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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  March 1, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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ome. a reverse mortgage can get you access to a line of credit over $100,000 that grows over time. - get the extra cash to live the life you deserve. give aag a call today. - [narrator] call aag, the country's number one reverse mortgage lender and get your free info kit. call the number on your screen. larry: my if boyfriend, boyhood friend richard lewis passed away past week. we grew up together in inglewood, new mexico. richard a was a brilliant comic e, a brilliant actor, and he was also a wonderful, fabulous human being. and maybe most of all, he was a sober example to me and millions of others. rest in if peace, richie lewis, and i'll turn it over to my
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friend, liz mac donald. elizabeth: thank you so much is, larry. it's good to see you again. let's get right at it, bring in tom dupree and former doj attorney hans von spakovsky. gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us. first to you, tom, it got really heated in the closing arguments today to disqualify fulton county t.a. fani willis due to misconduct charges. tom, where do you think it leads? >> well, liz, today was an explosive ending to what has been an explosive proceeding. the testimony that we heard, the evidence that we saw was stunning. i think what's going to happen next is the judge said he wants to take everything under advise isment. that's judge speak for he wants to look back over the evidence, the testimony and figure out what the law requires. he's going to rend or a decision in about two weeks. my hunch is he was probably very disturbed about a lot of the testimony he heard both from fani willis, from mr. wade and from the other witnesses because so much of what they said during that hearing, liz, or didn't
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seem to hold up under cross-examination and when they were shown the actual evidence including the phone records in this case. elizabeth: yeah. so when they were shown actual evidence, they couldn't answer to it, hans, and instead they're claiming racism. i mean, the allegation is she covered up and perjured herself, denying she hired her boyfriend, nathan wade, to work on the case, the georgia 2020 case, gave him a big salary. he then bought them luxury trips. she showed up for the closing arguments. do you think she's going to get removed who? oh, i think the judge has no choice in it. if he doesn't, that would, to me, amount to swiew additional malpractice. folks need to remember, yeah, a lot of focus on the adulteress relationship she's add with wade, but there's at least half a dozen, half a dozen ethical violations and possible violations of state ask and federal law. several of them didn't actually get mentioned in the hearing. why? because the judge said ahead of
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time he had enough evidence on hose already. so i just don't think -- and particularly, look, judges look at your body language when you are a witness in court, and fani willis, nathan wade, they all came across as a evasive, not wanting to answer questions. and and if i think, actually, their appearances gave them a huge loss of credibility. pleat breath yeah. so what hans just said is, tom. you know, fani willis' lawyer downplaying this as, or quote, conjecture, speculation saying there was no conflict, the defense team is saying there was half a dozen examples that she could have -- he also said the lawyer for fani willis reportedly said she could have financially benefited from stretch thing out this very complex ifly coe case. take a listen to some of the closing arguments. watch this. >> prosecutors don't act like this. lawyers don't act like this. these people, your honor, is a system mat if you can misconducc
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misconduct, and they need to go. >> the relationship started in 2019. the relationship continued through 2020. the relationship continued through 2021. looking at the cell phone communications, just in the first11 months of 2021 over 2,000 calls, almost 9,800 texts. i don't even think love-struck teenagers communicate that much. elizabeth: you heard that, tom. your reaction. what matters more, lying under oath or the conflict of interest or? what do you think, tom? [laughter] >> that's a toss-up, in my book, liz. prosecutors shouldn't be with coming anywhere near either of those two things. and, look, what's going on here, to my mind, is very simple. the standard that prosecutors often use to describe their own conduct, the conduct of judges and other participants in the legal system is the appearance of impropriety. in other words, you don't actually have to prove improif priority, you don't have to actually prove a conflict of interest, you don't actually have to prove perjury. it's a much higher standard.
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it basically says if there are facts and circumstances that create the appearance of improif priority, that makes it look like something's not on the up and up, you need to step aside and bring in a new team, and i think that's where the judge may go in this case. elizabeth: yeah. hans, let's listen to terrance bradley, an associate9 of fani willis and nathan wade, you're going to hear him mutter the words oh dang when confronted with his own text messages showing their affair started in 2021. not 2022 as they testified to. bradley had repeatedly also denied any knowledge of their relationship numerous times. listen to this. watch. >> do you think it started before he hired him? -- she hired him? do you see that? >> dang. elizabeth: what do you say, hans? >> listen, his trying to back, back away from what he said in all those texts, that's called t
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statements, and they -- inconsistent statements, and they bring in the classic adage that a lawyer will ask, well, are you -- were you lying then are or are you lying now? and i just don't think there's any way the judge is going believe what he was trying to say in the courtroom now when you have all of those texts in which he was giving lots and and lots of details about what happened. plus, look, something that didn't get mentioned, remember, he was the divorce lawyer for nathan wade. adultery is a reason for divorce, and it can affect if the division can of marital property. he would be an incompetent lawyer if he had not gotten full details from nathan wade about his adulteress -- adulterous relationship so he could be prepared to deal with that in the if -- elizabeth: interesting. so there's a second trump case that's hitting the headlines, both former president trump and special counsel jack smith in court in florida, no ruling yet
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on when it will start from judge eileen cannon, tom. special counsel jack smith wants a july 8th date for the federal classified documents case. that's a week before the rnc convention. the trump team asked for august 12th. what happens? >> my guess is she's going to go with the trump team's proposal, liz. i think august is more sensible under the circumstances. as the judge has noted, this is a case that's going to require the parties to go through boatloads of classified information, and that takes far, far longer than you anticipate. that said is, look, i think this judge and all the judges or who are handling these cases are going to have a real challenge managing all these cases so as not to interfere even more than they already are with the campaign season. it's lye like getting planes on a runway. you've got to sequence and put it in order. elizabeth: you know what's interesting too, hans, the justice department's 60-day rule came up. it's an unspoken rule, a policy that federal prosecutors will not take any overt action
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against a candidate 60 days before an election. jack smith's team said they won't violate that, but how can they say that now? there could be delays because, you know, co-defendant's attorneys are talking september 9th as the absolute earliest. that's in violation of the 60-day rule. >> well, yeah, but it's not just that, there's a federal prosecutor's handbook for dealing with election offenses, and it makes it very clear that federal prosecutors are not supposed to take actions which interfere in elections, particularly election outcomes. jack smith waited, what, two years, two years to actually file this, these indictments, long after he had the evidence needed for that and, frankly, right as the campaign season for '24 was starting. so his denials that he's not trying to interfere with the election, i just think they fall flat. elizabeth: yeah. same with, you know, the georgia 2020 case.
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they waited years to file that too. >> right. elizabeth: let's get your reaction, tom, to cnn's ellie hoenig on the classified documents case going to trial in july or august. watch this. >> jack smith has now concluded it's very unlikely he's going to get his january 6th trial. we just saw the supreme court take that case, i think he's done the math and seen that's essentially a done deal in terms of before the election. this would allow him to at least try the mar-a-lago e case. and from trump's team perspective, they get the win of moving the january 6th trial until after the election. if you're donald trump, you're going to have -- half that jury's going to be trump supporters, trump -- >> there's also questions about the judge. >> i think if you're trump's lawyers, and we've had reporters on this, you're feeling good about your chances in florida. elizabeth: the supreme court is taking up the presidential immunity claim for former president trump in the january 6th case. won't that affect the classified documents case too? >> well, it could incorrectly.
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i -- indirectly. i think the biggest consequence is that it's going to delay the january 6th trial in washington by several months at a minimum. that does give the florida court at least the opportunity, to judge cannon if she wants to, to hold her trial before the january with 6th trial. but, look, i agree, i think it's, frankly, going to be very difficult for the federal government to get either prosecution off the ground and completed before the election. they started this case very late, and they are now in a position of their own making where they've got to come press everything into a matter of months before november. elizabeth: interesting, what tom just said. you know, there's this issue too, hans, people are talking about this is an injustice, the classified documents case against trump. president biden kept hundreds of pages of u.s. secrets in unsecured boxes, for example, near a dog bed, in his damage, possibly dating back to the '70s when he was a senator. he had no law to take them as either senator or vice president. special counsel robert hur said you can't put bind on trial because a jury would see biden
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as an elderly man with cognitive issues and, quote, diminished faculties. a lot of people saying this is unfair. >> well, in fact, i think trump's lawyers brought that up today as selective prosecution, and jack smith's lawyers tried to say, well, it's not the same thing. it is the same thing. willful retention of classified documents, that's exactly what trump is being criminally prosecuted for, and that's what hur found that that joe biden did. elizabeth: yeah. and, tom dupree, final word, didn't the justice department allow biden's own team of attorneys to search and and aides to search for the classified documents? >> yeah -- >> yeah. >> -- they were remarkably accommodating, in my judgment, to allowing him to do that, allowing his own team to go in and conduct that initial search. my guess, and it's a strong hunch, is they would not have given the same treatment to former president trump. elizabeth: you guys are so smart, so terrific. we really appreciate you helping us out this friday night. have a good weekend with,
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gentlemen. you worked hard there. thank you so much. [laughter] >> thanks, liz. elizabeth: congressman jeff van i drew and congressman john james, also the former chair of the council of economic adviser -- advisers, kevin hassett and fox news contributor are liz peek. former president trump leads biden now in seven battleground states. and the washington post reports a new and stunning report, it's a new revelation about the president's curious and odd behavior behind the scenes. you're going to want to hear this one. and what hunter biden admitted to in testimony about joe biden knowing about his business deals overseas and much more. and what the white house is really worried about now in its new probe into china's electric the cars as a national security risk that no one thought of before, forcing america to only buy electric cars. and california governor gavin newsom scrambles, he faces a
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probe on that bombshell report he gave a major break to a campaign donor. plus, arizona sheriff mark lamb is here. president biden's former border patrol chief says he never met once with either president biden or vice president harris. normer president trump calls -- former president trump calls this border crisis a, quote, joe biden invasion. all of this coming up on "the the evening edit." ♪ >> -- was the blood of countless innocent victims. there's so many stories to tell, so many horrible stories. three years ago we had the most secure border in history. ♪ ♪ (fisher investments) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our clients' portfolios for their long-term goals.
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elizabeth: okay, voter polls continue to come in. gallup and reuters-ipsos, they're showing that the voters now rank the border crazies as their top concern. -- crisis as their top concern. this as more and more voters living and working on the front lines at the border peek out saying it's absurd for democrats and the media to claim this is the about racism or xenophobia, having border security. t not about that. it's about crime hurt, americans. lydia hu breaks it down from brownsville, texas. lydia. >> reporter: good evening, les. we talked to a rancher from south texas who said the opportunity to work is
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motivating migrants to cross the border, and he wants businesses that hire illegal migrants to be held accountable. trace miller is a fifth generation texas ranchers -- rancher. to him, there's one critical issue at the heart of the border crisis. >> you need to really clean up the work program. people are coming here looking for jobs. not welfare. >> reporter: according to miller, stiffer penalties are needed to deter both migrants and employers. >> you need to penalize americans that are taking advantage of this, of this cheap labor. >> the system now encourages risk taking. >> you see dead bodies, and it didn't have to be that way. >> reporter: some of those bodies have been found in blinds like this one, elevated huts for hunters or nature photographers. from here, trespassers are sometimes potted. >> it's quiet and all of a sudden you see 20, 30 people crossing 200 yards away in
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military-style fashion. and let me tell you, if that doesn't make your heart race, because you don't know what their intent is. >> reporter: that means there's one rule on the ranch. everybody on the ranch has been told by my brother and i that they're supposed to carry some firearm when they're traveling anywhere on this ranch. >> reporter: miller told us he we welcomed visits from both president biden and former president trump. >> basically, this is not a republican problem or a democrat problem, this is an american problem. this is going to impact our kids and our grandkids. >> reporter: liz, just to you a sense of where we are in brownsville, you can see the border with the wall just behind me. the rancher says when migrants come across, there are coyotes in trucks that pick them up and drive them 40 miles to the edge of his property where they're dropped off so that they can continue their trek north. just to give you a sense of the complex system in place to help the migrants into the country, all of a sudden more reason he says we need to fortify the wall across our southern border.
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liz, back to you. elizabeth: lydia hu, great journalism, as always. joining us now, sheriff mark lamb. mark, it's great to have you on, sheriff. what's your reaction to that report? you know, nbc polls think former president trump was better at securing the border than biden is. so let's hoe the crime stats out of -- show the crime stat out of i.c.e. on this. what do you think? >> i don't need the polls to tell me, because i can tell you as a sheriff who deals with border issues every day, it was leaps and bounds better under president trump, might and day difference than what it is under joe biden. this border is a complete disaster under him, not to mention that crime is on the rise. we've got the loss of economics for these ranchers, farmers. i was just in yuma county talking to some farmers yesterday -- a couple days ago. they had some somalians crossing in one of their fields that cost them $12,000 the an acre to plant. they lost 10 acres because they changed a diaper in the field
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and had a baby in the field which cost them -- caused them to lose that entire crop. so this damage is so far reaching above and beyond the crime, it's affecting americans on every level. and trump was much better at this. elizabeth: sheriff, you know, the white house is saying the president's doing all he can to secure the border, that he's on it, that he's going to fix the problem. he did nearly a hundred executive actions in his first 100 days to undo and make the border less secure. so when he says he's all over it, he's on the stick here, you're going to hear from biden's former u.s. border patrol chief, raul ortiz, he says he never if met once with either president biden or vice president harris in the haas two years. watch this. -- in the last two years. >> well, certainly i think it's important that the president meet with border patrol officials to find out exactly what needs to be done to remedy the crisis that's ongoing. and it's not just in south texas or west texas, it's happening in tucson, san diego, el paso.
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those are the three busiest areas along long the southwest border right now. and the only way you going to actually hear firsthand is by talking to those border patrol officials, by meeting with the chief of the border patrol. i've made it perfectly clear when i was the chief, i never if once met with the president or the vice president. and i think it's long overdue that they sit down and roll up hair sleeves and start coming up with some solutions. elizabeth: he's saying they've got to sit down and come up with solutions. he never met with them at all. what do you think? >> that doesn't surprise me at all, liz, because he hasn't met with any of us sheriffs either. as a sheriff from arizona, i went to the white house ten times, at least five of those times were to meet with president trump. he knew if how important local law enforcement was. he knew how important border patrol was, and he engaged us us as partners as opposed to making us completely irrelevant which is what biden and this administration has done. and they can fix the problem. what they're telling people right now is complete lip
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service. they can fix it. they have the authority to do it. he did it with the same authority, he can fix it with the same authority. elizabeth: the funeral for 22-year-old laken riley, the suspect there is an illegal venezuelan illegal immigrant, her funeral was held today in her hometown of woodstock, georgia. jose ibarra charged with her homicide. some in the athens community shouted down the mayor at a press conference on wednesday. they're mad. they say the mayor has blood on his hands and demanding he resign after he's not basically, they feel, standing up for what's going on and how people are feeling really scared and the fact that this georgia nursing student was murdered. former president trump called her parents. the president did not. what do you think? >> well, i think they're right, the mayor has blood on his hands. but even more so, or joe biden, my your cat and the administration -- mayorkas and the administration has blood on
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their hands. they continue to let these people with criminal intentions into this country without a vetting process. they're letting in gang members. we've got chilean and venezuelan gangs robbing and committing crimes on this poor family. my heart goes out to the riley family. it's a shame that our president did not call this -- this is why i'm running for the senate, because there's problems that we just can't fix on the local level. i'm taking this fight back to d.c., and we're going to fix it there. elizabeth: got it. sheriff lamb, good luck with your race there, and we appreciate you and all you've done for our good country here. we appreciate you, sheriff lamb. thank thanks for coming on. coming up, michigan congressman john james, we're excited to have the congressman on. he sits on house transportation. he is raising alarms that china can steal your personal if information -- personal information and pie on you through china's internet-connected electric cars. those cars are now getting sent to detroit like a wrecking ball. that's according to "the new york times". plus, house republicans
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planning a public impeachment hearing as the transcript is out of what hunter biden actually said, what he admitted to. this is information you're not going to hear on other networks. we've got it. congressman jeff van drew from house judiciary's with us on "the evening edit" coming up. ♪ ♪ get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there.
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only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ elizabeth: okay, let's welcome back to the show from house judiciary congressman jeff van drew. congressman, it's good to see you again. happy friday to you. okay. let's get right at it. you guys are planning full public hearings for the biden impeachment i were kauai -- inquiry. that transcript is out, the media has been downplague it as no there there, but we're finding he admitted he did put his father, joe biden, on multiple business calls that he did admit he did fly with then-vice president biden on air force two to china where joe
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biden met with hunter biden's business partners in china. so what do you make of the media coverage and hunter denying his father was ever involved? >> well, the media coverage is weak. if this was a republican president that was the his son, there'd be a whole lot more be hearing about a, and there'd be all kinds of accusations and editorials going on. you know the reason. all we ask is for the media to be fair, and unfortunately, sometimes they absolutely are not. there's a lot there. elizabeth: you know, congressman, the way to look at it is just take out the names hunter and joe biden, and when you look at the details, the allegations of corruption are pretty up stunning. there's pushback, or you know, saying, you know, where's the smoking gun. hunter biden testified he did get millions from china including a diamond. joe biden has been denying that. he did say that joe biden did have lunch with hunter's kazahkstan oligarch business associate at café milano, and hunter's former business partner rob walker testified, yes, joe
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biden did show up at the four seasons restaurant in d.c. to meet with the chairman of the chinese oil and gas firm that hunter was working with. >> look, and we know this all to be true. and what's real interesting about this, liz, is devon archer and rob walker, business associates of them, have a whole different story about how much joe biden -- and they've testified as well -- was involved in this. we know that he was involved. let's face it, joe biden was the merchandise, and, you know, hunter biden was the salesman. and who gets paid in diamonds, by the way? when's the last time somebody gave you a big diamond as payment for something? elizabeth: talking never. [laughter] okay. so the other thing too, what did you make of hunter biden testifying dozens of time it is he didn't recall? he also testified he, quote, he basically was drunk, or not sober, probably high when he sent that whatsapp text message to a chinese business associate in july 2017 demandinge was sitg
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next to joe biden. but he's saying he was drunk and high at that time. >> well, that's the excuse he's going to use. so we're supposed to feel bad if that he's so drunk and so high and so out of it, he doesn't remember the words he liked to use is i don't recall. the bottom line is he was involved in a lot of real questionable activity. and, you know, the whole biden family whether it's money from kazahkstan, russia, china, or ukraine, romania, again, how many times are you getting checks from countries? how many -- the americans that are watching the show right now, it doesn't happen. this is weird stuff. let me tell you, this is bigger and badder than watergate ever was. these are whalish -- real issues. we've got to bring them out, and the american public deserves to know. elizabeth: we're hearing 24 million, the family made -- >> yep. elizabeth: including things like selling access to the government, selling the biden family brand name. is it more than that? >> it could be. we know at least $24 million for
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sure. that that we have documented. that,s we can see. but it's all so weird. i mean, even think of the transactions within -- [inaudible] same thing. the whole family. elizabeth: congressman van drew, we appreciate you comping on. >> always good to see you. elizabeth: we have another major setback for the president's push to force all of america to buy only electric cars. the administration launching a brand new probe into the national security risks from if china's electric smart cars. edward lawrence at the white house with the latest. edward. >> reporter: this week president joe biden took his most direct action against china. he signed an executive order that directed the justice department to write rules protecting the transfer of americans' private data to countries of concern like china. the president also directing the commerce if department to investigate if connected vehicles with technologies sourced from china pose a
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threat. based on the election of -- collection of data that they get from inside the car. i asked the white house press secretary about a it. listen. what's the level of concern of the president that apps like tiktok and temu are sending data now, the private data now, to the chinese communist period? -- party? >> so look, we do have concerns which is why we put out this eo. >> reporter: how many the president's campaign is on tiktok, if it's such a concern in. >> so, look, i'm going to let the campaign speak for itself. >> reporter: republicans have been warning this administration about china and data since president biden came into office. on the evs, china plans to make them in mexico and flood if the u.s. market. >> all these evs are connected, and they're connected to the internet, they're connected through satellites. and and so -- and they can be directed. a lot of these are going to be self-driving. and so god knows what kind of instructions they can get from china. we have a bunch of chinese, you know, evs, self-driving evs running around america, yeah, it's a national security threat.
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>> reporter: the commerce department will take months to go through their regulatory process and come up with a report later on this year. liz? elizabeth: appreciate you so much. let's welcome back, well, it's his debut from house transportation; we've been wanting him on, he's michigan congressman john james. congressman, it's so good to see you again. we had begin -- dinner a while back, i don't know if you remember that. this is your debut. we're hearing reports the white house is talking a big game, but they're not going to ban these cars, they're not going to take action. what are you hearing, congressman? >> look, we had dinner, but the biden administration's put america on the menu. and you can see that beijing biden has been in the pocket of xi for some reason since he's been in office for three years. this is too little, too late. we need to do much more. look at his track record, a chinese spy balloon, selling our strategic petroleum reserves to china, 20,000 illegal crossings from chinese nationals, fentanyl
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pouring in across our border, secret crp police stations, and let's not -- ccp, and let's not forget tiktok twisting the minds of our younger generation. beijing biden is in the pocket of china, and it is going to crater one of our most critical industries, the american automotive industry. elizabeth: yeah. this electric car thing is a total debacle. it's a boondoggle and debacle. this is one of the biggest missteps historically we've ever seen by a white house, trying to force america to only buy electric cars. they're expensive, they tear up infrastructure like roads and bridges. $1.4 trillion spent on that because of the weight of the batteries. but we've got commerce department chief gina raimondo saying china is going to use their electric cars to spy on americans east do cyber hacking, data collection, that they can even pick up biometric health information like retinal scans for bieds. >> i've been -- for ids. >> i've been saying this since i was on michigan's mobility
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council years ago. it's part of the reason i got on transportation infrastructure, and it's part of the reason that i'm going to be on energy and exercise, to represent the number one manufacturing district, the soth -- 10th congressional district in the state of michigan. our automotive industry is of critical importance. when you're looking at what we already have done, the no tax dollars for ccp if act which i proposed last year which would make sure american tax dollars don't go to bad actors like china who would speak to take our private data and use it against us, they're weaving this into automotives, the autonomous vehicles. and what they could get is they connect to other cars. they connect to your phones. they can get sensitive information and private data. they can map our entire infrastructure. they can shut down our economy from remote if locations, and they can do it by -- cheap vehicles at $1,000 a pop -- 11,000 a pop into america if we
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don't do manager right now. elizabeth and, congressman, one big thing the white house didn't anticipate is the cyber spying,, you know, the harvesting of personal information. but this, the commerce department is warning that from a distance china could hut down their -- shut down their chinese electric smart cars, that they could disable them anywhere on a highway as an american is driving i. what do you think of that angle? >> it's not just disabling the cars which is a massive risk. china thinks in terms of centuries and dynasties, and we think in terms of quarters and election cycles. they're trying to be the preeminent economic and world power in the next few years, and unless we take countermeasures right now, we are going to fall behind. we need people who understand the automotive industry, understand the risks and are willing to take the steps required to keep americans safe. elizabeth: well, congressman james, you knocked it out of the park in your debut here. thanks for sheping us out -- helping us out this friday night.
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>> anytime. elizabeth: coming up, the former chair of the council of economic advisers, the one and only kevin hassett, we love kevin hassett. the white house is trying to calm down voter worries as fed officials warn u.s. inflation is still unacceptably high. the big debate breaking out if and when the fed will cut rates. plus, you're going to want to hear the latest on what the washington post is reporting on the president's head-scratching, curious, odd behavior behind the scenes. what the washington post found out is pretty stunging. but first, let's check in with our buddies dagen and sean to hear what they've got coming up on "the bottom line." sean: hey, ex--mac, we are going to razzle-dazzle this friday. we're going to talk about the state of america before joe biden talks about the state of the union. we have steve forbes to unpack that. dagen: and two left-wing squad members made a secret trip down to cuba because they love and lust after that communist power and control.
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jorge -- famous ufc fighter, love him so much, will be here. he is the son of a man who escaped communist cuba. and congressman james comer on why the holdup on delivering information about four attorneys in the investigation into hunter biden. hmm. we dig in, top of the hour. ♪ ♪ , my best friend sophie says you've been a huge help. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. our neighbors, the garcía's, love working with you. because the advice we give is personalized, -hey, john reese, jr. -how's your father doing? to help reach your goals with confidence. my sister's told me so much about you. that's why it's more than advice worth listening to. it's advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial.
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elizabeth: okay, this is the hottest debate hitting the 2024 race right now, who will the blue collar, working class voter and middle class voter go for? grady trimble live from wyoming, michigan, with more. good to sew you. >> reporter: good to see you too, liz. you know, we've talked to autoworkers here in michigan who definitely don't share the same political views or preferred candidate as their union. listen to what these workers had to say about the possibility of another biden administration and why they would much prefer four more years of president trump. >> what makes joe biden the most pro, you know, union president? what's he done, you know? he's threatening our jobs by pushing evs in a false manner. >> i'm going to make 0-60 toys for rich guys to have and we're going to subsidize that with our tax dollars? what about his message is for the working class person?
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i don't know. >> donald trump speaks our language. he came and speaks directly to us. >> reporter: so uaw president shawn fein announced its endorsement, the croon on's endorsement for president biden in january.. -- the union. he says biden fights for united awe autoworkers, and a lot of the workers that we've talked to are concerned. number one, you just heard from those workers there about president biden's electric vehicle mandate which, of course, president trump has promised to reverse. they also say as president, trump was better on trade citing that deal that he truck between the u.s., mexico and canada. another major labor union still mulling which candidate to back. the teamsters have met with trump but also dean fill ins and robert f. kennedy jr. they'll sit down with president biden later this month. now, the teamsters also reported a donation to both the dnc and
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the rnc, a departure from their previous recent history of donating only to democrats. so it would signal a major shift for that particular union and a huge snub to president biden if they do not back the current president. elizabeth: grady trimble, you're a great reporter. we appreciate you very much. that was great journalism. interesting story. thank you so much. well, we are very excited to welcome back to the show the former chair of the white house council of economic advisers, he's kevin hassett. kevin, it's great to have you on, sir. it's so good to see you again. okay, we've got to report this, "the washington post" just dropped a bombshell. new revelations about the president behind the scenes at the white house. kevin, you know how during the pandemic, you were there, you were at the white house, everyone was worried about businesses and schools getting shut down. the washington post reports that president biden was worried about young people and their mental health, specifically biden kept asking behind the scenes about, quote, how young people could make love under the
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circumstances. so he's not just yelling and swearing and threatening to fire people behind the scenes, he's talking about that too. kevin, what do you make of this? >> you know, president biden is an unusual character, and i don't think he has a whole lot of meetings in the white house as far as i can tell. i've, you know, talked to some former staffers that are still inside that say the people who you would think would be in there advise ising him, haven't seen him in months. the fact that he's out there talking to random people talking about random things is not surprising. i think it's kind of a creepy taught -- thought that he had, but it is true that the shutdowns were unusually repressive towards young people, and young people weren't really affected by the disease. if you opposed the shutdowns and said is we should let kids go to school, you were some kind of awful demon who was going to lead to the death of all these young people, but instead we created mental illness and other problems. elizabeth: it's such a cringey statement for the president to
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be quotedded saying that. >> yeah, it is. elizabeth: let's get to inflation. can they take a victory lap on inflation? we've got rich richmond fed president thomas barkin saying services inflation is heating up. what do you think? >> yeah. inflation has been heating up over the last few months. there are some people who say it's because january's a weird month, but i don't think that's true. and one of the things we see wage inflation, we see price inflation, and i don't think that the fed in any way is going to be able to cut rates this year can which is what markets still expect. and as you know, liz, i've been saying that since you and i talked last fall about this, and the markets are adjusting towards that. but the fact is that they're got a lot of adjustment left to do. and the real problem is that the prices of things have gone up so much, i was just looking at a list this week, but, like, gasoline, eggs, airfares, hotel bills, everything's up from 35-50% since biden took office. if you made 50,000 when he started, if you're not making
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75,000, you behind. and that's what why americans are so upset. even if inflation slows, the damage has been done. elizabeth: so the rhetoric from the if white house isn't playing. >> that's right. elizabeth: so kevin hassett, we'll stay on this story. we appreciate you so much coming on. please e come back soon. have a good weekend. thanks for joining us tonight. it's good to see you. okay, this story coming up, california governor gavin newsom, he's pushing back with bigtime after he's threatened with an investigation, this damning report out of bloomberg that he gave a major break to a campaign donor. again, we're staying on this story. state lawmakers in california saying this is, quote, corrupt and unacceptable. fox news contributor liz peek will break it down next on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪ progressive makes it easy to save
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to see you look at big fight exploding in california, both new governor gavin newsom faces evidential investigation, that e bloomberg getting up getting exemption, from egg donor to avd california's new $20 minimum wage hike for fast food restaurants and owners is high
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school classmate greg flynn announcement our bread stores please ago is not true you th think. >> was very hard for them gross from the get caught between a labor union and slu pushing for higher minimum wage of the donor this case greg flynn and think about this and fast food restaurant exemption to only exclude from this i can minimum wage, a company the brakes bread on premises i mean, is a completely laughable carveout from this legislation would happen come up the way, the governor was quoted as saying about much as part of sausage breaking what it tells me is, he's basically saying yes, this basically kind of doing a favor for donor that's how these bilski made this, his problem is, the california voters know who gavin newsom is they nobody's ever printed they remember him going to french laundry while he told ordinary californians, to stay home
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behind closed doors during the pandemic printed they know that is kids school in person even though we shut down california's schools to children during the covid-19 epidemic so they know that example god and immigrated they know is a political hack but his problem is he wants to go national nice a guy that everybody is talking about as a possible replacement for joe biden. if biden steps out of the race as of this is a big problem for him because it is really obvious corruption for alleged corruption to basically favor for donor what else is new, that is what politicians do but it kind of messes up his squeaky clean image that others will you know the country may have of h him. liz: so well it also shows us how weird the sausage breaking is in front of wordless, they do a the restaurants the bake bread purcell on site. as of that if you bake bread on
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site, you'd okay coveted by the minimum wage hike and you know what, i mean. >> yes well it's an observed carveout everybody recognize that which is white there were probably be an investigation greg flynn has given newsom's campaigns over $200,000 in donations. that's a pretty whopping slum hundred some for state legislature bread is my guess is this is not a story that's going to go away soon then again, think about all of the other democrats want to step in if joe biden does not run there are a lot of them. liz: you the best near a great writer and have a good week and you are part of this weekend is good to see you and thank you so much for watching the evening edit and it is time for the bottom line we hope that everybody has a great weekend and seek with us next weekend stick with dagan that shaun. >> thank you


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