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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  February 26, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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stuart: i thought this was a good question which i have no answer what is the average duration of a human i blinking. actually you're a lucky guy you always get to go first. >> maybe i'm going to go with number one a tenth of a second. stuart: almost a subliminal thing. >> a minute with opposite number four. stuart: link in front of me that takes far less. i'm going with number two-point to five. the answer, we all got it wrong. the average adult links 12 times a minute and roughly 14 - 19000 times a day, fascinating stuff. thank you for being with us. recounting down to "coast to coast". i'll do the count three, two, one starts now.
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>> thank you, happening right now how far will the rally go after a record-breaking week for the s&p and the dow in the search for the nasdaq, will this week bring even more records and could the oracle send a signal. our market guru is here to break it down plus the house is set to get back in as they face a massive to do list funding, ukraine eight impeachment hearings, lawmakers are going to have to multitask because a partial government shutdown lies ahead if congress can't reach a deal by friday we're going to bring you a live report from capitol hill. the rnc facing a cash crunch fueling the resignation of the organization chairwoman of super tuesday approaches what impact will the shakeup have on the gop nomination chances in november. will bring you the very latest on all of this i am david asman in for neil cavuto you are watching neil cavuto "coast to
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coast". david: hello, first to the market stocks are mixed after coming off of a record week but get to read from nicholas wealth management david nicholas, great to see you. it looks like the markets are digesting the a.i. surge of last week what are investors waiting for is there something there waiting to jump up or down again? >> i think this is a pause for markets in the run that we've seen has been so impressive that outliers and nvidia we spent a lot of time discussing for the s&p the 5000 level it does not mean a whole lot but it was psychological in the s&p bank above 5000 the a.i. push put us there but earnings are behind us this is a good earning season and it wasn't the best but it was pretty good i think there's
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not a big catalyst in the short term i think the fed pce numbers that will be coming out soon i think that will play what is between now and the election as long as there's nothing crazy that happens for the economy and the market. i think we seen as good as this market is going to get for the first part of the year. david: we've been focusing on nvidia and there's others of the magnificent seven you microsoft, meta, alphabet, tesla, alphabet. but those seven stocks account for 75% of the s&p 500 gains this year, are we too focused on the 27 stocks? >> those are the stocks that have the strong balance sheets and whatever we had? is the economy slowing i think that's where capital will continue to flow if we see a slowdown the companies with strong balance sheets and of different areas of where they're good at but the a.i. trade is
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embedded through the names whether nvidia, microsoft, the big player in a.i. there is an a.i. theme pushing these names higher there's names that i love like facebook but there's names like google that are missing the bar when it comes to a.i. they have big competition when it comes to microsoft with whether or not google is going to be enough in the a.i. world we will see those have some disbursement as we go forward. david: it's so hard to avoid nvidia what they have been getting in earnings, their earnings even though a lot of people say is overvalued their earnings are the same value that you can get from intel it's 31 times earnings for nvidia and intel. if you had a choice between the two stocks what would you be buying right now? >> they gone on record saying nvidia is a $900 stock this year. i will stick to that and forget
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about money to work it feels like you missed the train on nvidia but i think were just getting started i would still put money to work and if you have any pull back is a great time to buy but you can confidently put name and money like nvidia and i mentioned facebook i like facebook and microsoft those names are the ones that will continue to do well and provide value for investors this year. david: in all guy name warren buffett is done well over the years and surprisingly he's holding a huge amount of cash right now, the question is why he's been known to get in on the downside when everybody's panicking et cetera and buy up certain things that are undervalued, issue stock in certain ways that a lot of people don't have the money to do, what do you think he's waiting for do you believe that he sees a downward turn coming? >> i love warren buffett he's found areas of the market that most investors miss one thing
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that he said at the last shareholder meeting anything that comes to returns above slightly better is wishful thinking he set the stage saying we're going to have impressive going forward and why are they holding so much cash this is a classic argument of foreign half or 5% on your treasury, same with our treasury fund that is fi x that is yielding 7% it's a risk reward for the market and look where he's been buying look a occidental petroleum he's looking at energy names and i think the market is sleeping on energy if you're looking for another trade i know it's boring but the energy trade makes a lot of sense and i know warren buffett is in on that as well. david: he's selling apple which is interesting he's selling more apple than a lot of people right now he is worth watching, he is a pretty good track record, thank you so much. i appreciate you being here. ronna mcdaniel stepping down as rnc chair as super tuesday, mark
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meredith has more on who her potential replacement might be. >> good morning i should say good afternoon, within days there will be new relief under leadership of the national committee changes were widely expected but the departure of ronna mcdaniel the longest-serving chairwoman going back to the civil war is sparking fresh questions about the strategy for november. mcdaniel has been the rnc chairwoman since 2017 she is the niece of utah senator mitt romney and a long-term sub order of donald trump she put out a statement at 5:00 a.m. writing i have decided to step aside innerspring training on march 8 to allow our nominee to select the chair of their choosing, the rnc has historically undergone change once we have a nominee it's always been my intention to honor that tradition, while trump help elevate to a role seven years ago a lot hasn't changed he has soured underperformance in some see the rnc lackluster fundraising
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efforts. >> i think she did great when she ran michigan and i think she did okay in the rnc and i would say right now they will probably be some changes made. >> the rnc is 168 members had to decide the parties next steps trump has said he we would like to see run the rnc he's backing michael whatley the rnc leader out of north carolina and his daughter-in-law lara trump, drew mckendrick says he plans to step down from his role and given mcdaniels departure would not be shocking to see other departures in weeks and months ahead, a lot of changes happen at the republican national committee. david: the getting things ready for november, thank you very much. to michigan with the next primary test for trump and biden tomorrow trump is trying to build on the big win while biden is having issues rallying support from his own party, grady trimble is live in detroit with the very latest on that. >> former president trump is
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expected a big win in michigan in if the polls leading up to tomorrow are correct he could win by a larger margin than he did in south carolina and the former governor of the state, nikki haley. in many ways the former president is looking past michigan and super tuesday to november in the victory speech in south carolina, trump did not mention by name his last remaining competitor in the gop primary. >> are you worried he is moving on to the general election even though you are still running. >> i worry that republicans will not win a general reduction without the 40%. >> what can you do about it without the nomination there is no way for you to continue your campaign. >> i'm using the power of my voice as a warning sign. >> kayleigh was referring to the 40% of voters who did vote for her in her home state her
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campaign in addition to the loss and south carolina took another hit this weekend when the coat neckwear super pac americans for prosperity action decided to stop spending and supportive haley instead focusing on house and senate races, haley told me she's not worried about that. at the same time her campaign announced it received $1 million in small grassroots donation after her loss in south carolina. on the democratic side, some progressives like rashida tlaib are urging voters to select uncommitted not biden on the ballot tomorrow, they are frustrated with president biden's refusal to call for a cease-fire in gaza but governor gretchen whitmer says uncommitted is a bad idea. >> i just want to make the case it's important not to lose side of the fact that any vote that is not cast for joe biden support the second trump term as second trump term would be devastating. it is worth pointing out that
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even governor witmer in the same interview said she does not know what to expect tomorrow in terms of how many people might vote uncommitted in a snub to the current president. david: very interesting, thank you very much let's get reaction from our panel former democrat new york state senator david in gop pollster chris wilson, ronna mcdaniel as we heard from donald trump himself said she did a great job in michigan in 2016, since then we had 2020 we had the midterms were republicans did not do at all as well as a hope for and now a lot of folks are saying the gop does not have enough cash on him, they're doing poorly in early voting in their not getting enough poll watchers doing the grunt work that is necessary before november, is that ronna mcdaniel's fault? >> this is a typical presidential election year
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restructuring after super tuesday donald trump will be the presumptive nominee and is pretty standard for nominee to reorganize the national committee the dnc or the rnc that intrudes good communication with the campaign from joint fundraising to messaging. trying to make this more and something else is digging around for a story for the general election a kicks off in earnest. if there is any significance to the change of the rnc it's a sign of how different the management trump campaign is this time around he is different leadership and he's trying to show it's not good to be rerun of the 2020 election, they're going to want people to rnc who fit their management style this is simply just a plan. >> to sticking with you, he also has nikki haley on his tail and she did not do well in south carolina, lost by more than 20 points, what do you think happens with her, is she going to hang around until the very end of the convention? >> i don't know what her long-term strategy plan is i do
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think it's a little bit of a misnomer or characterization, she outperformed her polling and that someone challenge that donald trump has two become the nominee if haley sticks around and exceeds her polling and it shows there is a strong protest out there which is really important as he does pick leadership in rnc and people get involved and they do everything that they can to reach out to those people who were against him in the primary weather nikki haley campaign, ron desantis campaign, mike pence campaign and everybody else and everybody come together and there's unity. david: speaking of protest with people in the democratic party and the work in the middle east and so forth in the calls by rashida tlaib and other members of the squad were people on the left will have any influence getting people to vote uncommitted rather than joe biden on the primary and
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michigan what do you think will happen there? >> will have to watch it closely, this is going to be a protest vote like you talked about. and there's good to get as many people as they can to make the statement but the big difference between the democrat in the republican primary that are happening, these voters that are uncommitted possibly tomorrow are most likely going to come back and vote for joe biden in the general election whereas the numbers that receipt out of the south carolina primary, iowa, new hampshire, it shows that trump has reached a ceiling that the 40% that did not vote for him in the primaries many are not going to vote for him in the general election, that is a big problem whereas on the democratic side there trying to position and throw their weight around and try to move the president on a particular issue and like the governor of michigan said, a vote against or
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not for biden is a vote potentially for donald trump. i think people recognize and realize that in their going to come home to joe biden when it really matters in the general election. david: then you have the problem of what happens to biden and he hasn't performed well in the unscripted moments he's going to be on tv tonight by the way, he's with seth meyers, one of the talkshows and that's tightly scripted they probably give him laugh lines et cetera. particularly independence, the question whether they're going to be more bothered by the presidency of biden and his competence were more bothered by donald trump and some of the outrageous things that he says, where do you think the independents are going to come down on that. >> the biggest difference between the republican primary in joe biden the republican primary united have 70 continue through november and the democrat side yeah robert f
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kennedy junior who be on the ballot who looks like in most states in november so you do have an outlet for democrats you don't want to vote for joe biden and vote for a well-known democrat name who's already taken a large percentage of the democrat vote. that is a real challenge for biden -- he said he tries to script everything tightly even his press conference it's amazing he has to deal with reporters they get their questions in advance and skipped it answers something we've never seen before in america politics or american journalism for that matter, i think he is a real challenge to show that he is up to the job and is mentally competent to serve as president for another four years and if he does that you will see him hemorrhages base. david: final question, immigration which has quickly become the number one issue for most voters people all over america are dealing with migrant issues in their own communities right now it's become a very personal issue in of course they did not work out a deal first house republicans came up with immigration plan that was not put up for a floor vote in the
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senate mcconnell excuse me mitch mcconnell and chuck schumer got together but the house rejected it, what is the president going to do he has to address that he's going to go to the board on thursday, the same day trump is going to be there, what kind of executive action you think he will take to put out the fire at the border. >> we've been down this road before each tried to executive order that he's been stymied by the board. he opened the border. >> remain in mexico and other things that are working and then he loosened the strings on the whole amnesty issue. >> title 42 was a requirement by the court something that biden was trying to keep in place but that's a covid air restriction, republicans have fumbled the ball we've been talking about the border, talking about the migrant crisis and then you have an opportunity to get comprehensive legislation passed in republican say were not going
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to . david: what specifically do you think the president is going to do with executive action to close up the border. >> there is a few things that he can do i'm not exactly sure which way he's going to go for what executive order but i think he will make clear whatever the president does it doesn't matter if it's joe biden or the former president donald trump we need congress to be involved in the solution it cannot be blaming one party or the other and that's what republicans have shown their true colors they said were good to complain about it we may have an opportunity to do something we would rather not we would rather take the political football and throw it to joe biden. david: produces are screaming i've run out of time, i have to mention that president trump without any help from congress, a lot of action has closed on the border and president biden without any help from congress did a lot of things to turn that around.
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>> gentlemen we have to run. thank you very much, coming up forget the u.s. border wall even counties that have their own walls cannot get away from a migrant influx. how many migrants got dropped in one california county and how they are dealing with it, coming up next. (vo) what does it mean to be rich? maybe rich is less about reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there. the key to being rich is knowing what counts. businesses go further with 5g solutions.
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david: you may have heard president biden is heading to new york city as he prepares to head to the border on thursday, the same day donald trump is going to be there as ice confirms the suspect accused of killing nursing student laken riley enter the country illegally from venezuela, officials revealing yet the rap sheet and was just released in new york city months ago. happened so often, peter doocy is at the white house with more a lot of explaining on this one. no explanation for the administration about what they think about this university of georgia who was murdered by an illegal immigrant but president biden plans to revisit the border and it's only been two weeks since he dismissed the importance of abortive visit same most of the time it's just republicans who want to get a
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photo weapon border patrol officers. >> these are the people whose job to secure the border every single solitary day window to show up for follow-up like members of congress they are there to do their job. >> president biden border policy is front and center for elected republicans who blame it for letting in the man accused of murdering a university of georgia nursing student. >> biden the democrats open border policy have allowed this man to come into our country, give him parole and kill an innocent young woman. biden is insisting he is trying to improve at the border pointing to the bipartisan senate bill and border patrol back in republicans killed under pressure from donald trump. >> the laws and the resources haven't kept her immigration system and is broken. our politics have failed to fix it, doing nothing is not an
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option. >> if he can get congress to do anything executive orders are being considered including one that would make it harder to claim asylum away from ports of entry, progressives and the parties top sarah get out there selling it. >> i love the fact that is willing to continue to move forward with this and i applaud the fact that he seeking strategy and i applaud the he's been trying to do that and by definition i support his efforts outside of the legislative process because this legislature is broken, congress is broken. >> white house officials telling us that when president biden goes to the border he'll talk about the urgency that he sees in passing the bipartisan senate deal but i was talking to republican governors when they were leaving the meeting with the president on friday, the issue the bipartisan senate deal is for all intents and purposes dead they want him to look at something else. david: why criticize something that is not viable anymore, thank you very much. more than 1500 migrants have
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been dropped off on san diego's streets in the last few days san diego county supervisor jim desmond is here, good to see you, you have a lot to deal with in the irony that san diego for years was a model to border communities because of its fence and had a pretty decent fence that was keeping people back but these folks are being busted in you run out of money to take care of them haven't you. >> we stopped using local dollars to basically act as a travel agent for these people that are just coming into the country. on january 1 i was at the border in california which is 60 miles east of san diego in their walking through a hole in the fence and border patrol, you just are the president say he securing the border, people are walking through and border patrol agents are not stopping them. i'm not blaming the agent and blaming the agency they're not
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stopping people from coming across they are allowing them to come in legally and ask for asylum and basically i don't care what party you are in but there jumping ahead of the line of the legal process the 30 has in place and everyone is ignoring and congress isn't going to fix it or some new bill will not fix if we enforce a process that we have in place that would fix this thing. david: you put your finger on something that i think is explanation why so many latinos who have come here illegally so many millions of latinos have dropped their support of this president, they do they did it the hard way in the right way and the legal way and nobody's were upset about the jumping of line then they are i know that for my own family. what about the migrant gangs that are coming out they give asylum as you just mentioned so readily to these hundreds of thousands of people coming in that we end up like situations in georgia where the student was
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murdered apparently allegedly by this guy who came in illegally who had a history, he had been arrested in new york, then he made his way down to georgia, there is no bedding going on to prevent the really bad people from coming in. >> i talked abortive virtual agents that are border and they told me that they don't have the time to do the proper vetting, what's happening if they vet them there only vetting against her u.s. database they're not letting them from the country that they came from. we have embassies all around the world and we have online processes and people can go to the embassies and apply for asylum and go through the effort or visas and whatever they want then they can be vetted in their own country but there coming near the border patrol agents don't have access to where they came from where where they've committed any crimes they only have the u.s. which is basically frivolous. david: i hate to be a senate but
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why bother doing things the right way when you can walk across the border go to a century city like chicago or new york city where they are right to shelter laws you get free room, freeboard free medical care free education for your kids, it's one freebie after another in those cities are going bankrupt, that is why there coming in, very quickly, last word. >> the whole thing were letting people jump ahead of the line and giving them preferences come over people doing the right process. if we would enforce the current process that keeps people out you have not applied or coming correctly were allowing people across the board illegally ahead of the line which is crazy. >> a lot of lawbreaking going on not only among the migrants but people in office in the united states, that is "the bottom line" and people have to deal with it, we have election coming up that may change things, thank
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david: sales of newly built homes taking up slightly but less than expected, expectations are everything this was for the january numbers as investors prepare for key inflation data that is coming this week let's get to read from ventures partner in chief strategy officer mitch rochelle, great to see you. the number came in at 1.5% rise they were expecting 2.4 and i should mention the commerce department that comes out with these numbers and they blamed weather for the less than
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expected rise. is there any validity in that? >> the quick answers like the weather does not answer the trend, there is two crosscurrents, eve obviously interest rates is not necessarily news the real challenge is that homebuilders, new home sales is really a fraction of all home sales, new home sales are 50% or 20% of all home sales that take place in this country, the problem that homebuilders are still struggling with labor issues, land prices are high and materials cost are high i refer as land, lumber and labor the three elves, they have to set the prices high to make a profit on so many homes in there is not enough demand at that price point but the challenge is a ton of buyers in limited supply. it is really the borrowing cost
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that are hurting the first-time homebuyers for new homes. >> the other thing that is high is consumer debt and savings is down consumer debt is way up i'm wondering if a lot of people who normally would like to buy don't have the cash to make a down payment. >> i think down payments are always a challenge and that's not necessarily impacted by interest rates but what i think nobody is talking about the banks have gotten out of lending in any respects because there was a little banking crisis about a year ago that no one seems to focus on the impact of that on somebody the walks on the front door of the local savings bank and tries to get a mortgage. if somebody's fico score is down 50 or 60 or 75 points from where it was before because more consumer debt is very likely they're not going to get the mortgage, you're absolutely right that is contributing to
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the home buyer issue. again i think this is a supply and demand story and prices are saying hi notwithstanding the fact that interest rates have gone up. david: kevin o'leary agrees about the little banking problem he thinks is still has ripples in our economy and that might factor into all of this, good to see you. coming up the gop majority in the house shrinks even more this week as a partial government shutdown looms we have a live report that congress is tackling or so they say as a return this week. ♪
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david: we have a blockbuster week for congress with a hunter biden closed-door interview, mayorkas impeachment trial and a partial government shutdown casting a shadow on all of it congressional correspondent chad pergram loves this stuff he's on capitol hill to break it down for us. >> afternoon there is an absolute avalanche of business facing congress this week the potential start of impeachment trial for homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas, testimony from hunter biden that's wednesday, but a partial government shutdown looms this weekend. >> october 1 with the deadline before i was in congress i was a manufacturing if you're making bad parts you would make bad parts and you might have a debate about what went wrong or how to fix it and get back to making good parts, immediately you would stop making bad parts, we know were making bad parts and were not even in session.
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>> there was a plan for a possible spending package over the weekend however, it never materialized senate majority leader chuck schumer blamed conservatives for having an interesting chaos in solving problems. republicans note that the senate never approved any spending bills. >> the senate democrats want to take a different path and blame everything all of our failures on republicans but that's not the case were doing our job were following the law and trying to do our part it is up to schumer who is killed every endeavor that we've tried to do this fiscal year end just killed it. >> here are the four government funding areas that will expire this week and, transportation and housing, agriculture, energy and water programs, plus military construction. although the government funding runs out march 8 political observers same lawmakers are focused on the wrong thing. >> is quite regrettable that the one bill that the house republicans could pass was
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impeaching a cabinet secretary but they can't keep the government open. >> president biden huddles with the top four congressional leaders from both bodies at the white house tomorrow they are expected to talk about aid for ukraine in ways to shut down they are simply running out of time. david: thank you very much let's get to read from house freedom caucus chair republican bob good, good to see you. we have an impasse, are you willing to take them past to a partial government shutdown? >> "the bottom line" we still have it in place of the spending levels in the policies from the biden pelosi schumer regime when they had all controlf government, nothing has changed in the 14 months since republican's have control. at least we slowed things down and at least we thought overspending and the lease would not make things worse. if more the government does its worse for the american people,
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we should enjoy any of the democrats just to show that we can govern or get things done no matter how harmful the government people. david: even if that leads to government shutdown. >> the government shutdown is not ideal but it's not the worst thing. it would be worse to exacerbate the problem to further increase our debt and are spending to make her physicals situation unprecedented as it is as you know to continue to fund the government that is facilitating the border invasion. why would we get biden and mayorkas billions of dollars to keep doing this to the american people, the only leverage that we have when we have one house of one branch is to be willing to say no and be willing to walk away, what we ought to do, this is really low but we ought to do the continued resolution through september 30 that we kick in the
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fra caps that took place a year ago i was against them a year ago because we had a stronger hand a year ago but at least i would cut $100 billion from what the biden the johnson schumer deal has planned to do and they would eliminate thousands of earmarks for tens of billions of dollars. david: all the spending bills whether it's funding for ukraine in israel and the border bill went nowhere there was no pay for in those bills, there was no attempt to take away spending some of which people would say is fruitless because for example some of the leftover covid funds et cetera. but senate leaders schumer calls this out as extremism, he said your calls for pay fours so we don't increase our $1.6 trillion deficit is extreme to which you say is what.
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>> the days of spending without consequence are over were suffering under 40 year high inflation, 20 year high interest rates and the american people can hardly afford groceries, gasoline, utilities, housing their paid about a thousand dollars a month more than they were when this president got in office three years ago, we have got to cut our spending we cannot increase it during the budget of appropriation process. furthermore we have to in the air of unpaid supplementals, we cannot further exacerbate the situation, everything that we vote to spend is borrowed from her kids and grandkids those days need to be over. david: meanwhile on wednesday you have a new congressman being sworn in, he is a democrat and he takes over the position of republican tom suozzi he is being sworn in on wednesday. you cannot afford to lose many members, will there be defections from your party to the democratic side and it won't take many to overturn what you want to do. >> when i'm calling on speaker johnson is continued resolution through september 30 already voted into law by the house and the senate signed by the president last summer we ought to be able to agree on"
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$100 billion on discretionary side on the defense side. then we ought to attach to israel and what it takes for an attach to reform a fisa ability without a warrant and we ought attach to a border security that we don't continue to fund this government without securing the border. that's what we could do in the republicans united in doing just that. david: all of those things that you mentioned would be paid for, that is we would not be adding to a looming deficit. >> that is exactly right, securing the border that would save us hundreds of billions of dollars in cost that we are incurring right now on a annual basis to facilitate biden 3 million illegals a year invading our country and bringing untold security threats intelligence threats to our country with the 2 million got a ways during the three years in office. david: congressman good you got a lot in front of you, i wish you luck in solving it all, i appreciate you being with us.
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the italian stallion is done with the golden state, were not talking about neil, why sylvester solo is heading to florida, that is right after the break. >> after longer consideration your mother and i have decided it's time to move on and leave the state of california permanently and were going to go to florida. we're going to sell this house. >> is this a joke. >> it's not a joke at all. >> full-time no l.a. >> where to have the place it's a done deal. ♪ ♪is ♪ the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k.
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both are free with no obligation. david: this is pretty wild san francisco election commission just swore in a noncitizen as a member, part of the swearing in ceremony was actually done in chinese. former california legislature member legislative chuck devore is here. this is pretty wild. you have to be from california to realize that there is something at the very least extremely unusual about having a noncitizen voting on election procedures for the state. >> leave it to san francisco.
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i understand where they're coming from. if you live in the community you ought to have a say in the community where you pay taxes. the problem when you have someone from another nation, the aol allegiance to that nation. in the case of the people's republic of china what were really talking about effectively is a win allegiance to the chinese communist party, that is not a good thing if you want to mix it with our election. >> we should mention is kelly wong she came from a student from hong kong back in 2019 and she is a noncitizen but just the idea of having a noncitizen voting on regulation procedures involving citizens, there just does not seem to be anything right about that. >> as we know in san francisco and some of the areas around san francisco as well as new york there has been a push to allow people who were in america legally although certainly you have to wonder how they would
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enforce it given the lax enforcement when it comes to voter registration invalidation of citizenship. the thought is in some of the jurisdictions to allow them to vote in nonfederal elections, i think it sets up a nightmare, you have to keep two separate voting list, bad idea. david: we should mention this sort of thing is happening all over and blue states all over the united states. new york has problems in this regard as well as does illinois. it does not have to be from california. but the problems in california do seem to a lot of folks to be uniquely unusual shall we say so much so that permanent residence a lot of them by the thousands including very famous people are voting with their feet moving out, one of them is sylvester stallone, we showed the soundbite can we roll that again, we are short on time, our folks solid in the tease. you have's so the entrance of yes, sir stallone leaving what does that tell you about the
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state. >> certainly stallone is a high-profile example what's been happening california for the last several years. you see relocation out of state, billionaires and millionaires in common everyday people moving out of the state, the taxes are too high, public safety is beginning to break down and heaven help you if you want to run a small business, the regulatory thicket in california is out of control we commissioned a study in the legislature that came back and suggested at the time it cost a typical small business about $135,000 a year just to comply with california's regulations. if you don't comply, you go to jail. david: all of that fall so hard and particularly the small businesses. a lot of bigger ones can eat it all although not all of them either. good to see you, thank you for being here, best of luck to california one of the most beautiful places in the world there is no doubt about it.
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