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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 4, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EST

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with spirit airline. they had an agreement in place but they are terminating it. jetblue will pay spirit $69 million. spirit remains confident, in our future, as a successful airline. >> spirit, a successful independent airline? good luck. i'd never fly spirit. earning season is behind us. all eyes are on jay powell and the fed. he won't have a rush to cut rates. >> real quick, final word. >> jetblue termination is because of the government stepping in. they are doing it too much and it's antibusiness. >> they don't want to see companies get bigger. thank you everybody. see you same place. varney and company picks it up.
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>> what a week coming up. this is politics on steroids and biden is not looking good. a new york times poll shows a large majority of people. 61% believe he's too old for a second term. the wall street journal said democrats are in a panic. one hour from now the supreme court will issue a ruling about keeping trump off the ballot. they will likely keep him on-the-ball lot and that's a hit on biden. biden will win the primary but write-in uncommitted votes. thursday state of the union message a nightmare for biden. he can't afford a gaf or slur his words. everyone is looking at him to see if he can do his job. we'll have a better idea to see if the president will be on the top of the ticket. bit coin the standout.
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it's reached $66,000. a few bucks shy of it's high. stocks hit records last week. dow up 200. very small losses compared to s&p and nasdaq. the 10 year is below a quarter of a cent. the two year is just above 4.5%, 458. oil reached $80 a barrel. gas keeps going up. $3.35 is the price of regular gas. diesel $4.05. vice president harris demands a seize fire in gaza. she's trying to sure up support of people of color for hamas. the biden harris ticket is the present new policy. nikki haley won the washington d.c. policy. she backed off her pledge to support whom ever who will
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certainly be donald trump. a bomb shell on 60 minutes. the former border chief said neither biden or harris spoke to him for two years. border agents were accused of whipping migrants. he never spoke to the president or vice president. it's a big day. it's a big week. here we go on this march 1, 2024. varney and company is about to begin. ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> i think so. i believe it will be. stove laughing david. let me start the show.
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it's a big week. yes, we are likely to hear a decision on trump's colorado ballot case. it has to happen today and 10:00 p.m. is the time. >> yes. >> yes. >> justices won't read their opinion from the bench. any rulings that come down, it coupled be this one will be posted online. check the internet at 10:00 p.m. the timing is crucial. this is super tuesday eve. colorado and maine, another state where they are trying to nix trump from the ballot is holding their primaries. justice's appeared skeptical on they are trying to remove him because insurrection is disqualifying. >> can you believe justices can rule on how they will rule in other states. >> you are positive. >> you would have a revelation. >> colorado court, maine court,
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illinois court over stepped their authority. >> i'd like to go through the latest grim poll. trump pulled ahead over biden. he's still in the lead 49-47. biden is given a failing grade on most issues. 71% say he has failed on the border. 69% said he hasn't unified the country. the economy could be stronger and don't believe he's improved our standing on the world stage. >> this is the important one. new york times. >> trump beat biden by 5 points. the most ever. the reason is biden is failing on most issues and he's unpopular. his approval rating is 38%. 73% said he's too old to be effective. what's the translation of that. huge responsibility goes to his
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number two kamala harris. her rating is 36%. good luck with that. >> not a good deal. not a good deal at all. >> vice president harris is calling for an immediate seize fire in gaza. watch this. >> given the emenace scale of suffering in gaza there must be an immediate seize fire. guy benson with me now. come on in. this is important stuff. why do you think she's doing this and is a seize fire now biden's policy. >> stu, good morning. what we are seeing here. the administration is trying to thread a needle. most of the country is in support of israel. they have a base that's not pro israel. this is aloud element we saw.
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100,000 plus votes uncommitted in michigan. they sent the vice president out there to use words like that. immediate seize fire understanding what the headlines would be to placate some of the people. they can turn around and say, this isn't a change in our policy because if you read more context in the speech. she's calling on hamas to accept a deal the administration said israel agreed to. this is a six week pause. it's not an unconditional seize fire. if you want a seize fire, you keep talking about a seize fair, you claim you want one. there is one effectively in the offering. take it. they are claiming they are throwing the gauntlet down to hamas. it's another piece of trying to play it both ways. >> they are trying to make vice president harris look more presidential in the event she
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has to take-over? >> possibly. you look at the context in which she gave that speech. she's definitely down in the deep south talking about a very important anniversary in our country and trying to boost support among a key constituency in the party black voters that go overwhelming for democrats. you were talking about that u.s. times polls within the black community. donald trump is peeling off more than one out of five black voters right now. they need to sure that up. part of the thought is making sure we lockdown essential components of the base and also, let's try to put her on a big stage and make big policy announcements to boost her numbers or stature, something. you talk about her favorability rating in the toilet. >> nikki haley won the d.c.
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primary and walking back her pledge to support whomever is the nominee. >> at the time of the debate we had to take it to would you support the nominee. you said yes to get on the stage. the rnc is not the same rnc. >> you are no longer bound by the pledge. >> no, i'll make the decision i want to make. that's not something i'm thinking about. >> she will lose big time tomorrow. where is the candidacy going? >> this is another example of trying to have it both ways. she signed the pledge. she said it's a different rnc because the leader- leadership is new. the pledge was clear. she signed it. raised her hand to support a republican nominee. donald trump didn't sign the pledge or participate in the debates and coasting to the nomination. i think she ice tr -- she's
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trying to say that would suggest i'm going to lose or dropping out and we are not thinking about that yet. we are pushing this off in the future and trying to get as many anti-trump voters. tomorrow is possible. >> politics these days are fascinating. guy, i'm glad you were here to participate in the debate. guy benson. thank you. they rolled out chris kuntz. his job is to refute those polls. >> democrats always out preform the polls so don't listen to them. >> what matters is how people vote. we have consistency as democrats over performed polls. not just the election in long island but in election after election. >> yeah, so, shannon pushed back and she said, look, trump is stronger on the issues that
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voters say they overwhelmingly care about. >> okay, thank you; david is with us. he tried to get in the show earlier on. you are a political guy. are the democrats in panic mode? >> a lot of them are. some are in delusion mode. jim, obama's old campaign manager came out saying something similar. i think special elections are encouraging. president biden is in trouble and it's about the age. it's about the age. that won't get better. harris' speech about gaza a offended me. her fake dramatic pauses drove me crazy. also 36% of the country. the age and mental aqueuety. if president trump could behave he would win going away.
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>> i agree. >> can person o he behave? >> we are coming off record highs for the nasdaq. you are barish on the magnificent seven. >> it won't immediately go down. it's barish i can't buy things that expensive and expect a good return in the future. look at invidia. traded 66 times earnings. i think people are playing with fire. >> that's a bit much. david, stay there. you are with more for the hour. it was a bad week for biden even saturday night live turned on him. roll the tape. >> can he make the case with the speed and sharpness like someone like you can. >> joe can do it better. joe is incredible. >> i was just with him and behind closed doors he's a
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whirlwind. >> i'm exhausted. he whipped me out. >> media guy, joe will react to all of that. president biden said if elected he will use local police to drive massive deportation. congresswoman, nicole will take that on. she's next. a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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well, well. check the airlines. jetblue and spirit have terminated their merger. this is coming weeks after a judge blocked it. now we have spirit way down.
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that's 13% down and jetblue up 16%. border patrol saw a new surge of migrants over the weekend. griff is in eagle pass. give me the numbers, please. >> well, stu, clearly with 21,000 in the last 72 hours the spring surge arrived. i'll get to that in the morning. yesterday morning they confirmed an agent with the elite unit shot and killed a criminal migrant that was robbing other migrants trying to turn themselves in to be processed. two agents, take a look at some of these surveillance images. this is not from last week. this was in california where you see the criminal migrants, they refer to as bandents of robbing other migrants. they were armed and it's a dangerous situation. brandon judd had this to say about it.
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>> these are some of the most dangerous aspects. any time you deal with these, you know you are going in dealing with people that are armed, dangerous, and usually, when you confront them, there will be some sort of encounter. >> now, let's talk about the numbers. we can show you this video yesterday. not one but two groups of migrants apprehended in eagle pass far lower on the scale with more than 21,000 in the last 72 hours. highest sector was tucson. finally, let me just show you the latest fox polling. that shows why immigration is among the top issues for voters. 41% of americans believe it's an emergency. that's up 7% from the past december. finally, out here. i'll go quickly and show you the drone. you can see the miles of razor
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wire here in eagle pass. texas' effort a significant part of why the numbers are so low here and no razor wire out of here or california. their governor might want to consider similar actions. >> griff, jenkins. nicole, the republican from new york is joining me now. what will we do with 8 million illegal migrants. touch would like to use local police to deport them, do you support that? >> i believe local police need to cooperate with immigration customs enforcement to deport individuals. the administration is issuing a detainer request. they are convicted criminal. they have been deported multiple times. we need to cooperate with thosethose detainer
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requests. that's extraordinarily dangerous. we don't have containers for those that assaulted the police officer or why there wasn't a detainer for the young women in georgia riley that was killed. someone in new york city will release them. they committed a crime here. >> congressman, i can see how we move and deport the bad apples. that's a very large number. we are not seriously considering taking 8 million people out of the country and deporting them, are we? >> i think it's difficult to do that. it could be done because they moved 8 million people into the country. they bused and flew them all over the united states of america. we need to focus on the people here committing crimes.
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>> right. what really upsets me is every person coming over the border and paying the drug cartel is enriching them at the same time of backlog. constituents have been waiting 10 years because of the president's last-in first-out approach prioritizing the people over the southern border. that's not right. >> tell me about the new york speakers you have invited? >> i have invited lieutenant ben. anthony invited other police officers that were injured. they will be at the speaker's box. we wanted to bring attention how the biden administration policies are working out on the ground. this should have never occurred individuals were given parol by the way. democrats argue legally they
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were given parol by the biden administration to allow an x number of venezuelans to enter. they assaulted a police officer and went back to the hotel where the taxpayers are paying to shelter them. they were from the federal, state, and local level. we want to show add appreciation to the nypd and shed light on the disasterrous policies. >> i'm dying so see how many stand up unappellorred. not many is my guess. nicole. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. donald trump said biden is letting migrants in. >> secretary said it's hogwash. >> is it the administration to
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allow as many migrants come across-the-boarder to change the political and electoral dynamics. >> that's absolutely false. we removed, returned, or expelled more people than all four years of the prior administration. the facts matter and the rhetoric we should brush aside. >> the fact is they let more in. she had to ask that several times to get an answer. he said i can't comment. it's in violation of the hush act. that's the answer after she rephrased it. >> it's monday morning. this is how your week is starting. we'll be back.
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everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie?
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you just raised your target price for invidia. >> are they talking about a split? why would they split? >> i think to think moon acknow management is thinking about it. they can barrow cap capital faster. >> i have chevron, you like it? why. >> i belike keeping things stupid simple. this is about the rejection of evs. balance efficiencies. pursuing the riskier stuff. >> why chevron and not shell or something. >> i believe ch
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believe chevron has the best energy use. >> did you invent that expression dinosaur juice as in oil? >> i remember my grandfather saying that. i'll steal it right off you. thank you for joining us. see you very soon. >> you are no fan of invidia. >> if they split it doesn't add anything to the balance sheet. >> the stocks go down. same amount of shares. double shares and same price. >> history has never proven that with splits. nothing post split. >> if i was more intelligent. >> i'd study it thoroughly.
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>> all right, the dow is opening with a modest loss. 4.3%. the dow showing a lot of selling going on. i see on three winners. the s&p is down .1%. the nasdaq opened .10%. not much today. we do this everyday, market day. amazon is only winner. apple, all have small losses. apple is well below 180 bucks per share. apple hits with a fine by the european union. that's the story there. >> they prevented rival music services from telling iphone users, hey, you can find cheaper ways to subscribe to get our music. they didn't tell them h they
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could use outside sources. they abused their dominant market position for 10 years. apple will challenge this in court but right now they are down by three dollars. >> they just come after us for our money. don't get me started a look at invidia. it did an all-time high. 843. now they will have to figure out how long it will take. >> five years. artificial intelligence, agi can pass every exam. it can handle the bar and some medical tests. the gastroenology exam is specialized and specific. it hasn't been trained appropriately to be able to do that. you can train ai and aji with specific tasks. bringing in the other stuffened
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the judgment that's the hard part. >> why are you mashing your teeth. >> never a time when ai can represent a human being. it's programmed by humans. the soul and heart were made by god. >> it will try. >> try as they want. they will never do it. >> excellent input. invidia is not the only one. >> they are supplier to nvidia. all of the names are sharply higher. they came on friday. dell said we are making half of the severs that that companies want. we have so much we can't fill it. they use chips by nvidia and amd. amd is up another $1.63. >> i wanted to see if tesla
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dropped below $200 per share. >> their shipments came in at around 60,000 in the month of february. that was the lowest since december of 2022. there is the lunar new year. it could be a low. >> hold on a second. the lawyers that got a court to reject elon musk's play package, they want their money. how many billions are they demanding. >> they responded to this request. that's criminal to paint the picture for you. these are the lawyers that argue that the pay package was excessive and unlawful. the delaware judge agreed. now, they want to be paid in tesla stock. it would be 29 million shares. at the time $202 each. we took the case on a congresscy basis and we would have gotten nothing if we lost.
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we logged over 19,000 hours. >> wow. if they got 6 billion cash that would have been $305,000 per hour. lawyers always win. 305k per hour. >> elon musk was suppose to get 10% of the value he added. they went up $26 billion. they work off of an hourly wage. i'd take the bar list sense from the disgusting legal argument we made. one way to set wages in the country. if the shareholders don't like what's paid it's very simple. >> good stuff. good input. >> tesla is down by 50% from it's high 2.5 years ago. why are they down by 50% nvidia fans. >> sharp edge this morning. >> bincoin is down 66,000
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bucks. short of the crypto stocks. >> it feels like the momentum is working in that favor. okay, i'll calling this spring cleaning. the crypto market has matured. we don't have celebrity endorsements and main street is buying in through the spot they claim etfs. they believe it with spotlight etherium. mocatalyst keeps happening. you look at the net influence that claim etfs. over 2 billion. they were also the small regular retail trader. >> when you have your stock picks. forget bitcoin.
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>> these are real companies making rail properties. >> one of the most successful hiv treatments in the growing oncology departments. it might be less profitable speculating on a digit coin. >> all we cared about is the growth. >> i remember those days. next with verizon. >> we had that one for a while. it's a 6.6 dividend. verizon is up. it was 28 and now 40. we got past the expensive cap we put into 5g. they cut cost. verizon is a great buy. >> 6.6%. >> maybe a capital gain coming? >> the stock will continue to grow.
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>> coming up, dr.phil jumped into the debate. >> dr.phil, do you think president biden should take a cognitive exam. >> people who have nothing to hide hide nothing. why not? >> got applause on that. i'll see if dr.mark will agree on that. the white house is defending the economic message. a new fox poll believe biden has failed on the economy. a report on that next.
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we are 12 minutes in. biden's campaign defending his economic record. voters clearly don't agree. >> there is a disconnect. we'll find out how wide it is in november. 51% said biden has failed on the handling on the economy. he's not popular there. 73% rates the economy fair. there is less money in the pockets than they did last year. homeownership is impossible. also look at the border.
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that's cheaper labor. if you put boots on they can take your job and do it less. >> we have growth better than most other industrial companies. we have a low unem pliment rate. >> that's right. they caught the misery index with high inflation and unemployment. the issue is it stuck with the fact his perception of being annaantigrowth president and gas prices needed to go up. largely because of the far left. >> thank you, david. steven moore with us now. why does biden continue to tout the economy when voters tell him it's not a great issue. >> what else will he talk about. he won't talk about the border or phone policy. there is not a lot for biden to
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point to. to be fair there is a wall street journal poll auto showing some slight improvement in the way that voters are looking at the economy. he's still under water. we were talking about affordability of housing you need an income of $64,000 to afford a home. today it's 105,000. the median income, americans cannot afford a median priced hominy more. that's making it difficult for people to become or achieve the american dream or own a home. >> that really counts in an election. >> guaranteed income programs, they are actually exploding.
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this is cash to voters. the progressives just love this. other than buying votes what's the objectives of the programs and have they worked anywhere? >> no, this is called the guaranteed national income. you will raise peoples incomes by giving them cash. my friend david has a great book out on the very subject. we don't have enough americans in the work force and so much virtue and work. guess what happens. people are tending to work we have a labor force participation rate. it's not just bad for the economy. he said it's bad for mental health and feeling of coon fa dense americans have in their own lives. >> some folks could get up to $36,000 per year.
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you know that, 36,000 bucks per year. >> i think the worst part is not the cost. it's what it does to the s soul of the country. we expect a happy flourishing nation. >> yeah, look. let's pay people to be working. we need all-hands-on-deck to get the economy going. biden will talk about shrinkfla. it's killing everybody. >> i think we got the message. we'll talk again later. economist have a warning for bids relying on cheap migrant labor, what about them?
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>> it pushes off investments in technology. this was an argument i wasn't expecting to read. it's happening in a lot of big economies in the world. what the countries are doing. bringing in their labor. it's cheaper in the robot and in fixing the robot. >> instead of buying technology we hire cheap labor. >> i'd like to see american workers prime working age pass a drug test and be in a possession to be able to work they brought them in.
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>> thank you so much. it was a terrible weekend for president biden so bad the wall street journal called it panic time at the white house. that's my take at the t t top of the hour. they would like to know what rule they had about the woke gemini ai. we'll have more after this. so... - we're engaged! - we're engaged! congrats carol! your youngest finally popped the question. but now, you're really going to have to get those new dentures.
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house republicans demand documents from google on their gemini ai program and what role they had in it. what has congressman jordon accusing google of? >> accusing google of working with the white house to build bias into the gemini process. this is all of the communication with the executive branch and any affiliated parties. this is part of the investigation into how big it goes with big tech.
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they are designing gemini within the guidelines. they were consulting external groups because the expertise aligned with the executive order. biden's order said this they must be consistent with my administration ability to advance equities. my administration would not tolerate ai to disadvantage those that are awarded equal opportunity. google might be building bias into gemini. the company has been accused of bias with a workplace culture that promotes certain views according too one employee we spoke to that claims he was fired for voicing conservative opinions. >> it's more human like but the flip side is more susceptible to the biases of humans creating
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and training the systems. the echo chamber was there. they released and am pla amphid. >> unacceptable behavior and core to the companies values. current sources tell me conservative views are pushed aside, ste stuart. >> thank you, david, this is gemini ai problem here. any impact on the stock. >> it's priced in a bit and trading in a mag 7. it's still expensive. google is slower growth company and it's all ad revenue. they haven't innovated much.
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100 billion in earnings and they come out with this disaster of an ai platform. >> is it a disaster. >> i read a lot of nonpartisan tech reviews underwhelmed. >> they have to get that nonsense o out of the system. >> still ahead, we are moments a way from the supreme courts decision on colorado's ballot case. molly is here to react for it. vice president harris is asking for a seize fire. also dr.ben carson has been floated for a vice presidential pick. will he accept? i'll ask him. we'll have more coming up next.
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