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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 1, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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stuart: i'm not familiar with this particular music. tell me what it is. friday. get me out of that one. let's go. good morning, it is 10:00 eastern. we check your money the last day of day of the week, dow is down 90, the nasdaq coming up 38. the 10 year treasury, 4.4%, 4.26%. oil getting close to $80 a barrel, 7978 right now. bitcoin last time we checked was 63 grand, now $62,000, just got the read on manufacturing sector. lauren: still contracting out steeper drop than expected for february. 47.8. stuart: is that bad news the
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market likes or that it doesn't? lauren: the dow doubled its losses on the data which suggests weaker economy. crazy thinking is if the economy is weak -- stuart: you've got my head spinning. consumer sentiment. lauren: this is the number the white house was looking at. they need to convince consumers that they should feel as good as wall street feels and the number disappoints in february coming in at 76. stuart: two minutes for the market to digest these reports. i don't see that much price change, dow is down one hundred 20 come in nasdaq is up 40 points and now this. this is a public service. we are pointing out the president's declining physical and mental condition. every move the president makes in every word he says is
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scrutinized. the latest poll shows 80% of -- believe the president is too old for a second term. we are aware of the danger. a president in time of war, who may be incapacitated means president kamala harris. here's the latest. when the president visited the border yesterday he looked frail. he looked old and uncertain. he yonder when meeting with officials. he does not have a heavy schedule. he carried q cards to tell him what to say. you wonder who writes these notes because that person is exercising presidential power. he is told what to say and has to be told where to stand. he has to be precisely programmed to get through every event. every day this week, the mental and physical shortcomings of the president, not picking on him, not exaggerating, bringing
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obvious problems to your attention in the message is getting through. trump now leads biden in seven key states. two things that were obvious in biden's border visit, the migrant crisis is his fault, that's an issue and 8 of 10 think he's too old. we will close this as a we always do nobody believes biden can be president and other four years. second hour of varney getting started. tammy bruce with us friday morning, two issues, the border itself and migrants biden's age and fragility. tammy:it is why we have the problems we've got but i would suggest and he made the point who is writing those notes is we are focused on biden but keep in mind people are
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arranging this, setting stage, people who ostensibly we know who is in the white house, we don't know what group is doing this but they are not in his condition so he is participating and going along with it. people who are democrats who are part of running the white house, obviously at the top of the democratic party are the ones who are orchestrating this so people think just remove biden. that's what the founders wanted, that you could punish the person who was doing this but he is a placeholder and the people doing this are the democrat party which means through all elections in november at every level you've got to realize that it is not just president biden, he is a problem clearly, his family is a problem but democrats who anonymous people are deciding this is all right despite the damage that happening to the country. stuart: is it obama people quietly?
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tammy:there is a category of people operating during the obama white house, there's been no leadership since then. there's been no developed of leadership. the only thing that has arisen has been the squad. that's the only new thing in the democratic party so it is an interesting dynamic. we sometimes can't comprehend why you would hate this country so much and hate the american people like this but somebody does and president biden is -- he wanted this for half a century and somebody else is taking advantage of that. that is what has to stop. stuart: i don't know if you saw this but i'm fascinated by this, the attorney general of new york, leticia james, suing the world's largest beef producer over its methane emissions, she says the company misled the public about its climate impact. so beef is bad for climate, so sue them. >> there's a new trend, people are having cereal for dinner.
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because of the price of protein. i don't mind breakfast for dinner but that would include bacon and eggs which you can't afford so this is the american people can't put protein on the table for their children and this is what new york decides is a good idea, to sue the world's largest beef producer and this under the guise of climate change because that's going to be the excuse to do all kinds of things like this, this increases the price when people are wondering wise food so expensive, nonsense like this at a company that is their job is to help feed people and letitia james, her job is to ruin people's lives. stuart: they serve peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at school in new york city. >> great thing is peanut butter and jelly toast but it's a treat and not something that you live on. stuart: i did. you are all right, thank you very much.
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let me get to burger king trolling wendy's over there surge pricing brand, what did burger king say? >> come in and our burgers are free. we don't believe in charging guests more when they are hungry, surge pricing, that's new. our flame, part of that is a 3 day promotion, you can get a whopper for free if you spend three dollars, today's the last today by the way. we did the story of wendy's doing hoover style pricing at lunch time when they had a lot of crowds using new digital menus and hiking the price. they have denied that report and now they say those digital menu boards will only be used to discount prices when we are slow. we when i will take that. let's get serious. let's talk about money, the stock market. ryan payne is with me this morning.
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are we on the verge, is it a tech bubble? >> be fearful when others agree. one thing to worry about right now is there's no fear. there's a lot of optimism. bitcoin is probably the indicator of speculation out there, over 60,000 again. doesn't do much. stuart: i'm not afraid of a huge selloff in big tech because they are going to report profits which will keep their stock price at a relatively high level. i'm not worried about a sudden downturn. >> it's getting pretty stretch. i know you on microsoft. it is at $3 trillion now so drinks on you, stuart but you take the market capitalization right now, an amazing stat and compare that to the s&p 500 energy sector, it's worth double, microsoft, the entire sector of energy, you get free cash flow, double for the energy sector so you get to the
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point where evaluations, take the magnificent 7, there capitalization is larger than any stock market in the world. stuart: that doesn't mean a huge selloff is coming. if you look at future profitability of the magnificent seven, we could justify that by the prophets they are going to make. >> yes and no. they trade 30 times more earnings. when you look at stock multiples, analysts start to buy their own bs, they have to keep catching up and making earnings projections higher and higher and all of a sudden everyone is doing the same thing. a lot of that is momentum driven because you have $7 trillion of cash on the sidelines. it will push them further here but at some point it stops. stuart: there's been a rally and chipmakers separate from big tech, chipmakers trade up. do you have a problem with
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that? >> at some point they will but i can't predict that magical day. we learned when the tech bubble happened in 99-2000 it was okay to be early and meanwhile you have magnificent, no pun intended, value in other places. material stocks post one all-time high, financial stocks trade sheep. bond markets trey extremely cheap in latin america where evaluations are much cheaper. my belief, max diversification. don't get sucked in to over concentrating tech. it's a big mistake at some point, better early than late. stuart: i am involved in this. you can come on mine. you are all right.
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lauren is here with the movers. auto desk is up nice. lauren: it is in a i designed software company with strong revenue, with manufacturing, media. stuart: the security company which is very active, 10%. lauren: they surged this year. they doubled and still growing, pace of revenue growth is slowing at the same time. stuart: if you own it, you booked that profit in your head, $24 and devastated. microsoft at $450, it is killing me. lauren: seeing again of 23%.
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they are losing money. they have two robotic restaurants, it is making people spend more money, 10% because they are choosing our robot and that will narrow the loss. stuart: moving on. lauren: you can 't ignore 23%. next case, china is preparing the big ev push in america. the white house is warning cars made in china, national security risks. edward lawrence has the story coming up for you. squad members salon omar and pramila jayapal made a secret visit to cuba to discuss human rights which why would my was of congress visit a communist case and tell no one. carlos jimenez is the only cuban-american member of congress and he is fired up about this. ♪
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protecting transfer of americans private data to countries of concern. some expert say it's too late to help. >> what is the level of concern? sending the private data to the chinese companies. >> we put out this eeo which no other admin station did. >> the president's campaign is on tiktok? >> i will let the campaign speak for itself. >> reporter: former state department official believes the messaging concerning china is too confusing. >> you have an executive order issued on protecting americans data from being sold into china. that's a good step. then you also on the other hand have a chamber of commerce chief suzanne clark going to beijing and meeting the chinese premier and encouraging us business to go over there. it's very confused because we
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haven't leveled with the american people about the totality of the threat. >> reporter: yesterday the president directed the commerce department to investigate data from new ev cars related to national security. china is subsidizing its industry to flood the market eventually especially the united states with evs the data collected and want to know where it goes if it could go back to china. stuart: let's bring in congressman carlos jimenez from the state of florida. there's a national security threat for chinese evs so keep them out. is that an excuse to keep chinese evs out of america so they don't compete with our industry? >> don't care if it's an excuse or not. we need to keep chinese evs out of america and stop this push to make every car in america ev. china is going to lead the
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world in ev production. they don't use green energy in china produce the evs. they produce call. that is par for the course for the biden administration. they do everything in their power to elevate and help china in its quest for world dominance and everything in their power to put down american interests. stuart: what is the national security threat from evs from china? spying? >> these evs are connected to the internet, connected through satellites and can be directed. they will be self driving. god knows what instructions they could get from china with a bunch of chinese evs, self driving evs running around america. international security threat. a lot look at us and what are we doing, what are we listening
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to, what are we saying, that can be sent to china because all these evs are connected to the internet and satellites. stuart: got to move on to a store you might have a connection to. squad members élan omar and pramila jayapal maeda secret visit to cuba on human rights. you were born in cuba. why are people from the u.s. congress making a secret trip to a communist dictatorship? >> they are apologists for communist regimes that oppress their people. the cuban people have been oppressed by this regime for 60 years. no freedom of religion, no freedom of accession, no free elections, nothing. hundreds of protesters the took to the streets in july 2021 a lot of them disappeared. there are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of cubans fleeing the island have fled
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the island, many have perished in the florida straits, many made the trip to the southern border. why are they leaving this paradise? it' s a hell hole, that is why. everybody is miserable and want to get out of there. but in the eyes of pramila jayapal and omar this is the place we need to talk about human rights. the problem they have is that their philosophy. they are socialists and that is being kinds. look around when you get to cuba that is what you want to make america and those two and the whole movement as a whole. stuart: why the secrecy? why was no one else -- why? >> because it may cost them politically. the cuban government was going to expose them. shouldn't have been secret.
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they are representatives of the united states. we need to know where they are and what they are doing. i condemn both of them for going there and talking to the cuban authorities. whatever the cubans tell them is ally. they have been lying to us for 60 years and continue to lie. what we need to do is see how we can help the cuban people be free. that's all they want. in july 2021 they are asking for freedom. they need to be the protector of freedom and democracy here in our hemisphere and frankly we don't do enough to help fellow neighbors obtain that freedom. stuart: congressman carlos jimenez, appreciate it. some senators are positioning themselves to be mitch mcconnell's replacement. who are we talking about? ashley: the list of prospects
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begins with the three johns, current and former deputies to mcconnell. they are in order john cornyn of texas, to announce his bid. to fix a broken senate. another candidate, senator john thune who made no secret that he wants the job. senator john barrasso who held the number 3 gop post since 2019 as chair of the senate republican conference. all three have endorsed donald trump for president. they have that in common. who does the former president support? there are a lot of good choices. politico reported, privately encouraged senator steve daines of montana to replace mcconnell. stuart: coming up, we told you parts of arizona are the new epicenter of the border crisis. why did biden visit
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brownsville, texas where there is no action? former border patrol chief chris klemm joins that momentarily. residents near the southern border, a fifth-generation rancher has seen it all from dead bodies on his property to dangerous cartel members avoiding checkpoints. that is next. everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma!
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stuart: the dow up 11, nasdaq up 70. i want to know what is with meadow. lauren: it fit by $501, 501 from meta. mike murphy stock. meta is banking on its vr head set and the information they did not do it with google's android platform. they want to own this. stuart: okay. neil: what is beyond your phone, a head set getting you to the meta-verse.
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stuart: is tesla moving above $200 a share? lauren: getting $1000, crazy prices on some cars but do you think tesla is more of a public way to measure what their ceo elon musk is doing? so many are private minus tesla. this could be judgment on what elon musk is doing, suing open ai. musk says open i -- open ai breached contract by refusing to make its technology available to the public for the good of the public. and says it's research its research is only helping its financial backing and microsoft's financial interests. stuart: some of the stuff elon musk those outside tesla rebound onto tesla on occasion. lauren: it is a distraction
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from one of his companies. stuart: i see the words ai again, that would be hound, voice ai. lauren: last month this stock surged 850%. we will take a 15% decline. they did report earnings, revenue missed expectations and they are still losing money, wider than expected loss. stuart: i wonder if ai sound, could they imitate my voice coming up with a stuart varney voice? lauren: why not. i see it in customer service calling into any company, you can tell when you're speaking to a robot but soon we will not know. stuart: a fifth-generation rancher on the texas border says this is the worst a migrant crisis has ever been. what do they want done?
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>> reporter: the rancher says the opportunity to find work is encouraging migrants to flow across the border. businesses that hire illegal migrants should be held accountable. trace miller is a fifth-generation texas rancher. to him there is one critical issue at the heart of the border crisis. >> you need to clean up the reward program. people looking for jobs. lauren: stiffer penalties are needed. >> we need to penalize americans that are taking advantage of this cheap labor. >> reporter: the system encourages risktaking. >> it didn't have to be that way. >> reporter: some of those bodies were found in blinds like this one, elevated huts for hunters, nature photographers. trespassers are sometimes
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spotted. >> it is quiet, but you see 20 or 30 people crossing 200 yards away in military style fashion. if that doesn't make your heart race. >> reporter: there's one rule on a ranch. >> everybody in the ranch has been told that they are supposed to carry a firearm when traveling anywhere in this range. >> reporter: he welcomed visits to the border from president biden and donald trump. >> it's not a republican problem or a democrat problem. this is an american problem. it will impact our kids and grandkids. >> reporter: this rancher speaking about the worst of the migrant crisis. he says we need to do everything to stop incentivizing the flow and build the border. stuart: thank you very much.
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back to president biden's trip to the border. chris klemm joins us now. part of arizona at the epicenter of the crisis. why didn't the president go to arizona? why did he go to very quiet brownsville? >> it's the fourth quarter of his presidency and his numbers on border security and immigration are falling at abysmal numbers so that's the last fourth quarter hail mary to displace this crisis, going to places like brownsville where the first three days of the week there's only 34 apprehensions. he could've gone 300 miles to eagle pass, 1300 apprehensions. in the tucson sector they lead the nation, three apprehensions.
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to show that he is serious about border security, he is not been serious. stuart: you mentioned several thousand people in the month of february. any reason to believe that will slow down. >> the cartels control where they go. there's hotspots in one part of the country. they will shift around. the tucson sector, they have ebbs and flows the last 20 or 30 years, there are gaps in the wall. this is where the cartels are choosing to push people through. one last thing on the tucson sector. because the terrain is so rugged, they lead in got aways because it is so difficult to apprehend. they saturate the agents. i don't see it anytime soon.
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stuart: we had a rancher on the show on the border and he sees migrants coming across the front door all the time and told his employees you got to carry a gun. it has come to this. >> it has been like that in arizona for many years. a lot of ranchers, generational ranchers taking kids to school bus stops on rural roads. that tells you this is not localized to one area but the entire southern border, it's impacting lives and livelihoods. and defend himself. stuart: thanks for coming onto the show.
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donald trump just added another name to his vice president shortlist. who is it? ashley: yes, it would be texas governor greg abbott. abbott and donald trump got a tour of the border yesterday near eagle pass and he was asked is governor abbott a potential prospect, it has been a lot of speculation about who could be trump's running mate, ben carson, christie noem and elise stefanik, sarah huckabee sanders, ben carson, many names being thrown around. yesterday trump was interviewed by sean hannity on fox news and
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he did start praising byron scott. he said scott was one of the favorites to be picked, said he was an okay candidate but didn't talk about himself very much. donald trump is the master of that but called scott a very good man and for me, quote, he is unbelievable. is a surrogate. tim scott certainly is getting a lot of praise. greg abbott possibly on the short list. a pretty good bench. stuart: i think donald trump is keeping us guessing deliberately. he is a master at this. coming up. elon musk is suing open ai and sam altman over an alleged breach of contract. must is calling it betrayal. kelly o'grady has the latest on this. ♪
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stuart: elon musk is suing open ai and sam altman. on what grounds is he suing? >> reporter: the most import our breach of contract saying they abandoned their nonprofit mission and the second is false promises. millions of dollars he donated and they didn't come through with. close to $44 million of his own money to fund altman's effort to develop a i for good. in 2019 open ai create a separate for-profit arm partially owned by microsoft. that is a key driver of this lawsuit. open ai has been transformed
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into a closed source subsidiary of the largest tech company in the world microsoft under its new word it is not just developing but refining ai to maximize profits from microsoft rather than the benefit of humanity. the initial idea was to be open, anyone could benefit from the company's discovery but the suit is alleging most of its advanced product like chatterjee ptr closed off of the not from microsoft. others had these concerns. this suit follows a public firing of altman, he was pursuing profit over safety. the nonprofit, it restored altman as ceo. musk is looking to recoup that investment but he was chair of a nonprofit foundation, not a general investment of equity and donated 2020 after open ai began these activities he found so concerning.
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he's either concerned about open ai's future or anything bad for open ai could mean that. stuart: what about microsoft? if they untangle the deal, microsoft gets hurt. lauren: does elon musk do something he can't do? stuart: he is a spoiler sometimes. i want to show you bitcoin. last time we checked it was 62 grand, 61-6. ej, i see bitcoin, the cryptos as an alternative investment and as a gambling chip. what say you about this? >> that's a pretty good assessment. i don't own any crypto. i think it's too volatile for me but if people want to take the risk, they should go ahead. what i like about crypto is it is an alternative to the us
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dollar which is not shown itself to be a well-managed currency over the last three years. stuart: i haven't a headline in the new york times worth reading, the us economy is surpassing expectations. immigration is one reason. we dug into this. the headline is misleading. we are not talking migrants but official immigration. trying to make you think the migrants coming in are helping the economy and i don't think that's the case. >> what a pile of hot garbage from the new york times. it is absolutely a misleading title if the economy is doing so well why are people so down about it when we asked them in these polls. why are real average weekly earnings down 4. 5% over% over the last two years. wise credit card debt up to $1.1 trillion, default and delinquencies rising at the fastest rates since the global
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financial crisis, the idea that this is an economy firing on all cylinders, that's just a fiction. on top of that if we look at employment, they have fewer jobs, the net job gains, going to foreign-born workers, the bureau of labor statistics admits it does include illegal aliens because they don't differentiate between those here legally or illegally. stuart: what is it? anthony or anthony? >> andtony. see you later. former nickelodeon star causing a stir on social media. using weight loss drugs like ozempic is cheating.
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stuart: former nickelodeon store sparking a debate on social make year, weight loss drugs like ozempic is cheating coming lost hundred pounds before the weight loss drug. >> it's not the first choice. it puts out the fire and there's the hard work of rebuilding. unless you make a change to your lifestyle. stuart: if you come down, that's not cheating. >> there are certainly health benefits. it's not the best way. unknown side effects, you take ozempic for 12 years is it
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reducing your muscle mass, muscle mass is the biggest predictor of how long you live. it is a real concern. best thing to do is change your lifestyle or you are on for life. stuart: it doesn't work all the time. ozempic works, exercise and vegetables do not. lauren is with me. he doesn't approve of this. a new study, this is spectacular, a study found using marijuana once per month is linked to a higher risk of heart attack and stroke. one joint in one month gives you a heart attack? seriously? >> this is one of many studies because guess the mindset that marijuana is totally safe. it's not totally safe. in addition to the paranoia people can experience there are cardiovascular risks that are
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unknown are 20% increased risk of heart attack and stroke. it is not just chronic marijuana use which we've known to cause cardiovascular disease, the question is people never report their use accurately. stuart: you can say are you once a month? you know what i mean? red light therapy. it is popular on social media. what is it and what does it do? >> there are fda approved devices that emit red light. not just the color red but a frequency of light that is believed to affect the skin in positive ways, maybe improve collagen production so there are benefits but the reality is
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they are small so you don't get benefit beyond 5 or 10 minutes, tiktok is popularizing this idea. stuart: do you enjoy appearing on this program and commenting on things like one smoke of marijuana gives you a heart problem? do you enjoy this? >> i love talking all things health and healthcare, if there's any benefit to reducing high-risk behaviors. stuart: you are all right. see you again soon. border guy brandon judd said agents are mad at hell about biden's trip to brownsville. kennedy on the mainstream media realizing biden is not fit to serve. steve hilton on giving gavin newsom a new and nasty nickname. trump may be reverting to his old style. 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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