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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  February 28, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EST

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maria: good wednesday morning, thanks for joining us, hope you're having a good morning. it's wednesday february 20 eighth, 7:00 a.m. on the button on the east coast. the hot topic of the hour, house republicans subpoena to special counsel robert hur from a transcript of president biden's interview from the investigation into biden's may handing off classified documents. chairs of the house oversight judiciary and house ways and means committee, jim jordan and jason smith requesting the materials be turned over to congress by february 19th but the doj did not meet the deadline. a former speechwriter for president obama and vice president biden sounding the alarm on biden's age and capacity. watch. >> if you watch joe biden speak, oftentimes he sounds frail and sounds more frail than he used to.
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he shuffles more because of the arthritis in his back. for most people in the country who are just watching him be president, what do they see when they turn on the television, they see him shuffle and they hear him and he's swallowing a lot more of his words now. maria: biden making another gap during his interview with seth meyers mistakenly touting his 2024 agenda s200020 agenda when asked about his campaign. >> with your 2,024 agenda? we live in such crazy times, that's one of the things i feel we hear less about. >> president biden: the 2020 agenda is to finish the job. maria: 2,024 right now. >> it's 2024 indeed. some might say there were some funny moments in that interview, most people took away from it that he's not able to handle even a friendly interview that's not that long and is well scripted and he is well prepared for it.
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the polling is staggering when you talk about how people are viewing his age but more than anything is his mental acuity people are questioning and it is one of many factors people are considering when looking at president biden not least of which is his record, we talked about how the economy was than of the one issue. it is followed to number 3 behind immigration and government and a lot of this is because of his failed policies. 's failed policies on immigration, lack of trust we have in the government, no trust in government anymore and the economy and inflation are an issue, these are things, he said a new low in his approval rating and not surprising, he can 't make an argument for himself. maria: i wonder why we don't have adam schiff telling us there is corruption in plain sight because it feels that way this time around. >> how many times to be talk about that, there is collusion here because that was against donald trump, this is all going
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down. being a senator from california. maria: you think he's going to win? >> it will be interesting, if you've not heard katie porter's obnoxious comments about the killing of laken riley, she said don't put too much into it. it was terrible. if you've watched the late-night interview that was a scripted interview, everything coming along, even had his aviator bringing the poll out and he can't even get the line right. they can put him in anything else. maria: jackson is's team saying biden's classified documents case is different from trump's. and a 12 page filing, response to the motion from trump's legal team to dismiss the case the assistant special counsel says there's never been a case
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in american history in which a former official has engaged in conduct remotely similar to trump's, the defendants have not identified anyone as engaged in such willful and deceitful, will conduct and not be prosecuted. this is incredible to me. let's talk about that, the difference in these cases, donald trump was an outsider. that's number one. not saying that gives many allowance to take classified documents but president biden knew the rules as a senator. how did he get the papers out of the room if you have to sign a paper saying i didn't remove anything? >> i don't understand this. looking as a senator we are going back -- there was classified information, he shared the information with a ghost writer. jack smith is an incredibly disingenuous, talking about
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this, at least, trump had the ability to declassify information, biden did not. maria: trump was the president, don't have the same amount as vice president. or senator. >> very dangerous. they changed the rules, jack smith set a new bar saying if you help us, if you go along with us and do what we ask, we are not going to prosecute you but if you are donald trump and put up a fight and put up a defense we are going after you. that's the problem. a new standard of justice saying if -- if i were a defense attorney, going in, say you are okay they will let you off. maria: that's what we heard from kathy hochul, later james said of temp can't come up with $400 million we will start seizing his assets. kathy hochul starts defending, this is a specific situation, we won't sees everybody else's assets. just trump. >> democrats don't want donald from reelected so they are
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using the judicial system, whether it is fair or not to go after him. it is so crazy. we are talking about this. think about going to tour bank, getting loans, the bank approves the loans, you pay back the loans, the bank wants more of your business and suddenly you did something wrong. did i miss something? maria: there are people who are the appraisers to say this is what the building is worth. that is what they do. >> the definition of the appeal, she actually, we are not going to touch anybody else with it, don't worry, only went after him. maria: until that person out there goes against their narrative. we are just getting started this our. looking at how markets are moving this morning. one week of retail earnings, tjx coming out, dollar tree expected to cross in 20 minutes, we will check the health of the consumer, down just real down one hundred 20 on nasdaq down 64 as we get
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ready for wall street, the panelist here, don't miss that, you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ah, these bills are crazy. she
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maria: top investors watching as the host of pain points of wealth podcast is with us. also with us is adam johnson. thanks for joining the conversation. let's look at futures. looking at the decline at the start of trading ahead of earnings we are waiting on, economic data. we are also waiting on hp,
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salesforce, paramount global, amc entertainment, c-3 ai after the bill tonight. how would you assess the earnings period so far? >> very good, 76% of companies beat earnings. if you take out the magnificent seven which are at 60% through the year, that's insane, then energy on the other side is down 20% because of oil prices have come down a lot in the last year and then look at the other nine sectors, growing one. 4% year over year which means outside of tech, outside of energy the rest of the economy if you look at other stocks, they are starting to do well and that's the one thing you hear a lot about in this narrow rally right now. if you look at the broad-based indexes and companies they are doing pretty good and earnings expectations going up. this has been my thesis, broaden your exposure because the rest of the market is doing well. i think energy, if you look at
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valuations, extremely sheep, they are an all-time record high, we are in talks about that right now. if you look at materials, banks, absolutely. if you look at the valuations on regional banks, commercial loans. a lot of that is priced in. there's a lot of value in the market in general. 8 or 7. at this point, i think it continues. maria: you are watching three areas in terms of the market, biotech is one area you're looking at again, and monday and global markets, tell us. >> i view these as risk on indicators, signals for biotech, we've seen 6 billion in finances. we haven't seen anything like that since 2,020 one. we had half a dozen biotech ipos. the market completely shut down as rates were going up. number 2, you are seeing
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strategic acquisitions, three big ones in the last three weeks, 75 billion. when companies are deploying capital, putting money to work, that's a signal that it is okay. get in the pool, start swimming. point number 3, we are seeing new highs for european stock markets despite the fact their economy is in recession which i think is international investors saying this is as bad as it gets. get back in the pool. maria: you get another leg up in europe with that cuts rates. >> i think so. i, as the guy who runs the american ingenuity fund invest only in american companies. this is why like to swim. maria: what do you mean about global markets? >> capital knows no boundaries just like democrats, they know no boundaries, no boundaries, it goes to where it is best treated. you have to look at global markets if you want to
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understand the flow of money. their economies are terrible. it would make sense that people are more embracing of risk and that means -- maria: when you say biotech no longer gets money they are specific of you've got specific situations you've got to understand. they run out of cash. >> i have made, i have made as much money in biotech pics as i have lost. the other things that will go up 10 or 15 times or 0, either you are and expert looking at only biotech or what you do, this is what i tell most people, the biotech index, x-ray bravo, 75 names in the index. >> it requires a lot of study.
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i was -- he was looking at biotech and when you combine biotech with ai, you will live until 150 years old because we are going to, like a car, swap out parts. a new ladder up to 50 years and they will be technologically advanced because of ai. he connected the dots, that's why you want biotech related to ai. >> it's a bullish sign but this is my thesis for every company, you want to own the whole stock market because every company -- maria: could have said that in 1990 about and a big blowup so how similar is this period? >> extremely parallel, you are seeing it, 40% is information technology, valuations getting silly.
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this is why i say diversify because when the nasdaq bubble burst it took 14 years to make back the money, international stocks doubling the time frame. no one will tell you, it is the height of nvidia. but other than that, the actual party stops. get diversified now. maria: great advice. good to see you. you are sticking with us all morning. hunter biden is set to testify today on the family's business practices. dara lysa is here to tell us what to expect, you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business, stay with us.
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when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi? wifi that works all over the house, even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party... and invite shannon barnes. dream do come true. xfinity gives you reliable wifi with wall-to-wall coverage on all your devices, even when everyone is online. maybe we'll even get married one day. i wonder what i will be doing? probably still living here with mom and dad. fast reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. liz: here is biden doing sanctions on russia because
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russia is attacking ukraine and his that she wired him 3. $5.07 months earlier? >> looks like a policy decision president biden for millions of dollars his family received from an adversary. maria: that was breaking news on this program yesterday. james comber telling me it looks like president biden made a policy decision because his family received $3.5 million check from the former mayor of moscow's wife, she was not included in any sanctions against russia. he referred to president biden deciding to sanction two russian oligarchs linked under biden, the first son will be on capitol hill today testifying for the house judiciary committee, under was last seen on capitol hill last month, crashed a hearing that was going to hold him in contempt of congress were defying a congressional subpoena. once lawmakers began shouting questions at hunter he stormed out of the room.
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their allies are is a member of the house judiciary foreign affairs and select subcommittee on weaponization of government. thanks very much for being here. >> thanks for having me on and thanks for covering what might be a big nothing or an incredible opportunity to get to the bottom of this complex scheme the bidens worked out for a decade. maria: how you get to the bottom of it? >> we gotten most of it and with james comber and jim jordan, they've got a lot of facts that have hunter biden answers any questions at all today they will be tough questions because it's very hard to explain money you get for seemingly nothing. early on it was a board seat. everyone said maybe it was a little bit but there's no quid pro quo but there are so many things such as the former mayor's wife of moscow that
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cannot be justified in any way that we can find out, those are the questions we are asking hunter biden if he answers any at all. maria: there's the structure of these deals that were done and the similarity of them. we are being told the same ideas were present in the deal that james biden did with america, a healthcare company, or the deal hunter did, they proposed the vice president then, after his vice presidential term beyond the board or perhaps get equity, 10% held by h for the big guy, do you see a similarity how they went about these deals promising president biden equity and the seat? >> one of the things that is a common denominator is they say they had access to the vice president and in a way that made clear he would give us
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money, we make sure it certain things do or don't happen as you please. the only question that i think we got some pretty good answers to is did, from time to time, the president clearly understand what they were doing, what they were promising and react and that is where you cross the line. it's one thing for two family members to be selling their last name. it is another to have any actions of the president in coordination with those people and that is what we are beginning to realize, the president was not truthful when he said he didn't communicate, didn't know anything about the business, now that we know he did communicate, he did know about the business dealings we then look at his actions and they seem to coincide with the interests that were being promised. maria: do you believe that is the reason for his lacks response to communist china and its aggression? because i know very early in his administration, the first week or first couple of weeks
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he canceled the china initiative at that initiative was working, it was undersecretary pompeo and donald trump where they were indicting people who were sending intellectual property to communist china, that was americans and surveillance programs were underway, did he cancel the china initiative because he was paying for it? >> i'm going to take advantage of the last 8 years for a moment and say democrats from day one kept running to say donald trump was compromised because he was a rich man with global deals and always seemed to say every action he did, sanctioned china, the toughest ever, he went after russia and stopped them from going any further into ukraine for his entire four years, they claimed it was all about his getting money. what i would say is trump had good policies in spite of what they were saying about his financial dealings. this president has very bad
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policies that do seem to coincide to a certain extent with the money his family got. my biggest problem is his policies are bad, if he did it and it is indictable, it's corrupt, that's one thing for impeachment, the factors even if he didn't do it for that reason what we have is a contrast between policies that made sense and policies that don't make sense, positively china, russia, at the border, you name it, that's part of the challenge. in some cases it looks like hunter and james biden helped him make bad decisions. maria: there's the policy around spending which sent inflation to 40 are highs. president biden met with top congressional leaders at the white house yesterday discussing ukraine aid and two upcoming potential shutdowns, the first deadline happening this friday. we want to play some of this sound for you from yesterday because speaker johnson spoke after the meeting as did chuck
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schumer, chuck schumer was really prioritizing aid to ukraine, not the border. watch this. >> the overwhelming sentiment is we got to do ukraine now. there are other issues including border which we should address but not now. and said to the speaker get it done. >> the first priority of the country is our border and making sure it is secure. it's time for action. it's a catastrophe that must stop. maria: it is incredible to me the republicans cannot seem to get the power to secure the border even as we watch murder underway, the nursing school student in georgia, it is horrific and we mourn for her family. there's another story of an illegal killing, a 14-year-old girl elsewhere. what's going on here. why isn't this prioritized? >> the policy of mass
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importation of new immigrants and their parole is a policy this president wants to continue as long as he can. the reality is they are always going to delay it. the president is trying to get more money. even my own senator, senator butler, is asking more money to do better accommodation, housing, transfer, the whole process of bringing in millions of additional immigrants around an immigrant system of the kind of used to work but clearly doesn't work at all when you open the doors and say anybody can get in without any vetting. the fact is this president likes what's going on. it is good for his party in his view. he's going to keep it going as long as he can and he is going to pretend one and the other aren't length, the speaker said very accurately, donald trump has said it, you defend the borders at the border, you defend the borders inside the
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country and defend the borders as far away as the russian border but one is not a priority and the other is in, defending our nation's the first obligation, the reason 13 states came together, for a common defense. this president has negated any sense of common defense. maria: california senator butler asking the biden administration for more fema money for the san diego migrant crisis. butler says if they don't receive any more money for this, for the shelter and services program border patrol will be forced to release up to one thousand migrants every day, 1400 migrants were dropped off on the streets of san diego over the weekend. one migrant seen wearing a sweatshirt with a profound message, f everybody, if you all, the t-shirt says really. this is the t-shirt he's wearing that reminds me of the other one in new york who was giving the finger to everybody after he was processed. what now?
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all of these illegal migrants are just going to be released into san diego? >> they are all released into san diego. at the question whether they are released into san diego with tickets and money and massive aid that they can write and all home. they have cell phones, to tell people it's great, you come too. the fact is the senator may not understand but the only thing we have left in this country with this president is in fact making it seem like it's not the land of freebies and that's the reason we don't want to help new york, we don't want to help chicago. they said they were sanctuary cities. my home state said it was a sanctuary state, let them pay for it. my governor wrapped up a $73 billion deficit this year alone and that is with federal-aid to the illegal he has to have come. let them recognize that there's a cost to this, cost to this
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that should be made not by the federal government, and not by the taxpayers of my state. maria: we know the chinese commonest parties complicit in all this, they are putting out videos on tiktok telling illegals how to do it. where to go in terms of openings at the southern border. this is just one more point. the pentagon says the latest high altitude balloon they were detecting in utah friday was likely a, quote -- this was an amateur balloon, no national security risk the year after the chinese spy flight flew over the united states collecting intelligence for a week before president biden gave the order to shoot it down. the administration needs to come clean. what do you want to know?
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>> why it wasn't intercepted before it entered the united states. we have the right to do it. i don't by the idea that there is a public statement, it could be a cover. the reason i ask is i'm happy to go in and have a classified briefing but i want to know for real what the truth is. maria: we will be watching. we all want to know the truth. we will be right back. stay with us. personalized financial advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. i can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about.
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maria: earnings from tjx crossing moments ago. cheryl: stock took a downdraft
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on these numbers became in lining with earnings per share estimates. revenue, 16.4. stock was up going get into this, now it is down. the forecast of 2% to 3%, having a big stock buyback and q1 guidance wasn't so jazzy. t.j. maxx and local business. another headline this morning for you. kamala harris says the biden administration will start paying college students to register voters this election season. made the announcement at the white house. >> we have, under the federal work study program, now allow students to get paid through federal work study to register people and to be nonpartisan poll workers. this is important for a number of reasons, to engage our young
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leaders in this process, and activate them in terms of their ability to strengthen our community. >> the department of education released a memo saying federal worksite funds may be used by federal, or public agency for public engagement work that's not associated with a particular interest. 58% of young voters are not sure they are going to vote in the presidential election saying they were key to biden winning in 2,020, he got 60% of those voters 18 to 29. the jackpot has risen to $7 million ahead of the drawing, this after national winning numbers last night. one florida resident just a cool million. people get 286. 9 million. your odds are one in 302 million. maria: thank you.
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donald trump beating nikki haley in the gop primary in michigan picking up 12 delegates. president biden winning the democrat primary despite 1000 democrats as uncommitted as an act of protest against the war in gaza. a new poll from emerson college shows donald trump leading president biden in wisconsin by 3 points putting him in position to win all seven key swing states if you believe polls. joining me is fox news contributor leo terrell and democrat strategist david c carlucci. what your reaction to the primary yesterday? >> nikki haley has destroyed her political career, donald trump has all the primaries so far, he will be the nominee. we all know that. what you saw last night from
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president biden, a vote of no-confidence of one hundred thousand voters who do not support president biden. the democrats, the anti-israel policy in michigan, what you have here now is a result that people look at the four years of the trump administration and compare it with the 3.5 years of the biden administration. that's why president biden is losing battle ground states and donald trump will be the next president. maria: what do you make of the federal study group that they pay young voters to work around elections. they want to pay young people for the vote. >> as long as it's not partisan and that's laid out in the memo young people should be involved in this process and -- maria: how do we know? it's the democrat party idea
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and the vice president kamala harris told us that. how do we know it's not partisan? >> it can't be, that is administered throughout the country as long as it is not pushing an idea or supporting the group to make it function. anyway we get young people is healthy for you democracy. these poll workers are overworked, sometimes a desperate situation to find people those hours. maria: do you think the younger groups care about the border? we've got dueling get border trips, president biden and donald trump planning to visit the border tomorrow. biden will travel to brownsville texas while trump will deliver remarks 300225 miles away in your past, texas, border patrol is calling a too little too late. yc going now? because it is an election year?
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he hasn't done anything in three years. >> he recognizes the border is a serious issue and one that has to be addressed and biden has said we've got to pass the senate bipartisan bill that will put the most comprehensive border security we've had in decades. maria: i don't know that it's the most number hint of border security we've seen in decades. you said that, democrats said that but i don't know that to be true. it allows 5000 people to come into the country every day. don't know that is secure. all president biden has to do is undo what he did on day one. first thing he did is canceled trump's security at the border. all he has to do is go to remain in mexico, put those deals in place trump had with northern triangle countries and those countries before coming
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into the us, why doesn't the president do that? that's all he has to do. >> the judicial system, the court has blocked many of the policies he's trying to do. maria: they will not block an executive order, they can't, you know that. >> same thing happened with trump. he was stymied by the border in the answer is this has to be done through legislation. maria: that is not true. leo terrell, jump in here. >> you have to be honest with the fox viewers. the only reason biden is going to the border is donald trump. donald trump's remain in mexico policy worked which we had the most secure border ever. you can ask tom holden about that. we have a legal -- murdering, let me finish please respectfully. murdering american citizens. and new york mayor, eric adams
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now wants to modify the sanctuary city laws. the only reason president biden is addressing the immigration issue is the number one issue on the mind of the american people. we have mayorkas and kamala harris say the border is secure. tell the american public the border is not secure. admit that fact it is not secure. >> that's why the president is going to the border because something has to be -- >> it took three years. >> it takes two to tango. maria: all the president has to do is the executive orders like trump did, like biden did. >> a covid era policy, the key supreme court made president biden overturn title -- >> sometimes you got to put the
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american people are ahead of the party, you know and i know and everyone knows the border is out of control. put the country ahead of the democrat party please just on the issue -- >> we all agree. the border is out of control. we had ancient policies on the books that need to be amended. maria: i don't know that we agree, chuck schumer yesterday, this is the democrat policy. do we have the schumer soundbite? i want to get your thoughts on what chuck schumer said yesterday. and he came out of the meeting yesterday he was telling us he did a press conference, wanted to explain what the meeting was about addressing the fact that congress, the senate wants to send money to ukraine, we will
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deal with the border later. do we have a soundbite? i want your reaction. listen to this. >> the overwhelming sentiment, we got to do ukraine now. there are other issues including border we should address but not now. we said to the speaker get it done. >> first priority of the country is the border into making get sure it is secure. time for action. it's a catastrophe and must stop. maria: do you agree with that? money to ukraine has to go now, to the border later? >> the senate put forth -- >> answer her question. we can talk about the senate bill. i know the senate bill very well, we can talk about why it failed. nobody, certainly the republicans did not ask any senators to start from scratch and come up with a gargantuan immigration policy. that's not what the republicans were asking. they want the border secure period. that is it.
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>> so do something! >> 10 million people come in on president biden's watch, they want it stopped, a woman is dead this morning. a woman is dead and many others are dead at the hands of illegal migrants. the question i just ask -- the question i just asked you is do you agree with your colleagues that you just heard chuck schumer say? do you agree with that? the money to ukraine needs to go do you agree? >> i agree we need to do it all. maria: that's not what he said. that's not what chuck schumer said. send the money to ukraine now. border later. do you agree with that? >> you are taking it out of context. maria: we just heard the soundbite. >> he said the top priority is the border. maria: run the soundbite again. >> he did not say that. he did not say that.
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>> the overwhelming sentiment is we've got to do ukraine now. there are other issues including border which we should address but not now. we said to the speaker get it done. >> first priority of the country is the border into making sure it is secure and it must stop. maria: that's the second time we heard the soundbite. chuck schumer was very clear, money to ukraine now, border later, do you agree? david:of that conversation, you are making me choose one or the other and that is an unfair choice. maria: i am asking, all i am asking if you are -- if you agree with chuck schumer. therein lies the problem. david:he said we -- the context is -- maria: thank you, i just wanted to know if you are -- you are aid democrat strategist. we will be right back. he hits his mark —center stage—and is
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that's wall-to-wall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. maria: it is time for the morning buzz. another electric day of testimony and the fani will this misconduct case. nathan weight's former divorce attorney, a key witness your taking the stand, he claimed he
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had trouble remembering key details. watch this. >> you tell lies about your friends? >> if i told lies about friends? i could have. i don't know. >> do you tell lies about your friends about a case of national importance? >> overruled. i could have. i don't know. maria: what do you make of that? >> could have, i don't know. he didn't recall a ally. there were some things that you should recall if he knew about them. to say i have no idea but to say i do not recall things like sexual activity in an office for example, seems a little bit far-fetched. it's a reason people don't trust what's happening when you think of the trump cases and this is one of many. maria: if he admits that he knew that they were a couple
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before the trump investigation started, that suggests fani willis and nathan wade line under oath. isn't that right? isn't that where we are going with this? >> i watched a great deal about this. if you follow this, it's no longer a discussion of prejudicial value here, it has become about did they lie. that has become the dominant thing. if fans are but i willis lidar nathan wade lied, not only are they coming off the case that they will get disbarred. that's a line for the court. this will be an interesting time. saying it was painful to watch, a simple yes or no question -- maria: he is afraid. but fans about i willis and nathan wade perjured themselves.
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>> you being a lawyer, when anybody says i don't recall, that a tactic. maria: it is something to look at. sometimes people don't recall. >> you don't want to prove you knew what you say you didn't know. maria: lydia is on the ground in brownsville, texas. what can you tell us? lydia: we know immigration ranks a top concern among voters and we are seeing president biden trying to flip the script with a visit to brownsville, texas. we will give you reaction from residents here coming up. he ch. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside -
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