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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 27, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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as usual, "new york times" got it wrong, talking about donald trump's inflation. which was get it, 1.6% at annual rate. on average over his first term. anyway sandra smith and steve forbes will set the record straight, and james comer will be here to unveil a new soup subpoena for ag merrick garland, and senator mike lee will talk about joe biden's lawless soon student loans and why is wendy's jacking up their hamburger prices. >> is mitch mcconnell about to enersto endorse donald trump, why is joe biden betraying our great ally israel. aaron cohen will opine on this and other matters but first edward lawrence, in
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washington, swimming as best he can. edward what is cooking down there? reporter: sinking in the swamp. here in washington. you know president is feeling pressure over the economy, over ukraine funding, president feeling pressure the wave of migrants, illegally crossing the southern border, today congressional leadership met with the president in t the officers, the president wanted to talk about ukraine speaker pressed the president on border funding. >> we hear from american people, in all cities and states who feel this acutely, they understand the catastrophe at border is affecting everyone, it top of mind for you an american people. -- all american people, i brought it up in the room, and one one with the president, that is our responsibility. to bring up that. reporter: the white house applying its own pressure blaming losses in battlefield on okay, you -- in ukraine on republicans.
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>> we're already in some ways too late. they lost the town because of ammunition. so, in some ways, it is already having a dramatic affect on the battlefield. reporter: american's needs must come first, and other republicans say that president biden had 3 years to fix the situation at border he broke through unwinding the former president's policies this is wrapped into a deadline for a partial government shut down friday, here is the president. >> congress' responsibility to fund the government. damaging the economy. and i think we agree to, that we need a bipartisan solution. reporter: house minority leader today said he could see a continued resolution to get more time for negotiating.
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larry: a quick question, on the border issue, which not yet been resolved. if i understand, the four corners of leadership talked about the border, even though we thought they were going to talk about continuing resolution, is there any hint, is the white house leaking, anything about the border story? reporter: no, this meeting of the not about border it was about avoiding a shut down and ukraine funding, it turned into a border, saw house speaker saying he brought it up. there has been nothing out of this white house there would be any change on border policies or anything that president will do, we heard he is considering executive action of some sort on the border possibly limiting people coming across illegally. cannot apply for asylum. but nothing has been decided. nothing is happening. larry: all right, edward
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lawrence the best of the best. >> new york times writes a piece called former president trump and inflation. gest is that trump patrol policies will drive the inflation higher, lit me help them, consumer price index average was 1.9 percent annual rate for the whole term, less than fed's target of 2%. wait, wait. the fed likes to target the personal consumption deflate or mr. trump came in 1.6%. annual rate. so, if trump policies held down inflation below fed's target in his first term, and h pursue the similar policies in second term, someone has to tell me why there will be higher inflation. oh, wait. isn't it joe biden that had
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the inflation problem? that never entered into the "new york times" story. bidenflation 6 percent annual rate over his 3 years. and level of the consumer price index jumped 18%. and individual prices like groceries up 20, gasoline up 25, that continues to plague middle class working folks. we'll talk about wendy's. by the way, during president trump's term, consumer prices over the entire 4 year period, increased only 7%. the "new york times" is on pretty shaky ground for all this. here is another point, drill, baby, drill. the average oil price dr. mr. trump's term was $53 a birl, and under biden, 80 a
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barrel aroun, responding to high oil prices, manly from biden's war against fossil fuel, oil production is back to 13 million barrels a day, that is prepandemic peak. but without socialist green new deal, and limits on leasing and drilling oil production should have gone up to 15 million barrels a day. but the point is that trump's unlocking oil spigots, he will resume in his 6 t second term kept energy prices historically low, which permeate the economy. in other words "new york times," counter inflation, and then trump supply tax cuts for individuals, corporations and small businesses they are counter inflationary they provide new investment incentives to produce. increase in capital investment and productivity vvengeance rated high --
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generated higher real wages for the workforce, and held down prices, trump will likelyic te eco extend his pro growth policy. and then, between 2017 and 2019, trump administration cut nearly 8 regulations for every new significant regulation, slashing uncostly and burden some red tape. that is counter inflationnary. even mr. trump's push for tough fair trade deals, they had no inflationary impact, despite the screaming from convention alec exists, reality s the choose companies have to -- chinese companies had to cut their margins to swallow tariff penalties on their unfair
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trading practices, and other trade deals they lowered tariffs. trump's trade defense of american workers did not lead to higher inflation, as so many guessed wrong. look ar a second trump administration to be tougher on federal spending after watching joe biden 6 trillion da dollar assault. that is 50 trillion in marketable federal debt and trump administration likely to push for executive budget ii impoundment authority, "new york times" does notn 't that supply side policies that enhance production and investment and a shrink and roll for government is inherently counter inflationary. and as far as mr. trump is concerned he did it once, and he is raring to do it
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again, that is my riff, i try to be helpful to "new york times," to our guests we have s have -- sandra smith and steve forbes. kids welcome to you. >> i just came for the show, that was therapeutic. larry: you were the one that sent me the times story this morning. maybe i should read the times more often. the reality, it annoyed my, they didn't put any numbers in. you know, if trump had such a low -- his inflation rate, 1.6%. for the whole 4 year period. and here is joe biden with biden inflation, you can't go to wendy's and buy's hamburger without the price jacked up. >> i hope you are not hungry by the way from noon to
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2:00. i think that is a fascinating story. "new york post" put it on their cover, that is -- >> wendy's story. >> that is interesting this is businesses dealing with a uncertain environment. what is the worst thing for a business uncertainty, this is what we're living under with this administration, you are the one who has been saying that economy is not so bad, but, i am looking at right now, theaf r -- average american family spending largest chunk of their disposable income on food, than in over 30 years, a great economy if you are not buying a car or selling a house. or going grocery shopping. when you dig through new york times article, house is not responsible for controlling inflation. no, they are responsible for running inflation up to levels that we have not seen. those prices have not come down. if you want to know why people are so sour on the
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economy, when there are metric points to some positive development it is because people are not taking home a bunch of cash. larry: look. gdp is strong, driven a lot by government. people condition afford to live -- can't afford to liv in biden economy. tremendous consumer stimulus in government spending, but you are right. which i have repeated a million times. >> u.s. stock market is pri priced in dollars, the dollar is not going as far. larry: steve forbes, why do tax cuts and deregulation cause higher inflation, if trump wins, i would e expect to see him, make tax cuts perment and how could drill, baby, drill put more oil in play be inflationary
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that is what i did not understand about the "new york times." he didn't have inflation in his term. >> raise inflation because trump would be president. >> oh,. >> anything he does is bad. >> all right. >> we'l if you have a stable dollar, king dollar, if you have lower taxes, a price tax rate which is a price on productive work, risk takes and success, you lower that burden, the economy then prospers. one thing that is killing the economy is modern socialism is unending avalanche of new regulations, where to they get congressional app approval to ban the internal combustion engine, they didn't but they are doing it anyway. larry: you said a couple
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thingsthin -- years ago with biden. receregulatory. that is what the "new york times" and so many people do not understand that, you nailed it probably 3 years ago. trump and -- trump was always kean, he wants the dollar to remain the world's reserve currency, he looks at this in terms of making america great. he dud not want -- people say trumpments a low dollar, we never had that problem with him. the factory mains he wanted a dollar, he will go back to derig laying and drill, baby, drill. >> they -- the new york times almost ignores the trump pitch to address regulation and deregulate. if brings up in one of final
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paragraphs, if there is one way trump could reduce inflation could be deregulation, a few republican economists tell the writer of the piece. i think that is someone who might need an economics 101 class, that will be passed. larry: what is your favorite thing on wendy's menu. >> have not been since baton ro rouge. larry: i heard -- >> i think they had good chile. larry: someone saying it is good. >> ice cream cone. >> i'm pleading the fifth on this. larry: we're running out of time, play rich lowry's quote from yesterday's show. >> is it true you were at
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mcdonald's over the week your cash wad. >> two orders of large fries and a large shake, $17, i love mcdonald's. the first time ever in my life i have gone to mcdonald's and felt ripped off. >> there is no way he is eating two large fries. >> 17 bucks. 17. how come that was not in the "new york times" story. >> that is called, can i help you? >> what. larry: bidenflation. >> i was shocked a dave a single a burger 5.99, but hire in times scare, $8. >> who pays $10 for a burger from wendy's. >> california raising minimum wage restaurant workers to 22, what do you think that will do to food for people who can't afford fancy restaurants. larry: you are 1 tho -- a thousand% right, david
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milpas was here saying the same thing, they are spending way too much. the regulatory inflation, is massive. among other things is stops the flow of goods production, you have too much many chasing too few goods, gdp is strong but anonymous inside continues, you can't afford to live in biden economy. >> interesting to see where gas prices are. >> the slogan should be bridge back the -- bring back the dishwasher. larry: and the wood stove. >> you just eat salad. >> watch sandraive every day with her co-host, john roberts. on america reports. coming up on kudlow, tonight, house oversight chair james comer will be right here on sit, he unveiled a subpoena for
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attorney general merrick garland, regarding all of joe biden's illegal classified documents that showed up in the robert hur investigation. remember, you can watch kudlow, monday through friday at 4 p.m., right here on fox business, if you can't be here at 4:00, text your favorite 9-year-old, she will show you how to dvr the show, i am kudlow, she is sandra and he is steve.
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larry: all right house oversight chair james comer, unveiling a new s
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subpoena for attorney general merrick garland. here he is so set. mr. chairman thank you. you know for robert hur investigation, what the documents were, you are interested in whether there was video interviews, can you tell us about this. >> we want to see the transcript for the robert hur interview with joe biden, we have questions about joe biden's mishandles of classified documents, we have been public about our concerns about the documents, we have e-mails from hunter biden that various people around the globe that he was receiving money from. that in these e-mails, are apatc atta attachments that appear to be government documents, in hur report they listed countries involved some
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countries where bidens received millions of dollars, ukraine, and russia. some and china. we' to know want -- which documents they were, we want to know if robert hur asked the certain questions about hunter biden, we know from a transcribed interview we did months ago with cathy chung we believe there are discrepancies 'when she testified 'joe biden's involvement in handles of classified documents, versus what media reports have been about robert hur's interview, we want to put it together, and make sure -- everyone has been on me and media about releasing transcripts every time we have a deposition. in major investigation you don't release transcript until you depose everyone, now we are for for them on joe biden, they are silent.
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larry: someplace, robert hur had to have asked joe biden why he biden thought it was legal for a senator or a vice president to take the classified documents away. they are to go in national ar kikeep ca-- archive he broke the law, hur must have asked biden what were you doing. >> you would think. larry: really. >> we don't know what hur asked. we need to know. we need to know because, a central theme in the biden influence peddling invest tbeag is t -- the fact that biden family were selling access to joe biden, one of the e-mails was dated in a time when hunter biden was trying to prove his worth to a certain foreign
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national after joe biden left the presidency, we know that hunter biden of receiving a huge salary, from a ukrainian business, the day joe biden left was on the, they cut his salary in half, e-mail went out at a time when he was trying to prove his birth. that is what biden brand did, any time they pitched themselves to a foreign government they would put joe on the phone, see we're close with joe. larry: do you think robert hur asked joe biden who else saw the classified documents? for example i'll pick a name, hunter biden. do you think hunter biden wandered into the garage or corvette or whatever with the classified documents strewn about. and looked at them and maybe communicating something from them to his clients in china, and ukraine and kazakhstan do you think? >> if robert hur did not ask
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that question, that is malpractice, the documents that joe biden mishandled are in at least 4 different locations. how did they get in 4 different locations, one of the hecas locations hunter biden lived there for two years. larry: one last one, the fbi and justice department now are locking up this guy smirnov who was supposedly one of the most respected ininformants for fbi, they say mr. biden, president biden is saying your investigation is now over because this guy smirnov is no good, i wanted to give you a chance to respond. >> that is not true, smirnov was a tip we-e received from chucks f chuck grassley.
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christopher wray told us he was the highest paid, and most trusted i inform ant for the bury owes, i can't go to ukraine. larry: we talked about this, on this show. >> it has nothing to do with the tens of millions of dollars that bidens took from china and romania and russia, this was -- >> was each family member had their own llc company. >> 20 plus, 170 suspicious activity reports, they can't aplain one thing they did that is what this investigation is about. about interviewing the former biden associates and they say, they were s selling access to joe, and joe was a willing participant, this to fbi informant was not part of our investigation. larry: you always said that. the investigation continues,
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that is the bottom line. >> absolutely, tomorrow, we depose hunter biden. then we'll have the big public hearing, that hunter biden is claims he wants to have. and we'll go from there. we want to issue a report, till the american people the truth and hold people accountable for wrong doing. larry: oversight chair, james comer thank you, sir. >> coming up next senator mike lee, talking about biden's lawless student loans and a few other things. >> rumor out there that mitch mcconnell ready to endorse donald trump. this is a believe it or not, we have mark simone and jason chaffetz to weigh in, i am kudlows investigations continue, as they must. it hard to be there for your loved ones. over 50? the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside you.
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>> tens of millions of people in debt remember about to be c canceled
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their dets, but the maga -- sued us and supreme court blocked it, it didn't stop me. larry: supreme court blocked it but that didn't stop me, i don't know what biden does not understand about legal or the supreme court. joining us now maybe to help, utah senator mike lee, can you explain. this is direct quote, out in california raising money, supreme court blocked it, but that did not stop me, talking about student loans, really? does the supreme court stop you or the law stop me? i don't get it help me. >> that statement might have been more accurate had he said the law prohibited it and the supreme court acknowledged that the law did not allow him to do it. that is what he is papering over, and papering over the fact that once that happened, he came up with another also really sketchy basis for just changing a
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government program. this is not just about for giving a few loans, he is saying, is he will make other taxpayers pay for everyone else's higher education debts, without congress making that decision. if we decided to socialize the cost of higher education to given a free higher education experience, paid for, by u.s. taxpayer dollars that would be one thing, but we're not in this universe. and you can't just utilize his vast powers as president. to decree, this is taking money from the american people. at a time when they can't afford it, when av around american household is shelling out additional $1 thusthousand every month just to put roof over their head and groceries on the table and gas in the car, he is making it worse by doing things like this, that he is not even
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authorized to do by law. larry: a different subject but generic issue of breaking the law, we know president has econ executive authority, he took away the trump policies of remain in mexico and title 42 and other things. we also know, we heard from vivek ramaswamy last night, we know that the president or any executive has a decision to deport. to deport criminals for example. we have the mayor of new york eric adams now who says maybe we should not have sanctuary city for convicted felons, you are a lawyer. what -- do we have the united states -- does the president have the authority to deport criminals or to deport illegals? it is already on the books? >> not only does he have that authority but that obligation that duty. requires h us to deport people who violated our laws
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for one reason or another are not suited for being in the united states, came here illegally, especially if they have some aggravating circumstances. once they are ordered deported, t need to be deported it is san obligation. when he fails to carry it out, that is how we end up with this mess, how we end up in a circumstances where we have murderers committed this tragic murder of that bright young nursing student at university of georgia or we learned about a shooting by an individual against police in washington, d.c. who had an active valid order of deportation, just was not being implemented. they choose to not enforce the law over and over, they are violating the law. allowing the law to be circumvented and they are enriching the international drug cartels to tune of tens
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of billions every year and flooding our country, not only the illegal aliens but enough fentanyl every year that does kill 1 10,000 americans, and if administers in right doses would be enough to kill every single american. larry: i agree. but i'm asking, can you or maybe you have, and other conservatives in the senate, actually stepped up and put out there a deportation bill or let's say a resolution that includes current law. because, president trump will go over there, you know that, he should go there. you know that too. nobody el wants to talk about it. trump is right when you see the ho horror shows. >> that is one of the reason. larry: we have to deport a lot of 8 million illegals,
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the last word on this, i am waiting for senators to step up, the conservative se senators, maybe it in form of a reg ragge reading. >> we had an opportunity a couple weeks ago that was squandered, because 17 republicans decided to brbridge debate to a close on the ukraine bill, we have another opportunity this week with a spending by that is being brought forward, considered a must-pass vehicle. we could insist right here, right now that for us to pass this, we'll demand they pass hr2. we should do that. and if we don't, we're allowing this thing to be pperpetuated. the president has the authority, hr2 would give additional tools to make it
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harder for president to allow it to go on. >> senator mike lee thank you, efficient your time. -- ap. >> mitch mcconnell ready to endorse donald trump? that is my favorite rumor of date we talk with mark simone and jason chaffetz. the people who control the people who control america, mr. chaffetz was once chair of house oversight committee, a lot of ar -- rumors that mitch's guy and trump's guy are talking. >> it is good news. larry: do you think it is plus able. plausible. >> i think this is necessary, the fact there was not an endorsement causes a riff, will mitch mcconnell push donald trump over the top, now, but it will show unity that messaging from minority leader, i think it
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important. he is no fan of donald trump, but the fact he is uniting behind the party toy defeat joe biden is a good thing. larry: he will do it for the sake. he might win the senate. even a liberal like larry hogan is a liberal republican in maryland on test most issues but who cares. >> we need his vote. larry: mark simone, a question for you. how many people watch sitseseth mier and the super bowl. >> he has dumbest communication department in the world, they turned down the last place on earth where you could reach 110 million. seth on a good night, 700
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thousand. average age is 59 years old, not younger, i was there in rockefeller center for another event, i have never seen this, there was no crowd waiting for him. it wase on the news all day. larry: where was he having that ice cream cone. >> von louin's ice crime, rreally hip, he didn't know what he was doing. larry: he would rather do that. >> he made that comment about the israeli negotiation, if you want to impress world leaders, don't hold an ice cream cone in your hand like an 8-year-old. >> who orders an ice cream cone in february in new york. larry: whatever goes to wendy's. >> he didn't look like he was getting more done in one
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area. larry: michigan primary tonight, a group of progressives, arab-americans, her name tlaib. >> rashida. >> yep. >> and they want to vote for uncomitted not for joe biden that could embarrass him. >> i think that is where a lot of democrats are, they are uncommitted to the idea high wil will -- he will be leader, i think michigan is in play in donald trump's favor. i think that the union workers understand that joe biden is trying to shut down the combustible engine, and wants to put them out of work, i believe that donald trump will thrive in michigan, i think that trump will win michigan they have that many problems. larry: he has not been there much, this is interesting, i bet he getting a good turn out, there is this phenomenon, the tremendous
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realign ment in american politics, you have working class whites, blacks, hispanics, asians, they will vote for trump as, i mean, and pollsters condit can't pick it up, not just like democrats and republicans and independents, you have a working class revolt against joe biden and woke steres. >> you had this with reagan. that is trump's -- one of his greatest accomplishments, rus return the g.o.p. to be a working class party it will be end of nikki haley. when that happens. larry: who? >> the republican hillary clinton. larry: the republican hillary clinton. >> give her credit, she did a great job wasting 78 million dollars of donor money. larry: it is a a free country, that is how i look at it jason chaffetz and
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mark simone thank you. >> idf, idf special ops vet, aaron cohen, why is joe biden betraying our great ally israel, this is a huge question, i may about to mcdonald's, just once. u... can ♪ ♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints. get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there.
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larry: the question is, why does the u.s. seem to be betraying its great ally israel, we bring in aaron cohen. we'll give you a quote from president biden. >> ramadan is coming up there has been an agreement by the israelis they would not en engage in activities during ramadan to give us time to get the hostages out. larry: he says that in some goofy evening talk show. i don't know, it israel agreeing to this. the united states is bringing resolution in the uniunitunited nations this would stop israel taking out hamas in rafah, what can you tell us? >> here is where i am at with this, i think obvious that biden is catering on
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his young democratic voters, he is feeling the heat, he is disliked by every side, he and blinken have not done an effective job of maintaining relations in the region and negotiating and navigating israel. it is complex. as far as why he is putting pressure at this stage almost 5 months in after israel dismantled from what i know 18 or 19 of battalion size criminals of terrorists throughout gaza, i think that biden feels that israel can handle it. even if there is a ceasefire or if h israel has brakes put on again, give the arabs their 30 days to have ramadan, israel is good with that, they have two million arabs in israel, israel is
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not opposed to that. they know how important it is to the israel-rat arabs, i believe biden, almost a compliment, he believes that israel will take care of this in 40 days it just gives hamas more time. this is just about understanding the middle east. hamas got their win on october 7 that reverberated all over the truth is that israel has been crushing hamas and it so political to point it is almost laughable, netanyahu and they are doing what they have to do, they may tone it down a bit during ramadan. larry: okay. i have not heard hamas say they would agree to a ceasefire or release prisoners or hostages. >> correct. larry: what about
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annihilation, rafah city is important. south gaza is important, israel is there, it is close to getting the job done, you know. a couple of votes around dearborn, michigan seems short-sighted to me with the existential threat to israel. >> you are 100% correct, r rafah is final terrorist strong hold in gaza, where that pressure cooker -- the campaign forced all of those terrorists via tunnels over the top to the one last corner, i believe from some people that i have been chatting with, there are a significant number of hostages in rafah. i just don't think that -- i don't think that biden really has -- he does not have a clue as to what he is doing here, it will affect him in the election, israel will keep doing what it has
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to do. israel will have to kill more terrorists. larry: all right, thank you. aaron cohen. fresh, warm hot dogs! when i'm not selling hot dogs, i invest in a fund that advances innovations like robotics. fresh, warm hot dogs, straight out of my torso! one for you, one for you. oh, you're a messy one. cool, right? so cool. anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations. hot dogs! fresh, warm hot dogs!
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8:00 pm
larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. - couple of years ago, i was lucky enough to spend a few nights aboard a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. and i got a front-row seat to the most remarkable display


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