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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 6, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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stuart: finally, i guess that is a link to the likelihood of nikki haley dropping out of the race. the producers are saying it. 10:00 eastern. literally any moment nikki haley will deliver remarks in charleston, south carolina. she's going to end her presidential campaign. she's not excited to endorse donald trump but instead encourage him to earn the support of republican and independent voters. while we wait, look at the markets. it's wednesday morning and i see green, markets coming back a little bit. the dow is up 200. now we are up 150. the 10 year treasury yield, 4.10%.
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gas prices inching up of course, bitcoin 66, 65,900. the all time high, a great move. it is possible we will get to that high quickly. the latest read on job openings. >> it was a little bit less than the expectation. the december number was 9 million. it is a tight labor market. more people in the information sector. fewer people quitting real estate. work that one out. stuart: thanks.
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on the left-hand side of the screen, nikki haley, waiting for her to remove herself from the gop race. liz peek with me. obvious question, what would it take for donald trump to win the votes of nikki haley voters? how does he get those votes because he needs them? liz: he could be pleasant to nikki haley. they had a personality clash and they got nasty towards each other but other than that it isn't like nikki haley had a great policy platform at odds with donald trump. a lot of people criticized her for not coming out with a lot of policy ideas that were different from donald trump or were geared to making feel better about their prospects under her presidency. she went after biden and trump on age, talked about how trump was an agent of chaos.
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he's not going to have a personality makeover to accommodate, for haley voters, that's the decision, november. -- confusion. [applause] >> good morning. i launched my campaign for president a year ago. the campaign was grounded in my love for our country. just last week, my mother, a first-generation immigrant got to vote for her daughter for president. only in america. i'm filled with gratitude for the outpouring of support we received from all across our
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great country. the time has now come to suspend my campaign. i said i wanted americans to have their voices heard. i have done that. i have no regrets. although i will no longer be a candidate, i will not start using my voice for the things i believe in. the national debt will eventually crush our economy. a small federal government is not only necessary for our freedom. it is necessary for our survival. the road to socialism is the road to ruin for america. our congress is dysfunctional and only getting worse. it is filled with followers, not leaders. term limit for washington politicians needed now more than ever. our world is on fire because of america's retreat. standing by our allies in ukraine, israel, and taiwan, is
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a moral imperative, but it is more than that. if we retreat further, there will be more, not less. as important, while we stand strong for because of freedom, we must bind together as americans. we must turn away from the darkness, hatred, and division. i was going to promote all those values as is the right of every american. in our great country, being a private citizen is privilege enough in itself and that's a privilege i very much look forward to. in all likelihood, donald trump will be the republican nominee when our party convention meets in july. i congratulate him and wish him well. i wish anyone well who would be america's president bashar countries too precious to let our differences divide us.
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i have always been a conservative republican and always supported the republican nominee. but on this question, as she did on so many others, margaret thatcher provided some good advice when she said, quote, never just follow the crowd. always make up your own mind to. it is now up to donald trump to earn the votes in our party and beyond it who did not support him and i hope he does that. at its best, politics is about bringing people into your cause, not turning them away. our conservative cause badly needs more people. this is now his time for choosing. i end my campaign with the same words i began on, from the book of joshua. i direct them to all americans, but especially to so many of the men and girls put their
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faith in our campaign. be strong and courageous. do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, god will be with you wherever you go. in this campaign i have seen our country's greatness, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. god bless you. [applause] stuart: nikki haley is out of the race and that was a statesmanlike statement if i can put it like that. cool, calm, collected and sincere. she said she wishes trump well, she quoted margaret thatcher, never just follow the crowd. it is up to trump to earn the votes to get him into the white house. it is trump's call.
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liz: it was a very good speech and certainly opens the door on reconciliation between nikki haley and donald trump. she didn't say i am not going to endorse them, she didn't specifically endorse him, but think about the things she talked about, term limits are great but that is never going to happen. getting rid of hatred and division, president biden promised to do that and has gotten nowhere. our country is very divided. it would be great to get rid of it but that doesn't mean very much. the one thing i think she called out she probably would question trump on his standing with our allies. there has been a lot of noise about remarks about inviting vladimir putin to invade a western country and dado country if they don't pay their 2%. that was overblown. he has stood by our allies for all his bluster. what was his real message to nato? defense, we will be with you as a partner. i don't think even there she is that far afield.
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i think the other issue, she didn't raise finally, was abortion. one of the reasons she got a lot of traction in the campaign for women and girls is because they viewed her as having a more moderate position on abortion. and credit important because democrats are going to run on that and they have run on that very successfully painting republicans as extremists. here is something that got 0 attention, donald trump came out with america's position on abortion which is allow it up to 16 weeks, that's what goes on in europe, that is what he would favor and that was painted, the headlines were trump wants to ban abortion, yes, after 16 weeks except for rape, incest, and the health of the mother. it is as open a position as a republican can take, he took it and he could work with nikki haley to form an abortion
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platform that would work nationally and if it really, democrats are the extremists on abortion. in new york allowing abortions up through nine months without a doctor having to sign off on it. that is something they could work together on. stuart: last point i want to make is if nikki haley wants a political future she has to make up with donald trump because it is his party. liz: i agree and 50% of republican supporting donald trump, i agree with you even if he's not in the next election cycle, there are going to be a lot of angry people if she never comes on board. stuart: thank you for your timely commentary. looking at the markets, still in the green, the nasdaq is up 40 one points. it had been up a hundred and
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the dow is up 145, had been close to 200. show me bitcoin, last time we checked, it was 66,000. are you prepared to say this is a new boom market? >> great to be with you. i think it is official that we can say welcome to the new bull market in crypto and metals. we look around the world on right now, our own stock markets, all time highs with the s&p, and the nasdaq. look around the world even the nikkei in japan is at an all-time high. now gold and bitcoin hit all-time highs simultaneously. they are positioned for the future in a positive way. a lot of sentiment is going that way, don't seem to give
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everyone the peace that the bull market will go on forever. stuart: the all-time highs 60,202. you 60,202. you think it gets to that market quickly? >> we will get to that mark and finish it before it takes place in april. that is a big deal. stuart: thank you for joining us. see you soon. donald trump blames president biden's weakness for the mores and ukraine and gaza. trump says if he is elected his personality will keep us out of wars. later in the show. hezbollah launched a large-scale attack against northern israel following dozens of rockets, cease-fire talks on the table. trey yingst from tel aviv next. don't let student loan debt hold you back.
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fast reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. stuart: hezbollah fired, shot down by israeli forces. the latest please. trey:good morning. it appears cease-fire talks in cairo are stalled but it comes as we learn hezbollah launched new attacks against israel overnight. you see in this video dozens of rockets being fired over the northern border, some intersected buyers relapse defense system, the iron dome, others into the ground below. this attack comes as is relapse defense ministry met yesterday with the us special envoy to discuss a path forward. hezbollah's aggression is
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bringing us closer to a critical point in decision-making around political activities. the defense minister noted israel is open to the dramatic process. these developed with lebanon as we are learning about a houthi attack from yemen the targeted an american destroyer in the red sea. according to central command, the uss carney shot down missiles and drones that were launched at it yesterday. they expect to continue as the war continues inside gaza. there's a delegation of israelis headed to cairo to continue those talks, hoping to get a deal before a holiday of ramadan starts this weekend. stuart: thanks very much. just a few moments ago you saw nikki haley drop out of the gop race for the presidency. we received a response from biden on nikki haley suspending her campaign.
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>> nikki haley was going to speak the truth about donald trump, donald trump made clear he didn't want nikki haley supporters but i do. both of them might need to court a percentage of the vote she did get. stuart: waiting for something in response to donald trump. we got haley, biden, looking for trump. lauren: trump's statement will be important. it will show, he hasn't attacked her recently. there's an olive branch extended by her concession. how does he pick up on it and can they unite? stuart: he has got to unite with her if she wants a political future. we will see what trump has got to say. donald trump says the world will respect america again when he is reelected. watch this. >> we are not respected. are country is known as a joke,
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it's a joke. the leaders i speak to, other leaders can't believe what happened to us. three years ago we were the most respected country anywhere in the world by far. when i had the debate with hillary clinton, she said look at that personality, he's going to cause wars. i said my personality will keep us out of wars. stuart: christian widen joining me now. did trump's personality keep us out of wars? >> it did because it was backed up by real things. this is a problem with the presidential campaigns, you have to simplify simple 5 simplify. eisenhower didn't give a detailed plan how he was going to end the korean war. he said i will go to korea. same with reagan, didn't give a detailed plan how to bring about the demise of the soviet union, he laid out some of the agenda he had, building up the military, ending détente, confronting the soviet union
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and trump has put a little detailing what he would do but pretty vague about ukraine, russia, unequivocally in support of israel generally but his personality backed up by the us military and willingness to use it sparingly but decisively when necessary. stuart: look at the other side of the coin. has biden, not his personality but the biden administration, has he caused wars? >> definitively. taylor: in afghanistan was a green light to putin for what he's doing and ukraine. and xi xinping not just causing trouble with taiwan. war in the pacific may not start in taiwan but the china sea with the philippines, low intensity conflict. bad guys see a week, distracted biden and iranians know they are pushing on an open door.
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against iran, opens the door, giving them $5 billion for six hostages and we see this with hezbollah and israel as you mentioned and what is going on in gaza. stuart: president biden called for a cease-fire in gaza. >> president biden: if you get into circumstance through ramadan, it could be very dangerous. stuart: did he use that word? cease-fire? because he's worried about these uncommitted voters that keep popping up in primaries all over the place? because he -- he is sticking with israel. is a saying cease-fire because you wants those voters back? >> cease-fire means a end to the war on hamas's turns.
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under too much pressure, when the muslim votes stays home, doesn't have too not poker trump, just not vote for biden. that could be decisive. if biden is pushed aside, moving into a democrat convention, in the 1968, when the party was torn apart by foreign policy. there's real turmoil in the democratic party. stuart: i find this story interesting. the veterans affairs department has reversed its plan to ban the iconic world war ii kissing sailor photograph on the left-hand side of the screen. why was it going to be banned in the first place? ashley: it is a whole new level of political correctness.
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a memo from rima nelson, the va's top operations official told employees to properly remove any depictions of that famous photograph and replace it with imagery deemed more appropriate. as part of a memo that was put out, the photograph that depicts a nonconsensual act is inconsistent with the va's no tolerance policy toward sexual harassment and assault. the photo taken in august of 1945 in times square is americans celebrated japan's surrender at the end of world war ii. just hours after the memo was issued, the va secretary, dennis mcdonagh took to social media and reversed the ban immediately. va officials say the memo should not have been sent out in the first place. stuart: can you believe that? good story. well told. the house covid panel, there is such a think the has issued a
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subpoena of new york governor cuomo. republicans say cuomo failed to cooperate in their investigation to the state's nursing home deaths. we have that story. the governor of alaska say president biden is holding back his state when it comes to energy production. how are they holding it back? governor mike dunleavy is next.
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stuart: almost 10:30 eastern time. the latest in politics, quite a day, nikki haley is out. she suspended her campaign and congratulated trump and told him he has to work to win over her voters. we got a response from biden. tell me about that. lauren: he says nikki haley was willing to speak the truth about donald trump, that chaos follows him and he thinks donald trump made clear he didn't want nikki haley's supporters but the biden campaign does. stuart: we are still waiting
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for trump's response was we accept something soon. as soon as we get you will get it. lahren is looking at the market. look at tesla. 176. lauren: it is up 13%. adam jonas at morgan stanley said tesla price cuts are not working, they hurting, tesla could lose money, he cut his price target. it was 345, he cut it to 320. we are just getting this. a story in the new york times the trump was meeting with elon musk, he needed his money. he needs to pay his legal fees. now we are hearing from elon musk, he says i'm not donating to either campaign. is not donating to biden's camp, he's not donating to trump's camp. i bought the border would be the issue that pooled musk into trump's camp because musk has said what's going on on the border, the democrats are letting them in to buy votes. thought that could have done it but he's keeping his money
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dried. stuart: powder dry is the expression. can you put target on the screen please? i think that is a new all-time high, 175. lauren: that money is not dry. it searching. 2 ° today, deutsche bank says stocks going to 206 and then membership club. target is becoming like walmart and amazon with the subs and promo price, $50 a year you get these perks, that the way they can keep customers spending money. stuart: we have not yet today quoted nvidia but we are about to. 882, the only magnificent seven stock the tire. lauren: the bloodbath. 889 is the record and it hit out of "the opening bell". a lot of chipmakers in today. super supermicro, they make the ai servers, price target hiked
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to $1300 a share up one thousand% in the past 52 weeks. the ai sentiment, the trade is back after a breather yesterday. stuart: i know a lot of people got into nvidia. thanks. take a look at this. gas prices up $0.24 a gallon from a month ago. jeff flock is in philadelphia. our prices excited to rise more? we are headed into spring. >> reporter: you've been down this road before. in answer to your question multiple analysts say will go up more than it goes down again. as you point out, $3.38 is the national average is that's where we are in philadelphia, age i am more than it was a week ago, quarter more than it was a month ago.
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the worst offenders, the usual suspects in california, a buck and 1/2 over the national average. why? it is cyclical. this time of the year. oil prices rising today, almost up to $80 a barrel but last i checked it looks like we are getting their up 2% today up over the past three months and in answer to your question, the oil analyst says it will go higher before it goes lower. >> gasoline prices rise another 5 or $0.07 a gallon the next couple weeks. the good news is they are returning for seasonal maintenance and that will add to supply. gasoline inventories are up 2% higher than last year. >> reporter: speaking of
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production, we make a lot of president biden's war on oil, he's doing as well as the russians are ukraine. in november the us set an all-time record for oil production, 13.319 million barrels, the same in december as well. that is a labor problem. we are producing more than he produced during his presidency. and -- stuart: the climate crowd all over him if he said we've got 13 million barrels a day. look who is here now, the governor of alaska, mike dunn
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leavy, and and it is at a record high. >> npr, the national petroleum reserve established by president harding, was there for oil production, 13 million acres of that is restricted for oil exploration and development, offshore oil, it's not going to happen in the arctic and the national wildlife refuge, it is supposed to be for oil and gas exploration under the jobs act passed under donald trump in 2017, it was open for leasing, small number of leases were purchased and they were unilaterally canceled by the biden administration. we are suing the administration. we are where the major fines could be, this administration is doing that. stuart: why am i not surprised?
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senator josh valley wants biden to slap a 25% tariff on all battery, solar and wind energy components imported from china. you agree with that? >> we should be focused more on developing a number of these minerals and elements in america where we have them. the issue of allowing china to do these things for us, national securities offshore as well not to mention jobs and wealth. for example in alaska, 49 of 50 metals in alaska. huge copper fines, impacted by the by that been a straight and's policies against oil production in alaska. i like what josh hawley is doing. we wish it didn't have to happen. i'm a free market guy. alaska is suffering but many bad actors overseas getting a break from this administration. we have more sanctions on less
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than iran has on them from this administration. stuart: you've got the stuff in alaska but you know how to get it. you are a guest of arkansas senator john bozeman. i bet you will be looking at the president's mental and physical abilities as much as anything else. am i right? >> we all age differently. i had a chance to meet the president on two occasions, i would say donald trump is fit for office. stuart: we should leave it right there. you are diplomat too. see you soon. coming up. a confused looking biden avoided questions from reporters during an event at the white house. >> president biden: better not start the questions. i will get in trouble.
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stuart: who is the president going to get in trouble with is the question to ask. presumably the real president. colombia national on the terror watch list crossed the border in eagle pass, texas after a week before trump's visit. griffin jenkins has the story from the border next. everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle.
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individuals crossing the southern border including where i am standing. let's go up in the air to the fox grown. sources confirm to fox news on february 21st, a week 21, a week and a day prior to trump's visit a kentucky national was apprehended by dps, was a positive match to the terror watch list. the terror organization was not named and for context majority of colombians remember is of the guerrilla group of the front. the fact remains terrorists who crossed the southern border this fiscal year, this adds one more. compared to 2,019 there were twee 0, 2,020, only three. national border control council president brandon judd had this to say. >> in the past everybody would be outraged, now it is like this happens all the time. that is frustrating because that destabilizes everything we are trying to do on the border. >> reporter: out west a family
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washington state morning after christopher gatton, father of a -- 27 years old, father of a 2-year-old killed last saturday allegedly by a mexican national, ice confirms to fox 33-year-old raul santana is charged in vehicular homicide, ice place to detainer on him. he has a rap sheet of prior convictions in the us that includes domestic violence, possession of marijuana and a bunch of traffic offenses dating back ten years. back out here a stark reminder of the humanitarian crisis 30 minutes ago, we watched as mexican officials across the river where we are pulling a body out of the river. that is a treacherous situation in the southern border. stuart: it never stops. thank you very much. the governor of arizona just vetoed a bill called the alien invasion act. what would this bill have done?
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ashley: would have authorized police in arizona to arrest illegal immigrants making it a felony for illegal migrants who cross the border after being deported as well as those were to leave the state but refused to comply but democratic governor katie hobbs vetoed the gop sponsored bill saying the legislation was anti-immigrant and likely unconstitutional. take a listen. >> reporter: anti-immigrant legislation to score cheap political points has no place in our state. today, i am delivering on my promise in vetoing senate bill 1231. this bill does not secure our border. on the contrary, it will be harmful for communities and businesses in our state and a burden for law enforcement personnel. i know there's frustration by the federal government's failure to secure the border but this bill is not the solution. ashley: the veto was slammed by
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arizona republicans who said the border crisis has led to a spike in crime from human smuggling to child sex trafficking, rapes, murders, drug trafficking, fentanyl overdoses and high-speed chases. not apparently interested in passing this bill, says the democratic governor of arizona. stuart: seattle is set to clear out a homeless encampment. where will all the people go? the governor of oregon will sign a bill rolling back decarbonization of hard drugs. that another complete reversal. msnbc after joy read says republicans are not voting based on the economy, but racial animus. ♪
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stuart: msnbc's joy read claims or publicans are voting on race, not the economy. watch this. >> republican voters don't vote
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based on economics or the benefits they are getting economically from the president. they are, from the tea party on, voting on race, this idea of an invasion of brown people over the border, the idea they can't get whatever the job they want, black person got it so drive the blacks out of colleges, get rid of dei. that's what they are voting on. they are just voting specifically on racial animus, it isn't about economics. stuart: did you hear that. it is not economics, it's race. >> it's about immigration to someone like joy read, she's a racist so all she sees and looks for is reason to call her political adversaries racist. is creating not just resentment but it will backfire on that. the only reason they care about is that, at the same time we
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see crime after crime after crime being committed by illegal immigrants, right here in washington the story earlier, washington state trooper who ended up getting killed by an illegal immigrant. though i hate that person because he is brown or do we reason that person and want to vilify that person because they committed and alleged murder? that's the difference. at the end of the day people will see through all of this and it will backfire. stuart: seattle is set to clear out a homeless encampment near the city center. my question is what do we do with all the people? >> the honest answer is around the block. and every person who lives at this particular encampment, everyone has access to a bed, they live out on the street.
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everyone there is eager to stay on the street. a lot of them have said they go into detox, not just up to the city to help connect them with it. and they've been out there working directly and already got some of them to a degree, not just into detox for the first time, but reconnect with family members. unfortunately has to be wrapped up to private volunteers. stuart: it's a small scale. did you say 17 people in this encampment, hard to deal with it on a bigger scale. lawmakers in oregon rollback decriminalization of hard drugs. a surge in overdose deaths. that's a complete reversal. >> different from one hundred 10 passed by 60% of the voters in the state to effectively
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legalize drugs. they drag their feet and reverse course. you created over the course of the last few years and even worse drug problem. a culture of lawlessness on the streets. now that it is illegal again, we get these people off the streets, you don't have a police force necessary to do this. it's a step in the right direction and sends a message, ultimately it isn't going to be handled for the next few years. stuart: thank you very much. martha mccallum on whether trump can win over nikki haley's voters now that she's out of the race. indiana senator mike brown on who he things will succeed mitch mcconnell who by the way
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has just endorsed trump. john levine on trump vowing to make a heavy play in the deep blue state of new york. 11:00 hour of "varney and company" is next. ♪ ♪ (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪)
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>> the time has now come to suspend my campaign. it is now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him, and i hope he does that. this is now his time for choosing. >> and it certainly opens the door i would say for reconciliation between nikki haley and donald trump; right. she didn't say i'm not going to endorse him. she didn't specifically endorse him. >> it's a mayor problem for him and in part he doesn't have something to excite that base the same way trump can with a solid vp choice. he's banked in with kamala and no


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