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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 27, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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stuart: not sure of the title of the song but we are playing it anyway. on sixth avenue. it is 10:00 eastern, straight to the money. down was down 82, nasdaq up 32. it stops so far today. the 10 year treasury yield going up, 4.28%. bitcoin is the story on the markets. bitcoin hit $58,000 a coin, it is above 57,000. big players moving into the crypto market. latest read on consumer confidence. lauren: the numbers one hundred 6. 7 for the month of february, and january, we expect it to go up but down it went, february,
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one. 67. blue when i would expect a downside move for stocks on the ground and won't work -- lauren: jpmorgan said this s&p rally is at risk of having a narrative shifter the fact inflation stays high, goes into stagflation and you are not getting interest rate cuts of this year. stuart: consumer confidence down, no effect on the market. stuart: thank you very much. now this. the way criminality by migrants, massive numbers in goldman, the extraordinary cost of taking care of them all without seeing back lash to all of this was we've reached a turning point. i am tempted to say the sanctuary city movement is about to collapse. cracks are appearing.
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the mayor of new york called for modification of the sanctuary laws. he wants migrant criminals to be turned over to ice and deporting and today it's a complete reversal. there is the extreme back lash, as it relates to the murder of a 22-year-old student in georgia. the alleged murderer is a migrant from venezuela who entered through el paso. he was accused of endangering a child, he was released. new york is a sanctuary city. in georgia, outrage. the authorities in athens encouraged -- the sheriff was forced to put them in jail, that stopped ice from coming to get them. the mayor's undocumented people should feel welcome. that is over. the governor of georgia blames biden's failure to secure the border. republican mike collins to represent athens says the blood of riley is on the hands of alejandra mayorkas and donald
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trump calls the alleged killer a monster. the murder along with scenes of violent crime splashed across liberal news has produced a seachange in public opinion. times are changing. you can't have mayhem on the street and expect to take it in stride. if there was no such thing as an open border or a sanctuary city, laken would likely be alive today because the alleged killer would not be here. second hour of varney just getting started. jerry baker with me this morning. seems like the immigration chickens are coming home to roost. what say you? >> we are at a turning point. not just this murder of laken riley, that are crystallizing moment where people are seeing
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the real world consequences of an open border policy we've had for the last three years. the reason it's a turning point is not only because of the horror of that murder. we've seen other instances, the first horrific crime caused by allegedly and illegal migrant. we are at a turning point in the way voters are thinking of this. the latest harvard harris poll, pretty good reliable poll shows for the first time, immigration is the top concern for voters and according -- the first time in 20 years since 9/11 when terrorism was a concern. in 20 years a noneconomic topic is top of voters concerns. employment, immigration is the top issue, that i think is a reflection of everything that's gone wrong, the illegal migrant who come into this country and
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incidents like laken riley. by the way, on the same pole when they asked people whether they approve of president biden on immigration he gets the lowest marks. the lowest marks our immigration. the political consequences are profound. stuart: you have a new op-ed that said democrats are hoping nikki haley saves the day for biden. how does that work? >> she stays in the race, we will see what happens after that. she's been getting 25, 30, 45%, in south carolina, that is a solid share of the vote, donald trump getting more including majorities of those states. that's a larger share of the votes, democrats and republicans are saying this is a problem for donald trump and an opportunity for president biden, significant number of people voting in the primary
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who don't want donald trump and may withhold their support in november. what i argue with the colonies i'm skeptical about that. many of those voters, nikki haley's voters have not been republicans, many independents and democrats crossing over to vote in those primaries, donald trump won minority of the vote in 2016. all the votes cast, went on to win the election. more importantly, those voters who aren't voting for donald trump and the republican primary, many independents have a choice, not between nikki haley and donald trump but between president biden and donald trump. they won't have the option to vote, talking about immigration and the problems in the country, the lowest approval ratings any president had in the last 50 years, and the same pole, clear majority give
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donald trump high marks, 57% approval rating for his presidency. i'm skeptical that there's 1/3 of republican voters who will withhold their report from donald trump. i think they come home to him. stuart: thank you very much. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell could soon endorse donald trump. that's a switch. lauren: he vowed to support the eventual republican nominee, he told bret baer that a few years ago. the question is when? the new york times is reporting back channel talks are going on between the trump and mcconnell teams. they've not spoken since december of 2020. mcconnell's endorsement of trump, if that happens, tells donors, the republican elite who are resistant to back trump that it's okay to come back in, the water is fine. i would say trump need their
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money because he is in court. let's say at the convention in july. trump gave money now. stuart: talking about the money. this one is for you. natural gas exports, could have a big effect in pennsylvania, which is a swing state. what would that do for biden? lauren: biden needs to appease the climate crowd in the party, but even the democratic senators out of pennsylvania, bob casey and john fetterman worn that banning new gas experts even temporarily kills pennsylvania's energy business and kills jobs. flashback 2016, how did donald trump when pennsylvania? not by much but hillary clinton said she was going to put coal miners out of business. she lost pennsylvania, he won. stuart: natural gas people out of business. natural gas is a $5 billion a year business.
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i own property on the pennsylvania new york state line. on my side, no fracking, no money, can't do it. on the other side you can fracture the cows come home and make $5 billion a year. what do you think? let's get back to the markets. look who is here now. the man in the cow jacket, scott shelladdy. stocks have surged in recent days. you say the surge is blowing. you are still a bear, aren't you? >> i'm not overly excited. i'm old enough to remember exuberance and make sure we don't moving to that again. slow your roll, gentlemen. make sure we are not too far over skis. there's a narrative being spelled and the markets are reflecting that. we haven't been going to the sky like they have been on any bullish news or rate cut news.
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i feel as though cooler heads are starting to enter the fray. december 13th when they were going to cut rates to her 3 times in 2024 that got to 7 times. we are back into that one, two times that things are calming down a little bit. we have an nvidia issue. the two things holding of this economy seem to be nvidia and taylor swift. doesn't seem like solid footing if you ask me. stuart: jpmorgan says brace your self for 1970s style stagflation. that's my biggest fear. the market and the economy did nothing for about the decade of the 1970s. jpmorgan is suggesting we will get that again. i hope we don't. what say you? >> i'm not so sure we will get that. here's where they are coming from.
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so everybody else can understand. the fed funds rate, 5. 4, five. 5, if you go back to 1970, the average funds rate is 5.42%. we've got the fed artificially keeping interest rates low, 0 for the better part of 15 years. i think we are trying to get back to normalization, get the fed out of our lives and get to where we should be. and it will be more normal longer than we might have and might get used to it. stuart: the ceo of kellogg suggests people should eat cereal for dinner to combat inflation. that's not going over well with people, is it? >> can't imagine. you are eating cereal for dinner when there is nothing else, had some friends gonna
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cereal diet but it's not an economic stance at 6:00 every evening. you have to mirror that with those who want us to eat bugs if it's either cornflakes for dinner or bugs for dinner i would rather lose weight. stuart: that would be good. scott shelladdy, see you again soon. there are significant movers on the market. lauren has got them. one. 5% up, micron technology. lauren: it's coming back in a bit building on the 4% rally we saw yesterday as they started volume production, the chip they will ship to nvidia. stuart: netflix got an upgrade but don't know whether the stock is up. lauren: is what -- ubs lifted the price target to 685. they see sustainable growth with upside to the average revenue. stuart: netflix has done well recently.
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viking therapeutics straight up. lauren: should be 60%. show me the stock. they have a weight loss drug, 71%, experiment or trial, big success, they want a slice of this $100 billion obesity treatment market. eli lilly owns a piece of that, though stocks are conveniently down today. stuart: 74%. where was i? thank you. here's what's coming up for you. the united nations watchdog says iran has drastically reduced its stockpile of near weapons grade uranium. question, why is iran doing this? morgan ortagus deals with that. israel says the fighting during the month of ramadan if hamas agrees to release more israeli hostages. trey yingst has the details from tel aviv.
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hamas will released a statement pushing against the president's comments saying he was too optimistic since there were many disagreements on watch such a deal would look like. on march 4th target pausing fighting which points indicate, hostages released in palestinian prisoners. >> president biden: i hope by the end of the weekend. it is close, not done yet. by next monday, it is a cease-fire. >> reporter: there's much needed humanitarian aid to gaza. the trucks are escorted by hamas police officers after reports indicate the united states asked israel not to target the armed escorts for
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these trucks. last hour, dozens of rockets were fired into northern israel by hezbollah. stuart: in a surprise move iran has reduced its stockpile of nuclear weapons grade uranium. why is iran doing this. >> reporter: an important board of governors leading next week, this is what the irani and regime does to for the united states and europe into thinking they want to come back into compliance. none of that is true. iran is closer than ever and on the biden administration, there billions of dollars richer. the board could find that iran
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violated everything they are not supposed to violate and they could refer iran to the un security council which could mean if you had anybody with any guts, putting certain actions -- sanctions back on iran. the conventional weapons man has gone against iran. they are enjoying billions of dollars in sanctions relief, not because they were removed but the biden team, $80-$90 billion richer just on that. nothing more than typical uranian's playing around it. stuart: slight change of subject. president biden discussed a potential cease-fire when getting ice cream in new york city. that is a sensitive topic, inside an ice cream shop. what do you think of this?
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>> reporter: he was asked the question. in israel in january, meeting with the parents of the americans who are still held hostage. i cringed a when i saw this video. he did not talk about the american is at all. six americans held hostage by terror groups, is he getting the americans outcome he should be asked that. why are we calling it a cease-fire? it used to be humanitarian pause, then a temporary cease-fire, now biden is using the language of hard left, going. of hamas by calling it a cease-fire. we will see what happens. we are only talking about getting 35 to 40 hostages back and that will leave a hundred behind. stuart: i sense that he said this casually in an ice cream store because you wants to influence the michigan primary
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where he is under pressure from those who do not support his israel policy. cease-fire by next monday. >> i would remind your audience the state of the union's next week, there's chaos in almost every theater thanks to president biden in this feckless and weak leadership, and something to be able to say about israel at the state of the union. we need to hear is when we are getting our americans home. stuart: thank you for joining us. always appreciate it. the white house was particularly vague when discussing biden's scheduled in new york city yesterday. why? lauren: the assumption is they don't want to say they are trying to avoid pro-palestinian protests that keep popping up like the ones we saw last month when biden came to new york city. the white house deflected when the question was asked.
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>> there is reporting the president is going to take seth meyers. is that a campaign event? >> i don't have anything on that. >> because of protests you don't want to share? lauren: i would just say it was a campaign event, march 28th, may be radio city music hall, biden, obama, clinton, altogether. i want to see trump have a rally the same day. thursday at the border. restaurant owner in boston getting death threats after she contacted a customer for disputing his reservation cancellation fee. what a story, we've got it for you. restaurant still struggling to
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keep up with high food costs and staffing shortages. we speak to a chef who owns three successful restaurants in new jersey. he's a star shift and joins me next. ♪ everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth
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stuart: the markets are showing a mixed picture, the nasdaq is up 31 points. stocks not clear. lauren is looking at the movers. i want to start with macy's up 5%. lauren: turnaround effort, wall street likes it. they've got real estate, even though macy's is forecasting sales for the year. stuart: chevron? lauren: around 3%. it's a $53 billion deal but might be at risk because hess has a stake in it. they have partners, they are arguing over the rights to buy out hess.
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stuart: did they know this before the deal in the first place? lauren: they didn't expect the reaction they got. stuart: due diligence was not. nor-d ash, a service i never used. lauren: if your pet needs a something you can get it delivered same day, partnership with pet supplies plus, same day delivery. stuart: deliver pet food? lauren: they have got stock. stuart: you learn something every day. extraordinary stuff. our next guest is a rising star. three successful restaurants in new york, sitting right next to me in new york city. with inflation causing a problem, some staffing problems may be. are you profitable?
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all three restaurants profitable. >> all three profitable. stuart: how do you cope with inflation? do you put menu prices up? >> definitely a start to everything. a lot of restaurant owners into business owners, jacking prices up to solve the problem, being creative with it, giving people value in their food. stuart: you are saying your food is so good that it bails you out of any other pricing problems or staffing problems. >> it is more about going out to dinner, these days will pay any amount of money for an experience. when they go on vacation they spend hundreds of thousands to go on whatever it may be, same with going out to dinner. if you have a good experience going out to dinner you're willing to pay for it.
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stuart: restaurants that i go to i find 60% of the revenue often comes from liquor. that's a high proportion, 60%. and that leaves you with 20%. where does that come from? >> that is a really big -- stuart: big liquor bill. >> doing a lot of drinking. 60-30. stuart: 60 -- >> 60 would be food and 30 boos. booze. two of my restaurants, liquor license laws in new jersey. hard to get a liquor license. don't even sell liquor, selling food and profitable like food. stuart: italian restaurants? >> two italian, two japanese italian. blue when you're 33 years old. you could be my grandson. what are you going to do? are you going to expand?
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>> expanding, opening two more as we speak in new jersey and eventually in new york city and miami. blue when you are a mogul. >> trying. stuart: at 33 years old you've got three already and how many more do you want to open? >> hard to put a number on it because then you've got to really do it. stuart: a question for you. wendy's is planning surgery pricing so the price of a burger would fluctuate depending upon demand. do you consider that? >> don't know how it will work but i definitely love it. seeing these larger things happen. you can learn a lot from them. i always say you need to be like gumby in this industry, adapt and change, not saying it's going to work or isn't going get to work but nice to sit back and see how people
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take it and an adapter from that. maria: the 7 p.m. reservation cost more than 5:00 pm preservation? >> apps that program that. if you want the 7 p.m. reservation, 7:00 pm reservation is expensive. stuart: that is the early bird special in new jersey and that's what you are doing. stuart: to lauren: the prices you get at 7 p.m. would be different? how do you -- >> invoking the reservation. $20 or whatever it might be. stuart: thank you for joining us, wish you well. hope you can expand. thank you for getting the early bird special into new jersey. you are all right. thanks for joining us. this is different. a restaurant owner in boston
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receiving death threats after she contacted a customer over his reservation cancellation fee. lauren: the restaurant is called the table, the cost is one hundred $25 a person. a couple has a reservation, $250. the husband wound up in the er. we can't credit you back, it's $250 but thanks for your cancellation. he disputed it with his credit card. the owner of tables private messages him on social media saying he screwed the restaurant at its staff. wrong response. so he sent backup all light professional response and made every private message public. the restaurant is getting blowback, death threats for the way the owner treated the canceling customer who called and was in the er and call the
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credit company to dispute the $250 charge. stuart: how would you handle that? >> i'm on the restaurant's side for sticking up for yourself but i think they took a little too far. i don't think i would go to that extent. stuart: this is for you. this is not for robin. the doughnut people, krispy kreme have announced sweet deal for leap year day. lauren: there is a one in one thousand 460 chance that a baby is born on leap day. if you are that person, have any age, you get a free doughnut. but if your birthday is not 2-29 you get a dozen for two dollars and $0.29. stuart: stuart: we've done restaurants to death. are we done with restaurants? you may leave the studio but thanks for being here. now this. the pentagon's review of lloyd
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austin's a hospitalization, we will bring you the findings. coverage of hunter biden's laptop cause panic among staffers at the new york times. a former editor speaking out. wait until you hear what he has to say. we will be back. ♪ ♪
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stuart: the pentagon released its review of lloyd austin's secret hospitalization? lauren: it is no one's fault, no one has gone to the trouble. >> as the secretary said, the buck stops with him and he's taking response ability for not notifying the president in the white house soon. the review is clear that there can be more guidance for how determinations are made, executed and communicated was the office of director of administration and management conducted this review they found nothing during the review the demonstrated an indication of ill intent or attempt to obvious gate by the individuals involved.
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lauren: that's not sitting well with some republicans in the house where it secretary austin will testify. they want to know was austin advised to alert the white house about his condition? i was reading his deputy was granted authority but never told why. but apparently all that is okay. nothing to see here. stuart: thank you. president biden continues to struggle with border security and the economy. what's the campaign doing to tackle both these issues? >> the president is trying to balance these issues of immigration and inflation. on inflation the president talking with a friendly show last night saying this? >> president biden: we have a long way to go with the best in the world. we will get better. >> reporter: he want to message what people feel. people income is spent on groceries, something we've not
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seen in 30 years. inflation is up 18% since president biden took office and all energy prices up 32% since the president started instituting his agenda. the energy secretary promoting the climate transition and how it will mean jobs. president biden going to the border in brownsville, texas where the state has done a good job limiting the flow of people crossing illegally. >> the white house, the staff is talked about it, saying there's no problem, the border is secure when from day one the chaos started and he's done nothing about it. what do we expect? he will say, he can fix it if you wants to but is not going to and if he does it will be for short-term. >> 8/10 americans say the borders a problem, one monmouth polling 45 minutes, the present
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will meet with the leadership of congress and that issue is going to come up. stuart: thanks. former new york times staffer shining light on the publication's effort to protect hunter biden and the democrats. what is this guy saying? lauren: they are activist set paper, our goal is to be journalistic rather than activist. this i learned in my two years at the times was not a goal everyone shared. take the hunter biden laptop store, was a truly unsubstantiated as the paper kept saying, many of my colleagues worried the lending freedom notice credence to the store could affect the electoral prospects of president biden democrats, they suppressed it. stuart: we knew that. they suppressed it. now they are admitting to it. nice to hear it publicly years later. coming up. district attorneys of california issuing harsher
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punishments for fentanyl drug dealers charging them with murder. we have that story in the next hour. the mayor of new york called for modification of sanctuary city laws coming once migrant couples to be turned over to ice and deported. that's a real turnaround. brian kilmeade all over it. ♪
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stuart: the big deal in the financial markets is the rapid gain in price for bitcoin and ethereum reaching $2200 for the first time ever. big tech got one winner, up $3. apple, microsoft and amazon lower but tiny bit less. tuesday morning, brian kilmeade, a couple seconds to go, will appear miraculously on the screen, here we go in 3, 2, one, put him on screen. there is brian kilmeade rearing
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to go. new york mayor eric adams modifying sanctuary city law. what's this. brian: of those small numbers that are committing crimes, we need to modify the sanctuary city law. if you commit a felony or violent acts, we should turn you to ice and have you deported. it's a right to live in this city and you should be not committing crimes in our city for doing so. stuart: i know that change has not happened yet but when it does happen if it does happen is a complete reversal allowing ice to go in, get somebody and deported him, that's a reversal. brian: for the longest time we heard donald trump wants to build a wall, is he a viking? are we living in the ancient chinese world where you build a wall and 53% of the country says we need a wall built, the president, former president said we need to get rid of sanctuary cities. give us your huddled masses, now we are looking at chicago
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people rising up saying, we went to vote on century city status and in new york city you have an african-american mayor pushing his left-wing city council and left-wing governor to do something because he has no choice, we are talking 42nd st. being a shooting gallery, a 50-year-old hot shoplifting, shooting people, venezuelans beating up on two cops and running to another state and a guy driving with his kid without a helmet on a moped, doesn't get detained, no paperwork, that's a crime, he kills this woman, turned out just wanted to kill them and the guy has a record, don't know what he was doing in venezuela and got the right to deport him. if you have a green card, you live this, you get a dwi, one day you drink so much and get
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pulled over, you are out of the country, now you can shoot a cop or beat up a cop and are out on bail, not even a consideration. we won bottom line is times are changing, we've reached a pivotal point in immigration, are things being to reverse? a seachange. brian: i am hopeful but that's not enough. i want ice to get guys ahead of us and say that guy in prison cell 4, you think he is a bad guy, worse than you thought, that's ice doing everything possible, allowing prisons to do massive background checks on these people, to go from city to city, now they are not even told her when gangsters come in with their neck tattoos and moped grabbing guys. stuart: it's too late. i welcome these changes if and when they happen but it's too late. we've got sanctuary steadies and states, they are pouring across the border, the cost of keeping them goes up and up and up and now we've got the crime
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spree all over the place, it's too late, the damage has been done and can't be reversed. brian: if donald trump gets elected you know what they are talking about, rounding people up massively and shipping them out, some people saying don't tell them that plan. i talked to a lot of people who go i am with you. everyone has a big heart but you went through the immigration system, canadians try to get in, the money they got to spend, hoops they got to clear, we can get a background check, the one to go to college to stay too long, some parts of the immigration system are strict and other parts are so abused it is maddening but it's a national issue, not a niche issue. early when the only way to change the immigration system is to change the president of the united states. brian: he ran on this in
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22,000, he ran on this and executed this, when people were not doing their job they got fired. he was going through homeland security secretary's demanding his secretary of state going to ecuador and guatemala to mexico and say you are getting tariffs, unless you crackdown on your border. stuart: nobody gets fired from the biden administration, haven't seen one yet. brian: not even the secretary of defense. blue and good to see you. brian kilmeade, you are all right, thanks very much, see you again soon. coming up, we have with us, jimmy faila on president biden shrugging off concerns about his age. and banned from playing after they forfeited a game against a team with a transgender player. carra for a how to work ideology spelling into google's algorithms. the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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