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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 6, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EST

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here's always been a line that separates the two. it's thin, and it's blue, and it's made up of men and women like the ones you just met. i wanna personally thank everybody at the wilmington police department for allowing our cameras to come in and for sharing a day in your life. you guys were awesome. i should also mention that there are over 17,000 similar police agencies all over this country, and right now, they all have one thing in common. they're hiring. specifically, they're looking for men and women who feel a call to serve and protect. if you wanna make your community a better place, there's no higher calling than that. check out thousands of opportunities in law enforcement today over at thanks again for watching. see you next time. ♪
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♪. maria: good wednesday morning. thank you for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo wednesday march 66:00 a.m. on the east coast, the results are in president trump winning all states last night that one over nikki haley as she claims victory in vermont last night president biden besting the uncommitted votes but losing to a relative unknown in american samoa we will have the latest from super tuesday, market this morning about , futures are trading higher as you can see after one of the worst days on wall street in three weeks yesterday and the dow industrial 70 but it was a different story yesterday triple digit losses in the dow and the nasdaq plummeted 404 the nasdaq down 267 all of
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this out of jay powell's testimony today and front of the house financial services committee and in the senate banking committee we have the preview. weakening adp numbers this morning in the january jolts numbers later today along with the february jobs report from the labor department on friday, bitcoin reaching all-time highs yesterday $69200 before pulling back with the 10% decline on the session yesterday rechecking a bitcoin along with gold hitting a new record high and midst all of this uncertainty were watching it all morning long. european market take a look at the eurozone gains across-the-board in europe the fractional move across-the-board. in asia overnight markets are lower take a look at the asian embassies we see the shanghai composite down in the cost be in the nikkei lower but the hang seng index in hong kong higher overnight gop political strategist bullseye american
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ingenuity for an adam johnson is here and former assistant secretary of the treasury monica crowley is here "mornings with maria" is live right now. ♪. >> they call a super tuesday for a reason and they tell me the pundits and otherwise this is never been anything so conclusive this was an amazing night. working to take back our country and we're going to do it right we can have the greatest economy ever in the history of our country and get a top what we did. maria: that is the time for the hot topic of hour former president trump taking a victory lap with 995 delegates bringing
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them closer to securing the republican nomination for a d time nikki haley is up to 89 delegates, she won her second primary last night and vermont, president biden facing some warning signs on his path to victory particularly minnesota were 20% of people voted uncommitted in the territory of american samoa biden lost to an unknown candidate, a lot to talk about, monica crowley your reaction. >> this is the least most suspenseful super tuesday in recent history, donald trump is clearly going to be the republican nominee for president in the strength he is displaying in every single location without untrue to outliers washington, d.c. in vermont for nikki haley but those are exceptions to the rule, there is so much conversation about the split in the gop without the false narrative there's no split in the gop is wholly united behind
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donald trump and is going to wrap the nomination up in the next week or so in the next round the split is on the democrat side because there are tens of thousands of voters in every single state voting uncommitted or none of the above rather than for the incoming president. the mainstream media does not want you to know that but there is significant weakness on the part of joe biden policy wise and also in terms of his ability to do the job. maria: the biden campaign put out a post super tuesday memo saying the strategy is to target undecided voters upwards of 10% of voters remain unded much larger than the merger between trump biden and pulling and 31% of all voters say they're not certain trump be the republican nominee. our campaign is focused on reaching those deciding voters and president biden will again defeat donald trump's extremist dangerous agenda november is a
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memo from the administration, your reaction? >> i think biden is hemorrhaging voters because he lost not only the radicals because of his position on israel he's losing moderates today because of bidenomics and the border security so he will continue to lose african-american arab americans are turning to uncommitted and more voting for president trump because they know what prosperity look like four years ago we had strong national security and border security and that's what we need more than ever. maria: i think it's funny the administration has joe biden going to the jugular for trump trying to undermine him, that is his strategy why do have a strategy of convincing the american people that the policy works is all about truck. >> he does not have a record to stand on today, what is biden said he accomplished he destroyed our economy, shut down
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schools during covid were far off today were sent for years ago the only thing biden can do is attack trump and president trump has moved on his looking at the country forward and what his policies are to wrap up and continue to win for america, biden will continue to lose voters is a losing strategy. maria: in terms of the economy the president is touting bidenomics idea yesterday he claimed the u.s. is one of the lowest inflation rates in the world, watch this. >> the p endemic disrupted the supply chain, drove up cost on everything from smart phones to automobiles but also by making things come down and but the prices have not come down they stayed up they stayed high. it's time for the prices to come back down, the good news is inflation the lowest it's been in three years we avoided the lowest inflation rates in the world. in fact inflation is up 18% on joe biden's watch since he walked into the oval office.
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>> he said what needs to be done it's time for inflation to come down, how do you do that, one thing you actually allow americans to drill on american soil the very first thing that we talked about before the first thing he did on the first day in office was to empower the department of interior to halt drilling on federal land. why that matters, the easiest to get to oil is on federal land, isn't it amazing that we shot ourselves in the foot, he is responsible for some of the inflation. maria: not to mention all the spending $6 trillion in borrowing and he still spending stimulus into the economy with the forgiveness of student debt. he is not seen the issue of spending and still spending. were just getting started we have a lot coming up, rand paul is here he'll join me in the 8:00 a.m. hour, here's his thoughts on the results in the
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looming government shutdown later on this month. there were taking you back to bartiromo boulevard the voters take on 2024 as were headed for abiding trump rematch, you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ made moving forward with node-positive breast cancer is overwhelming.
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maria: take a look at futures were looking at a positive town now industrials 83, doncaster dropped 127 a rough day
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yesterday but interest rates before we show you the damage yesterday, the yield on the ten year up 4.16%, that is up 1.1 basis points ahead of jay powell's testimony before the house financial services committee that happens today at 10:00 a.m. eastern and tomorrow in front of the senate banking committee. were watching to see what he says about a rate cut lawmakers will question them on the handling of inflation and plans to raise bank capital requirements as well, we get the february adp number out this morning at 8:15 a.m. eastern this could be a market mover, 150,000 jobs added to the private sector in the month of february, then will get the january jolts report the number of job openings at 10:00 a.m. eastern followed by the january jobs report on friday by the labor department, joining me c-uppercase-letter out in chief strategist david could love. thank you for being here what are your expectations for jay powell this morning. >> i think he will come out a little bit more hawkish than he
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did in his last testimony he talked about three rate cuts in 2024 and i'm old enough to remember when we were at six or seven rate cuts for 2024 which was a few months ago but now were looking at rate cuts and originally going to start marching moved to june, it's likely there could be a one and done and no rate cuts because of inflation, the last 1% to get to target is going to be very tough and there is a risk that inflation could really accelerate. we may not see rate cuts for some time and i think he will allude to that that they will be very cautious in the first cut and rates. maria: was that the issue for markets yesterday it was a broad-based selloff now industrials down better than 400 points and aspect into it at 67,
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dragged down by three tech stocks which are getting hammered apple down after report revealed the iphone sales in china plunged 24% for six weeks of the year tesla was down and also with china the shutdown of the berlin factory due to a suspected arson attack and amd was done after the commerce department did not clear a chip sale in china rebounding this morning but that was the tipping point the set markets into the tailspin what else happened to create the selloff do you think. >> those three tech stocks the mega cap tech stocks that had the selloff on china concerns that's what tipped it over but we had a market that's climbed 24% who lost four months and the nasdaq up 27% we will see days like this we see futures backup today we've had a 3% pullback in stocks in the last four months.
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we think certainly whether it's an event like this or probably going to be as you said market movers with adp jolts and non- foreign payrolls on friday in cpi next tuesday those are the data points we're going to be watching in the market movers that could give us the 47% selloff if we think about it with how far we've come it would be that significant we think for the rest of 24 were so constructive on stocks. >> i love someone is constructive on stocks in your sense of balance, i think the market is a little unbalanced, there are four measures of inflation in cpi is only one of them that is still above 3% why are we so fixated on cpi and you think is out of balance? >> were fixated on cpi that is a number that we now the consumer price index, a lot of arguments
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and what real inflation is and what higher cpi reads, it's been changed over time in the housing index was changed in 1983. and they change the index in an argument that it affects and represents a real inflation that we are seeing in the fed looks at pc that is their preferred gauge of inflation which we are core command at 2.8% but we are going to see some evenness in the numbers and is going to be a struggle for them to get all the way to the target in any short period of time. maria: other other stocks are companies that will have a china problem? >> i'm sorry. maria: are there other companies you want to talk about that could have a china problem to the tune that were talking about with regard to apple or amd et
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cetera, china and the only conversation when it comes to national security i'm wondering if there are issues about supply or demand given his problems in economy for other companies. >> there was a good story and bad story, because of the pandemic we found out, so global supply was depend on china and companies have been moving to vietnam and other countries so china is not such a linchpin in the global supply chain, that is hurting china and we look forward to what president trump is saying about sanctions he's get increased sanctions on china, that's another nail in early country right now that is on investable, we've been avoiding china. maria: i thought it was interesting what goldman sachs said just yesterday which i was focused on yesterday in the
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chief strategist at goldman sachs wealth management don't invest in china that is from goldman sachs, quite a change in what were hearing from some of the global managers who were all in on china just a couple of years ago, thank you david kudla joining us. breaking news nikki haley will deliver remarks at 10:00 a.m. eastern and charleston south carolina. it's being reported the wall street journal is reporting shall be dropping out of the 2024 presidential race we will follow it and we will have more as we come out of the short break. stay with us. all
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maria: breaking news nikki haley will deliver remarks in charleston south carolina later this morning. it's been reported she's going to announce she's dropping out of the race, the wall street journal says she's not going to endorse president trump right away but the journal is reporting that she will likely drop out of the race this morning after super tuesday appeared to set up an unprecedented rematch between president biden and former president trump in the general election in november as they closed in on the party's presidential nominations we reported a long time ago that trump will likely lock up the nomination by march 14, trump
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winning 14 states yesterday only losing to nikki haley in vermont trump nearing 1000 republican delegates compared to nikki haley's 89 delegates here's what president trump had to say the mar-a-lago watch party last night. >> we're going to win the election because we have no choice. if we lose the election were not going to have a country. our cities are choking to death in our states are dying and frankly our country is dying and we're going to make america great again, greater than ever before. joining me trump 2024 press secretary karoline leavitt, good to see you thank you for being here your reaction to super tuesday. >> last night was certainly a super tuesday for president trump it was a tremendous victory and voters delivered resounding wins across the board from texas to new hampshire he won 14 to 15 states he picked up 965 delegates and what we
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witness right now is more than a campaign this is a movement we've never seen anything like this in american politics. president trump is overwhelmingly the favor of republican voters and is beating joe biden in head-to-head matchups in the general election and we need independent by historic margins and picking up hispanic americans, african-americans all americans realize their lives are better under president trump leadership now were 100% turning our focus to the general election in taking the fight to joe biden. maria: we reported breaking news, nikki haley is going to exit the presidential race according to the wall street journal, nikki haley will be making remarks at 10:00 a.m. eastern and we expect those that she will drop out, the journal says she will not immediately endorse trout, your reaction. >> we will have to see what nikki haley says, we will hope she will endorse president trump
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considering voters in states across the country have made their choice very clear they want president trump to lead the great nation again. it's beyond time for nikki haley to get out of the race and to unify around the president. he's been saying this for weeks and months and we encouraged her to do t just that to hear to the will of the republican voters and will continue to focus our fight on having all americans join our campaign, rational logical american if there asked are you better off today than you were four years ago the answer is unequivocally no. when we see what happened at the wide open southern border in the lagging economy and hard-working families are being left behind and we see what's happening overseas with the chaos of the bloodshed in our adversaries not deterred in their aggression because of joe biden's weakness we need a strong commander-in-chief to leave this country again and president trump is the man for the job. maria: haley is going to urge
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president trump to earn the votes of the people who are backing her. she's not going to endorse trump what is she going to do endorse biden? >> most of her voters are democrats and left wing in republicans who will all likelihood come home to president trump when it's a binary choice between trump and president biden, good morning caroline, quick question it's a huge night for the president as we know he's dominating joe biden all of the polls outside of the margin of error and what was remarkable about last night, he dominated in all of the suburbs across america except for the suburb around the swamp which is no surprise, doesn't this completely blow out of the water the argument coming from the left in the never trumper's that trump is not electable.
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>> absolutely president trump has never been in a stronger position to win by every metric in every poll suggests that and we also see it and idiotically on the ground when you go to president trump's events and rallies he's joined by thousands americans many first-time voters who have been apolitical their whole lives but see the destruction of the chaos in the bloodshed caused by joe biden's weakness they see the chaos in their communities by the mass invasion of nearly 10 million illegal people across this country. the mainstream media will push the false narrative that president trump can't win with certain types of voters but when women look at what's going on in this country, the death of lake and riley that's everywoman's worst nightmare and woman want peace and security and safety in they want to feel like illegal criminals who were in their communities will be deported and held accountable for heinous crimes not allowed to run free and that's what's happening in joe biden's america resident
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biden offers protection for all americans and that's a winning message. maria: he will be president trump vp. >> i love the candid but obviously that's the president decision to make you'll hear in due time allotted great options are great choice for the american people. maria: the biden harris campaign put out a post on super tuesday they put out a super tuesday memo undertaking aimed directly at trial upwards of 10% remain undecided much larger than the margin between trump and biden and 31% of all voters said they're not certain trump will be the republican nominee our campaign is focused on reaching the decided voters axios is reporting that president biden is privately pushing for aggressive approach to 2024 he says go for donald trump's jugular and biden is convinced he will rattle trump if he taunts him daily he will call him a loser and taunt him with
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name-calling were expecting this to ramp up, your reaction. >> joe biden should read from a teleprompter before taunting president trump, best of luck with a strategy will not work. president trump has never been more focused and tenacious to fight for the country and you saw that the press conference this week after the supreme court delivered a unified to enter victory against biden's lead witch-hunt president trump looked at the camera and said to joe biden two things stopped the weaponization of her justice department against me, fight the fight on your own and close the border those are two issues that matter to the american people president trump will stay focused on the issues and focus on the solution to solve the solutions and solve the crises that joe biden's policies have created and more than 70% of americans see that joe biden this physically and mentally incapable of leading this country think about how impaired he is right now imagine four
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more years, we cannot afford it. >> biden is focused on undermining trump, calling him names should he put all of his energy on convincing america that his policies can work. >> 100% biden does have a platform or the opportunity to secure the border instead of visiting the border he should've gotten out of the basement and signed executive orders that he ended when president trump was president he has the opportunity to stop being soft on crime and the opportunity to stop fracking and drilling immediately and energy independent instead of foreign countries we have tons of opportunity and he continues to throw it away and attack president trump it's not going to work. maria: instead of always going for the jugular on donald trump, good to see you, we will be watching. >> thank you. karoline leavitt joining us. we'll be right back.
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maria: breaking news, nikki haley's communication director confirming to fox news that she will exit the race. cheryl casone with more on this and more results from super tuesday. maria: good morning to you, nikki haley will be delivering remarks in charleston 10:00 a.m. tees eastern today they are being described as brief remarks by the original reporting of the wall street journal, director haley will not endorse trump but she is not antitrust issues expected to make brief remarks 10:00 a.m. eastern time. we will get more details as we get into fox business. another headline from super tuesday. adam schiff in steve garvey
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looking to feel fill the seat by the late u.s. senator dianne feinstein. >> i will say the first game we've ever had, the second game is going to be daunting like a super bowl of the next fourth quarter or eight innings but i think it should be exciting for all of us. it's actual competition. >> it looks like were going to the general ladies and gentlemen. you helped us fill the grassroots campaign for senate in california history and i cannot thank you enough. adam schiff and garvey were the primary candidates regardless of their party, the matchup heads into the general meeting california will not have a woman senator for the first time in more than three decades adam schiff victory run last night, pro-palestinian protesters interrupted his celebration they were chanting cease-fire. it took over the room. [shouting]
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>> politico is reporting that adam schiff's biden' backs biden's exchange for the israeli hostages. another super tuesday headline senator christensen them announces she is not seeking reelection winter term ends next year. >> only political victory that matter are symbolic attacking your opponents on cable news or social media, compromise is a dirty word, i believe in my approach but it's not what america wants right now. i love arizona and i'm so proud of what we've done. because i choose civility, understanding, listening and working together to get stuff done i believe the senate at the end of this year. >> this moves follows her decision and 22 she switch from the democratic party to be an independent this leaves an intense race in her wake, current republican candidate former gubernatorial carey lake against democrat ruben gallego.
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a bipartisan bill in the house of representatives is going to force if it gets enacted would force by dance, the pair to tiktok to divest or be banned from operating in popular social media app in the united states this is mike gallagher both set the house communist party and introduce the protecting americans from foreign adversary control applications up, the adversaries are listed as china, russia, iran and of 170 million americans are on tiktok invite dance has five months after goes into effect if it's passed to divest the app completely. vitally and go to switch gears leaving you with a completely different story, viral video from england shows an elderly woman who gets her coat snagged in a security shutter, she is
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71, the thing is she is calm and british about it, a colleague runs out and helps her get down after this guy she says i just stood there while my coat got caught and up i went and i thought flipping hack. >> god bless her. >> a twist out of super tuesday. maria: back to the breaking news, nikki haley will be suspending her campaign she is dropping out of the 2024 race per her communications director she will not immediately endorse trump but she's not antitrust according to her communication, and misery congressman joining me and member of the house armed services small business in our culture committee. goe you, your reaction. >> i think it's about time nikki haley drop out of the race she needs to go a step further and endorsed president trump and she
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promised to endorse and get behind the nominee and she may wait until that happens until she secures the nomination with the votes needed in the primary and caucuses around our great country but nikki haley ran a great race she was a voice for some people but is clear the american people want donald j trump back in the white house. maria: what about her donors and followers she did win one state last night and she won two states washington, d.c. as well, there are those people that supported her, will they move on to trump you think? >> i certainly hope so this is an investment not just in donald trump but this is an investment in america we cannot afford another four years of a feckless failing president in the white house someone who has really done a great disservice to our nation with the open border in insecurity that we feel in our economy this presidential election is going to be about
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security border security, economic security international security. donald j trump is only one that can bring our nation back to have the security measures in place and make americans feel safe again. >> i agree on the security issue, peter doocy girl the white house press secretary karine jean-pierre about the border patrol chief who said joe biden did not speak to him at all he's never spoken to biden or, the hearers he's been overseeing the border operations for years, watch this. >> always present a biden going to fix the border if he can go years without talking to the head of border patrol. >> he's literally with the head the chief of the border patrol just this past thursday and brownsville texas. >> the chief and charge for two years before that said i've never had one conversation with the president or the vice president, how is that possible. >> one thing i will say about
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chief ortiz he was invited to participate in the president's first trip visit to el paso back in january of 2023 and he did not attend. >> the white house refusing to say whether president biden will mention lakin riley and her murder during the union address, georgia nursing student killed by an illegal migrant while she was on a job, the illegal came into this country in september 2022 through el paso, texas, your thoughts. >> i do not believe president biden will have the gumption to mention laken riley and much less her family in the gallery like he should. i think this is a blatant example of how out of touch as president is with the american people as you cited him going to brownsville and not talking to the head of the border patrol, he is getting his information from somewhere and it's a lot of
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lies and gas lighting from mayorkas and others who are almost putting the president and a bubble and not letting him be in touch with the reality this president will come here thursday and speak before her body and i think he will be angry and i think there will be yelling and finger-pointing like last time this is an angry man and is angry because he knows he will lose this race. maria: monica crowley jumping he will give the state of the union tomorrow night and reporters asking about recent polls and his plans for the big speech yesterday, watch this. >> what is the concern about your poll numbers. >> the last five polls i'm winning, five, five and a row. >> what are you preparing for the state of the union. maria: what is he talking about the five polls that he says he's winning.
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>> when he whispers that's when you know he's extra lying the last 20 polls he has lost 19 to donald trump out of the margin of error and when you willow down congressman to the swing state, donald trump is dominating in all seven swing states, what possibly can the president say on thursday night he cannot defend his record on the border, on the economy on foreign policy, afghanistan, there is nothing there for him to run on or defend what you expect to hear from him. >> you are right he has nothing winning in his column and donald j trump is right on all of the issues, our republican conferences right. this president will come in and do a lot of yelling and finger-pointing and i think he will overpromise and under deliver for the american people. in 19282 chickens in every pot, this president is going to overpromise and under deliver and overspend and promise goodies here and there and be the santa claus where the
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selection in trying to get the american people on board almost bribing them to vote for him. maria: we will leave it there, thank you for being there, we will keep following all of that. thank you, sir. a quick break and then were taking you back to bartiromo boulevard we have the voters take on 2024 as it looks like were headed for a biden trump rematch. your watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪
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6:51 am
maria: breaking news, nikki haley will be exiting the presidential race and she has no plans to endorse trump immediately. she will deliver remarks in charleston south carolina at 10:00 a.m. eastern we are watching the markets and what voters say about this, we are headed to bartiromo boulevard we took to the streets of new york city ahead of super tuesday to see who voters want to see is your next president. >> biden. >> the democratic party has to do something in order for him to be reelected. >> i think everybody feels it in their pocketbook, everyone is
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concerned about the economy, as far as the border, it's absolutely, it's a disgrace. >> as far as the president and the border crossings in the economic situation like that i don't think he's been fair to the people that he promised before he got elected. >> it seems like president biden is sacrificing u.s. citizens for his exotic approach to immigration. >> trump is the candidate overall we had them for four years and in my opinion they were phenomenal. i feel like trump is a better candidate. >> president biden has been in office for a long time and if he were the game changer as he feels he is, he would've done the changes that he would've done all these decades, maybe it's time for him to bow gracefully.
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>> there's no doubt in anyone's mind that looks at him or listens to him or hears him and he does not have the faculties to continue on. maria: there you have it from voters, monica, your thoughts on why nikki haley is making the choice to not endorse donald trump right away, she says she's going to urge him to earn the support of her followers. >> that's so insulting to president trump in all of his voters and the american first movement, the exceptional thing about donald trump he leads a movement he is not a run-of-the-mill candidate like she is and she will lecture him on voters i reject that completely, the fact that she's not going to endorse him today as she suspends her campaign makes her look petty and small governor desantis dropped out and immediately backed donald trump that's the smart way to do
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it, this will not earn her any point in the gop and the whole idea of chaos, she ran on the idea that donald trump was chaos the first time in helping it the second time. nikki haley does not recognize the all of the chaos is brought to the country by joe biden and the left, they are creating the chaos economically out the border in foreign policy with the wars, they are the chaos generators and the fact that she could not recognize that and will not and endorse donald trump who can bring order, stability and prosperity is a disgrace. >> how is she going to walk back everything she said about trump it's a long time coming, people been questioning why are you stepping out and now she's going to do after the writing is on the wall on super tuesday but she will not endorse trump. >> in such a mistake this is your opportunity to say the american people have spoken. you are not for me but i'm going to put one of the% of my support against a man who has stood for the american first policies and
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it is a lost opportunity, she still has three hours she could change her mind and i hope she does we need unity more than ever she's one of the first candidates that talks about unity stand up and show us your unifying make your mark in the gop. >> the hardest thing to do is admit you are wrong and i think about it with my own business in a five long a stock in certain i'm right and it goes up and it keeps going down and every day it goes lower and i refuse to sell and i have one in the portfolio right now, it is so hard to admit you are wrong and move on, she needs to do that nikki haley needs to admit she was never going to be the president. she has these donors behind her and she said there egging her on, keep going for trump keep standing. >> that's a whole reason she entered the race and stayed in the race she has the backing
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from never trumper's, democrat donors and big people but they also turn the faucet off of the money so i think she's being forced to retreat but her whole strategy was let's see if donald trump is convicted by the left-wing prosecutors and the fees convicted maybe i'll be the default candidate. it's like a political strategy but particularly disgusting. maria: you made a good point earlier saying biden is saying i'm going to go for the jugular of trump, what is he been doing up until now. trying to jail donald trump is not going for the jugular, this man is jailing his political opponents and arresting journalists for doing journalism and he talks about donald trump being a dictator, this is p projection but i think you make a people see through it. maria: they indicted smirnov and that's what he was being paid
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for to get information from the russians. breaking news, nikki haley expected to drop out of the 2024 presidential race at 10:00 a.m. eastern three hours from now teeing up every match of trump versus biden. the hot topic of the hour. live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ you got this. let's go. gobble gobble. i've seen bigger legs on a turkey! rude. who are you? i'm an investor in a fund that helps advance innovative sports tech like this smart fitness mirror. i'm also mr. leg day...1989! anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations. i go through a lot of pants. before investing carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at
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