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tv   Barrons Roundtable  FOX Business  February 24, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EST

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industrial average this upcoming monday. as of the only shakeup happening on wall street to keep the doubt relevant. cooper is set to drive jetblue out the doubt transportation average causing that stock to also jump that means investors that by indexes that mimic those indexes will be buying the stocks for the moves could have a big impact on investors in a new economy e-commerce dominate. we'll be following at all on mornings with marie at 69-amp eastern weekdays here on foxbusiness. i'll see you on sunday over on the fox news channel i got exclusive interviews on "sunday morning futures" with congress and jim jordan and james comer. former sector state mike pompeo saisenate candidate kari lake al join to meet live ascending on "sunday morning futures" on fox news channel 10:00 a.m. eastern without due for us here on foxbusiness for and have a great rest of the week and thank you so much for being with us, i will see you again next time. ♪ >> barron's roundtable sponsored by globa global exit etf's.
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♪ ♪ ♪ welcome to barron's roundtable we get behind the headlines and prepare you for the week ahead. i am jack out in for jack otter. coming up u.s. growth was strong in 2023 despite weak consumer sentiment and high inflation but my guest is warning dangerously slow growth is ahead unless the government gets out of the way. former world bank president david wpresidentdavid will expl. then, commodity, private equity wall street is costly pitching ways to dress up your portfolio. how about finding financial nudism? minimalist approach to investing. our expert panel will debate the merits of stripping down to the bare essentials writing actually. and later, how some online games are becoming a gateway to gambling including for teens.
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first we begin with our esteemed panel of three things investors ought to be thinking about right now on the barron's roundtable my colleagues out route, and her barry and o'brien. al, i want to start with the of the stock market we are back baby if i may call you baby rip roaring gains and moving in the right direction what do we need to know? oxides like it when you call me that records, records, records s and because of the record on thursday and on friday. early in the week we got fed minutes the fed is feeling more hawkish. nobody cares because wednesday nvidia earnings and other blowout quarter and a like what our colleague said the results look like a typo sales are growing. >> a good kind of typo project sales are growing 260% year-over-year. but at about 190 billion this week it was responsible for about 22% of the entire gain of the s&p 50 500 requested talked about this it was make or break for the market so we gotta make. do you think the stock is still
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attractive and more importantly last week you told us your trainer at the gym had bought shares of 10 bda he did know what it stood for deceased select the stocks? >> do i select the stock? i am still amazed it is not expensive it. when it started its run mate 2020 for court of the stock went up 25% the next day, it was trading at 60 times earn it now it's trading at 33 times earnings. that's what's happened to earning estimates put back in may people thought they'll make $6.50 a share of this year. now they are projecting closer to $24 a share. >> i respect your view but is the traitor bullish? >> is talking to the trainer after earnings i taught him this week how to get the premarket price on google because he was initially concerned the stock fell on wednesday. that would put it up it was 17% premarket trading is happy again. >> hopefully still bullish.
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andrew talked about the big credit card deal capitol one agreed to by discover $35 billion or thereabouts when you make of this? >> it would create the biggest credit card company in the country. but the chances of a deal happening are probably only about 50/50 at best because the biden administration antitrust regulators are going to go after the same with a vengeance. >> he say this deal could make the market more competitive, how is that? >> basically discover which is a target for capitol one, as a credit card and debit card participated also owns eight network basically can process transactions it's one of only four lung visa, mastercard comics where can express at the distant number four with capitol one it could become a bigger competitors that to the three biggies. we'll see. elizabeth stock index had a record high this past week for the first time since 1989. which was of course the ear of
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taylor swift in the fall of the berlin wall over there some optimism this rally might have legs t japan is finally shaking off decades long deflation. i'm not so sure though probably going to japan for the past 20 plus years. i've spent the same thing on lunch the whole time to get a good lunch back in the '90s you get a nice lunch for 800 yen or about $5 at today's rates. negative good lunch about 800 yen. there is still deflation japan slipped into a recession late last year. these consumers are not spending enough and wages are flat or even falling. i find it hard to get excited long-term about japan's economy. jack: compare and contrast india. >> it cannot be more different demographically indy is now the most populous country in the world. half for the population is under 30 japan nearly a third of the population is over 65. human capitol. it likes the country and an easy
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way to play out as though i we get more venture in india and iron works by some investors are worried about big government spending is u.s. growth slows. former world bank president will tell us what to expect over the next two years. that is next. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection.
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matching your job description. visit jack: it growth in the u.s. hel% annually in the fourth quarter. despite inflation, high rates, global tensions, my next guest says this news is not as good as it sounds on the surface. u.s. national debt has top
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$34 trillion third consumption is strong but business investment is weak. the federal reserve is projecting gdp to grow just 1.4% this year. 1.8% in 2025. joining me now former world bank president david malpass. your warning of dangerously slow growth for the economy see the next president could face a perfect storm, tell me about that. >> that his rights. the storm is growth not fast enough to raise people's living standards or to pay back the debt. you've got the energy problems that are mounting in the world. germany today i don't know if you saw but lowered their forecast for 2024 to only point to percent. so basically a really severe slowdown or recession going on in europe. africa and latin america are in deep trouble put it all stems back to the u.s. holding up its
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growth by simply borrowing money from everybody else to dump it into the economy. larry: what should the eight next to president do first bearing in mind it could take some cooperation from congress. >> it could. but you know the commander-in-chief has huge power to state the outlook for the u.s. but also for the worlds. the world waits with baited breath to hear what the u.s. is going to do in terms of economic policy, and energy policy that latest is cutting off lng exports that have driven the natural gas prices down in the u.s. it has gone down by 50% in just a since of january. so look at the natural gas price on january 15 it was like $3.30. and it is at 160 now falling by 50%. what that means is lots of jobs
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lost in the u.s. but for the rest of the world that meaitmeans a shortage of e. but it's really important to their gdp. the new president has to say we are going to create an environment in the world where thathe u.s. can grow fast. that is a top priority. let's going to allow us to project security for the world. that will comfort to everyone and allow them to begin investing again. jack: their predictions last year for a sharp slowdown and growth. the u.s. defied then why do you think that was? >> the u.s. spent a lot more than was expected. and also i think the model has change for the interest rate hikes. in the past when the fed raised interest rates that meant people felt the bite. but this time the government is borrowing so much itself that as the rates go up they are paying all of the upper income people
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around the u.s. and even outside the u.s. top dollar for all of this borrowed money. so, as the interest rates went up it caused a huge spewing of money into the economy plus the direct government spending. i think the projections did not work out for the u.s. but if we look outside the u.s. the slowdown was intense. just as bad as expected progress recently the wall street journal reagan use progrowth policies and peace through strength to succeed economically. were here in growing calls in the u.s. for more isolationist stance of producing any kind of a risk there? >> you have to balance it. i think isolationism is not the answer it is peace through strength reagan did that by having a strong economy and then by having a strong defense policy that showed the soviet union that communism was not going to be given this free ri
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ride. and that of course brought down communist that fell of its own way that was a giant relief for the world. we ended up with a peace dividend and so it was a good investment to have the usb strong because of that then stabilize the world. we can do that again. markets are forward-looking if they see the u.s. talking about defending the dollar, controlling the government spending so there is some money left over for the rest of the people in the u.s. and around the world that will allow interest rates to come down which would be positive and that means there can be more growth. right now we are looking at the prospect of some years of really stagnant growth. jack: got to leave it there, it david malpass thank you. >> thanks to jacko. >> commodities, real estate, private equity oh my. wall street pushes investors to diversify we will debate ways singles stock and bond could b
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>> wall street conventional unit things like real estate commodities and private equity. i say a portfolio of just two index funds for quality stocks and bonds is enough to be successful. i call this minimalist approach financial nudism. let's bring in our panel for their take. how you are covering. >> before proceeding are you still wearing pants? >> is just a metaphor i assure you. i would start commodities people say i need commodities as a hedge against inflation but i say commodities are just stuff and stocks represent businesses that turn stop into profits. an enemy in the habit at the s&p
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500 got oil producers, miners and more economies find perspectives even investors but i'd say you don't absolutely needed who disagrees? >> a good play for people to put some money in. as a hedge s&p 500 is only about 5% and commodities. writright now to tenth dominate index commodities or out a favorite right now i think a broad commodity indices are not a bad bet right now is that its oil stocks and other things like that progress i would add the ultimate stuff is gold if you want to have a physical allocation of gold you can buy gld spider gold trust just as long as you don't make it too big but that's a hedge for inflation and other commodity point. >> real estate investment trust there are in the s&p 500 plus every company an in their own se commercial property is presumably pretty get to property as investors have real estate exposure to their home ownership. i say you do not need it, who disagrees question. >> i agree to general thesis i
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would say when it comes they do provide dividends for investors and indexes yielding about 4% which is more than double the s&p 500. so could be good for income oriented investors like retirees pick arcs about junk bonds customer people buy junk bonds are taking near stock at risk for near stock returns rate listen to your heart and buy stocks like you want to that is what i say who disagrees with me on junk bonds? >> particularly that the deals are attractive are nice alternative or a complement to stocks at seven or 8% yield right now which is good, not great right now. also the things people should consider for tax-exempt benefits anmost operatively attractive right now versus treasury. >> i growth everything said but we are starting to get away from financial nudism into a little bit more active management it comes down to how much effort you want to make it very. >> how tactical you are the minimalist approach you don't need it but you could if you want to pray to have a private equity question guy do not see
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conclusive proof private equity beats stock and the fees are atrocious any takers there? >> i agree the fees are atrocious. what gets me is there often built as exclusive opportunities for sophisticated investors when in reality you're better off a lot of time skipping input. >> private equity might not buy it small and mid-cap companies with a lot of leverage bread grk by small and mid caps docs and mutual fund get similar exposure. without some the risk and fees. jack: there something i can see adding to your minimalist portfolio i think a small and mid-cap fund might be it. we hear about the top-heavy stock market. a big tech names even saying that for 10 years. it has been tremendous gains. i could say small-cap fund i can also see some developed a market, stock exposure if we do not want to be in the u.s. develop markets but emerging markets for me as a step too far.
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the pitch there is the economic growth is a great new look at the studies are so weak link between gdp and stock returns. you had a miraculous growth the stock returns stunk anyone want to take emerging markets? basically the major indices are gone nowhere for the past five years nor for the past 10 years. it's almost a 3% yield right now to me as an interesting diversion asset class right now. >> i agree for our sma per our f your portfolio. but the time the countries have emerged and will be too late when to get the on the upswing. >> what about the approach of index? >> warren buffett agrees with you. with the s&p 500 to the way to go to grad likely agreed th agru should say i agree with him. you state maybe pick individual stocks more of a fan of individual stocks? >> good blue-chip stocks and others are a nice complement to
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index funds pretty get enjoyment from owning individual stocks you may not get from index funds. >> nothing to say could have a minimalist portfolio do some stock picking on the side. it seems like i am the owner financial nudists at this table the lifestyles not for everyone. thank you all but we have since stocks, investors should flat-out avoid. alex joins a panel with the a warning on how online gaming could be a gateway to gambling. stay right there. the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day.
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cocoa let's bring in our baron's colleague alex, we know about the popularity of online video
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games. and online gambling. you say those worlds are now overlapping and children could be at risk. it's a subject of this week's barron's cover story. tell me about that. >> yes we have seen how quickly gambling has been embraced by sports leagues and media companies one area seemingly have been above the fray's video games. after all these companies cater to kids and teens, right? it turns out even gambling is making some serious inroads there as well. our investigation found 73 online gambling sites mostly based overseas that have direct ties into a game called counterstrike which is played by about a million people every day. what is happening as players take virtual items using in games and uploading them to the third party gambling sites, effectively using those items as a digital chips for. >> hold on i' and playing one of these games, i am a giant dork i'm wearing a batman cape i'm carrying an emerald a battle
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asked how to make it from back tthatto actual money being gamb? >> the maker of counterstrike actually provides a conduit or tpi that let's you upload your virtual items from a game onto the online gambling site and then it's just a matter of clicking a few buttons for essential virtual money even after you place your bets eventually cashe cash these chir items out for real cash or crypto currencies. >> i think the value of my digital items in a gamble it somewhere else. connected to the game part how popupaired howpopular is this ye of how many people are doing this and what has the response been? >> it's all happening in plain sight you don't have to look very far at all. you find it on message boards, on the gambling sites or even the big tech platforms from google, u2 and amazon. the thing is no one is talking about it. i have not responded to the messages, gambling site because it's looking into the issue of youtube told us the examples we
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sent them did not violate their terms. jack: will be watching the story closely, thank you alex. >> thanks jack frequent this is the part of the show were returned to my colleagues here for stock picks unfeeling crinkling and i went give us a stock pan for. >> intuitive machines, ticker lun are lunar. this is a case of i love this company i don't love the stock they just landed on the moon returning to u.s. to the moon for the first time in 50 years the stock is up 260% for the month it's up 30% for the week. it is great to make a quick buck you are as likely to buy high and sell low immune to sit this one out. for five elizabeth kuester. >> looking at linda technology. >> is that the car the doors go up okay go ahead too. >> exactly the very lotus had his first day of trading on nasdaq this past friday. it closed its merger. it is a maker of high-end ev the
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world is not any more luxury electric vehicles it means more reasonably priced electric vehicles the stock has been volatile i would proceed with caution progress don't you say it, when you have? >> avoid a microsoft word. >> how could you? what does the biggest deterrent apple could be a peak enthusiasm for microsoft, stocks are big in the last year training pretty richly over 30 times earnings and more than 10 times sales. >> we shall see. thank you very much for those ideas. to read more check out this week's edition@barron' do not forget to follow us on x at barron's online for that's all for us, see you next week on barron's roundtable.


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