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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 6, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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>> the time has now come to suspend my campaign. it is now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him, and i hope he does that. this is now his time for choosing. >> and it certainly opens the door i would say for reconciliation between nikki haley and donald trump; right. she didn't say i'm not going to endorse him. she didn't specifically endorse him. >> it's a mayor problem for him and in part he doesn't have something to excite that base the same way trump can with a solid vp choice. he's banked in with kamala and not getting rid of her.
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>> the things that are working are working in spite of his policies but in fact he's trying to blame us for everything from inflation to afghanistan. stuart: i like this song. okay. let's get on with it. lots of news today. moving on swiftly, it's 11:00 eastern time, wednesday, march 6. it's a huge day in politics and also the markets doing well too. look at this, plenty of green, dow industrials up nearly 200 and nasdaq up 120 point-blank layupses. of course they were down a lot more than that yesterday, modest bounce today. big tech all down yesterday and mostly up today except for apple, look at that. apple has dropped below 170, 169 on app and will 161, 10-year treasury yield down to 4.10%.
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got that. breaking last hour, nikki haley suspending her presidential campaign and has not endorsed donald trump. grady trimble joins me. grady, president biden has responded. have we seen anything yet from mr. trump? reporter: yes, wea we're hearinm both of them after haley announced she's leaving the race and posting on truth social trump is welcoming her supporters into the fold and thanks family and friends to help me produce by far the most successful super tuesday in history and would further like to invite all the haley supporters to join the greatest movement in the history of our nation. in her speech, haley said she'll keep fighting for causes she believes in. as you point out, she did not endorse former president trump. here is what she did say about him. >> i congratulate him and wish him well. i wish anyone well who would be america's president.
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it is now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him. i hope he does that. at its best, politics is about bringing people into your cause, not turning them away. reporter: we got instantaneous reaction from president biden. he too is calling haley supporters saying nikki haley was willing to speak the truth about trump and the chaos that follows him and his inability to see right from wrong and cowering from sad linn putin and went onto say donald trump made it clear he doesn't want nikki haley supporters and i want to be clear there is a place it in my campaign. throughout the primary process haley was pointing to voters she did win, in some states 20, 30, 40% of gop primary vote saying this shows an appetite for an alternative to trump. we know there are some haley supporters who will never vote for former president trump in
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november, but the question is will they vote for biden, sit out the general election entirely, or is it possible president trump can bring them back into the fold by november? long time between now and then, stu. stuart: lots of questions to be answered. all right, grady, thanks very much indeed. look who's here. someone who knows a lot about politics and right in the middle of the action. this is martha mccal lum from fox -- maccallum from fox news. great day to be here. >> it's a very important day, and nikki haley should be proud of the campaign she ran. she advanced to a further level than any women in a republican race in history. i think that's something for her to be really proud of. she also racked up pretty good numbers along the way. none of them were obviously big enough to -- as trump said in his own statement, he trounced her last night. it's a fair read on what happened last night. obviously donald trump is the candidate that the majority of
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conservative republicans want. i think he's been in people's system for a long time, he's not out of their system yet. they want more of him on the conservative republican side of the fence, and they want him to finish the job that he started four years ago. stuart: if nikki haley wants a political future, she has to make up with donald trump because it's his party, he runs it and he's running in election. >> i think that's very true, and i think that's what you're seeing this morning. mitch mcconnell endorsed the former president, we know there's been not a lot of love lost between the two of them, senator john thune endorsed donald trump. i do think that they rush look, this is the way politics works, somebody wins and either you get on the team with them or you sit it out. now she said she is looking forward to being a private citizen, maybe she should sit out. maybe she sits back. she's said she doesn't think he with win the general election. but if she and trump find their way back together, it's possible that they could work together.
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she does have some leverage. she's got a fair number of voters out there that support her. in a crossover and some independents but the trump philosophy has never been about bringing in moderates. it's always been about expanding the base, and we are seeing expansion in very interesting areas. we're seeing them among hispanic voters, among black voters and they may look al these equations and say we're going to expand the base into areas where we see people coming to us already. and get across the finish line in battleground states that way. we'll see. stuart: if trump were to change his language, change the tone, a few less insults, would that help him expand the base? if he doesn't expand the base, he doesn't win. >> have you ever tried to change your grandfather or, you know, i feel like if we had a dime for every time someone said this; right. i used to say, just like 5%. just shaved off 5% of the -- then he wouldn't be who he is;
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right. he gets away with saying things that no politician has ever been able to get away with in the history of politics and he continues to, you know, to do well. to win in these races so he is who he is. i don't think anyone should expect him to change. i don't think that he's going to reach out to moderates in a huge way. remember he was asked what are you gone to do to reach suburban women and she said have a great economy. i think for some of them between safety and economy, they may come around if they feel like it's going to be that or biden. stuart: if they dorks he wins. >> absolutely. stuart: he does. president biden, he is dismissing several polls that show him losing to trump. watch this. roll it. >> what's your message to democrats who are concerned about your poll numbers? >> my poll numbers, the last five polls i'm winning. five, five in a row.
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go to the new york times, they're a great paper. stuart: not sure i can explain all that. why don't you try. >> to be accurate, there's many polls that show them with a two point spread that is inside the margin of error. that would be an accurate statement. that is not most of the polling has them within the margin of error and what happened last night with the understanding that donald trump will be the nominee for the gop party will eight hours fight a fire storm on the other side. think about, you know, you think that people lost it last time around, they're going to this is going to be an enormous
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electoral bat and will machines firing up for 2020 and slump got more votes than in 2016 but he got viewer votes than joe biden and they understood how to fire up voters and they tried within the laws of the election and election politics and more. stuart: you're right in the middle and i love it. >> we'll be in dc tomorrow to cover that and i'm looking forward to it. stuart: watching you at 3:00 p.m. eastern. >> i'll be there. stuart: yes, you will. thank you, martha. donald trump thinks the stock market is doing well because his poll numbers are better than biden's. watch this. >> if you look back over the history of hundreds of years back it's called a country buster and that's what it's doing to our country. what's happened with inflation has been unbelievable and a lot
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of experts say the stock market is the only thing doing well and that's because our poll numbers are so much higher than joe biden's. stuart: perfect time to bring in mark tepper who happens to be with me for the hour by the way. do you give any credit to donald trump for this market rally? >> i done. i'll call fiction on that one. what i will say is there's a lot of things happening under the surface but i'll give credit to trump for. one of the research firms we utilize, they put together two different baskets of stocks and a basket of stocks that would benefit in the event of a trump victory and then a basket that would benefit in the event of biden victory and going back to september of last year, that trump basket has outperformed by about 20%. i don't know that trump is responsible for the plus 7% grains in the broad market but things happening in the other market that's pretty remarkable. stuart: that's original
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thinking. what are you doing here? next one issue the markets, check them please. green all over the place this morning. fed chair powell is testifying on capitol hill. he says the fed won't rush to cut rates. he wants to see more confidence on inflation first. that sounds kind of neutral, but it looks like the market likes what he's saying. >> this is called selective hearing. investors are hearing what they want to hear, which is not what i've heard, not what any of us have heard. jay powell, he's going to be very cautious and calculated. he's said over the course of the last few weeks the fed is going to be in no rush to cut. i mean, we just saw inflation data begin to kind of reaccelerate and month over month and 4.8 president annualized and that's not where we're heading and i do believe the momentum of where the market is going. stuart: come n lauren.
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palantir. lauren: it's a data maker and up 9% and won u.s. army contract for project tighten. a battlefield system using artificial intelligence. palantir is providing it called first army defined ground vehicle and contract worth $178.74 million. stuart: that's fascinating. foot locker. lauren: down 29%. they reported a holiday sale, a loss in the holiday quarter. weak guidance for this year, and the now pushing, there's a turn around plan and it's not working. they're pushing their profitability target back by two years. their ceo came from ulta. ulta is a great store and have right products and getting the young girls and she was supposed to do what she did to ulta to foot locker and investors not convinced. stuart: thank you, lauren. coming up, some black business owners say their sure they could support biden again in 2024. inflation is killing them.
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we have that story. we've gotten -- we have heard that college degrees are no longer financially worth it but now data shows that's not the case. we'll break it down for you. donald trump reportedly met with elon musk over the weekend and musk says he's not contributing to either side. we'll bring you the latest on that after that. ♪ so, you have diabetes, and your glucose is heading low. [ alert sound ] dexcom g7, the most accurate cgm, can alert you before you go too low. now, that's more peace of mind with dexcom g7.
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♪ ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..."
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so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. stuart: paving the way for donald trump's nomination after haley suspended her campaign.
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brian y illenes in palm beach. what's the reports president trump meeting with elon musk. >> yeah, trump believes they can be competitive against president bide anne donovan a lot more stakes like minnesota and virginia. in order to compete nationwide like that, the campaign needs more money. the new york types reporting that billionaire elon musk and other wealthy donors met with former president trump here in palm beach on sunday to try and raise more money for the campaign. even though musk posts and his comments have been anti-biden, musk posted this morning "just to be super clear, i am not donating money to either candidate for u.s. president"president biden is democrats have $80 million crash on hand, twice as much as republicans and former president trump do. now, trump won 14 out of 15 states on super tuesday and now
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has 995 delegates. the former president could reach the 1215 delegates needed to officially secure the republican nomination as early as march 19th. this morning, trump responded to haley's decision to drop out posting this on truth social "nikki haley got trounced last night in record-setting fashion, and i would further like to invite all of the haley supporters to join the greatest movement in the history of our nation. biden is the enemy, he is destroying our country. make america great again". last night trump said it is time for republicans and the country to unit. >> we have a great republican party with tremendous talent and we want to have unity and we're going to have unity, and it's going to happen very quickly. i've been saying lately success will bring unity to our country. >> and an active unity, stuart,
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mitch mcconnell endorsed former president trump this morning saying it's abundantly clear republican voters want him to be the nominee. stuart: thank you. i'm bringing in senator mike braun from the great state of indiana. i'm throwing something at you that just came up, a meeting of no labels people on friday of this week. the obvious question is would nikki haley become a third party candidate? will she be a spoiler? if she does have the race and there's a third party, who loses: biden or trump? i'm throwing this at you and you're not prepared for this one but you're a smart guy, handle it. >> well, you better be prepared for that dynamic, and i think if nikki haley did do that, she has burned the bridge of being a republican of any relevance down the road. when mitch mcconnell can do two and two very quickly getting behind trump, we need that from haley as well.
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if she would do that, that would throw the election to biden so i don't think she'll go there. that would be my prediction. i'm just wanting her to come on board asap because the case is so clear, stu, of what was working predieden. i don't need to mention it and we do it all the time on your show. the lists of things going wrong in the country and politically speaking, mitch coming along is good and they'll spend two times as much money to get biden reelected and did that in the clinton trump election and there's going to be a broad support off the grid again that's sick and tired of seeing what's happening in this country that'll be there for trump as well. stuart: another curve ball. donald trump's going to be the republican candidate. who does he face in november in your opinion? will it be biden or a different democrat?
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>> i think it'll be biden unless he sun able to be there and then i think it goes real quickly into a very weak bench, and i think that bench will probably be coming from california. that would be medium sounds my guess, but i -- my guess but i think if he's there, it'll be him. i don't think they'll go after him unless the polls absolutely plummet. they're cut throat when it cops to ping this place in their control. i wouldn't put anything beyond them. that would be my best guess. stuart: in 30 seconds, can you tell me who you favor to replace mitch mcconnell as leader of the republicans in the senate? >> number one, i want someone like 15 of the last 17 senators that have come into this place since '18 when rick scott and i got here, somebody that's ideally signed the front side of a paycheck, w would be willing e
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reform the system and rick scott would be really good. i'm waiting for him to throw his hat in the ring. stuart: fat nating. senator braun, you've covered a lot for us. thank you very much. good to see you. >> you bet. stuart: house covid panel, there's such a thing, issued a and sr. former new york governor cuomo. ashley, this has got to be about the covid deaths in nursing homes i presume? ashley: yes, it does. cuomo being subpoenaed for closed door deposition to cooperate with a probe into the covid-19 nursing home policies. the house committee is looking into cuomo's must admit order, which said back at the time that nursing homes could not turn away patients who tested positive for covid-19 as long as they were medically stable. the facilities also prohibited from requiring hospitalized residents to be tested for the virus before their admission or readmission to nursing homes. the move was meant to help relieve overburdened hospitals but the virus decimated new
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york's nursing homes killing more than 15,000 people. republicans accuse cuomo of trying to cover up his failures by hiding the true nursing home death rate. spokesman for the former governor calls the separated from nothing but a political attack. stu. stuart: 15,000 deaths, that's a very large number. i didn't realize it was those proportions. thanks, ashley. coming up -- the basketball team voted to unionize. they want to challenge ncaa's rules about student athletes getting paid. jon levine will be here to take that on. every move biden makes in public is scrutinized. he has to prove to voters he can be effective for another four years in office. i don't think he can do it. that's my take and it's next. ♪
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>> churchill downs has been a complete dog and about 16% and most people familiar with the kentucky derby and they're horse racing and casinos, but they have a much more defensive portfolio than say, like, mgm or wynn. right now is a great opportunity to buy into the pullback. think the stock's probably worth about $200 a share. when you look at what they've done, they've been a high quality compounder and we're talking about 17% annualized growth and margins in excess of 40% and great company and good defensive play completely undervalued right here. stuart: how about the india etf, recommended by other people on this program by the way. >> as you were saying. look, they've got completely compelling demographics and over 50% of population is under the age of 30. i think the average age is 28. here is 38. here is this emerging middle class whereby disposable income has been growing at 15%
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annualized. i would love for mine to grow that fast. look, a lot of buying power and it's a great supply chain diversification play away from china. stuart: think it goes well beyond $52 a share? >> there's a lot of upside on a tactical trade basis, yeah. stuart: mark, thank you very much indeed. now this, when the president appears in public, every word he speaks and every move he makes is scrutinized and the level of scrutiny is get much more intense. after special council robert hur reported on biden's diminished faculties, the flood gates open and the president provided evidence off diminished faculties on a daily basis. this is what happened tuesday. roll tape. synergy home i'm supposed to leave for a meeting on a business round table on telephone but i'm going to hang around and listen a bit. with your permission, i'd like to stay for a few and my staff will tell me when the drop dead hour occurs.
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that'll pass me a note. >> i better not start the questions, i'll get in trouble. stuart: has staff will pass him a note when it's time to leave? blank stare getting reporters out of the room. that's not a performance that inspired confidence. it's not. super tuesday results and the president did not appear on camera. he issued a statement and stayed away from public eye. i suggest that is deliberate and his handlers are in serious keep him out of trouble mode. the problem comes tomorrow night when he has to stand before congress and live tv report on the state of the union. that will be a severe test of his stamina and that's what everybody is looking at. he has to convince voters that he can be an effective commander in chief for four more years. frankly i don't think he can do it. jon levine joining me now. john, all eyes on biden tomorrow night and state of the union and everybody is looking for a gaffe, stumble or slurred word. i don't think he can be the
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commander in chief for four more years. >> seems like every single day there's another video of him being lost, of his or his handler saying get off the stage, joe. they say the joe in private is amazing and sharp and runs rings around staffers half his age and yet we never see that in videos that go viral and every single day. foreign leaders see this, vladamir putin and hamas and iran. speaks to the state of our country and state of the union is incredibly important. if he delivers a command performance, he'll prove the critics wrong and he'll be able to say, look, i delivered when it counted. as you say, if there is a gaffe and stumbles, it'll fuel the fire he's not really to lead another four years. stuart: donald trump promises to make a heavy play for new york and other deep blue states. watch this, please. >> we're going after everything. we have a different country than even two years ago and this whole migrant invasion of the
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country disruption of the country and our country is a mess and you have a much different country than we do and making a heavy place in new york and heavy place for virginia states that generally don't go republican. i think they're going to go republican a lot. i think -- frankly, i think the democrats have themselves a big problem. stuart: all right, jon, do you think that trump could win new york state. >> i was doing one of these when trump was talking. look, virginia has a republican governor. absolutely he could win if it's a real year for him. but new york is obviously going to be a heavier lift. new york state is most of the state is pretty red but new york city is very, very blue and most of the people in new york state live in new york city. stuart: north of west chester county is trump country. >> reagan won new york state in 1980 so it's not impossible and trump promised to campaign in the bronx and reagan game to the bronx in 1980 and famous -- go
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look it up on youtube and talking to people in the bronx and it was a rough one for him and bronx were terrible that year. stuart: i was on cnn at the time and there he was. >> it's doable and the polls show trump is winning latinos and doing like 22, 23% among black voter sos anything is possible, but it's certainly a very heavily lift. stuart: it would be a sensation. one more, joran, basketball players at dartmouth voted to join a yawnon and want their ivy leg -- union and want ivy league teams to do the same thing. big picture, what does that mean for future of college sport s? >> basketball players on strike. college sports games -- if this is a trend and college sports unionize, they go on spike when demands aren't met and major disruptions to college basketball. i'm not going to pretend to be the biggest fan of college basketball, but i will say i remember a simpler time when they played basketball. stuart: that's an interesting perspective. going on strike, that's what unions are for.
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>> that's what hay do. stuart: tepper, you played baseball in college. how do you feel about a union for college sport s? >> every single professional sports league has a union, and i understand this is college but college is becoming a professional sports league as well. nil, transfer portal have changed the game and it's great these students now have the ability to get compensated via nils and things like that. i would have loved to have been compensated. when you're a big time college athlete, there is no time to go and work a job so that you can make ends meet. 5, 10, 15, 20 ye years ago, edge reggie bush had heisman stripped and another one lost ncla eligibility and these colleges have been making so much money off these kids for so long, t time the athletes get a little money too. stuart: two interesting
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perspectives. lauren: education is not for free. >> essentially two business models; right. revenues coming in for tuition, that's obviously the educational side but you have athletic revenue coming in too. stuart: this is the a good debate on this one. well done john and mark. it's a question we often ask guests on the program, is college still worth it? all right, ashley, i believe you've got some new data from the fed. what does the data say? ashley: it says, yes, college is still worth it. federal reserve data shows that the wage gap between resent college and high school grads widening for decades and grew even more last year. in 2023, resent college grads age it had 2-27 working full-time earned $20,000 more per year than the 22-27 year-olds o only a high school degree. high school graduates don't see much wage growth but college grads might see their salaries
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double or more over their lifetime. more educated workers also more likely to have other benefits and the ability to work we motely, access to paid sick and family leave and health insurance. all of that said, as we know americans are becoming just a little more skeptical about the four-year degree and confidence in the value of the college education is falling even though this latest data tells us very different story. stu. stuart: it's a three year course at british universities and that makes it for financially attractive i guess. all right, sash, thank as lot. coming up, majority of texas candidates in favor of school choice. walked away v victorious last night and sounds like a victory to me for school choice. the man behind video games like halo running for congress. what qualifications does a music composer bring to capitol hill? a little ha harmony maybe. marty o'donnell is here next. ♪
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stuart: stocks are up pretty much across the board. now check cryptos, they're up across the board. ethereum, i have a little slice of ethereum, up 3,774 and bitcoin at 66,000. now, crypto super pacts, they spent millions on super tuesday races and break down the numbers for me, ashley. ashley: yeah, backed by major crypto if i weres and executives, these pacts have spent more than $13 million to sway races in texas, california, alabama and north carolina and the question is how did they do on super tuesday in look at u.s. gnat primary race in california.
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probably one of the biggest of the night for diane feinstein's old seat and crypto industry spent more than $10 million attacking democrat congresswoman katie porter. apparently it worked. democrat adam schiff and republican steve garvey were the top two vote getters in that primary and they will face off in november. another crypto network backed figures in alabama's democratic primary in the district 2 congressional race. by the way, figures finished first but still faces a runoff against anthony daniels. after the collapse of ftx, all the pac money aimed at trying to reigns leading build the crypto industry's inprudence in washington and trying to do it one candidate at a time. stu. stuart: got it, thanks very much, ash. the composure behind the music of popular destiny and halo video games is running for congress. marty o'donnell is a republican and marty joins me now. why do you want to go to
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congress? >> well, stuart, it's a pleasure to be on your show. i've watched you for years. i want to go to congress because i'm a citizen and i think it's a citizen's duty, especially after somebody's had a career like mine and i could basically retire, i think this is what the founders intended for citizens to do their bit like jury duty and do congress duty. i'm not a life-long politician so i'll do my job. stuart: are you a trump guy? >> well, yeah, i wasn't always exactly happy with everything i saw trump tweet. during the primary i was looking at some of the other candidates back in 2016, but i was really happy with what trump did in the first administration and thought the inflation was down and border was more secure and pleasantly surprised with how
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good a job he did and international situation was better. i think all those things have gotten worse since trump has been gone. i'm looking forward to him coming back. stuart: what qualities as a music composure, what qualities do you bring to congress and don't tell me harmony, please. >> okay. i will tell you this, the barred music mass charms to soothe the savage beasts and there's a lot of savage going on in dc and i don't see how that could be a good thing for washington. stuart: musk is a video game nut and endorsed you. >> i didn't know he was a nut. i wouldn't call him that. i don't think anyone is a video game nut. i've been talking to some other people on your staff, and they're very appreciative of their upbringing playing video games that i've worked on. elon musk i have heard does play
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halo. i was very pleasantly surprised to see him pick up my tweet, my tweet it up to 14 million views and his re-tweet is 12 million views. it's an amazing thing. yeah. stuart: marty o'donnell, we wish you the best of luck and stay in touch and we'll follow you through the race. thank you, marty. >> i appreciate it. thanks for having me on. stuart: you got it. a black business owner that voted for biden in 2020 says helicopters not sure he can support -- he's not sure he can support him again. lauren: he owns a barber shop and has never been in worse financial shape. it's about the economy. felt like he had the experience but defin tyly right now, i couldn't tell you i'm voting for joe biden. >> what changed? >> life. the inflation and the things that we're going through right now i shouldn't be paying $8 for eggs and $15 for gas.
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>> things may be improving economically, you feel there's a dis-correct? >> yeah, there was a disconnect. lauren: well, that's a big problem for president biden is the black vote helped seal the deal in 2020 and 92% of the black vote went to biden. 8 for trump. those numbers have come down for biden. stuart: they've changed a lot. lauren: and echoing among hispanics too. lauren: thank you, lauren. good stuff. why did you come into this. you live in ohio, i believe. >> yep. stuart: what are business owners saying about inflation? >> i belong to entrepreneurs organizations and young president's organization in ohio, in cleveland. what i'll tell you is inflation is having an outsized impact on small business owners. look at nfiv data and small business optimism is lower now than it was during the covid bottom. hiring plans below where they were at covid bottom. doesn't matter what you're necessarily hearing out of the
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500 earnings calls every single quarter because main street is struggling. stuart: got it. yesterday at this time, we showed you the dow 30 stocks, it was pretty much all red. show me again. still heavily red even though the dow is up 235 points, you still only got, what, nine winner in the dow 30, 21 lysessers, go figure. next case, school choice. won big in texas in yesterday's super tuesday elections. lot of republicans were against school choice. i don't understand that. corey deangelis will explain after this. ♪
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stuart: there's a fight among republicans for school choice in texas. those in favor did well in super tuesday races. i want to bring in cory de-angluisa for this because i don't understand. which republicans oppose school choice in texas?
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>> yeah, look, last night was a total blood bath, and this is a mandate for school choice in texas going forward and this election is going to send shock waves across the country to politicians that stand in the way of education freedom. you had a bunch of republicans join all the democrats in texas last year to vote against school choice, and the vast majority of them were already endorsed by the state affiliate of nea and teachers country and they're more liberal and the dividing line here was that of school choice and 13 of the guys that we targeted with my group, the american federation for children, ten of them either lost their seats outright, this is the hardest thing to do in politics to take out an incumbent and sitting legislator or either were forced into a runoff. that's a 77% win rate on our part, and usually incumbents win like 90% of the time. last night we invert that had
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trend, and school choice is going to come to texas very soon because we got a new texas house coming. stuart: that's fascinating. i didn't realize what a successful story this was. i'm glad to hear it, corey. next, san francisco looking to close several schools over the next couple years and superintendent blames budget issues and a decline in enrollment. okay, where do the kids go when they shut down the schools? >> this is a simple case of play stupid games, win stupid prizes. you have families fleeing socialist cities like san francisco for a lot of other problems but you also have families fleeing socialist schools that were influenced by the teacher's unions during the covid era to close as long as possible to hold children's education as long as possible and families moving to charter schools and homeschools at all time high and private schools on the rise as well because families don't want to be in a
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one size system that doesn't care about their needs or what their children need to learn. stuart: you're not a popular guy with the teacher's union, are you? >> no, not at all. especially after last night in texas, randi wiengarten is probably crying from new york city because this is the biggest win for school choice in texas history and the biggest political movement or shift towards school choice in the texas legislature. they're voting on school choice in alabama as well and gnat torrs are probably looking to texas and saying school choice is a political inwinner getting the job done as well stuart: well done, cory deangeles. thank you, sir. it's that time, the wednesday trivia question. now, lauren claims to know the answer to this. lauren: i know i've learned it. i don't claim to remember it. stuart: how many moons does jupiter have? 1, 34, 60, or 95?
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relief factor is a daily supplement, developed by doctors, to help your body fight pain naturally. it doesn't just mask pain, it helps reduce or even eliminate it. i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. woke up, laying in bed, roll over and look at her and i said, "the pain is gone." and she said, i'm glad it helped. i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone." see how relief factor can help you feel better every day. call or go online to try it for yourself and get our 3-week quickstart for just $19.95. my wife making me take relief factor literally changed my life. stuart: before the break, we asked how many moons of jupiter have. lauren should go first. he claimed to have been taught
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this. lauren: i have did guess even though i once knew the answer and my answer is 60. of the one 60 from lauren. what is your guess? ashley: the answer is one i will feel silly but i will go with number 2, thirty four. stuart: tepper. tepper:34 as well. stuart: i'm going one. the answer, review please. couldn't be more wrong. jupiter's moons were discovered by galileo in 1610. each moon is named out of a character from the greek or roman mythology that have ties to the roman god jupiter or his greek counterpart zeus. we are clear on this? i have 10 seconds left. good guess. see you tomorrow. coast to coast starts now. adam: who is moving the markets?


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