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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 6, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EST

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maria: welcome back. good wednesday morning, everybody. thanks thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is wednesday, march 6. time twe have breaking news, nii haley will be exiting the race this morning, she will deliver remarks today at 10:00 a.m. eastern. the political focus is shifting to the state of the ununion. hillary vaughn is live on capitol hill with all the details. we're waiting for the announcement from nikki haley and then we'll focus on what joe biden has to say tomorrow night. >> reporter: good morning, maria. well, we are expecting this morning after super tuesday's contest that nikki haley is going to announce that the what she is suspending her campaign, she is dropping out of the race. we're expecting her to give remarks in charleston at 10:00 a 10:00 a.m. this morning. last night, nikki haley won her
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first state, vermont. the biden campaign used haley's vermont win to attack trump and republican as divided and battered. it seems that haley will try to unify by suspending her campaign. we don't expect she will endorse donald trump but she insists she is not anti-trump. the wall street journal reported that instead she'll use her remarks today to encourage trump to win the gop nomination and also work to support -- earn the support of republicans and independent voters that backed her throughout this primary process. after super tuesday's results former p president trump and president biden are focusing on the general election in november. trump made his speech about undoing the damage that president biden has done to the border, the economy, and security at home and abroad. >> joe biden if he would have
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just left everything alone, he could have gone to the beach, he would have had tremendous success at the border and elsewhere. we're going to win the election. we have no choice. if we lose the election we're not going to have a country. [ applause ] >> and we're going to doing something. >> reporter: the biden campaign releasing a memo reacting to last night's contest making their pitch to voters about the abortion and democracy, they say the results cemented what we have he known for some time, now donald trump limps into the general election as a wounded, dangerous and unpopular candidate, joe biden is the only candidate in history who has beaten donald trump and will do so again. president biden lost a contest in american s amoa last night, losing to jason palmer by 11 votes. maria: thanks very much. hillary vaughn on capitol hill this morning. monica, can joe biden actually
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be successful with these mistruths about donald trump, limping into the general election, really? >> it's fundamentally untrue. everything joe biden says, kamala harris, alejandro mayorkas, kjp from the strayed , every person in the administration from the president on down lies with impunity, lies every day about every to topic. he's trying to lie about this as well. the problem is number one, the american people have eyes and ears and can see what's going on with the country. this presidency has been a catastrophe for every american. the lived experience is opposite from what joe biden is trying to sell to them. we've got data, we've goal got polling that shows donald trump dominating joe biden outside of the margin of error in the polling. he can say all of these things
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until the cows come home, but the truth is the truth, the facts and the american people know it. maria: those groups that are so hotly contested, the black community, hispanic community, are moving increasingly to president trump. >> every poll shows that. and that question, what have you done for me lately, biden continues to lie and not deliver on his promises. you're seeing the black community that is in chicago, that's in new york, and all these democrat run cities saying why are the illegal immigrants getting free food and free water when i can't afford electricity, when i can't afford food, when i have worked day in and day out to achieve that american dream. they are treated like first class citizens, illegal immigrants are flown into our cities, they're treated in the royal treatment and our black americans, our arab americans, people that are pushing back, fighting back for the american dream, are failing. maria: it's an important point to make. we're here talking about the border and how the border is wide open and all these people are coming over the border and
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yet the biden administration blew that a off and put them on a plane and flew 300,000 plus people here from various countries. what is that about? >> well, it's his secret mission to continue to infiltrate and get more democrat votes. there will be a time when voter registration won't matter because you have illegals voting. it's election interference. it's unacceptable. in columbus, ohio, you've seen refugees and you ask how did they get here, on a plane, joe biden paid for it and they have money to afford the nicest hotels. what are we doing for our inner cities. maria: ag garland pledges to fight voter id laws. i mean, he's actually using this as something that he's going to fight against. absolutely no id to vote and the attorney general is pledging to fight any voter id laws. >> honestly, it's
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incomprehensible to me that when we show up to vote we don't have to show an id. when you come into the country, if you fly into kennedy airport, you show a passport. you have to prove who you are. when you vote, you should prove who you are h what about this, he says trump is limping into the general election. president biden is relying on note cards to get him through his briefings. kevin mccarthy said the other day he's got a tel telepromptern the white house all the time. karine jean-pierre snubbing edward lawrence's questions about the president's note cards. watch this. >> the president had note cards when doing his briefing there. he had note cards last friday with the italian prime minister. why does the president rely so heavily on note cards. >> you're upset because the president has note cards. the president whos has had probably one of the most successful first three years of an administration than any modern day president, done more in the first three years than
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most presidents in two years, you're asking about note cards. maria: where is she getting this, that he accomplished all this stuff in the last three years. people are outraged by a lack of progress. >> if his job is to destroy the united states, then yes, he actually has done his job. look, the note card issue is about whether or not he's actually capable of doing this job. and a lot of people look at him and say it's not the age, it's the dementia, the senileity that people see every day that makes people wonder whether he's capable or not. mrs. clinton just about two weeks ago said, well, his age is not really -- you know, it's an issue. now she's trying to get behind him. but look, for most of the american people it's less his age and dementia than the catastrophic policies. maria: hillary clinton says it's time to move on from president biden's age.
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>> joe biden is old. let's accept the reality. we have a contest between one candidate who is old but who has done an effective job and doesn't threaten our democracy and we have another candidate who is old, barely makes sense when he talks, is dangerous and threatens our democracy. so really pick between your two old ones and figure out how you're going to save our democracy. maria: you know, i think it's pretty clear who is trying to obstruct our democracy when you look at the supreme court and the 9-0, unanimous ruling, that you cannot take trump's name off the ballot. even the liberal justices knew that such an effort is trying to he destroy the democracy. >> thank goodness, that is a clarion call of reason. maria: yeah. let's take a break and come back and look at markets. they are moving this morning
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after wall street saw the worst a day in three weeks yesterday, tech stocks taking the biggest hit. we'll take a look at the selloff in the word on wall street next. (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪)
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maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street. top investors watching your money. joining me is payne capital management president and podcast host, ryan payne with us. also with me is adam johnson. thank you for joining the conversation, ryan. the little bit of a bounceback after yesterday's sell loff, dow industrials up 95, nasdaq up 141, s&p higher by 21. interest rates are also below 4.2. look at thus, 4.16% on the 10 year ahead of jay powell's testimony before the house financial services committee later today. that's happening at 10:00 a.m. eastern today and then tomorrow he'll speak to the senate banking committee at 10:00 a.m. as well. questions likely focused on the central bank's handling of
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inflation, plans to raise capital bank requirement as well as potential cut in rates. ryan, what are you expecting to hear from the fed chief. >> i think more of the same, em iemphasizing the war on inflatin is not done yet. wthe jolts report is strong, inflation report is strong. shelter costs are relatively high. i think he'll tea tee it up for maybe a june rate cut for the first one. cuts will happen later than anticipated earlier this year. maria: i spoke with steve schschwarzman last night, he sad rent is not going up. i can tell you for sure rent it as zero. we talk a lot about shelter. i wanted to add that in. i said do people understand that. he said no, not yet. they're going to understand it soon. rent has stopped going up. i youi want to get your take ont happened yesterday. markets were down across the
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board. you'll have days like this of course. but 400 points on the dow, 267 points lower on the nasdaq. because of tech, largely. what do you think happened? >> i think tech does drive the market because of capitalization is so large. apple, we have a saying that bad news come on the installment plan. maria: apple fell after the report after it was revealed iphone sales in china plunged. tesla was down because of weak china sales as well, shutdown of a berlin factory also, suspicions of an arson attack and shares of amd were down on reports that the commerce department did not clear sales in china, all unnerving investors. >> it does beat the ch china competition, the huawei now has 5g capability. they stethey steal a lotof tech.
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tesla, really interesting. they sold 1.8 million electric vehicles last year. china has a company called byd, they sold the same amount of electric vehicles and you've probably never seen a byd car because of tariffs. we don't have chinese cars here. it looks exactly like a tesla. the ip problem is rampant and two of our largest u.s. companies with major competition from china and clearly china stole a lot of this technology to replicate what we have done. maria: it's a really big deal, something i point out a lot. decades of intellectual property theft from the ccp and this administration has not done anything about the intellectual property theft. this costs american companies hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars every year, 600 to 800 billion a year. meanwhile, i want to get your take on what the heck is going on with bitcoin, another record high, touching $69,000 yesterday before reversing, tumbled 8% by the close. look at where we are today,
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6767,100. both cryptos rebounded this morning, adam. >> and you're asking me the guy who doesn't own bitcoin and i feel foolish for not only it though i do own coin base on behalf of my clients so at least i'm getting some of the upside. what's going on here is i think two-fold. number one, people are realizing there's only so much bitcoin that will ever be mined. 19 million shares in effect or 19 million bitcoin or i'm sorry 21 and we're at 19 now. so there becomes a sense of sort of scarceity. there's only so much. maria: it's limited. >> that's number one. number two, we are in a risk-on moment. >> yes. >> i mean, if you didn't get the memo, put your money to work. the s&p is making new highs, the nasdaq is making new highs. the only one that isn't is small caps, russell 2000. that's because rates are high. when rates come down you'll see
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small caps go up, the rally will broaden out. maria: i've been waiting for the small cap rally for a while. >> we all have. trust me. there is $6 trillion of cash on the sidelines. that is the most ever. maria: that's a great point. >> people are starting to realize oh, my gosh, the train has left the station, the good news is the train can keep going. but the train has left the station and the fact that bitcoin is 69,000 is just one-ir that it's a risk-on moment. >> bitcoin is worth $1.3 trillion today. i can buy the entire energy sector in the s&p 500, like 1.5 trillion, almost buy the whole sec. maria: and you'll get dividends. >> i'll own chevron, i'll own exxon, all the big companies with all a their infrastructure, all their land, the permian basin and i'm going to get 135 billion free cash flow a year, yet i could own bitcoin which is backed by nothing. >> why would you want to buy such dirty industry.
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those oil people are so bad. we need to shut them down and go electric, oil is so bad, ryan. maria: it's a good argument to make, particularly if you believe a trump administration is coming in. because they're going to unlock all of that value for energy if that in fact is the case. ryan, thank you. ryan payne joining us. adam, you're with us all morning, we're grateful. nikki haley suspending her presidential campaign. she will confirm this this morning at 10:00 a.m. eastern. we'll hear from arkansas congressman french hill on that news and what he's planning on asking fed chief powell today on capitol hill. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪
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charleston, south carolina today at 10:00 a.m. eastern. stay with fox business and fox news for that live at 10:00 a.m. joining me is the vice chairman of the house finance l services committee, arkansas congressman french hill. thank you for being here. i know you have a big day with jay powell coming to testify. first i've got to get your reaction on the news that is breaking this morning, nikki haley about to step down. >> we had a vigorous pry mirrorly campaign for republicans -- primary for campaigns and i think in two weeks donald trump will have enough delegates to be our nominee for the presidency for his return to the white house and that's going to tee up one of the longest presidential campaigns between these two men that we've had in a long time. knowing that before the end of march. maria: do you think that nikki haley's supporters and donors will see the writing on the wall and get behind trump? >> look, i think republicans need to think long and hard about not voting for president trump.
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president trump delivered the right economic policy for this country, the right border security policy, made america stronger around the world and so he's a stark contrast to the failures of the biden administration where we've seen foreign policy failures, inflation hurting every familiarly in america and an unsecure border and coddling iran and a russia by not aiding the ukrainians fast enough. look, it's a stark choice. i think americans and republicans will come home and support president trump for re-election if he's our nominee. maria: when i spoke with president trump p recently he told me he would not reapoint jay powell as chairman of the federal reserve. you're going to be speaking with jay today, he'll testify before the house financial services committee today and tomorrow in front of the senate banking committee. what do you want to focus on with jay powell this morning? >> jay powell comes back to the hill this week, facing two big issues. first, the avalanche and tore os
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spending has made the fed's job of controlling inflation much tougher. the fiscal stimulus, the avalanche of spending has made it tougher for the fed to get interest rates in the position to lower them. it's higher than the fed's target. households confronted 17% higher prices than they faced under donald trump. so number one, that's going to get a lot of questions, is he going to lower rates. the job against inflation, the biden infl inpl inflation is no. the second point is the biden regulatory policy, trying to push the fed to increase regulatory costs on banks at the moment when they're trying to struggle with those high interest rates that were necessary to fight biden's inflation and nonperforming assets increasing in the commercial real estate sector and other sectors. so i think jay powell will get a lot of questions about what i call pro-cyclical regulatory
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costs, meaning the government, the biden administration pushing higher regulatory costs exactly the wrong time for america's financial institutions who are trying to help our households get through inflation and businesses get through an economic downturn as relates to real estate. patrice: maria: when i spoke with jamie dimon the ceo of jp morgan recently he said under the new basl-3 rules he will be forced to hold 30% more capital than the number one international competitor. what is the fed doing with the new capital rules in terms of putting u.s. banks at a disadvantage? >> we will make our banks uncompetitive if they impose the basel-3 new capital rules being pushed by elizabeth warren and others in washington. it's a bad idea. jamie dimon is right. and the impact of that is less credit availability for small businesses, for households in america and making american
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banks less competitive as he noted to banks around the world so it's a bad idea but there are other biden policies that are bad too. they have a rule called rule 1071 which will curtail lending to small businesses if they push he it through. and we have new costs being pushed by the cfpb, consumer protection board as well that are raising costs for banks and making it tougher for them to do their job of lending money to small businesses and our house holds. maria: is it still a very tight lending environment, congressman? what do you think that means for the macro story this year? >> i think it's tougher because high interest rates have made the cost to refinance loans coming due this year trickier. people have to put up more equity, have to put up more collateral, have to be able to demonstrate they can make debt service payments and higher interest rates and higher interest rates, every viewer of the show has to recognize, they're directly a result of the biden inflation and the fed's reaction to trying to the push inflation back down. that's the fed's number one job,
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price stability which is why byron donalds and i have the price stability act. we want the fed to focus exclusively on price stability and let the congress and legislative branch focus on everything else. maria: what do you want to say about digital assets and the legislation you've been working on and writing in terms of digital assets and block chain. bitcoin is trading at record levels once again. how do you see things? >> i think that's a direct result of the s.e.c. caving to district court pressure and you approving exchange traded funds that are y allowed to hold bitcn directly, not bitcoin futures but actually own bitcoin. we're seeing growth in new exchange traded funds. i think that's affecting that price. also, i have some optimism that we'll get the right regulatory framework for all digital assets through the congress this year and that may be a market signal that others agree with us. we're working hard on that. we hope we get it done. maria: we will leave it there.
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always a pleasure. thanks so much. >> thanks, maria. maria: french hill in d.c. this morning. thank you so much. quick break and then how biden's border crisis is creating a crime crisis in cities you across america, the nypd chief of patrol john shell back with us to talk about that, he will be here on the issues facing the big apple coming up. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. (♪) i've got to go. ok. bye. mom! (♪) -thanks mom. -yeah. (♪) (♪) you were made to dream about it for years.
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maria: welcome back. the case against fulton county district attorney fan hey willis is growing noun. cheryl ccheryl casonewith the d. >> there will be a hearing today with the attorney who exposed the alleged affair between fani willis and nathan wade. the attorney is set to testify after being subpoenaed.
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a new court filing is claiming one of the witnesses lied about when that affair allegedly started. the subpoena in part says this. what mr. bradley testified to on the witness stand was directly contrary to what mr. bradley had told attorney sidney yeager in person. the committee of six republicans and three democrats was formed to investigate if willis showed a conflict of interest or misused public funds in her relationship with wade who she hired in 2021. well, former new york governor andrew cuomo has been subpoenaed to you appear on capitol hill to address what some call his reckless mishandling of the state's nursing homes during the covid pandemic a. at the time the virus tore through elder care and other facilities, killing an estimated 15,000 seniors. congressman brad wenstrup announcing the subpoena tuesday saying, quote, not only did the former governor put the elderly in harm's way but he also
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attempted to cover up his failures by hiding the true nursing home death rate. a cuomo spokesperson responding that new york followed the guidanceidance put forth by thep adstration in march of 2020 as did other democratic and republican states. congress is officially a, quote, circus, and they are nothing but clowns. cuomo's administration order nursing home facilities to accept covid positive patients in march 2020, wenstrup accusing the governor of trying to hide the death rates. they rescinded the policy in had may of that year. latisha james found the number of deaths was much, much higher. tesla chief and billionaire elon musk meeting with donald trump on sunday, the meeting first reported by the new york times comings there is speculation that the former president is seeking to woo new donors to fund his cash strapped political operation. musk is part of a group of prospective donors, musk not responding to a request for
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comment. then there's this, trail blazing is happening in dartmouth thanks to the men's basketball team, just voting to unionize in a bold statement not only the ivy league university but the ncaa as well when it comes to whether or not these players are student athletes or if they are employees. the team says in a statement, quote, we stuck together all season, won this election it is evident that we as students can be campus workers and union members. dartmouth seems to be stuck in the past. it's time for the age of amateurism to end. the university responds that classifying these students as employees is unprecedented and inaccurate. we did not believe unionization is appropriate. at the heart of the case is the fact that the students are saying these universities and the nc. a a are making billions of dollars off a of their athletic
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performance and they're sitting with student loans and living in tiny dorms with no money. maria: we'll talk about that now. eric adams announcing plans for a curfew on the randalls island migrant camp after two migrants assaulted a security guard. he is changing the tune on the city's sanctuary status as the big apple faces a migrant crime wave. watch. >> i don't believe people who are violent in our city and commit repeated crimes should have the privilege of being in our city. maria: and most people agree with that. adams' remarks coming after the murder of georgia nursing student laken riley, her accused killer a venezuelan national who illegally entered the united states in september of 2022, through el paso, te texas i.c.e. said he was arrested in new york city but he was released before
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i.c.e. could issue a detainer. joining us now is nypd chief of patrol, john chell. chief chell, it's great to see you. thank you for coming the in. i want to talk about what's going on with this. you're seeing a new crime wave. there are 170,000, 175,000 migrants in new york right now. tell us about this new crime wave that you're experiencing. >> well, what we've been seeing with the migrants and the crime wave if you will is robberies and purse snatches on mopeds which we too care of, i'll talk about in a moment. we're seeing pick pockets on the train and a times square. we're seeing domestic violence and we're seeing mob like activity, people going to stores, bloomingdales, lens crafter, snatching glasses and fleeing the store. maria: i saw the video at an apple store, go in like a mop and start taking everything. >> this is what we're seeing right now. just like any other crew or group of people, we don't care who you are. when the moped robberies and
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purse snatchings were taking effect we arrested all of them and we don't see it anymore. so we have some crews in the migrants committing crime. we'll deal with it like any other crime wave and put put them in jail what the mayor said, if you come to the country seeking the american dream and while waiting for your status to be upgraded and you're committing violent crimes against new yorkers or the country you should be put in jail and once you the term is over, you get out of our country. maria: this is how most people feel. it's how i felt when i saw that illegal come out of being processed and give everybody the finger. and i'm thinking why isn't this guy on a plane back to wherever he came from right now. what is he doing, giving us the finger now. >> a complete slap in our face. it gives the migrants who are here who want to seek the american dream, want to work and want to contribute, gives them a bad name. we're talking about a small group of people, not the whole 170,000.
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170,000 we're going to deal with it. we're going to try to put you in jail like any other group. you fought for that right. maria: the nypd seems a lot tougher on this, you're dealings with it. you're on the front line. than the judges, than the das. do you think you're resonating? i know as soon as you said this is about no consequences, i notice all of a sudden we hear a comment from kathy hochul and we start hearing comments from other people. you and your team are doing this every single day. do you think you're resonating and changing what's going on in terms of the daa level? had. >> sometimes. let's talk about recidivism. we talk about retail theft. nnew york city, 2023, 542 people who were locked up for theft were locked up 762 times. we saw the transit conductor sliced on his neck. one more inch and we're having a different conversation, doing his job. last year, 38 people locked up for assaulting transit workers, mostly conductors. they were arrested a combined
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1100 times. what is going on? what has changed? i'll tell you what's changed bail reform changes. some parts are good. the das privately applaud us because discovery thrust upon them, they can not do their job efficiently. let's talk about judges. the judge is not going to accept the bail request for recidivism, let people walk out the door, that's hurting the community. the judges are part of the process. impart of the process. the district attorney is part of the process. the judge is part of the process. our elected officials are part of the process. if you disagree with what's going on, like most of us do, then the change you want, vote for the change you want. because pre-2020, we didn't have this issue of recidivism. now it's harder and harder. it's hurting our city and you want to know why transit crime is up? recidivism. maria: this is the kind of conversation that is going to change things. thank you for being so adamant
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about this and for telling the truth and for fighting for new yorkers. that's what you and your team are doing. we've got this new john jay college of criminal justice study and it finds the number of repeat offenses increased because of the soft on crime policy. 66% released on bail reform with a recent prior arrest were arrested again within two years. how do they not know it? you live it. half were rearrested for a felony. under the bail law there is no money, bail or jail time for most misdemeanors and nonviolent felonies leading up to trial. that's the point. there's no consequences. >> you have recidivism, do whatever i want. we can't have this anymore. we have to go over recidivism. you gave out great stats. i'll give you one more. people locked up for felonies, six days later they're locked up for another felony. what world is it that we're living in when the process works
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it's fantastic. when you break down the process, you know who suffers? the everyday new yorker going about their business. i'm a new yorker. i'm ai'm a cop cop by day, i'y man by night. we'll start calling people out respectfully. do your job. if everyone does your job i'm not here talking to you this morning. maria: i want to get your take on something that a senator told me is about to blow up and that is human trafficking and i want to see what you're seeing in that regard. i spoke with kansas senator roger marshall on sunday and he told me that the chinese communist party is working with the drug cartels and they're getting people in over the border and then once they're in america, they need to pay up. they need to pay the drug dealers and how are they paying up? they're working in these massage parlors. here's roger marshall. watch this. >> we're we're seeing an explf
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human trafficing. the chinese triad, an organized crime unit, multinational, been around for hundreds of years is behind this and whenever you see fentanyl trafficking you're going to see human trafficking explode as well. we have more massage parlors than starbucks in kansas. i think that a can be said in most every state. the chinese triad, they are sophisticated, your listeners need to understand this is not the dirty workers like the car he'll the. the cartel is doing the dirty work, the chinese triad is sophisticated, harvard trained lawyers and accountants that mastered the money laundering part of this so you're going to see massage parlors spring up and next to them might be a restaurant, it might be a hair a salon, nail salon, those types of things. maria: he says these businesses being started up are fronts for human trafficking. are you seeing that in new york, chief? >> absolutely, whether it be asian or immigrant coyotes that women have to pay back.
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these women are 100% victims. it's terrible. where are we seeing this mostly? in queens, roosevelt avenue. we've shut down this year about 13 brothels, a mixture of asian workers and migrant workers. and we're still going after it and it's terrible, the community applauds us for it. we're trying to help these women who are victims of these people. it's terrible. the queens da is working withs us, the local elected officials are working with us. it's a problem. we see it and we're dealing it. maria: it's incredible that you're seeing it they new york as well. i a was so stunned by roger marshall there. talk to us about the drugs, the drugs are also coming in through the southern border. you're seeing increasingly fentanyl laced in everything. >> right now, the common mixture of cocaine, heroin, there's going to be fentanyl in it. small dose, 2 grams can kill you.
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2 grams. we've received 800kilos with a street value of $32 million. fentanyl doesn't discriminate, doesn't care who you are, where you are, from new york city to jersey shore to wherever else. 2 grams of a young person using it, peer pressure, can kill you, can literally kill you. it's so scary this fentanyl. we have narcan with us. we have to wear masks. the drug dealers know this. the people buying it on the streets don't know it. it's terrible. maria: it's coming the underlying components from communist china. how are you doing in terms of ensuring you've got enough manpower out there. >> there was a time when the democrats wanted to defund the police, people are like i'm not going to become a police officer. why would i? they don't have my back. do you feel you have enough manpower? do you want to speak to anybody
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who is considering joining the force. >> the police department it's a great job. i've done it. i've raised a family.'s a noble taking. we're down about 1 1,000 cops. we have a tremendous recruiting campaign, we have classes lined up. years ago thousands and thousands applied. now we're not getting that much. we'll keep getting the word out. come join the department, it's a good living, a noble uptaking. maria: we could not need you more than today and we appreciate your work and your team's work. thank you so much. >> thank you. maria: chief john chell joining us in the studio on these very sobering stats. take a break and americans are feeling pain at the pump. ofpump.jeff flock has a report. >> reporter: if you're filling up, maybe you're feeling the pain. why are gas prices on the rise? back in a moment with the answer
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maria: welcome back. spring weather expected to approach soon, drivers should buckle up for higher gas line prices. jeff flock is live in front after a gas station in philadelphia this morning. >> reporter: gas station on every corner on north broad vote. wherever you go, you're seeing the prices tick up slowly. take a look at the latest numbers, national average now $3.38. the average gallon of regular, up about a dime in the last week and up about a quarter in the last month. almost where we were this time a year ago. where is it worst? out on the west coast, california, a dollar and-a-half more expensive than the national average, hawaii, ashton, nevada, also up there big time. why is this? well, there have been refinery issues that have had a role in it but mainly it's the price of
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oil which has been ticking up as well. we're up almost a percent this morning in early trading and it's been up, well, steadily over the course of the past three months or so. why is that? well, not really because of u.s. oil production. we talked to andy lipow, of lipow associates, who said we make a lot about president biden's war on oil, but he says really the president is doing about as well as the russians and ukraine. not so well. listen. >> in spite of the biden administration policies that seek to limit fossil fuel production, we've seen the oil industry rise to the occasion and now is producing a record 13 13.3 million barrels a day of crude oil. >> reporter: pretty consistent of production, maria. and in november we hit an all-time record,
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13.319 million barrels per day of production. we've had five months in a row, over 13 billion barrels per day. this presents a political problem for president biden. you think he would be out there drum eting the fact that there's been more oil production in his administration than any in history. he doesn't want to do that because a lot of people in his party and people who support him that say they don't want to see that kind of oil production. interesting spot to be in. maria: senator elizabeth warren does not want to hear that from president biden, that's for sure. thank you so much, jeff flock. jeff flock this morning in philly. i'm surprised he's allowing that to happen adam. >> he's been pandering to the far left side of his party since he came into office and yet we are capable of producing more oil and if we did that, just think what would happen. we would push the price of oil down which would hurt russia. it would hurt iran. and also it would change the conversation with china because
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we would be able to supply china with oil which you could say well, why would we help china. actually, the second economy, second largest economy in the world needs oil and you want them to be able to succeed otherwise it's destabilizing. maria: this conversation, this issue in and of itself is at the heart of not just economic policy and economic prosperity but national security as well. we'll take a break. when we come back nikki haley will be dropping out of the race today. setting the stage for a biden, trump rematch. fox business' hillary vaughn is on capitol hill with more details after the break. stay with us. things will go wrong for your customers. but your business can make it right, with watsonx assistant. ai that can help resolve problems by understanding your customer requests with 90 percent accuracy. let's create customer service
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