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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  February 27, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EST

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maria: good tuesday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is tuesday, february 2 27 tae a look at futures this morning, the dow industrials trading higher by a fraction. and the market is higher across the board even if just fractionally as we are tracking the consumer. major retailers on tap this morning ahead of key economic data out this week and this morning. lowe's will be out any moment with quarterly earnings, macy's is out later this hour. we've got all the numb guesser coming up, ahead of the durable goods order report at 8:30 a.m. eastern. we're previewing the second read of fourth quarter gdp out tomorrow morning. the january pce index out on thursday. everything you need to know about the macro story right here. european markets trading like this, take a look at the eurozone, higher across the board but fractional moves, ft 100 up 2 points, cac quarante up 4 points, dax higher by 76.
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asia overnight markets finished this way, a mixed story, korea the weak spot. the best performers was china, shanghai composite up 1 and a quarter percent. president biden finally expected to visit the border, nine months before the election. the white house announcing a thursday trip to the southern border in brownsville, texas. which used to be a major hot spot but has slowed significantly this year, the president choosing the same day president trump will be in eagle pass, texas for a speech. this is one day before hunter biden will testify tomorrow morning. james comer will be live in the studio this morning, 8:00 a.m. eastern, with the latest on the biden impeachment inquiry, hunter biden testifying on wednesday. then the michigan primaries are happening today while super tuesday with several more primaries just one week away. how americans with feeling ahead of the vote right here. joining the conversation all morning long, joe borelli is
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here, chris mcmann is here and cheryl casone. "mornings with maria" is live right now. and we are waiting on lowe's earnings hitting the p tape, cheryl casone with the numbers. >> we've got them and so this is going to be an interesting story with lowe's today, the stock anyway. so the stock is down a little more than 2%. this is on the forecast which i'll get to in a second. first to the earnings per share. they had a beat, a buck 77, not adjusted number, estimate was a buck 68. they came in with a revenue beat, 18.6 billion, revenue estimate, 18.45 billion. we knew from home of depot that it was going to be a rough quarter for lowe's and it was. same store sales we were looking for 7% decline on same store sales, it came down 6.2%. so not as bad as what the street was expecting. look, you know, we saw foot traffic maria declining towards the end of the year. remember, lowe's is the do it
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yourselfer and if you're looking at a housing market, houses aren't turning over, people aren't fixing up house as much, lowe's is going to suffer more than even home depot would because more of the he professionals, the contractors, they go to home depot. the rest of us, the little people, we go to lowe's. there's your numbers. maria: that's a great point. i think the weakness in the housing market because of higher interest rates ripples through the industry including housing retail. cheryl, thank you. time for the hot topic of the hour, dueling border trips, president biden and former president trump planning to visit the border this thursday. biden will travel to brownsville, texas, trump will deliver remarks 325 miles away in eagle pass, texas. president biden says he didn't know that trump would also be in texas on the same day. watch this. >> why go to the border now, you're going on thursday, why go now? >> i land to go thursday.
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what i didn't know was my good friend was also going. maria: oh, yes, the border patrol union slamming the biden trip, saying, quote, unfortunately a visit by president biden three years into his term and after repeatedly stating there's no crisis is too little, too late. the tr61% ofamericans say illegl immigration is a very serious problem in america while 10% say it's not serious at all. joe, i'm not sure if i'm buying this, that joe biden didn't know that donald trump was going to the border. >> no, no -- maria: during an a election el, i'm pretty sure both sides know what they're doing. >> he is responding to the poll numbers we just saw in addition to broader poll numbers that show the divide between his approval and disapproval numbers are continuing to widen. he is responding to the fact that americans not just republican right wingers are
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saying that immigration is the number one issue. those numbers grew. 2019 to today, the number of people who said that immigration is a serious issue grew by 15% and the number of americans who want to see a border wall grew by 11%. this monmouth poll is the trump validation poll, the poll that says donald trump was right and maybe that's causing a little pause in the biden camp. maria: could he actually salvage what he's been saying for the last three years and make people believe he does see this as a serious threat? for three years he's been saying there's no crisis at the border, the border is secure. >> he's been telling us the sky is purple, the sky is purple. yesterday he said you know what, it's actually green. people aren't going to believe that. people will see right through that. gallup has his approval rating at 38%. right now, february again 2010, president trump was at 48% and he still lost. so there's definitely a crisis going on, not just at the border, but in the biden camp.
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maria: yesterday president biden was in new york, not to deal with the migrant crisis that eric adams has been complaining about but to sit down with late night host seth meyers, he spoke about the border deal out of the senate that died last month. watch a this. >> i don't know those be a fact but i was told that trump was picking up the phone, calling the speaker of the house saying don't let it pass. not because he don't think it is good but because it will benefit biden. that is no way to run the country. >> th that's after they kneeld down to the king, to be fair. it was a love fest. on stage, he was able to pivot and go after donald trump and that's exactly what the white house is telling him to do, we know that's the campaign strategy. he was asked about the border, he was asked about ukraine and it's their fault, it's congress' fault, not my fault. i had a bill on the floor, i had a bill on the floor like kamala
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harris. she said the same thing, three years ago. we put it down on the floor. the republicans -- what they're doing, they're on the defensive. he was on the defensive last night with seth meyers because they see the same polling, all the numbers that joe just cited for us, maria. and this is going to be their strategy, we knew it. last night was just a very clear example of that on television. maria: your thoughts, chris? >> i agree, completely. joeys right. you can't just pivot 360 degrees and say everybody was wrong and if my bill passed we would be in great place. the absurdity, it's come call. at the end of the day, the tragedy of the girl in juror jacks it's overwhelming. my mother said it's time to secure the border and she was all on board with the things are fine until that happened. it's overwhelmingly tragic and i don't think people are going to buy it. maria: and the illegal who killed the beautiful nursing student, laken riley, came into america through the el paso, texas border if september of
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2022. we've got a lot coming up. james comer is here live in studio this morning, we'll get the latest on the impeachment inquiry against joe biden and preview hunter biden's closed door deposition happening tomorrow morning. first, big day for retail earnings, we're waiting on macy's. we just heard from lowe's. how you are investors positioning themselves ahead of a week of retail. don't miss that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ at ameriprise financial our advice is personalized based on your goals, whatever they may be. all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice...
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newage makes it possible with beautiful all-weather cabinetry, grills and appliances that transform your backyard into a complete outdoor kitchen. visit to book a free design consultation and create the outdoor living space you've always wanted. maria: welcome back. let's take a look at futures this morning, busy week of earnings and retail data, the dow industrials, s&p up fractionally this morning, the
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nasdaq up another 32. we are looking at record territory across the board here. lowe's crossing moments ago as cheryl reported, a double beat here but it is cutting its annual sales forecast. the stock is up 1 and a third percent on the double beat. we're waiting macy's later this morning. that could be a market mover. we'll hear from retailers tjx and best buy later this week. joining me is managing partner ted oakley. thanks for being here this morning. what is your reaction to the earnings season so far? >> well, it's been mixed, maria. i think one of the things that's coming out on it is that some of these companies are saying you know, we did okay but i'm not certain about the first quarter. and i think you're starting to see some of that as well. maria: do you think that the economy is going to see growth? we're waiting on the gdp tomorrow, of course, the federal reserve is watching interest rates as well as the inflation levels and the 10 year treasury
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this morning is looking like this. 4.2% or so as 10 10 federal rese officials are expected to speak this week. kansas city federa president said there's no rush to cut rates right now, he remains focused on inflation. the yield is down 1 and-a-half f basis points. the pce index is out on thursday. >> maria, i think chairman powell threw them a lollipop in october and got everybody thinking it was all going to be great and then all of a sudden they had to backtrack. i think right now they're stuck between a rock and a hard place. if you look at where employment is and certain things and you've had pce, cpi, had a big month in january, i think it's going to be hard for them to lower rates right here, wouldn't make any sense, i don't think. maria: chris, what do you think
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about that? tell us what you're doing at you aquinas. >> i think we're thinking similarly to ted the. consumer debt is at an all time high. we don't think we'll see a cult any-cut any time soon. what do you think, do you think the consumer won't be able to make those red call purchases? >> -- radical purchases. >> it's interesting. if you look at companies that arare announcing right now, they announce that people are trading down in their own products, they're starting to trade down. if you walk in restaurants, down 12% for the year. i think the consumer is really starting to get under pressure right now. and we'll have to see if it continues. if it does, we'll probably have a fairly weak consumer quarter eventually. maria: i'm glad you mentioned that consumers are going to trade down. i want to spotlight temu this morning, the chinese retailer that's trying to take market
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share from the discounters. remember on the super bowl temu had at least three super bowl commercials. this is a chinese company. there is pressure to ban this company because of surveillance. i've got a note from cowen and company which came out on friday and here's what paul galant writes from cowen, congressional pressure to ban temu, on friday afternoon the information reported key members of congress were pressing the department of homeland security to put temu on the entity list over forced labor concerns, the analyst says they can't rule it out, biden prioritizes human rights and public sentiment is strongly anti-china so he may be willing to act against temu. t.the stock has been on fire in 2023 as it seeks to gain market share from wa walmart and five
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below. your thoughts on whether or not we could see a ban here. look at this stock. >> well, maria, i suppose you could. i haven't followed it that closely. i would say this. if they're going to start pick being on forced labor, there's a lot of companies that they need to take a look at if that's the case i think in general from china. maria: cheryl, the report says i think temu ban is unlikely in the near and medium term writes paul gallant because of litigation risk, biden's re-election calculus and other values, don't forget even after this administration told us that tiktok was surveilling us, joe biden starts doing tiktok videos. >> because the genie's out of the bag with regard to tiktok, also when it comes to investments china, you have plightpolitical pushbacks, concs about security and spying on us thanks to chinese nationals. at the same time the wall street will not get off of their lust for money and that comes to the
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chinese investments doing business they china, we've not see that slow down at all. is that even a concern among investors anymore, at least on the street? >> well, i know for us we really stayed away from china in the last 15, 18 months and it's been under pressure. the markets have. as far as the banking business, there's a chance they do more of that. on the market side, that's not something we've been interested in. maria: i wanted to mention it, i thought it was really interesting that there's congressional pressure now to ban temu. we'll keep a watch on it. ted, good to see you this morning. thank you, sir. >> thank, maria. maria: your morning mover is zoom video communications, up 13%. shares of the video chat software jumping after beating fourth quarter earnings expectations. they reported net income of $298 million. zoom noting its growth would have been faster last quarter if not for a sales reorganization. it also announced a one
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and-a-half billion stock buyback program. the stock is down over the last year, down 14% in the last year. florida congressman cory mills is here to talk about the border invasion and thursday's dueling visits to texas from joe biden and donald trump. stay with us. ♪ before you use ai to transform business, accelerate growth, predict trends, you need to begin with trust. introducing watsonx governance.
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maria: welcome back. the biden white house finally addressing the tragic murder of georgia student laken riley who was killed by an illegal migrant while out for a jog. the white house writes this, we would like to extend our deepest condolences to family and loved ones of laken hope riley. people should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law if they are found guilty. former president trump is blasting biden's border invasion for riley's death, pointing out riley's accused killer was he released in new york city after injuring a child. trump vowing to begin the
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largest deportation in american history. he said he would have to deport most of the 10 million people on joe biden's watch. joining me is florida congressman cory mills, a member of the house armed services and foreign affairs committee. thank you for being here. your reaction to all of this ahead of dueling trips, president trump and president biden going to the border on thursday. >> president trump is exactly right. when he was in office in the previous administration, we had great policies like remain in mexico and our borders secure. under joe biden we have seen seven nearly 8 million criminal migrants who have come across our border, 1.8% who are known got aways. we have a approaching 4 and 500 people who are on known terrorist watch lists. cartel revenues, in 2018 he revenue was approximately $500 million a year. fast forward to 2021 and you were looking at almost $13 billion, of which you had
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40% in human and sex and child trafficking. you're seeing with the gross abuse of fentanyl, with the sex trafficking that's going on, with the criminal migrants coming over where venezuela and others in south america are dumbing prisons, they're coming to america and threatening americans and a also americans. -- and also killing americans. we had hr2, the secure the border act a year ago that chuck schumer and mitch mcconnell refused to put on the floor. joe biden is responsible for not only removing the remain in mexico policy but he could right now under the executive unilateral authority utilize section 212-f that would allow him to secure the border. the reality is, they don't want to do their job. maria: what kind of role is the chinese communist party playing in all of this? i've been told that the ccp is working with the mexican cartels and they're setting up businesses in america. so that they can have a front
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for human trafficking. one source told me last week that he thinks that within the next two years you human trafficking in america will be as prevalent and fentanyl is today because of these business that's the ccp and the mexican cartels are he setting up because when they come here, when illegals come here they have to pay the mexican cartels and if they don't pay up at the border they're going to have to send money back once they're here, right? >> that's exactly right. you also have mainland chinese who set up in the darien gap where there had been intelligence operations that run from certain pill presses to be able to get there from more fentanyl coming across. they not only utilize the mules to come here but they're creating this as a business and revenue stream. whether it is being paid on the way there or getting to america where these criminal migrants are essentially getting these prepaid cards. those prepaid cards are going
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back into these ccp and these cartels and so we literally are having taxpayers pay in to these criminal organizations as well as to the ccp on the back of what could be closed tomorrow with a simple border shut. maria: just stunning. meanwhile, i want to get your take on the business at hand in the house and senate. president biden is meeting with congressional leaders today at the white house, expected to discuss the ukraine funding, the government shutdown p deadline which is coming up this friday, the first one. texas congressman chip roy is claiming that the republicans have, t quote, no plans to fight and will increase spending. he's charging that the republicans plan to give $30 billion additional to pelosi's 2023 omnibus and make spending side deals with president biden and the demodemocrat-- the progress of e democrats in congress. what are you thinking ahead of the deadline where a lot of people expect either another continuing resolution, more of
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nancy pelosi's budget or a government shutdown. >> well, look, i respect my colleague chip roy very much. there is a plan, it's just not having the moral or political courage to follow through on it. i voted against every single cr and back in january of 2023 we were supposed to put 12 single point appropriation bills with the necessary reforms, cut and economic growth that jody errington of the budget committee put forward. the reality is, we can't get chuck schumer and mitch mcconnell to take up most of the appropriation bills that could fund 80% of the overall government, like dod, va, the idea for me is that we can't continue to put pressure on the senate to take these bills up. the american people have to accept the fact that they will see a shutdown. we cannot continue to go ahead and look at the post covid era spending which is a 40% increase. if we went back to 2019, we did a 3, 3 and-a-half percent
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adjusted rate we should be somewhere around 1.477 trillion a year in spending. our fra which i voted against, i wanted to go back, was 1.56. we're looking at over $2 trillion with continuing resolutions that do the pelosi level spending. i think right now knowing that the american people's biggest priorities is the inflationary cost rising faster than minimum wage and open borders with millions of migrant criminals coming across, we have to be prepared to shut the border or shut down the government. we have to be able to do our jobs and stand our ground because this idea of funding ukraine or funding other nation as before we're going to fund our own is absolute nonsense and we saw that with chuck schumer who went to ukraine not to our southern border. maria: how do you keep joe biden to his promises? isn't he supposed to provide a budget every year? have you seen his budget for the forward year yet? >> well, no one has seen the budget. that's the whole thing.
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remember, even when former speaker kevin mccarthy was in office he refused to have a meeting with the republican congress. maria: how do you manage the government if you don't have a budget? >> it's 100% on joe biden. maria: you don't have a budget blueprint that he's putting forth. it's just -- i don't know how you could hold him to account to keep to spending levels. we're going to see another continuing resolution. >> the republican party continues to put forward a budget and then we fail to be able to deliver because the republicans and democrats are not able to pass single point appropriation bills to be able to p send to the senate. then do pass, the senate refuses to take them on the floor. maria: the president is spending more money with the forgiveness of student loans. >> unconstitutional. maria: even though the supreme court ruled it unconstitutional. you're right. congressman, thank you. we'll be watching. cory mills joining us this morning. quick break and then a president biden munching on ice cream while discussing a he potential cease fire between israel and hamas.
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this was the situation yesterday. we're going to talk about it. new york city mayor eric adams doubling down on wanting to change the status of his sanctuary city. it's making a buzz this morning. stay with us. ♪
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♪ looking good, guys! thanks! vacations are better with the credit gods are on your side. i'm coming up! rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. earn points for travel with credit one bank, and live large. maria: welcome back. a georgia community is mourning this morning over the death of nursing student laken p riley as we learn more now about the illegal migrant who allegedly killed her. cheryl casone with all the details. >> maria, this story continues to get more and more sad. look, this university of georgia
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-- the students, they did hold a vigil to mourn the death of her yesterday. they set up a memorial at the lake where her body was discovered, riley a nursing student, she was murdered by an illegal immigrant while out for a jog. the migrant charged in her death had jose antonio abara, 26. is facing murder charges. we got this morning more details about how she died, head injuries is what we know so far. however, he slipped through law enforcement hands twice. he was never deported. he was arrested in queens last august. he was released before an i.c.e. detainer could be issued. he was wanted on arrest warrant georgia for blowing off a court appearance on a shoplifting charge. well, another headline this morning. the soap opera in georgia continues today, 2:00 p.m. eastern time. the prosecutor, former president trump's election interference case is facing possible disqualify case from the case.
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a judge says nathan's wade former partner has to testify, it's about the records from his phone. it shows 35 times that wade's phone pinged near willis' phone, 2,000 2,000 phone calls, 12,000 interactions. here is the question. did their relationship start well before he was hired in the trump election interference case? they say it didn't. all right. amazon web services is investing $5 billion to move to cloud computing in mexico. aws mexico, that's the you unit of the parent company, going to open a cluster of these data centers in the country. the investment will be spread over the next 15 years. companies do cut costs by 15% when you use aws. there's the stock, it's fractionally lower in the premarket. finally, a he measles outbreak in florida rapidly evolving, eight cases confirmed as of yesterday.
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if you look at a map it shows broward and polk county affected. the cases center around manatee bay elementary school. polk county case is travel related. the ages for the cases, range from a 1-year-old up to a 14-year-old. the florida department of health says this. broward is continuously working with all partners, including the schools and hospitals to identify contacts that are at risk of transmission. measles is highly contagious, you get a rash, tiny red spots. it can be rare that it can turn out to be a deadly case. maria: if you've had measles before, then what? >> that's an immunity situation. for kids, the vaccinated, and has become more of a problem, especially with the open southern border, all those kids coming through the border, none of them are vaccinated. this happened in new york as
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well already. maria: on the nathan wade fani willis situation, i was watching jessie last night. he was talking about the 10,000 text messages in 2021. i guess at one point he texted -- she texted him, fanni texted nathan around 10:00 p.m. he went over her house at midnight and then he left at 4:00 a.m. i know that he said they had a lot of documents to review. >> if i did that to you or anybody else you would put out a warrant for my arrest. yeah. maria: they were reviewing documents. >> not only were they -- >> all night. >> not only were they dating. she was kind of clingy if you ask me with the number of text messages. >> get your popcorn out for 2:00 p.m. maria: thank you, cheryl. president biden says he is hopeful an israel, hamas cease fire could happen in the next few days, during a campaign stop in new york city yesterday he said so. watch this. >> can you give us a sense of when you think the cease fire will start, sir? >> i hope by the end of the
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weekend. my national security advisor tells me we're close. we're close. it's not done yet. my hope is by next monday we'll have a cease fire. maria: the president enjoying his ice cream there. the remarks coming as israel and hamas have sent officials to qatar for proximity talks. negligence other yatesers are racing to -- negotiators are racing to strike a deal before ramadan. benjamin netanyahu said israel's army pursu parmy pursuant to p. joining us now, general jack keane. general, always a pleasure many thank you for being here this morning. >> great being here, maria. maria: i'm not sure what to think because president biden says that we are close to a cease fire. but that's not what prime
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minister net ya netanyahu is s. i'm wondering if pressure from the united states is what we're talking about here or is this something that netanyahu is considering without any release of hostages? >> no, i think prime minister net net ya netanyahu is implyins is being made based on the interviews i saw over the weekend. hamas withdrew the unrealistic proposeal, which is a permanent cease fire and hamas would pick thousands of prisoners to be released from israeli jails. those are non-p starters. they're no longer on the table. some kind of negotiation is in both parties' mutual interest. i believe it will happen. hamas is back on their heels. they've got 75% of their fighters lost, either killed or wounded. their tactical commanders at the lower and middle grade level
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have been devastated. their principal leaders are still intact for the most part but with those kind of losses, they need to reorganize and regroup and actually reposition so some kind of cease fire is in their advantage and also i think they're going to try to sneak some of these leaders out of gaza if at all possible because their fate is pretty obvious, the israelis is likely going to kill or capture them. from the israeli perspective, they want the hostages back. they're likely going to get some of them, likely not all of them. and also they know they've got to get some kind of massive humanitarian relief into the civilian population, most of which, not all of which is in the raffa area. i think a deal is going to take place and it's the right thing. so our audience understands, this is not a permanent cease fire.
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the idf has got the mission when this cease fire is over to go into rafa, first they're going to move the civilians out of there as best as they can. they have got to go after the remnants of the hamas organization, the remaining 25% and get as much of the leaders as possible. that is an absolute must. hamas has already won strategically because of widespread international condemnation which israel expected. we cannot let hamas win operationally and they will if we leave 25% of their fighters intact and most of their top leaders. if they get that as a result, they will rearm and reattack and that is not what israel wants at all. maria: of course. yeah. that's a great analysis as usual. meanwhile, i want to switch gears and ask about lloyd austin. the pentagon reporting it found no indication of ill intent or an y you a attempt to ob obfuy
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found no one is to blame over the failure to disclose the hospital stay to president biden or congress. fox news chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin grilled the department while austin was in the icu. watch this. >> who was it who called down to the deputy he defense secretary who was on a beach in puerto rico and not not say might be e to come back, even without violating hipaa and talking about the secretary's condition. >> when the transfer of authority occurred the secretary's military aids notified the deputy secretary's staff that a transfer of authority was going to occur. the deputy secretary had full access to the coms she needed to execute duties as acting secretary of defense. at no time was there a gap in
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command and control of the department of defense. maria: i you see what they're trying to do here. for the pentagon to say nobody is to blame for the secret hospital stay, i mean, look, we're in an incredible moment in time where our adversaries are on the march. he goes into the hospital, has a major issue. and doesn't tell anybody. okay, there were no gaps but can the pentagon get away with saying there's no one to blame here, onto the next thing? >> well, the first thing, we're fortunate that no adverse consequence occurred as a result of the sn a afu and certainly the secretary admits that he made -- he owns this problem principally himself. he made the mistake obviously of not making sure notification was made and he didn't get involved himself. but look, this document is full of legalese and bureaucratic language and it's unfortunate of course there was people that are accountable that didn't make the
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phone calls. it's routine for staff in the pentagon to call the other staff in the pentagon when senior leaders are taking time off, going on vacation, or are ill. and also obviously based on who it is, to notify the white house as well. that is routinely done by staff. so somebody didn't do that. who is that? that should have been pinned. come on. when the military component of the department of defense does an after action review it's pretty straightforward. it's what happened why did it happen and what are we going do do about i direct language, fact based and pin the rose. that doesn't mean we're going to terminate people. i you mean, everybody's well intentioned here, everybody works very hard here. but i think we have to have accountability so we learn from our mistakes. we're a learning organization. maria: that was my point. >> learn from mistakes and identify those mistakes. maria: the president said he's putting sanctions on russia on
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friday. i know the oligarch is not facing any sanctions. but do you think the sanctions are going to have any impact here in terms of russia's aggression on ukraine? >> well, the other sanctions that have been in place for two years have had marginal impact. for two reasons. one, the administration isn't tough enough and making certain those sanctions are enforced. that take hour by hour, day by , week by weekend forcement to take this on. whether republican or democratic administration, there's always lack of enforcement by the parties you're asking to enforce. and you have got to stay on top of them. they're not doing that. so loopholes have occurred. the second thing is, china, iran, and north korea are significantly helping russia, much more than we expected them to do and particularly china. yes, the sanctions will have
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some impact. but if we don't stay on it and make sure that they're being enforced it's going to slip away from us like these initial sanctions have. russia is flush with money. their gdp growth was about 3.5%. that is pretty good, maria, as you know. their defense department is executing at 9% of gdp. that's double what the united states is doing. so the impact of those sanctions have been marginal at best. maria: of course, that's because they're able to sell their oil and gas certainly from russia. general, it's great to see you. thanks very much for all of the information and all of that we appreciate your time, sir. >> great talking to you maria as. maria: and to you. general jack keane. we'll be right back. there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings.
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mar>> those small numbers thate committing crimes, we need to modify the sanctuary city law. if you commit a felony, a violent act, we should be able to turn you over to i.c.e. and have you deported. it's a right to live in the city and you should be not committing crimes in our city. maria: that was the morning buzz, that was new york city mayor eric adams changing his
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tune a bit on illegal migrants in the big apple. in 2021 he tweeted this we should protect our immigrants, period, new york city will remain a sanctuary city under an adams administration. today after the impact of 170,000 -- 175,000 in new york right now. >> what he said is factually correct. the c city council over a series of five years passed laws that basically eliminated the nypd and our department of correction's ability to coop preys prate with i.c.e. at -- cooperate with i.c.e. at any level. he's coming to the realization as someone who ran as a democrat, et cetera, coming to the realization that most new yorkers, if not most americans believe if you come here illegally, if you commit more crimes, if you're in our jail system, doing violent crimes, riding scooters and robbing people you don't have the privilege of living in new york anymore.
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it took two years for him to come to that realization but i'm glad he's finally here. but we do need more involvement. we were talk about this in the break, we need more new yorkers to be involved and engaged and get rid of council members who live in bizarreo world. >> that girl would not have been killed in georgia if the i.c.e. detainer was issued when he was arrested by the nypd in queens. >.maria: ray kelly discussed wt is happening in new york rights now. >> we know they're established in several south american countries and testify been there for a while -- they've been there for a while, at least 12 yea12years. they've only recently moved to new york. they moved the whole operation and their mo of stealing phones, sending them back to colombia, having them cleansed and then sold. they're stealing bags from women riding on scooters. they will pull up next to them,
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a take a the bag and they're gone in a flash. those are the two kind of primary ways that they've been making money in the city. but they also are involved in human trafficking and drugs. maria: how do you not get religion after what we're seeing? there's a gang from venezuela in they the city right now causing chaos, cheryl. >> exactly. here's the thing. i mean, if you look at what's happened to the city, the venezuelan issue actually credit to joe borelli, he is the one that clued me in months ago about what was happening in new york city as far as the venezuelan gangs, what they were doing. they're the smart ones. they have set up business in new york city. they are in every neighborhood. who are the neighborhoods that suffer from this? it is queens. it is the bronx. it is the black neighborhoods. they're standing up and screaming and saying enough, we're being victimized by this gang and they're very organized, very, maria. maria: we'll come back to you in a minute.
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macy's earnings are crossing the tape right now. joe, when talking about this very dangerous venezuelan gang which ray kelly was addressing, this is apparently -- they were apparently members of this gang, the people beating up the nypd. >> if only there was some sort of authority on our southern border who would evaluate people who cross our border and maybe the guy with the ms-13 tattooed across his forehead, maybe that's a clue and a good sign that you're going to come here and perhaps not do the right thing. to cheryl's point, the smartest venezuelan gang members are the ones not doing the violent crime, they're doing petty crime because they no they'll not face consequences. maria: let's get to the macy's earnings. >> earnings came in at 245, street looking for a buck 96, stock is up 6%. revenue, a slight miss, came in at 8.1 8.12 billion, street loog
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for 8.15 billion. sales were down. wall street they like these numbers. we'll see how this plays out. maria: you're right, it's been a rough year for macy's. a little pop today on these numbers. cheryl, thank you. up 6% on macy's. stay with us. we'll be right back. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ ..
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