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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 28, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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>> there's a sizable c contingt
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of the far left that's upset about the response to palestine. that's rashida tlaib and more. they're not going to vote for trump in november so they'll stay home then. >> american people expect a level of transparency is what was really said behind closed doors with president biden. >> unless the public really pushes the city council to amend the law if not outright appeal them, the mayor is up the creek without a paddle. >> people working for the federal government receiving taxpayer salaries will be basically lining up democratic voters. i'm not surprised by this. stuart: what is this song? i like the rhythm and momentum. it's 11:00 eastern time. wednesday, february 28. >> what kind of accent was that?
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stuart: not a very good one. that's why you're laughing obviously. check the markets please and the dow is only now 60 points and it's only down 58. a lot worse earlier. show me big tech, please. it's been a mixed picture earlier and now. microsoft is the only winner. amazon, alphabet, apple on the downside and the 10-year treasury becoming important again and the yield is around 430 on the gradually creeping higher 429.5 right now. story of the day in the markets, bitcoin is 61,151 per coin. bitcoin and cryptos are on a roll today like they were for the last couple of days. now this. ann arbor, michigan, is an idyllic college town with liberal and wealthy. ann arbor is a big problem for biden's presidential campaign. one-third of the voters in this
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town wrote in uncommitted in tuesday's democrat primary. they were voting against biden in large numbers. they support hamas, not israel. this is typical of the youth vote then biden has a youth vote problem. if he can't get the vast majority of youngsters to vote for him, he can't win. if there's giant campuses on several swing states that could affect the november election. madison, wisconsin, chapel hill, north carolina, tucson, arizona; state college in center county, pennsylvania. in poll after poll students across the country support hamas and that's why they tend to vote against biden because he has given strong support to israel. no surprises here. colleges are run by the left and sees israel as an oppressor and anti-semitism is alive and well on american college campuses and look what they're doing.
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registering people to vote and nonparties and poll workers and the biden team has $136 billion vote buying scheme with student loan forgiveness. now with the youth vote clearly on the line, the vote buying cranks up. pay them to get their pals to vote. that is pathetic. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: why are they prohamas? >> radford dallas cowboys democrats in the party and radical topics like climate extremism obviously the support for hamas and opposition to israel and other big one especially in michigan and i grew up 30 minutes outside of ann arbor and 20 minutes from dearborn from the american hub and largely responsible for the
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protest vote against joe biden and yesterday's ply mares. this is going to be a specific issue for him in that state. whether that translates to other democratic states as well remains to be seen. especially in michigan there's a large arab population and it's going to be a large problem for joe biden. stuart: more than 100,000 deputies voted in the michigan primary and how big of a problem for biden going forward to other states which may have similar demographic situation. >> reveals he has a serious enthusiasm problem and first time democratic voters have been able to do anything in the primary elections thus far. south carolina had very little turnout and democratic establishment notably refused in new hampshire and iowa. michigan was the first opportunity for voters to really make up their minds about whether or not to support joe biden. the fact that 100,000 voters decided to protest vote against
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him is a serious problem for the biden campaign. joe biden needs every single vote that he can get in the swing states in order to beat trump. if 100,000 voters decide not to vote in november, he could very easily lose the state and worth noting that trump won more primary votes than the entire democrat ick primary vote in michigan combines and again tells me that people are not excited to vote for joe biden. if they do vote blue, it is going to be in spite of him, not because of him. stuart: kaylee, n nikki haley sd she's sticking in the race through super tuesday. what's the goal in all this? >> she seems to be weighing two options and that is upward mobility being whether to translate right now into a third party bid and launch an independent run outside of the republican primary or she could
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be opting to remain the last man standing as a backup candidate if something were to happen in one of trump's many court cases. neither are realistic options for her. at this point, she needs to realize that the only choice she has left is to figure out how to bow out of this primary and still maintain an influence in the republican party. until she gets serious about doing that, she's dooming her political career. stuart: interesting. we'll end it right there. kaylee mcghee white, thank you very much. see you soon. back to the markets, it's a situation that the dow is down 40 and nasdaq down 56. mark tepper with me this morning and he's with me for the hour. i want to talk bitcoin. >> you have to. stuart: 61,000. obvious -- will the rally hold? >> 51,000 three days ago. from a 51 to 60 in three days. that's how remarkable and how strong this rally has been. when you look at bitcoin, obviously there's people who are either pro or anti-the
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fundamentals of it as an asset class but you cannot argument with the technicals about this rally. it's got incredible strong momentum and obviously demand widening for bitcoin and response on that and i'll tell you, as of the second quarter of last year 2023, there's 401(k)s and irs and today it's probably up 10% and 23 trillion and now there's a legitimate opportunity for them and iras and big chance for those dollars could begin to move into etfs and causing et fs to buy more coins. >> got that right. lauren: only so much coin you can buy. then comes in and price could go up more. i hope it's not by the rumor, sell the news. stuart: alternative investment vehicle and it's a gambling chip.
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without a debt. >> smart about it. stuart: leave time and you'll talk about argentina. we don't do much on argentina obstructing cerumen the program but they've got a new president, folks. brand new and in nine weeks, this guy has balanced the budget. in nine weeks. how did he do it? >> isn't that something? it shows it can be done without the world falling apart. yeah, in nine weeks he balances the budget. we need to do that . we haven't run a budget surplus here in the u.s. since 2001. they've run a budget deficit for 12 straight years and we're in a worse situation than them. stuart: deficit for 12 straight years. how did he balance it? >> he cut government spending by 50%. easiest way to do it. small government. stuart: imagine trying to do that in america. >> would be a bit of resistance. i mean, the government 79s us to rely on them for everything we do. even canceling student loans. stuart: getting through congress, that's for sure. tepper stay there, with me for the hour. interesting on argentina.
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come back in, lauren. show me app and will what's the news? lauren: look at tesla. that's the news. apple is not refuting the report that it's knicksing its car plans it's been working on for ten years. lauren: no apple car. tesla goes up. is this apple's nod to the market that tesla owns the ev space and not going to bother to compete in it. slow to respond and invest and also mixed reality, they're vision pro vrar headset and it's going well and look at the analyst who do the panel checks unofficially and they think they're selling 100,000 anticipated and selling a quarter mill this year. mind you this is a $3500 device stuart: yes, it is. boeing, what's going on there? lauren: ceo dave with faa yesterday all day long and now the agency is telling boeing you
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have 90 days and ultimatum, 90 days to deliver a comprehensive action plan to fix all the quality control issues. they're frustrated. stock is up almost 2%. stuart: i've always been interested in axon enterprises and they're the taser people. lauren: yeah and taser 10 is the new product. they're forecasting a stronger sales for the full year and jp morgan just increased price target to $330. stuart: wonder if i can buy a taser 10 myself. private citizen? am i allowed in >> i don't know. lauren: that's a very good question. >> try and let me know. report back. stuart: coming up, the city of denver making big budget cuts in order to pay for the migrant surge. they say they're going to avoid layoffs. we'll tell you what they're doing. teamster'sdownon support democrat candidates and biden working overtime to secure their endorsement. can he get it? we'll have the story. over a thousand migrants
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released into san diego over the weekend after a migrant shelter shut down. mayor of el cajon telling us what happened. that's next. ♪ (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®.
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stuart: alexis mcadams with me. 12 pounds? how many people could that kill, alexis? reporter: stuart, yeah, unbelievable the amount of lethal drugs coming over the southern border and according to border patrol and dea at least
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70% of the counterfeit pills have deadly fentanyl in them. most of the time people don't even know what they're taking. going up in the sky as well seeing what's going on at nation's southern border honer eagle pass, texas, with dps. see us in the helicopter with the exclusive look at border from above and the busiest point-blank layupses they see on a daily basis. the clothes are covering the ground in some areas and left hanging on razor wire after migrants cross illegally into the united states. reporter: the smugglings like like this ha happen in eagle pass, texas, tracking that car in the sky -- from the sky, with dps. they used tracking device to find the out of state plates after the driver from help was spotted loading migrants into
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the back of her suv. she was armed with a gun and arrested on series of smuggling charges. not just the smugglings but daily crossings on rio grand and took us to the water and separates u.s. and mexico and crossing points and hot spots and the surge, stuart, slowed here in eagle pass a bit because razor wire and migrants are not de-terrificked. >> with the fencing put up and further down we have the comic boxes that seem to help but even still they still want to just climb over or climb on top of those. reporter: people wondering why president biden is going to brownsville, texas. stuart: more than a thousand myograns released on the streets in san diego over the weekend. there was no place for them to
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go. ran out of might and had to close the shelter. joining me is bill wells and mayor of el cajon in san diego county. can you just spell it out for us. what happened, your honor? >> yeah, so about 300 dropoff as day and pretty bad. recently the border patrol toll us to expect a thousand a day and that's been happening and there's been thousands coming across and flooding the streets and california is the biggest place for homeless people living in the nation and that's already strained our resources to capacity. i mean, really past capacity. now you add in this crisis with no money to help and no idea of where these people are coming from or where they're going or what they're doing. it's humanitarian disaster. stuart: are they literally wandering around the streets and sleeping on the streets, sleeping on the beach and wandering around? is that what's going on? >> you know, it's a mixed bag.
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i was down there with bill melugin and dropping people off from the buses and they were immediately being taken onto another bus that the ngos were running taking them to another location, which took them to another bus, which took them to the san diego airport. i think that's all designed to be a cloak and dagger thing to keep us from knowing. we know some of them are getting out of town on airports, we know a lot are sleeping in the airport and the rest we have no idea. stuart: that's extraordinary. california is a sanctuary state. is that likely to change any time soon? >> oh, no, san diego is the bast indian of far left wing thought and they're more into the ideology than keeping people safe. they'd rather see the whole state and frabbingly the country go down than give up on this ideology that open borders are a
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good idea and homeless is a good idea. they're definitely going off the cliff on this one. stuart: i know san diego quite well, i lived there for awhile. it's a beautiful place. i want to be a weather forecaster in san diego because it's always 72 and sunny. i guess it's just -- >> it's beautiful. how do the people in san diego feel about governor newsom running for the presidency? >> he's been a disaster and it goes back to allegiance to party lines no matter what and i think that their lives have been degenerated by homelessness and out of control pricing by the border surge. by just the law and order problems and high percentage of people that vote democrat and
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vote no matter what and that's disheartening for the recall and i want to get hope and i think things are changing and i'm running for congress and on the campaign trail and i have people saying i never voted republican in my life. but this has to stop and we're finished and done. i'm voting for you. stuart: good to hear if you're a candidate. your honor, thanks for joining us this morning. we wish you well. see you soon. the government put in place restrictions aimed at limiting number of asylum claims. ashley, are those restrictions working? ashley: no, border agents are simply overwhelmed, stu. they're supposed to do initial screenings and say the highest standard for those coming across the border and biden administration has hailed those higher standards and a cornerstone of the border policy and it turns out small
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percentage of arrest and strained budget unlikely to prove arrests for illegal border crossings for mexico and actually plunged 42% to the second lowest monthly rate of biden's presidency. data also showing that agency interview only 57,700 through last september. that's only about 15% of the nearly 365,500 migrants released by border patrol and no decision to appear in immigration court. we know how that works out and there's more than 3 million cases. stu. stuart: thanks, ash. border patrol agents in texas made a very big cocaine smuggling bust. how much did they get? lauren: this is worth 1 million street value and this is happening almost every day in texas. this happened last week at roma port of entry and tractor trailer hauling cinder blocks and this is happening because a,
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a lot is coming through and b, border patrol is good and they have experience and technology is good too. stuart: happens almost every day. lauren: another 1 million coming in. i don't know if it's laced with anything or fentanyl in it. stuart: thanks, lauren. the woke response is given by the generated ai tool unacceptable. what's being done about it? how do you remove bias that's baked into the system? we'll bring you a full report. vice president harris announced a plan to pay college students with taxpayer money to register voters. reenlister voters? taxpayer money short term orientation be paid for that? sounds like vote buying for me. bill mcgurn takes it on. bill's next. ♪
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vacations are better with the credit gods are on your side. i'm coming up! rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. earn points for travel with credit one bank, and live large. stuart: check the markets a bit. the dow down well over 100 and nasdaq and back to 78 on dow and 48 on the nasdaq. mark tepper still with me and has stock pick withs him. first of all, camico. what do they do? >> largest sourcer of uranium in north america. the company doubled last year and down about 20% off its high right now and we just recently bought some more of the thesis here in tact and my guess is the 20% pullback has something to do with ev demand waning and a lot of people they imagine that camico supply charging station and ai data centers so much and
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thesis changing. stuart: digital reality trust. >> digital reality trust center rates and if you want to have ai and data centers you need a supply of uninterruptable power. these rates they've negotiated the contracts and have the power and ai will have to tap into them. stuart: those data centers are an extraordinary business. >> that one in particular down 20% off the peak. if you're sick and tired of buying nvidia and chasing at all time highs, camico and digital reality are two good derivatives. >> it's $300 and i think worth $425 today. it's undervalued and incredibly cheap. sticky customers recurring revenue in underappreciated way to play ai and it's a big quarter. stuart: okay. now this, head of google, says the woke responses from the company's gemini ai product are
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unacceptable and kelly o grady with me now and they come up with the female pope and black george washington and that's the mess we're in here. what else did he have to say? >> stuart, i want to underscore he's not apologizing. i found that really interesting. he said it's unacceptable but not that he's sorry. we obtained the e-mail he sent to employees addressing the backlash and said "some of its response haves offended our users and shown bias. to be clear, that's completely unacceptable and got it wrong. the bar is high for us and we'll keep at it for however long it takes". he highlight that had google intends to make structural changes, update product guidelines and product launch processes and the company know what is it takes to make great products users trust. from my experience in the corporate world, this took a long time for pichai to address this public gaffe, especially when google lost over $90 billion in market cap this week. however, that's likely because gemini not seen as mission
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critical across the company yet and sources share that ai is yet to be rolled out across the entire suite of product and looked on as more of external marketing tool currently and if by the way it's not working and bocking at ai and this is big tech's latest effort to brainwash the country and and conservatives want to reign in the gemini and one way to per sue the ai companies and if we don't, they'll soon control everything, news, information, data, our elections and we're doing so would make these platforms responsible for everything we say and everything the ai says that requires massive resources to police. i'll leave you with this, gemini expected to relaunch in a few weeks and hopefully goes a little smoother for them. stuart: female popes at that type. only time will tell. kelly, thank you very much indeed. bill mcgurn from wall street journal editorial board and joining me now. bill, is this bias that has been
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demonstrated here, does it bleed into all of google's products? >> it seems that way. i mean, like you i was astounded when they tap into the innermost thoughts of aoc and put that on their tool for everyone else. it's incredible and these things were random and wouldn't they be on both sides? wouldn't it also spat out concerns and it doesn't seem to be random. in fact, seems to reflect progressive thinking, which was all big tech companies and there's a real problem on their hands. stuart: how do they get this stuff out of the system. once it's in, it's more and more deputily embedded and the knowledge of what's happening, how do they get it out? >> well, i'm not an engineer so i don't know what the technical process is, but i assume google
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is just searching millions and millions of things and maybe those searches are too narrow and only relies on kind of progressive sources or something. it's so clearly going in one way that i think a statement like today is not really going to address a problem. stuart: it's a group. >> i'm not sympathetic to the argument that the way we tame the tech giants is by more lawsuits. stuart: right. >> i'm opposed to that in most industries and also in this case. stuart: got it. bill, another subject for you. vice president harris says some college students will get paid with taxpayer funds to register new voters. watch this. >> we have under the federal work study program now allows students to get paid through federal work study to register
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people and to be nonpartisan poll workers and this is important for a number of reasons. one, to engage young leaders in this process and activate them in terms of their ability to strengthen our communities. stuart: bill, straight up, should the governor be paying college kids to recruit voters and i think this is buying votes. what's your opinion? >> now, i think the problem is the federal work study program. what good comes the federal government programs in education and almost none. i think this is going to be another and reading scandals after the election because of this. it's a terrible idea and not surprised to see the vice president trying to sell it. stuart: both vying in my season. bill mcgurn, thank you very much. >> cheers. stuart: cheers, that's right.
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chicago schools celebrating the progress their students have made. 75% of them can't read grade level and 80% failed math proficiency examines and that's coming up. census data showing a large number of of baby boomers, that would be me, getting ready to retire, that would not be me, have no savings whatsoever. now the government wants to step in an address the issue. what they want to dorks next. ♪
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you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so... ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain.
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stuart: back to the market. dow down 80, nasdaq down 39. the big deal today is bitcoin and crossed at $61,000 a coin.
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next case. show me applied materials, please. they just received a subpoena from the sec. the stock's down, what's that about? lauren: about china. the stock is up 25% this year. this is the one, two, thee punch and sec joining the u.s. attorney's office from massachusetts and the commerce department. asking applied materials they make chip equipment for chip design. about shipments to china. about 45% of applied materials revenue and 11% from the united states and you know why this is happening and washington trying to make sure china does football games surveillance pastrami the u.s. in ai specifically ai use in their military. stuart: fair enough. this is one occasion where government introduce might be legitimate. look at that. lauren: turning point. stuart: mark tepper with me. the chip makers as a group, they've had a fabulous run recently. i suspect it's plateauing. >> you're probably accurate and long run this is still a
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decade-long trend and movement. but a lot of things look a little overextended right now and pretty rich and nvidia last week as a if you knows of the growth and they're very inexpensive right now and these chip maker haves probably another 2-3 really solid quarters where they're going to blow out expectations and then at that point, i think you could see a meaningful pullback before it resumes its long term rally. stuart: sounds like a short term buy to me, tepper. >> absolutely. stuart: i'll take it. sense of figures and half of baby boomers are nearing retirement and no savings whatsoever and gerri willis with us. what's the senate trying to do to help? tell me. >> so, today the senate is meeting right now and talking about guess what, pensions. having companies give out pensions and remember that, that's old fashion word and senate health, education, labor and holding hearings to address a retirement crisis.
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lawmakers are warning it could have devastating economic consequences and solution according to bernie sanders, of course. it was chair of the committee and it was for companies to offer old fashioned pension plans. guess what, companies have been moving away from that for decades and just 15% of private industry workers are covered by mentions among -- pensions among companies that offer retirement plans and no 401 case to requirement they don't have that requirement for courts to listen. >> the last thing that americans need is for lawmakers to try and put more retirement savings in accounts that need their own control and are managed by groups of people who repeatedly have senates above the works and retirements with wellbeing. >> those without savings planning to rely on social security, well, good luck with that. won't likely cover livering costs and average monthly social security check is $1800 and spending is $4300 and 401(k)
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work for people that save and number of 401(k) millionaires in striking distance of all time high and fidelity reporting number of 7 million 401(k) at 20% and about pensions, do you remember when the auto makers could not pay pension obligations and mismanagement and pensions blowing up? why do we think that would be better now? i would rather have control over my own retirement. >> whole reason we moved in that direction, without a doubt. stuart: precisely, you control it, it's your money. control it. go against anything that bernie sanders ever proposes on any occasion. never trust socialists. you don't have to do it. gerri, that's a fine report. thank you very much indeed. i'll calm down. denver preparing to cut employee hours drastically to save money. ashley, why are they so desperate to save money? ashley: coming down to the migrant crisis and it's literally blown up denver's
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budget and city working to cut $4.3 million to help that city pay for the illegal immigrant services. ha, but instead of calling for government layoffs, don't use the term layoff, the city trying to use semantics to soften the blow and some hourly on-call employees may have hours reduced to zero. who are you kidding? denver mayor mike johnson hasn't decided when jobs will have hours cut and by how much and the mayor hinted that the city will rebe reducing the services -- will bye bye bye bee offers to migrants and the money spent on migrants arriving in colorado alone. if your hours dropped to zero, that's a layoff and semantics and more. stuart: thanks, ash. the dow 30 and sense of fairly even split. a few more buyers and sellers where the dow is down a mere 74
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points and 38,000, 897. listen to this one. a new book does a deep dive into how therapy is actually hurting and not helping children. they wrote the book and she's here to explain the dangerous side effects of therapy and that's her words. she's next. ♪ so, you have diabetes, and your glucose is heading low. [ alert sound ] dexcom g7, the most accurate cgm, can alert you before you go too low. now, that's more peace of mind with dexcom g7. ♪ ♪
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stuart: majority of students in chicago's public schools failing to read or do basic math. where are they celebrating the score s? >> in reading, chicago public school students caught up from all the learning loss during the pandemic. it's an improvement but like going from horrible to just really, really bad. for example, this past year in chicago, more than eight out of everybody ten students couldn't do math at the level they're supposed to. thee quarters of students couldn't read at grade level. what's even more alarming to education researchers is that despite a majority of cps students not being proficient in reading or math, 83% of them still graduated. one example of that is roe clark
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math and science academy where not a single student could read or do math at grade level and yet 88% of students graduated. state data also shows the gap between the top and the bottom is widening. statewide proficiency scores improved slightly last year. there was also an increase in the number of schools where no students, none, tested proficient in reading and math. 67 schools for math and 32 for english. stu. stuart: garret, thank you very much indeed. i want you to take a look at this new book, the title: bad therapy, why the kids are not growing up. investigates therapy and how it's hurting and not helping our children. abigail slier wrote it and joining me onset. >> why aren't kids growing up? >> we con since an gyre generation they're unwell and couldn't show up for work if they don't like the president elected and need a mental health
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day off. thigh got this idea from mental health professionals as much rating them with the ideas. stuart: focusing on feelings and don't feel great and they need a therapist and the therapist says you're all right. >> that's right. taking suicide surveys and mental health and getting the message you're not well. they don't feel up to the responsibilities of adulthood. stuart: is your book an indictment of the therapy industry? >> well, you know, let me say this, in a sense, yes. absolutely. but here's the problem, it's not that we don't have mental health need, of course we do. we see it on our streets every day. the problem is that's hard streeting schizophrenic and they're treating the well. they're treating the bummed out and nervous and making those kids worse. stuart: when is therapy a good
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thing for a child? >> a child suffering and can't otherwise be stabilized if they have a disorder or interfering with daily life and cannot function otherwise and of course they need medication and therapy. the problem is if you don't need a medication than you only are exposed to the risks and every good medication has risks, including therapy. stuart: how do you turn this around? a whole mindset for the line to take control and stop relying on them for them disorders and the way we think about this and i hear parents saying things like that's my censoring processing issues kid. no, that's your child. we need to remember that and set the rules in our household, not the mental health experts. stuart: related subject and a new report showing antidepressants for youngsters and ash absolutely surged during the pan democrat and i can why
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are we putting so many kids on antidepressants? >> that's right. the same mental health experts that had nothing to say about the lockdowns all of a sudden now they think they're the solution so they're handing out medication to kids who are understandably surviving roommated from things like lockdowns but what they need, they need community, they need to get out and do things and see each other in person. they need a healthy life. and mental health experts are and psychoheads are not going to remediate that. stuart: talking about adhd, adderall and i believe it's like an amphetamine. is that what you're talking about? >> lexapro was approved for 7 year-olds. stuart: what's lexapro? >> antidepressant and ssri. we're putting kids in the emotional snow suits at very moment that they need to be developing emotional mus cue la torr for life and showing up on college campus having nervous breakdowns and don't have the musmuscles and haven't let themt
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with stress. stuart: more physical activity? >> they need that too. absolutely. stuart: face-to-face, not screen based. >> something else they came out with this week, dancing. dancing does more to improve moderate to mild depression than therapy or psychiatric drugs. stuart: your book is not going to be popular. i love it but it's not going to be popular. >> i'm not here to be popular but to tell the truth. stuart: that was excellent. come back any time you like. >> thank you. stuart: thank you for being here. i really appreciate it. >> thank you. stuart: the wednesday trivia -- if you want to stick around for the wednesday trivia question, you can. the trivia question today is according to zillow, how much is the white house worth? you can guess if you'd like, 392, 436, 468, 510 million. the answer when we return.
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stuart: happening now, president biden leaving walter reed after his physical. he was in there for 90 minutes. it was a physical. we do not believe it was a cognitive test was before the break, we asked how much is the
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white house worth? you've got your choice on the screen. you are first. ashley: but crime rate in washington isn't great inside the white house and out. i will go with 436 million. number 2. lauren: upper? >> according to leticia james, 18 to 25 million. they probably have it at 468. stuart: abigail schreier? abigail:i will say 436. lauren: i will go a 500. stuart: i go with $510 million. the answer is 460 -- none of us got it. it's doubtful 1600 pennsylvania will be up for sale. if you manage it, 16 bedrooms, 35 bathrooms, time is up. coast-to-coast starts now.


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