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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 26, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EST

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answering today's two-part question comes from tina on instagram she asked me what song did you dance to on your wedding day and you do think the democrat presidential candidate will be since we know it won't be joe biden. thank you for the question, the song that we danced to was fly me to the moon. we had a band that saying it and it was so beautiful. and amazingly and celebrating 25 years with my husband this year, there we are wedding weekend june 13, 1999. as far as the democrat cand candidate. i think you probably be gavin newsom or gretchen whitmer. we'll see about that, what do you think our temper, who will be the democrat if not joe bi biden. >> i'm a gretchen whitmer. maria: was leave it there, mark tepper, liz peek, cheryl casone, "varney & company" begins now.
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stuart: good morning, everyone before we go anywhere let me tell you about nvidia it started out this monday to the upside again. not quite the huge movement that were used to but the giant a.i. chipmaker is close to $800 a share and evaluation of $2 trillion that's how we start the monday morning, little change the dow industrial will be up a little 13 points and nasdaq out maybe 22-point interest rates the ten year treasury right around four and a quarter percent, 424. the two-year is well above 460 right now for 69. bitcoin trying to hold onto the $50000 level it's 512 as of now. hardly any change for enterprises, gas $3.26 that's average for regular $4.7 on diesel.
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that gas way down close to a two-year low, 172. politics, ronna mcdaniel will walk away from her job as chair as a republican national committee she lost the support of donald trump, the former president said he lead a united unified republican party he won the south carolina primary by 20 points over nikki haley but the wall street journal said not so fast the editorial reads donald trump's divided republican party haley got 40% of the vote, trump will need those votes in november, president biden faces a challenge tomorrow in the michigan primary democrat to oppose his support of israel plan a writing campaign that will expose a divided democrat party, on the show and illegal migrant from venezuela is accused of murdering a student in georgia he came into the country through el paso
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illegally in 2022. separately police have arrested six venezuelans for the brawl in times square last week biden special deal to bring in venezuelans has become an acute. on the show today houston man lislisten to his wife talk aboua merger when they both work from home, without telling her he invested in the company to be acquired he made $1.7 million insider trading while working from home. he lost the money and faces prison time and his wife lost her job and filing for divorce. a cheat she even answering questions at a private fundraiser donors are anxious the contrast with trump is obvious he answers all questions no teleprompter and no cheat sheet ever. "varney & company" is about to begin ♪ ♪
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>> this is a reference to trump, a lot of dark isn't it, do we have a screen on the lens, what is going on it's not that bad in new york it's pleasant actually. i forgot to give the date monday fibroid the 26th 2024 as i checked my notes. listen to me donald trump won the south carolina primary by 20 points, good morning what did he have to say. >> he said united the republican party. >> i just want to say i have never seen the republican party so unified as it is right now. never been like this. >> were to be appear on novembeo look at joe biden and we're going to look him right in the, he is destroying our country and
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we are going to say joe, you are fired, get out. >> he won every single democrat in south carolina will call it the gravitational pull of trump is pulling the party in. i say that even senator john thune number two a trump critic has now endorsed donald trump. the question is crossover appeal, can independence you largely like nikki haley back trump in the general versus joe biden. stuart: you're not supposed to say this in journalism but only time will tell or it remains to be seen. another no, no in this business. trump says republicans are united but take a look at this from the wall street journal editorial board donald trump's divided republican party, brian brenberg with me now, which is a republican's divided were unified. >> i don't think there divided
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as editorial says look at the issue at the top of everyone's minds there donald trump issue, the border, the economy a battle between haley and trump in the longer she stays in the harder to get haley voters back on the trump site but this is trumps parties and issues he won by 20 points in south carolina, her own state you can't tell me doctor hardy on the brink. stuart: ronna mcdaniel will step down as the chair of the republican national committee next friday, that is more proof that trump runs the party. >> i think it is also republicans want to win i haven't had the greatest track record under her let's be honest. time for new blood trump is going to call the shots because is a leading presidential candidate you just have to do some math and figure out he is in the lead he's going to call the shots i don't know why we want to argue so much about that in this race. stuart: nikki haley lost in her
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home state south carolina but she said she staying in the race, watch this. >> i said earlier this week no matter what happens in south carolina i would continue to run for president. i am a woman of my word, i'm not giving up this fight when a majority of americans disapprove of both donald trump and joe biden. stuart: that is okay but she losses financial support of the coke family, can she say and if the money starts to run out? >> the thing keeping her in is the money, i don't know somebody will step and there's a lot of folks that would like her to stay again to be a divisive figure for republicans but if the money runs out, you need money or votes, she's not getting the votes to stay again and she doesn't have the money than she has no reason to be there. this is a case of people who
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really, really dislike trump and want to make sure there's a needle in the haystack that is the role she's playing right n now. stuart: listen to this california governor gavin newsom makes an extraordinary claim about biden's age, you've got to watch this, roll tape. >> do you think it is responsible for democrats to put him at the top of the ticket given those concerns. >> i review his record, what he's done in three years is a master class i've seen them up close and afar but here's my point is because of his age that has been so successful. opportunity to express that for four more years what a gift for the american people in a as a democrat what a gift to make a case for the leader of our party joe biden. stuart: i don't how to characterize this. >> gavin newsom is an artist to the michelangelo a political nonsense you could give him the most self controversy thing in the world and he will spend that in the tapestry and oh my goodness sakes joe biden is the
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most effective leader we've ever seen that is one man that knows he's headed to the white house for the democrats at some point and he saying whatever he has to say in the moment to make that. it is true artistry of the most cynical possible variety. stuart: a master class in govern tree. thank you very much indeed we will see you at 1:00 p.m. eastern on fox business. check the markets please we are 20 minutes away from the opening of trading not that much movement but the movement is in the green. jeff sica is with me. on a monday morning after a terrific week i want to talk about nvidia's at the height of the a.i. bubble. >> every mega bubble has his baby and you had in the 20s rca. stuart: the 1920s? i don't go back that far. >> in the '90s you had cisco
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and now you have nvidia, to give you a perspective, nvidia increased market cap by 270 billion in one session. it was the biggest increase in market cap in history. stuart: is at the top of the bubble? >> i believe it is if you look at what's happening in the fact that you have the price increases with nvidia last week, the fact that the ceo made $10 billion in a day, what i see there is a massive amount of liquidity, that's known if you look at money supply that liquidity is going to stocks like nvidia and driving them up. if you look at the rest of the s&p and take out the four top performing tech stocks, the rest of the s&p is performing
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mediocre, there is no standout. stuart: is a dangerous that the market upside is heavily towards a.i. stocks like microsoft and nvidia instead of the magnificent seven you've a fabulous for is that dangerous for the overall market. >> what will be more dangerous is a fabulous for to the terrific to because now for a market to be healthy and a rally to be healthy that market has to broaden and be more inclusive to more stocks and what we see with this market it is like a funnel becoming more dependent on fewer stocks as time goes on. there's going to come a point where people will say appreciation and nvidia which by the way in one day exceeded the entire market cap of coca-cola in one day. if that doesn't lead people to
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believe and i'm shooting myself in the foot i own the stock in 2018 i said a.i. rested on nvidia and they were the key to it. now it's gone to the point is only thing that people want to buy and the only thing people want to talk about. there's good, tipping point. stuart: we are not there yet. i went into a bubble binge over the weekend looking at bubbles, bubbles last a while. you could not call the moment that his stock is going to reverse. people have to realize you still might have days but to chase this you're picking up nichols in front of a steamroller, that could be a problem. stuart: jeff sica on a monday morning. coming up msnbc warns that president biden has a problem with democrats in michigan, roll tape. >> you cannot keep killing
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people with our money and keep thinking we are stupid enough to elect you again, we will forget. >> i'm waiting to let go of joe biden, punished joe biden by making a one term president and burying his boss with the genocide in gaza. stuart: strong stuff, michigan voters are backed up in 2020 are turning on him. a college student murdered allegedly by them illegal migrant from venezuela. venezuela has stopped accepting deported migrants from the u.s. what now, i'll put that to the national border patrol council brandon judd, he is next ♪ ♪
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he's taping an interview with seth myers. madison alworth with us this morning. a dimension of him dealing with the city's migrant crisis today? >> there is no mention of that and it won't be far from the roosevelt hotel intake center, thousands pass through the hotel when they want shelter here in new york city, president biden has been getting pressure not just from republicans but from democrats on the issue of immigration, fellow democrats calling for change, executive action has been floated to address the border but some are skeptical that politics could get in the way of that change.
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>> the fact is his politics support a better fit for the 7 million people. when the next census comes in 2030 the 7 - 10000000 people, most living in the lower demographic area will allow his party of the presidential in the house of representatives to do very well in redistricting. >> the president's visit comes as we learn the migrant accused of killing a georgia nursing student was arrested in new york city last year for endangering the welfare of a child then released before he made his way south. migrant crime continued focus as the population increases when it comes to migrants here in new york city, over 67000 migrants actively in shelters here, there are estimates that we can hit 90000 by this summer. even with an adjusted budget that brings down the cost of the migrant crisis in new york it still expected to cost
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$10.6 billion over four fiscal years, new york city has accounted for 78% of the spending, the federal government to present. president biden is expected to talk about funding and running today is not about the migrant crisis rather for his reelection campaign. stuart: thank you very much indeed. a college student laken riley was murdered by this illegal migrant from venezuela, he entered the country in 2022. brandon judd joins me now. venezuela is no longer accepting flights of deported migrants, i? >> this shows where were failing and where biden fails extensively he does not have a plan for the future in case things like this happen. the state department has the right to negotiate agreements with other same countries so we can send those people to those countries. he also has the right to put more pressure on mexico to accept these people.
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there's a lot that the state department can do but that the administration failing to look to the future to see what is going to happen if a country refuses to take their citizens back, there is a lot we can do biden just doesn't have the fortitude to do what's necessary to secure our borders. stuart: biden got a deal with venezuela, they would hold free elections we could get their oil and would give a hundred thousand dollars special treatment to come to america, that deal is completely broken down and look at the violence and crime that we got because of that deal this is a disgrace for the biden administration. >> it is in laken riley's death falls on biden's head because he allowed this to happen. again he is not look to the future and not anticipated what would potentially happen if the country backs out of certain agreements and if they don't follow through with their agreement, we have to recognize if we enter into an agreement with another country and they fail to uphold their appended
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agreement that is where he fails he does not play chess very well. stuart: what is the state to play on the border right now, i'm told the numbers crossing our down, is accurate? >> that is not accurate when you compare apples to apples, we don't compare january to december we compare january of 2014 january of 23 and when you look at january 24 we were up 12% and apprehensions over 23 and by the way we set a record in 23, we are on pace for another record in 2024, every single year that he's been in office we've set records for apprehensions and got a ways in deaths and everything that is bad on the border we continue to set records under this president is. stuart: if you wanted to the president could cut the flow right now with executive orders do you expect them to? >> absolutely not in the reason
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he does not want to lose the large bases of support that want open borders. when you look at his underwater polling, he's very underwater but the 30% approve of what he's doing that is his basis support and if he goes against the base of support they don't show up to the polls and he is no pathway to victory. >> the governor of california says biden is conducting a master class in government, hold your laughter. brandon judd thank you for joining us we do appreciate it. thank you. back to the market you always want to know where your money is it's not doing much the dow is down a fraction, no change for the s&p, the nasdaq up 13 points, that's a different contract, 18000 that is a futures market, opening bella's next, we will take you to wall street. ♪
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is there a fear of missing out on nvidia and this was the talk of the town over the weekend, should i get in, should i sell there seems to be a fear of missing out, are you seeing that? >> i am i was in las vegas with a couple thousand, a lot of people that were happy this is great i am in but those who are not are definitely are not. are there bit entering any big money people mutual funds or managers, are they out of nvidia a fear of missing out to get in. >> i have to tell you that is a sharp observation, i am hearing from my friends in low places there are many institutional managers who missed nvidia they're very concerned another had to play catch-up. stuart: are they going to play catch up? >> i think they will that is a name that clients want to see on the annual report when it hit so quarterly statements, et cetera they gotta get accumulative positions. >> we have the magnificent
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sevens some say is narrowing to a fab four would you call that dangerous for the overall market? >> conventional wisdom says that is dangerous but i disagree, history shows by any shadow of a doubt we have electricity and gasoline and other major shifts in marketplace, in fact the markets narrowed up and what makes a difference these companies will change our world, it's not just about the company it is about everything else that they're going to impact. stuart: magnificent seven to a fab four, supposedly it became the terrific to, nvidia and microsoft, without be dangerous? >> number one i sure attack i own both of those if it happens but number two, that would maybe begin to concern me but i would be looking at what's next to his coming along with them, if they go to the very top and a lot of other people coming along for the ride. stuart: dominoes reported this
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morning evidently it was a good report because the stock is up 5.5%. i understand you like it, why do you like it? >> i do here's the thing about dominoes is a bellwether with how the consumer is dealing you would not think about pizza this way but the fact that more people are ordering in great numbers coming out of 21, 22 tells me that the consumers are beginning to nimble back on a good stock. >> the terrific to you want to own nvidia and microsoft in dominoes looking good because they reflect public taste, no pun intended. thank you for joining us we will see you soon. thank you. the opening bell, ten seconds before trading begins. as we always say on the right-hand side of your screen will press a button, thank you. we are open up and running on a
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monday morning were not going in the very early going, 17 points, 39148, i wonder how long it'll take to hit 40000 a magical number, the s&p 500, the dow 30 dominated by sellers at this point the s&p 500 is up a mere four-point, the nasdaq composite nvidia and that up .12%, not that much movement. show me big tech is a mixed picture we have microsoft up, met up 69 cents, amazon up 19 cents, apple, awful but on the downside let's look at nvidia, first-rate on the monday morning almost back to $800 per share, you're on the upside, somebody just bought $800 a share, the chipmakers had a terrific week,
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where are they up a little bit more especially super microcomputer that was terrific last week, up another 3% today and advanced micro devices up 1.5%, check out amazon, i'm doing this because this is the first day the amazon is in the dow jones industrial average it is up one third of 1%, 175 on amazon, let's get to microsoft, do they have a partnership i've never heard of this, a french company with a.i. perspective, french company. the europeans are getting into large language, generative a.i. in the name of the company is ten months old, the financial times and supported it and microsoft is investing i do not have an amount but there taking a stake, this is microsoft broadening openai, the investment ten plus billion dollars is under review no doubt
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so microsoft according europeans a little bit. >> i'm sure they need exposure to france it's a vital thing in the a.i. business are being sarcastic and sufficient. >> at&t wants to reimburse customers by the outage last week. >> i read an article that did not have the price and i like how nice of them i wonder if my bill is going to be free or half off this month. it's $5 a 5-dollar credit toward a future bill why bother more are bad about the $5 then the outage. in without service it turned out it was at&t's fault it was a network expansion that they were doing that because outage, they're saying everything right, this is what happened and were giving you credit, five bucks is not completely everybody. only if you lost service. >> it depends on what sort of carrier you have with at&t and is it a business or residential. how is cathie wood very famous
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investor how is she playing in the a.i. trade. >> she's not only trimming exposure to nvidia she's trimming exposure to her arc funds to her customers may newly chip manufacturer taiwan semi make chips by nvidia on friday kathy woods sold her shares for the first time in over two years she thinks taiwan is to exposed nvidia and she prefers a small place like the ui path with office work, they do customer engagement, she is playing the small a.i. names but she missed out for the most part on the meteor the rise of nvidia. >> two weight loss drugs that have done extremely well in the past year, novo nordisk and eli lily they have been on a tear. >> that the biggest company in europe. are they getting competition. >> another european company. >> a danish company zealand pharmaceutical i think that would be out of new zealand but it's not.
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they have a liver inflammation drug, they did trials, 83% of adult saw positive results this is tied to the weight loss drug market goldman says the weight loss in the u.s. could boost gdp by 1% if there are 60 million americans actually take these and some analysts are predicting that the market for weight loss drugs would reach $100 billion per year by the end of the decade, if more drug companies coming with different needs for the weight loss drugs the micro does every morning to get weight loss drug to treat this and treat that and then you lose weight. >> if you can make it into a pill rather than the injection then i am in i see that happening, who would it take a pill like that, me for example. stuart: let's go to domino's pizza a great report, now they're up 8%, what was so good. >> keith fitz called them a bellwether, two strong positives in dominoes report the loyalty
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program they added 3 million active rewards members last y year, i did not know you have rewards with your pizza company. every friday night we order from the same pizza place i don't have a membership and who breeds is delivering for them, that is convenient. same-store sales 2.8% and they expected to be better than that for all of 2024b when i saw warren buffett i got all the general stuff but what is this the surprises. >> the stock is up 15000 today. >> it's amazing eight days in a row. stuart: you could buy a fraction. >> record operating profit from last year and to the insurance, stronger underwriting, record cash, $167.6 billion in warren buffett does not know what to do with it. in the letter to shareholders he sees view worthwhile investment
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opportunities left. stuart: which means stock prices are too high. >> that's a good translation, brookshire hathaway having a 1 trillion-dollar evaluation above 900. stuart: he was big in japan and the japanese market hit an all-time high and almost all-time high last week and buffett made a lot of money out of japan. >> that's what he has so much cash. >> 167 billion. he is 93 years old. stuart: still going strong. my hero. >> you have 20 years left. stuart: checked the big board, were in business for six and half minutes were up 60 points, 39194, when do you think we're going to hit 40000. who knows. take a look at the dow winners, what we got this morning six minutes intel walmart, disney and travelers, s&p 500 hears a
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chance to check the stock dominoes, micron palo alto networks, the nasdaq composite the winter so far this monday morning are lucid, micron, palo alto and applied materials, palo alto and ice come back. democrat congressman james clyburn gave republicans an interesting new nickname, roll tape. >> i think american people are beginning to see that the speaker is a part of what i call groupies of putin that's what your piece stands for now, groupies of putin. stuart: repeat that, groupies of putin, tennessee senator marsha blackburn is going to be here to respond to that. speculation that trump could pick ben carson, with carson except, i will ask him, he's on the show look at the op-ed one blue state turning back the clock in the worst possible way, stephen moore wrote it he's
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going to tell us which state, it is michigan and they have a primary tomorrow. he is next. ♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth
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that's 1-800-763-2763. stuart: 12 minutes in on the monday morning i see more green. the dow is up 90, nasdaq up 24 points, modest gains on monday morning, new report shows an uptick in commercial and home foreclosures this far in 2024, edward lawrence joins us. what is behind all of the foreclosures. >> it is a pressure from interest-rate the federal reserve has had to do to fight inflation under president joe biden, across the coy fanning to counter this the
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president is sending ten senior administration officials over the next two days to talk about how all the government spending that he is doing and how that will help the speeches include energy sector jennifer granholm pushing renewables and how that will bring jobs but the economic pressure is building now a report from adam which the national foreclosure for commercial in real estate in residential real estate found filings up 10% from december to january and up 5% over the past 12 months. president biden on friday highlighting how his spending is pushing off the foreclosures. listen. >> the american rescue plan providing 30 to $50 billion in many of you put that money to bring down violent crime across the nation which you have done to bring a half a million teachers and other school personnel back into the classrooms to prevent foreclosures and evictions and keep 8 million families in their
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homes. >> the report shows when you break out commercial real estate foreclosures are up 17% from december to january and up two times a number from january 2023, market watchers are concerned about the commercial real estate bubble that could pop as consumer spending is now starting to s slow. >> in particular lower income consumer is starting to pay back your spending that could lead to some level of a slowdown across major retailers. that could be a one-two punch which president reagan offset through government spending and push the economic cracks and after the election happens, thank you very much indeed, stephen moore joins me now. your good man, mortgage rates 7% and rising it is hard to see a rebound in the housing market, what say you. >> when trump left office the mortgage rates were 3%, now it's up to 7%.
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the problem is you have got people whose mortgage payments with a higher interest rate let me give you a concrete example the average mortgage rate on a 30 year mortgage for a median priced home is somewhere around $1900 a month when trump left office, that number is $3500 a month. in a higher year interest-rate is much more expensive that will hurt the real estate market and i'm a believer that the big problem is what ed mentioned at the end it's really the commercial real estate sector that is a big, big trouble and we have an area that i live in and i live in the swamp in washington, d.c. but some areas of maryland your buildings that were bought five or six years ago for $50 million that are now selling for $20 million because nobody, people are working at home, telecommuting, covid change the way people work, i
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really worried about how those huge losses in commercial real estate are going to affect the banks. stuart: you avenue op-ed that reads one blue state turning back the clock in the worst possible way, i know you're talking about michigan they have a primary tomorrow, biden won the state in 2020. in what way is michigan turning back the clock. >> the title on this what is the matter with michigan, michigan is the state the home of henry ford the home of the automobile industry, it is motown and as you know in the 70s and 80s a lot of those plants moved out of michigan and where did they go to they went to texas, south carolina, alabama and what's the difference between michigan and the states that i just mentioned. michigan is a forced union you have to join the union where those other states like south carolina, texas, alabama our
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right to work states where worker cannot be required to join the union against their will. employers don't want to build factories and new businesses in states that are forced union states. what happened in michigan they turned into a right to work state ten years ago and the democrats took back control of the legislature and the governorship and last week they got rid of the state of right to work law. this is the first time in 60 years that estate has gone from right to work to non- right to work. it's going to hurt michigan and lose jobs and lose businesses, twice as many are being created today and the right to work state. stuart: stephen moore, thank you for pointing that out it didn't get much publicity when that happened. >> that's what we got you to report on these things. stephen moore you are alright will see you again real soon. how about this one actor sylvester stallone has announced
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he is leaving california, where is he going, why is he leaving. >> permanently leaving to live in california he's a resident of florida he bought 35 million-dollar manchin in palm beach a couple of years ago. watch here. >> after a long hard consideration your mother and i have decided it's time to move on and leave the state of california permanently and were going to go to florida read we're going to sell this house. >> is this a joke. >> is not a joke at all. >> it's a done deal. >> the announcement of the family of stallone, he doesn't say but he is $3 on the east coast, do you remember he hired the navy seals to train them for safety and what is at the university of miami the first lady of the florida casey desantis welcoming the family. she said you could buy your toothpaste without an on guard to open up the shelves for you.
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stuart: let's get right out of the taxes in florida are 0 and the taxes in california are astronomical. >> i think safety two. stuart: coming up all tell you the story of bad judgment insider training in divorce raises the question of risk of working from home, that is my take the top of the hour. after beating haley in her home state of south carolina trump is looking for another win tomorrow. we have the state of the race tomorrow after this. ♪ re but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle.
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frustrated with his refusal to call for a cease-fire in gaza. governor gretchen whitmer in michigan it was working on behalf of the biden campaign thanks that's a bad idea. >> i just want to make the case that is important not to lose sight of the fact that any vote that is not casper joe biden supports the second trump term as second trump term would be devastating. >> on the republican side former south carolina governor nikki haley's campaign announced even after she got trounced in her home state the campaign received $1 million in small grassroots donations but at the same time the network super pac americans for prosperity action will stop spending in support of haley's campaign instead focusing on house and senate races. haley's speech after her loss over the weekend sparked rumors that she could launch a third-party bid but in an interview in michigan she denied the possibility.
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>> i am a republican i am not running as any other party or independent and i will continue to say this is not about my political career, this is about the future of america. >> will you ever run as a third-party candidate. >> i said no over and over again i have no interest in a third-party candidacy. >> for his part, former president trump is expecting a big win in michigan but is also turning his attention to the general election in his victory speech in south carolina he did not mention the states former governor in the last remaining competitor in the primary nikki haley. as far as the issues go here in michigan we've seen in several of the early states, immigration is at the top of the list. even as i look across the northern border to canada voters have told me their concern about the crisis at the southern border. stuart: thank you, still ahead should we send the money and weapons to ukraine. if we don't could put in when,
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