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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  February 26, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EST

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maria: good monday morning, everybody. thanks for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is monday, february 26. time for the hot topic of the hour. hunter biden expected to testify this upcoming wednesday before the house oversight and judiciary committee on the biden family business deals, his former business partner testified on friday that then vice president joe biden was allegedly considering joining the board of the chinese communist party linked venture that his son created. i spoke with house oversight committee chairman james comer on sunday morning futures yesterday, he told me the family used the same structure over and over again. promising joe biden equity and a potential seat on the board from healthcare company americor to chinese company cefc. >> galanis, the individual we
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interviewed this past friday, what we learned was very similar to what tony bobulinski said, that he was familiar with the cefc deal. he knew that joe biden played an integral role in helping set this up, that this deal was set up when joe biden was vice president and that they believed -- the chinese believes joe biden would be an equity owner in this like what we saw with americor health. this is how the bidens sold the brand. they didn't just use joe biden as a crutch. they used joe biden as a potential board member, as a potential equity owner. that's how they were able to receive tens of millions of dollars from our enemies around the world. maria: so disturbing, liz peek. politico out with a very good piece on the americor deal that james biden set up and politico writes this. jim biden spoke of plans to give his brother equity in americor
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according to one former you americor executive and install him on the board according to a second source. he said that if if americor coud find a winning business model, his brother could promote the company in a future presidential campaign. in the final year of the administration joe's portfolio grew in an effort to cure cancer. >> this is a family of grifters. the american people are onto this. what's horrifying to me, is there a single democrat out there or a single left-leaning media organization that is willing to say, you know what, this really is not great. it does look like the president was selling influence. there really were tens of millions of dollars that flowed and the fact that they want to just ignore it, dismiss it, and claim that none of this happened is horrifying.
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tony bobulinski is a toe at that timely -- totally credible guy who came out before the 2020 election and made a lot of these claims. the fbi never got in touch with him, never followed up on any of this testimony. this is extraordinary and, look, it just goes to show that we need to take the top level of the fbi and basically fire them all. i hope donald trump does exactly that when he becomes president. maria: yeah, i think you're right. that is also something that is so bothersome to me, the fact that democrats on the committee are just playing politics with all of this. they won't just acknowledge what we all see in front of us and we should all agree that this is a national security threat. but instead, they're playing politics, talking about russia collusion 2.0. i mean, house judiciary chairman jim jordan told me yesterday on sunday morning futures he doesn't think the president's brother jim biden was necessarily square with us during last week's closed door
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interview. he suggested perjury. watch this. >> my take away from jim biden's interview is who are you going to believe, jim biden who multiple times changed the story, who had multiple business ventures that failed, jim biden who had multiple people he still owes hundreds of thousands of dollars to or tony bobulinski whose story has not changed, a successful business guy and said certain things that jim biden totally disagreed with. jim biden said hunter biden -- excuse me, joe biden never met with tony bob l bobulinski. tony bobulinski said it four four years. i don't think jim you biden was square with us through the interview. they're going through the transcript to find out what he said and where it disagrees to what we know to be you true. maria: that would be an issue if this is perjury. >> this is why this wednesday testimony of hunter biden will be so critical. what comer and jordan have done,
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they put together, worked closely together as they did on the interview yesterday morning on sunday morning futures to come up with the next leg. they're being very methodical and careful. gila nis, his testimony came frm prison. bobulinski has never changed his story. i wonder if joe biden if it's because he doesn't remember that he met with bobulinski. i know that's cruel to say. after what i've soon this year it's a fair question. of course jim biden is trying to be careful. knows he's in the spotlight now and he wands to make sure he doesn't, a a, lose money or b, o to jail. maria: what do you sunshine. think?>> when it comes to jim b, he's been at the helm of the biden crime family, biden influence peddling scheme for way longer than hunter was even involved. jim's been kind of taking the lead on that.
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remember the loan repayments? that was obviously one of the big issues we talked about recently but to cheryl and liz's points, we heard all this from tony bobulinski three, four years ago. then devin archer confirmed the same stuff. it's becoming more and more clear to he me that president biden's involvement in all of this stuff was even more substantial than i initially thought, than i think a lot of people initially thought. obviously, he was the brand in all of these deals. he offered political access to the united states and the fact that he was offered potentially an equity position, that's above and beyond right there there. maria: it is pretty disturbing for sure. we're just getting started this hour. we'll take a break. when we come back markets on the move ahead of a major week of retail earnings and economic data, we get the second read of fourth quarter gdp on wednesday, the pce out on thursday, the fed's preferred measure on inflation. we've got the word on wall
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this week we're focused on retail, we've got tjx, best buy, macy's reporting this week. do you expect a look into what the consumer is doing and will that inform you in terms of the macro story. >> yeah. i think it's really important as we see these several retail earnings this week that we try to figure out is -- number one, is the consumer strong but is this really the higher end consumer or is the lower end consumer staying strong as well. i'm more concerned about the lower end consumer. t.j. maxx is not necessarily a lower end consumer store by any means but it is a your off-price retailer that i think will give us a little bit of a clearer look as to whether or not consumers are kind of trading down, are they shopping for value, are they shopping for discounts. but we know overall, maria, that we've been in a kind of a goods recession for several quarters now, consumers are tending to spend more money on services right now than goods.
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so we'll see how those things kind of go but one of the main concerns i have is that the market's been pretty much on fire so far this year. i mean, it's up 6.7-ish percent or something like that year-to-date. february's p typically a weak month. it has not been weak this year by any means and election years are typically much more volatile than nonelection years. i think the average drawdown in an election year is like 16, 17% whereas in a regular year it's only 10 or 11. so look, i would i say if you're an investor and you see what the market has done so far, just make sure you're prepared to play a little bit of defense. you don't want to be caught flat-footed because things have been going great billion the market can draw down k quickly. maria: quincy, how do you see it as we look at the 10 year yield ahead of the inflation data, we should point out that the pce index could be a market mover. we'll get the second read of
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fourth quarter gdp on wednesday and we get the january pce index on thursday. your expectations and how do you want to allocate capital with the yield on the 10 year at 4.2% this morning. >> well, what's going to happen is when the retail numbers come out we'll get a sense of what the consumer is doing, along with as mark said the companies that are reporting. but that is going to move i think the 10 year. but above all else it will be the pce report, personal consumption, ex expenditures rt coming out on thursday morning. that is going to move the yield up or it's going to move the yiyield down and what the market wants is for the yield to come down. what the market also wants is a movement in the timetable for the fed to cut rates. right now there's even a question about may and most people now looking at june. what the market would love and we would see this market climbing higher, the yields would come down and that would lead to perhaps a better move
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for the may meeting for the fed. so it will be about the personal consumption, expenditure index, looking at the super core. the market wants to see that come down below 2.9, below 2.8. the deeper it goes below 2, that will be the market mover for the treasuries and equity market. maria: i think it's a great point, quincy. it's about what we hear from the pce. we spoke with jay hadfield who manages infrastructure capital and etfs, he's expecting a hotter than expected pce index. here's what he said about the upcoming data point. watch this. >> the fed only looks at really pce core. they don't adjust it. our estimate for pce core is really awful at the end of this month, over point five, it will go up year over year, we have 5500 target. we'll probably upgrade that target after the fed starts
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cutting so don't oversell this pce number. maria: so what happens if we get a pce that's up five tenths of a percent? >> you know, the market will sell off. it is not good for the market. the market is still hoping upon hope that the consumer price index and producer price index were one-offs and were somehow seasonally related. i tell you, there's another data released this week and it will be the institute for supply management manufacturing report which is extremely important because what we've seen there, maria, is that prices paid, prices received have been moving higher. and the market will pay attention to that. and that's one of the reasons the expectations are for a hotter pce report. the market is not going to be pleased with that, obviously what they want is to come down, the economy to cool off and that the fed will cut rates earlier
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than the market is now suggesting which is june. maria: we'll see about that. i mean, look, i spoke with howard lutnick on friday on maria bartiromo's wall street. he said of course jay powell's going to do whatever it takes to keep the guy in place who appointed him and who -- and that would be joe biden. so i don't know if that's the case. but look, you mentioned the election year, mark, and they could manipulate certain things so that inflation looks better toward the election, right? i mean, you know, they can make sure that there's oil on the market and do deals with saudi arabia to ensure that oil is flowing so keep oil prices lower and that's a key part of the cpi. i don't know. what do you think in terms of how the election year changes things? you mentioned it earlier that it's volatile. i'm wondering if all of these bad headlines elevated oil, elevated food, pce that could be
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hotter than expected, will they really materialize or will there be efforts to take things down going into the election? >> look, i mean, policy can certainly be used to try to influence the outcome of the election. but to everything that's just been talked about, i mean, inflation is actually beginning to reaccelerate. i mean, the beginning of the year there were expectations at least in the bond market of six to seven rate cuts by the fed. now it's down to 3.3 this year. so it's come way down. it seems like hikes are -- additional hikes are probably at this point off the table. i don't think we're going to see as many cuts. but maria, i think even more important than the fed potentially trying to influence the outcome of the election is the fact that a we've got $34 trillion of debt and i think it's 11 or 12 trillion of that debt has to be refinanced this year and next year at much higher interest rates.
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so if we want to minimize the amount of interest we are paying, it would behoove the fed to cut rates slightly so at least they're issuing fresh isss at slightly lower rates because interest payments are at the point where they're beginning to suffocate us. maria: i want to point out that i believe president trump put jay powell in the seat but howard lutnick said he believes that joe biden will reappoint him and that's why he thinks he will be good for joe biden but again, trump actually appointed jay powell, want to make sure to make that clear. quincy krosby, thank you for being here this morning. mark, you're with us all morning. we appreciate it. thank you so much. great word on wall street. quick break and then deadly consequences of biden's open border policy, i.c.e. confirming the murder of a 22-year-old georgia nursing student, allegedly killed by an illegal migrant who came through america through the wide open el paso
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border, was arrested in new york city but was let out. new york congresswoman claudia congresswoman claudiaten if anya ten any is here to discuss. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ voya ♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing across all your benefits and savings options. so you can feel confident in your financial choices. ♪ they really know how to put two and two together. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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mcdaniel will step down on march 8. we were expecting this. mcdaniel released this statement, quote, it has been the honor and privilege of my life to serve the republican national committee for seven years as chairwoman to grow our party. earlier this month i spoke with former president trump about ronna mcdaniel and the rnc's money issues. he suggested back then that ronna mcdaniel was on her way out. watch. the rnc doesn't seem to be so strong. i mean, the democrats have all the money. look at what we've seen. the democrats actually with the money and spending it. the rnc seeking credit lines. the rnc reported the lowest bank balance at the point in any year in 2016, comerica says michigan gop defaulting on a loan of half a million dollars. >> so i have a lot of money. and the money that they get people are not looking at the rnc. they want changes. i have nothing to do with the rnc. separate. maria: how is ronna mcdaniel doing.
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>> i think she did great when she ran michigan for me. i think she did okay initially in the rnc. i would say right now there will probably be some changes made. maria: and the changes are being made. joining me rights now is new york congresswoman claudia tenney, a member of the house ways and means committee. congresswoman, it's good to see you this morning. so much to talk about. is this change something that you believe will have an impact? >> yes, i do. as a founder of the election integrity caucus because of my odyssey in 2020 where i was winning by 28,422 votes, spent 100 days in court and found the election harvesting and irregularities of the pandemic election and the democrats were up to. that's why i formed the caucus. president trump is an honorary member. i worked with ronna mcdaniel. i don't know that it's necessarily her fault that the
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rnc have gone down with keeping track of election issues, including ballot harvesting, the infiltration of money to take advantage of swing states which are going to be critical to the election of our president trump this year. so i think it's good to see a change. we have excellent election lawyers out there and people paying attention. the donors of rnc need to know we need to put the kind of resources into these election integrity issues that the democrats are using to undermine our election integrity. so i think change at the top is going to be good. i you know ronna is -- i know her personally. she tried to do her best job. right now we're they in a new era of malicious prosecution, the attempts by the democrats to really undermine our election. they talk about democracy. it's all projection. they're undermining our democracy. the sacred right to vote every day and it's time that we get on top of this or we're not going to win this election no matter how bad joe biden is. maria: i'm glad you said this. this is really important.
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i asked trump all about this. i kept saying to him what are you doing to ensure a fair and free election in november. he had no answers. the rnc -- what has the rnc done, what are the governors doing? let me ask you since you've been talking about this committee in terms of integrity of elections. what specifically can you tell us that you and your colleagues have done to ensure a free and fair election in november? >> well, we've been meeting with election experts across the country for the last two years including great governors like governor desantis who has done an amazing job on election integrity, instituting the law, jeff landry has been a champion on these issues with us, working with america first policy institute and we've gone around the states and given the model legislation, how do you change this, how do you protect ourselves and how do we get boots on the ground. the reason that florida is now a red state is because of the women's republican groups that did a campaign called heels on the ground. they went around the country,
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around the state, and they registered voters and not only that, they made sure that our republican voters voted in the elections and made sure we had one citizen, one vote. we are doing a lot of problems in new york state, for example, that's a state that president trump's probably not going to win but we're fighting this with lawsuits. we won a next stage of election fighting off noncitizen voting. we're working on this all across the up country to make sure that illegal immigrants and people who are not citizens aren't registered to vote but also to make sure that we return to the sacred right to vote that every citizen realizes if we're going to be self governing we've got to nut our votes and we've got to cast our ballots and that's the mission president trump needs to lead if he wants to win this election and we've got to focus on the swing states, that's what this election is going to come down to. president trump only lost this election in 2020 by 42,000 votes in those swing states. that's all that made joe biden
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president, to he destroy our country on every level whether it's energy, whether it's our underperforming around the world, disastrous policy in afghanistan, and middle east, dealing with taiwan, you talked about so wonderfully this morning, all these issues. we could end that if we get our people, motivated and rnc can play a principal role. they were outnumbered 10 to one in spending on the vote ballot initiatives compared to the democrats so that's where we have to fight this battle. maria: i'm really glad to hear all of this from you, because we don't hear this a lot and it's really an important issue. by the way, you went through joe biden's term, that term is what gavin newsom's calling an extraordinary three years, by the way. and when you look at san francisco right now, you talk about illegals voting, you know that in san francisco they swore in a chinese citizen to be on
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the board of the san francisco federal elections commission. okay. so she can't vote in america. she's kelly wong. but she's on that board. she's going to be overseeing the elections in san francisco. unbelievable. >> it's incredible. i heard you -- i think you had gordon chang on earlier in your fantastic show that you always put out. look, this is critically important. china is undermining us. they're going to use tiktok, they're going to use every social media device, every tech device. we saw the at&t outage recently, all these things, china is going to do everything they can to undermine our election putin endorsed joe biden. we're going to take back the country and we are the only shield the narrow majority we have in the house of representatives, our ability to take back the presidency and hopefully the senate, that's the only shield we have to protect our country. when you're going downhill,
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every election becomes more critical than the one before. this is it. we've got to vote. we've got to prevent noncitizen voting, the infiltration of dangerous people into our country, whether causing harm to us or undermining the election system. maria: there have been deadly consequences due to joe biden's open border, that suspect accused of murdering a university of georgia nursing student has been confirmed be an illegal migrant from venezuela. he crossed into america illegally through el paso and the texas border, a place i've been many times. he came in 2022. he was then put on a bus to new york city, congresswoman. okay. he was arrested a year later in new york city. while working as an uber deliverly driver for child endangerment. that was the charge. when he was arrested in new york. and he was an uber driver. i.c.e. released him before a detainer could be issued. president biden has still not said a word on this horrific tragedy but he's going to new york city today.
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he's not going to deal with the migrant crisis in new york city which mayor adams is getting overwhelmed by but instead biden is going to new york to tape an interview with late night host seth meyers, congresswoman. so we'll see what he says on the late show, seth meyer's interview. >> maria, this is exactly the scenario that has been described to me by border agents and i.c.e. agents since i've been sounding the alarm on the border. it's the new york laws that causes the inability of the i.c.e. agents and border patrols to have detainers, a 48 hour detainer to hold them. new york law undermines the federal law. they require them to let them go under the cashless bail system. they a allow them to go because we are not able to hold migrants and the other critical thing, the green light law in new york prevents sharing of information from the department of motor vehicles and other agencies with i.c.e. and customs and border
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patrol. and with our local police. this is exactly what the 9/11 commission their findings were, this was described to me by border agents. look, we had a mission to have interoperability between our police, sharing information. new york reversed all of that in 2019 under governor cuomo. we cannot share that information. so when we retain somebody, we can't hold them and we can't find out the information about them. are they dangerous? do they have a criminal record? are they convicted pedophiles? we cannot get any of that information. all because of new york laws. kathy hochul can fix this with a stroke of a pen. maria: and we're learning more about how chinese organized crime, i want to say officials, organized crime leaders from the ccp are building drug trafficking empires in the united states, congresswoman. we're going to keep a spotlight on this. we'll have more information on what's going on but already one man was arrested in maine
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dealing with this. but obviously the wide open border has had many, many impacts across our country, congresswoman, thank you. we'll be watching your work for sure. claudia tenney joining us this morning in new york. we'll be right back. awkward question... is there going to be anything... -left over? -yeah. oh, absolutely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower. what's next.
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maria: welcome back. well, an air force soldier sets himself on fire outside the israeli consul late in washington, d.c., cheryl casone with all the details. >> we're looking for more details on the status of this service member, but yes, a u.s. service member set himself on fire outside the u.s. israeli embassy in d.c. fire officials responding after the active duty air force member committed the act sunday afternoon. the airman was taken to the hospital with life threatening injuries. witnesseses say he was yelling free palestine as he was
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burning. well, we've got a developing story we're following out of the caribbean. a virginia couple is feared dead after three men stole their docked yacht from a caribbean marina in in grenada. the family of ralph henry and his wife kathy is urging the public to leave the search for the experts. the boat was found ransacked with evidence of a, quote, violent act on board. the three suspects were located near another caribbean island wednesday. still no sign on the couple unfortunately. we'll give you more details if we get them. well, back here in the u.s., a group of teens stealing nine luxury cars from a wisconsin car dealership in a heist worth more than $500,000. the teens are believed to be part of a chicago a area organized crime ring.
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they broke into a range rover dealership last week. surveillance video captured the entire thing police say the kids were flat 0:brazen in this crime. another one bites the dust. sylvester stallone is apparently leaving california, being welcomed with open arms to florida. the action hero known for his he famous roles and rocky and rambo, he announced the news on the show the family stallone. florida governor ron desantis and wife casey welcomed rocky on x with a big welcome to florida message. shocker. california to florida. who knew. maria: we keep seeing more and more of it. yep. and this is a high profile one. cheryl, thank you. >> you bet. maria: the supreme court hearing a arguments today in two landmark cases, they are expected to have a major impact on free speech and the internet. the cases involve states' power
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to hold social media plat forms liable for political censorship and focus on florida and texas laws aimed at astressing content moderation and alleged bias against conservatives. net choice is the lead plaintiff in both case, challenging the florida and texas law. net choice argues the law infringes on the platform's first impeachment rights. joining us now is the vice president and general counsel, carl zavow. break down the cases and tell us about the i'll pact the decisions will have. >> what we're literally seeing is what will determine who controls the internet, will it be the american people or will it be the government? and what we have seen out of the states of florida and texas is an effort to force websites and individuals to be subjected to content that had they don't want to see, whether it's terrorist
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recruitment, child recruitment or other vile content. that is a violation of the first amendment, it's compelled speech. conservatives aren't killing it on social media. we've seen the conversion of twitter to x, ted cruz have more followers than the rest of the democrats, but handing power over to the government would be weaponized by the biden administration and a, the states of california and new york to censor conservatives. the last thing we want to do is have the government control the internet. net choice is fighting to make sure tfirst amendment and the an people control it. maria: we know what happened during the covid pandemic when government was working with twitter and other social media companies to censor information and we know that during the russia collusion lie same thing, they worked with twitter and social media to stomp out
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anybody who said it was not true, the russia collusion story, and during covid we weren't allowed to know half the stuff we know now about the vaccines. why? because the government had 1,000 people in different agent you agenciesworking with twitter tor americans' information so they're doing it now. >> yeah, i completely agree. that upsets us. that's why at net choice we support things like chairman jordan's protecting free speech from government interference act which makes it clear it's illegal and most importantly if net choice loses this case, that means the government can control the internet and the biden administration will further pressure, harass and jaw bone social media platforms into carrying the content that biden wants, not what the american people want. so that's why whether left, right or center we must force, protect and he defend the first amendment from government takeover. while it may be republicans in texas and a florida that we like, it's democrats in california and new york and the white house that we don't like.
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so we need to make sure that these businesses are protected from any government control. maria: so the journal is out with an op-ed this morning, that's called big tech censorship goes to the supreme court. the editorial board writes this, the overriding problems is they that extending common carrier regulation to social media platforms invites more government control of speech. so do florida and texas want federal trade commission chair dictating what can and can't be said online, carl, i think this is the point you're making. >> yeah, exactly right. ultimately the government will determine what content is appropriate. and that's the type of stuff you see in china, not in the free states of the united states of america. and so we need to make sure that it is private businesses and the good news is the market is solving the problem. twitter switched to x, rumble, truth social have come online as alternatives for conservative speech and people are voting with their feet, like how people are moving from california to
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florida, conservatives are moving from facebook to rumble to truth social. maria: yeah. it's a great point that you make. at least we've got more options today. carl, we'll be watching these cases. thank you. >> thank you. maria: carl zabo joining us. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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maria: welcome back. time for the morning buzz. the suspect accused of murdering a university of georgia nursing student has been confirmed to be an illegal migrant from venezuela. he illegally crossed into america through you the texas border in el paso in september of 2022. but get this, the associated press is being called out for, quote, white washing the whole incident, writing this piece titled the killing of a nursing student out for a run highlights the fears of solo female athletes, solo female athletes, really. texas congressman chip roy posted this on x, arrested illegal alien from from venezue, illegally released by biden. now the ap cares about the idea of female athletes. this is a venezuelan migrant, urging all venezuelans to unite
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behind the 15-year-old who allegedly shot at nypd officers in ti times square. we've been talking about this dangerous venezuelan gang in new york right now, they have a t tattoo that indicates they're part of this gang and now we see these stories. this us is because of the open border. >> the open border and the fact that new york is essentially lawless, maria. if you were a migrant coming into the country and were you a criminal, where would you want to go? you would want to go to a place where you know law enforcement is lax, where basically i.c.e. has no standing whatsoever, where there's no chance of you being deported for your crimes. and that's what's happened here. by the way, it's not just am p p that basically ignores totally the background of this killer. the. the new york times, long article about this murder in georgia and it talks a lot about the woman and her background and her sports and the fact that she's out there by herself but guess
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what, not a word about this man's background. this appalling a. to me it's what you talked about in the last segment, it's suppression of basically what's really happening in this country. maria: yeah. there was also a tweet that said that this illegal from venezuela has been arrested for the murder of lakein riley, he was listed as a white male, okay, cheryl. he was listed as a white male in the booking information. so they have since changed it but initially they listed him as a white male. they don't even want to admit that he is an illegal from venezuela. >> of course they don't. what i find so -- one thing about that ap story that as a runner that really irks me is the fact that, look, we did have a string of female runners that were attacked in new york city by an actual white male who was since arrested and sent to jail but going back to what happened in georgia, there's social media
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videos of that georgia suspect when he first got to new york city because he came through el paso. he came right to new york city with his wife and child. there's videos of times square, look at me, look at my life in new york city. he had a moped. gee, where did get that moped from? i'm sure he bought it. uh huh and got it licensed and registered in new york statement you realize i'm kidding. there's so many problems with this. if broader issue on this, look, we have so many problems in new york city. we're doomed. we're doomed. the fact he was arrested and immediately released before any paperwork could get to i.c.e. on him just -- that's what absolutely -- this girl didn't have to die. she didn't have to die because -- this is not against the nypd. their hands are tied. those guys are completely hog-tied by the city council and lawmakers in albany, not their fault. maria: and remember that story when one of -- someone tried to
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steal a woman's purse but the woman held onto the purse and he was on a moped so he was dragging her on the moped. >> brooklyn. maria: somebody at the nypd told me that was a member of the venezuelan gang, this is a picture. so he was a member of the venezuelan gang we're talking about. they are causing havoc in new york city right now, this very dangerous gang i'm told from venezuela. >> like you said with john shell, joe borelli told me this. we talked about this. the way they've gotten mopeds and build a moped empire to go out and steal or grab your phone, they're also targeting little old ladies in new york city and they're stealing their jewelry off their next. they're doing that as well, maria. it's awful. it is awful what they're doing and they were going to smoke shops, illegal pot shops in new york city and telling the owner give me a moped, i'll work off
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my debt to now they're using mopeds to rob new yorkers. maria: i would love to know who is giving them the mopeds. there are a lot of mopeds in new york right now. it's gotten to point where have you to be on guard at all times when you're in new york city right now. i find that. >> it's sad. and as president trump has said, they are not sending their brightest, not sending their finest. t they're sending us criminals, criminals that venezuela doesn't want back. it continues to get worse and worse. with regards to this ap article, i mean, i'm almost wondering if google's gemini wrote it because when you look at the bias in this thing, this is not about a solo female athlete. this is about a criminal migrant and the only reference to this jose antonio abara in the article is it says arrested athens resident jose antonio abara, it doesn't say he's an
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illegal migrant. it says nothing along those sorts. we've seen a media blackout, mainstream media blackout on this story and other similar stories because it doesn't fit the media's narrative. maria: that's right. how shameful. >> because it doesn't fit it, they don't want to talk about it and they sweep it under the rug. >> it lands it right back in the white house. they can't tolerate this. this is the number one issue for voters. here's a tremendous strike against the biden white house and in favor of people who want some kind of change at the border and reform at the border. maria: well, obviously, it sounds to me like the white house is directing ap, directing the media on how to cover things. >> and yet the biden white house over the weekend complained about the media coverages getting so here they have a totally compliant in the bucket media and it's not good enough. >> the mainstream media is trying to save him, they're trying to save him from himself e that's all that's happening. maria: you're right.
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let's take a break. we've got a lot more coming up. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management.
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