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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 6, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EST

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maria: all right, we are about 30 minutes away from the opening bell. take a look at markets, a rally underway. dow industrials up 187, the nasdaq up 166, s&p higher by 31. we are waiting for nikki haley at 10 a.m. to announce she is stepping down and will exit the campaign, and if jay powell on the hill speaking to the financial services committee in the house. i want to thank my guests this morning, great show, you guys. >> thank you, maria. >> thank you. maria: great to see you all. we will see you soon. see you again tomorrow, same time, same place. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone. it has been a i tumultuous 24 hours in politic the it's.
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at 10 eastern, nikki haley will announce if she's dropping out. "the wall street journal" says she will not immediately endorse donald trump but will urge him to win over independents. if haley wants a political future, she'll have to make up quickly with mr. trump because trump is now the almost certain republican candidate in november. super tuesday was a runaway win for him. he has won every state except vermont9. that was haley's only state win. in his speech, his victory speech, trump called for unity which he said, quote, would happen very quickly, presumably unity within the republican party. now, president biden, he won his primaries although there was a very large uncommitted vote, nearly 20% in minnesota. he did not hold a victory rally, he did not appear on camera. he issued a statement saying in part he, trump, is driven by grievance and grift. he is determined to destroy our democracy, end quote. as of now, it looks like a rematch, biden versus trump in no. now, you will see nikki
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haley's announcement at 10. we are told it will be a short statement with no questions. it is possible we'll hear from the president after hale will hi's announcement. okay, got that -- haley's announcement. to the markets, a bounce for stocks. not sure if it's connected to trump's win. more likely, it's connected to comments from jay powell. he says he will scale back on rates later this year, but he's not saying exactly when. there's maybe some dip buying as a well. dow's up 200. this is premarket. s&p, 31. and the nasdaq, nice gain, 166. plenty of green this morning. lots of red yesterday. interest rates continue to drift lower. look at that, the yield on the 10-year treasury is 4.12, and the yield on the 2-year is just above 4.5%, 4.53 right now. bitcoin molding on to its gapes -- holding on to the its gains, 66 and change for bitcoin right now. the record high is $69,202. there you go. maybe we'll get there soon. gold close to its all-time high,
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it is well over $2100 an ounce, 2146 to be precise is. gas keeps on creeping up ever so gradually. $3.38 for regular now, up 2 cents overnight. diesel, to change, $4.05. on the show today, elon musk visits donald trump. the speculation is that trump needs cash quickly to pay his $3 55 fine plus interest. the president looked shaky. he asked permission to stay at a his own meeting and responded to questions with a blank stare. but we will be focused sharply on the rapidly changing political situation. haley out. trump wins big. bind, a no-show. wednesday -- biden, a no-show. wednesday, march 6th, 2024. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ ♪ baby, give it up ♪ give it
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up, baby, give it up. ♪ stuart: i think the producers are being a little cruel here. they're playing the song is give it up -- lauren: and showing a dark skiment ominous. stuart: producers, what are you up to? >> it's a lovely place. you can find something better than that. stuart: let's move on. one hour from now, nikki haley will announce she's dropping out of the race. lauren: it's about the moth math. what's the path. she was victorious in vermont yesterday, the home of bernie sanders and ben and jerry's. trump won everywhere else on super tuesday. he has 995 delegates, nearly 80% of the way to securing the republican mom if nation. so in less than an hour, you'll get the haley concession. not the endorsement. she will encourage trump to earn the support of those who bagged her -- backed her.
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trump dud not mention haley last night, but he did call for party up unity. >> it was a tragedy because with you wouldn't have, think of it, all of the problems that the you have today. i don't think you would have had any of them. ing you'd only have success. and that's what's, ultimately, going to unify this country and unify this party. we have a great request republican party with tremendous talent, and we want to have unity, and we're to going to have unity. and it's going to happen very quickly. and i, i've been saying lately success will bring unity to our country. lauren: yeah. success will bring unity to the country. but what, what is the republican party right now? it's the trump republican party. is there a place for nikki haley in it and her supporters, because if you looked at the exit polls in some key states yesterday, there are -- a third of them said if trump is convicted of a crime, we will not vote for him. stuart: what's her place in the party.
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we've got figure that out in the next three hours, i do believe. ben domenech is with me this morning right here in new york city. can trump get nikki haley's voters? what does he have to do to get those voters on his side? >> i think that's the big question right now. there's been a lot of talk that nikki haley's voters were democrats who were crossing over to vote for her. in some places that was the true, but there's a lot of independents out there. there are a lot of people who i still, frankly, believe have not totally forgiven the former president for some of the things that he did that they disliked whether that's discomfort, the chaotic nature of the final year he had in office or whether it's, i think, blame game, looking back the way that he handled covid or mishandled it in certain respects. and and i think those voters tend to be the kind of suburban, highly educated, wealthier voters who have more insulation from the experience of inflation. stuart: what about his tone? does he have to change his tone and his approach to politics? haley's voters to go with him?
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>> i think he has to do a couple of different things, but one thing i think is particularly important is this vice presidential choice because if it's going to dictate, i think, a lot about what you can expect from another trump four years, especially given that it's it's likely to be someone who's looking forward and who with automatically becomes, should he win re-election to the white house, a, you know, the odds-on favorite for being the inheritor of the role in the future. so i think that matters a lot. i think tone does matter. but one thing to keep in mind is his base is much more solid than joe biden's. joe biden needs to have trump, you know with, play into the chaos can, play into a more aggressive tone in order for him to have hope. stuart: if all of his base votes for him, he still doesn't win. >> well, this is the problem that he faces in a lot of key states, and we all know there are six or seven states that are going to determine this, and in current polling he tends to be up. in system of these states though, there's going to be an expensive, well-funded democrat machine that is going to count
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and bank as many votes as they can -- come out and bank as many votes as they can, and that's ea going to be hard for him to cover come without a unified party. stuart: biden's got a problem, the uncommitted vote picking up steam. 19% of voters in north carolina. -- in minnesota, north carolina, nearly 900,000 votes. i call that a problem -- 90,000. tell me how it plays out. >> it's a major with problem because he doesn't have something to excite that base the same way trump can with a solid vp choice. he's banked in with kamala. he's not getting rid of her, and that's a big problem for these uncommitted voters who, look, you're going to get some of them the back because if they're motivated to vote against donald trump. but we've seen the expression among young progressives marley on issues like -- particularly on issues like israel and gaza, and i don't see the white house doing anything right now to change their motivations which may end up just with them staying home. stuart: ben, you've been up all
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night, i think we should go home and get some rest. thanks for being on the show. >> great to be. >> -- with you. stuart: yesterday biden was asked about his abysmal polling numbers. lauren: he dismissed them including "the new york times" poll that had him down outside the margin of -- can. stuart: can't dismiss "the new york times." lauren: well, he kid. watch here. >> reporter: what's your message to democrats who are concerned about your poll numbers? >> my poll numbers, the last phi polls, you guys know, i'm winning. five. five in a row. you guys ought to look at "the new york times", they're a great if patient. lauren: yeah. the president says he's winning. the polls say he's underwater on every issue that voters or care about. this is fox news. he fails on the economy, the border and safety and only 26% believe he unified the country. that's what a e ran on in 2020. what is the strategy now? you're going to see more of an attack dog. taunt trump, target the trump.
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and it's a certain aggression that a we might see tomorrow night in the state of the union. stuart: you've got to have power in your voice and stature if you want to be the aggressive with donald trump. lauren: can he do that with his condition -- stuart: good question. we'd better get to the money. look at this. the dow is going to be up 180, nasdaq up about 165. that's a rally this morning. eddie ghabour with me. looks like trump is going to be the nominee. do you think that's got anything to do with the market rally? >> i don't. i think we're in a buy the dip environment right now, and yesterday was the biggest down day we've had in a couple of weeks. and i think in this environment where we're in a bull and speculative market, you're going to see dip buyers come in on days like yesterday. stuart: what about apple? that's a dip and a half, actually, down 1771 last count. are you -- 171 last count. are you buying that dip? >> no. about a month ago i was on your show, and we talked about apple when it was at 190. apple's got challenges because
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of its exposure to china and lack of growth over the next 12 months. so in this market, this is a bubble. and you can make a lot of money in bubbles, you just have to be concentrated in the right areas and know when to get out. look, apple's a great company, i just think if your looking to really -- if you're looking to really beat the market, apple could be deadweight over the next two quarters and there's other places to be that'll be more prosperous for your money p. stuart: the fed chair is going to say this morning that he'll scale back rates later this year, but he's not saying when. maybe that's helping the market today. >> it is. i think you're going to get cuts in june. and, again, hook are, this government right now is spending money like crazy. they're not going to rock the boat before the election. it's kind of like a goldilocks scenario for investors right now. you can expect a 7-10 pullback in a bull market like this when you're seeing these big of moves, but again with, there's a lot of upside. but post-election all bets are off because if this debt's going
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to have to be addressed at some point in time. you can ride this thing much higher, in my opinion. stuart: got it. eddie ghabour, we'll talk to you with again soon. thank you very much. next case, the leader of the free world asked permission to stick around for an event at the white house. roll tape. >> and i'm supposed to leave for a meeting, but i'm going to hang around a little bit, so with your permission, i'd like to stay a few -- and my staff will tell me when the drop dead hour curs, they'll pats me a -- hour curs. they'll pass me a note. stuart: biden's handlers are in serious keep him out of trouble mode. if they're not, they should be with. nikki haley drops out of the race at 10 eastern. we'll deliver it to you. you'll see her statement right there at 10:00. stay with us, please. ♪ good-bye to you. ♪ good-bye to everything that i knew ♪
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stuart: well, all eyes were on super tuesday, but now the focus is shifting to bind's state of the union -- biden's state of the union address. hillary vaughn is with me. everybody's going to be looking for a stumble tomorrow night for his cognitive ability. that's what people are looking at. >> reporter: stuart, that's exactly right. and and biden's team ing this address will convince americans that he's up for a second term and to assuage some of those concerns about his age ask and his abilities similar to last year when he engaged off the cuff with some of the republicans, went off script during his state of the union address. perhaps that's something that we see more of this year with as a way to show americans that he's got it and he's able to go toe
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to toe with republicans. but a lot of this is going to be in terms of policy same of -- kind of the same old-same old that we've heard from president biden. it's going to look very similar to the address he gave a year ago because it's clear that president biden does not have any regrets. we're not going to see him do an about face on any of his policies. instead, he will be trying to persuade the american people that he is doing a good job, and he should get the chance the keep at it for another four years. communications director ben hebolt saying president biden will continue to make the address that the economy has led to record or job creation, increased wages and household wealth and lower prescription drug and energy costs instead of the maga republican agenda, rewarding billionaires and corporations with tax breaks, taking away rights and freedoms and undermining our democracy. but with missing from the guidance is any if indication that president biden will talk about immigration, a top issue for voters headed into november anding something that former president trump is make a big part of his general election
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pitch as he did last night. >> we had the safest border, the best numbers we've ever had, and now we have the worst numbers probably, probably in the history of the world. it's sad to see what's happening to our cities. our cities are being overrun with migrant crime. and that's biden migrant crime. they want open borders, and open borders are going to destroy our country. we need borders. >> reporter: the other tricky issue that biden might address or avoid is his handling of the israel-hamas war and his ace refusal to call for a ceasefire. that has triggered a surprise amount of democrats to vote unadmitted in super tuesday's primary. -- uncommitted. almost 20% of democrats in minnesota voted uncommitted, choosing not to vote for president biden in their democratic presidential primary. stuart? stuart: hillary, thanks very much, indeed, right there on capitol hill. now, biden is actually now calling for a ceasefire. watch this. >> there's got to be a ceasefire
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if because ramadan, if we get into a circumstance where this continues through ramadan, israel and jerusalem could be very, very dangerous. the hostage deal is in the hands of hamas right now because there's been an offer, rational offer. the israelis have awe greed to it, and we're -- agreed to it, and we're waiting to see what hamas does. stuart: congressman darrell issa joins me now. is biden saying that word, ceasefire, now at the very last minute because he's worried about these the uncommitted voters, and he needs the get them back in the fold? is that why he's saying it? >> absolutely, stuart. finish if what the president's done is he's managed to alienate both the palestinian/muslim vote and the jewish is vote by not backing israel and at the same time not providing some sort of humanitarian relief for the legitimate people in gaza who are simply caught in the middle. having said that, there is
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likely to be a ceasefire, but that ceasefire if will be because israel has accomplished most of its mission, and it's in a position to, in fact, have a ceasefire during ramadan. but that'll be more because of the king of jordan and others who are friends of israel who have been working behind the scenes. stuart: i believe you're bringing a gold star parent to the state of the union address, sergeant taylor hoover, killed during biden's afghan withdrawal. i believe he's your guest at this that state of the union. all eyes are going to be on biden's demeanor tomorrow. everybody's going to be looking at his physical and mental performance, am a i right on that one? >> absolutely. and there'll be as many as five or six of the gold star family members in attendance. we think the fact that the president has never apologized, never pet with them really -- met with them really speak ifs loudly so long afterwards. you know, he can tray to defend the afghanistan withdrawal just
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like he tries to defend all the policies he's failed with. stuart, one of the things -- and you see it in the economy -- the things that are working are working in spite of his policies while, in fact, he's trying to blame us for everything from inflation to afghanistan. so it will be interesting to hear him tomorrow night. i think his policies are delusional even when he appears to be cognitively capable because they juice him up for the night. stuart: congressman, thank you very much, indeed, for joining us. good stuff, and we appreciate always. thank you, sir. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: democrat turned independent kyrsten sinema has announced she will not seek re-election for the arizona seat. why is she doing this and what are the implications? lauren: she's in third place behind the democratic congressman, rubin guy yessing georgia, and the republican, kari lake. the implications now the senate is down two moderate democrats, joe manchin and now kirstin the
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sinema. here she is. >> the only political victories that a matter these days are symbolic. attacking your opponents on social media, i believe in my approach. but it's not what america wants right now. because i choose civility, understanding, listening, working together to get stuff done, i will leave the senate at the end of this year. lauer a lauren and we're told the catalyst for this decision was the xop if torch -- gop bipartisan deal that she helped write. stuart: okay, she's out. thanks very much, lauren. it's wednesday morning, we're in the green, very much so. up nearly 200 on the dow. nasdaq up about 160 points. of course, this is a huge selloff yesterday. this is a partial comeback. the opening bell is next. ♪ ♪ -- what i got that do or who i'm supposedded to be. ♪ i don't want to be anything other than me ♪
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lost $233 billion of market value is. that was just one day. now, that's a dip and a half, shah. are you buying it? >> picked up some google yesterday, stuart, but nothing else. as far as some of the other big name, i think they have a ways to go down. i'm hoping they go down because, as you know, i'm in the buy the dip mode and would like the add to those positions. some of them we are out of i want to get back into, but i think we have a little wit further to go. yesterday's action was a little scary, it's nice to see a bit of a rebound, but ooh i'm not so sure the selling isn't quite finished. stuart: are you going to buy apple at 171 is? are you buying it? >> no, sir. my first target is probably 165, 1 is 60. i think we can get down there the in ap. we sold out of our apple position last maul fall, admit tedly missed the last 10% or so, but we're happy we're out higher than it is today and given the vision pro which i'm
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unimpressed with, i don't think that's going to move the needle, apple is losing market share quickly in china, that digital cold war that i don't think is going to fix itself anytime soon, apple's on a downward that equitily that i don't think is going to ticket until, stuart, they have a refresh cycle that includes a.i. incorporation in a broad sense throughout the smartphone and their entire ecosystem. stuart: okay. trump looks like he is the nominee for the republican party. big win yesterday. this morning on the market we've got what might be considered just a bounce from yesterday's selling. do you think trump's win, do you think politics has anything to do with this rally that we're seeing now? >> i do. i think so. and we know what happened in the trump administration, we know what the markets did with tax cuts not withstanding, there was plenty of other reasons to buy the markets under a trump administration and, of course, the markets did incredibly well.
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if trump wins, i think the markets will do the same thing. i think we're looking at a serious rally. but, you know, we're a long ways from that yet. i think markets are already anticipating trump's going to be the nominee, he's going to be the front-runner, and he's likely to win. i think markets are starting to realize that in. stuart: it's just fascinating, isn't it, this connection between money and politics, voting and what have you. shah ghailani, we'll see you again soon. thanks, shah. the opening bell, it'll start to ring shortly, and then the gentleman on the right -- or the lady on the right -- lauren: 20 seconds. stuart: i've got to tap dance for 20 seconds, you see is. i do this every day. i'm a professional a tap dancer at 9:30 in the morning. come on, ladies. thank you. there's the bell, that means you've got 10 seconds before the market opens. okay, come on. by the way, there is one favorable item in the news background today. jay powell will address the house, and he will say that he's going to lower rates later in the year, but he doesn't say when he's going to do it.
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lauren: no victory lap yet on inflation, bottom line. stuart: that's right. we've opened up, the dow is up 200 points. the dow 30, there's far more losers than winners, so there's some fairly heavy selling in some parts of the dow 30. the s&p 500, where's that, he asked. well, it's up, that's for sure. 33 points. about two-thirds of 1%. the s&p -- i'm sorry, the nasdaq back with above 16,000, up almost 1%. just about gets rid of yesterday's loss, i think, in some part. there's big tech. meta, it's up, up $7, 1.6%. amazon, alphabet, apple -- just holding on at $170 a share. bitcoin, that's holding on to, what, $6,900. -- 66,900. the all-time high -- lauren: $69,202. can i bring manager up about yesterday? we hit a record high, it's
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amazing, but then we fell back down to $59,000. so you had this $10,000 swing in the price of bitcoin. that's volatility. folks are still in it today. stuart yeah. what about the bitcoin, the crypto-related companies? lauren: they should all be up. the miners like riot block cape, marathon, hook at -- microstrategy is up 11.5%. they're actually selling debt, so this software company could buy more bitcoin. stuart: really? lauren: they own 109,000 bitcoin. yeah. so with bitcoin being up again today, about to test new highs, lifting all the crypto players. stuart: terrific rally going off gray scale, that's the etherium company. i've got a piece of it. i was underwater for a long, long time -- lauren: right. on the blackrock one, monday if alone -- monday alone, this is the retail investor saying i've got a little money, why not put it into an e. if. stuart: cybersecurity, crowdstrike, they're already up
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150% in the last year -- lauren: that's a high. stuart: up again today, 17%. lauren: yep. stuart: that must have been a great report. lauren: well, remember some of -- like palo alto had a bad revenue forecast? crowdstrike said the opposite. they're to jekylling revenue -- projecting revenue will grow in 2024. that contrasts with some of their rivals although it is lifting all of them today. jpmorgan is calling crowdstrike one of the fastest growing companies that they cover. and we do have m&a. crowdstrike says it's in a deal to buy a competitor, flow security. stuart: okay. i'm interested in department stores because i no longer go in them. but nordstrom is way down. [laughter] lauren: no one's going into nordstrom. they're going into nordstrom rack, the discount chain. it's down 10%. they're saying sales this year could fall, they could fall 1-2%. they say the consumer is cautious. they're looking for a deal. they're opening the 26 new rack, the discount stores this year,
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no new nordstroms. when you look at same-store sales, today fell at namesake, rose almost 15% at rack. macy's is doing the opposite, opening more blooming dale cans, because that's where --. bloomingdale's, and nordstrom is saying the op9 sit. stuart: and target is opening 300 new scores. hawmp lauren very on brand and now a loyalty program that you pay for. stuart: look at box. that,s i believe, is a cloud storage a company, and they're partnering with missouri okay, what's the partnership? what are they doing? lauren: they're going to digitize and automate document storage. if you're a user, you could use artificial intelligence if thanks to openai, microsoft to analyze the documents you have stored in the cloud. they had full-year sales top a billion dollars for the first time and peck banding their buyback program -- expanding their buyback program. stuart: up goes the stock. happens all the time. another retailer, this is
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abercrombie and fitch. they reported earlier this morning. i guess it wasn't a great report. lauren: no, it was fine. it was fine. abercrombie & fitch is cool again, they really are. the stock quadrupled in 2023. it's up on the year. so this is nothing, this is a small pullback. the revenue mt. holiday quarter rose by 21%, but wall street greedy. it was the smallest margin beat in six quarters. so you know what? sorry, nvidia, you can't just quadruple every year and beat by, you know, a marathon. stuart: did you say wall street is greedy? if lauren lawyer yes. and and i said that positively. greed is good. stuart: remember that? if right. [laughter] openai's sam altman has fired back at elons musk over his lawsuit. can you bring me up to speed what this is all about in can you simplify this? lauren: i think this is a battle of egos and who should be the face of artificial intelligence. elon musk sued the founders of openai, and now openai is accomplishing e-mails that claim elon musk wanted three things,
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wanted openai to merge with tesla, wanted full control can of openai and eventually to be the ceo of opena airks. -- opena a i. stuart: that's what musk wanted. >> yes. that's what sam altman and greg brockman are saying. they're publishing the e-mails from a few years ago because they're contesting this lawsuit. they're all smart guys, we admire if all of them. at one time they were friends. i think this is about ego and who wants to be the public face of a.i -- lauren: like may musk said, fight not with your fists -- what did she said -- stuart: that was in the book. check that big board, still up about 200 points for the dow industrials. show me the winners, there are quite a few on the dow 30. salesforce is up 2%. intel is up 2%. and there's better than 1 gains for dow inc., honeywell and united health.
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s&p 500 winners at the top, cincinnati financial. hewlett-packard,ing campbell's soup, sighworks and -- [inaudible] robinson world with wide. nasdaq, crowdstrike, why not? $57 higher. amd, another chip maker up $7. i don't know that -- lauren: can't he you there. stuart: we're lost on that one. zscaler, not that one. 10-year treasury yield is down to 4.1%. the price of gold is up close to an all-time high, $2,150 an ounce. bitcoin, about $3,000 -- 2,000 away from its all-time record high but up this morning. the price of oil, is it at $80 yet? if no, $79.77. nat gas down below $2. 1.96 there. gasoline just keeps on creeping up in price. $3.38 for regular, and diesel, no change overnight, it's still at $4.05 per gallon. now, what's coming up?
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i'll tell you. trump says his personality is what kept us out of wars. watch this. >> right now we're not respected. right now our country is known as a joke. are remember when i had the debate with hillary clinton? she said, look, look at him, look at that personality. he's going to cause wars. i said, no, my personality is going to keep us out of wars, and that's what happened. [cheers and applause] stuart: that's an interesting perspective. lauren: never know what he's going to do. stuart: that's so true. christian whiton on that. researchers have found a new way to target parkinson's and ocd can. it's a remarkable study. dr. marc siegel is in. he'll describe it next. ♪
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out. stuart: 12 minutes into the session, the dow's up 150, the nasdaq also up close to 150 points. there has been, i don't know whether you heard about this, but a gigantic psycher attack on our -- cyber attack on our health care system. now the government's getting involved. tell me more. lauren: they have to, because you have providers that can't provide service because they haven't paid their taffe in two weeks. change health care is owned by unitedhealth. i bring that up because it was a deal two years ago, consolidation in the industry which serves as a vulnerability. this hack happened on february 21st, and still change health care systems are down. pharmacies cannot fill prescriptions, providers cannot get paid. the hack is being called the most significant and consequential incident against a health care system ever. and change health care reportedly paid the hackers $22 million. systems are still down. now health and human services is stepping up.
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they're pushing medicare contractors to provide flexible payment if terms telling providers, look, you can change your clearinghouse to fast track some of these claims pause the choice is for many centers patients or payroll. can you treat your, your patients if you don't have staff, if you can't pay your staff? stuart: good question. that's a nightmare. lauren: it is. almost two weeks. stuart: lauren, thanks very much. a new study using implanted electrodes was able to pin if point the parts of the brain responsible for cognitive disto orders like parkinson's, tourettes, ocd. dr. marc siegel with us. this is a discovery process, invalue, right? >> it's very exciting. it's coming out of harvard is. they are the implanting 534 electrodes in the brain to help you differentiate the different disorders that you were dimension -- diseases, par parkinson's or even obsessive
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compulsive disorder. it also goes through the center-front of the brain, something called the base ill gangly ya. all three of these disorders involve this area. with parkinson's, you're not making enough dopamine which is the neuro-creme call -- chemical that you need. if you could figure out exactly the pathway that this goes down, not the area of the brain, but the exact pathway, and you stimulate it, you could actually produce more done mean and get back on -- dopamine and get back on track. preliminary if results from the same study looks very good. and to the point that lauren was making before, guess who i think is going to be involved next in this? probably neurola link and -- tour tour rah rah link and elon musk is going to say, hey, let's use a brain and artificial intelligence to direct this. and by the way, one more thing about musk, i say to lauren he's going to win that high school
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bully fight because he always does. [laughter] so i think that you're going to see a combination of artificial intelligence, neuralink and these pathways to create treatments and cures. stuart: that is fascinating, doctor. i've got one more for your. -- you. another study found long covid may be responsible for bad or worsening hangovers. what is the connection between covid and a hangover? if. >> i think it's inflammation. i think -- this was a study out of stanford that was only done in four a patients, but i've seen this in my practice. people that have a problem with hangovers get a lot of infrom a nation in mare if bodies, headaches, joint ache, fatigue. you're if getting the same thing with long covid, and i think it's the blood-brain barrier breaks down with long covid and chemicals and inflammatory for chem corrals -- dem calls -- chemicals get into the brain. this is pretty dramatic. i said four patients, but one of them said i never had hangovers before, but suddenly i had covid
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and i can't drink a drop without having this reaction. it's a combination of the immune system breaking down and infrom a nation in the -- inflammation in the body that both with alcohol sensitivity and long covid share. so it's good that we're starting to report on this. it'll get better probably over time, but with you may not get back to the seven drinks a day the woman was drinking. mine, maybe one glass of wine before dinner or is enough. stuart: seven drinks a day, i would figure that's quite a lot of alcohol, right? >> yeah. it's not good for you, that's for sure. >>. stuart: what's a reasonable amount of alcohol for anyone? >> well, i mean, look, alcohol -- the latest studies are showing that no alcohol good for you. you know, in the '80s and '90s we said, well, a glass of wine relaxes the blood vessels. it's good for you in the sense that it may decrease stress and calm you to have a drink before dinner, especially if those grapes come from the trees on your farm, stuart.
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but seriously, no amount of alcohol is good, but i think a drink a day if you're healthy and young and vital and exercise and drink a lot of water is probably fine. but not seven drinks. alcohol is a toxin. stuart: let me straighten you out on something here. you don't get a hangover after drinking varney wine unless you have 10 is or 12 bottles of it or something. dr. siegel or, you're all right, and we will see you again very soon, i do trust. >> i can't wait to have varney if wine. i want to taste it. thank you, stuart. stuart: i'll bring one in for you. i can do that. do you want red or white? >> red, of course. stuart: oh, of course. then it will be yours. [laughter] doctor, it'll be in tomorrow in my office. see you tomorrow. and he can give me a blood test too. [laughter] more warnings about the dangers of sweeted drink -- sweetened. >> drinks. lauren: what about coca-cola? if you drink the equivalent of six 12-ounce cans of soda a week, the american heart association finds you could increase your risk of developing
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a heart condition by as much as 20%. that's irregular heartbeat and it is a common cause of stroke. afib increases the risk of stroke fivefold. stuart: i'll be aware of that. lauren: that's a lot of sugar -- actually, not really, one a day. stuart: that's not much. there's something wrong with everything, isn't there? if. coming up, nikki haley is dropping out of the presidential race. she'll give remarks at the top of the hour k and you will see those remarks. the men's basketball tam at dartmouth voted to become the first unionized college squad in the country. it could change college sports. a report on that is next. ♪ ♪ i hike the way you dribble up and down the court ♪ ♪
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stuart: in an historic election are, the dartmouth men's basketball team voted to become the first unionized squad in the country. madison alworth with me this morning. why did the players say they want to union onnice? >> reporter: for pay and
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better health care benefits for when they get injuries on the court. and at the heart of this move, which is a big one in college sports, is the issue of whether college athletes should be considered employees of the university. now, according to the national labor relation ares board they said they could be, that's why this vote was allowed to move if forward yesterday. now, dartmouth disagree requests heavily with this decision. they could fight the issue up through the supreme court. it's one of these several challenges that is facing the ncaa's longstanding view i that college athletes are not professionals. we reached out to the ncaa, and they said, quote, the ncaa is making changes to deliver more benefits to student-athletes including guaranteed health care and guaranteed scholarships. the ncaa and student-athlete leadership from all three divisions agree that college athletes should not be forced into an employment model. the association believes changing college sports is long overdue and is pursuing significant reforms. now, the ncaa, they can't do
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this alone. and what you're seeing there in that statement is that they don't agree with this move. that's the overall move. this is the first school to i unionize, but it might not be the last. more than one-third of d i schools are private which meanses they can unionize if they want to. dartmouth did, they voted to unionize. the dominoes could fall beyond that. this also potentially has an impact of title ix. that aims to protect equality in college sports. it usually applies to the number of athletes, things like that, but it also applies to finances which up to this point has meant if spending on -- sports, financial aid, but in this case it could also apply to salaries. >> you would think it'd have to be some share of female athletes receiving compensation to balance this from the time ix perspective. that's still to be determines, but that's one of the next domino, i think, to fall. >> reporter: college athletes
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can financially benefit from their role on the team with name, image and likeness deals, n if il deals, but those types of contracts are given to huge stars like eli manning's son, arch, who plays in college right now. these kids don't often go to play in the big leagues, sos this is a way they could pursue compensation. stuart: we all pursue compensation, do we not? >> reporter: that, we do. stuart: still ahead, we're moments away from nikki haley saying she's dropping her white house bid. liz peek will be here to react to that. will trump be able to convince hale wily voters to back him? what will it take? i'll ask martha maccallum. biden says it will be very dangerous if there's no ceasefire in gaza by ramadan. christian whiton takes that a one on. the 10:00 hour is next. ♪ -- let the good ones go. ♪ i always a let the good ones go ♪
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