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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 5, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EST

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good tuesday morning. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i hope you are having a good morning. i am maria bartiromo. it is tuesday, march 5 super tuesday 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, polls open biggest voting day of the pm primary cameraed super tuesday
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underway polls open parts of east coast after supreme court unanimously ruled to keep president trump on 2024 primary ballot colorado supreme court said not up to states to decide eligibility of someone on the ballot 45th president responded sent a message to president biden yesterday, watch. >> president biden number one, stop weaponization. fight your fight yourself. don't use prosecutors and judges to go after your opponent to try to damage your opponent ep so you can win an election our people can't stand it the people coming in really can't stand it because they are dying many are dying on the trip up, and dying in country, also, many of the people are criminals they are doing tremendous harm i call it migrant crime i say respectfully to president biden you have the authorization right now, i did it -- i didn't go to congress
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say do i have the right to close i fought congress on its close the borders you can do it right now. maria: earlier in the program i spoke with former acting u.s. attorney general matt whitaker on this historic ruling. >> watch. >> a victory for resume of law i think all americans that believe in you know, voters deciding the future of the republic want as well this is a big deal because it was unanimous 9-0, in fact the federal government can't be supersedeed by the states pickingings who can be who can't be on the ballot this is a big win i -- i think a string of victories for president trump in supreme court as we move forward in november. >> lee carter i want to undermine what matt whitaker said stunning it was 9-0, not stunning everybody expected as close to unanimous as possible what does that till even
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liberal judges saw this effort as an effort to obstruct democracy. lee: that's right i spi especially it was so important that it was unanimous because otherwise, people would have fought it you know it was just republican justices that were you know, trying to pro-trump, there is an extreme mistrust right now of the supreme court. it is lowest ever been, 41% americans trust the supreme court. so fact this is unanimous i think goes a long way, to making sure that people believe no what the ruling is you look at republicans, democrats focusing in fact unanimous vote there are saying that the will of the people will not be suppressed very, very enthusiastic, when you hear from democrats, their focused on what is not in there focused on the fact this is a technicality focused on fact now up to congress, we are trying to draft a bill i think going to backfire
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though, on the democrats. because the democrats talking about the at threat it is not republicans threat to o democracy it is across the board a big problem weaponization of government look what they're doing. maria: despite unanimous ruling democrats still pushing to take trump off ballot some shoring up new legislation to do just that, watch jamie raskin. >> i am working with the number of my colleagues including, debbie wasser sean shuttles eric swalwell to revise legislation that we have to set up a process boy which we can determine someone who committed insurrection is disqualitatived by section 3 of the 14 amendment. >>. cheryl: you mentioned editorial board at "washington post" said keeping mr. trump
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on ballot right call criticized jamie ras kidnap said could be used to excluded trump from -- from presidential politics even "washington post" claiming, so jamie ras kidnap check yell cream gerry baker points out in "the wall street journal" this morning, that you've got elites sitting there in new york, and los angeles, i'very tours thumbing their nose down at voters don't understand why so much support for president trump this is why might be handing him a victory in november because they cannot seem to understand, why are the man still has support and polling ahead of the current president. that is joe biden, the white house is finally wake up to that fact maria. but media has not it seems, on the liberal side. rebecca: from a legal
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perspective i think clear cut they read congress appropriate body to make a decision on someone, qualified or not under that section of the 14th amendment any time a case could be decided at the ballot box by voter instead of adjudication judicial system the you are the court is going to favor that absolutely a win for rule of law that was exactly right. >> a lot coming up on super tuesday the economy remains top of mind for voters cross 16 states one territory open today for super tuesday, oklahoma senator markwayne mullen is here to weigh in on all of that you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. well be right back.. .
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are now accessible to the many. credit one bank. get cash back rewards, and live large. welcome back 16 states one territory begin vote in the biggest day of 2024 primary season fox business grady trimble is live this morning in ash burn virginia with the latest on super tuesday, grady. >> good morning, maria. , we have talked to handful of voters this morning even though pretty quiet behind me right now every one of them if they don't list economy number one issue it is a close second so no doubt as americans head to the polled here in virginia and across the country today they are voting with their wallets, the biden administration, likes to point out president biden's economic record, and out the that but poll after poll shows americans feel worse off finally now compared to when
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he took office so the republican candidates are seizing on that on the campaign trail as part pitch to voters, donald trump and nikki haley promising to get economy on part haley blames rampant spending by democrats and republicans in d.c. oftentimes blaming former president trump as well says it is time to put an can theant in the white house trump on other hand points to his own record, polls show voters trust him over biden to handle the economy, and the former president trump likes to talk about the lower grocery prices, gas prices, interest rates during his time in office, before covid. he says he will get rid of "bidenomics" bring back what he calls maganomics. >> in our first term we had record tax cuts greatest in the history of the country greater than reagan tax cuts
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number one regulation cuts that is what give a us all those jobs, rising wages for citizens of every race religion color and creed. all of this no inflation. >> if you look at the total delegate count right now former president leads former so you can carolina more than 200 delegates if he wins every delegate not enough to secure gop nomination but enough to get on track to that nomination by perhaps as campaign says, later this month, of course, the former south carolina governor trying to eat the into that lead as much as possible have a strong perform today herself. maria: grady we are watching it all grady trimble this morning, joining me right now oklahoma senator markwayne mullin a member of smart armed services committee thanks so much for being here i know voters in oklahoma are also headed to the polls what are your thoughts on the super tuesday? >> well i think trump is going
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to absolutely close the door on nikki haley here he will win also a southern coins in oklahoma sitting at ranch in oklahoma as soon as finished here to polls voting headed to d.c. they love it here you will see, they love president trump when you see polls close only victory nikki haley will get the one she has already you know washington, d.c., doesn't surprise me don't trump, trump not inside politicians washington, d.c., likes i expect trump will sweep super tuesday hopefully nikki haley get out of the race unify the party look forward to who we should fight next that is joe biden in this administration. maria: and part of the issue here open border shock photos showing smugglers handing out bundling of drugs to alleged gotaways, are texas
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department public safety spokesperson, said this is all happening pg in-between the ports of entry on private ranches, border patrol agents arrested six sexual predators illegally crossing texas, arizona boards hast weekend convicted of sex crimes on children troerm president trump sounded alarm about what he calls migrant crime asking president biden to secure the border this was yesterday. >> many are dying on the trip up dying in the country also, many of the people are criminals, they are doing tremendous harm i call it migrant crime, it is migrant crime so i say respectfully to president biden, you have the authorization right now, i did it -- i didn't go to congress say do i have the right to close i fought congress on it, close the border everything use my policies my policies were great. >> are senator, your thoughts, president biden keeps blaming
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you and your colleagues he says he needs congress's authority to do something, even though when he walked into white house in first two weeks, he overturned all trump's security at the border. >> right, the first 100 days president trump are overturned 9 that dealt directly with border isn't anything congress needs to do other than codify in legislation then you can't play executive orders back-and-forth from one presidency to the next all the tools he needs he can do right there from his office, there is a reason why, in the last year president trump was in office, there was less illegal crossings than one monthing in october under joe biden there is a real issue you have here not the mention i don't know if you saw the report kay cpb put out over 350,000 inadmissible aliens meaning illegal or criminal activity in the united states, or in
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the country to when coming from, flew them to 43 different cities around the country they won't tell us which cities known them to, 350,000 inadmissible means theshl criminals illegal aliens inside united states last year all underneath biden administration there isn't one thing congress has to do to keep them florida securing the border can immediately end "catch and release", to which 58% individuals apprehended immediately applerolled into the united states can say here indid he have in italy put back "remain in mexico" close down ability for illegal aliens to claim asylum in places over than legal points of entry multiple things biden could do right now, yet refuses to do it because it is politics to him. this is a national security
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issue that isn't politics but that is exactly what the democrats under biden administration is doing. >> yet, even leadership on the republican side, was pushing money to ukraine, over doing anything on border as recently as a couple weeks ago, now we know that mitch mcconnell will be, stepping down, not seeking reelection in enforce south dakota senator, john thune announced running for senate republican leader to replace mccon nell november, texas senator john cornyn added his i name i spoke with arkansas senator tom cotton last hour he is pursuing a leadership position not necessarily, mcconnell's job when it here is what with he told me. >> senator i think a lot of people would like to see you there. will you go for the job? >> [chuckling]. >> i want to be in whatever role i can help my fellow senators president trump best achieve our shared goals for
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the american people. >> have senator who would you like to see in that role? >> well we have a very talented bench underneath republican party right now, john thune is a very, very good friend of mine. i think john cornyn -- barrasso his name has been mentioned rick scott i think going to make announcement today, and all of therm good people i just you know i have a tends when you get into fights like this you lean tw towards closest friends john thune is very close friends of mine i was impressed the way he handled the role when mitch mcconnell wasn't able to be there because of a sickness dealing with i believe thine has proven leadership anding moving towards president trump you saw came out endorsed president trump before mitch mcconnell made announcement i think roilgs party needs to unify behind next president of the united states president
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trump, and so i feel he would do a very good job. maria: we will leave it there senator, good to see you this morning, thank you. >> thank you. >> all right. senator markwayne mullin joining us a break markets on move ahead of jay powell's two-day testimony before house financial services committee and senate banking committee kicks off tomorrow, pete najarian is here with his thoughts on the humphrey-hawkins testimony you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. . .
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fast reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. a decline start of trading this morning the opening bell now about an hour away the dow industrials down 104 the nasdaq down 99, the s&p and nasdaq back from record performance yesterday they were record highs yesterday butted this morning we've got weakness in some magnificient 7, technology, the pressure here nvidia one debating major name closing higher why i had, up 3 two-thirds percent yesterday extendeding in premarket up another one and a quarter percent nvidia target rallying on,, 11 month highs in premarket a double beat 4th
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quarter earnings up 8 1/2% after reporting decline in comp store sales better than expected did beat an digital comp store sale down 4.4% the estimate down 4.5% a bret than estimates, joining me right now rebellion co-founder pete. >> najarian, your assessment on market that will not quit. market absolutely strong usual right we talk about magnificient 7 i have shifting now to magnificent four three not performing well three of seven negative territory for the year-to-date so that is something. about i look at target one things you covered very well, the one thing i would also add to day target number was gross margins outrageously good not only beat year-over-year, but numbers actually sliding up as
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much as they did was impressive i think part of what is really raising this up i think the brian connell doing a great job in terms of turnaround they have issues i think goals in the past inventories much better i think a lot of things you can look at in this report that are very positive for target. maria: what do you make of this furthering out of the risk curve not just magnificient 7, not just you know big tech, ai driving this market bitcoin, bitcoining hovering around 68,000 dollars yesterday record territory, of course, pulled back a bit this morning, still talking about you know bitcoin at 67,000 dollars right now. what is your take on bitcoin right now? >> it is absolutely amazing isn't it? have last time i was on with you we were talking about this run that was run that was in about the middle part of february we had, we started off february, 43,000 next thing about 52,000 looked like stalled then kicked right back in have last couple days week
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or so there we are pushing close to 70,000, absolutely amazing run upside i would say this for people that don't understand bitcoin don't want to be involved with it don't know how to trade it there is a lot of different ways you and i talked about this before a lot of different names out there whether a coinbase clean spark so many different ones one that i like very most is michael sailor a character and a half microstrategy one of the names this isn't necessarily a stock bitcoin but own 190,000 bitcoins why one of those names that absolutely rocketed to the upside alongside of bitcoin. cheryl: thank you for saying that i own coins i appreciate the preempt with other conveys to play if you don't want to spend 67 grand on bitcoin, 68,000, back to target digging through numbers your take on
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this your stock perspective on target, 11-month high premarket right now incredible, considering the performance last year are also want to ask you about the forecast, because that is something else i was zeroing in talking about 204, they don't make money off groceries like, walmart does. >> right, completely different we've compared them to each other; right? you say walmart doing this target doing this grocery huge part of walmart brings down gross margins one thing target has done over years ago they did i am not saying didn't they certainly did i think what they figured out a better way of doing things inventory keeping track some probably major reasons i am more impressed with this quarter, because when i see those gross margins this by they are target is going to beat the out when you are comparing them to walmart amazing country incredible history but
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did made a lot of mistakes last couple years. since then now all of a sudden i think starting to see that turn that turn is going to happen a big way i think not just a day story i think a story into the future as you talked about always looking to future what is guy really look like i think pretty bright for target. maria: okay, what about the broader markets after fed speaks alternative treasury yield treasury yield below, jay powell testifying in front of house financial services committee senate banking committee thursday we are expecting questions about inflation, about, the move to cut interest rates, and plans to raiser bank capital requirements what is your take on what we will hear from fed chairman tomorrow? >> one o of the things i think for sure going to hear about is the fact that maybe there are not able to or not wanting to be as aggressive as they would like i don't think that we're going to see -- so many people the tart of this year maria were predicting there
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was going sooeb six or more rate cuts i never agreed with that commentary i would say maybe a couple more we could get two this year, i think that is something that we heard, i think something, i always look at 'cme that will gauges does amazing job look at percentages looks like we're going to probably as we go through year the things kind of go the way through expected probably seeing about two cuts, maybe, but the rest are pauses i think next one a pause as well. maria: interesting. we will see what jobs data informs the february adp january jolts report out tomorrow followed by february jobs' report on friday, pete. are you surprised we're not seeing a slowing economy after the at you rate hikes? how would you expect macrostory to play out this year? >> so, yeah. no. you are right, i am a a little bit surprised i think interesting but i do love the fact that they have been very honest with us very clear
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about the fact they are looking at the debt each and every time going in front of us looking back at what the data really looks like i think under those circumstances, i think they've done the right thing i know that everybody wants some cuts everything else i the i the reality is fed has gone pretty good gauge on this we have very, very sticky inflation whether people mid it or not it is there we know it i think they've got to be very, very cautious on some of the moves they make over the next six months or so swroo all right. . we will leave it there. pete also a a pleasure. great to see you this morning >>thanks maria. appreciate it. >> pete najarian joining us, today super tuesday donald trump facing off against nikki haley as president biden contends with growing vote, form sr., advisory to clintons mark penn, creates wilson weigh in on state of the race when we come back you are
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welcome back ilt is super tuesday the biggest day of the 2024 primary campaign season, polls are open in 16 states one territory. people will be casting votes tie, 854 delegation for grabs for republicans another 1420 up for grabs for democrats former president trump another primary win against nikki haley in north dakota gop caucuses. >> woman reporting haley whose
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fate on line super tuesday kicks off she has not planned events or booked campaign ads beyond tuesday, joining me former senior adviser to the clintons chairman stagwell group ceo harris poll chairman mark penn back with us also with me pollster wpa intelligence ceo chris wilson thank you so much for being here. thanks for having me. >> let's start with you, mark. and your expectations of tie what are you expecting from super tuesday after super tuesday? >> as to i am expecting trump versus biden after super tuesday, things nort looking good for nikki haley she won 19 delegates in d.c. about 1200 votes. and her campaign looks like it is probably going to end i don't know of any polls any states to show her winning consequence consequently may get a few delegates butted
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over unless something dramatically different stadium with president biden speculation about not running not getting the nomination he's getting it he's running it, it is trump v. biden. maria: the democrats and super -- and their superdelegate process means they can swap out biden any time, right? or during the convention? >> uh it is really about -- 10 to 20% of the delegation that are s superdelegates not enough to change results, will, have 80, 90% delegation elected to vote for jsh. >> thoughts on super tuesday what are you expecting. >> well -- there is a lot of i agree with most what mark said i tell you what i am looking for i think interesting so far what has taken population in terms of changing face in gop base, 2016, 54% south carolina are primary had college degrees in 2024 down to 44% in 2016 electorate was 96% dropped to 9% that is not the
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huge shift shows he changing face of the party hispanic black voters considered republicans in general election starting to turn out votes in primary mark said going to be after today a biden-trump race won't be perfect if only state or territory that nikki haley wins is one entirely populated by republican lawyers lobbists consult apts constituency,,the sad part for her not a manage of that union reverse in super tuesday states. >> you mentioned very important groups, like blacks, i hispanics numbers are compelling in terms of the number of shifts we've seen from the black community from democrats to president trump. hispanics as well. what are your thoughts on most recent polls indicating, increased support for trump? >> well we've seen this drift
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in polls before among groups. come election day there haven't been much change broader population blacks hispanics seems to critic to trump adopt seem same as the hard core most likely to vote one thing i disagree about nikki haley has gotten a instant percentage typically independents suburban women critical swing voters in the election if trump doesn't consolidate those voters those voters are up for grabs on election day, maybe with two choices both which they don't like but they will be highly volatile. maria: your thoughts chris? >> i agree with volatility but i think right now what i am looking for i mentioned republicans, republican electorate the democrat side push to vote uncommitted, be clear being pushed by very strong it's an semitic base democratic party socialist american all revolution group
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if you have a large number washington minnesota colorado democrats against biden because of support on ill i think changing base of democratic party move to antisemitism we have seen in uk with labour party there, so we're going to move into 2024 general election, with a very different look of the two parties, that is going to be fascinating to see how it how that turns out in election day, how many democrats may not be for trump i agree there o vote for ri. fk, jr., rather than biden. >> interesting about antisemitism has that moved voters towards trump. >> i don't think moving towards trump yet but certainly is making -- because of the anti-semitic base not voting they are not happy with joe biden because of support for israel going to see him vote uncommitted like michigan i don't think they ultimately vote for trump i don't think
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voting for joe biden either. >> big news of the morning the supreme court ruling unanimously 9 to 0 states cannot remove a presidential candidate from ballot putting to rest string of democrat states led by colorado to remove trump from state primary ballots, trump praised the supreme court decision yesterday watch this. >> you cannot take somebody out of the race voters can take the person out of the race quickly. but a court shouldn't be doing that supreme court saw that very well. i think, of liberty, i think a great day for this country, again i hope, it is a big step toward unification. >> mark, nikki haley also reacted to the decisions from scotus on campaign trail yesterday here is what she said. >> we don't ever want some elected official in state or anybody else saying who he can can't be on the ballot this is
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america this is america i will defeat donald trump fair and square but i want him on that ballot. >> your reaction. >> you know, as you know, i am a long term opponent of law fair i like people on democrats knocks as it real exists meaning voters decide i think a good affirmation of that i think the fact 9-0 means people all political persuasions serve as one of the justices said really kind of take a look at that take that in, understand that this kind of divisive work to get people off the ballot is not going to help bring this country together. >> chris? >> yeah. i agree with mark, i can really tell how crazy some left wing elected officials have gone even farthest left justices supreme court strike down annualization attacks
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unconstitution on institutional attacks on donald trump, we have a unanimous court ruling confirming being secretary of states are ones -- launching unconstitutional assaults on xho democracy good day for liberty the fact struck down i am glad it was 9 to 2. >> we so appreciate your time. you bet. thank you. >> mark penn chris wilson quick break taking you to voters about key issues ahead of super tuesday don't miss that you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ -- ♪d ad are driving me crazy ♪ . today's longer retirement. hi mom. that's the value of ownership.
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boulevard to see what is important ahead of super tuesday. >> so a politically, economically morally there are so many issues. >> immigration absolutely one hundred percent. >> immigration situations. >> to a violence. >> probably one top priority. and, um, unity in the country. >> the main issue is around
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southern border, needs to be addressed i guess, republicans, job trying to get biden to concede on southern border as he tries to make -- for ukraine defense. >> there was a wall wall worked great they need to complete the wall. >> show a, the drugs, i also think there is a legal way to come to our attention, why are people taking options. >> -- very important. >> just the economy, right now i feel like, you know, the pressure pretty high, people from chicago, you know, everything there is upper sensitive. >> issues. >> be respectful don't promote you know, infinishate number of --
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>> find common ground. >> there needs some responsibility, accountability. >> viewers reacting to important issues that matters to them lee no surprise a lot of people brought up border your thoughts. lee: yeah we've seen polling that is number one issue right now immigration, we are also seek, of course, you heard about the economy, and inflation there. there is also a lot of concern about the roll of government right now, as you can see a lot of people concerned about that one thing i think interesting polling lately to see who people think going to handle things better joe biden on the thing they thy he will handle better is environment education, trump winning on economy immigration foreign policy crime, taxes, inflation, china, israel across the board issues hear most important to voters are breaking towards donald trump i think why such a surge in his polling. maria: rebecca. rebecca: i love, bartiromo
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boulevard shows that -- sanctuary cities, states, that used to profess sanctuaries now of are red states pushing people, people feeling it seeing schools, and resources are being taken away from them, the citizens, in order to help what the illegal migrants coming in has jumped this crisis up to number one issue the economy right bibtd it i comree this is very important election. maria: are cheryl. cheryl: i agree with rebecca i love the name bartiromo boulevard, i found interesting this is put together in new york city, all talking immigration southern border violence that is what life is like in new york city, this isn't just about presidential election there is a lot of ballot races primary ballots
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for supertuesday and june in other primaries in new york people laugh when i say, i don't know if new york state could go red, i can see new york state going for donald trump watching the answers from my fellow -- just now i don't think i am wrong in that assumption people are fed up with what has happened, not going to blame president biden blaming lom officials maybe governor. maria: new york feels different place you are right about that i agree with that we will take a break come right back you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business stay with us. . . ♪ . mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach.
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♪ maria: welcome back. super or tuesday underway right now. this is a live shot at a polling site in dallas, texas, this morning, just one of the 16 states and 1 territory casting their votes today. 8 a 54 delegates are up for grabs, republicans another 1420 the up for grabs for democrats. lee carter, your final thoughts here. >> trump's saying he's going to expect to end the day with more than 1,000 delegates, that's going to be a good day for him. i think this is all but over. i'm not sure what nikki haley is thinking, what she thinks her path is, but we've got a rematch of 2020, donald trump and joe biden are going to be at it in
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november. maria: certainly, we're looking at specific states this morning as a well. rebecca, california is one of those, having its primary today, and and you've got adam schiff competing against steve garvey, a awe major leaguer, in california. they want to go up -- garvey wants to go up against schiff in november, that's for sure. >> yeah, that would be a great matchup. i'd love to see that, maria. i think nikki i saying she might stay in, in case trump is somehow through legal challenges taken out, otherwise it just doesn't make sense. this is a great day. i hope that there's more clarity around the republican nominee after today. maria: cheryl. >> i'm going to be watching some of the down ballot races down in texas. governor abbott and ken paxton are pretty angry at the texas statehouse right now. there's been a lot of local issues that have been fought over there. paxton's put a lot of money, millions actually, behind several challengers in this primary today in that state to
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go against incumbents, so is making his voice and his opinion heard, for sure, in the great state of texas. and also who's going to challenge ted cruz. i think it's going to be interesting to see where all of this goes. maria: we will see is. we've got a lot coming up this week, the jobs numbers and, of course, jay powell's going to be testifying in front of the house financial services committee tomorrow and then the senate bank committee on wednesday. rebecca, your thoughts on what we could hear from the chairman of the fed tomorrow. >> well, maria, it's very clear to me they're a lot more hawkish, they want to be cautious, and they don't want to cut too early because that could create reverberations of the other kind. but for sure inflation's coming down, this economy seems to be going in a different direction, so we have mixed data, and i cannot wait to see what he says to congress and what he talks about with the capitalization requirements for banks. maria: and, cheryl, good numbers from target today. >> yeah. target was actually -- what a story this morning, right? that was fascinating to watch.
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again, we've got the jobs numbers coming out, to her point, on friday. can't wait for the revisions, maria. [laughter] a month ago i told you, i said forget if january, let's just talk about the february number because this is ridiculous are, how they're calculating -- maria: look at this stock. target is up 9.33% right now on this better than expected report. the stock has been gaining momentum throughout the time we've been on air. the opening bell now 30 minutes away. thank you so much, ladies. great show today. lee carter, rebecca walser, cheryl casone, we appreciate your time. we've got a big show tomorrow as we anticipate the chairman of the fed speaking on capitol hill tomorrow and on thursday. we'll are all of that for you with. and, of course, we're going to preview all of that jobs data. we've got two major reports on jobs tomorrow and the big kahuna on friday. "varney & company" picks it up, stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone. it's super tuesday


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