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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 1, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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names but not coming out in a panic mode. i don't expect them to really fall out of bed. >> here's the real problem, south carolina four years ago, 539,000 people voted and the democratic primaries and this year 131,000. democrats are not turning out. >> let's see the information, see the takes, hear the tapes, get the information. that's why we subpoenaed it. we think the american people should be able to see for themselves and make that decision. >> i do think that ai will benefit humanity and we'll have a lot of wonderful people come out and like mobile phones in the past and internet has done too. >> biggest issue especially in laryngoestablished metro areas is a lack of product and feeling like there's no such thing as a starter home and it's unaffordable. stuart: one of the oldest beatles songs from like 1962
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more they were famous. lauren: i was whispering who is this? stuart: it's the beatles. you can't tell john's voice? it's friday, march 1. spring begins in three weeks. how about that? on the markets i have green. dow's up 30, nasdaq up 80, s&p up 19. big tech mostly higher this morning. show me. we do have meta and amazon up but i'm'parade microsoft, amazon and apple on the downside. ten year treasury yield around 4.25%. it's come down. 4.18%. now this, late last month far left squad members ilhan omar and jayapal made a secret visit to cuba and demonstrations broke out in havana and they voted no
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on a resolution to support the demdemonstrators and some were tortured and killed. so much for civil rights. why the secrecy? why would members of congress visit a communist state, a constant thorn in america's side and tell nobody? i don't know. i do know they sent a terrible message, and that is there's a block in the united states congress which doesn't give a hoot about supporting our democracy. oh, no, they're on the other side. they support hostile foreign dictatorships. cuban secret police keep venezuela's dictator nicolas moduro in power and cuba has links with china, russia and iran and communist sympathizers like omar and jayapal fit right in and they're playing for the other side. i'm surprised they didn't repeat their demand for meet ceasefire in gaza. after all they're the hamas
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kabul in congress. they're going into a presidential election with a write in campaign against biden because of israel. now omar and jayapal show support for communist, dictatorship that spies on america and keeps its own people in power. republican nicole malliotakis said this on x "all members of the media should refer to the progressive caucus by the more accurate name and progressal communist and sympathizing caucus-backed suspended ands". i'll leave it right there. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: come on in, steve hilton, please. why would members of congress go to a communist country in secret? can you answer the question because i can't. >> they're embarrassed and it's a secret why they'd go because what we're seeing now, i've used this fraise with you, stuart, because you'll remember, and our
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autoyens might remember too. back in the day in england when you had the labor party, equivalent of the deputies going way off to the far left, there was a label attached, the looney left, the looney left with these ridiculous schemes that they would declare parts of cities going nuclear-free zones and all this kind of stuff. they too were exactly like today's looney left in the democratic party where they were running off to sympathize with regimes like this that are so far removed any kind of relevant mainstream policy agenda they can learn from or engage with, it is lunatic and far left and it's taken over the democratic party. stuart: they're not embarrassed and i don't think jayapal and they're not guilty embarrassed. they have no shame, steve. >> i mean, it is true that they
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act, the things going for this with california and new examples and the looney left and here in california and they're now proposing to give down taxpayer money to help illegal immigrants to buy their own home. lowest home ownership in america and californians can't afford to buy their own home and incredible hard and 16%, 1-6 of californias can afford the typical home in california but they want to give down payment assistance funded by taxpayers to illegal immigrants. it's so beyond the pale, it's unbelievable. you're right, they're not embarembarrassed and think theyn push the looney left to save biden.
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stuart: new nickname for gavin newsom. roll tape. >> most secure boarder and people weren't coming because nay knew they weren't going to get in and promising free education and free medical and free everything and all the promises that are made. no wonder they come. you look at what this governor newscum from california. isn't that his name, newscum. what he's done for california is unbelievable. stuart: steve, so i recollects i don't like that. he's reverting to old style of insult i don't think that's a good idea. >> look, i agree it's not my cup of tea. taxpayers that's not how i -- that's not how i like to conduct politics on the substance and what he's saying substantively is exactly right and it's what i was saying, free healthcare and all these things acting as a magnet, a magnet and california is leading the way. in the border conversation we often talk about texas and so un-quite rightly because the
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immediate crisis is in terms of the numbers and seeing for california and it's a magnet doing these things and right on the substance and agree with you about the way he does it and that's trump. anyone that's hoping that the trump might change his ways and that's how it is and a lot of people like it. stuart: steve, i want to thank you for revealing that california wants to use taxpayer dollars to buy homes for illegal migrants. i did not know that. if i have known that, it would have been my lead story of the day. steve hilton, you're all right. thank you very much indeed. see you soon. all right, back to the markets, i see green, not a whole lot but the dow is up 60 and nasdaq up another 100 points and closed at all time high yesterday. looks like right now you've got a new intraday high for nasdaq composite, up 100 points. non-than hoenig with me now. big tech rally, going to continue or a bubble about to burst? >> it's not a bubble, stuart, but all heim ties tend to be ale
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highs and it's narrowing and apple down about 3% this year and google is down, tesla down almost 20% and some stocks like nvidia and meta powering and basically the leadership is broadening and we're starting to see international stocks, small cap stocks and health-related stocks join in a rally and that's ultimately a positive thing for the market and the economy overall. stuart: i can never remember whether you, jonathan, go for bitcoin. it's just hit 62,000 and i'm wondering, you're shaking your head. you don't do it. can it go to 100,000? >> look, i should get should of could of would of tattooed on my chest. i've been wrong on bitcoin and only up 43% in a month. if that continues, it'll be up 7,200% in a year. i souped like a fuddy duddy, stuart, but what is it for? only 2% of people use bitcoin as a currency and it's a speculation.
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that's fine. if you own it, you'll have a small position and i'd rather own gold and it's up as well. stuart: bitcoin is a gambling chip. exotic investment of the week from jonathan hoenig and invest in china. make your case. >> pretty contrarean, stuart. look at areas that other people are not looking at and ai's become a buzz word right now but small cap china has not but think about it, 10, 15 years ago and china was the growth engine of the world and stocks have lagged dramatically and in fact they're the cheapest relative to profits in the world so ecms, that's an etf that i own over at and specializes this chinese small cap stocks and national risk and legitimately put on your list and you know you're not buying the top unlike bitcoin, nvidia or all the rest. stuart: hoenig's exotic, all good stuff. jonathan, thank you very much indeed. have a great weekend.
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see you soon. looking at movers and we're looking at boeing, which is down. lauren: look at spirit aerosystems down 14.5% and wall street journals reporting that boeing is in talks to buy spirit aerosystems and regulators are pressuring boeing, you got 90 days. show us how to fix your quality control issues after the door panel blowout on the 737 max. well, one way to dot all your is and cross all your ts is control your supply chain. by the way, they did own spirit, well, about 20 or so years ago. stuart: but they want them back. buy them. net app, i think they're data storage services; right? lauren: look at stock. 25%. we're talking about a 23-year high and very strong earnings report and they said gross margins hit a record high of 73%. stuart: whoa, i'll take that. lauren: they're making money. broadcom, shares have doubled this calendar year, i think. lauren: and surging again today and chip makers are all surging
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and bank of america said it's going to $1500 a share and nvidia is back at 1816 now, micron hit all time high, 9591 and a&d198 and chip makers are marching higher. stuart: story of the day with gains like that across the board in that sector, big story. thanks, lauren. coming up, ladies on the view think if the supreme court sistrum has immunity and biden can throw every republican in jail. we'll take it on. president biden relatively quiet of the border yesterday. head of the border patrol unit was infuriated. >> my agents, they're mad as hell. absolutely mad that president biden went to brownsville, texas rather than coming to eagle pass, texas, which has been the epicenter. stuart: that was bran dan judd and he's coming up soon to tell us why his agents are mad as hell. we'll be back.
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stuart: to the border. president biden blaming republicans in congress for not passing the immigration deal. that's why there's a mess down there he says. griff jenkins is in brownsville. what are locals saying about biden's visit there? reporter: well, not much were impressed and president biden came to one of the least bus write sectors in the entire boarder and nine months ago this was the episenter and behind me blue and white tents is where
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all the migrants were and it's empty and the bus is empty. why? let me show you video just beyond the buses and in the at the present time along the levy is the texas razor wire set up for miles of obstruction that stopped the crossings to almost zero on any given day in this area. but yet as you point out in remarks, biden took a shot at republicans and, took at shot at trump 300 miles away. listen here. >> what i'd say for trump, instead of telling members of congress to block the legislation. join me or i'll join you in telling congress to pass this bipartisan border security bill. we can do it together. reporter: he was getting a tour with the chief of border parole and sector chief. we talked to some of the locals you mentioned, vice president of the border patrol council beerra
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had this to say. >> i believe the numbers are going down based on what governor abbott is doing and he's shown he knows how to secure the border. reporter: lincoln riley, uga student killed by an illegal immigrant for venezuela, her funeral this afternoon, you know, it's interesting when the president was here, stu, the president took no questions from the press but i was able to shout a question only about 15 feet away and do you bear any responsibility for lincoln riley's death for your policies and he turned and walked out and didn't answer. stuart: you say your agents are mad as hell about biden's trip to brownsville. have you heard me? and claiming biden has blood on his hands in dark remarks at the
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border. brandon, you're standing next to mr. trump is that how you saw it? >> not at all. in fact he has a responsibility of the american people exactly what is going on. he has responsibility to inform them and why lincoln riley is guilty and why so -- has died and why so many have died whether by fentanyl poisoning or criminal acts by criminal aliens here in the country illegally and not dark to point out the truth and why we can stop that from happening and have headlines like that and axios going to deflect and they were never going get proper policies or procedures and helping us secure the boarder and keep american lives safe. it's disgusting that we're not log have that honest conversation and axios will continue to deflect in favor of president biden. stuart: why
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change the language, brandon? why call them newcomers? >> because they have to try to change the scenario. they know they're underwater in polling as far as illegal immigration goes and border security goes and they're trying to change that narrative but what that's going to do, stuart, that's going to invite more people to cross our boarders illegally. any time that you talk about illegal immigration in terms that are not correct, it's just going to el embolden the cartelo go out and advertise our services and more people will put themselves in their hands because they know that this is the rhetoric in the united states. cartels understand the ebbs and flows of politics here in the united states and they will exploit what we're doing and saying. stuart: white house wants to backtrack on the sanctuary states and cities and not removing it with a little. is that a sign of any progress?
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>> not at all. you have to go completely back. you have to say we are going to crackdown otherwise there's -- like i just said, the exploitation. they're going to understand that this is nothing more than politics and it's going to be for a short time. remember, if biden gets reelected, he's going to go right back and revert right back to what he was originally and they know that. stuart: got it, brandon judd, who's agents are mad as hell. thank you for joining us. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: district attorney in charge of laken riley murder case stepped down. she was the nursing student allegedly killed by the illegal immigrant. why did she remove herself, ashley? ashley: yeah, democrat da deborah gonzalez stepped down in the wake of criticisms she's failed to secure a single guilty verdict the entire time she's been in office. gonzalez released a statement saying "we will not allow this or any other case to be used for
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political gain". she stepped down after georgia governor brian kemp publicly expressed his concerns that gonzalez would not be able to handle the high profile case. veteran attorney sheila ross will now serve as special prosecutor to handle the case against jose ibarra as you say the illegal immigrant from venezuela accused of killing, murdering 22-year-old nursing student laken riley last week on the campus of the university of georgia. stu. stuart: thanks issue ash. check those markets, please. there's a pretty solid day thus far. a really good amount of green on the screen. dow's up 50 but the nasdaq doing very well. record high close yesterday. looks like it's on track for another today. you're up 114 points, 16,000, 200 on the nasdaq. pretty good i'd say. lauren just mentioned a good day for chip makers and got that right. look at that. nvidia is now up 8, 18, 27 up. broadcom, how about that?
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lauren: wall street looking for ai gold. not just nvidia but all the other companies and morgan stanley said 2024 is the year of investing in ai and goldman sachs thinks ai in general will add 1.35 percentage points to gdp to overall economic growth in the next decade. stuart: look at chip makers go. all right, lauren, thank you. donald trump expected to make an appearance in the florida court today about his handling of classified documents and a report on that coming up. new ep ed says biden is only fit to serve at nursing home's ice cream buffet. that's a tad cruel but kennedy wrote it and she'll make her case after this. ♪
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demand for it is artificial intelligence servers that are equipped with nvidia chips and also amd chips. these are why all the chip makers are up. demand far exceeds supply. stuart: sell anything they make. lauren: yeah, backlash. stuart: two largest pharmacy chchains cvs and walgreens starting to sell the abortion pill? lauren: yeah, next week according to new york times in new york, pennsylvania, massachusetts, rhode island rhode island you need a prescription and the market is determining if this is a positive or negative and opening themselves up to this. stuart: thanks very much, lauren. american's craven left wing media realize that biden is only fit to serve at nursing home's ice cream buffet and kamala is as popular as head lice in a hat shop. what took them so dam long.
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kennedy wrote that and with me now. keep your distance on the other side of the set. i think that was cruel, head lice in a hat shop. that was cruel. >> absolutely right. i'm just calling balls and strikes here, she's not popular so i had to think like what else is unpopular and in what context? head lice not popular. where would it be unpopular? in a hat shop. stuart: i got it. i got it. >> perfect illustration of what's happening with the vice president. she was supposed to be the savior of this administration and the president promised to be a bridge to the next generation. he wants to be a bridge to his second term, which is ringing in very poorly with any voters willing to pick up the phone and talk with nbc news, ipsos, monmouth and the president is not doing well and vice president doing worse. now people like bill maher and john stuart and the new york times are catching onto that. stuart: john stewart on the new
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daily show? >> yeah and his very first monologue, he took aim at joe biden is trump at the same time. but at least it was refreshing to hear someone throwing ball languagessed grenades. stuart: we did a story where tram has a new nickname nor gavin newsom calling him gavin newscum. i don't like that . i don't think there's any call for that. shouldn't do it. >> text the former president and let him now. stuart: i could do that. >> he really needs a manners lesson. stuart: what do you say 124 >> i think his nicknames are very on brand. i think -- stuart: social security crude and almost obscene. >> he's like scum. scum. newscum. the scum in your bathtub scraping off with a razor blade. stuart: moving along swiftly. whoopie goldberg said biden could throw every republican in jail. watch this. >> look at scenario where the
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supreme court says yes, he has all those rights. he is immune from everything. you know what joe biden could do since he's presently president? >> what? >> he could throw every republican in jail. i mean he could. stuart: seems to relish the prospect. >> it's factually incorrect and also i don't trust whoopie goldberg's analysis and as you'll remember, she suggested that dr. joe biden could act as surgeon general because she's such a great doctor. whoopie goldberg with legal or medical and maybe things in the green room and let the adults talk about these things. stuart: name of the segment is cruelty. you're in it. >> it's a cruel world, stuart. life is nasty, brutish and short. i didn't author that phrase. who did?
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hobbs. stuart: john hobbs. story 200 years ago. this one is for you. mayor of new york city eric adams made first public visit to pot shop and given custom weed tote bag, no pot inside. watch this. >> the cannabis is made out of -- the mayor, adams. >> hook him up. stuart: calling him the cannabis mayor. they've made such a mess of legalization in new york city. >> they really have. she doesn't have a lot of celebrate. she's one of the few dispensaries that's legally open for business. you know, here is a strong black woman, an entrepreneur and former schoolteacher trying to capitalize on a product she believes in. unfortunately she's competing with a lot of illegal shops that they're not doing anything to squash it. like having bathtub gin legal
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for sale and moon shine on the corner across the street from legal bars who have quality control and standards in strict codes and they're essentially fanning the flames of this black market because like a lot of other states and cities, they've done it wrong. stuart: they've lost control. lost control of the weed market in new york city and elsewhere. >> do you buy your weed from a dispensary or one of the illegal pot shops? lauren: where is it cheaper? stuart: don't do that to me. don't do that to me. >> free market decide that had unfortunately the black market decided. stuart: just remember, kennedy, one weed -- one joint a month gives you heart problems. never forget that. >> i don't think that's true. i don't trust -- that's shaky science and fuzzy math right there. stuart: thank you, kennedy. >> good to see you.
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stuart: come on in, ash. get me out. biden breaks down war chests. ashley: i will indeed. groups allied with biden have already committed to spending more than 700 million for his reelection bid. that's in addition to the 130 million his campaign reported having on hand at the start of february. by comparison, trump's campaign spent more than it raised in january and pact spending millions on the legal defense and going to reelection efforts and rnc fundraising by the way also lagging its democrat counter part and all of this could make the vital difference where margins are expected to be incredibly tight and built a large lead over trump in the cash race and no guarantee the republicans won't catch up if trump officially becomes the nominees and i always like to say, stu, a lot can happen between now and november. stuart: ain't that the truth. all right, ash. maizey pillips admits she made a
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big mistake to replace george santos. what that mistake was. a businessman spent $9,000 for signed pair of those trump sneakers. that's a lot of money for shoes. is it an investment? is he a big trump fan? i don't know. i'll ask roman sharf, he'll be here next. ♪ (♪) (♪)
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it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. stuart: donald trump in a florida courtroom right now in the classified documents case. david spunt is in florida. what's the hearing about today, david? reporter: it's all about scheduling, stuart.
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when will this documents trial be? the former president made the trip about 70 miles from his mar-a-lago estate up here to ft. pierce to face off against special counsel jack smith and both men in the courtroom and both men engaged per our producers that are in the courtroom and judge aileen cannon that happens to be a donald trump appointed federal judge who's been overseeing this documents case since at least the fall of 2022 heartily after the fbi raided mar-a-lago has a big decision to make and is she going to push this out further as the trump team want this is to go and earliest is august 12 and jack smith team said they want this to start this july 8 and we know the original trial date is may 20th and both are agreeing that's not going to happen and the defense, stuart, said they plan to take about 5-6 weeks and that's donald trump's team. the government plans to take about five to six weeks as well. the big question when will this
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start? judge cannon is proceeding over this case. she met with both sides in person, a couple of weeks ago in what's called a skiff, just a sensitive compartmented information facility going over some of the classified documents and we're talking about tens of thousands of pages of documents, donald trump was here a couple of weeks ago and he'll be here today and the big question will we get a trial date today because, stuart, it's also possible she may say i want to hear what the supreme court has to say about immunity. donald trump raised the immunity issue saying he should be immune from prosecution votes in washington dc and here in florida. the supreme court agreed to hear that the week of april 22. so that may indeed push things back further here in florida. stuart: that's important because you're talking about a delay in the trial, which would be a big deal for both sides. david spunt, good stuff. thanks very much indeed, david. see you soon. i'm really going to change the
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subject. total change of subject. luxury bizarre founder, that's kind of an organization, roman, the gentleman on the left hand side of the screen, he paid $9,000 for autographed donald trump sneakers and roman joins me now. okay. first up, are you a big trump fan or did you buy these sneakers as an investment or maybe both? >> i'm actually a big trump fan, and i'm a sneaker head so, yes, both. stuart: how much have you been offer sod for for the 9,000 pair you bought? >> i think the highest offer i've had and haven't put them out there for sale was $25,000. stuart: would you consider taking it? >> no. no. stuart: why not? >> they've become priceless because of what they've caused over the last two weeks in my life. stuart: you also own a signed hat from tram and the pen he sign it had with. are you beginning a collection of trump memorabilia? >> it's all going to go in a big beautiful glass case, the hat,
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the pen, alongside with the sneakers. i'm not become ago trump collector and i've always been a fan of donald trump since his first presidency and hopefully his next presidency, but it's the experience, it's the memory that one will never forget because i got to meet the president and all the sneakers and everything surrounding it with my son. i don't know how many people get to say i got to meet the president of the united states, one i like, with my son. stuart: gone public spending $9,000 on trump sneakers and people know that. it's kind of a political statement. has your business suffered? >> i haven't gone public by choice and we're in the world of social media and people picked up and put out a few twitter videos and 24 hours later i was labeled a russian oligarch when i was born in ukraine and u.s. army veteran and i'm a american and a sneaker nut.
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listen, that's the immediate that for you. stuart: i like to hear your story. you arrived in america many years ago and i believe you started a business in your basement or your garage of watches i think it was. how big are you now? what's the size of your business now? >> so it started -- i worked every job under the sun when i was 13 and joined u.s. military at age of 18, got out, went to college, joined the corporate world. my last stunt at dutch bank and i was there during 9/11 and i was went up far and high in my career, however i started doing the watch thing on the side out of my basement and fell in my lap along we commerce and it's second nature to everybody and 20 years ago emmers was being born and took advantage selling high end watches on ebay and my website and here we are a $125 million company a year and rest is history. stuart: could you have done that in any other country?
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jaire say that again? stuart: could you have done that in any other country in the world? >> certainly not in soviet union, i tell you that. stuart: roman, we love to put success on or program. you're very successful. great to have you on the show and congratulations all around. luxury bazaar. >> thank you for having me. stuart: you got it. caming the sixty completely. rapper fat joe got torched online after buying the pair of those trump's makers and has he responded to all the critics, ashley? ashley: couldn't care less. the rapper is a big time sneaker collector and says he couldn't wait to get his hands on trump's never surrender high top sneakers all though he says it has nothing to do with politics. listen to this. >> when everybody flipped on kanye, i went and bought the two most exclusive kanyes ever. i got to get my hands on them.
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once again, i'm not a trumper. i dislike trump. i'm not voting for him, not now, not never, but i'm a sneaker collector into the art so i had to find these. ashley: there you go. fat joe though isn't the only rapper who is touting trump's sneakers. 2 million up rapper peasy gave the shoes a glowing endorsement and went a step further supporting trump's campaign for president while trashing the biden/harris ticket. all about shoes and politics, apparently, stu. stuart: thankers, ash. republican maizey lost her bid to replace george santos. what mistake did she confess to making? lauren: she didn't seek donald trump's endorsement. stuart: that's what he said. lauren: it was a race where the democrat who won by seven points really kept a distance from joe biden too. so these were two local candidates who distanced
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themselves from national politics if you will. maizey writes, love trump, my mistake not seeking his endorsement and never critic but couldn't support him if he's convicted of a crime and that's the line that a lot of independents i say give. cost her that election. she runs again in november. we'll see. stuart: quickly, check the dow 30, please. i always say the same thing. give you a sense of the market. well, the market is more selling than buying and the dow though is up a mere 24 points. all right, folks, it's friday, don't go anywhere. feedback is next. ♪ investment opportunities
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♪ stuart: toby keith, that's a fine voice. okay. lauren: it's friday. stuart: that's chicago. 41 dries and time for friday
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feedback. lauren, ashley, let's get started. here we go from dom. the ultimate debate between biden and trump on stage each is given a cognitive test side by side question by question. that would draw an audience of super bowl proportions. what do you say? lauren: i love it. i love it. i'd watch. i mean, i know who'd win. stuart: are you sure? lauren: that would be entertainment. stuart: who'd win? tell us. lauren: me? trump. stuart: okay. it's never going to happen of course. there's no way you'd get that on television today. this is from jack. stuart, you've mentioned you use a curry sauce that's not hot or spicey. i love the taste but have acid reflux. will you please mention the name and -- sorry, jack. you got it wrong. i was talking about vindaloo which is a kind of rushy in india. it's exceptionally hot. don't touch in you have reflux. did i talk about a curry sauce
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that's mild. lauren? lauren: there's not many mild curries out there in general. stuart: american curry is mild because americans don't like spice. next is from richard. i learned soon after graduation 50 years ago that your liables exceed assets and assets out on the street. ashley, any comment on that one? ashley: basic math. spend thurman you bring in. you're in trouble and in debt. a lesson congress has never learned apparently. stuart: that's to true. lauren. lauren: too much debt, they take your go ahead stuff and out on the street, take your house away. stuart: if you owe a dollar, they make you go to prisonnen and owe a million, you're a king. that was a bob dylan line. fashion week has come and gone, let's suppose you and ashley are left with no other option but to borrow a jacket from one of your regular guests.
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which would is be? put it on the screen. i need visuals up there. scott shellady, got the visual? like welcome like a cow. stuart: scott shellady, lou basenese or charles payne. which jacket would you choose, ashley? ashley: well, if i was going out for a steak meal, you'd have to have a lot of fun with scott's jacket, but you know what the other three i just could not pull it off. i'd look like i was trying to sell you a 2004 ford taurorhus with 60,000 miles on the clock. stuart: i would go with charles payne. best dressed man on fox business. he's such a sharp, sharpest guy. great watches too. you should see them. okay, that's it. all we have time for. i can't believe it. thanks, everybody, for sending in your feedback and here is the friday trivia question. another good one. get your atlas out.
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mediterranean sea surrounded by how many countries? 22, 25, 28 or 31? the answer when we come back. (vo) explore the world the viking way .. we actually have reinvented ocean voyages, designing all-inclusive experiences for the thinking person. viking - voted world's best by both travel + leisure and condé nast traveler. learn more at
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stuart: here's the question. the mediterranean sea is
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surrounded by how many countries? 22, 25, 28, 31. i'm not sure that ashley is first, go. ashley: i don't have a clue, 28. stuart: sound like a good guess to me. lauren: 25 is a solid guess. stuart: i'm going to go with the low number, 22, probably wrong again. all right. okay. the answer is 22. together those countries share 28,000 miles of coastline, home to 480 million people. lauren: i've got the question wrong every day this week. stuart: first time i've gotten it right in a long time, good to see you again on monday. out of time on "varney and company". i now have to tap dancer 89 seconds because coast-to-coast starts in 2, one, now.


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