and repairing work on in the white house and i worked on that bunch of us worked on that. it is tragic in the middle of this ukrainian work biden you know, so many grandiose
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statements about. the fact remains a cutting off lng is the most stupid idea plays right into whose hands shall of the nurturing pipeline we were to stop that the student demonstration know you been in contact with president trump governor burnham you been campaigning for him. what is the president saying what you want the president to say former president about all of this because this is a fiasco this is making america look bad it seems to me. rick: you know is a commonsense guy and it just makes estimate that we should be selling energy to her friends and allies as opposed to letting our adversaries be the world suppliers. in a simple thing, change our economy and it changes our national security and the changes all of our relationships is not will certainly, lng, from the gulf coast into your his no-brainer otherwise they will keep buying it from russia. the other way unless i coming here in dc for the governor's national conference talking to the investor from japan.
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japan has a most no oil and gas with lg experts in the west coast, and if you could get a pipeline from the pocket, from the permian down in texas to the west coast, and by 20 years of elegy and stop buying from the middle east. so we have a global opportunity maybe a global responsibility his cell door allies to be unlike south korea the philippines like everyone in europe because we do not do that, were just going to let the other guys fill it up invited stand for prudence painting for his work with his oil sales and orion is finding the terrorism of their oil sales and rent invited letting the sages out around lifting in venezuela, the market, with our adversaries the adversaries making make like never have before. larry: okay rick perry, mr. program yes will china is financing come to wars against the united states among russian will buying uranian oil cases,
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the u.s., we should have sanctions on both in primary sanctions, no carveouts and they should have secondary sanctions, we could be the ships the midstream, enemy as - this traders run in circles around and i think that is pretty pathetic, and other point rick very before i lose you guys, and a rick, your big advocate of nuclear there's a good soaring the wall street journal, how canada is going nuclear. you know i never will the green who say they like renewables of never seem to like nuclear. here's another example of what the united states should be doing but is not doing it energy. rick: absolutely and down in south texas earlier in the month, free project on their some of the largest uranium reserves in north america or along the texas gulf coast. and again giving a message that we ought to be given incentives, to companies, to be able to develop the uranium right out
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with the percentage of them uranium that we rely upon, russia forbade it is a substantial percentage in the idea that three are waiting on the russians to make sure that we have uranium, this is a fools errand, so absolutely we need to be focus on small modular reactors we need to be given incentives and abilities incentives on renewables, have been focus upon how we develop a small modular reactor, and how we develop more fuel, we would be substantially further ahead because it is baseload works 24/7. mission free, and you're one of the folks who care about the environment pretty and i am one of but i'm not a radical. i realize that you can't do that intuitive essay walk away my small moderate reactors. larry: and doug, that's when y
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you. you and i were talking one of the great energy secretaries of all time, doug you have great record as a businessman governor and energy-rich state and if we seem mr. trump's energy secretary if he wins. doug: i think whether you know the president trump will pick the bait and a great cabinet when the time of his choosing comes and there's a lot of people who want to work and serve with him the most important thing for all of us right now is to get them elected. because it energy states like texas and north dakota, we cannot take another four years joe biden's policies and either can america in our economy cannot families cannot communities cannot print we've got when november c1 27 thank you, former governor and energy secondary rick perryman very dear friend deborah give you both terrific to come on the show i'm kudlow, will be right back to take a look at our economy is it really the best in the world work what.
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biden: is good we have the strongest enemy in the world this i hope her hyperbole nearly 50 million new jobs were created, hit record, the strong wages were strong rising faster than prices and inflation is down, more to do c1 will there he goes again, this is steve moore, prosperity w entered abc
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radio talkshow host more money and president of the americans for tax reform is going to give you out of this then will come back after the break as seymour this economy that welcomes joe biden got right. steve: well pretty much so in the meanwhile i think should be going a lot faster larry, but you know the fact is we have a great american companies and you saw what happened with the video, predominating the artificial intelligence area, just every companies like google and apple and amazon, dominated the internet age is so well yes but that's not follow the model of your work kicking in butts of china and japan, and europe, i love it c1 will you know come the question is, the gdp number seven good for the last year i great but, the government stimulus coming when into pay the piper and it's a big part of it and also, was he was talking about, you know, the nvidia goal
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leading to the a.i. revolution, they came from the private sector, that is private software investments grover and then hit biden did not have anything to do with it. >> will know, and all of biden proposals for the ones that a fast was that he threatens to put in they have made us grow slower and reduce the number of jobs and reduce the amount of investments and reduce the value of your 401k, and his participation in this economy has been to make it weaker about stronger and he has one chance for the republicans opening before him, re- upping and continuing they research and development tax credits, and full expensing, two radios from the trump republican tax-cut printed that the democrats in congress are making to continue invited, ran promising to abolish those pennies no going to sign them because he recognize the importance of the trump tax cuts come into this
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economy soon pretty soon marginal tax rates as seymour will there will be government shut down washington. steve: well i sure hope not i don't think that it works for the republicans early country. larry: they're going to have to fish or cut bait and there's 1 percent across-the-board god for domestic spending and shooting that be worth where the gop is. steve: that is where they should be. larry: 's and the more take a quick break here and bring the boys back and wanted talk about why biden is still hating chris people want to talk about why biden was raised taxes on your while the weather is constitutional not as jobs he keeps saying he created i cannot count them or find them anyway we will also talk about why god is endorsing donald trump, none of the raw freeze would have a seven i went a little bit controversial and i'm kudlow was a little bit controversial, weei will be right back and stick around.
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c1 morning coming over here we are about to see more governor, seymour wages probate rich people and successful people what is natural, biden i beg your pardon biden was a good economy, we just is not like the people to make it a good economy doesn't want to reward success in his numbers are probably wrong seymour right and so he wants to tax the wealth and success and get it. steve: absolutely by the way i want to clarify something, nothing joe biden is responsible for this economy i think that we have just great companies larry think we have incredible entrepreneurs and inventiveness and were found except in this great country of ours i think if you could get the government out of the way, and you can get donald trump back in which i things would heaven i think the economy will grow twice as fast so the private sector, that is leading this growth now fight not understand that he wants to attack the very people create
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jobs create these incredibly dynamic companies and he wants to regulate the internet now and is agencies and the federal trade commission they want to break up big tech even though they calf is magnificent companies, the cover have never have thinking in stock market itself understand why the people create the jobs in the 1 percent they pay almost half of the income tax larry any city nope enough see when we return less time talking about it with arthur, and kevin last night coming in the other thing, before we leave you guys immigrate, the thing is that the democrats just wanted tax on wealth they wanted tax on unrealized capitol gains tax on estates enemy they do not like wealth and the numbers are always wrong but there's something about it, the progressives he wealth and your wealth drives the economy. steve: progressives inviting
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this like enron interested in people who run their own lives, small businessmen and women, and people in the gay good economy, independent contractors, small businessmen or large businessmen because they cannot be told what to do and they cannot be bought in their independency, they demonize them and they attack them because first you have to attack someone and you can get the public to agree that we should tax them and the reason he wants to tax the rich city hasn't finished the sentence going to tax the rich, first avenue and the income taxes putting on people obey more than $10 million and no is about half of the country and they started by taxing the rich in the movie down to everybody else they started by demonizing the rich and cares because they cannot be but you cannot go to somebody like welfare neither self-employed summa the irony in this believe there, the irony is
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the democrats have become the party of the rich is the republicans the party the blue-collar working class is just ironic me i want everybody to get rich know the numbers to get rich and want to create as many billionaires as possible especially steve moore and grover and want to switch gears now talk about god endorsing donald trump e-mails refereed from the faith and freedom coalition is direct line to the good lord we also have kelly when he white journalist and senior fellow at the women's foreign rate charlie hurt washington times opinion editor fox news contributor and ralph, the reason you are so important i know you have a direct line to the lord he was have the trump give a speech, but to blow it out of the park to the national religious broadcasters, their international christian media convention and i noticed, the trump has the support of virtually every pastor in the state of south carolina. and so those like the good lord
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is looking nicely the trump campaign. >> i think that what you will see tomorrow south carolina, is very impressive performance by the resident among voters in faith self identified born-again evangelical christians made up 67 percent of the entire primary in 2016. i think they may exceed that tomorrow and today is winning 7. general election in 2020, 8180 think is higher than about cleaning it is really nothing complicated library in this anti-christian bigotry from the spare campaign accusing people of faith being christian nationalists, simply the policies pretty was most pro-life president in american
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history month process israel broke religious freedom is bennett enforcement of the johnson amendment which was put in by lyndon johnson the 50s to trace violence evangelical churches and if these folks as pastors were national larry, that peter so eloquently last night, redmond all of your viewers going watch that speak to read the transcript. there are no different than any of the voters driven by policy biases. no particular give this printed way that they have targeted parents, targeted roman catholics, and evangelicals not hungering for return to president trump leadership c1 i think kaylee is roughhouse the currently put it. larry: and known ralph and his views were so many years and you know, as it got battle against
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secularism and i guess those who hate religion of almost any kind and i think in that sense, trump is saying is that i'm going to believe in god, it's hard to know how this could not be a great country without belief and faith in god and blood of your choosing or doing anything are rallying to that during these times kitty light, please weigh in on this but this does president trump is garnering the kind of support right not all this is an important issue to me and i grew up as pastors daughter my faith is very important me. not name enough to know the trump some great spiritual leader personally, when databases despite his many feisty shows more understanding and respect for christians everything mess majority of the left seems to think that any expression of faith in the public squares fascism and indeed this is exactly that a speech last night, one of the points of company, was this comparison that you're talking
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about is a choice between the faith and secular the left and is not exaggerating when he explains the threats for christians are not facing in this country and its ralph touch on these are the same people relentlessly attacked christian baker in colorado to try to get into violate his convictions in the same people behind an fbi demo spring traditional catholics of potential domestic terrorist the same people would love to make it impossible for the christian to adopt because the place about and gender so this november is a christian there's no choice at all for me or if there is one is a very someone. larry: you charlie, declaration of independence and her rights are derived from a natural order from our creator an additional see her rights are derived from the democratically elected state court school board. so the rights come from god government supposed to work for
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us single concept the battle now simple concept has been joint royal battle charlie and i think the donald trump that's what he's got it so much support from the v evangelicals and other faith-based groups. charlie: you're right nobody misunderstands the whole concept of deriving the rights, more than modern mainstream press in america concept of it printed they assume that all of our rights come from the government elected leaders ralph cracked me from wrong about this but i think that you know throughout human history there's never been a greater force for religious liberty than the united states of america a lot of americans are looking around in our country today is he was going on in her country today and much of it is being done by looking
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political leaders predict when the party. trying to just try to destroy our religious liberties people will be donald trump in the cpi god is to forward is willing to ferociously fight and help protecting our country to country and the single greatest force that is ever protected religious liberty in the course of human history and so because of that and of course they are also they have an irreverent the old testament so they know the lord work through some very strange characters as a people you might not expect to be people to god work through. they're very comfortable with a guy like donald trump no matter how much he may or may not personally be this - pure snow too but i can tell you speaking
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personally, i like what god is done for me what i could never do for myself filling the likes anyway you want but i've never been bashed or bashful about my private life and its ups and downs and ralph, this also isabella gets this far left woke business. infiltrating every part of our lives is •-ellipsis trying to do. and i community, they see a champion and child under trump gets woke. >> i don't think there's any question about it whether you're talking about the rights of parents, to be involved in the education of the children, whether you're talking about the rights of the faith community to be involved in compassionate without being discriminated against and agencies talk about the first amendment rights, the believers, and you know this is all under assault and there is a reason larry, why it is the
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first amendment, hit is the reason why it was the first amendment, because those of us who understand freedom and liberty as our founders did, understand liberty is indivisible if you can restrict and harass and intimidate and silence people based on their faith, you can also infringe on other liberties as well including, in the economy in the marketplace. and you will not see a nation that respects religious faith that is socialist or communist and its economic policies. larry: yuri separated ralph think you charlie kurtz, katie mcgee white and quite a bit more time anyway to get quick break and on the other side them invest one to replace joe biden with avenues some pretty the governors are in washington is a gavin newsom week i don't know we were very own peter ducey filling some of the imported likes and faith-based, that's a good thing.
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>> okay, for governors in washington dc, the rumors california's governor newsom boxes white house correspondent peter ducey has all of the info peter, within you tell us cement
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will i don't know about you but basically everywhere i go, people are assume if one is a more of this limited be a video from earlier today. peter: white house and india's, gavin newsom there is newsroom but pmc and yourself said he just wants we invited to a second biden inauguration and the biden team is not very any contingencies provided to step aside. mothers are going to be biden inauguration of there's no pics of the border i know despite years of think of that border policy needed to be more humane than trumps, is reportedly considering some close to tr trumps. >> why would it even be considering out a board policy that is more similar to drop. >> will border policy are talking about the reporting the legal authorities biden is considering using power trumps muslim man in similar sweeping restrictions of the border not going to get into the common or an individual policy option this being speculated right now as i
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said before, decisions have been made sweet if there additional concerns about the increased use of cards even in private that was apparently play today's governors back together to talk immigration. >> representative again today directly to the president and i said that he asked for collaboration and i had a ten-point plan for him was first time that we have actually been in one room talking about it in the portugal names to scripted into prearranged income there's more that we can do and now is time to act seated we were told they had three dozen of them that there with a present even with the cameras around them are prescreened questions, just to question one from the left side one thing right side of the present is a rap larry seaman okay the very depressed when you mentioned trump i'm just saying love not sweetie they do not like it when we talk about trump
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♪ larry: i'll just say for my part, a god-based, faith-baded country, schools, families, parents, kids, or work, everyone, that would be a great, great if country. and now i'm going to turn it it over to my good friend liz macdonald who will carry the ball from there. elizabeth: that is america, what you just said. thank you so much.
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