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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  March 4, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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tech hubs. bloom inbrands, that is held by the s cap fund. if we think we're right about rate cuts. liz: speaking of rate cuts really quickly, rafael bostic of the atlanta fed says two rate cuts, not sequential in the second half of the year. one could be in may, one could be at a different point. does that upend your 5hundred target? >> it doesn't. because we think the ecb will cut in june. he might have read our notes. that is consistent with july, two cuts not three cuts. >> we'll see if it happens. great to have you, jay. [closing bell rings] all the major indices slightly lower after friday's record run. dow, s&p, nasdaq snapping a two-day win streak. tomorrow, cummins ceo joins us. ♪
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larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. the democratic double freak out continues growing larger and larger. scotus supreme court ruling in favor of trump on the ballot. other trials are likely to be delayed for months and months. new round of polls shows the former president miles ahead of joe biden on key issues across the board. we have michigan's tudor dixon, "breitbart" john march little, and ben domenech will weigh in. that joe biden knowingly and purposely blew up the border back in 2021. steve moore, art laffer tell us why "bidenomics" is not working. newt gingrich why the complete abject failure of big government socialism. let's go to our own grady trimble in d.c. with the details on today's supreme court ruling. they will let donald trump on
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the ballot. whoa!. this is america. >> reporter: yes they will, larry. a unanimous decision, 9-0 by the way. it means former president trump stays on the ballot not only in colorado but also in other states. there are a slew of them that tried kick him off of their ballots including maine, another super tuesday state and illinois which has its primary later this month. in their opinion the justices ruled it is up to congress not individual states to enforce section 3 of the 14th amendment. a civil war amendment with those that participated in insurrection from holding high public office. the state by state resolution whether section 3 bar as particular candidate from serving would be quite unlikely to yield a uniform answer consistent with the basic principle that the president represents all the voters in the nation. that quote, larry, speaks to a
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key issue that was at the center of the oral arguments last month. you remember several judges expressed concern about one state being able to influence the outcome of the general election for the entire country. the former president called the decision today a big win for america. >> it was a very important decision. very well-crafted and i think it will go a long way toward bringing our country together which our country needs. you cannot take somebody out of a race, the voters can take the person out of the race very quickly a court shouldn't be doing that and the supreme court saw that very well. >> reporter: trump also urged scotus to rule in his favor in another case. the supreme court will review whether trump has immunity from prosecution and special counsel jack smith's election interference case. we're expecting a decision on that maybe by may or june, larry. larry: grady, what did the white house have to say about this decision?
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>> reporter: well the biden campaign said we basically don't care and i'm paraphrasing here but the campaign said we'll beat the president, the former president in an election and we're planning on him being on the ballot. larry: really? okay. grady trimble, thanks very much. now just a couple thoughts from me own this whole thing. a slew of polls came out over the weekend as you know showing donald trump in the driver's seat for the presidential election. head-to-head with joe biden trump is a likely winner. on the issues trump is a huge winner across the board. the economy, inflation, border, crime, woke, nobody likes joe biden's policies and people remember how well off they are during mr. trump's first term. in fact on that point in the "new york times/sienna poll," 40% say that trump gave them a real pay increase and then from 40 top 18% trump policies helped them personally
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and 43% say biden's policies hurt them personally. trump has an inthousand as i am advantage of 48 to 23. i, if you want to hear a shocker, women are 20 percentage points more likely to say that trump's policies have helped them more than about biden's have, that according to the "new york times/sienna poll." the "fox news poll" shows mr. trump winning 48% of hispanics, 43% of suburban women, 51% of voters under 30, 27% of blacks. in other words, trump cutting into the biden democratic vote big time. another important point, mr. trump has unified the republican party far more than joe biden has unified democrats. according to the "new york times/sienna poll," of those who voted for mr. trump in 2020, 97% intend to
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support him this year. biden, those who supported him in to 20, 83% intend to support him. all the talk about mr. trump's unifying the gop, was a rapping -- besides romney, haley, mccann. larry: loser republicans not how to lose, not how to win, mr. trump has united the gop like never before. these kind of political street fighter who has no intention of losing. now, step back for a minute. look at all these polls, what really jumps out is how totally unpopular joe biden is. it is kind of like voters are saying, sorry, mr. president, we're just not that into you
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anymore. they have no confidence in him. they gave you a shot and you bungled it almost from day one. you deliberatorly opened the borders to illegal wave he have migrant lawlessness and crime, inaffordability crisis make its it possible to live in your copy especially gasoline, mortgages, and created a woke culture antithetical to traditional american middle class values. you ruined our reputation abroad as countries relentlessly bombing each other in hot spots around the world. i step back from the unpopularity theme, to say this, these polls show how much americans are rejecting joe biden's far left progressive big government socialism. it is across the board failure. in direct contrast mr. trump
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says we'll drain the washington d.c. of woke progressivism. restore democracy, economic growth, optimism and america's standing in the world. mr. trump has given the great american middle class a much-needed dose of common sense, all right? i know polls aren't votes but right now, got to say, advantage trump. that's my riff. all right, let's hash there all of this. joining us now we welcome back tudor dixon, former gop gubernatorial candidate, host of the tudor dixon podcast. ben domenech, no, ben domenech, i have to get that right, apologize, editor-at-large at spectator world. fox news contributor. wonderful person, i never get his name right, our friend alex marlow, editor-in-chief of "breitbart news," author the "breitbart business digest,"
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author of the brook, joe biden and his money and his family. there is a lot to chew own. ben, let me start with you, i see this on many different levels. woke progressivism, big government socialism being rejected, economy being rejected but i think joe biden's being rejected. people are not into him anymore. i know that is a cliche. i think that is there. there is no confidence in this guy. even if the economy does a little bit better as picked up in "the wall street journal" poll, biden doesn't get any credit and people don't think it is going to last. people are not into joe biden. what does that mean at this stage of the game in early march, what, eight months before the election or so? >> first off, larry, i want to say it is always a pleasure to be on with you. you know how much i respect you and i love you so much. i got to meet you for the first time when i was 13 years old.
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you're one of the most influential people in my perspective on the economy and everything else related to it. i think that this is one of these weird elections where it's not the economy, stupid. larry: yeah. >> where even if the economy may be looking a little bit better and a couple different ways the fact is that joe biden has depressed so many of the people around him who depend #-d on to win last time around that i don't think he is going to be able to make that coalition work again. i think that what you see in those numbers, what you see in those polling numbers, is really the progressive wing of the party turning against him on a number of different respects including gaza, by the way, including the way he has treated israel and the way he has dealt with foreign policy around the world but i also think there is something more fundamental going on here which is the american people they do not want to have a president who they can't count on to last four more years and
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that's what they see when they look at joe biden. i think that's something very logical for them to see. it is really a depressing moment i think, for the democratic party, that they're having to roll him out here again and try to make the american people trust that he can make it four more years. the american people are not buying that. they're rejecting it. that is why you see these poll numbers behaving the way they are. larry: i mean, tudor dixon, welcome back to the show. excuse my hoarseness i've been fighting a cold and whatnot for a couple of days, really this may not be solely about the economy the way many elections are. i think ben is making a very good point. i do think it is about the failure of of progressivism. i do think borders, security, law and order, our standing in the world, all these things seem to be collapsing around joe biden who doesn't seem physically, cognitive capable
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about doing anything and that gives trump a big advantage. tudor, i don't know, this is march. the election is not until november. so between now and then what do you expect to see from, let's start with donald trump, all right? he has the advantage in all these polls but as you know polls are not votes. where does mr. trump go with the advantage so far? >> well, larry, thank you for having me. i think donald trump can go really far in states like my home state, michigan, we're seeing this, like you said the progressive wing of the party break off, that is some cases students who decided to vote uncommitted instead of vote for joe biden. it is some cases our arab-american population who decided to vote uncommitted. we had a person from wayne county come out hey i want to announce i came out voted uncommitted because, and wayne county for those that don't know is the detroit area, and he said i came out and voted uncommitted because i don't feel like joe biden has taken time to
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reach out to the black community. i think this is very interesting. to what ben said. i think they're also saying can this guy make it another four years on joe biden and we feel more comfortable that donald trump can and we feel comfortable that he will choose a vice president that is good as well. if you go to the biden camp if he can't make it we end up with kamala, that's a mess too. overall for of the democrats this is a nightmare. the economy is still playing a role, because those folks in detroit, we were making a lot more money under donald trump. he can come back to them, he can say i will bring jobs back, bring the economy back, you will not have to worry about the border. everything is in his favor right now. nothing is in joe biden's favor. larry: really, actually they got a pay cut. middle class workers, i don't care, black, white, hispanic, latin, doesn't matter, they all got a pay cut under biden, they got a pay increase under trump.
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who do you like? you like the pay increase. before i go to alex, let me just play this trump speaking today on unification after the supreme court decision. take a listen. >> i think it's a very big day for america. i think it is a very big day for liberty, and i think it's just a great day for this country. again i hope it is unifying like i think but it is, it is a big step toward unification. larry: you know, alex, may seem ironic but mr. trump is the guy defending democracy. it may seem ironic, mr. trump is talking about unity. i will just add one more thing here, people don't like joe biden. i know he is old. but he is mean. he has -- this is not the joe biden of 10, 15, 20 years ago i knew him by the way. used to interview him on another network. he is mean, he is nasty, he is difficult. that is killing him among other things. this is trump the unifier, what do you think, alex marlow?
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>> trump gets it, if this election is about some of his personal baggage he loses that lead. if this election is about joe biden, if this election is about supporting democracy, supporting our republic, this supreme court decision was a big win for the democrats too. they were seen as the ones keeping the standard-bearer on the other side off the ballot. that would have again a disaster for them. they were saying they're the authorities on democracy. literally keeping republican nominee off the ballot this one state or multiple states, that would be a horrible look. they could not defend that in next six months. they got bailed out in a big way. the way trump is talking, he is learning some serious lessons. larry: it would be if the democrats came out applauded this decision would make them look much better. >> absolutely. larry: ben, let you take that. i got another sound bite that i want you to hear, i'm just
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saying you know when? they have been wrong on some things and the weaponization of justice is one of them, nobody liked the idea of keeping trump off the ballot. frankly polls showed nobody much likes the whole lawfare war against trump and what they did in new york and so forth, but bidens are not smart enough. here is some more of trump from mar-a-lago today. hang on a second. >> i want to win based on my policies are better. we're going to cut taxes. we're going to get interest rates down. you will be able to buy homes again. you can't buy a home today, the interest rates are so high. i want to win on safe borders. i want to stop wars. i want to stop the war in ukraine with russia. i want to stop what is happening with israel. if i was president you wouldn't have had inflation. inflation was caused by high energy prices. larry: you know, ben, it is just like, he is hitting on all cylinders here. this is the positive message driven trump. it is, economy plus, it is interest rates it is mortgages. it is stopping wars, right?
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he, i think he is getting young people because he doesn't want to fight wars. maybe we could be strong enough and tough enough, peace through strength like ronald reagan. but i mean, this is trump at the top of his game, ben. >> look i think that the more that we hear from him that is along these lines the better. i think that one of the things we really see, this is toe alex's point, is that the decision that the democrats made, the radical left made, to try to engage in this type of lawfare, it is absolutely blown up in their face. they have completely failed and the fact is that you know, they tried to essentially take off the ballot the former president of the united states in a way that i think the rational american responds to with wait a minute that doesn't sound like democracy. that doesn't sound like the ability to actually have a republic. they recoil from it and that i think is something very healthy
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about the american populace. the fact that they have done that is something very good. the fact that the supreme court rejected this so unanimously is very good as well. i'm very satisfied with this decision. i hope we can move on to actually having a real contest. i think it is one the former president is winning and winning going away. larry: i think this gives him a big lift, just a couple days before the state of the union. last one, tudor dixon, my eyes are old, i am infirmed but i could swear i read in this "new york times/sienna poll" that women are 20 percentage points more likely to say trump policies helped them more than mr. biden's. i square i read that in "the new york times" the "new york times/sienna poll," tudor, i know how infirmed i am but i think that is an extraordinary number. but i will give you the last word. >> absolutely. we're out there.
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we're buying gas. taking the kids from place to place. we know how much everything costs and know the i am park to our families. we know how life was better under donald trump. joe biden will talk a lot about the corporate greed and blame game, the republicans won't let me do what i need to do, at the end of the day mothers out there know what it is like to take care of their aging parents and children at the same time and how much it is costing them. they know that is all on joe biden maybe. larry: maybe my eyes read it right. 20%. thank you to all of you. we'll see what happens, right now it is advantage trump. up next we talk to my friend rich lowery editor of "national review" that joe biden knowingly and purposefully blew up the border right away in early 2021. a double freakout for the democrats. stick around, folks, i'm kudlow. much more to come.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. (clicking) i'm jonathan lawson. do you? if you're 50 to 85, please listen closely. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. it's a rate lock for your life insurance that guarantees that once you're insured, your rate can never go up
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at any time, for any reason. many policies you see don't have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock from colonial penn. this plan was designed for people on a fixed income with coverage options that start at $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day. your rate is locked in for life. coverage can never be cancelled, and your acceptance is guaranteed. you cannot be turned down because of your health. see for yourself. call for an information kit and gift. both are free with no obligation. larry: the biden illegal migrant crisis is soaking taxpayers with new yorkers on the hook for $2.3 billion to house and feed
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illegals. fox news's bryan llenas at the roosevelt hotel in new york city with all the details. bryan, i remember when the roosevelt hotel was a fabulous, elegant place to be. >> reporter: yeah, that is not the case today, larry. good to see you. frankly new york city says they spent a billion dollars just to house about 15,000 migrant families and their children in hotels like the roosevelt since july alone. it coasts about $400 a night to house one migrant family in these hotels. look, new york state, last summer they decided to offer to help by launching a 25 million dollar migrant relocation program, paying entire years of rent for any migrant family that moves out of city. the problem, new york suburban communities don't want them. four out of 67 are accepting
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relocations. suffolk county says they are no longer participating in this program. suffolk county is not nor will be sanctuary city. we're not work to accept undocumented migrants. we're working with the state to claire faycation of the program. rockland county, said ultimately this is the city's problem. >> you asked for it. you're a sanctuary city. we're not. the fact of the matter we don't have the ability to do it. >> reporter: now that voluntary relocation program was meant to help 1250 migrant families but just 178 families have been moved with another 460 waiting to be relocated. advocates say migrants simply don't want to leave the city because they're afraid they won't find work. okay. we don't have that sound. but ultimately the bottom line here, larry, is that to qualify
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these migrant families have to apply for asylum and be on the track for work authorization. new york city is saying they want to open up this program to everyone. they don't want that requirement to help alleviate the financial burden. larry. larry: i can't say i blame them. bryan llenas, thank you for that report. staying on the topic of immigration, we bring in rich hower, editor of "national review" magazine and nro online, he writes in the "new york post" joe biden knowingly and purposefully blew up the border in 2021. rich, welcome back. that kind of says it all. >> larry. larry: this wasn't brought upon him. >> yeah. larry: this wasn't some immaculate problem. this is of his own making? >> absolutely. february 2nd, 2021, about two weeks after taking office an executive order, sweeping executive order, it is all about how he let more people in and rolling back, i don't know 10, a dozen trump policy statements,
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proclamations, most importantly remain in mexico and a safe third country agreement. within weeks, literally weeks, that's all gone. now the "remain in mexico" they couldn't end but the courts fought them for for a while. they mayorkas i considered carefully, heard both side, this reduced migrant flows, we're end it anyway. that is it the basic attitude, whatever associated with trump, what trump created had to be destroyed. larry: really there were tens and tens of executive orders and decisions they overturned. you you write about remain "remain in mexico" but asylum agreements that deserve a more attention. >> trump he had to force central american countries to go along with them. threatened to cut foreign aid. if you're from honduras coming to the u.s., you want asylum, okay, go to guatamala claim
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asylum. maybe they're serious about asylum, they're go to guatemala. you know what? i will go home. we throw these out, "remain in mexico," third country agreement, this didn't exist, trump folks were outraged couldn't control the border either, that came up with creative solutions that worked. they stopped the flow. it was blown up deliberately for no good reason. larry: on that point, of course trump wanted the wall. he got 500 miles plus, but then biden stopped the wall. what greg abbott is doing in texas, does show with the wire fence, barbed wire fence barricades can work. they cut back with the barricades which of course the bidens owe post. that is a laboratory experiment with empirical data which i absolutely love. rich lowery, seconds 21-56789, 216-g, immigration nationality
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act. one allows the president, congressional laws signed way in the past, most recently bill clinton in 1996 can stop people from coming in illegally and you can deport criminals whether you're in a sanctuary city or not. there are executive authorities. >> absolutely. larry: mandates to do this. >> absolutely. there is a "new york times" article last week after the dueling border visits you know what? this really shows us the character of these different men. trump wants to do everything unilaterally. bidencares about the legislative process he blew it up laterally. the congress gave biden authority, that worked. this is why biden will get no traction trying to blame congress about this. he blew it up deliberately. it is in black and white. look at that february 2nd, 2021 order, it is all right they're. larry: we tried in the trump years to have by the way a legal immigration reform plan which i still hope some day may be
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enacted or at least looked at again. i'm not against immigrants. i'm in favor of legal immigration. rich, how big of an election issue is this going to be? i know it's big but if you rank them, okay, you've been doing this a long time, how big is big. >> it is top three. right up there with the economy and foreign affairs. a couple polls lately show the number one issue. larry: yep. >> we both been around for a while, larry. that is unprecedented. we've seen this flow. we've seen the pictures. bill melugin and others shown us the video and you don't have to believe the video because you live in cities, you see it. new york, billion dollars since july, just to house 15,000 families? this game of hot potato between new york and the suburbs who will take them? maybe you wouldn't have to play hot potato if you stopped them coming in the first place. larry: the wall, unfortunately with tragic losses. rich lowery, "national review," writing in "the new york post." i'm doing my best. lets of honey and tea on the
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set. coming up here the voters say maybe the economy is improving but joe biden has though to do with it. i'm telling you folks, voters are just not into joe biden anymore. we're into steve forbe's. we're into art laffer. they will come and tell us about it, all when "kudlow" returns. ♪ you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so... ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain.
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one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. ♪. larry: all right, president biden hitting the campaign trail touting, yes, you guessed it "bidenomics" but voters are not buying what he is selling. they're just not that into him. our own edward lawrence is live at the white house with all the details. we're always into edward lawrence. >> reporter: larry, at the start of the state of the union on thursday, the president will likely say unemployment rate has been under 4% for years. he will also likely say they have added back all the jobs lost in the pandemic and the economy created 5.4 million jobs there. what the president will not say though is that over all prices
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have risen 18 percent year-over-year since president biden started instituting his policies in january of 2021. he will also not say that real wages are down 2.1% in that time. now using two fox news team decisionmakers, one republican pollster and a democratic pollster, we'll give you both sides here. listen. >> the first is, there's a performance problem that voters don't think the biden administration has done well, has helped them, has successfully dealt with critical issues like the economy and inflation. then there is a secondary element to it which is the traits. they think biden simply doesn't seem up to the task. >> reporter: so the latest "fox news" polling showing that 61% of registered voters believe the president has failed handling the economy. 58% say he has failed helping the working class. 71% say he failed in terms of border security. when you see that nervous
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feelings taking hold at the white house. 37% of the voters see the economy as number one issue. 21% seeing immigration as a top concern. this is a democrat. listen. >> so we're moving into the general election phase with two candidates viewed as deeply flawed. i think one thing biden has on his side is perhaps reality in that by most measures it seems like we've avoided a recession and the economy is on a strong track. >> reporter: when you dig into the gdp numbers, you see government spending has actually played a very large roll pushing off an economic slowdown going forward. so we'll let you decide. larry. larry: absolutely, edward lawrence. i would just add to that government spending plus transfer payments which, you know, in the short run stimulates consumer demand. anyway, thank you for that. we appreciate as always, edward lawrence. rett's bring in our distinguished guests, steve forbes, forbes media chairman,
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editor-in-chief, author of inflation, what it is, why it is bad, how to fix it, art laffer, former reagan economist, former presidential medal of freedom recipient and author of "taxes have consequences." talking to steve here on the set, you deserted us and stayed away, under trump, the average working class, the average working stiff, whether white, brown, black, women, female, whatever, the average working person had real increase under trump. under biden the average working stiff got a pay cut. not surprisingly the voters favor the pay increase. that may be too simplified. i don't know the polls are showing that, but what do you think? >> i think that is exactly correct. median wages were up like $6,000 under trump and they dropped sharply under biden right away. they have been rising a little bit lately. that is just a killer for the
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economy and number two, prices are up, what, edward lawrence say 18% since biden took office? prices were not up anything like that under trump. you know trump did a a much, muh better job. what you're seeing now, larry the remnants of the trump tax cuts and jobs act providing a lot of strength to the economy. i don't think this economy has anything to do with economics economics at all. i don't think it is improving very much. what improvement we do see is literally trump policies. larry: steve forbes, pick up on arthur's, because i've been mulling this over too, yes, government spending, yes transfer payments, those are artificially boosting the gdp calculation. >> health care which is ghost. larry: throw it all in. on the other hand one of the previous factors we have not talked about, is profits. profits are the mother's milk of stocks, and lifeblood of the economy. joe biden hates profits.
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he wants to tax them. trump cut corporate taxes for large and small businesses. to some extent now, post-pandemic, post-pandemic the profit story is helping to stablize the economy. i mean i think it is the only legitimate private sector thing out there. of course not a day goes by you will hear it again at state of the union, joe biden will tax rich people and tax greedy corporations who don't pay their fair share. we will send the irs, how ironic is that? >> it is typical scapegoating, the cutting tax rate as you did pro35% to 21% was trump would say huge. if you look at profits, one of the good things about all the talk of recession year after year, companies have gotten their act together. larry: they are prepared. larry: yes. >> usually recessions come when you don't expect i, you scramble to try to keep your head above water. people have plent of time to prepare for it. the key thing business investment is not as good bus
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the interest rates in the future is uncertain. one thing i hope in the campaign republicans of all levels will do coming this november put out a trump, reaganesque tax cut. you elect us we'll do things to make your life better. you don't need to get crumbs from joe biden. you will get a feast when this economy really recovers. larry: arthur, if biden would listen to you and steve forbes and cut tax rates, we'll put this chart up on the board, every time tax rates are reduced rich pay more. the share is almost 50%. the biden wants the rich to pay their fair share, look at that! lower tax rates, higher tax revenues. somebody once said that is the laffer curve. you should have won the nobel prize. what do you make of that? >> i love being on with the two of you. you two of my heros.
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i love you both dearly. you have done a great job and i love it. what i say it is clear and obvious. rich people like to keep their income, when tax rates go down they report more of the income, share their share of their income increases that happened every single time since 1913, larry. it is the truth that happened. we have all the tax returns. when you cut-rates on the rich you get more taxes. when you raise taxes they pay less and the economy underperforms. no one is looking at this from mit, harvard, berkeley, all the people who look at the data deny the actual events that stare us right in the face. larry: last word, steve forbes, politically, working folks, ordinary, typical average families they do not hate business the way biden does. they do not hate profits because they know they're getting their share in wages and the wages they got a raise under trump and they got a pay cut under biden
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and in many ways it is that simple. give you the last word. >> the americans are not an envious people. they don't care if bill gates and others get rich. they want to know are my prospects getting better? can i get ahead? can my family get ahead? can i start a business not get killed by regulations. they want a bright future forethemselfs and the country. biden is going after destructive class warfare. we'll get these people. that is not the american way. he should listen to reagan speeches at night. not read them, just do audio. larry: we'll end on that word i tell you people are not into him the way they used to be. thanks, steve forbes, art laffer. coming up here, newt gingrich will talk about the complete across the board fail lush of the progressive, big government model. this is a very important part. people lost confidence in
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joe biden. the performance has been terrible. this left-wing stuff, they're just not into them anymore. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. ♪ students... students of any age, from anywhere. using our technology to power different ways of learning. so when minds grow, opportunities follow. ♪
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earlier people lost confidence. they're just not into him anymore. is the complete failure of the progressive policies of big government socialism. throw a little woke in there, you have a very unpopular president. joining me to talk about it, newt gingrich, former house speaker, fox news contributor, author author of, the march to majority. newt, you coined this phase big government socialism. we're in three years ago, we added a dose of woke as he tried to ruin the culture. my point, is these polls, these last round of polls that we've been talking about and you're well aware, is a repudiation of all of that. that's a key point! >> well, you know, the challenge is that culturally if you're on the left you can't deal with reality. so you just reject it. the most startling thing about the most recent polls was that "the new york times" was actually the worst poll for biden. i mean they showed trump
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beginning to pull away in a decisive way. they show him now carrying latino voters. they show him gaining ground among african-american voters. i had a good friend of mine, steve, sent me a note we may be seeing the replacement of the roosevelt coalition with a brand new trump coalition and i think there is a lot to that. i think it goes back to big government socialism. it fails two tests. it can't perform so your life is more miserable, and it has a set of values that most americans think are nuts and when you combine those two, you go to people say hi, would you like four more years of millions of people coming in illegally? would i like a lot more carjackings? do you feel we don't have enough people dying from fentanyl? would i like america to get more weaker on the world stage, the average american thinks this stuff is crazy, we're beginning to see i think a very profound
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underlying shift in the culture at large. larry: i couldn't agree more. this idea of big government socialism really hits home and it hasn't worked on the economy, and of course the lawlessness and the border, all the things you just mentioned are correct. what is just so interesting, newt, is the voters, according to these polls, the voters are ahead of the politicians. you know, politicians, i see people on the left say, you know, it is about a lot of rural white people. hillary clinton's old deplorables. paul krugman writes a thing how bad the rural white people are, that is what donald trump -- no it's not. it is across the board. virtually every single group is rejecting these policies and that's the new coalition trump is building? >> yeah. i mean i think, the analogy which i had been using was jimmy carter which was a race i was involved with on reagan's side and carter had very similar problems but as we watched this
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sink in i think with "the new york times" poll, i think the analogy may be herbert hoover. what you're seeing is a 92-year-old coalition falling apart in a way that they can't put back together. remember, bill:town, who was a great, great politician, realized when we won in '94 that he had to change. so he comes to the state of the union, i'm sitting behind him, i'm the host as speaker. he gets up and he says the era of big government is over. of course you have to stand and applaud it. there i am applauding bill clinton. the idea this coming thursday night joe biden is going to say anything comparable to that is laughable. these guys are stuck. they actually have no idea what is going on in the real world, and they think couple good speeches, a few good ads. no, people go shopping and they're stunned. calista went the other night to get some hamburger to make some
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spaghetti. she came back and said she couldn't believe how high the price was. people are stunned when they turn on the local news and they see some illegal immigrant who has attacked a woman or who has stolen a car. they watch some venezuelan thugs beating up new york policemen. this is all about reality and what you have is a big government socialism that cannot deal with reality. larry: the progressive, the left-wing progress sieve model failed across the board. senator katie britt will give a rebuttal for the state of the union. you like her. >> i like her a lot and this is the biggest audition i ever seen i guaranty, calista and i will sit to watch both biden, much greater interest what katie britt does she could well up be the republican presidential nominee. larry: she has been on the show
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and very good commune tight tore with very good values. anyway, newt gingrich, big government socialism.e left's put ato stake in its ge h. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out t your goals with confidence. my sister's told me so much about you. that's why it's more than advice worth listening to. it's advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease,
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larraly: looking at end of progressive woke mob? with big socialism? sure hope so. the polls say so and donald trump advantage trump right now expose how it turns out. advantage liz macdonald as always. that's the key point. elizabeth: thank you, larry. there was a line out of bill


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