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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  February 27, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EST

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congressman james comer as why is that point important in terms galanis temperature from interview of him in alabama galanis very good witness how biden brand operating we established the businesses bidens were in selling access to joe biden selling "the brand." what galanis was able to confirm that escrow did in fact, communicate with one of the people the russian oligarch who wired hunter biden 3 1/2 million dollars this happened while joe biden was vice president. despite many times that joe biden did not ever have any knowledge of family's shady business schemes, this was more evidence that joe biden knew full well with a was o going on, he asked her be good to his son, not -- they wider 3 1/2 million dollars.
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marie: we want to connect dots there is impact to incredible security if first family was accepting millions of dollars from adversaries here we've got president biden sanctions on russia announced on friday once again, it is spared two oligarchs link to do healthcare the real estate developer yell baturina, the late moscow mayor and real estate developer vladimir yelena twaelgd dined twoois with the d.c. café milano hunter allegedly neither at least two times, so, here is biden zoongs on russia because russia is attacking ukraine, and baturina, gets nothing, why? is it because she wired him 3 1/2 million dollars several years ago earlier. >> sure looks like that that looks like a policy decision, that joe biden made in return for millions of dollars his
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family received. from an adversary, look. the democrats the media, and the biden legal team trying to revive this russia 2.0 but here is firm that evidence the bidens took millions of dollars, from a shady character in russia as a result they failed to put sanctions on this particular russian ol oligarch concerning the testimony was good he hopefully people will read that very soon digest what galanis said, devon archer, hunter biden all three-way partners in a deal that according to court records, may have defrauded a native mep pension fund ash cheer pitching to go to jail over that gallon anies jail over that hunter biden never went to jail now indicted smirnov,
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another whistleblower judge deputied bail for smirnov accused of lying about the biden business deals in ukraine department of justice claims he is a flight risk lawyers pushing back saying he has cell phone no signs wanting to flee, nbc news is reporting that froifrments spies warned in 2020 that the hunter biden scandal was had russian fingerprints on it they feel vindicated now what about this? i don't know how that goes down smirnov said burisma executive told him five million to one biden five million to another biden technique protected accepted bribe money now being indicted. >> smirnov appears we never knew theited all we now jim jordan and i thats christopher wray said this porment was one of the most trusted highest
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paid in bureau successfully used this informant to prosecutor criminals in the past what christopher wray told jim jordan and i all we knew about it, you look, they've indicted more coming out about, the, role he played in the fbi, fbi paid him to be a spy they indicted him because communicating with russia paid over ten years i don't know anything about smirnov you know the circumstances around his indictment, his rearrest the changing of the original indictment by weiss is concerning everything that i've had, to do with fbi has suspicious the trust level i have with fbi is zero maria. look. we just we're following the money. smirnov never was a key part
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of this investigation never part of the investigation because we couldn't. marie: just one more confirmation for you. >> yeah, absolutely, you investigate every tip charles grassley brought this tip, smirnov did -- burisma paid hunter biden, that is true we found that he said in there that money was wired to various bank accounts that is true we know that, the part that has never been confirmed is about joe biden, or not, look. we're looking finding new accounts from joe biden every at the end of the day know bidens took over 20 million dollars from with adversary around the world failed to say one thing they did to receive that money. marie: yeah kwa, i think people are so frustrated by politics of all this, amazing to me, that your colleagues just play politics all if time, this is a serious matter security risk if this family has taken millions from chooen
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no wonder china has arched amped up aggression why is smirnov indicted creates steele walk being around is it not trou steele dossier was garbage that lie of russian collusion with donald trump ripped this country apart no one accountable must be frustrating. >> very frustrating zero confidence i told you, i lost couple ofs in the intelligence communities with 51 officials signed that letter says laptop was rush disinformation we found out fbi had laptop for several years prior to that knew full well, the laptop was authentic, the intelligence community has constantly been a major player in the cover-up of the biden, look at this, we this investigation over past seven, eight years the biden family has been investigated
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by fbi, the doj, irs, securities securities and exchange commission commission goes on and on investigating family for financial crimes 177 suspicious activity report reports, there is so much smoke here, you mentioned earlier the media continues attack me i think american people he deserve truth have not been given truth by major media or government agencies. >> like a dirty little secret about biden family everybody knows democrats blow it off? >> that is right. >> your take on structure of deals, because tony bobulinski, was very clear, in terms of what he remembered, now he told me that he met with joe biden, on may 2, may 3 in 2017. james biden other day on the record testimony told you, he
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wasn't involved joe biden wasn't involved at all did james biden commit perjury? >> well if you look at texts messages that bobulinski proud, between he and jim biden they talk about the meeting. and it is a confirmation the meeting happened. but then jim biden under oath, testified that he that -- that -- bobulinski never met with joe biden, again, there is overwhelming evidence, to confirm that jim biden was communicating back-and-forth with bobulinski about the meeting, that he had with joe biden, so there are search or eight things that jim biden said during his transcribed interview agency we speak we are going through trying to verify or whether or not his statements were in fact accurate. marie: he could have perjured
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himself the political article to promote a exchange collapsed jim biden played a major role in americore government accused of massive fraud says jim biden spoke of plans to get his brother equity in americore according to one skufr and install him onboard according to second isn't that same terms in the separate deal with cecf the chinese rj xan. >> yes. we have two people on record bobulinski talking about the business model, for selling the biden brand now galanis talking about the business model, for selling the biden brand, so what you have here, and you have the politico source talking about the business model for selling biden brand all three sources confirm that one way the bidens were able to extract all more than from shaded characters was they said joe biden, not only do we have access to him he wants to be part of this he wants an equity stake in this he may
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even sit onboard what they told cefc 10% to the big go a politico article confirmed about americore health, what we've den able to do is not only prove the bidens were influence peddling we've been able to see exactly what business model was not only joe biden on phone have dinner with joe biden, joe biden wants equity ownership may sit onboard if you pay us enough money. >> last year of obama administration, joe biden's portal included healthcare we want to cures cancer another point here that says, that jim biden told americore they could find a winning business mole for rural healthcare and brother could promote it in a future presidential campaign that is unbelievable, what is stunning to me the deals they were doing with china, largely about energy, so,
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public, michael shellenberger writes chinese control over. s oil and gas at heart of the biden family influence peddling. new whistleblower revealed that galanis is that what so all the time with president biden telling is phosphorus ill foouldz are bad get electric vehicle cutting off lmg contracts selling oil and gas business projections to china. >> i have never seen hypocrisy in there its, what they were trying to do in the private sector being to profit, from the chinese communist party is daylight and dark bidens helping china do all things biden's blocking american emergency from doing in the united states what are the things that i think, americans need to understand, about the whole deal with china when china was going to pay bidens
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they paid hunter biden millions expecting joe biden to be 10% owner to implement did belt road initiative in the united states take over american energy americaning if everything buy american familiar landed trying to get china not to do joe bidening his family getting paid to help china do. >> you sent a letter to the federal reserve, raising concerns, about identical environmental, social and governance practices this has been a climate change agenda, throughout agencies, you want to no how it, are, asset manager actions tell me about that because all connected serenity it? the sec i go driving the biden climate change, putting new rules in place for business. >> they are. you know. it is disappointing that more ceos are stepping out an effort trying to be against this what we're trying to do find out exactly what keep you of correspond responded nz
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though is pushing this issue liberal agenda is it soros backed agenda will have the wing environmental groups dictating policy for biden administration to appease left wing base in only people benefiting from many of these outlandish far-left policies whether they be dei, climate change whatsoever is china more evidence joe biden has china first america last policy we are trying to get truth to american people who is feeding this information to the biden administration? because not joe biden. >> so that i heard a story that elizabeth warren made a promise she would step down running for president if she had the authority to choose committee heads, and help joe biden with climate change i don't know if elizabeth warren was any role. >> i don't know either it appears a lot of far-left wing environmental groups author dike faithing policy for the administration we are trying to learn more about these left
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wing true-ups who is actually would funding groups would be china we don't know but we no this. their agenda is counter to what is best for the american consumer. >> very, very dangerous quick mr. chairman is there anything about your investigation, that we don't know that we don't understand, the audience is there something you want to leave us with most important here. i think we established a pattern a pattern that joe biden, did communicate with every single person, that wired his family millions and millions of dollars, we -- up covered a pattern that they were selling "the brand" there is no biden businesses, when media says hunter biden and jim biden own a energy company they don't own an energy company they owned influence peddling scheme there is no product no services, what we see now, is in some cases they even said joe biden was going to be an equity owner joe biden part of it joe biden communicating with people led americore health to be he was going to be part of it they
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led the chinese government to believe that he was going to be mortality -- part of cefc joe biden's role much greater than what a lot of americans understand. >> certainly we will follow your work thank you so much chairman james comer. we'll be right back. . j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started? work with advisors who create a plan with you, and help you find the right investments. so great getting to know you, let's take a look at your new investment plan. ok, great! this should have you moving in the right direction. thanks jen. get ongoing advice; and manage your investments in the chase mobile app.
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marie: take a look at futures we've got dow industrials negative now down 24 nasdaq up about 20 points s&p 500 higher by a fraction retail earnings from lowe's double beat but also cut annual sales forecast macy beat on earnings but missed on revenue stadium stadium down 4 and a quarter % mace yoo's cut finger macy's closing 150 too serious, look at stocks lowe's down a percent each down fractionally down much more earlier this morning, we will hear from tjx tomorrow bust buy thursday joining us to talk macrostory the consumer is if he had raetd helms senior portfolio manager, steve here great to see you. thank you so much for being here how would you access retail he earnings how do you
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look at the request consumer. >> two o consumers higher end the chao higher end had real estate values relatively stable, they've been soon interest on cash move up significantly financial assets up doing okay the lowernd consumer has very, very different experience though, rents up a bit that hurts. they don't have cash they are in debt look at credit card interest rate, what we're seeing defaults there, so far, has been limited to the lower end consumers allowed retail spending to be okay but there are some signs sf exhaustion so we are watching that otherwise, a great earnings season i think next couple weeks with consumer will be tough. >> are you surprised you haven't seen big impacting from 11 rate hikes a lot of people expecting a recession by now. a lot of excessive savings stimulus small businesses capping pandemic era savings, last year kind of helped get them through i think people
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had pent-up demand they've been needing to get out of system. >>. >> saving less to your point we see personal savings rate go down after month, data macy's earnings goes to what you are speaking of closing 150 macy stores planning bloomingdales, blue mercury expensive seems the stores macy's others realize the luxury consumer wealthier going to stick around not low end. >> u.s. consumer went to that balance sheet, beg, profit steal we spend until unemployment goes up as long as you see labor market notwithstanding the way it have a so is far looks like limited to the low end consumer, in a is feeling the stress. if you start to see unemployment rise that changes
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we haven't seen that one of the reasons constructive. >> how does this impact. chris: unemployment allow, as you said, driving wage inflation going to obviously, i am concerned all concerned about not seeing even three rate cuts, if we don't see rate cuts or numbers. >> how does this play out. >> we think inflation about sticky stickier closer to three not backup to four or five. we've got day of vie on this, this is this idea that steve augth talked about rocky landing starting to come out of that stabilizing our best case until we see things change not seeing that if labor market is strong credit well behaved we think story
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not hold too much cash be vested in equities. >> yield around 4. % we've got, federal reserve officials to speak we will here mixed messages jeff schmitt said no rush to cut rates i wondered if election year changes things does anything change for you that a is election year, that you've got you know look what is happening the michigan primary today, and perhaps i know, this -- this -- election manipulation if you will in terms of making things look better than they are. >> we think if anything election for rate caughts they try to stay away from july november period our construe two spots first half may or june, and of probably not until november or december the november media is day after election, probably could sneak that in. marie: i think that is right
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he goes september, he will be attacked -- >> smells wrong, we think kind of shrinks the calendar if something had happens in will step in if kind of stable economic environment we think they try to stay away. the government funding deadline potential deadline does that matter we could have a partial shutdown next week o yoifrnth happens march 1 the bills due will get there march 8 if a continuing resolution, or shutdown? >> it can here is where it can if you start to see delay in tax returns coming in that could further pressure the consumer particularly on the loaned, so, i9d is not long-term issue not something going to change the way allocating capital about but if you think about some economic data could come in reports might not be released during shutdown makes sense. >> durable goods out in about a minute why is this so
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important. cheryl: based on talking about this based on what we've been saying from home depots lowe's, appliance sales pressure people aren't buying appliances, aircraft now united airlines talking to airbus become aircraft purchases instead of going to boeing aircraft numbers down looking for dlooin 4 1/2% month-over-month could be worst this plays into if he with two 24 go political, that is something else that is investors have to -- >> numbers in 30 medics the second read of fourth quarter gdp normal, how far are you allocating capital. >> overweight equities, overweight everything other than large expect a not massively overweightf but if not having a recession our base case if rates fall economically s sensitive interest rate have to pattern.
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>> you are saying are you buying banks, financials part of that if going to have a soft landing banks have to participate. >> sounds like you are pretty open ended in terms of equities right now anything you want to avoid. >> i wouldn't be chasing i wouldn't be chasing kind of magnificient 7 at these wait for pullback. marie: nvidia on fire. >> durable goods. cheryl: came in worse than expected, that is exactly what we were talking about going into this number, down 6.1% month-over-month that is much worse than down 4 1/2% looking for also, x transports gain. %? we got decline 37b9 3% stripping out transports aircraft component, forecast coming in up.1% in line, this really goes back to the fact that we are just seeing a slowdown this is a broader economic slowdown, worse than expected, month-to-month, but
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i'm sorry you got to talking about this '24 as overly story. >> vibrant when it comes to jobs if you see slowdown federal reserve i think if fte cuts more than two times responding to deteriorating story in macrostory. >> i think five or six market trying to place in earlier would be accompanying not just slowdown in moderation but in other nefarious, severe. >> we saw, 50%, 52-week highs how do we allocate in that space, still room to run there? >> i do think there can be when we think about did economically sensitive parts of interest rate sensitive you have been in two-year bear market seep in general 52 week lies look below regional banks beat up, if you are not having a crises there is recovery
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there. marie: great to get insights thank you so much, stay with us. we'll be right back. . in a rocky mountain setting spanning over 280,000 acres. three forks ranch is the destination for luxury and adventure. enjoy fly fishing and america's finest trout stream. kick back for intimate performances from the best in country music. enhance your wellness and longevity through our mayo clinic programs, or plan your meeting for a memorable corporate retreat. discover the west kept secret. go to three forks to book your luxury experience.
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new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. we've -- uncovered a pattern that they were selling "the brand" there is no biden business this the media says hunter biden jim biden owned energy company they didn't own energy company they opened incompetence scheme. >> there was no product. >> there is no product no services what we see now is in
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some cases they've been said joe biden was going to be an equity owner joe biden going to be part of it joe biden communicated with these people and led americore health to believe he was going to be part of it led the chinese government to believe, that he was going to be part of cefc. . >> oversight committee chairman james comer with stunning developments joined me earlier in the program, to discuss the investigation, into the biden family influence peddling. ahead of hunter biden's closed-door testimony before his committee in the house judiciary committee taking place tomorrow morning, joining me "new york post" columnist for, news contributor miranda devine great to see you. thank you so much for being hr, your reaction, and what are you expecting from testimony tomorrow? >> hi maria, look. i think james comer as usual brings the receipt interesting he said he doesn't trust fbi anymore i think ought to be the default position of all
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americans, we have seen these stories, you know catalog of corruption but i think perhaps worse has been the cover-up by fbi, by doj, none being explained. and i think american people are owe a dent gradtude to james james comer jason smith all on your show doughedly tried to uncover this against enormous opposition slander slug from their own party ken one example of one keeps being influenced about the fact, and you know giving his opinion about it. i thought hunter biden his appearance tomorrow we saw preview of that in his little interview that he gave this week to axios in chicago trying to tie sobriety to
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father's prospects at '24 election i don't think the biden pain is thrilled bl that it is man up latif machiavellian ploy. >> mixing in with all this, you know we have evidence from james comer, about this money that biden family has taken in, mirror and avenue you are out with new op-ed in "new york post" titled "new election year means russiagate as biden dplts try to smear endorsement probe" you wrote it neef rush gate, k4r5e7d because of trusted informant alexander smirnov on false charges said hunter joe biden each received five million dollars a piece in bribes from ukrainians now are accused of of lying to investigators about family business ties yesterday denying as well that is jamie
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raskin, others in democrat party said this this indictment of smirnov means the whole impeachment inquiry is over, that it is russian disinformation you are right there was no account after rush collusion lie that trump colluded with russia into christopher steel walking around free on a informant came up with steele dossier sold us its garbage, smirnov gets indicted caution he says something wrong about the biden family. >> in the dream anything to do with impeachment inquiry impeachment inquiry is trucking along quite nicely smirnov was irrelevant in fact smirnov wasn't even going to be in final, didn't know smirnov -- that confidential human source report the fd1023 wasn't going to be in final report i am told because it
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basically, comer the rest republicans, did not know who informant was it was up to fbi to investigate, that alleges allegation, as we know, sat on that allegation for three years did not show to irs investigators felt startled upset about that that they came back to congress made special statement saying there were never showing allegations if they had been as they should have been would have thoroughly investigated them, this whole -- indictment is very peculiar if you look closely i think if he isn't in joil coerced to have a plea deal keep mouth shut if lawyers allowed to mount defense in court i think a very different story than the one we're seeing in the indictment, it is very curious that they the thrown this valuable 13-year highly paid
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informant under the bus, sent to chill on every other confidential informant for the fbi i can't imagine that on the ground fbi people few of them actually are fighting crime are happy about that. marie: right now the doj saying oh, you know smirnov had ties to russian intelligence to the russians what they were paying him for an informant in russia, of course, has access to say russians being paid by fbi, to have that access. amazing that they would you know, blow up their a informant because he actually said something that was against the narrative against the biden family. >> it really is, in fact the magistrate judge pointed that out said fully a quarter of the prosecutors from david
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weiss office motion was about all contacts russian contacts smirnov had talk about blowing his cover putting a target on his back, the magistrate judge said this really is irrelevant to bail hearing couldn't understand, why they were laying out all these russian contacts. there is an ulterior motive here we don't really know what it is we can guess what it is i don't like to do that there is definitely something fishy. marie: are also fishy cefc is china pogs oil company michael shellenberger reports chinese control over u.s. oil and gas at the heart of the biden family influence peddling according to galanis the other whistleblower interviewed on friday in alabama prison we've ever got the biden family, reported allegedly enableing china to buy energy assets in america, while at the same time biden is cutting off that
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access for america. >> look it is very well documented, on the laptop that we are supposed to believe was russian disinformation as james comer said this was about china into the top of politics it wasn't just abouts was bipartisan, if you look at cefc contact no washington, d.c., i wonder who else got diamonds. it was all about the belt and road initiative into america as africa other countries around the world. >> you mention the top of this interview about what oversight chairman james comer said about the fbi, and i think, a comment that could not be underestimated let's roll that sound bite what he just said about fbi then talk about it with you miranda. watch this. >> the changing of the original indictment by weiss is very concerning because
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everything that i've had to do with fbi has been very suspicious throughout this investigation trust level that i have with fbi is zero. marie: we found in investigation over the past seven or eight years, the biden family has been investigated by fbi, the doj, the irs, the securities and exchange commission the liz goes on and on government agencies that have investigated this family, for fraud for financial crimes that 170 suspicious activity report reports filed by 6 different u.s. banks alleging bidens committed some type of financial crime so much smoke the media continues to think where me all i am trying to do is get truth to american people i think american people deserve the tribute have not been given truth by the media or our government agencies. marie: how significancomer says he has zero trust in the fbi. that has to be an incredible
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statement. and have repercussions for america going forward. is this law enforcement agency the leadership there just all political? and have forgotten the essence of the agency? >> there definitely is something russian in the fbi it happens in any institution, that has immense power no account has been no accountability for the the fbi for long time i think you can say, the doj for instance engaged in cover-up in most egregious fashion appears it still is the cia both 51 former cia top management including five former direct ifrz being a directors signs on before 2020 election we know that was prompted by
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antony blinken working for biden campaign at that time now secretary of state they knew that it was a naked electrical interference they wands joe biden to win felt donald trump was existential threat didn't matter some worked for republican presidents bush for instance, leon panetta they were all anti-trump, that is the thread behind all of this. >> unbelievably they had former intelligence officials signing the letter but did not ask the sitting intelligence head to sign the letter that would be john ratcliffe director of national intelligence at the time on this program, saying repeatedly this hunter biden laptop is not russian disinformation never said -- it was russian disinformation it is not because we never told them that they ignored him blew him off did not ask for his signature because of
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what he was saying telling the truth on this program to have you always incredible resource 37 we appreciate your time >>thanks so much mirror mirror the race for white house heats up michigan primaries kickoff today, 16 delegates at stake grady trimble live in michigan this morning with state of the race grady. >> good morning, maria. , two big tests in michigan today for both former president donald trump, and president joe biden. coming up digging into the issues driving the voters to the polls in michigan. that is next. . (♪) (♪) ♪(song in french)♪ (♪)
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when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi? wifi that works all over the house, even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party... and invite shannon barnes. dream do come true.
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xfinity gives you reliable wifi with wall-to-wall coverage on all your devices, even when everyone is online. maybe we'll even get married one day. i wonder what i will be doing? probably still living here with mom and dad. fast reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. back. ois election day, in michigan, former president trump takes on nikki haley in primaries president biden faces democrat push to vote uncommitted, grady trimble live from bloomfield township michigan this morning with more grady. >> good morning, maria. former south carolina god of made one final push but former president trump is expected to be in the driver' seat of this race according to all repeat polling leading up to primary haley says a large percentage gop voters here and across the country want an alternative to
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former president trump, she says she is it. but trump still has strong support in the state he won back in the 2016 presidential election, narrowly loss in the 2020 counting on blue collar workers voters worried about crime the economy, rand immigration to carry him to victory here. >> what issues for important to you this time this primary. immigration. >> immigration and crime really. >> just the idea that there is no doesn't seem any control no process left, it is uncontrolled, and unvetted, really. >> president biden faces a test losing support from michigan's arab americans and young voters who who aren't happy with his handling of the war in gaza. so, as a former protest some proves encourage democrats vote uncommitted not for biden one said she sees it a way to
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bring down biden we point out maria, that only 16 delegates are up for grabs in the gop primary today, that is because the rest of the state's 55 delegates, 39 of them at a convention this-week run by michigan gop still as we said a lot of delegation 16 up for grabs. marie: grady the uncommitted, situation, in other words, they are basically saying, i will go with anybody the party puts forth i am not married to joe biden we can -- i would take, whitner i would take gavin newsom? >> essentially what voters voting uncommitted are doing saying i am not voting for joe biden not a commitment to one or another candidate but as you pointed out governor gretchen whitmer in support of president biden her argument is that any vote that is not
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for president biden supports a second trump term she seed as bad she gary peters congresswoman dingell trying to rally support away from that uncommitted vote, and for president biden we will see how it turns out. >> i saw interview the other day another trump term she said would be devastating the economy was so devastateing in foreign policy so devastating, grady, thank you grady trimble stay with us. we'll be right back you are watching morninga "mornings with maria" live on fox business. .
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9:00 am
maria: welcome back. i want to thank this fantastic panel this morning. look at markets here, negative right now. final thought, you're looking at value. >> value stock stocks. [laughter] maria: all the way. all right. thoughts? >> the death if knell of nikki haley today in michigan. gotta be. >> i'm going to wendys. [laughter] maria: see you tomorrow, everybody. we have a mixed story with the dow industrials negative but the nasdaq and the s&p 500 higher by a fraction. a big show tomorrow, don't miss it. "varney & company" picks it up. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone. a breakout for cryptos. cryptos this week playing catchup. earl


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