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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 29, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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stuart: i wonder what that belongs to, barracuda. have you seen sixth avenue as deserted as that? lauren: it is brighter now though. stuart: i'm moving on. 10:00 eastern. straight to the money, the green is there, nasdaq up one hundred 42 points, 40 on the dow, up 24 on the s&p. the 10 year treasury yield dropping below 4. 4%, 423 to be precise, the price of oil closer to $80 a barrel, 7864. look at bitcoin. more on this later but now you've got almost $63,000 on bitcoin. potential realtors, the latest reading on pending home sales. lauren: increasing by stronger
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than expected 4. 9% in the 9% in the month of january, forward-looking and that represent the contract signed, not closed. maybe a little bit of a decrease, decreased 4. 9%. 9%. stuart: let's turn that around. expected to increase and we had a contraction dropping 4.9%. a correction in the month of january. you go to 74. 3. year over year down 8.8%. stuart: not what realtors wanted to hear. now this. democrats deliberately launched a legal attack on donald trump's campaign for reelection. it's not going well. political prosecutions should have no role in our constitutional republic of the plan to put trump on trial, convict him and put him in prison before the election, that plan is falling to pieces. the supreme court agreed to
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hear arguments about trump's immunity from prosecution in the federal case brought by jack smith. their deliberations don't start until late april and will drag on through the summer. there is unlikely to be a try a little on a conviction before the election. that's a setback for biden. the likely unraveling of the case against trump in georgia. fans about i will is has done herself no good having an affair with the inexperienced prosecutor she hired at $70,650,000 a year. she may be off the case. that would mean delay. the democrats lawfair schedule has gone off track, $355 million fine plus interest the new york court slapped on trump for fraud. this is laughable. nobody lost money. there was no victim. the prosecutor, leticia james conducted an attack on president biden's opponent, she
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succeeded in making trump more popular. and three states democrats have taken trump off the ballot. illinois, colorado and maine claiming he is supporting democracy, that is nonsense, you don't need the courts to squash presidential campaign and that is sinking in with voters. throughout the democrats campaign of legal harassment trump has gained ground, there's a lesson for democrats or any political party, don't go after your opponent in court, don't bring politics into the legal system. biden is doing that. fortunately for democracy the effort is failing. second hour of varney just getting started. chris bedford with me this morning. are these, as these cases unravel trump seems to go up in the polls. his side seems to be winning strangely and biden's side seems to be losing. you agree with that? >> i agree with that.
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this lawfair has backfired on democrats, none of these cases were very serious or well put together. it was basically an idea to throw everything to the wall and hope it slows the candidate, that he gets tied up and it has cost him a huge amount of money. cost they are in see a huge amount of money, the party, the campaign, it's draining resources. at the same time it exposed a lot of things, donald trump is exposed a lot of things. when he ran in 2016 he was still reasonable to have an argument at christmas or thanksgiving with family over whether the corporate media was biased. that's no longer the case. you see the same with a lot of the bureaucracy in government and the way democrats of handled lawfair, exposing themselves for who they are and donald trump has been able through force of will to be the personality that exposes that. stuart: he makes every court appearance or public relations effort and does quite well at it too. another one.
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nikki haley is warning voters in utah about donald trump being the gop nominee. it's a warning. watch this. >> if republicans really want to get this back on track we've got to acknowledge maybe it is him. maybe donald trump is the reason we keep losing. we can't be a country in disarray and to world on fire and go to four more years of chaos. of donald trump is the nominee we will lose. it is that simple. we will lose. the democrats are salivating over the thought of donald trump being the nominee. stuart: trump is the nominee we will lose. in your opinion is she right? >> the state is going to pull out every stop they can to stop donald trump from getting into office. it will be difficult for them. president biden who was able to beat trump was sort in popular, buoyed by corporate media that
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ran his campaign for him. at the same time donald trump was slumping amid bad response to covid. now trump has seen a popular resurgence than anyone since nixon lost to kennedy coming back and doing well and polls where biden is at the bottom and voters ought to ask themselves this is an argument often made by people like nikki haley, people like mitch mcconnell about electability but what is the point of a nikki haley presidency, the republican party gets a win, maybe some tinkering of the tax rates, maybe we get to launch another war we would probably lose but if people like nikki haley represent a controlled opposition where people like donald trump are chaotic and breaking aspects of the system, it has served the american people well the past couple decades. stuart: thanks for joining us, wish you well and see you soon. nikki haley wants to make sure the rnc will not foot the bill for trump's legal troubles. what is she going to do about this.
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>> numbers should vote on it. watch here. >> we have to talk about the republican party itself. the rnc. donald trump is going to take over the rnc. what is going to happen when that happens? does it become his legal slush fund? are you going to ask the question about what happens with that resolution that says you can't spend it on legal fees? all americans, republicans especially, deserve a vote on the record on that resolution. we deserve to know how the rnc will spend their money and if it is going to go toward legal fees. >> of donald trump at the expense of supporting down ballot races. the rnc members our meeting next month in houston and are likely to vote on this. stuart: back to the markets please. it's thursday morning, we are 37 minutes into the session. the standout is the nasdaq
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composite which is well above 16,000 and then we have bitcoin inching towards $63,000. gary, is this a bitcoin bubble and when does it burst? >> full and fair disclosure when it went from nothing to 60,000 i said it was a bubble. when it went down to 15,000 i said it is a bubble and i will say it is a bubble now and i say that because there is no value to this, no earnings, no sales, the next person buying at a higher price and i hope it doesn't go back to 15,000 because there's a lot of people boarding the train right now after a big move up. stuart: you've never been a part of it, have you? >> 0. i'm a big believer in owning great companies with strong earnings and sales growth. that's why my biggest positions right now remain nvidia, facebook, microsoft, amazon and things like that which are doing the job for me. stuart: is there any chance of a new bear market in the
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immediate future? >> on a scale of 1 to 10 i give it a 0 and that speakers leading stocks continue to lead, financials act, semiconductors act well and i will promise you just like in 22 and even back in july to october when the russell 2,000 went down to bear market lows, we will be ready and just remember stocks don't in a flash crap out and head down. they popped out over three or four months in the process hasn't even begun and we are seeing more new highs than lows every day and every day i find new merchandise and the other part of the equation is very strong reaction to earnings reports even earnings reports that are not so good. until the dynamic changes you got to know the market. stuart: so it's not interest rates, the profitability of major corporations in the united states that look good. >> interest rates matter but not the fed at this juncture.
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of the markets take over the fed matter when they are printing to $9 trillion right now off the playing field and i couldn't care less what they have to say. stuart: hope you're making a lot of money and i understand you are. see you soon. looking at the movers, coin base is moving. lauren: they fixed that glitch. yesterday a lot of customers log onto their accounts, 0 balance, the ceo said your assets are safe, bitcoin prices went up, up, up and they couldn't handle the volume. they test their system at 10 times the volume and it must have been more than that. 69,000 bitcoin is not that far away. there is the leap that you are going to get there and soon. stuart: i'm not going to comment on that. be on hot water if i did but cybersecurity is up 22%. stuart:
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lauren: strong fiscal 25 outlook, cybersecurity is in. management noted minimal impact from the breach they had at the end of last year which is a cybersecurity company and you have a breach, investors looking fantastic. stuart: master beverage, they are up 5%. lauren: sugars extensive but aluminum got cheaper, that helping their margins and estimates are january sales after decent fourth-quarter starting the new year should be up by 17%. stuart: and still got kathleen. there you go. stuart: thanks. house oversight committee chair says hunter biden's deposition proves his business dealings were tied to president biden. congressman fallon who was on house oversight committee will give the latest on the impeachment inquiry coming up for us. biden and trump will visit the southern border today and are heading to very different parts of texas.
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trump is going to the border crossing hotspot, eagle pass, illegal migration has slowed to a trickle. we will be back. (man) what if all i do for my type 2 diabetes isn't enough? or what if... (vo) once-weekly mounjaro could help. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar and can help you eat less food. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, vision changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. taking mounjaro with sulfonylurea
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i don't want you to move.
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i'm gonna miss you so much. you realize we'll have internet waiting for us at the new place, right? oh, we know. we just like making a scene. transferring your services has never been easier. get connected on the day of your move with the xfinity app. can i sleep over at your new place? can katie sleep over tonight? sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with the xfinity 10g network. stuart: take a look at big tech, these are members of the big seven or magnificent seven. they are all up today investing one% higher, alphabet, amazon, microsoft, apple on the upside. president biden and donald trump are going to the border today. different parts of the border but that is where they are going, dueling visits. we know the president will blame republicans for the
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crisis and say they refused to pass a border control bill. that's what the president is going to say about the republicans. congressman pat fallon from texas joined me now. biden is going to say you guys, you republicans want to keep the border a political issue for the election. what your response? >> he's debasing himself because i took an oath to the constitution to protect americans. if you are not safe you are not free. we will be safer if we can secure the border. what we've been begging the president to do, he doesn't need us, just reinstate weight in mexico. everyone on the border, customs and border patrol an expert say it will reduce the influx we have been seeing by 70%. he can do that today. could have done it yesterday, he can do it tomorrow. he refuses to do it because he's catering to the far left wing and in doing so imperiling americans. stuart: donald trump got the mexicans to say send them back
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to mexico but could biden have the same leverage on the president of mexico? >> great point. president biden is the president of the united states. they that with me, the president of the united states. you can tell mexico you need us more than we need you. be a good partner here, we have him remain in mexico policy, we can play the card if we want to and president obrador new donald trump would do it. president biden getting run over. we when you are a congressman from texas. your constituents who voted you in place are they unanimous in blaming biden and the democrats for the open border? >> other than the red diaper dopeer babies, anyone with two eyeballs whether they are middle, left of center or right of center see that. stuart: intense about this,
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means something to them. >> you see on a daily basis which i have sheriff's calling me saying i pulled over, when sheriff said 18 migrants were in a truck, two coyotes and didn't know what to do with them, and homeland security said release them. how do you release 18 people in mount pleasant, texas and they don't have money, he wanted to put them to their countries, homeland security would not cooperate. stuart: as of this moment it is a catch and release situation, immediate release. >> the cartels are running the show making $5000 a head or migrants crossing the border and president biden doesn't want to secure it. obama and the trump administration had one. 7 million illegal encounters,
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president biden had 8. 5 million. that's how bad this is. it is historically the worst we've ever seen. stuart: trump says he wants to send them all back, 8 million people. i've got my doubts you can do that. >> the federal government can't even have an operating website, we saw that with obamacare. what donald trump will do is immediately reduce the flood and get it to her trickle and let the countries in central america and mexico if you don't cooperate with us you won't get foreign aid and you will suffer with trade in the united states was we have cards to play but president biden has refused to do it in three years. we when i will change the subject, listen to what house oversight committee chair james comber said about hunter biden's deposition yesterday. >> this was a great deposition for us. it proves several bits of our
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evidence, that we have been conducting throughout this investigation but there are some contradictory statements that i think need further review so this impeachment inquiry will now go to the next phase which will be a public hearing. stuart: a public hearing. that could be televised, couldn't it? >> most likely will be. this is the process. we have a deposition in a public hearing, democrats wanted to skip the deposition altogether and i can see why because i was in there the entire time for 7 hours, i was able to ask hunter biden direct questions for the first time and he left some head scratches. he did confirm that he made dozens of phone calls with business associates in the room at lunch, at dinner and his father, to his dad, he confirmed money that was given to him and millions of dollars several times and that person would have dinner with his dad who was the sitting vice president, he accepted a diamond from a chinese national but said was worthless, gave it to his uncle and his uncle threw it away.
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that was his testimony. he established patterns, admitted about the calls and on the loans he said he never got any money under oath yesterday from the chinese but jonathan lee gave him $250,000, he said that was a loan. do you repay the loan, he said kevin morris about the company so it is his issue now. he was putting hairs. he's an attorney and we got him dead to rights. stuart: but you would love televised hearing in the middle of the election campaign. i know you wouldn't don't blame you. thanks very much for joining us. thanks very much. biden delivered remarks on what he's doing to combat crime. i want to know what he had to say about it. ashley: under his watch crime rates across the country have fallen. biden was meeting at the white house with police officials from cities across the country including chicago, philadelphia, miami, detroit, buffalo, new york, the
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president bragged that his investment in city policeing is paying off, take a listen. >> president biden: to united states had one of the lowest rates of all violent crimes in 50 years. murder, rape, aggravated assault, robbery dropped sharply, crime and theft and it matters. public safety and crime reduction is a top priority for the administration. ashley: biden urged congress to improve gun safety laws but you know what he didn't mention is the growing rate of violent crimes being committed by illegal migrants. the campaign event this past weekend donald trump said migrant crime is overtaking new york city and other areas of the country and was highlighted by the mayor of the university of georgia student by an
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illegal migrant from venezuela. stuart: a new book out says the administration is turning a blind eye to china's role in the fentanyl crisis because of the biden family's connection to beijing. peter schweitzer wrote the book and will join me in our next our. kevin mccarthy says the president gets lost of a meeting deviates from what is written on his note cards. we've seen his weakness displayed on the world stage. what does xi xinping think about our president. gordon chang deals with that next. ♪
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stuart: the dow has turned south 14 points, nasdaq with a gain of one hundred points. lauren has some movies. i want to start with nvidia.
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lauren: the new retail king, no longer tells her to gauge retail investors interest in what is new, it's now nvidia. a bellwether from retail sentiment around chip design, artificial intelligence or going green. stuart: on that subject, c-3 ai, the software. lauren: stocks urging 23%, revenue coming in from government contracts and this is another way retail investors can bet on artificial intelligence. stuart: skippy peanut butter and spam. don't forget spam. lauren: smoked meat, pepperoni, planters, enough. if you look at volume growth in every sector they participate in, retail, food-service and international they all grew, stock is 18%. it is up 14% which would be the largest increase since 1987. stuart: a solid gain.
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spam -- lauren: i don't think so. stuart: gordon chang is with us. >> i love spam. stuart: this is for you. china calling on state with big nuclear arsenal to agree on a no first use of nuclear weapons. gordon chang is with me, is this a big deal? what are they trying to do? gordon:aggressors like china don't want to the countries they invade to defend themselves with their most powerful weapons. when biden ran in 2020 promoted soul purpose which is no first use. and his nuclear posture review they were thinking of putting in no first use but our allies, england, france, germany, japan, australia were vociferous we not do that. china on a chair building nuclear weapons.
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according to the pentagon, 422, we had 152035, analysts think china will have 4200 x 2035 and when war could be probable going to know first use would erode deterrence, exceedingly bad idea. stuart: biden's mental decline has been on full display. listen to what kevin mccarthy said during closed-door meetings. this is what he does in closed-door private meetings. watch this. >> has a teleprompter, the teleprompter are cards. if you deviate, didn't sit and negotiate with him the debt ceiling. he sticks to the cards and if you deviate from the car to can't continue on. i respect the man for serving the country. i thank him for that service but he's not of the age best able to serve in the presidency especially in the position he is going forward with what i have watched to serve again.
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stuart: q cards and teleprompters everywhere. what do you think xi xinping think of this? >> we don't know because chinese propaganda talks about it, xi xinping doesn't say what he really thinks that xi xinping in his 2024 new year's message released around december, annexation of taiwan in a paragraph of things he wanted to see happen this year that would mean biden would be president regardless what happens november 5th so i think the chinese believe they want biden to stick around. stuart: is china's economy in deep trouble? if it is does that give us leverage in negotiations? >> gives us leverage because they desperately need chinese, american money and investment. they are not growing at the 5.2% pace they claim. if they grew and that's a big if from last year, maybe one. 5 which was what the rhodian group said now you see a lot of deflation in china. the cpi in january was down for
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the fourth straight much come down 0. 8% year-over-year, the biggest drop since 2009, ppi was down in january for the 16th straight month. when you're deficient you can't be growing and can't be growing fast. stuart: your economy is in trouble you reach for the nationalist card. got to pull together, the enemy is out there. stuart: >> xi xinping's policies are failing, his only way to get through this is to stonewall. i'm not saying he will do it but when you think about it he has a closing window of opportunity, the chinese people are upset at him. senior leaders are upset at him which only when he gets out of this is a big victory. stuart: but he wouldn't go to war if trump is the president or what he? what do you think? >> depends how bad things are by january. things may go so bad, the point is the chinese didn't go to war and the russians didn't go to war during trump's presidency not because they didn't like him or whatever, he was so unpredictable.
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the chinese can deal with anything, they can deal with hostile american presidents, they can't deal with unpredictable ones and trump was unpredictable which is a reason his policies were so successful. stuart: you never knew what he was going to do what the reaction was going to be. >> in april of 2017 at mar-a-lago when xi xinping was sitting next him at dinner trump got up and announced that he bomba syria which was china's big friend and i'm sure that xi xinping and his place, not only in his place in 2017 but for all four years. stuart: they were sitting at dinner -- >> a beautiful chocolate cake. stuart: he said i just bomba syria. gordon chang, thanks for joining us, appreciate it. house republicans just unveiled a new bill that goes after china. come back in here. one aspect of china are they going after? what will the bill do?
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ashley: being touted as the strongest anti-chinese government bill in us history would dramatically curtail trade with china in areas could collect national security including telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, military technology. the countering communist china act puts trade restrictions on beijing backed companies dealing with military, tech and surveillance. it would call for expanded us production in supply chains dealing with medicine and critical minerals, both of which are dominating by china. it's not a total ban. the legislation does not apply to sectors unrelated to national security such as agricultural goods and toys but it certainly is sending a message. stuart: oprah winfrey stepping down from the board of weight watchers. we will tell you why she resigned. it's been a year since the dylan mulvaney scandal hit bud
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light but the company is still struggling, revenue down 20% in the last quarter. ♪ ♪ you always got your mind on the green. not you. you! your business bank account with quickbooks money
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order yours today at you never know when it's gonna be a weathertech day. perfect weather today... stuart: on the markets this morning the dow has turned south to the tune of 15 points, telehealth again for the nasdaq was one hundred points on the nasdaq and there's this. anheuser-busch is a giant brewing company. there revenue down nearly 20% in the last quarter. that a lot. kelly, the super bowl did not help bud light. >> it did not.
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bud light was the second last reached for beer during the game accounting for 7.3% of all beer sold in us retail stores a week before and the week after the super bowl. but dello was number one. they have the same parent company, anheuser-busch. q4 earnings show revenue declined 17.3%, sales retailers down by 12.1% thanks to the volume decline of bud light. the us is the drag for the company right now and they are knocking it out of the park basically everywhere except the united states. modelo exceeded bud light by dollars sales last may. the boycott began in april, that came after a partnership with dylan mulvaney and outcry from celebrities like kid rock. the ceo says what was lost from bud light was recovered by its
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other brands. forum bud light exactly spoke to this morning tells me that is how the earnings came out. he sees a need for change. take a listen. >> tilting bud light sales after the super bowl, budweiser sales down 15%. michelob ultra down 5%, bushlike down 5% so consumers are not coming back to anheuser-busch. it to trust you should. >> reporter: the brand ran a 60-2nd ad during the super bowl featuring a new character they are using, the bud light genie and retired nfl star peyton manning and musician post him alone in an effort to win back drinkers. kid rock went on to a podcast following the super bowl this month to say he is cool with bud light again but it's not all bad news for bud light. last night the teamsters union reached a tentative contract agreement that will avert 5,000 employees from striking. stuart: we hear you, thank you
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very much indeed. oprah winfrey has announced she is stepping down from the board of weight watchers international. does this have anything to do with her using weight loss drugs? lauren: she's getting rid of her share, donating 1.2 million to help, i'm quoting, help eliminate the perceived conflict of interest around her taking weight loss medication. let's talk about this, she is the public face of weight watchers. she admitted i take weight loss medication. she has been on the board for nine years. they can prescribe, where's the conflict of interest. stuart: if the company can prescribe these prescription weight loss drugs and she uses them why is that a conflict of interest? >> she originally said taking
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pills and injections to lose weight is the easy way out and then had to backtrack when she fessed up to it. stuart: down by quarter. that a lot. moving on. hot sauce is healthy. maybe that's why sales of hot sauce are surging. ashley? our sales of hot sauce surging? ashley: more people apparently stepping outside the box when it comes to eating healthy. there is a boom in hearts boss, some specialty sauce jumping by 20% year-over-year and expected to grow over $2 billion by 2030. apparently people who picked up the habit during the pandemic as they looked at flavor to healthy recipes and it has taken off from there. fortune magazine says social media may be driving the hearts us the hot tasmania as more people are influenced to try
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bold flavors, create new flavors and recipes and research shows more people going to plant-based nutrition, eating leaner food and hot sauce can generate a ton of flavor without adding a lot of sodium. i will puts roger on. that's about it. stuart: i am a vindaloo curry fan. that's not a spicy sauce, just hot indian food. coming up, the squad has a solution for the homeless crisis, you pay them. rashida tlaib wants to give them $1400 a month for three years. alexandria half has the story. biden's former communications director says the president is wrong on crime, she says he has to be more aggressive, jason rantz takes it on next. ♪ ♪
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stuart: the music sounds ominous, doesn't it? listen to this, rashida tlaib, a member of the squad has a new bill that would give homeless
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people one thousand $4 a month for three years. alex every half jointly. who qualifies for money and are there any strings attached? >> this is geared towards homeless individuals under 30 years old, there are no clear strings attached, that seems to be the point. rashida tlaib stated by providing direct cash assistance we can address our housing crisis wall respecting the autonomy and dignity of the folks receiving assistance. the proposal would serve this study on the effect of cash payouts because you could opt for 12-month lump sum. not exactly a new idea. in january 2022 dc democratic mayor muriel bowser and us to program the divided $1.5 million among 132 new and expectant low income mothers, the goal was to, quote, make high-quality childcare more affordable and accessible and ensure women were part of the
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public strategy. in one case the washington post found the lump sum payout of one thousand $800 was used to fund a trip to miami. a mother three told the paper some of it i just lose the other side is i wanted to to blow it. i wanted to have fun. she said my kids get to something i never would have been able to do if i didn't have that money. took the lavish trip with that payout. and noble pursuit, economic research fellow at the heritage foundation told fox news digital quite often these handouts trap people in a cycle of poverty and this is not helping people build long-term wealth and have long-term economic prosperity. last month congresswoman allon omar proposed a payment plan for those who aged out of foster care. we want thank you very much, interesting story. i want to bring in jason rantz who is with me now. paying the homeless. are they trying to do that in
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your area around seattle and detroit? >> they haven't done this in seattle specifically for homeless. it in tow -- tacoma washington. there's a chapter in my book about universal basic income. it does not get the results people claim. when you look at finland which did a massive true study six years ago it made some people happier but didn't get them full time employment, didn't ultimately make their life more than just a little easy. in stockton, california they did this as well. funny part is the people who will tell you the studies show the benefits are the ones who are behind the experiment. you can't really trust them. when you going to the data you find that because you are not required to use a debit card they can't trace the actual money.
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so they don't know how it's being used. talking about homeless it won't help housing. they were housed beforehand. there's a reason they became homeless and it is due to drug addiction or mental health issues that have been unaddressed. that still not going to get addressed here. of the one even biden's former director of communications wants him to be tough on crime. watch this. >> it is hard for democrats to be more responsive to what people are feeling. taking on this issue of crime, being tougher is a good thing for democrats and -- >> democrats have this wrong, the biden administration has this wrong. it's up to mayors to step up and say that out loud, not just tongue-in-cheek but out loud say joe biden, you are wrong, move your feet on this issue. stuart: will biden listen to that? jason:probably not. he might step up the rhetoric just a little bit but he's not going to lean in an oedipal
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democrats. who for years they said over and over again the, justice system is racist, judges and juries are racist. the second they start pushing this idea maybe we do have a crime problem, we are to get tough on crime, the progressive base all of a sudden very upset and they are going to push back and when you are looking at the next few months depending what happens with israel they are already really upset so you throw that on top of it, politically it doesn't seem very smart. it is the truth of that crime is an actual issue and often times when i hear democrats talking about it including annette cnn panel they won't admit crime is bad, them just say people are concerned about crime. there's a difference between being concerned and the actual reality is the reason why we are concerned. was when you can't reverse perception. people perceive biden open the border and don't believe he's going to close.
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people believe defund the police, they can't believe you wants to refund them. it doesn't work. good stuff as always, see you again soon. still ahead, shannon bream on the supreme court taking up trump's immunity case. a big hitter on wall street, kenneth fisher on whether the market is too concentrated on the magnificent 7. brian brenberg on the president getting lost during closed-door meetings without notecards. the 11:00 hours next. ♪ ♪ with dexcom g7, the most accurate cgm,
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