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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 26, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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mer. sleep number does that. can it help us sleep better and better? please? sleep number does that. 94 percent of smart sleepers report better sleep. now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus 10% off all bases. ends monday ♪ me and my friends ♪ ♪ ♪ it's feeling right, ♪ ♪ we're loving life when we're together ♪ ♪ me and my friends ♪ ♪ ♪ we feel the height of lustful life ♪ ♪ when we're together ♪ life is better with the credit gods are on your side. rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. credit one bank. get cash back rewards, and live large. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow.
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biden administration properly getting slammed for the outrageous cascade of progressive failures, as guy benson calls it regarding the illegal migrant status of the suspected killer, story were we will talk with vivek ramaswamy about this we h still the mote awful story, jackie hinrich at the white house about the illegal immigrant tragedy, jackie thank you. reporter: since saturday we've been asking the white house for a statement on laken hope riley's murder, at hands of a venezuelan national who crossed into country illegally two years
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ago. the white house got back to us, saying they would like to extend their deepest condolences, people should be held to fullest extent of the law if found guilty, we have to refer you to state law enforcement and i.c.e. republicans place the blame on this young woman's death on the biden border policies and the sanctuary states. >> biden and the democrats open border policy allowed this man to come into our country give him parole and kill an innocent young woman. here in scottsdale, arizona there e are venezuelan
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gangs, people using into houses to get around cameras these are organized criminals. reporter: biden will head to the border thursday, it is his second visit since taking was on the, something that white house called a photo op or publicity stunt when republican members of congress do it biden will call for lawmakers to take up the senate bill that failed to pass the border patrol union, chen dorsed bored -- which e endorsed the border provisions of the bill, slamming biden at this time saying: >> president's reportedly not going to announce any executive actions while in brownsville, texas, that is sometime around the state of the union, he said he has done all he can by stroke of a pin, now officials downplay whatever is coming as lesser insignificance
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than what congress could do if they got their act together as they put it. larry: jackie, one point on this tragic story. you have two tragedies, one is letting the killer in. everyone is reporting on, that the second is letting the killer out without any bail or detention in new york city. this is one of the alvin bragg stories, i just raise it, i don't know if anyone is talking about that, this is the second tragedy of this tragedy. how did that person get released to go down to georgia so he could murder this poor young woman? reporter: well, the i.c.e. spokesperson is saying that they were not able to put a detainer on him because nypd released him before they could. that how he got out. you know new york city is a sanctuary city, new york is a sanctuary state, which is
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a big bees of this conversation. -- a big piece of this conversation, it lacks prosecutors and bail laws and noncooperation with i.c.e. larry: jackie hinrich thank you, i was just venting. appreciate your report. >> thank you. larry: just one moment. i want to take time out from the horrible, tragic laken riley story, what my friend guy benson correctly calls outrageous cascade of progressive failures, i want to say may she rest in peace. may god watch over her, and i do wish the family the greatest of all condolences. i do want to -- the purpose of the show make another point. regarding the 2024 election. election year voting realinement that is going on something that liberal media does not know or does not
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want to talk about. very nifty piece by my good friend super economic larry lindsey, taken from the database of the federal election committee. shows that contributors to joe biden were heavily skewed towards college professors, professional people, psychologists, social workers, scientists and writers, 93% of college professors gave to joe biden, 7% gave to don't ddonald trump. the biggest donors to president trump were farmers, truckers, entrepreneurs, mechanics and construction workers. the biggest biden corporate donors employees of google, microsoft, ibuprofen and kaiser permanente. the biggest trump givers from walmart, fedex, and
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ups. now this is kind of the my america. this is p populist versus elite and rich versus middle class, mr. biden got a lot of money from the rich, much more money than donald trump ever got, among donors giving less than $200, trump beat biden by a very wide margin. so as larry lindsey put it, the economic elites are democrats. the working stiffs, are republicans. now my apologies to my good friend larry lindsey for publicizing his latest news letter content. i felt it was too good not to share, larry, don't be cross with me, we larries have to be in this together. i am raising these points there is second guessing about trump clobbering nikki haley in south carolina, people asking can mr. trump
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win over independence and haley voters, i am sure he would do well, people are overlooking fact that mr. trump's key policy issues, the closing the border and restoring law and order, peace through strength, that leading to re-- realignment. because of biden's failures and woke extremism, mr. trump is not only winning over the farmers and entrepreneurs and but also black americans and hispanics and asians. i call it trump tough, i call it draining the swamp. let's not forget mr. trump's fundamental optimism of
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making america first again, again. i would say, pollsters and pundits beware. trump realignment sneaking up you on. that is beyond this tragic story of the young woman in georgia. let's bring in one of our favorites vivek ramaswamy. former presidential candidate, now hot on the campaign trail for mr. trump, vivek welcome. i want to talk to you a couple things, i like to talk issues with you, not just politics,s first is double progressive failure not only the invasion of the illegal i'm immigrants, many of whom are kidnappers, killers, terrorists, spies, whatever, and the second part of this aawful story new york in is a sanctuary tea and alvin bragg, a soros pr
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prosecutor let this killer go. this is the worst of the worst, i don't know if this story is bottom or not. but this has to change big time. >> look, it is a basic test of common sense, a nation without borders is not a nation. it not cruel thing to hold them back, that is not compassion that is pomon sense -- common sense, that is what we need to revive. is basic idea your first act of entering this country cannot break the law, if it is breaking the law, it is no surprise these people break the law further when they are already in the nation, that is not racist, i am a kid was legal immigrants this special, you have countless people trying to do it the right way, we're rewarding all of the people who are doing it the wrong way, i think this will be a key issue at the ballot
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box in november. i am seeing that traveling. i was in misc michigan last night, i don't know if you are democrat, republican or independent, this is not what you want to see our nation become, that will drive people out to the polls in november. larry: let me follow-upo that mr. trump's maga circular he sends out, when i'm your president we'll immediately seal the border, stop the invasion, and here is the other one so important on day one, we will begin the largest deportation operations of illegal criminals in american history, he says, may god bless laken riley and her family, the deportation side, eisenhower did years ago, that will be a tall order, a worth while
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one but a tall order, how do you see it. >> >> first, starts with common sense, if we have largest influx of illegal mass migration in american history, it makes sense we have to have largest mass deportation in american history. as well. there are legal tools already available federal government 227 g, that says department of homeland security and i.c.e. can deputize local law enforcement to serve their warrants. there are millions of illegal migrants. there is a million local law enforcement standing at the ready. that is one example of existing tools in our legal tool box, we don't need new laws to do it we need a new president to enforce the laws which are already on the books that is what it will take a president with a spine, new laws can make a
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difference, there are areas for congress to step up. but this idea that a mass deporting a will be inhumane, let's talk with people who entered illegally the last couple of years, use existing laws and do it humanely and respectfully as possible. we have to be nation than forces the laws that already on the books, i think they will try to paint trump in a wrong light when he tries to do this we have continued to this is a moral case for the rule of law, and very people who the left would purport to help are those who are hurt by these policies. larry: i think that country will be with him on this. just for all of these this horrible tragedy of this deceased young woman from georgia, country -- i wish we could find a way to go after the sanctuary cities, deny them federal funds i'm not sure i have not thought it through, but, the blood of this woman is on joe biden's hands, for his open
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border policies, but the blood of this woman is on the hands of new yorkers, alvin bragg and eric adams and governor hochul, any of the sanctuary cities that let the criminals come in, and are immediately released to go out and recommit crimes or sell drugs or kill people. there has to be something we can do. so far we are just taking it, we're not doing anything, but somehow there has to be plain to stop the sanctuary cities and release all of these illegal immigrant criminals and murderers. >> basic steps. first, not only build the wall, complete it move our military to our southern border stop federal funding, start with no more federal funding for central america until they have each block aaid -- blockaded their own border. then you come to our homeland, stop every last
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dime of federal funding for so-called sanctuary cities until they are also enforcing the rule of law, and we could use existing laws in the constitution as it exists, to say that birth right citizenship does not actually apply to the kids of illegals. the best border policies to eliminate incentives to be here illegally in the first place. and if we end that federal funding to sanctuary cities, and we ended others, up to and including birth right citizenship for the kids of illegals to whom 14 amendment first words do not apply. then i think we'll be well on the way to solving the border crisis, this is solvable, we don't need new laws we need a new president, that makes this most vital election issue in november. and i think it will be what leads us to victory. larry: the other point to chew on with you. that is the realignment. everyone is look at the world, republicans, democrats and independents,
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will trump get the independents or haley voter? i raise in my riff just to put something else on the table. larry lindsey's article, the people for trump farmers, truckers entrepreneurs, that is you. mechanics and construction workers this say different coalition. you can add to that, african-american, asian-americans and hispanic-americans too, a different realignment, the wealthy rich the elites are for biden, the ordinary people, they are for trump, i don't think that world sees the prism of this election through the new lens, i say there is a new lens. >> i think there is san opportunity for a -- there is an opportunity for a
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realignment like we saw with reagan, that is a special opportunity we have ahead of us, we have to make it not just about biden's failures but what do we stand for as a republican party? we stand for rule of law, we stand for per suit excellence. then every one of those entrepreneurs, truckers are entrepreneurs, every one of those entrepreneurs can car, chief maximum of their own official with their own hard work -- can achieve the maximum of their potential with their own ho hard work, we bring people from inner-city to rural communities, america first is bigger than historical republican party, i see that opportunity, not happening automatically, there is a complicated pack ahead -- ppath ahead on other side of traps laid i see an opportunity this year to dare i say unite the country, i think that donald
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trump with america first movement has best potential, ill be helpful in and way that i can. larry: that is right. i think these pundits, really underestimate the unifying message of success. as trump is been saying it, regularly, my best revenge will be s with new policies and drain the swamp and break down the elites who have been milking us all these years and give us law and order, that is a unifying message. that is going to blow up all of the polling models. you are my favorite entrepreneur. >> what do entrepreneurs say, you get ahead with your own hard work in in country, the sky is the limit, whatever your god given gifts are you can,a achieve maximum of your potential in the united states of america, i think that 6 term will make the first term
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pail in comparison to the impact if has to the country. this is what i see ahead, i think that trunk will be the will -- that trump will be the guy who reunite the country. larry: you got it. as my old boss reagan used to say, the best is yet to come, trump says the same thing, you say the same thing, i say the same thing, vivek ramaswamy thank you. >> thank you. larry: coming up on kudlow, another government shut down looming. another failure in washington d.c. i don't know, it is not such a big deal, i wish that republicans had followed through, practicessed all 12 appropriation -- passed all 12 aproppin operation bills and a 1% basketball budget cut across the board that would be something. we have my pal steve moore, he will be here to weigh in. you can get us here on kudlow, monday through
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friday, 4 day on fox business. if for some reason, you can't catch us, text your favorite 9-year-old, she will show you how to dvr the show, i am cuddly, and we are entrepreneurs. -- i am kudlow and we are entrepreneurs. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. ♪oh what a good time we will have♪ ♪you... can make it happen...♪ ♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints.
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snow back-to-school for congress, here with new curriculum. chad pergram. >> so late, so overdue. there is san agreement on a top line figure but no deal on how congress spends the money there is a chance of a weekend shut down. >> government shut down is not ideal but not the worst thing it would are worst to exacer exacerbate the problem, only leverage we have, is one house with one branch to be willing to walk away. reporter: so the right is now pushing a long-term punt to fall.
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>> joe biden and chuck schumer want to use the shut down threat as leveraging to write the bill, this is why i support a continuing resolution which will force a 1% cut, 100 billion savings. reporter: the military consumes more than half of all money congre congress, allocates each year. funding runs out this weekend for energy and water programs, military construction. transportation and housing, and agriculture there is little team -- little time to avoid a shut down. >> part of the problem is that speaker is very inexperienced. he is afraid to make stigs because he is is a -- san decision, because he is afraid to lose his job, he saw what happened to ke kevin mccarthy. reporter: we do not know what senate could begin the
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pr impeachment trial of alejandro mayorkas, doubtful it will be this week, the trial may not start until lawmakers figure out how to fund the government. larry. >> all right chad pergram thank you. >> for more, we spring in my pal steve moore. committee to unleash prosperity, steve moore, a shut down is stupid, they may have do it this weekend. the other thing, remember the talk going back 12 or 13 months now, we'll have regular order, we'll get all of the appropriation bills through in r republican congress, they did not do it they did not get that done. i am trying to figure out why. >> they just can't get the votes for it, they couldn't
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come to an agreement, returns have -- republicans have, hard to get anything done. remember they don't control the senate, they don't control the white house, we should not presented -- pretend this tiny republican majority will change the didirection of things, you don't want to take the eye off the ball, source of almost every problem in washington right now is joe biden biden is a path logical spender, he wants to spend money on everything. so, i don't want to distract people from that focus. if you want to get budget santee and control of the -- sanity and control of the border it starts with gets donald trump in the white house and joe biden out. i is up is something my
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friend thomas massie of kentucky came up with. if you can't come up with an agreement, then what you do is you have last year's level of spending, minus 1%. you know me, i would take a chainsaw to this budget if i could, but a 1% cut is not spending more than last year. >> it will not happen for months until april or may. the thing is, i don't understand -- >> just pass a continuing resolution. larry: the other part, continues resolution will be in effect more omni bus spending bills. and i thought -- >> i know. larry: we didn't want to do those spending bills you get the thousand page bills and nobody knows what is in it, it is it -- the 1% cut is lovely idea but it is not happening.
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the last two cr 's ignored. >> it is the land -- i am telling you it is the law of the land, that is what they agreed to in last year's budget deal. but you are missing the larger point, which is we have a completely broken budget process, the last time we wrote -- rewrote the bills, the budget process was 1974, my math is correct that was 50 years ago. that was written by the liberal watergate congress, that whole intent was that package process law was to make it easier for congress to spend. let's get back to you know, you and i agree, how about giving the power of -- a great idea. larry: impound their rear ends off. that is what you do. and leave the legislative
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bs, impound, impound,. >> yeah. larry: it would make me feel good. i have to get out. >> roosevelt used it more than any other president. larry: steve moore thank you very much. >> coming on kudlow, fani willis fiasco. 12 thousand text-messages, 2 thousand cell phone calls, all happens before they were supposedly having a romantic relationship with her favorite prosecutor who was not qualified. there is now a democratic operative from white house calling the shots this is a fiasco, we have rich lo lowry and alec lace when wee impound,at impound, impound,ke. lit president trump to it. n't da
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willis fiasco, growing worse by the day, 12 thousand text-messages 2000 calls, that is cell phone. and a democratic operative calling the shots, steve harrigan with the story in hotlanta, there is a soap opera i'm loving it. reporter: tough, defense attorneys trying to get cell phone records admitted to the court, more than 2000 phone calls and 12 thousand texts messages, they come before wade was hired and wade and willis score their relationship began. it also places nathan wade around willis' condo on at least 35 occasions, sometimes arriving at night and leaving in the morning and wade testified under oath he never spent the night in the condo. >> the phone records reflect you made phone calls from
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the same location as the condo before november 1 of 2021. it was on m multiple occasions it would be wrong. >> yes, sir, they would be wrong. reporter: defense attorney make accusation this case is run from the biden white house, they want to know what went on, on multiple meetings between nate app wade and white house officials, they are trying to get information. larry. larry: steve, any sense when the judge will make a decision on this? reporter: he has a hearing march 1, he will hear final arguments it could be after that. larry: thank you steve harrigan from atlanta. joining me now, this is a wonderful story, rich lowr lowry alec lace, nathan wade must be very
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insecure, 2000 cell phone calls. that is extreme. a 12 thousand text-messages? you know, i love, love, i love my wife and my wife, if i hit her with 12 thousand -- not that needy, now they are trying to deny everything, and do the cell phone towers lie. >> it looks as though, they are desperate to say, she hired him before there was a relationship. just because he is a good prosecutor and a good lawyer, then this relationship love happened. >> love happened. >> it looks as though, we still need to learn more, the phone records belie that. the name of the game with all of the cases is timing, whether she stays on case or not does not real estate really matter. they want do it in august.
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they him sitting in the courtroom, this is disgraceful. it is unamerican, none of it should be happening, he has to pony up a half billion in new york to keep appealing these. larry: he could raise the 8 amendment. i don't know if that is possible. on the other hand, i don't care if they had a romantic relationship or not, it does bother some judiciary types and lawyers, i don't care. i do care t they lied. that is the part that i cared about, that is why i think they should be disqualified. what is happening seems that all of the additional evidence shows they lied, both of them lied on the stan last week or the week before that bothers me. >> they lied and they are in denial, they will deny, deny, that is their game plan, this adds up to 30 text-messages a day, 5 or 6 phone calls a day, fani
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willis she made her bed, everyone has been sleeping in it, who knows who else she has been texting. we know she keeps a pile of cash in her house, now, she need its pay for the phone bill, i remember back in the day you needed to worry about minutes call me after 9:00. nights and weekends were free. >> he is very needy this guy. rich is right. >> do you have time do anything else. larry: if he's to text her all day. that is fine. just don't lie about it. i think that is what is happening here. i think that judge -- the judge is a democrat but the noose is -- the other thing that is bad story is breitbart broke it this afternoon, i think breitbart is good reporters jeff desantis, long time democratic. >> no relation to florida governor. larry: no, it is disan
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'tis. he has worked for presidents, governors, senators, a campaign war horse. he is the white house person in her operation. and i think that is a link. i can't prove it but we know that there have been reports that white house of coaching fani willis and wade about this. is this disantitis. >> every poll said if trump was convicted of a felony he would more likely to beat joe biden in november, all of these cases would go away, they doing it knowing it the hurt him, draining resources and time. >> all right, let us move on. alec, can donald trump win over independents and nikki haley voters in the general election that was the hot top topic this
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weekend. find they are good questions. >> are there any nikki haley voters. i think most of these people are democrats that are supporting nikki haley, i don't think he will have a problem, this is donald trump's party, he will win this. larry: in the general. how will he do with independents. >> i think he will pick them up, i don't think there are true nikki believers, i think he has no problem scooping up the people. donald trump did not just win the primaries in iowa and new hampshire and south carolina, he broke records in all three. there is a dominating performance by president trump, it is either get on the trump train or get stuck with nikki haley, i don't know who the people are that supporting her, i don't think he has a problem picking them up. larry: one thing, statistics that turn out, republican turn out in south carolina saturday, was significantly bigger than the republican turn out in 2016 when you had a real horse race with
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ted cruz and marco rubio. now there is an intensity thing going on this i don't think that pundits have picked it up. >> this is the big thing with trump. turn out, intensity of his base, no other republican can match. if you are a republican in suburbs, you are hurting now because of high propensity voters tends to be democrats in suburbs and other places. trump will need to win independents, polling a lot of polling shows him winning independents, 16 he wins independents, and president see, 2020, loses independents and loses. larry: alec, we were talking about article by larry lindsey about how republican party has changed. now made up was not the elites or well to do but farmers, truckers entrepreneurs and mechanics and construction workers, we checked your boxes at least
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5 times for these new categories. but, the point is there is a realignment go on, you can add black americans, hispanic-americans, and asian-americans and add younger people who d gh don't get enough credit, there is realignment. >> also, you have seen teamsters made a large donation to the rnc, that is historic, i have been working for railroad for 23 years, we seeing it there, those boxes that you mentioned, they all exist in a big melts pot on the railroad, no matter of what you make, you bring home it does not make a difference if you get a raise if everything that you have to pay for is skyrocketing,.
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they want something changed, they are not better off now than 4 years ago, that will bring them out to vote for trump. larry: you were cited at mcdonald's over the weekend, your wash wad was blown. >> mcdrive-thru, two orders of large fries and a large shake, 17 dollars, i love mcdonald's. first time i have gone and felt ripped off, because, food is just the price is higher, and everyone feels it. it means or paycheck is worth less than it used to be. larry: affordability crisis, hold that if your next column, rich lowry and alec lace thank you. larry: up next, byron donalds, we talk about the break down of the progressive model, every place you turn. i'm kudlow we'll be right back. get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan,
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horrible story about the young woman, late young woman who was killed in j georgia. can there is no law and order because of the progressives, we have a woke culture because of the progressives, we spend and borrow too much and have inflation, rich lo of talking about his $17 bill at mcdonald's. my authority to make things simple. i think that this country will vote against progressive policies across the board. >> i agree with you, i think the progressives have been wanting control, for decades through joe biden and i will add started with barack obama. with joe biden, they have been able to accomplish a good portion of it.
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it sucks. it is te terrible, immigration policy is one that everyone can see, tragedy that happened in georgia, but also tragedy that is happening all over country be we have 200 thousand people die from fentanyl overdose, because of joe biden's progressive policies, there are young girls who are sold to sex slavery every debu day, by the drug cartels because of joe biden reckless policies and migrants have died in back of tractor-trailers in texas because of the terrible progressive policies, they don't work they breed destruction and death and they overwhelm cities, every major city is now overrun and overwhelmed. these policies, what does this mean in life of a young child growing up in the inner-city, progressives lock them out of the clack room for a year -- in classroom for a year or 2 because of covid-19, ignores
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reality that kids are less susceptible to worse elements of covid, the kids fell behind, now they are back, joe biden and the radical democrats put migrants in the class ra ram rooms so the -- classrooms so the kid now fall further behind, we have not gotten to the rest of the policies that just one. larry: whether you call them liberal or progressive, or radical, the vast spending and borrowing that has made the economy unaffordable for typical working families and low income families and for black american and h hispanic families and asian families, there is no law and order, the education system is deteriorated and cull culture has been destroys, people can't peach history any more, the border is every day another story, people are killed lift and right, either from murderers or from drug smugglers.
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i think that you know, byron this is not about democrats and republicans, and independents this is about liberals and the failure of their ultra progressive policies that will breakthrough in a rea realignment. >> i agree, you have a situation where what people really want is common sense, so much was made about president trump's speech in south carolina friday night, i was there i was on stage with the president. a lot of what he talked about were common sense policies. you know, not so much even a conservative just common sense, let's do what we know works, and then we can figure out the other issues that happen just through normal every day life. like we're on fox business, you have a great show let's talk about bank capitol for a moment, the treasury department and fed they want to raise bank capitol, what
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will that do, it will make it harder for small businesses to raise capital, and get money.ting larry: i got to go. more efficiency. more benefits. more growth. when you realize you can give your people everything, and more. thank you very much. [applause] ask, "now what?" here's what. you go with prudential to protect, empower and grow. with everything you need to deliver, you guessed it... more. one more thing... who's your rock? learn more at salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine.
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