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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 4, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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- [narrator] through generous community support, we've connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and mental health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and life skill training for 20 years, and we are just getting started.
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>> now trading at 66 times earnings and i just think people are playing with fire. >> this could be done quite frankly and they moved 8 million into the country and think about that . they managed to bus and fly individuals all over the i don't understand of america. >> they're selling thing to work and what you do when you pay people not to work, stuart, people tend to work less. >> using the courts for political gain is not a great approach. ♪ stuart: tom petit. i was about to -- tom petty. i was about to say i really don't like this music. 11:00 eastern time, monday, march 4 and it's a big day,
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folks. check the markets first of all. not a big market day. dow down about 100 and nasdaq down about 25 and big tech, mixed picture there and we have winners and losers and amazon, microsoft up and meta, alphabet, apple down and 10-year treasury yield is below 4.25%, 4.22 to be precise. now this. i think is a make or break week for president biden's campaign. it has started badly. an our ago supreme court rejected colorado's attempt to keep donald trump off the ba ballot. law fare and trump won. tomorrow is super tuesday and 15 democrat contests and biden will likely win them all but his problem will be write in uncommitted votes and the michigan primary voters were uncommitted and that's a huge embarrassment and already underwater on just about every
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major issue and majority believes he's too old for the job. a big uncommitted vote means a divided party. thursday night the state of the union message and nightmare for biden and lasts at least an hour and physical strain on 81-year-old president. he cannot look confused and he cannot lose his train of thought and can't freeze midway through and it's extraordinary and here we are. people will be looking to see if he can do his job and remember, you can't reverse cognitive decline and can't suddenly get younger. trump meanwhile the colorado court keeping him on the ballot and tuesday he'll win all the republican primaries and nikki haley may or may not drop out but she's effectively out of the running. on thursday he'll play the dynamic articulate can dade for biden's struggles for the union and again the contrast. i would suggest that by the end of this week it would be clear
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whether biden is or is not at the top of the democrat ticket. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: steve forbes with me this monday morning. last hour, steve, the supreme court ruled unanimously that trump ruled in his favor staying on the ballot and this is a start for the, it should be a question and not going to make it a statement. it's the start of a great week and couldn't get any better than that. >> you anne donovan mouse, 9-0 and throws all the publicity seeseeking and law perverting judges on the behind and good thing for the rule of law and you'll see similar rulings in the future and sophisticated ruling on the immunity case i think. that'll be amended from what the lower courts did i think and then i think in georgia and in new york, those cases are
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eventually going to get thrown out and da in georgia going to get tossed off. stuart: that's a big couple of months for donald trump. i've gone further than that. i've said, look, this is probably make or break week for biden. probably break week. now am i going too far? >> no. even if he managed to get through the state of the union, i think everything they can do, medication, coffee, caffeine, whatever, they're going to try and get him through the thing. but clearly he's not going to be coming across as a dynamic young leader in charge, understanding the issues and he's going to be getting through the words, trying to get applaud lines and democrats trying to make him seem like a dynamic great leader like john kennedy. it's not going to work. i don't know the circumstances but not the head of the ticket for the democrats. stuart: at the state of the union speech and speaker of the house mike johnson and they were beaten much by migrants in time square and in the box.
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i wonder how many democrats will stand up and clap when new york city police officers are introduced. >> none of them. very good for the speaker. stuart: i digress. new wall street journal poll shows voters are not giving credit to biden and lacking in the latest head-to-head matchup and trump 47 and biden 45. will the economy decide this next election? or biden's age or the border. >> the prospects for the economy and the border were knot now hitting every state in the union and every major town in the union and why did you let it happen? don't go to this nonsense and started under tram and it did what trump did to stop that flow and on the economy. things are going to really get better. not just slowly getting improvement and real faith in the future and real prospects
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and coming up with exciting proposals and tax cuts and i think social security reform for young people where they'll get their own personal, kind of juice up the young people and trump needs that and stay tuned, some good stuff may be coming. stuart: accounts for young people and george booth suggestion in other parts of the century. >> the numbers layed and you happen they work and if you start somebody young with their own personal account and regulations and all that kind of stuff. the time that person retires and 60, 65, 70, they get to choose their retirement date and not politicians and they'll have 4-5 times more in benefits and they get under the current systems and the thing is they can tell young people labor earners in that and stuart: a lot an the set. i like that. steve, thank you very much indeed. good stuff.
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jason katz, you're on the market today and you were right on the market and rally and you got it right and saying it's time to stop hating the rally and take it. start participating. what should we buy? >> the markets b lined for the a 52-week high and s&p up 14 out of last 16 the last time that occurred was when i was 1 years old, that was 1971. what's hard ping is the rally is broadening and not just the cohort of the mag 7. the challenge is that it's just the world's largest companies. just large cap companies so i submit to you that that is going to change. you're going to see a seat change in terms of participations from other
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constituents because of mid cap and small crap value. stuart: our audience and i don't always understand what's a small cap and mid cap and can't recommend individual stocks or etfs, but you can recommend industries. what do you got? >> two in particular. there's healthcare, there's industrials. with healthcare, the baby boomers are aging and they need more healthcare services and mna activity is booming. industrials think about a and i recollects robotics and on shoring helping indus industriad defense budgets going on and areas in the market and really attractivity. stuart: show me a bond that pays 6%. we sat on the set and asked me other guests and why not park for them and make 5 or 6% and my answer to you was the best
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inflation fighter and this is the line and the narrative and it's reflected and it's flipped. people are saying why buy bonds when equities are working and equities won't always rip and fixed income rates won't always be at these levels. they go down and you'll rue the day you didn't lock in rates while you could. so get paid 5, 6% on corporate bonds or municipal bonds on tax equivalent basis and wait and make money while rates go down and bonds go up. stuart: kudos for jason katz being right in the first place. lauren is back with us. i want to know what's going on with apple. it's down again and that $5 today. lauren: almost 3% and hit with a near $2 billion antitrust fine from the union and left european music streamers in the dark about all the different payment options that they could use. and the eu is not satisfied.
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from the ruling, we are pleased this case delivers some justice. it does not solve apple's bad behavior so they're going to continue to investigate them in the area. stuart: i'll move on. tesla, last time i checked it was way down and 5.5%. what's the story? lauren: biggest decliner on s and p500 and high factory sales down 19% in the past year for cars coming out of the factory. tesla pumped out 60,300evs in china last month and lowest since 2002. lauren: another 11.25% and after last week the bank identified weakness in internal controls that are tied to lower views and the market is not worried about them and morgan stanley and all the nicknames and they're all
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surging today. stuart: florida eliminated all dei diversity, equity and inclusion positions at the school and we're in the full story. the court unanimously ruled in trump's favor to keep him on the ballot in colorado and the white house coming up. a lot of speculation about who could be donald trump's running mate and one name coming up is dr. ben carsons. has he spoken to trump about it? i don't know, he's next. ♪ investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. do you charge forward? freeze in your tracks? or, let curiosity light the way.
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stuart: the supreme court ruling in favor of donald trump and he must remain on the ballot in colorado. edward lawrence at the white house. any reaction from the administration yet, edward? reporter: yeah, as of yet no reaction from the campaign when talking to the biden campaign and they pointed to comments that the president made at the end of january and at that time, president biden was asked if former president trump should be on the ballot and the answer was just as far as i'm concerned this is the president and as far as i'm concerned, that's fine. now former president trump will be speaking and coming up here shortly and posted on truth social saying this. a big win for america. in the decision the supreme court made the point that the state should not be allowed in this case to decide who was on the ballot and concerned that the court with many states could remove somebody and a small group of states would decide who gets to be president by removing the other candidate and added that a separate concurrence of
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ruling is on the state's power for them against presidential candidates and that principle is that they know more than that and the supreme court making a big statement. 9-0 in this case and the court did not decide on if a former president trump committed insurrection than merely looked at whether state haves a right and ability to remove certain people as presidential candidates going forward and you heard adding instability and unstable system and removing somebody and deciding the elections and the president of the united states. stuart: bring in dr. ben carson and he's the former housing and urban development secretary under president trump. doctor, welcome back and good to see you. what's your re-accounting standards board on the rule something >> well, i'm proud of the supreme court they were able to put politics behind them and do what's right.
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there c comes a time that the constitution is the thing that holds this nation together. and i'm glad nay were able to recognize that and it's a continuing trend. stuart: doctor, ewe know what's coming now, don't you? you know what's coming and you're being floated as possible pick as vice president for mr. trump. if trump asks you, would you accept the vice president decision? >> i am extremely committed to saving our country. and president trump is extremely committed to that. winning the election is only step one. there's a lot of work to do to undo what's been done by the democratic state. stuart: that sounds like a big yes. you would accept if asked. can i interment it like that?
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can i interpret it like that? >> you can however you'd like. stuart: knew that was coming. you're too smart for me. all right, trump is seeing major shift among black voters and voters under 30, two key democratic groups. why would a second trump administration help black voters? >> the first trump administration gave a lot of people, particularly in the minority community a opportunity to see that the best policy is one in which a rising tide looks on board and not one where you pick various democrat graph ibrams and try to give them an -- demographics to give them an advantage to even things out and worked out well in the black community. there's more jobs, higher wages, but the highest ever home ownership numbers and a lot of things are going well and people
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can compare what's happening then and happening now and see a big difference? stuart: saying that trump was the only president has time and the quality gap and that's the lineup. >> absolutely. recognize that income is derived largely from home ownership under trump. the average network of 5,000 and average homeowner about 2,000. that's a 40 fold increase. a lot of the policies particularly for the decade and touring to get people into housing as renters. that's a big thing that's accounted for a lot of welfare. stuart: what do you make of the new bill in california that would make illegal migrants for
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first time home buyer loans. should migrants be in touch for that. >> so many of the young people or young couples are just giving up on the american dream and it's hard for them to own a home and california trying to get homes for illegals. are you kidding me? that's absurd and going out for the rights of the illegals is absurd. stuart: dr. ben carson, thanks as always for joining us. don't be a stranger and come again soon please. dr. ben carson, thank you, sir. >> thank you. stuart: a finance guru says climate change will stop people from wanting to own homes. ashley, i'd like to hear this one. go ahead. ashley: yes. i thought you might.
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orman says climate change is causing property prices to skyrocket and american dream of home ownership and financial guru reportedly given up coverage for her own beach side condo in florida after she was quoted $28,000 a year by her insurer. she claims that americans will soon have little interest in owning homes as insurance costs make them impossible to maintain and that in turn believes could cause real estate values and prices to fall. now, according to bank rate, the national average price of home insurance has shot up by 23% between january of 2023 and 2024 and as we know buyers cannot take out a mortgage and also buying home insurance and the insurers say you can blame higher cost of home insurance and repairs and sky high and increase in natural disasters. stu. stuart: thanks issue ash. coming up, new piece in the wall
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street journal with electric vehicles are worse than gas powered cars. you can bet we've got the report on that. chief financial officer of florida inviting businesses in new york state to move to the sunshine state. jimmy petronis will make his pitch here on this program, next. ♪
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♪ looking good, guys!
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thanks! vacations are better with the credit gods are on your side. i'm coming up! rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. earn points for travel with credit one bank, and live large. couple -- okay, the markets first of all a little bit of red for the nasdaq and s&p down 100 on the dow. got that. lauren has more movers. i want to start with micro-strategy. going straight up, there you go, 21%. lauren: on track for highest close in 24 years. riding bitcoin spike above 66,000 moments ago, we're in striking distance of taking out 69,000, all time record high. here's the deal with micro-strategy, it owns 193,000 bitcoins making it the largest constitutional holder of bit -- institutional holder of bitcoin worldwide and some people buy shares of micro-strategy and now at $1300 a pop.
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stuart: costco, i was in naples, florida, the other weekend and took my twin granddaughters that have extremely red, beautiful hair. they got more attention than i do. costco stock is up. tell me about that . lauren: went in to eat and not purchase anything. stuart: didn't have samples ready yet. lauren: 764 is the new high for costco. stuart: kids were disappointed. lauren: who goes to costco and not purchase anything? stuart: me. lauren: we digress. it's at 785 and think the robin robustsales not from varney fame at 8.4% growth. stuart: thank you, lauren. excellent stuff. lauren: hot dogs. stuart: still there. now this. we're still in florida. the university of florida just eliminated all diversity, equity, and inclusion positions. what made them do that, ashley? ashley: a new state law, the university of florida has also by the way closed the office of the chief diversity officer and also stopped dei-focused
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contracts with all vendors and florida law defines dei as any program, campus activity, or policy that tries to classify individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, gender identity, or sexual orientation and promotes differential or preferential treatment of individuals on the basis of such classification. the $5 million by the way in funds previously allocated for the universities dei initiatives, including salaries and expenditures, now are going to be placed into a retirement fund for the school's faculty. governor ron desantis applauding the move saying dei is toxic and has no place in public universities. stu. stuart: that's telling them. all right, ashley. thank you. now this, chief financial officer of florida wants new yorkers to bail on the big apple and move down to the sunshine staid. jimmy patronis joins me now. i know you made your pitch to big corporations and have you heard back from any of them?
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and can you tell us if you're offering any special incentives to go down south other than tax breaks? >> thank you for having me. we started a dialogue last week and at least the interest we've gotten from the stir that we have caused has been very pleasant. i see the state of florida as this amazing place to do business. our state budget is half of the state of new york's, even though we've got 348s more -- millions more people and you've got out of control attorney general that's made it clear that what she's done to donald trump, she's willing to seize your asset ifs you don't play by her rules. oh, by the way, there's no vic tips in the trillion -- victims in the trump trial. stuart: no state income tax in florida and no state estate tax in florida. what other incentives are you offering? i mean, saying hey, come on down. you must be offering them something. >> well, a few things. we've gotten incentives through
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our department of commerce that we'll be more than happy to sit down but i'm happy to be your realtor. you can reach on me directly on x. i'll show you what's so wonderful about doing business with the state of florida, but make no bones about it, it is risky doing business in the state of new york right now. and if i'm contemplating where i'm moving my investment capital, moving to the state of new york, you're take ago chance of not playing by the rules of the overlords that run your half baked state. stuart: florida among a handful of states consider ago ban on menthol cigarettes and they're on the grounds heavily used by minority community. where do you stand on this, jimmy? >> look, we're not going to be banning menthol cigarettes in the state of florida. i don't know which minion in the biden administration thought this was a good idea for them to con template it, i imagine
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barack obama called joe biden raising holy cairns saying what in the hell are you thinking and this policy is silly and ridiculous and not something you're ever going to see as a part of florida law in the state of florida while i'm here on my watch. stuart: have you got any real positive bites from businesses in new york city and has anybody said, hey, we're on our way down, jimmy. here we come. >> we have again started the dialogue last week. i'm hoping we have some direct input but we're not the first person they should call if they're going to make this bill. they would typically reach out to department of commerce. we're going to have a meeting with them later this week just to see after a week of being in the public domain what have we encouraged. so, look, i'm excited but i think my job, i've been in this business for 30 years and my business is to be a customer servant. how do i get customers to eat at my restaurant and get businesses to relocate to the state of
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florida? this is exactly what we do and make ourselves available and make sure there's predictability in the state of florida. stuart: jimmy patronis, cfo, chief financial officer in the great state of florida. thank you for joining us, jimmy. give us a progress report later on. we're always interested in florida. >> thank you. stuart: a comic student in new york city flying to florida every weekend for an internship. got to explain this to me. lauren: i love this. stuart: how much is he earning -- or what's he doing? lauren: freshman and goes to nyu and interns at ritz carlton in naples. and starts class 11:00 a.m. on monday and wraps up 11:00 a.m. on friday and heads to naples. works all weekend at ritz and spends on travel $10,000 and sunday night at 9:00 and leaves and goes back to dorm at nyu and gets to bed around 3:0 in the morning and starts again. stuart: saying $10,000. that's what he costs him for the year? lauren: yeah, so far since he's
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been commuting for his internship in florida. why would he take an internship in florida instead of a hotel here in new york city? stuart: have you seen the ritz carlton in naples, florida? it's a really nice place. lovely place. my producer saying there's not a lot of opportunity in new york. that's true. lauren: why does he go to college here? stuart: where he got in. lauren: i'm sure he can't party though. don't you want to have fun in college. if that's your schedule to give him credit and he'll get a nice offer when he graduates. but who knows. stuart: 55 years since i've been in college. forgotten all about it. cdc dropping five-day covid isolation guidelines. we're going to ask doc siegle if he agree withs that. people looking to buy a car have a new issue to contend with: banks won't approve the loans, often they won't. we have more from a car dealership, that's next. ♪
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stuart: here's a head lanes in line --headline for you, really surprised me. mac trucks are going electric. lauren, how many electric mack trucks have been delivered so far? lauren: more than 10,000. in the past four years almost 13,000. huge up tick and uptake. these are big 18-wheelers and how long does it take to charge that and where do you charge that? stuart: right. lauren: you get rebates from the federal government. mack truck is -- has been around since 1900 and now owned by volvo group and what's the return on investment though for a company that buys trucks like this? are they cheap tore repair? maybe. you save money on fuel? probably. but i was surprised that number was so big. stuart: learning new things on
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this program every day. i did not know that mack trucks had electric version, 10,000 sold last year. lauren: and headquartered in north carolina. stuart: there you go. thanks, lauren. it's becoming more difficult for car buyers to get approval for a loan. auto loan. jeff flock at car dealership in philadelphia. why are car loans so hard to come by? reporter: real simple: interest rates. you know, when they go up like they've gone up, stuart, you can just qualify for less car. it's an irony right now because there's a whole lot more inventory on dealer lots and behind me with this dealership in philadelphia. it's packed, about a million more cars on dealer lots and driven prices down. take a look at the average price for a vehicle, a new vehicle now about $47,000. that's down about a percentage point from this time last year and interest rates just the opposite. take a look at these numbers. in december of 2021, it was the lowest it's been about 4%. in january of 2023 and almost
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doubled and now in q4 of 2023, take a look at these numbers. if like you, mr. varney, have a blemishless credit record, that's an 800 score or better, you get about 5% interest rate and shaky credit is more like 15% and trying to buy a used car, it's even worse. we just got off with somebody from bank rate, sara foster, one of their analysts saying since the interest rates started going up, half of the people who apply actually get rejected. here's what she told us. >> what it means for borrowers and potential car buyers really comes back to its harder for them to find something within their budget, and a lot of them are resigned to high inflation and high rates because a lot of us buy cars when a emergency strikes. reporter: approval rate and
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latest hart numbers from 2023 tick down but the folks at bank rate say it's even worse now as interest rates remain high. fortunately, mr. varney, you pay cash so not a problem for you. stuart: i'm doing okay. what more do you want, mr. flock? reporter: some of your doe. stuart: get off the screen. a new op ed in wall street journal claims electric cars omit more particulate pollution. ashley, are gas cars cleaner than evs in some respects? ashley: yes. according to the epa new gasoline cars are very clean emitting only about 1% of all fine direct particulate matter and airborne particles like dust, dirt and soot. gasoline cars do very little, if
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anything, to reduce the emissions and part of the particles or most come from the tire wear and not tail pipe emissions. tire rubbing against the road releases minute toxicking fromments and electric cars are touted as zero emission, fair enough, they weigh far more than gas powered cars so what happens? their tires degrade faster meaning more toxic particles and never told you that, did they? biden administration is reviewing california's plan to ban the sale of new gasoline-powered cars by 2035, but critics now questioning the validity of all the data. stu. stuart: interesting. thanks so much, ash. here we are again, the dow 30, a preponderance of winners and just below 39,000. more states want to legalize marijuana, but new studies say smoking just once a month puts
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you at higher risk for heart attacks and strokes. doc siegle takes that on next. ♪ (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) with dexcom g7, the most accurate cgm, you can achieve diabetes results without fingersticks. see how exercise affects your glucose, making it easier to spend time in range and lower your a1c.
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stuart: one of the new studies that says smoking pot just once a month can put you at a higher risk for heart attack and stroke. alexandria hoff joining me. is this study hindering the push to legalize marijuana on the federal level? reporter: stu, it could make it a hashedder sell and half of u.s. states legalized cannabis for recreational use. in a recent gal gallop poll shows about 17% of americans smoke it and all forms of ingesting marijuana, vapeing, edibles included increase the risk for heart attack and stroke. daily use increased risk of heart attack by 25% compared to nonusers and 42% for a stroke. study's lead author wrote the perceptions of harmfulness of smoking cannabis are decreasing and people have not considered cannabis use dangerous to their health.
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dr. janette nesheiwat weighed in. >> this is incredible new information and it's very important and millions of people are smoking marijuana thinking that it may be less harmful for them than smoking traditional cigarettes and tobacco and other forms and other methods. the truth is, and the data is showing us all the facts, that it is just as harmful if not more harmful. reporter: dr. nesheiwat says consuming all methods of marijuana can put strain on the heart and smoking accelerates this and study collected data from 43,000 adults from 2016-2020 and results were published in journal of american heart association and limitations according to the authors and cardiovascular health and self-reported and the authors suggest that additional research where participants are followed over time could be beneficial. stuart. stuart: see if they're telling the truth.
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alexandria. thank you very much indeed. dr. mark siegle is with us -- dr. marc siegle is with us now. would you say do not smoke weed at all ever? >> i think it's bad for you. i think that the study that alexandria hoff just pointed to and the authors may say do more reservice connected and have something obvious and first of all, pot is not filtered. so you're getting direct tar and you're getting thc directly to the heart. thc itself increases heart rate and increases blood pressure. all of those are bad for the heart and previous studies have shown that. this study in the american heart association journal looked at over 400,000 people. over a four year period. i think it's very, very convincing that it increases
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risk of heart attack and stroke. also damages the lungs for the same reason that i just said, tar is toxic to the lungs and thc works like nicotine on the lunchtimes and we have highest concentration of thc now than we've ever had. if you're not sold yet, stuart, how about the fact that states where it's legal now pot, to half of the states that she spoke about, getting more illicit weed than before it was legal. shadow industries are rising up in the -- oh, it's legal now and there's even more gray market and black market stuff going on than before. emergency rooms are filling with people full of psychoi can't tell ick issues because of pot. stuart: the genie is out of the bottle and can't put it back. marijuana use is almost universal in america today. >> i can't put the genie back in but i can point out the risks here and say to the 9% of
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pregnant women smoking pot in california, hey, you mo what happens and think you're treating miranda warning sickness with -- morning sickness with pot, let me tell you about the unborn child and talk about developmental delays and small birth weight infants. that's a huge problem. that's my role. legalization, genie is out of the bottle, absolutely. stuart: changing the souct. dr. phil said president biden should take a cognitive test, roll tape. >> dr. fill, do you think -- drt biden should take a cogs anitive exam? >> people that have nothing to hide hide nothing so why not. stuart: well, doctor, you've observed president biden. do you think he should -- you can't force the man to do this, but should he take a cognitive test? >> i think dr. phil is pointing out something really smart here i've been thinking for months and so have you, which is why wouldn't he take a cognitive exam?
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well, maybe because, maybe he has taken one and we're not being told the results. or maybe they're afraid to give him one because of the results. somebody that's the president of the united states that has had this degree of lapses and confusion and all of the issues he's shown, you would want to see his cognitive ability over time tested, not just one test. and i'd want to see an mr and i recollects we're not seeing that, we wonder. if you're a politician, stuart, and over 67% of american public thinks you have a mental acuity problem, why not want to prove them wrong if you could. stuart: got it. the cdc has issued new covid protocols including dropping five-day isolation period for people that test positive, agree with that change, doctor? >> y i do. i spoke to head of cdc about this the day before this came out. i think that americans are tired. i think they need a simpler guidance.
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the only thing i would say here, and maybe cohen told me this that doctors have to be involved. talk to your physician. you don't just go back to work because you need guidance of when to go back to work. we don't want people spreading it. we don't want people going back to work and spreading any respiratory viruses and that's missing this. the goal here was to give a simpler for people to follow. when you're sick, stay home. when you have a fever, stay home. sneezing and coughing, stay home. if you're starting to feel better, you can go back to work. when do you go back? the guideline says one day after i say ask dr. siegle, ask stuart varney. no, don't ask stuart but ask dr. stuart: i'm not a doctor. doc siegle, you're all right, see you soon. monday trivia, information within the human brain can travel up to what speed? how would you ever find this out? 212, 268, 305 or 350 miles per
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12:00 pm
stuart: within the brain, information can travel up to what speed? ashley, genius boy, you're fi first. ashley: if itches cruel, and say if i was joe bind, 10 miles per hour in the fast lane with indicator permanently on. i'm not that cruel. i'll go be no. 3, 305. stuart: that's a wild guess. you must play. you can't opt out of this. lauren: someone might have whispered in my ear, 268 miles per hour. ashley: stuart: i'm going with 350. that's how fast in my brain. the answer is 268 miles per hour. lauren: i cheated. stuart: about 100 trillion neural connections in the brain and 1,000 times the number of stars in our galaxy. lauren: who figured this stuff out? stuart: it's brilliant and watch this program to find out what's real lifetime's up for us, three, two, one, coast-to-coast starts now. neil: thank you, stuart, for that. you don't need the supreme court to rule on this. nvidia and bitcoin rule, period


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